HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0056201_Staff Report_19940215547 R,* cc: Permits and Engineering Technical Support Branch Randolph County Health Dept. Central Files WSRO To: Permits and Engineering Unit Water Quality Section art 1994 Attention: Susan Wilson Date: 11 February 1994 NPDES STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION County Randolph Permit No. NCNC0056201 PART I - GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Facility and Address: Countryside Mobile Home Park P. 0. Box 4563 Archdale, NC 27463 2. Date of Investigation: 20 January 1994 3. Report Prepared by: W. Corey Basinger Environmental Engineer 4. Persons Contacted and Telephone Number: * Mr. Randall Jarrell, ORC (919) 883-3437 * Mr. Randy Beck, Owner (919) 861-6400 5. Directions to Site: From WSRO, take Hwy 311 south through Archdale to Spencer Road (SR 1526) at Glenola Church and turn right. Follow Spencer Road to Roy Farlow Road and take a right. The road will fork and stay right on SR 1934. The property is located on the left side of Roy Farlow Road. The treatment plant is located beside the creek on the second entrance road to the park. 6. Discharge Point(s), List for all discharge points: Latitude: 35° 50' 37" Longitude: 790 54' 53" U.S.G.S. Quad No. D-19SW U.S.G.S. Quad Name Glenola 7. Site size and expansion area consistent with application? There is area available for upgrading and/or expansion. 8. Topography (relationship to flood plain included): The facility is above the flood plain and also is an above ground package system. 9. Location of nearest dwelling: There are several dwellings within 1000 feet. The closest is 100 feet. 10. Receiving stream or affected surface waters: U.T. to Caraway Creek a. Classification: WS-III b. River Basin and Subbasin No.: 03-07-09 c. Describe receiving stream features and pertinent downstream uses: Caraway Creek is a water supply for the City of Asheboro. Part II - DESCRIPTION OF DISCHARGE AND TREATMENT WORKS 1. a. Volume of Wastewater to be permitted: 0.015 MGD (Ultimate Design Capacity) b. What is the current permitted capacity of the Waste Water Treatment facility? 0.015 MGD c. Actual treatment capacity of the current facility (current design capacity)? 0.015 MGD d. Date(s) and construction activities allowed by previous Authorizations to Construct issued in the previous two years. N/A e. Please provide a description of existing or substantially constructed wastewater treatment facilities; The facility currently consists of an above ground package plant with influent pump station, high water alarm, stand by power, bar screen, extended aeration basin, clarifier, chlorine contact tank with tablet chlorinator, and post aeration with ribbed plastic pipe. Not currently used are dual tertiary sand filters. f. Please provide a description of proposed wastewater treatment facilities. g. Possible toxic impacts to surface waters: None known 2. Residuals handling and utilization/disposal scheme: a. If residuals are being land applied, please specify DEM Permit No. Residuals Contractor Telephone No. b. Residuals stabilization: PSRP PFRP NPDES Permit Staff Report Other c. Landfill: d. Other disposal/utilization scheme (Specify): Sludge is pumped when necessary by a licensed hauler. 3. Treatment plant classification (attach completed rating sheet). Class II 4. SIC Code(s): 6515 Primary 08 Secondary Main Treatment Unit Code: 0 6 0 x 7 PART III - OTHER PERTINENT INFORMATION 1. Is this facility being constructed with Construction Grant Funds or are any public monies involved. (municipals only)? N/A 2. Special monitoring or limitations (including toxicity) requests: None 3. Important SOC, JOC or Compliance Schedule dates: (Please indicate) Submission of Plans and Specifications Begin Construction Complete Construction Date 4. Alternative Analysis Evaluation: Has the facility evaluated all of the non -discharge options available. Please provide regional perspective for each option evaluated. Spray Irrigation: Not evaluated Connection to Regional Sewer System: N/A Subsurface: N/A PART IV - EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS Losaco, Inc. has applied for renewal of NPDES Permit