HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-09917_Well Construction - GW1_20221031 WILL MMIRUCHON RECa (GW-1) Forhftmal Use ODiy: �. 1.Well Contractor uformation: _ Glare, 1.1!•eickndP_f i+weTERwrtEs.... WeMaDaaaName FROM TO DtSCREMMN i �44to-R O o 1t fi R { NC Well Coadraaor CatifiationNamber ••15.OUTER CASING hrialti w�N OR LUM ' ' M ft, 5 �n/G To DreMmaR T MST�Iei. ft Compem Name i16. CAS[ COR j��� T[T�.�dG - i-'.•s•>.. �.r•� 2.Well Construction Permit#: ^/ FaoM To Diean*rrn 'r>a»uM mszan sy jv 11staQapplfoabkwaQoaragaet/oapermfts(Ze r.UCCornrty.S-4Ymfa,,Mem) R to 3.Well Use(cheek well use): $ M i Water Supply Wen: '' =1 c FROM TO DIAMLIYR 1ffiC ^.MA1?RiAL OAgriailhnat OMunicipaU lic R - ft ton OGeothetmal(HeatinglCoolmB Supp1Y) tiaffm-dential Water Supply(single) g ft In. OlodustrisUCommercial OResidential water supply(sban>d) ..IRMtOU 'l.: 'y3•,. r•�.:•.•.• �';:,.•.'.t ":{h:>.Lia:�.N��.::.r�.� . flhii on OWells>100000 �rr GPD FROM TO MAMMUL 0911A Mts>soDa:eesovxr Noa-Wafer Supply Wem v .R. ft .6 OMonitoring ORecovery 1t R m Injection Wen: ft tt , OAgrafer Recharge . OGroundwater Remediation Ig,SAND/GRAY•EDPACI3 d"' .2Me OAQuifer Storage and fiery OSalihity Barrier FROM TO tvtATaRUL I i INNAC OMPAZIRM OAquifer Test OStormwater Drainage $ R OBxperimental Technology OSubsidence Control ft R. OGeothemral(Rased Loop) OTtacer 20.DRUIMG LOG xgm&additfdmlbhii 'if'" OGeothemialgeatftqpQxolmg Return OOthet( lain under#21 Rentadrs) FROM TO Dascitip.ngN(solo nW=et ,r,ate R R 4.Date weu(s)Completed: D— g wen LD#_ 3? 8 ft & . sec.well LoGllion: a ft. ft R 8 e 7r s S I'm lk)y ad�l FamTdyQwner Name F- ty M9(ifappii-Me) & i tpoa• )oS3 ��G� .. . `GCS NC- gwx R � 1t Inn.renaii�� Ar. M . Pipti�l Addreu,sty,aod2ip R (Jl�'Ga1�1tAwM ZL:REbMJ , `_R;x••.�:. CMAY Parcel Mentificationi No.(PIN) i Sb.Latitude and longitude in degrees/minntes/seconds or decimal degrees: (ifvmn field,owe ladloag is anf dew) 22.Cerfifi7,w„•.., ° 3�,e 3�►'' N ,$ J 1 ' l I t' W 44 G.Is(are)the well(s): fdf ermanent "or OTemporary s>f ofCerriSed WeuCo D� • BYJfsM Sifil*fomIANYcer*dwdwweft(:)wwOm)cmovamedarammkowwtrh 7.1s this a repair to an es attng wen:' GWis or ONo ISd NGfC 02C:0100 or 15ANCAC 01C.0200 Well Cvn&&umv Smdmds mid dw o copy Ijtlda f:a �artbraMtr weA oanedraetlon bjornroaon and arpla6r the rmwoe ofthe ofdrs reooirlhat beenprovfded to the wellVM". vrpab order t'11 teorml s moon or an the bauEof thtsfornt 23.Site diagram or additional wen details: 8.For GeoprobeMPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wens having the same You may use the back of this page to provide additional wen oonstruarm info construction,only 1 GW l is-needed.Indic ke TOTAL NUMBER of wens (add'See Ovee in Remarks BoxI You may also attach additional pages if necessary. drilled._ 24.SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 9.Total well depth below land surface: (ft.) For mu&pk wells An all depth lf&ff~(esmnpk-3@200'sad 2(a)10&) Submit this GW 1 within 30 days of well completion per the following•. 24a. For-All Was: Original form to I Division of Water Resoinces (MR), 30.Static water level below lop of cast>1g: X-0 Ijwatsr lew,l is otiovs o¢rbrp'Kse"+- (fL) liformatim Proc=siog Unit,1617 MSC,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 1L Borehole diameter. l! (m) 24b.For Iaiection Well=Copy to DWit.Underground injection Qomiol(Ric) Prvgram,1636 MSC,Raleigh,NC 27699 1636 _ 12.Well construction method: f i (i.a auger,roicry,cable,dueapwk etc) 24c.For wa la ter Sunnd O n-Loo Geothermal Return Wens:Copy to the county environmental hearth department of me aunty where i e� FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 24d.For Water Wells rodn' over 100 00 GPD:Copy to.DWR.CCPCUA M Yield(Epm) ..3,V Method of test: f t Permit Program, 11 C, e' G 11 13b.Disinfection type: H Tlf Amount:_ Jed 2- - i Fomi OW-1' North Carolina Depamamt ofFnvitonmemal Qwliry-Division of Water Resources Revised 6.6-2018