HomeMy WebLinkAbout20211669 Ver 1_DRAFT Mitigation Plan_20221103ID#* 20211669 Select Reviewer: Erin Davis Initial Review Completed Date 11/03/2022 Mitigation Project Submittal - 11/3/2022 Version* 1 Is this a Prospectus, Technical Proposal or a New Site?* Type of Mitigation Project:* Stream Wetlands Buffer Nutrient Offset (Select all that apply) Project Contact Information Contact Name:* Kevin Yates Project Information ID#:* 20211669 Existing ID# Project Type: DMS Mitigation Bank Project Name: Lowlands Mitigation Site County: Johnston Document Information O Yes O No Email Address:* clearwatermitigation@gmail.com Version:* 1 Existing Version Mitigation Document Type:* Mitigation Plans File Upload: 2022-10-30 Lowlands Site DRAFT Mitigation 39.11 MB Plan.pdf Please upload only one PDF of the complete file that needs to be submitted... Signature Print Name: * Kevin Yates Signature: DRAFT MITIGATION PLAN Lowlands Wetland Mitigation Site Clearwater Neuse 01 Umbrella Mitigation Bank for Cataloging Unit 03020201 of the Neuse River Basin Johnston County, NC USACE Action ID No. SAW-2015-01815 DWR Project No. 20211669 v.1 Bank Sponsor: Clearwater Mitigation Solutions, LLC 604 Macon Place Raleigh, North Carolina Authorized Representative: Mr. Kevin Yates Phone: 919-624-6901 CLEARWATER MITIGATION SOLUTIONS Prepared By: And October 2022 lJ M[:ADAMs 612 Hillsborough Street, Suite 500 Raleigh, NC 27603 "This mitigation plan has been written in conformance with the requirements of the following: • Federal rule for compensatory mitigation project sites as described in the Federal Register Title 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters Volume 3 Chapter 2 Section § 332.8 paragraphs (c)(2) through (c)(14)." Executive Summary & Protect History The 75.35-acre Lowlands Wetland Mitigation Site ("Site") is located approximately one mile northeast of the intersection of Devils Racetrack Road (SR 1009) and Guin Road (SR 1184) in Johnston County, North Carolina (35.421° N; 78.348° W). The Site is located within the Neuse River Basin, 8 digit Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) 03020201. The following provides background to the original Lowlands PRM Site and its proposed conversion to a traditional mitigation bank site. The original purpose of the Site was to provide 33.58 wetland mitigation credits to Dominion Energy Transmission, Inc. (DETI) as part of DETI's Permittee Responsible Mitigation Plan (PRM) to compensate for unavoidable impacts to wetlands associated with the Atlantic Coast Pipeline Project (ACP). Construction of the Site was completed in February 2018, and has been monitored since that time. The ACP project was abandoned by Dominion Energy in July 2020, and with that the need for the wetland mitigation credits provided by the Lowlands PRM Site. Since then, it has been agreed by all parties (USACE, IRT, Dominion Energy-ACP, Clearwater Mitigation, and Land Owners) to allow for the conversion of the Lowlands PRM Site and its assets into a traditional Mitigation Bank to service the Neuse River Basin, 8 digit Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) 03020201. A majority of the Lowlands Site, 71.82 acres of the proposed 75.35 Bank Site is currently under the protections of a conservation easement and previously constructed as a wetland mitigation site, with the former 3.53 acre Atlantic Coast Pipeline (ACP) Right -of -Way Easement (ROW), the only area to be added to the Bank Site. The Site is currently undergoing a legal and administrative conversion from a PRM Site to a traditional wetland mitigation bank site for credits to be administered through the Clearwater Neuse 01 Umbrella Mitigation Bank. The Lowlands Bank Site, will add 3.53 acres of former ACP ROW to the existing Lowlands Site, to that there are no breaks within the conservation easement. All earthwork within the former ACP ROW was completed during the original 2018 construction period, however it was never planted due to pending construction of the ACP. Plantings are proposed within the re-establishment area of the former ACP ROW corridor. Upon completion of the planting activities listed below, performance standards for hydrology and vegetative monitoring will be integrated, in order to seek a 1:1 wetland re-establishment credit ratio in the former ACP ROW area. Previous monitoring activities for the Site have followed the guidelines presented in USACE Wilmington District October 2016 Guidance documents and the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP) Monitoring Requirements and Performance Standards for Stream and/or Wetland Mitigation (November 2011) and were tailored to the Site. All the groundwater monitoring locations indicate that the wetland hydrology is meeting the success criteria for the Site, per the MY1-MY4 monitoring periods. In Monitoring Year 3, within the vegetation monitoring plots 1 through 8, the planted stem density in the vegetation monitoring plots ranged from 200 to 1,800 stems per acre. All plots except plot 7 met the interim vegetation monitoring criteria of 320 stems per acre after three years of monitoring (MY-3). A supplemental vegetative analysis within the Enhancement Areas 1 and 2 was conducted in the April of 2021, per discussions during the IRT Site. Six (6) supplemental vegetation plots were sampled within the Enhancement Areas 1 and 2 on April 21, 2021. Two of the six supplemental plots, plot 9, at 283 stems per acre and plot 14 at 121 stems per acre did not meet the interim target density of 320 trees per acre after three years of monitoring. Supplemental planting was conducted within Enhancement Area 2 as discussed in Section 5.6, below. Supplemental planting was not conducted within Enhancement Area 1, and is proposed to alter the mitigation approach within Enhancement Area 1, from wetland enhancement to wetland preservation at a reduced ratio of 15:1, as discussed in Section 6.3.5, below. This area will remain named Enhancement Area 1 for the purposes of project continuity. i Ultimately, the wetland mitigation project will improve the overall function, habitat, and integrity of the degraded and drained wetlands, with primary goals to: 1. Restore the primary wetland functions and values appropriate for this section of the Neuse River Lowlands. Objective: Re-establishment and conversion of the existing agricultural fields exhibiting hydric soil characteristics to a bottomland hardwood wetland. 2. Improve sediment retention and capacity for nutrient removal to offset historic agricultural practices. Objective: Filling discharge ditches, traditionally used in nutrient -enriched row crop production. Planting with native bottomland hardwood species to prevent sediment loss and provide for nutrient uptake. 3. Restoration of the attendant hydrologic and biologic functions of a bottomland hardwood forest. Objective: Restoration of appropriate bottomland hardwood wetland hydrology through filling of site ditches and restoring connectivity with adjacent surface. Improve surface water storage by integrating temporary pools. 4. Restore and Enhance native bottomland hardwood forest. Objective: Plant native tree and understory species, including Bald Cypress, within re-establishment and enhancement portions of the Site. 5. Permanently protect existing higher quality bottomland hardwood forest, in addition to the remainder of the project area. Objective: Establish a perpetual conversation easement over the Site. The Table below, provides a breakdown of proposed wetland mitigation units for the Lowlands Site, which includes integration of the former ACP ROW for the Site: Project Location Existing Acreage Former ACP ROW Ac Combined Acreage Mitigation Approach Mitigation Ratio Mitigation Credits Wetland Type Agricultural Field (Re-establishment Area) 22.0 1.96* 23.96 Re-establishment 1:1 23.96 Riparian Preservation Area 22.8 0.76 23.56 Preservation 7.5:1 3.14 Non - Riparian Enhancement Area 1** 14.3 1.62 15.92 Preservation 15:1 1.06 Non riparian Enhancement Area 2 5.1 - Enhancement 2:1 2.55 Riparian Uplands 5.9 0.29 6.19 Upland buffer Non -Credit Area Total Riparian 26.51 WMUs Total CE Acreage 75.35 acres Total Non -Riparian 4.20 WMUs * Includes former 1.1-acre of temporary ACP construction easement. Will require planting and monitoring devices installed. ** Proposed to be converted from original enhancement mitigation approach to preservation at a reduced ratio. In coordination and previous discussions with the IRT, upon approval of the UMBI, it is proposed to allow for the credit release equivalent to Monitoring Year-3 (credit release milestone 5) for the Site. Subsequent credit releases will follow a traditional mitigation banking release schedule. Monitoring activities going forward will continue to follow the guidelines presented in USACE Wilmington District October 2016 Guidance documents and the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP). Upon approval for closeout by the Interagency Review Team (IRT), the site will be transferred to the North Carolina Wildlife Habitat Foundation (NCWHF). This NCWHF shall serve as conservation easement holder and long-term steward for the property and will conduct periodic inspection of the site to ensure that restrictions required in the conservation easement are upheld. Endowment funds required to uphold easement and deed restrictions will be finalized prior to site transfer to the responsible party. ii Table of Contents Executive Summary & Project History 1.0 Project Site Identification and Location 1 1.1 Directions to Project Site 1 1.2 Landowner Information & Conservation Easements 1 1.3 Bank Site Selection 2 2.0 Watershed Characterization 2 2.2 Surface Water Classification / Water Quality 3 2.3 Physiography, Geology, and Soils 3 3.0 Potential Constraints 3 3.1 Site Access 3 3.2 Utilities 4 3.3 FEMA 4 3.4 Hazardous Materials 4 3.5 Threatened & Endangered Species 4 4.0 Lowlands Site - Pre -Construction Conditions 5 4.1 Jurisdictional Wetland Determinations 5 5.0 Originally Completed Mitigation Work Plan for Original Lowlands PRM 6 5.1 Summary of Original Mitigation Work & Wetland Credits Generated 6 5.2 Original Restoration Project Goals & Objectives for Lowlands PRM 7 5.3 Completed Mitigation Activities 8 5.4 Summary of Monitoring Results and Site Performance 10 5.4.1 Wetland Hydrology Monitoring & Performance 11 5.4.2 Vegetation Monitoring & Performance 11 5.4.3 Supplemental Vegetative Analysis in Open Water Area 12 5.6 Supplemental Planting w/in Enhancement Area 2 12 6.0 Mitigation Work Plan for Lowlands Bank Site 14 6.1 Restoration Project Goals & Objectives for Lowlands Bank Site 14 6.2 Proposed Wetland Mitigation Units 15 6.3 Wetland Mitigation Approach & Integration of Former ACP ROW 16 6.3.1 Re -Establishment Area 16 6.3.2 Re -Establishment Area of ACP ROW 16 6.3.3 Planting Plan - former ACP ROW 17 6.3.4 Preservation Area 18 6.3.5 Enhancement Aeas 1 19 6.3.6 Enhancement Area 2 19 6.3.7 Upland/Non-Credit Area 20 7.0 Wetland Credit Release Schedule 20 8.0 Success Criteria & Monitoring Requirements 22 8.1 Wetland Hydrology Success .22 8.1.1 Wetland Hydrology Monitoring Methodolgy 22 8.2 Wetland Vegetation Success Criteria 23 8.2.1 Vegetation Monitoring Methodolgy 23 9.0 Maintenance & Contingency Plan 25 9.1 Wetland Hydrology Contingency 25 9.2 Vegetation Contingency 25 9.3 Nuisance Species Management 25 9.4 Fencing & Easement Boundary Marking 26 10.0 Adaptive Management Plan 26 iii 11.0 Financial Assurances 26 11.1 Maintenance and Monitoring Assurance 26 11.2 Other Financial Assurance Requirements 27 12.0 Long Term Management Plan 27 13.0 References 28 Tables Table 1. Land Owner Information 1 Table 2. ACP ROW Information .4 Table 3. Completed Mitigation Activities and (WMUs) for Original Lowlands PRM......9 Table 4. Completed Supplemental Plantings w/in Enhancement Area 13 Table 5. Target Supplemental Planting Density ..14 Table 6. Proposed Wetland Mitigation Units for Lowlands Bank . 