HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQCS00371_Compliance Eval Inspection_Response Rvd_202211031 NC STATE UNIVERSITY November 3, 2022 Office of Finance and Administration Campus Operations & Maintenance facilities,ofa.ncsu.edu Mr. Scott Vinson Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operation Section Raleigh Regional Office NC DEQ — Division of Water Resources 1611 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1641 Reference: Response to Compliance Evaluation Inspection North Carolina State University Collection System Collection System Permit No: WQCS00371 Wake County Dear Mr. Vinson: Campus Box 7513 Raleigh, NC 27695-7513 P 919.513.7151 F: 919.513.8805 NC Dept ofEnvironmental Quality Nov 3 2022 Raleigh Regional Office This letter is to respond to NC DWR regarding the Compliance Evaluation Inspection(CEI) that was received on October 5, 2022. The CEI letter requested responses to items 2, 3 and 7 noted during the June 30, 2022 inspection. My staff has reviewed the items and responses to each are provided below. Item 2. The CIP lacks the following elements: goal statement, description of the project area, description of the existing facilities, known deficiencies and forecasted future needs. The CIP has been updated to include these elements and is attached for your review/use. Item 3. System map does not include simplex pump stations and related pressure sewer. All simplex pump station locations and associated pressure sewer piping will be added to the system map by November 30, 2022. Item 7. Weisiger Brown Facility pump station inspection deficiencies and determination of simplex/duplex pump stations and provide locations, pump number and pump capacity of all pump stations to the Division. The Weisiger Brown pump station alarm has been connected to the Building Automation System (remote alarm system). The visual/audible alarms will be repaired within the next three months. A pad lock will be installed on the wet well by November 7, 2022. Mr. Scott Vinson Response to Compliance Inspection November 3, 2022 Page 2 It has been our understanding since the initial issuance of this permit that pumps serving a single building are not considered a duplex pumping station, even if two pumps are installed. We would request further discussion with your staff on this designation while my staff is collecting the pump information requested. It is anticipated that these discussions could take place by November 30, 2022. In order to be in compliance while this review is taking place, weekly inspections of the Weisiger Brown pump station will begin the week of November 7, 2022. If there are any further concerns regarding this matter please contact Alan Daeke at agdaekencsu.edu, or 919-513-5081. Sincerely, 7i,//r Allen Boyette Senior Director, Campus Operations and Maintenance Facilities Division North Carolina State University c: Douglas Morton, NCSU (e-copy) Alan Daeke, NCSU (e-copy) Cheng Zhang, DW R RRO (e-copy and hard copy) NC Dept of Environmental Quality NOV 3 2022 Raleigh Regional Office NC STATE UNIVERSITY Sanitary Sewer Master Plan and Capital Plan November 2022 Wage Contents Executive Summary 3 Overview 3 Observations 3 Introduction 4 Goal Statement 4 Topography 4 Planning Considerations 4 Regulatory Considerations 5 Summary 5 Existing Wastewater Collection System Description 5 Overview 5 Service Areas 5 Main Campus 6 Centennial Campus 6 CBC Veterinary School 6 Operation and Maintenance 7 Known Deficiencies 7 Projected Changes 7 Projected Projects 7 Main Campus 7 Centennial Campus 8 CBC Veterinary School 8 Summary 8 Proposed Improvements 8 Overview 8 Capital Improvements Plan 9 Summary 9 Appendix 1 — NC State Campus Region Diagram 10 Appendix 2 — NCSU Five Year Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Plan 11 2IPage Executive Summary Overview This document represents the 2022 Sanitary Sewer Master Plan for the Raleigh Campus of North Carolina State University. NC State was founded in 1887 as a land-grant institution. There have been tremendous changes over the years, and as a research -extensive land-grant university, North Carolina State University is dedicated to excellent teaching, the creation and application of knowledge, and engagement with public and private partners. By uniting our strength in science and technology with a commitment to excellence in a comprehensive range of disciplines, NC State promotes an integrated approach to problem solving that transforms lives and provides leadership for social, economic, and technological development across North Carolina and around the worldbut the mission remains as an opportunity for higher education for the citizens of North Carolina and beyond. The growth has lead NC State to be the largest University in North Carolina. The school strives to provide quality, accessible education to students that is grounded in real -work experience. Observations • Capital Project funding is a major mechanism for sewer system improvements. The campus has undergone significant growth in the past two decades, and the sewer system has improved with these projects. • The