No. NC0056201 which is assigned to Countryside Mobile Home Park in Randolph County. On January 20, 1994, a compliance evaluation inspection (CEI) was performed on this facility. At the time of inspection, the facility was experiencing problems and had been having these problems for a couple of months. The main problem seems to be trrease aid filamentous growth in the plant. Due to various effluent limitation violations in recent months, a Notice of NPDES Permit Staff Report Violation was issued on January 20, 1994, and a recommendation for enforcement action prepared. It has been made clear that the owners of the facility intend to take all necessary steps to correct the problems in order to achieve compliance. They are currently seeking professional advice on exactly how to correct their problems. When they have consulted with their engineers, they wish to conduct a meeting at WSRO to discuss all viable options. WSRO will make final recommendations concerning renewal after discussions with the owners are complete. At this point, WSRO would recommend reissuance as long as steps are taken to correct recent problems. Environmen J.1 Engine 9gional Supervisor Da Date e•—• 750 . • 7n 3970 770 000 FEET -19 6 9 3967 1 s966 50' 3965 RATING SCALE FOR CLASSIFICATION OF WATER POLLUTION CONTROL SYSTEMS Name of Facility: J17Z/4Dt� /tpt3/Lt-I`' ?E ""'ex Owner or Contact Person: e.6,tickt. aQK"' Mailing Add ess: �D A 4S� 3 ��zhdaL-e ,A/c- z .4; 3 County: Telephone: 9'l9'- 844 — G 4f-iev Present Classification: Gcitss New Facility Existing Facility ?C NPDES Per. No. NCOOsTzo/ Nondisc. Per. No.WQ Health Dept.Per No. Rated by: ars- ar Telephone: "a 116 - 7007 Date: // a 53t Reviewed by: I Health Dept. Telephone: Regional Office Telephone: Central Office Telephone: ORC: £t.h4uJa-1-40 Grade: Telephone: 9i9--883- .?7 Check Classification(s): Subsurface Spray Irrigation Land Application Wastewater Classification: (Circle One) 1 I III IV Total Points: tl-PLANT PROCESSES AND RELATED CONTROL EOUIPMl3JT WHICH ARE AN INTEGRAL PART OF INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION SHALL NOT t3E CONSIDERED WASTE TREATMENT FOR THE PURPOSE OF CLASSIFICATION. ALSO SEPTIC TANK SYSTEMS CONSISTING ONLY OF SEPTIC TAt4c AND GRAVITY NITRIFICATION LINES ARE EXEMPT FROM CLASSIFICATION. &SURFACE c SSIFr..cr ON (check all units that apply) 1`_septic tanks 2. pump tanks . 3. siphon or pump -dosing systems 4. sand fillers 5 grease trapInterceptor 6oil/water separators 7`_gravity subsurface treatment and disposal: 8. pressure subsurface treatment and disposal: SPRAY IRFUGATCN ctASSiFICATiON (check all units that apply) 1. preliminary treatment (definition no. 32 ) 2 lagoons 3,__septic tanks 4`_pump tanks 5. pumps 6,__sand filler: 7�,_grease trap/interceptor 8. of/water separators 9,__disinfection 10chemical addition for nutrient/algae control 11. spray irrigation of wastewater In . addition to the above classifications. pretreatment of wastewater in excess of these components shell be rated using the point rating system and will require an operator with an appropriate duel certification. LAND APPLICATiON/RESIDUALS CLASSIFICATION (Applies only to permit holder) 1. Land application of biosolids, residuals or contaminated soils on a designated site. • WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY CLASSIFICATION The following systems shall be assigned a Class 1 classification. unless the flow is of a significant quantity or the technology is unusually complex, to require consideration by the Commission on a case -by -case basis: (Check If Appropriate) 1. Oil/water Separator Systems consisting only of physical separation. pumps and disposal; 2,__Septic Tank/Sand Filter Systems consisting only of septic tanks, dosing apparatus, pumps,sand fibers. disinfection and direct discharge; 3,__Lagoon Systems consisting only of preliminary treatment, lagoons, pumps, disinfection, necessary chemical treatment for algae or nutrient control, and direct discharge; 4. Closed -loop Recycle Systems; ng only ep P g adsorption, disin(ection 5. Groundwater RemediationS stems consisting on of oil/water separators, pumps, air -stripping, , carbon adsorp' and disposal; 6. Aquaculture operations with discharge to surface waters; 7. Water Plant sludge handling and back -wash water treatment; 8. Seafood processing consisting of screening and disposal. 