16 Table 7. Proposed Plantings w/in former ACP ROW .18 Table 8. Proposed Wetland Credit Release Schedule ..21 Table 9. Proposed Wetland Hydrology Monitoring Summary 23 Table 10. Proposed Vegetative Monitoring Summary 24 Table 11. Proposed Monitoring Schedule .25 Appendices Appendix A. Figures Figure 1 USGS Quadrangle — Four Oaks, North Carolina Figure 2 Johnston County NRCS Soil Survey Map (Sheet 11) Figure 3 Original Wetland Delineation Exhibit Figure 4 USGS 8-Digit HUC Map (Neuse 03020201) Figure 5 Aerial: 14-Digit Aerial HUC Map Figure 6 Site Drainage Area Map w/ Floodplain Figure 7 Lowlands Site Concept Plan with Gauge & Veg. Plot Locations Figure 8 Planting Zones w. Groundwater Gauge & Veg. Plot Monitoring Locations Appendix B. Monitoring Reports Monitoring Year 3 — Grounwater Hydrology & Vegetative Monitoring Results - w/ Supplemental Vegetative Analysis w/in Enhancement Areas 1 & 2 - w/ Supplemental Vegetative Analysis w/in Open Water Area Monitoring Year 4 — Groundwater Hydrology Monitoring Results Appendix C. Regulatory Correspondence - IRT Meeting Minutes / - IRT Initial Evaluation Letter w/ Regulatory Appendix D. Property Information - Conservation Easement Plats & Deeds - ACP ROW Release Appendix E. Financial Assurances - Draft Monitoring Bond - Annual Maintenance & Monitoring Costs Appendix F. Long Term Management - NC Wildlife Habitat Foundation Acceptance - Long -Term Management Calculations Appendix G. Original Lowlands PRM Mitigation Plan - Can be found on RIBITS Correspondence Draft Assignment to NCWHF Letter iv 1.0 Project Site Identification and Location 1.1 Directions to Project Site The Lowlands Wetland Mitigation Site ("Site") is in Johnston County, North Carolina. Directions to the site from Raleigh, North Carolina begin by heading east on I-40 toward I-95. On I-40, take exit 328B to I-95 and head north on I-95. Continue north on I-95 for 6.5 miles, and take exit 87 toward Four Oaks. Turn right on Keen Road for 2.3 miles, and then turn right on US-701 S. After 1.3 miles, turn left on Stewart Road. After 1.0 mile, turn left on Devils Racetrack Road. Take an immediate right on Guin Road, and the site is 1/2 mile be on the right. (Fig. 1). 1.2 Landowner Information & Conservation Easements A majority of the Lowlands Site, 71.82 acres of the proposed 75.35 Bank Site is currently under the protections of a conservation easement and previously constructed as a wetland mitigation site, with the former 3.53 acre Atlantic Coast Pipeline (ACP) Right -of -Way Easement (ROW), the only area to be added to the Bank Site. The Site is located on two adjacent parcels, each with single ownership. The Sponsor and the Landowners executed separate Deed for Conservation Easements covering 71.82-acres per original Conservation Easement plat for the original Lowlands PRM project, which were filed and recorded with the Johnston County Register of Deeds on February 6, 2018 (Appendix D). The ACP released their Right -of -Way Easement for both parcels back to the land owners in July 20th and July 28th 2022, respectively (Appendix D). The Sponsor and the Landowner have executed separate Agreements for Purchase and Sale of the remaining Conservation Easement area within the abandoned ACP ROW, depicted as Conservation Easement Area 6 and 7, totaling 3.53-acres on the draft Conservation Easement Addition plat. Following USACE approval of the UMBI and the Bank Site Mitigation Plan, the Sponsor will exercise its rights provided under the above -referenced agreements. The property will be protected in perpetuity by conservation easements approved by the USACE. Table 1 list the landowner's name, parcel identification number, acreage within the existing Lowlands conservation easement, and proposed acreage to be added to the Lowlands Site. parcel. Current property ownership and parcel information is as follows: Table 1: Land Owner Information Current Owner Parcel ID No. Current Acreage in Conservation Easement Deed Book / Page No. Proposed Additional Acreage for Conservation Easement James Clifton Rhodes 169000-48-1394 53.01 acres D.B. 5097 P.G./814-825 1.76 acres Chad M Stewart 169000-27-5572 18.81 acres D.B. 5097 / P.G. 868-879 1.77 acres Page 1 Lowlands Mitigation Site Amended Mitigation Plan Neuse 01 - Johnston County, North Carolina Clearwater Mitigation Solutions October 2022 Hereafter, the owner will be referred to as "the Landowners." The properties will be protected in perpetuity by the recorded conservation easements. The conservation easements are written to prohibit incompatible uses that might jeopardize objectives of the Bank. Conservation easements will be assigned and held in perpetuity by the North Carolina Wildlife Habitat Foundation, discussed further under Section 12.0, Long -Term Management Plan. The Sponsor will provide the land trust with a financial sum, in an amount agreeable to both parties, appropriate for the long-term stewardship of the Site (Fig. 4). 1.3 Bank Site Selection Based on the analysis presented in Section 2.0, the Neuse 01 is targeted as a watershed in need of mitigation. A majority of the proposed Bank Site, over 95% is currently under the protections of a conservation easement and previously constructed as a wetland mitigation site, with the former ACP ROW, the only area to be added to the Bank Site. Many of the other identified opportunities in the watershed are not currently feasible because such sites require the cooperation of several landowners to achieve sufficient ecological and economic scale. Therefore, selection of the properties was based on a combination of existing conditions, geomorphic condition, land use, and the willingness of the current landowners to participate. 2.0 Watershed Characterization 2.1 Watershed Overview and Land Use The Site is located within the Neuse River Basin, 8 digit Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) 03020201, and more specifically within the Lower Mill Creek watershed (14 digit HUC 03020201150050) and NCDWR Subbasin 03-04-04 (Figs.4,5). The Site and Lower Mill Creek is located within the NC Division of Mitigation Services Targeted Local Watershed (TLW). In 2010, the then NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP) produced a report in 2010, amended 2018) describing existing uses within the Lower Mill Creek as follows: "The Lower Mill Creek HU spans 35 square miles of the Southeastern Floodplains and Terraces and the Rolling Coastal Plain ecoregions. Ninety-four miles of streams flow through the watershed with a relatively low percentage that are unbuffered (14%). There is very little development or imperviousness in this watershed. Sixty-six percent of the area is forested or forested wetland with 13 square miles of un-fragmented forest. Soils are predominantly hydric with 46% type A and 27% type B. Thirty-one percent of land is used for agriculture. There are 42 permitted livestock production facilities within the watershed including 26 swine farms. There are over five square miles of designated Significant Natural Heritage Areas (SNHA) and 19 NHEOs have been documented within the watershed. Clean Water Management Trust Fund (CWMTF) and NC Wildlife Resources Commission (WRC) have each constructed two projects in the watershed. There are also two significant agricultural BMPs built in Lower Mill Creek Preservation opportunities that augment the existing assets of SNHAs and un-fragmented forests Page 2 Lowlands Mitigation Site Amended Mitigation Plan Neuse 01 - Johnston County, North Carolina Clearwater Mitigation Solutions October 2022 are high priority. Projects that reduce the water quality impacts of row crops and livestock productions are also highly recommended" (NCEEP 2010, amended 2018). The primary land use within the project area is agricultural and pasture land, however, pine plantations and forested lands occur along the Site boundaries. This region of Johnston County, which lies just east of I-95 and south of Smithfield and just across the Wayne County line, is known as the Neuse River Lowgrounds as referenced in the naming of the mitigation site. The Neuse River Lowgrounds stretches across a vast floodplain, four miles wide in places, which contains wetlands, streams, sloughs, levees, and relic ox-bows of the Neuse River. The soil characteristics, vast floodplains, and poor drainage have been a limiting factor in the residential and commercial development of this region, which is likely to continue into the future. Additionally, there are several areas of conservation lands, including the Howell Woods Environmental Learning Center, within the Mill Creek watershed. 2.2 Surface Water Classification / Water Quality The Site is located within the Neuse River watershed, and is further located in a DMS targeted watershed (HUC 03020201150050). The site drains through several unnamed tributaries within the Lower Mill Creek watershed and eventually to Mill Creek (Moorewood Pond) and then to the Neuse River. The Site is approximately one-half mile south of the Neuse River. Mill Creek is designated C; NSW (Stream Index # 27-52-(1)). The Neuse River at the confluence with Mill Creek was listed on the 2014 303(d) list as impaired for turbidity, but was delisted in 2016 (Fig.4). 