NC State University (NC State) wastewater collection system (WCS) is, on the whole, well maintained and administered, as evidenced by the limited number of historical releases from the system. • A program of cleaning and inspecting the sewer system, including those parts which have had no history of causing operational problems, has been carried out for a number of years, leading to the low number of sanitary sewer overflow events. • The wastewater collection system (WCS) is currently operating at or below capacity. Campus growth projects are managed during the design stage to prevent overload situations. • City of Raleigh (CoR) sewer mains pass through the NC State campus, and service as the main wastewater flow lines leading to the Neuse River POTW. • Significant WCS updates are funded as capital projects through Repair and Replacement Funding (R&R) and are approved by the North Carolina legislature and the UNC System Office. • NC State uses an inspection program to cover the entire campus over a 10 year period. One tenth of the campus is cleaned and inspected each year. Wage Introduction Goal Statement This plan has been prepared to serve two primary purposes: (1) to provide the University with the information it needs to budget and plan for wastewater collection system infrastructure needs, and; (2) to satisfy a condition of the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ)collection system permitting program. NC State University in Raleigh consists of 5 campus precincts occupying a total of 2,200 acres. These precincts are (1) Centennial Campus, (2) the West, or CBC Veterinary Campus, (3) North portion of Main Campus, (4) Central portion of Main campus, and (5) South portion of main Campus. The portions of Main Campus make up the original Campus. The report deals with the Campuses as three distinct areas. The three campus areas (Main, Centennial, and CBC) are geographically distinct with no interconnection of wastewater collection lines between these areas. Topography The entire NC State Campus lies within the City of Raleigh borders, and within the Neuse River water- shed. The area is part of the Piedmont Region of North Carolina, having relatively gentle sloping landscape. The gravity sewer system generally flow toward bodies of water, where the WCS connects to the City of Raleigh sewer mains. Water bodies within the campus areas include: Rocker Branch Creek, a tributary of the Walnut Creek; Lake Raleigh; and the Teaching Animal Unit Pond, in the CBC Vet School pasture, that feeds into House Creek. All water bodies are eventually connected to the Neuse River. The campus is served by gravity sewer systems, with no duplex or multi -building lift stations included in the system. Planning Considerations NC State has made significant improvements in the update and maintenance of the sewer drawing records. The WCS is now entered into and maintained on a Computer Aided Design (CAD) software system. This improvement alone allows for better inspections of the WCS, improved information for project planning involving the WCS, and better identification of parts that need maintenance or other improvements. The improvement in the WCS records also facilitates the continued growth regarding the tie-in of new sewer pipe connections. The tracking of the age of the sewer branches, being documented in the drawings, also serves as an aid in the identification of planned sewer maintenance and improvements. 4(Page Regulatory Considerations NC State received its first Wastewater Collection System permit in 2010, and is in the process of applying for a permit renewal. The existing permit expires in 2026. Following the receipt of the first WCS permit, the University developed a Standard Operating Policy (SOP #837) to address the permit and regulatory requirements. The SOP has been updated and maintained to reflect current conditions as things have changed within the University. NC State uses an Integrated Maintenance Management System to keep track of preventative maintenance, and to routinely assign tasks necessary for compliance with the requirements. Examples of tasks scheduled by the Work Order System include: Grease Trap inspections; Sewer System Inspections, and Annual Reporting requirements. There are appendices to the SOP dealing with Sanitary Sewer Overflows emergency response and reporting requirements, as well as a Contact Phone Listing. The documents and Work Order system have proved to be invaluable for maintaining a good operating WCS and compliance with the regulations. Summary The 2017 Sanitary Sewer Master Plan has been prepared for the North Carolina State University. It encompasses the entire Raleigh Campus and the oldest sanitary sewer lines in the University sewer collection system. Sanitary Sewer Master Plan has been prepared to: (1) assist the University in making sure the planned improvements in the classroom, teaching, student housing, administration and support facilities have adequate wastewater infrastructure; (2) assist the University in the maintenance of existing sewer infrastructure, and; (3) assist the University in