9 _Single-family discharging systems. with the exception of Aerobic Treatment Units, will be classified if permitted alter July 1. 1993 or if upon inspection by the Division, it is found that the system is not being adequately operated or maintained. Such systems will be notified of the classification or reclassification by the Commission. in writing. The following scale is used for rating wastewater treatment facilities: (circle appropriate points) ITE t POINTS (1) Industrial Pretreatment Units or Industrial Pretreatment Program (see definition No. 33)._..»_»......._...».».»............_...4 (2) DESIGN FLOW OF PLANT IN gpd [rot applicable to non•oontaminatsd cooing waters, sludge handing fa alit sa for water purification plants, totally dosed cycle systems(see definition No. 11). and facithiss consisting only of kern (4Xd) or items (4)(d) and (Mid)) 0 - 20,000 20,001 - 50,000 2 50,001 - 100 000 3 100.001 - 250 000 '4 250.001 - 500,000 5 500,001 - 1.000 000 B 1,000,001 - 2,000.000.---.-».--..-»-. 10 2,000,001 (and up) rats 1 pout additional for sash 200,000 gild capacity up to a maximum of �30 Design Row (god) �G�C� (3) PRELIMINARY UNITS/PROCESSES (see deletion No.32) µ if /� (a) ' Bar Screens --- �J or (b) Mechanical Screens, Static Screens or Comminuting Devbss 2 (e) Gnt Removal 1 or (d) FFbbw as Measuring GI Removal . - 1 er (1) InatrumsNed Row Meawrsment.»._».. 2 Preaeration.. -••2 (h) Miuert Row Equalization. - ».».-• •--•.».»•»- 2 (I) Grease or 011 Separators Gravity ..2 Mechanical.... ...-.... »---»-•-•-•• •••---»--•---..»».-..•-• Dissolved Air Fiotation ... - 5 O) Prechbrtnatbn .5 (4) PRIMARYTREATMENT WRS'PFOCESSES (a) Septic Tank (see definition No 43) 9 (b) Imhoff Tank.._......-..._ ..... ........»..........-_.................»_.............._...»......»...............»....».».....»5 (e) Primary Clarifiers. (d) Settling Ponds or Settling Tanks for Inorganic Nontoxic Material (sludge handling facilities for water purification plants, sand• gravel, stone, and other mining operations except recreational activities such as gem or gold mining) .........»...».»...».»....-.»....---».W...r.».»».......»...».... .2 (5) SECONDARYTRFA-D.48frtNTSIPfic S (a) Carbonaceous Stage (I) Aeration -High Purity Oxygen System. 2 (6) (5) Diffused Air System Mechanical Alr System (fixed. floating or rotor)_ Separate Skittle Reaeratbn 3 Trickling Filer ' High Rate.» Standard Rate.._.».........»»»».:.. »--....-.»-.»»-»-•-- -----•---.....-».a Packed Tower.. • 5 (tp) Bbbgicat Aerated Filter or Aerated Biological Bier 10 (Iv) Aerated Lagoons 10 (v) Rotating Biological Comaaors........»..•—»...--.».----.-•-.»-..»».».» ».10 (v1) Sand Fillers-IntenNtteM blologlcaL 2 Recirculating biological.».».».........»»....... ».-»»-.--•-.---•-•---•--•-••--• •-- MI) Stabiilzatlon Lagoons...».......»... cle�ser a (Ix)) Single stage system for combined carbonaceous removal d BOD and nhrogenouti removal by nitrification (see definition No. 12)(Points for this kern haw to be in addition to items (5)(a)(i) through (5)(a)(vill). utilizing the extended aeration process (see definition No.3a) »».»»..».»--».•»»»--» utilizing other than the extended aeration process.. (x) Nutrient additions to enhance BOD removal........»......»....-...—...-..»-.------ ----•• (xi) Biological Cuturs (-Super Bugs-)addltbn. (b) Nitrogenous Stage ^..»-..20 (I) Aeration - High Purity Oxygen System.-»...-...... 10 Diffused Air System.. - .ist Mechanical Air System (fixed, floating or rotor) ...•----• »3 Separate Sludge Reaeratbn.—».».».......»».»..»»»..».».».».»»»..»».»..»».».»»•—......... (5) Trickling Filter -High Rats — »».»»...7 Standard Rate............»» .»»».-»».»--....-....»..-...»»»....»»~».. .5 Packed Tower -....w 10 (15) • Biological Aerated Filter or Aerated Biological Filter 10 N) Rotating Biological Contactors.. Sand �.1 (v) Sand Filer - Intermittent bbtogical...�...» »...............-.»--•-...• .»-. -- .»� Recirculating biological..»»-....» ...».»..---. »-»»..-.»••.