2.3 Physiography, Geology, and Soils The Site is located in the Southeastern Plains physiographic province and is situated in the Southeastern Floodplains and Low Terraces ecoregion which consists of major river floodplains and associated low terraces. In addition, this ecoregion consists of low gradient streams with sandy and silty substrates, swamps, and oxbow lakes. According to the N.C. Division of Land Resources (NCDLR 1985), the Site is underlain by quaternary alluvial gravelly sand, sandy gravel, silt, and clay. 3.0 Potential Constraints 3.1 Site Access The Site lies adjacent to Guin Road, a state maintained two lane secondary road. Site access can be obtained directly from Guin Road (Fig1,7). Page 3 Lowlands Mitigation Site Amended Mitigation Plan Neuse 01 - Johnston County, North Carolina Clearwater Mitigation Solutions October 2022 3.2 Utilities The Atlantic Coast Pipeline (ACP) and its 50-ft Right of Way (ROW) were proposed to bisect the Site in 2018, however the ACP has since been abandoned and will not be bisecting the Site. The ACP released their Right -of -Way Easement and access rights for both parcels back to the land owners in July 20th and July 28th 2022. There are no other utilities within, nor proposed within or adjacent to the Site. Table 2: ACP ROW Release Information Current Owner Parcel ID No. ACP ROW Release Deed Book / Page No. ACP ROW Release Date James Clifton Rhodes 169000-48-1394 DB. 6304 /P.G. 975-976 Instrument # 2022819565 07/20/2022 Chad M Stewart 169000-27-5572 D.B. 6310 / P.G. 269-270 Instrument #2022820654 07/28/2022 3.3 FEMA A portion of the Site is located within the Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) 500-year flood boundary (Map Number (3720168000K; revised 06/20/018). These areas are inundated by the 500-year flood where base flood elevations have been determined. Figure 6 shows the flood zone delineations. A floodplain impact development permit will not be required from Johnston County. 3.4 Hazardous Materials The Environmental Database Resource (EDR) report did not identify any hazardous issues on, near, or adjacent to the Site. The search area radius used ASTM Standard E1527-13 standards for available databases and indicated no potential hazardous materials. A field review of the Site revealed no visible evidence of any current or past hazardous material potential on the Site. The property has been and is currently used for agriculture. The landowner has applied agricultural chemicals including pesticides and fertilizers to the Site. Evidence was not observed that these chemicals were not used and applied according to the manufacture labels or based on the local agricultural extension agent recommendations. Evidence was not observed of any chemical transfer points, storage facilities, or discarded agricultural chemical containers on Site. 3.5 Threatened & Endangered Species According to the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), the bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus — Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act), red -cockaded woodpecker (Picoides borealis — Endangered), dwarf wedgemussel (Alasmidonta heterodon — Endangered), Tar River spinymussel (Elliptio steinstansana — Endangered), and Michaux's sumac (Rhus michauxii — Endangered) are listed as potentially occurring in Johnston County (USFWS, 2010). In addition, Page 4 Lowlands Mitigation Site Amended Mitigation Plan Neuse 01 - Johnston County, North Carolina Clearwater Mitigation Solutions October 2022 the N. C. Natural Heritage Program (NCNHP) identifies the following eight (8) state endangered species: yellow lance (Elliptio lanceolata), Atlantic pigtoe (Fusconaia masoni), yellow lampmussel (Lampsilis radiate), green floater (Lasmigona subviridis), globe -fruit seedbox (Ludwigia sphaerocarpa), Carolina bogmint (Macbridea caroliniana), southern skullcap (Scutellaria australis), Virginia least trillium (Trillium pusillum var. virginianum) as potentially occurring in Johnston County. NCNHP also identifies the following eight (8) state threatened species: triangle floater (Alasmidonta heterdon), Roanoke slabshell (Elliptio roanokensis), eastern lampmussel (Lampsilis radiata), creeper (Strophitus undulatus), thick -pod white wild indigo (Baptisia alba), kidney sedge (Carex reniformis), least brook lamprey (Lampetra aepyptera), Carolina madtom (Noturus furiosus). A review of the NCNHP database of documented occurrences did not reveal the presence of any of the aforementioned species within a 1/2 -mile radius of the Site. Preliminary field investigations did not identify suitable habitat for any of the aforementioned species. Correspondence was received from USFWS on August 25, 2021, stating that it appears that the proposed action is not likely to adversely affect any federally- listed endangered or threatened species, their formally designated critical habitat, or species currently proposed for listing under the Endangered Species Act (Appendix C). 3.6 Cultural Resources A review of properties to be determined eligible for the National Register of Historic Places at the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) was conducted for the Site and surrounding areas. According to the files, there are no National Register properties within a one -mile radius of the Site. In addition, the SHPO Archaeological Section was contacted in order to determine if documented archaeological sites occur at or near the Site. No archaeological sites were identified within a one -mile radius of the project site. Correspondence was received from SHPO on September 28, 2021, stating that SHPO is not aware of any historic resources which would be affected. Additionally in correspondence received from the Catawba Indian Nation, dated October 5, 2021, the Catawba have no immediate concerns with regard to traditional cultural properties, sacred sites or Native American archaeological sites within the boundaries of the project area. Lastly, in correspondence received from the Cherokee Nation dated September 21, 2021, the Cherokee Nation stated Johnston County is outside the Cherokee Nation's area of interest and therefore defers to federally recognized tribes that have an area of interest in the landbase vicinity of the project (Appendix C). 4.0 Lowlands Site - Pre -Construction Conditions The original Lowlands PRM Site pre -construction existing conditions including hydrology characterization, vegetative community analysis, soils analysis, pre -construction well monitoring data, water budget analysis, reference wetland information and community types can be found in the originally approved Lowlands Mitigation Plan dated August 2017 (Appendix G-Available in RIBITs). 4.1 Jurisdictional Wetland Determinations A Preliminary Jurisdictional Wetland Determination request that included both parcels was submitted on May 3, 2017 (Appendix G-Available in RIBITs). The Preliminary Jurisdictional Page 5 Lowlands Mitigation Site Amended Mitigation Plan Neuse 01 - Johnston County, North Carolina Clearwater Mitigation Solutions October 2022 Determination was approved (SAW-2015-01815), along with the Lowlands PRM Mitigation Plan, when the 404 Nationwide Permit 12, 404 Permit was issued on February 9, 2018 (SAW- 2014-1558). Based on the Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination, no jurisdictional streams were identified within the Site. However, there were three (3) open water ditch systems and one (1) rim ditch systems, One (1) open water (ponded area) was identified within the Site totaling approximately 0.03 acres. along with the Riverine Swamp Forest within Enhancement Area 2, Non-Riverine Swamp Forest and Bottomland Hardwood Forest wetland systems noted in Enhancement Area 1 and the Preservation Area (Fig.7). The existing wetland systems are better described within the original Lowlands PRM mitigation plan and below in sections 5.3. DETI also delineated jurisdictional wetlands and waters within the study corridor of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline (ACP) right of way, including the study corridor which traverses the Lowlands Site. The jurisdictional wetland determinations made by the Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination (PJD) for the ACP study corridor, which traversed the Lowlands Site, aligns and matches the jurisdictional wetland determinations made with the Lowlands Site PJD. 5.0 Originally Completed Mitigation Work Plan for Original Lowlands PRM The Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination was approved (SAW-2015-01815), along with the Lowlands PRM Mitigation Plan, when the 404 Nationwide Permit 12, 404 Permit was issued on February 9, 2018 (SAW-2014-1558). The following discusses the originally completed mitigation activities, the Lowlands Site in its current state, and a summary of monitoring reports and performance criteria met. 5.1 Summary of Original Mitigation Work & Wetland Credits Generated A majority of the Lowlands Site, 71.82 acres of the proposed 75.35 Bank Site is currently under the protections of a conservation easement and previously constructed as a wetland mitigation site, with the former ACP ROW, the only area to be added to the Bank Site. The original purpose of the Site was to provide 33.58 wetland mitigation credits to Dominion Energy Transmission, Inc. (DETI) as part of DETI's Permittee Responsible Mitigation Plan (PRM) to compensate for unavoidable impacts to wetlands associated with the Atlantic Coast Pipeline Project (ACP). The Site is currently undergoing a legal and administrative conversion from a PRM Site to a traditional wetland mitigation bank site for credits to be through the Clearwater Neuse 01 Umbrella Mitigation Bank. The Lowlands Bank Site, will add 3.53 acres of former ACP ROW to the existing Lowlands Site, to that there are no breaks within the conservation easement. The additional ACP ROW within the re-establishment area will require legacy plantings and monitoring devices as discussed in section 6.3. The original PRM Site included the re-establishment of 23.1-acres of riparian wetlands, enhancement of 5.1 acres of riparian and 14.3 acres of non -riparian wetlands, and preservation of 22.8-acres of non -riparian wetlands within the Site, providing 24.25 riparian wetland mitigation units (WMUs) and 9.33 non -riparian WMU. 65.3 acres of the original 71.82 Lowland PRM Site included some form of wetland re-establishment, enhancement, or preservation with the remaining 5.9-acres of uplands and non-credit area included within the overall conservation easement as an upland buffer (Appendix G). Construction and planting of the Site was completed Page 6 Lowlands Mitigation Site Amended Mitigation Plan Neuse 01 - Johnston County, North Carolina Clearwater Mitigation Solutions October 2022 in February 2018. Baseline hydrology and vegetation sampling was conducted in March 2018, followed by MY-1 monitoring activities in the Fall 2018. A summary of MY1-MY4 monitoring results and site performance can be found in Section 5.5, below. 