complying with its wastewater collection system operating permit conditions. Existing Wastewater Collection System Description Overview It is best to describe the existing WCS separately for the three Campus areas: Main, Centennial, and CBC Veterinary Campuses. CBC is the abbreviation for the Centennial Biomedical Campus, historically termed Veterinary School or "Vet School". Service Areas SIPage Main Campus This encompasses the oldest portions of the NC State University, and is roughly bordered on the north by Hillsborough Street, and on the south by Western Blvd. As the Main Campus expanded over the years, there were a great deal of projects that were completed to maintain sewer capacity and allow for the growth of the University. Some early projects were not well documented, therefore the exact age of the system in some area is unknown. Age has been estimated by the construction dates for the nearby buildings. It has been acknowledged that this is an inaccurate method, but selected as the best available information. Some early improvement projects and repairs and replacement of sewer piping in this area has not historically been well defined or documented. The system operates well considering the age of parts of the system. It is a testament to the University's infrastructure maintenance and the consideration of capacity during building design phases. In summary the WCS for Main campus is considered adequate and there are no significant growth plans for this campus area. Centennial Campus This is the newest of the campus areas within NC State. The first. buildings in this area were constructed in the late 1980's and most of the growth in building this campus was within the last 15 years. The campus is roughly bordered by Centennial Parkway and Avent Ferry Road. The sewer infrastructure is considered to be in excellent condition. This area is where the future growth for NC State will occur. The infrastructure changes needed to support this growth are done at the beginning of each capital project for building design, and reviewed by North Carolina State Construction Office prior to ground breaking. The multi -step practice prevents the design of buildings without the necessary sewer capacity to support the buildings occupancy. CBC Veterinary school The Vet School Campus sewer system is of intermediate age, with the first buildings for this area constructed in 1950's, with real growth for the facility in the early 2000's. There have been some historical sewer problems regarding the management of animal wastes, but this issue has been addressed with the use of floor drain solid traps in key areas. Overall the sewer system is in good shape and the area is expected to go through moderate growth. This will be managed in a similar manner to the Centennial Campus with capital project review, both by NC State, the State Construction Office, and the project engineering team. Wage Operation and Maintenance Operation and Maintenance of the wastewater collection system is the responsibility of the Utilities Distribution sub -group within the Utilities and Engineering Group under the Facilities Division of the North Carolina State University Campus Operations and Maintenance. The Utilities Distribution group is fully equipped with jet cleaning equipment and sewer cameras needed for routine maintenance and has an excavator and other construction equipment where more substantial repairs are required. The Utilities and Distribution group maintains a close working relationship with licensed utility contractors should situations arise which require more maintenance and repair work than the Utilities Distribution group can accomplish within any given allotted time. The Utilities distribution group has a program for cleaning and inspecting all wastewater collection lines and the Work Order system provides reminders to complete the preventative maintenance on the WCS. This is a program to systematically assess problem free lines for the purpose of detecting future potential problem areas before line back-ups or stoppages occur. The program performs inspections and cleanings on one tenth of the system each year. The current pipe run is calculated to be 120,000 feet of sewer piping, therefore the inspection and cleaning is to cover 12,000 feet per year. Known Deficiencies There are only a small number of known problem areas within the University wastewater collection system, and the Utilities Distribution group has developed preventative maintenance programs for each of these areas to prevent overflows and backups from occurring. Known problem areas are located on the North portion of Main Campus. These sewer mains are washed weekly to prevent backups from occurring and are slated for repair and/or replacement with future planned projects. Projected Changes Projected Projects Main Campus There is one significant building project scheduled for the next few years in this campus area: the Integrative Sciences building. This project has gone through the project review process, including capacity review, described previously. There are also repair and renovation projects targeted specifically for addressing known problem areas in the WCS on Main Campus scheduled to occur in the next few years. 