-»-.» M5 Clarifier TERTIARY ORADVANCED TREATMENT WITS/PROCESSES (a) Activated Carbon Beds - -5 without carbon regeneration......»....». -.•»-•»-•--»•--»--••-»•»-^•-• .»..»»-t i with carbon regeneration »--••••••-••••'• (b) Powdered or Granular Activated Carbon Feed- S without carbon regeneratln ....._.........-».-»»»»»»».»»» »••'• _t s with carbon regeneration------ 5 �s (e) Alr stripping. .» ». ...-...»..».»».-.».»... »».».»».»........» d) Denitrificatbn Pr000ss. » ».»....».»....».......»...».».».»....».»».»»..»»..»....»10 ) Elect rodialysis..»».»».....»»»»»..»...»...»........»»...»»..»....».»»......»...........»..»»..»..»....»...». ...3 (t) Foam Separatbn....-...........»........-....»».......»............»--...-....».--••...»»...•.».....».»...........»....»»....5 (g) fon Exchange ». ». .»»»».»......-....»... » ».......».......5 (h) Land Application of Treated Effluent (see definition No. 22b) (not applicable for sand, gravel. stone and other similar mining operations) by high rale Infiltralion._...-».-.»._.-...»-.»-».-»......»»..-.»-.»-•.----+4 () Microscreens........-....»..».-............».... 3 1) Phosphorous Removal by Biological Processes (See definition No. 26)»...»».».-...»....».».......-»----..-20 Polishing Ponds - without asration»»»».»» ....--..........»..»» ...-••-»»»-••---•»•'•---••----"' 2 with semtlon-......-........»_...»....-...»»-»»..»»--•----•---» •-• ._.-.......— ... (I) Post Aeration - cascade..»........ ... ». ».. diffused or mechanical- ._»......»»» (m) Reverse Osmosis (n) Sand or Mixed -Media Flhers - low rats... .»..._.... »..._ ...»..._. _ .._......... Ngh rate (o) Treatment processes for removal of metal or cyanide ». 1 (p) treatment processes for removal of toxic materials other than metal or cyanide...__._...__.__._..:_...__.»_....15 (7) SLLIOGETREATM81T (a) Sludge Digestion Tank Heated (anaerobic).._.._..»»._». 10 Aerobic.»».»........»......»».»..» S Unheated (anaerobic) .3 (b) Sludge Stabilization (chemical or thermal)..»..»»...»..»........ S (c) Sludge Drying Beds - Gravity._....»» ...... --- .» ...»....»».».».»..»»...» ....»...»....»......... 2 Vacuum Assisted..».......__».»...... .. » . ». S (d) Sludge Elutriatlon »..»»....».:. ...... .5 (e) Sludge Conditioner (chemical or thermal). - .5 (f) Sludge Thickener (gravity) .......»....»....»»»..»».. .5 (g) Dissolved AIr Rotation Unh (not applicable to a unit rated as(3)(I))........_»...._.._»....»....»..._».».» (h) Sludge Gas Utilization (including gas storage)..»..._..»..».»....».».... ... »._..».».._.........»......L2 1 ( I ) Sludge Holding Tank - Aerated »..........».... ...».»..».»...... .. 3' Non -aerated 2 (1) Sludge Incinerator (not Including activated carbon regeneration) 10 (k) Vacuum Finer. Centrifuge. or Finer Press or other similar dewatering devices.._____»...__»__....._10 (8) RESIDUALS UTILIZATION/DISPOSAL (Indudrng irxdrerated ash) (a) Lagoons 2 (b) Land Application (surface and subsurface) (see definition 22a) by contracting to a land application operator or landfill operator who holds the land application permit or landfill permit2 (9) � (c) dicated Landfill(burlal) by the permittee of the wastewater treatment facilfty........................_._.._._.._._ (a) Chlorination J� 5 (b) Dechlortnation..». ». ». 3 (c) Ozone...».»........»........ _ .5 (d) Radiation .5 (10) CHEMICAL ADDITION SYSTEM(S) ( see definition No. 9) (not applicable to chemical addhbns rated as hem (3)(1), (5)(a)(x1), (6)(a), (6)(b), (7)(b), (7)(e), (9a). (9)(b) or (9)(c) 6 points each: List ..»» ».... A 2 S 5 5 ... ... S ..»....»».»»»»»..»...............»»...»»......»... ... .. S (11) MISCELLANEOUS UNii'S/PROCESSES�» (a) Holding Ponds, Holding Tanks or Settling Ponds. for Organic or Toxic Materials indudtng wastes from mining operations containing nitrogen or phosphorus compounds in amounts significantly greater than is common for domestic wastewater .4 (b) Effluent Flow Equalization (not applicable to storage basins which are inherent in land application systems)..--2 (c) Stage Discharge (not applicable to storage basin inherent in land application systems)»_._w_..._—__.3 (e) Stand -By Power Supply ».:...»..»......». N....._».»....».....»... ......»»._.».».» (f) Thermal Pollutbn Control Device. ..».»....................._....»