5.2 Original Restoration Project Goals & Objectives for Lowlands PRM The original purpose of the Lowlands Wetland Mitigation Site was to provide wetland mitigation credits to Dominion Transmission, Inc. as part of Dominion's Permittee Responsible Mitigation Plan (PRM) to compensate for unavoidable impacts to wetlands associated with the Atlantic Coast Pipeline (ACP), within the Hydrologic Unit 03020201 (Neuse 01) service area. The original project goals and related objectives are described below. Project goals are desired project outcomes and are verifiable through visual assessment and/or measurement. Objectives are activities that will result in the accomplishment of goals. The project has been be monitored after construction to demonstrate success. Ultimately, the wetland mitigation project will improve the overall function, habitat, and integrity of the degraded and drained wetlands, while preserving existing higher quality wetlands, with primary goals to: 1. Restore the primary wetland functions and values appropriate for this section of the Neuse River Lowlands. Objective: Re-establishment and conversion of the existing agricultural fields exhibiting hydric soil characteristics to a bottomland hardwood wetland. 2. Improve sediment retention and capacity for nutrient removal to offset historic agricultural practices. Objective: Filling discharge ditches, traditionally used in nutrient -enriched row crop production. Planting with native bottomland hardwood species to prevent sediment loss and provide for nutrient uptake. 3. Restoration of the attendant hydrologic and biologic functions of a bottomland hardwood forest. Objective: Restoration of appropriate bottomland hardwood wetland hydrology through filling of site ditches and restoring connectivity with adjacent surface. Improve surface water storage by integrating temporary pools. 4. Restore and Enhance native bottomland hardwood forest. Objective: Plant native tree and understory species, including Bald Cypress, within re- establishment and enhancement portions of the Site. 5. Permanently protect existing higher quality bottomland hardwood forest, in addition to the remainder of the project area. Objective: Establish a perpetual conversation easement over the Site. These same goals and objectives, above, will be utilized for the proposed Lowlands Mitigation Bank Site. Page 7 Lowlands Mitigation Site Amended Mitigation Plan Neuse 01 - Johnston County, North Carolina Clearwater Mitigation Solutions October 2022 5.3 Completed Mitigation Activities The Site provides for restoration and protection of aquatic resources within a conservation easement and will result in net gains in hydrology, water quality, and habitat functions. Wetland Restoration (Re-establishment) activities were designed to restore a fully functioning wetland system to provide surface water storage, nutrient cycling, retention of sediment, and creation of a variety of wildlife habitat. Reestablishment of wetland hydrology and wetland soil attributes involved removal and filling of ditches, reforestation, and conversion of historic agricultural practices from the Site. A summary of mitigation activities can be found in Table 3, below: Page 8 Lowlands Mitigation Site Amended Mitigation Plan Neuse 01 - Johnston County, North Carolina Clearwater Mitigation Solutions October 2022 Table 3. Completed Mitigation Activities and Wetland Mitigation Units (WMUsI for Original Lowlands PRM Mitigation Type & Completed Mitigation Activities Acreage Mitigation Ratio for Original Lowlands PRM Wetland Mitigation Unit Re -Establishment (agricultural field) 22.0 ac. 1.1 22.0 riparian Earthwork: Filled ditches 1, 2, 3, and the rim ditch with a combination of channel fill and clay channel blocks. Installed drainage features within fields. Re -distributed Restoration of the hydrology to rehydrate of 680 stems / acre with species selection Earthen berms with rip -rap spillways located at the topsoil in most areas. Ripped remaining agricultural downstream end of ditches 1 and 2 will control the flow of water field to reduction soil compaction aside from upland area and reforestation of wetland vegetation. known to inhabit Bottomland Hardwood Forest, Riverine leaving the Site. Spot grading and removal of historic crowns and lateral ACP ROW easement. Added microtopography, pools, and woody debris. Plantings: Planted 9 different species of native hardwoods at a density soils and provide the environment necessary to support based on adjacent species found on -site and species selected Swamp Forest. Re -Establishment * (former temporary ACP easement) 1.1 ac. 2:1 0.55 riparian Earthwork: Filled ditches 2 and 3, and the rim ditch with a combination of channel fill and clay channel blocks. Spot grading and removal of historic crowns and lateral drainage features within fields. based on adjacent species found on -site and species selected known to inhabit Bottomland Hardwood Forest and Riverine Plantings: Planted 9 different species of native hardwoods at a density of 680 stems / acre with species selection Swamp Forest. Enhancement Area 1 Non -riparian 14.3 ac. 3:1 4.77 non -riparian Plantings: 20-ft wide lanes were cut through successional pine/red maple thickets using hand-held brush cutter species selected known to inhabit Bottomland machines. Planting lanes were sprayed with glyosphate. Planted Hardwood Forest and Riverine Swamp Forest. 9 different species of native hardwoods at a density of 680 stems / acre with species selection based on adjacent species found on -site and Enhancement Area 2 5.1 ac. 3:1 1.70 riparian Riparian Earthwork: Filled ditch 3 with a combination of channel fill and clay channel blocks. Spot grading and removal of historic spoil alongside ditch to reduce surface runoff and machines. Planting lanes were sprayed with glyosphate. Planted Bottomland Hardwood Forest and Riverine Swamp Forest. woody vines were flagged and removed using a small hydro existing trees and enhance survival rates, bringing the planting add surface water detention to support historic hydrologic regime 9 different species of native hardwoods at a density of 680 -axe mulching machine and sprayed with glyosphate. Larger, more densities back up to approximately 460 trees / acre. and reforestation of wetland vegetation. Plantings: 20-ft wide lanes were cut through successional pine/red maple thickets using hand-held brush cutter and species selected known to inhabit maples, sweet gums, loblolly pine, and chosen to plant to counteract shading of stems / acre with species selection based on adjacent species found on -site Supplemental Planting: Areas of undesirable vegetation, including red mature legacy trees in the 1-gallon and 4-ft premium bare root size were Preservation Non -Riparian 22.8 ac. 5:1 4.56 non -riparian Establish perpetual conservation easement to preserve 60 plus year old Bottomland Hardwood and Non-Riverine Swamp Forest Communities. Upland 5.9 ac. - - Plantings: Planted several species of native hardwoods at a density of 680 stems / acre with species selection based on adjacent species found on -site and species selected known to inhabit Mixed Hardwood Forest along upland terrace. wetland areas where applicable. Establish perpetual conservation easement to add upland buffer to adjacent Riparian 28.2 ac. 24.25 riparian WMUs Non -Riparian 37.1 ac. 9.33 non -riparian WMUs TOTAL 71.2 acres - 33.58 WMUs Page 9 Lowlands Mitigation Site Amended Mitigation Plan Neuse 01 - Johnston County, North Carolina Clearwater Mitigation Solutions October 2022 5.4 Summary of Monitoring Results and Site Performance Monitoring activities have followed the guidelines presented in USACE Wilmington District October 2016 Guidance documents and the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP) Monitoring Requirements and Performance Standards for Stream and/or Wetland Mitigation (November 2011) and were tailored to the Site. Monitoring for MY 1-MY4 has been conducted every year since construction baseline, starting in Fall 2018. A summary of the hydrology data from MY1-MY4 is included in Section 5.4.1, below. The MY-4 monitoring report can be found in Appendix B. Vegetation was not to be monitored at MY-4 per the original mitigation plan. A summary of the most recent vegetation monitoring data is included in Section 5.4.2, below, which includes results from the MY-3 monitoring report, along with supplemental vegetation plot analysis within the Enhancement Areas. The supplemental vegetative analysis within the Enhancement Areas was conducted in the Spring of 2021, per discussions during the IRT Site, in December 2020. The full May 2021 report with the MY-3 results and supplemental vegetation analysis can be found in Appendix B. A summary of the hydrology data from MY1-MY4 is included in Section 5.4.1, below. The MY-4 monitoring report can be found in Appendix B. Vegetation was not to be monitored at MY-4 per the original mitigation plan. 5.4.1 Wetland Hydrology Monitoring & Performance Onset HOBO U20-001-01 Water Level Loggers were deployed on March 10, 2018, at eight monitoring well locations throughout the proposed re-establishment portion of the Site and included an additional barometric logger for on -site barometric compensation data. Care was taken to install the monitoring wells in accordance with the "Technical Standard for Water Table Monitoring of Potential Wetland Sites" (ERDC TN-WRAP-05-2, June 2005) documentWetland hydrology success will be measured by improvements to the frequency and duration of saturated soils compared to the reference wetlands. Wetland hydrology will be measured daily using installed groundwater data oggers. The data loggers sampled groundwater elevations beneath the soil surface at least once per day throughout the monitoring period. The Site contains Leaf soil series which according to the Wetland Saturation Threshold has a saturation/hydroperiod threshold of 10% to 12% of the growing season within 12 inches below the soil surface. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture — Soil Conservation Service Soil Survey of Johnston County, NC there are 232 days per year starting from March 21 through November 8 that are greater than 28 degrees Farenheight. Therefore, successful wetland hydrology is defined as saturation of soils within 12 inches of the soil surface for a period equal to or greater than 24 consecutive days (10% of the growing season) within the growing season. The Site has been historically extensively managed for agricultural production. Therefore, for the first two years of monitoring, successful wetland hydrology was defined as saturation of soils within 12 inches of the soil surface for a period equal to or greater than 19 consecutive days, or 8%, within the growing season. For year 3 through 7, successful wetland hydrology is defined as saturation of soils within 12 inches of the soil surface for a period equal to or greater than 24 consecutive days within the growing season. The restored wetland groundwater data was downloaded and assessed as part of the Year 4 monitoring. All the groundwater monitoring locations indicate that the wetland hydrology is meeting the minimum success criteria for the site. Withing the MY-4 Monitoring Report located in Appendix B, the downloaded groundwater data is shown graphically against local precipitation data for Page 10 Lowlands Mitigation Site Amended Mitigation Plan Neuse 01 - Johnston County, North Carolina Clearwater Mitigation Solutions October 2022 monitoring locations shown in the Monitoring Report. A summary table of the wetland restoration groundwater wells for MY-1 through MY-4 can be found in Monitoring Reports located in (Appendix B, MY-4 Report- Sec. 6.2). 