HomeMy WebLinkAbout20141244 Ver 1_Application_201412176b through 6i - Detailed Buffer Impacts Buffer Perpendic Permanent (P) or Reason Stream Buffer Total Zone Permanent Zone 1 Temporary p ry Exempt Zone 1 p Total Permanent Temporary p ry Exempt Zone 2 p Impact ular or Temporary for Name Mitigation 1 Impact Impact Zone 1 Impact Exemption p Zone 2 Zone 2 Zone 2 Impact Exemption p Number Parallel T () Impact Required? (sq. ft.) (sq. ft.) Impact (sq ft) Reason Impact Impact Impact (sq ft) Reason (sq. ft.) (sq. ft.) (sq. ft.) (sq. ft.) Perpendic � 2 704 (converting trees 984 (driving over an Existing 1,154 (driving over an Existing B1 ular P NEULI UTEB Yes 1,688 to maintained 0 existing maintained Use 1,154 0 0 existing maintained Use easement) easement) easement) B2 Perpendic P � NEULI 2 UTEB Yes 2,183 1,368 (converting trees to maintained 0 815 (existing Existing 791 0 0 791 (existing Existing ular easement) concrete parking lot) Use concrete parking lot) Use 510 (driving over a N/A 1 2 800 (converting trees new temporary Ve g' B3 ( Temporar P NEULI UTEB Yes 800 to a temporary 0 0 n/a 510 0 0 easement within an 5 Manage y Access) easement) existing maintained lawn) B4 Perpendic P 1 NEULI 2 UTEB Yes 1,292 251 (converting trees to maintained 0 1,041 (existing Existing 1,114 0 0 1,114 (existing ( g Existing ular easement) concrete parking lot p g ) Use concrete parking lot) Use B5 Perpendic P 1 NEULI 2 UTEB No 1,852 0 0 1,852 (existing Existing 1,069 0 0 1,069 (existing Existing ular concrete parking lot) Use concrete parking lot) Use 9,880 (construction 1,520 (driving over a 1 2 within an existing Existing new temporary Veg. B6 Parallel P NEULI UTEB No 9,880 0 0 maintained Use 1,520 0 0 easement within an Manages easement) existing maintained lawn) 86 (driving over a Perpendic 1 2 2,122 (converting new temporary Veg. B7 ular P NEULI UTEB Yes 2,122 trees to maintained 0 0 n/a 86 0 0 easement within an Manages easement) existing maintained lawn) 7,115 (driving over a 1 2 7,263 (construction Existing new temporary Veg. B8 Parallel P NEULI UTEB No 7,263 0 0 within an existing Use 7,115 0 0 easement within an Manages maintained lawn) existing maintained lawn) Total Buffer Impacts: 27,080 5,245 0 21,835 - 13,359 0 0 13,359 - ' NEULI = Non - Electric Utility Line Easement Installation 2 UTEB = Unknown Tributary to Ellerbe Creek 315A- NCACO2B 0233.3.b.i = Exempt due to Existing Use (maintained lawns and commercial areas, utility lines, etc.) 415A- NCACO2B 0233.6 = Impacts other than perpendicular crossings in Zone 1 = Allowable with Mitigation Perpendicular crossings that disturb greater than 40 linear feet but equal to or less than 150 linear feet of riparian buffer with a maintenance corridor greater than 10 feet in width = Allowable with Mitigation s 15A- NCACO2B 0233.6 = Vegetation management: Periodic mowing and harvesting of plant products in Zone 2 only Comments: All exemptions due to vegetate management are in existing easements that are currently cleared. Site to be restored to original grade after installation and removal.