...._......»..»»...»..».........»....».»». TOTAL POINTS..»...»» .......... -.----------.—.---....-.-- CLASSIFICATION Pass I......_.».........»».»....»......».......»...»_...» ....... ».»..........».»...»... 5.25 Points Class ..... » .......».».......».......».»..»..»...26-50 Points ClassIl..»...._...».....»...._.»..»..»...... .......„»...».».».»..»..»..»............ ........ 51-65 Points Class N.»......»......»....._...... _...._»._..»............... _....».»..»....... ...»....... »...66-Up Points .3 Facilities having a rating of one through four points, Induslve, do not require a certified operator. Facllhles having an activated sludge process will be assigned a minimum classiication of Class IL Facilities having treatment processes for the removal of metal or cyanlde will be assigned a minimum ciassfflcatlon of Class IL Facilities having treatment processes for the biological removal of phosphorus will be assigned a minimum classification of Class III. A004 DEFNif17ONS The following definitions shall apply throughout this Subchapter. (1) Activated Carbon Beds. A physicattchemical method for reducing soluble organic material from wastewater effluent; The column -type beds used in this method will have a flow rate varying from two to eight gallorre per minute per square foot and may be either upflow or downflow carbon beds. Carton may or may not be regenerated on the wastewater treatment plant site; (2) Aerated Lagoons. A basin In which aII solids are maintained In suspension and by which biological oxidation or organic matter Is reduced through artificially accelerated transfer of oxygen on a flow -through basis; (3) Aeration. A process o1 bringing about Intimate contact between air or high purity oxygen In a liquid by spraying. agitation or dlffusion;(3a). Extended Aeration. An activated sludge process utilizing a minimum hydraulic detention time of 18 hours. (4) Agrtcuhurally managed site. Any site on which a crop Is produced, managed, and harvested (Crop Includes grasses, grains. trees, etc.); (5) Air Stripping. A process by which the ammonium ion is first converted to dissolved ammonia (pH adjustment) with the ammonia then released to the atmosphere by physical means; or other similar processes which remove petroleum products such as benzene, toluene, and xylene; (6) Carbon Regeneration. The regeneration of exhausted carbon by the use of a furnace 10 provide extremely high temperatures which volatilize and oxidize the absorbed impurities; (7) Carbonaceous Stage. A stage of wastewater treatment designed to achieve 'secondary effluent limits; (8) Centrifuge. A mechanical device in which centrifugal force Is used to separate solids from liquids or to separate liquids of ttferent dens)°.as; (9) Chemical Addition Systems- The addition of chemlcat(s) to wastewater at an application point for purposes of Improving solids removal, pH adjustment, alkalinity control, etc.; the capability to experiment with different chemicals and different application points to achieve a specific result will be considered one system; the capability to add chemical(s) to dual units will be rated as one system; capability to add a chemical at a different application points for different purposes will result in the systems being rated as separate systems; (10) Chemical Sludge Conditioning. The addition of a chemical compound such as Ilme, ferric chloride, or a polymer to wet sludge to coalesce the mass prior to its application to a dewatering device; (11) Closed Cycle Systems. Use of holding ponds or holding tanks for containment of wastewater containing inorganic, non -toxic materials from sand, gravel. crushed stone or other similar operations. Such systems shall carry a maximum of two points regardless of pumping facilities or any other appurtenances; (12) Combined Removal of Carbonaceous BOD and Nitrogenous Removal by Nitriticatbn- A single stage system required to achieve permit effluent limits on BOD and ammonia nitrogen within the same biological reactor. (13) Dechiorinalon. The partial or complete reduction of residual chlorine in a liquid by any chemical orphysical process; (14) Denhrification Process. The conversion of nhrate-nitrogen to nitrogen gas;