5.4.2 Vegetation Monitoring & Performance The primary focus of the vegetative monitoring was on the tree stratum, although shrub and herbaceous species encountered were recorded. All woody stems, including planted and volunteer species, are recorded for each fixed and random plot in each monitoring year. Exotic and invasive species are also recorded; however, they will not count toward success or performance standards. Vegetation planting success criteria is based on the survival of a minimum density of 320 trees per acre after three (3) years of monitoring. After five (5) years of monitoring, the density should be no less than 260 planted trees per acre. After seven (7) years of monitoring, the density should be no less than 210 trees per acre. In addition, trees must average 10 feet in height in each plot at year seven (7). Vegetation plots are to be sampled and reported in years 1, 2, 3, 5, and 7. A combination of eight (7) permanent fixed vegetation monitoring plots and one (1) random vegetation monitoring plots are used to demonstrate vegetation coverage. Seven (7) of the plots are fixed plots randomly placed throughout the Project, and one (1) of the vegetation monitoring plots is randomly located each monitoring year. The one (1) random plot may be a different plot type (e.g., circular, transect, etc.), but should be the same size as the fixed plots. Monitoring of the eight (8) permanent vegetation plots was not completed in Year 4 monitoring activities. The following includes results from the MY-3 monitoring report, along with supplemental vegetation plot analysis within the Enhancement Areas 1 and 2. Monitoring Year 3 field activities were conducted on November 2020. Monitoring methodologies followed the vegetation monitoring requirements specified in the USACE Wilmington District Stream and Wetland Compensatory Mitigation Update released on October 24, 2016. All seven (7) permanent fixed vegetation monitoring plots installed by McAdams were located during Monitoring Year 3 (Fig. 8 & Appendix B). Plant species, density, survival rates and the cause of mortality, if identifiable, were recorded for each vegetation monitoring plot. In Monitoring Year 3, vegetation monitoring plots 1 through 8 encompassed 0.61 acres and contained 385 planted stems, which yielded a density of 631 planted stems per acre. The planted stem density in the vegetation monitoring plots ranged from 200 to 1,800 stems per acre. All plots except plot 7 met the interim vegetation monitoring criteria of 320 stems per acre after three years of monitoring (MY-3). A supplemental vegetative analysis within the Enhancement Areas 1 and 2 was conducted in the Spring of 2021, per discussions during the IRT Site, in December 2020. Six (6) supplemental vegetation plots were sampled within the Enhancement Areas 1 and 2 on April 21, 2021. The supplemental plots were each approximately 100 square meters in size and were randomly located throughout the Enhancement area. Planted stems were identified and measured within each supplemental plot to gain a better understanding of planted stem survival rates within the Enhancement area. Summaries of the Year 3 vegetation monitoring data and results, vegetation monitoring plot data sheets are provided in MY-3 report. Each vegetation monitoring plot data Page 11 Lowlands Mitigation Site Amended Mitigation Plan Neuse 01 - Johnston County, North Carolina Clearwater Mitigation Solutions October 2022 sheet provides the height, location and age based on year planted or first observed of each woody stem within the plot (Appendix B, MY-3 Report- Sec. 6.3). Plot 7 failed to meet the interim success criteria in all three years of monitoring. It has been noted in previous years that possible factors contributing to the low stem counts in Plot 7 are that many of the existing tree species in this plot are not on the approved planting list and thus they cannot be counted toward success, and that the young, planted stems may have been obscured by the taller existing vegetation, making them difficult to find or preventing their survival. The six supplemental plots (Plots 9 through 14) were randomly distributed throughout the Enhancement area on April 21, 2021 to determine whether the low stem counts observed in Plot 7 in monitoring years 1 through 3 is a localized survival issue centered around Plot 7 or whether it is a more widespread phenomenon throughout the Enhancement area. Two of the supplemental plots, plot 9, at 283 stems per acre and plot 14 at 121 stems per acre did not meet the interim target density of 320 trees per acre after three years of monitoring. Of the remaining four plots, Plots 12 and 13 met the interim target density with 364 and 324 stems per acre, respectively. Plots 10 and 11 met the interim target density with 405 and 486 stems per acre, respectively. Supplemental planting was recommended within the Enhancement Area with low and underperforming stem densities, to ensure that the Enhancement area would meet the final target stem density after seven years of monitoring. The full May 2021 report with the MY- 3 results and supplemental vegetation analysis can be found in Appendix B. Supplemental planting was conducted within Enhancement Area 2 as discussed in Section 5.6, below. Supplemental planting was not conducted within Enhancement Area 1, and it is proposed to be alter the mitigation approach from wetland enhancement to wetland preservation at a reduced ratio of 15:1, as discussed in Section 6.3.5, below. 5.4.3 Supplemental Vegetative Analysis in Open Water Area There is an area of open water upstream of the ditch 2 spillway, with a combination of a predominant herbaceous vegetation with some planted trees species. A supplemental vegetative analysis, within the open water area was requested by the IRT during the December 2020 site visit. If the herbaceous layer was deemed diverse and robust, then supplemental planting may not be required. 16 herbaceous species and seven tree species were observed within the limits of the open water area (Appendix B). Due to the diversity and vigor of the herbaceous and tree species within the open water area, supplemental planting is not recommended in this area. 5.5 Supplemental Planting w/in Enhancement Area 2 Per the results of the supplemental vegetative analysis, within the underperforming vegetative areas, mostly on the northern side of Enhancement Area 2, a remedial effort was made in February/March 2022 to thin undesirable successional plant species and supplemental plant Enhancement Area 2. It was determined that the soils were suitable for planting, and that the mortality rates of the originally planted stems were due to a lack of sun light from overcrowding Page 12 Lowlands Mitigation Site Amended Mitigation Plan Neuse 01 - Johnston County, North Carolina Clearwater Mitigation Solutions October 2022 of successional, undesirable plant species. Areas of undesirable vegetation, including red maples, sweet gums, loblolly pine, and woody vines were flagged and removed using a small hydro -axe mulching machine and sprayed with glyosphate (Fig. 8). A planting list was developed for the area to closely match the original planted species and target community types of bottomland hardwood and riverine swamp forest (Table 4). The seven hardwood species selected for planting exist within Enhancement Area 2, along with two other previously planted species, and one volunteer hardwood species, bringing the total to 10 different native hardwood species identified within Enhancement Area 2. The planting list also reflects which species are readily available, with a combination of hydrophytic and drier species based on the target community types. Larger, more mature legacy trees in the 1-gallon and 4-ft premium bare root size were chosen to plant to counteract shading of existing trees and enhance survival rates. Table 4 depicts the total number of stems and species distribution within each vegetation association. Table 4. Completed Sunnlemental Plantings w/in Enhancement Area 1 Vegetation Association Wetland Indicator Status Riverine Swamp Forest (Zone 1) 120 trees/ac. Bottomland Hardwood Forest (Zone 2) 181 trees/ac. TOTAL Area (acres) 0.91ac 2.35 ac. 3.26 ac. 1-Gallon Potted Tree Species # planted* % of total # planted** % of total # planted Cherrybark Oak (Quercus pagoda) FACW 30 22% 16 4% 26 Bald cypress (Taxodium distichum) OBL 25 19% 25 6% 50 Willow Oak (Quercus phellos) FACW 55 40% 125 29% 200 Eastern Red Cedar (Juniperus virginiana)* FACU 20 5% 20 Black Gum (Nyssa sylvatica) FACW 16 4% 16 4-ft Premium Bare Root Species River Birch (Betula nigra) FACW 25 19% 100 23% 125 Water oak (Quercus nigra) FAC -- 125 29% 125 TOTAL 135 100% 427 100% 562 * Planted adjacent to upland boundary. **Planted at a density of 148 trees/acre. *** Planted at a density of 181 trees/acre. Planting densities were determined using the plot 6 and plot 9 tree sampling densities. Plot 6, located within zone 1, had a sampling density of 340 trees/acre and was planted in March 2022, at a density of 148 trees/acre to bring the interim tree density up to approximately 488 trees/acre within zone 1. Plot 9, located in zone 2, had a sampling density of 283 trees/acre and was planted in March 2022, at a density of 181 trees/acre to bring the interim tree density up to approximately 464 trees/acre within zone 2 (Table 5, below). Page 13 Lowlands Mitigation Site Amended Mitigation Plan Neuse 01 - Johnston County, North Carolina Clearwater Mitigation Solutions October 2022 Table 5. Target Sunnlemental Planting Densi Planting Zone/ Sample Plot # Sampled Trees/Acre (April 2021) Planted Trees/Acre (March 2022) Combined Target Density Trees /Acre Zone 1-Plot 6 340/ac. 148/ac Zone 1 = 464/ac. Zone 2- Plot 9 283/ac. 181/ac. Zone 2 = 488a/ac. After installation, the plantings were verified, and an additional vegetation monitoring plot was installed on the northern side of Enhancement Area 2, to monitor the recently planted tree species and performance metrics, and discussed in Section 8.2.1 below. 