7IPage Centennial Campus Two new buildings opened on Centennial Campus over the past two years, Fitts -Woolard and Plant Sciences. These buildings were connected to the WCS and designed to meet the sanitary sewer codes for the building's designed use. No problems were identified during the excavation and tie in for these new facilities. There are currently no named buildings that are scheduled to be constructed in the next few years, however the growth of the engineering school as well as the start of construction of the new Innovation District are likely to begin. All new buildings and connections will go through the project review process, including capacity review, to ensure that the WCS is adequate to handle the project growth. CBC Veterinary School There is one new building scheduled to be constructed in the next few years in this campus area: The Translational Research Facility. This project has gone through the project review process, including capacity review, described previously. Summary No significant changes are planned for the immediate future, other than the work required to enable new buildings to tie-in to the existing WCS. Proposed Improvements Overview Of the three campus areas covered by this plan, only the main Campus has significant age to the system. The Main Campus has benefitted from having a dedicated on -staff corps of employees responsible for the maintenance of the Wastewater Collection System throughout the history of the University. This management approach has resulted in a history of minimal sewer releases to nearby bodies of water. The implementation of annual sewer inspections and cleanings continues. One tenth of the system is inspected and cleaned each year, preventing plugging of the system, and the resulting sewer overflow and releases. During the inspection program, any areas found to need maintenance are placed on a project listing and prioritized for funding in the annual budget planning effort. 8IPage Capital Improvements Plan NC State University is a public university, and capital improvement funds are appropriated from the State Legislature. This frequently comes in the form of R&R (Repair and Renovation) funds, The Legislature provides this funding for all of the UNC System, and it is divided by Campus under this umbrella. The portion of this fund provided to NC State is further divided to meet all of the R&R needs of the Campus, including the WCS maintenance. The management of this funding requires a system of prioritizing all the Campus maintenance and dividing of the funds to meet the top priorities. The portion allocated to the WCS is managed by the Utilities and Engineering Services department. Each project is reviewed to determine whether internal staff can provide the solution to the maintenance issue, or whether a contractor will be required to resolve the identified issue. NC State is under the obligation to manage the public funds in the best way possible to assure the tax payers of North Carolina that the funding is put the best use possible. R&R money has recently been allocated to NC State to make improvements and repairs to the WCS. Project locations will be determined based on known problem areas identified from annual inspections and maintenance. These projects are in the earliest stages and design is expected to start in the next few years. Summary NC State University ensures a proper operating Wastewater Collection System via staff support and the prioritization of R&R funding for Campus maintenance projects. 9IPage Appendix 1— NC State Campus Region Diagram 0 .mad sr Labe b FF Rd GOrmalv St a 3 P v 7 0 � � 6 $ wllm'noton $1 -_o S Sa"Ct.,e $I z 0 N re, 0 x m „f 4 I. p 4 LA 0 / ; a e s e a n n a° a n e 3 1anolsiM EdwaFd-6 14111 Ra C %. eapla Q a ' 9-0 S lisoi,4 „,'�YC r Glenwood Ave JD d (D 3 Oberlin Rd an, a prM 1411 b Kairclolh SI ;e* env apart O6ej��rs '4a 10IPage Appendix 2 — NCSU Five Year Sanitary Sewer Capita! Improvement Plan NC State University Wastewater Collection System Budget OPERATING BUDGET (Salary. Maintenance and Repair) 5 218.400 5a ary Maintenance & Repair General maintenance 521,000 Contracted Repairs 515,750 Supplies/Vehicles 5 3.675 Fixed Charges 5 1,050 5176.925 541,475 Five Year Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Plan Correct issues on sewer line between Dabney and Cox 5150,000 Replace Sanitary Collectors/lines at Court of North Carolina 5175,000 Reline sewer line from West Parking lot to Sullivan Drive 5 75,000 Rene sewer line from Mann Hall to Yarbrough CUP $ 75,000 Correct Various Storm & Sanitary Issue 5 70,000 Replace line searing Tucker Residence Hall 5 78,000 Replace line serving Wood and Welsger Brown $101,000 Replace lines in the Syme/Gold/Welch Area 5269,000 Replace/upgrade lines in the Scott/Phytotron/Gardner Area 5315,000 Broughton Hall replace —500 FT of pipe 5100,000 College of Design at Riddick Lot replace/new pipe 5150,000 integrated Sciences Building $ 897,000 TOTAL: 52,505,000 Updated 3/1B/2022 111Page