6.0 Mitigation Work Plan for Lowlands Bank Site The following discusses the abbreviated mitigation work plan for the Lowlands Mitigation Bank Site, including integration of the former ACP ROW, additional plantings within the ACP ROW, and supplemental planting proposed within the enhancement area. All earthwork for the Lowlands Bank Site was completed with the original 2018 construction period. 6.1 Restoration Project Goals & Objectives for Lowlands Bank Site The same original project goals and related objectives are proposed for the Lowlands Mitigation Bank described below. Project goals are desired project outcomes and are verifiable through visual assessment and/or measurement. Objectives are activities that will result in the accomplishment of goals. The project has been be monitored after construction to demonstrate success. Page 14 Lowlands Mitigation Site Amended Mitigation Plan Neuse 01 - Johnston County, North Carolina Clearwater Mitigation Solutions October 2022 Ultimately, the wetland mitigation project will improve the overall function, habitat, and integrity of the degraded and drained wetlands, while preserving existing higher quality wetlands, with primary goals to: 1. Restore the primary wetland functions and values appropriate for this section of the Neuse River Lowlands. Objective: Re-establishment and conversion of the existing agricultural fields exhibiting hydric soil characteristics to a bottomland hardwood wetland. 2. Improve sediment retention and capacity for nutrient removal to offset historic agricultural practices. Objective: Filling discharge ditches, traditionally used in nutrient -enriched row crop production. Planting with native bottomland hardwood species to prevent sediment loss and provide for nutrient uptake. 3. Restoration of the attendant hydrologic and biologic functions of a bottomland hardwood forest. Objective: Restoration of appropriate bottomland hardwood wetland hydrology through filling of site ditches and restoring connectivity with adjacent surface. Improve surface water storage by integrating temporary pools. 4. Restore and Enhance native bottomland hardwood forest. Objective: Plant native tree and understory species, including Bald Cypress, within re- establishment and enhancement portions of the Site. 5. Permanently protect existing higher quality bottomland hardwood forest, in addition to the remainder of the project area. Objective: Establish a perpetual conversation easement over the Site. 6.2 Proposed Wetland Mitigation Units The Lowlands Wetland Mitigation Site is approximately 75.35 acres, of which 69.16 acres include some form of wetland re-establishment, enhancement, or preservation with the remaining 6.19-acres of uplands to be included within the overall conservation easement as an upland buffer. The Lowlands Bank Site, will add the 3.53 acres of former ACP ROW to the existing Lowlands Site, so there are no breaks within the conservation easement. Within the former 3.53 acre ACP ROW, 0.86 -acre is within the wetland re-establishment area, 1.62 acres within Enhancement Area 1, 0.76 acre within the preservation area, and 0.29-acre within the non-credit upland area. Table 6, below, provides a breakdown of proposed wetland mitigation units for the Site: Page 15 Lowlands Mitigation Site Amended Mitigation Plan Neuse 01 - Johnston County, North Carolina Clearwater Mitigation Solutions October 2022 Table 6. Proposed Wetland Mitigation Units for Lowlands Bank Site L Project Location Existing Acreage Former ACP ROW Ac. Combined Acreage Mitigation Approach Mitigation Ratio Mitigation Credits Wetland Type Agricultural Field (Re-establishment Area) 22.0 1.96* 23.96 Re-establishment 1:1 23.96 Riparian Preservation Area 22.8 0.76 23.56 Preservation 7.5:1 3.14 Non Riparian Enhancement Area 1** 14.3 1.62 15.92 Preservation 15:1 1.06 Non riparian Enhancement Area 2 5.1 - Enhancement 2:1 2.55 Riparian Uplands 5.9 0.29 6.19 Upland buffer Non -Credit Area Total Riparian 26.51 WMUs Total CE Acreage 75.35 acres Total Non -Riparian 4.20 WMUs * Includes former 1.1-acre of temporary ACP construction easement. Will require planting and monitoring devices installed. * * Proposed to be converted from original enhancement mitigation approach to preservation at a reduced ratio. 6.3 Wetland Mitigation Approach & Integration of Former ACP ROW As discussed, a majority of the Lowlands Site, 71.82 acres of the proposed 75.35 Bank Site is currently under the protections of a conservation easement and previously constructed as a wetland mitigation site. The Lowlands Bank Site, will add the 3.53 acres of former ACP ROW to the existing Lowlands Site, so there are no breaks within the conservation easement. Within the former 3.53 acre ACP ROW, 0.86 -acre is within the wetland re-establishment area, 1.62 acres within Enhancement Area 1, 0.76 acre within the preservation area, and 0.29-acre within the non-credit upland area (Fig.7). 6.3.1 Re -Establishment Area The restored wetland groundwater data was downloaded and assessed as part of the most recent Year 4 monitoring, in December 2021. All the groundwater monitoring locations indicate that the wetland hydrology is meeting the minimum success criteria and all five vegetation monitoring plots within the re-establishment area have met interim success criteria, within the re-establishment area. 6.3.2 Re -Establishment Area of ACP ROW All earthwork within the former ACP ROW, including the 0.86-acre within the re- establishment area was completed during the original 2018 construction period, however the ACP ROW was not planted due to pending construction of the ACP. While there are some acceptable volunteer species within the former ACP ROW, fully revegetating these wetland areas will enhance soil stability, give shade, reduce surface temperatures, filter pollutants from adjacent runoff, and provide habitat for area wildlife. Upon completion of the planting activities listed below, Section 6.3.3, performance standards for hydrology and vegetative monitoring will be integrated, in order to seek a 1:1 wetland re-establishment credit ratio in the former 0.86-acre ACP ROW area, as described in Section 8.0, below. Page 16 Lowlands Mitigation Site Amended Mitigation Plan Neuse 01 - Johnston County, North Carolina Clearwater Mitigation Solutions October 2022 With the improvements to existing hydrology and soil conditions, the design anticipates that the restoration sites will be populated with species from adjacent communities. The restoration site will be maintained to keep nuisance species to less than 15% and invasive species to less than 10% of the total population. 6.3.3 Planting Plan — former ACP ROW The following is a description of the planting plan for the former ACP ROW within the re- establishment, upland, and adjacent area, totaling approximately 2.19-acres (Figure 7,8). Soil amendments will be required as topsoil was not reapplied to the ACP ROW during original construction, due to the pending ACP pipeline installation, which never took place. It is proposed to add decomposing mulch within and adjacent to the ACP ROW area, to add organics, enhance soil properties, and growing conditions for the planted stems. Placement of woody debris and disking of the soil is also proposed in order to create a heterogeneous wetland landscape. Revegetating the ACP ROW within the re-establishment and upland area will require larger, more mature legacy plantings, so that existing vegetation does not shade out the planted stems, while also giving the planted stems better chance of survival with more robust root systems. Variations in vegetative planting or planting zones, will occur based on topographic locations and hydraulic conditions of the soil. Vegetative species composition will mimic reference forest data, onsite observations, and community descriptions from Classification of the Natural Communities of North Carolina (Schafale and Weakley 1990). Community associations to be utilized include Bottomland Hardwood Forest and Riverine Swamp Forest. The species list within the planting zones have been developed per the considerations listed above and will mimic the previously planted species on -site, dependent upon availability (Table 7). Page 17 Lowlands Mitigation Site Amended Mitigation Plan Neuse 01 - Johnston County, North Carolina Clearwater Mitigation Solutions October 2022 Table 7. Proposed Plantings w/in former ACP ROW Vegetation Association Wetland Indicator Status Riverine Swamp Forest (Zone 1) 360 trees/ac. Bottomland Hardwood Forest (Zone 2) 360 trees/ac. TOTAL Area (acres) 0.68ac 1.51 ac. 2.19 ac. 1-Gallon and/or 3-gallon Tree Species # planted* % of total # planted** % of total # planted Cherrybark Oak (Quercus pagoda) FACW 40 17% 45 8% 85 Bald cypress (Taxodium distichum) OBL 50 21% 25 5% 75 Willow Oak (Quercus phellos) FACW 55 22% 125 22% 180 Swamp Chestnut Oak(Quercus michauxii) FACW 30 5% 30 Black Gum (Nyssa sylvatica) FACW 20 8% 25 5% 45 River Birch (Betula nigra) FACW 30 12% 100 18% 130 Water oak (Quercus nigra) FAC 30 12% 125 22% 155 Buttonbush (Cephalanthus occidentalis) OBL 20 8% 25 5% 45 Species to be Planted w/in Upland Fringe Eastern Red Cedar (Juniperus virginiana)* FACU 25 5% 25 American Holly (Ilex opaca) FACU 25 5% 25 TOTAL 245 100% 550 100% 795 It is proposed to plant larger, 1-gallon and 3-gallon potted plants within this area, so that existing vegetation does not shade out the planted stems, while also giving the planted stems better chance of survival with more robust root systems which will increase survival of the planted stems. Because of the size of the proposed planted stems, and reasons listed above, they will planted at a density of approximately 360 stems per acre on 11-foot centers. Temporary and permanent seed will be applied simultaneously to the disturbed areas. Temporary seed will provide cover until the permanent seed applied becomes established. Temporary cover will consist of millet (Echinochloa crusgalli), rye grain (Secale cereale), and crimson clover (Trifolium incarnatum). Permanent ground cover will consist of switchgrass (Panicum virgatum), deertongue (Panicum clandestinman), little bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium), and gama grass (Tripsacum dactyloides). 6.3.4 Preservation Area Within the 60-year plus old forested stand to the south of the agricultural field proposed for re-establishment is an area of higher quality jurisdictional old growth bottomland/non-riverine hardwood flat forest with deep hydric soils, consisting of willow oak (Quercus phellos), swamp chestnut oak (Quercus michauxii), American holly (Ilex opaca), and black gum (Nyssa biflora) that dominate the canopy. There are also pockets of older loblolly pine (Pinus taeda), 60-70 years old, that are suitable for red -cockaded woodpecker habitat. This 22.8-acre jurisdictional wetland area has been deemed suitable as a preservation area, since this is an increasingly rare and important bottomland hardwood habitat still remaining within this farming region with predominantly monoculture pine plantations. The proposed preservation area is also not subject to the Neuse Buffer Rules or any encumbrance and could be logged anytime in the future. The herbaceous and vine layers are not dense and very open for this Page 18 Lowlands Mitigation Site Amended Mitigation Plan Neuse 01 - Johnston County, North Carolina Clearwater Mitigation Solutions October 2022 type of plant community, which can be correlated to the older, mature canopy within this area of the Site. 0.76-acre of the former ACP ROW will be added to the original 22.8-acre preservation area, for a total of 23.56-acres within the preservation area. While the original approved mitigation ratio for the preservation area was 5:1, the IRT during our site visit, noted a lack of various strata and diversity in some areas which warrant a ratio of 7.5:1 moving forward. A 7.5:1 mitigation ratio, yields 3.14 non -riparian WMUs. 6.3.5 Enhancement Aeas 1 Per the 2021, vegetation analysis, there were areas noted within Enhancement Area 1, that did not meet interim success criteria, and would require supplemental planting. However, it was chosen not to supplemental plant Enhancement Area 1, due to logistical constraints of access to Enhancement Area 1, while focusing on success for of the remainder of the Site. While Enhancement Area 1 does not merit the current mitigation ratio, it will remain within the bounds of the Conservation Easement and preserved in perpetuity, along with the remainder of the Lowlands Site. Enhancement Area 1 is proposed to be converted to a preservation area, at a reduced ratio of 15:1, per the following reasons: While 2 of the 5 vegetation plots did not meet the interim success criteria, the stems per acre within the sample plots ranged from 121 stems per acre to 486 per acre, and contained 10 different planted species within the plots. While the wetland system within Enhancement Area 1 does not contain mature hardwoods, it is a Non-Riverine Swamp Forest wetland with small micro-depressional pools that provide hydrological and biological functions to this area. 1.62 acres of the former ACP ROW will be added to the 14.3 acres within Enhancement Area 1, for a total of 15.92 acres at a 15:1 ratio would yield 1.06 non -riparian WMUs. This area will remain named Enhancement Area 1 for the purposes of project continuity. 6.3.6 Enhancement Area 2 Per the discussion above in Section 5.6, remedial planting effort was made in February/March 2022 to thin undesirable successional plant species and supplemental plant Enhancement Area 2. Areas of undesirable vegetation, including red maples, sweet gums, loblolly pine, and woody vines were flagged and removed using a small hydro -axe mulching machine and sprayed with glyosphate. Larger, more mature legacy trees in the 1-gallon and 4-ft premium bare root size were chosen to plant to counteract shading of existing trees and enhance survival rates. The supplemental planting brought the planted stem density within Enhancement Area 2 to approximately 470 stems per acre. After installation, the plantings were verified, and an additional vegetation monitoring plot was installed on the northern side of Enhancement Area 2, to monitor the recently planted tree species and performance metrics, and discussed in section x below. The overall supplemental planting within Enhancement Area 2 was less than 50%, however, an additional year of vegetative monitoring can be added to Enhancement Area 2, if it is the desire of the IRT. Enhancement Area 2 was never bisected nor impacted by the former ACP ROW, hence the original acreage within Enhancement Area 2 will remain the same. There is no additional Page 19 Lowlands Mitigation Site Amended Mitigation Plan Neuse 01 - Johnston County, North Carolina Clearwater Mitigation Solutions October 2022 acreage from the former ACP ROW to add, as it did not bisect or impact the original 5.1 acre - Enhancement Area 2. The current mitigation ratio for Enhancement Area 2 is 3:1. It is proposed to modify the mitigation ratio to 2:1 within Enhancement Area 2 based on the IRT site visit and remedial measures taken to improve success within Enhancement Area 2, yielding 2.55 riparian WMUs. 6.3.7 Upland/Non-Credit Area The upland areas within the interior of the Site, include pockets of old mature loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) 60-70 years old, that are suitable for red -cockaded woodpecker habitat. There are also mature 60 plus year old willow (Quercus phellos) and water oak (Quercus nigra) within the mixed hardwood. 0.29-acre of the former ACP ROW will be added to the existing 5.9-acre upland area, totaling 6.19 acres of upland non-credit area within the conservation easement. which provides an upland buffer and functional uplift to adjacent wetland habitat types. The upland fringe adjacent to the re-establishment area will be planted with Eastern Red Cedar (Juniperus virginiana) and American holly (Ilex opaca). 7.0 WETLAND CREDIT RELEASE SCHEDULE The Site's stream credit release schedule is presented below in Table 8. Due to the unusual nature of the Site and associated lag time of the transition from the Lowlands PRM Site to the proposed Lowlands Bank Site, monitoring of wetland hydrology and vegetation will resume for the 2023 growing season, which will become Monitoring Year-4, followed by MY-5 in 2024, MY-6 in 2025, and MY-7 in 2026. The credit release schedule is based upon satisfactory completion of Site milestones. In coordination with the IRT, upon approval of the UMBI, it is proposed to allow for the credit release equivalent to Monitoring Year-3 (credit release milestone 5) for the Site. Subsequent credit releases will follow a traditional mitigation banking release schedule per Table 8, below: Page 20 Lowlands Mitigation Site Amended Mitigation Plan Neuse 01 - Johnston County, North Carolina Clearwater Mitigation Solutions October 2022 Table 8. Proposed Wetland Credit Release Schedule Milestones Tasks Mitigation Bank Release (%) Riparian Credits Non Riparian Credits Completion /Anticipated Release Date 1)Approval of the final Mitigation Plan; 2)Mitigation Site secured; 1) Original Site 3)Delivery of the financial assurances; 4)Long-term protection mechanism and title 15% - - - Establishment opinion accepted by the USACE (15%) 5)Issuance of the 404 permit. 2) Mitigation Plan 1) Completion of earthwork, if required; 2) Completion of riparian plantings; 15% - - - Implementation 3) Approval of As -Built Survey by the Corps. (30%) 3) Year 1 1) Interim Performance Standards met; 2) Approval of Monitoring Report 10% - - - Monitoring by the Corps. (40%) 4) Year 2 1) Interim Performance Standards met; 2) Approval of Monitoring Report by the 10% - - - Monitoring Corps. (50%) 1) Execution of UMBI 5) Year 3 * Monitoring 2) Approval of Amended Mit. Plan 3) Approval of most recent Monitoring Report by the Corps. 15% o (65 /o) 17.23* 2.73* Dec-22 1) Visual Assessment; 6) Year 4 2) Interim Performance Standards met; Monitoring 3) Approval of Monitoring Report 5 °o% 1.33 0.21 April-23 by the Corps. (70 /o) (18.56) (2.94) 7) Year 5 1) Interim Performance Standards met; 2) Approval of Monitoring Report 15% 3.97 0.63 April-24 Monitoring by the Corps. (85%) (22.53) (3.57) 1) Visual Assessment; 8)Year 6 2) Interim Performance Standards met; Monitoring 3) Approval of Monitoring Report by the Corps. 5% (90%) 1.33 23.86 0.21 (3.78) April-25 9)Year 7 1) Final Performance Standards met; 2) Approval of Monitoring Report 10% 2.65 0.42 April-26 Monitoring by the Corps (100%) 26.51 (4.20) Totals 100% 26.51 4.20 *Agreed to Credit Release upon approval of UMBI and Mitigation Plan per discussions with IRT on 12/09/20 and 02/2022. Page 21 Lowlands Mitigation Site Amended Mitigation Plan Neuse 01 - Johnston County, North Carolina Clearwater Mitigation Solutions October 2022 8.0 Success Criteria & Monitoring Requirements Monitoring activities have followed the guidelines presented in USACE Wilmington District October 2016 Guidance documents and the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP) Monitoring Requirements and Performance Standards for Stream and/or Wetland Mitigation (November 2011) and were tailored to the Site. Monitoring has been conducted every year since construction baseline, starting in Fall 2018. The success criteria determine if the Site is meeting its prescribed goals and objectives. The following performance standards and success criteria was used in previous monitoring periods and will be utilized for the Lowlands Site going forward. 8.1 Wetland Hydrology Success Criteria Wetland hydrology success criteria is measured by improvements to the frequency and duration of saturated soils based on the USACE October 2016 Guidance Document. The Site contains Leaf soil series which according to the Wetland Saturation Threshold has a saturation/hydroperiod threshold of 10% to 12% of the growing season within 12 inches below the soil surface. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture — Soil Conservation Service Soil Survey of Johnston County, NC there are 232 days per year starting from March 21 through November 8 that are greater than 28 degrees Farenheight. Therefore, successful wetland hydrology is defined as saturation of soils within 12 inches of the soil surface for a period equal to or greater than 24 consecutive days (10% of the growing season) within the growing season. The Site has been historically extensively managed for agricultural production. Therefore, for the first two years of monitoring, successful wetland hydrology will be defined as saturation of soils within 12 inches of the soil surface for a period equal to or greater than 19 consecutive days, or 8%, within the growing season. For year 3 through 7, successful wetland hydrology is defined as saturation of soils within 12 inches of the soil surface for a period equal to or greater than 24 consecutive days within the growing season. 8.1.1 Hydrology Monitoring Methodolgy Wetland hydrology will be measured daily using installed groundwater data loggers. The data loggers will sample groundwater elevations beneath the soil surface twice per day throughout the monitoring period. The data loggers will be downloaded on a regular basis during the growing season. Wetland hydrology has been measured daily using (8) installed groundwater wells using Onset HOBO U20-001-01 Water Level Loggers data loggers and included an additional barometric logger for on -site barometric compensation data (the location of which can be seen on Figs. 7,8). Care was taken to install the monitoring wells in accordance with the "Technical Standard for Water Table Monitoring of Potential Wetland Sites" (ERDC TN- WRAP-05-2, June 2005) document. The data loggers sample groundwater elevations beneath the soil surface at least once per day throughout the monitoring period. An additional groundwater well and water level logger will be installed within the re- establishment area of the former ACP ROW, with its data included with the next year monitoring report. The same hydrologic success criteria, as discussed above, will be utilized Page 22 Lowlands Mitigation Site Amended Mitigation Plan Neuse 01 - Johnston County, North Carolina Clearwater Mitigation Solutions October 2022 within the re-establishment area of the former ACP ROW. Table 9 summarizes hydrologic monitoring activity going forward with the Site: Table 9. Proposed Wetland Hydrology Monitoring Summary Parameter Method Schedule/Frequency Number/Extent Data Collected Wetland Restoration Groundwater gauges Years 4, 5, 6, and 7 9 gauges spread throughout restored wetlands & 1 gauge in a reference wetland* groundwater and rain data for each monitoring period 8.2 Wetland Vegetation Success Criteria The success criteria for planted vegetation is based on the USACE October 2016 performance criteria. The primary focus of the vegetative monitoring is on the tree stratum, although shrub and herbaceous species encountered may also be recorded. Vegetation planting success criteria will be based on the survival of a minimum density of 320 planted trees per acre after three (3) years of monitoring. After five (5) years of monitoring, the density should be no less than 260 planted trees per acre. After seven (7) years of monitoring, the density should be no less than 210 planted trees per acre. In addition, planted vegetation must average 10 feet in height in each plot at year seven (7). Vegetation plots will be sampled and reported in years 1, 2, 3, 5, and 7. 8.2.1 Vegetation Monitoring Methodolgy A combination of eight (7) permanent fixed vegetation monitoring plots and one (1) random vegetation monitoring plot each year, were installed within the Site per guidelines established in CVS-EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation, Version 4.2 (Lee et al. 2008). In each sample plot, vegetation parameters to be monitored include species composition and species density. Visual observations of the percent cover of shrub and herbaceous species have also been documented by photograph. Vegetation Plot 7, within Enhancement Area 1 will be removed from monitoring, as it is proposed to be converted to a preservation only mitigation approach. Two additional vegetation monitoring plot will be added to the Site, with to be installed within the re- establishment area of the former ACP ROW, and another plot to be installed within north side Enhancement Area 2. Each of the additional plot size will be 10 x 10 meters. The data collected from these additional vegetation plots will be included with the next year monitoring report, with the same vegetative success criteria, as discussed above. Table 10 summarize vegetative monitoring activities for the Site going forward: Page 23 Lowlands Mitigation Site Amended Mitigation Plan Neuse 01 - Johnston County, North Carolina Clearwater Mitigation Solutions October 2022 Table 10. Proposed Vegetative Monitoring Summar Parameter Method Schedule/Frequency Number/Extent Data Collected Vegetation establishment and vigor Permanent veg plots 0.02 acre in size; CVS- EEP Protocol, Version 4.2 Years 4,5, 6, and 7 8 plots spread across the Site Species, height, planted vs. volunteer Stems/acre Permanent veg plots 0.02 acre in size; CVS- EEP Protocol, Version Years 4, 5, 6, and 7 1 plot randomly selected each year Species and height 8.3 Schedule / Reporting Site construction was completed in March 2018, with a full growing season and the Monitoring Year-1 report submitted in December 2018 and MY-2 submitted 2019. The initial monitoring field and report for MY-3 was completed in 2020. A supplemental vegetative analysis within the Enhancement Areas was conducted in the Spring of 2021, per discussions during the IRT Site, in December 2020. MY-4 wetland hydrology monitoring was conducted for the 2021 growing season. Vegetation was not to be monitored at MY-4 per the original mitigation plan. The full MY-3 Report, which includes the May 2021 supplemental vegetation analysis, along with the MY-4 report can be found in Appendix B. Going forward, wetland hydrology will be measured daily by the installed groundwater data loggers and downloaded on a bimonthly basis during the growing season. Vegetation monitoring will occur during the months of September through November. Annual Monitoring Reports detailing the results of the hydrology and vegetation monitoring data, photographs, and site observations will be prepared annually and submitted no later than December 31 of each monitoring year. Due to the unusual nature of the Site and associated lag time of the transition from the Lowlands PRM Site to the proposed Lowlands Bank Site, monitoring of wetland hydrology and vegetation will resume for the 2023 growing season, which will become Monitoring Year-4, followed by MY-5 in 2024, MY-6 in 2025, and MY-7 in 2026, as depicted in Table 11, below. Given the additional area of the former ACP ROW added to the Site, and subsequent monitoring of these areas, it will allow for two (2) additional years of monitoring to the Site. A final Close Out Report will be made regarding the success of the Site following the collection and evaluation of monitoring data, photographs, and site observations. Page 24 Lowlands Mitigation Site Amended Mitigation Plan Neuse 01 - Johnston County, North Carolina Clearwater Mitigation Solutions October 2022 Table 11. Prouosed Monitoring Schedule (going forwar Resource Year 1 2018* Year 2 2019* Year 3 2020* Year 4 2023 Year 5 2024 Year 6 2025 Year 7 2026 Wetlands X11111 X V XMIRX X Vegetation X X X X X X X Visual Assessment X X X X X X X Report Submittal X X X X X *All Monitoring Activities Completed for Year. 9.0 Maintenance & Contingency Plan The Sponsor shall monitor the Site on a regular basis and shall conduct a physical inspection a minimum of once per year throughout the post -construction monitoring period until performance standards are met. These inspections may identify components and features that require routine maintenance. Routine maintenance should be expected most often in the first two years following construction and are summarized as follows. 9.1 Wetland Hydrology Contingency Hydrological contingency will require consultation with hydrologists and regulatory agencies if wetland hydrology target criteria are not achieved. The Site was initially ripped and woody debris added to the depressional areas and adjacent wetlands for habitat, help store sediment, and increase water storage/infiltration. Approved contingency measures to increase wetland hydrologic amplitude or duration will be coordinated with the IRT and implemented and monitored until Hydrology Success Criteria are achieved. Future and potential ditch creation along the conservation easement boundary could present a risk of draining restored wetlands. If a ditch is created by a future owner, CMS will evaluate its affect on adjacent wetland hydrology within the conservation easement boundary and adjust wetland credits, if warranted. 9.2 Vegetation Contingency If vegetative success criteria are not achieved (i.e stunted growth, beavers, encroachment, nutrient availability), supplemental planting may be performed with tree species approved by the IRT. Supplemental planting and/or soil amendments will be performed as needed until achievement of vegetation success criteria. Refer to Section 10 for specific adaptive management in regards to the recruitment of early successional species such as red maple, sweet gum, and loblolly pine. 9.3 Nuisance Species Management Invasive plant species will be observed and controlled mechanically and/or chemically, as part of this project. Inspections for beaver and other potential nuisance species will occur throughout the course of the monitoring period. Appropriate actions may be taken to ameliorate any negative impacts regarding vegetation development and/or water management on an as -needed basis. Page 25 Lowlands Mitigation Site Amended Mitigation Plan Neuse 01 - Johnston County, North Carolina Clearwater Mitigation Solutions October 2022 9.4 Fencing & Easement Boundary Marking The easement boundary was marked after construction in March 2018, with standard conservation easement signs fastened to fence post, utilizing NCDMS Boundary Marking Standards as a guide, to deter prohibited activities and compromising vegetation. Conservation easement signs and post have been inspected and repaired periodically since installation. Additional boundary signs will be installed using the North Carolina Wildlife Habitat Foundation (NCWHF, long-term steward) conservation easement signs. 10.0 Adaptive Management Plan In the event the Site or a specific component of the Site fails to achieve the necessary performance standards as specified in the mitigation plan, the provider shall notify the members of the IRT and work with the IRT to develop contingency plans and remedial actions. Problems will be identified during Site monitoring and specified in the subsequent annual monitoring reports. Over the course of the 7-year monitoring period, the recruitment of early successional species such as red maple, sweet gum, and loblolly pine will be monitored. No single volunteer species of red maple, loblolly pine, and sweet gum will comprise more than 50% of the total composition at Year 4. If this occurs, remedial action, as approved by the IRT may be required. During Year 6, no single volunteer species, comprising over 50% of the total composition, may be more than twice the height of the planted trees. If this occurs, remedial action, as approved by the IRT, may be required. The need to conduct additional volunteer sampling after Year 6 will be determined by the IRT. Remedial action will include spot herbicide treatment (as needed) and in extreme situations will involve hand removal of undesirable species by thinning crews. 11.0 Financial Assurances Prior to the first credit release, and over the operational life of the Site, the Sponsor shall provide financial assurances sufficient to assure completion of all required reporting and monitoring, and any remedial work required pursuant to the Bank UMBI. Since the Lowlands Site has been constructed and is going into Year-4, a project "Implementation Assurance" is not proposed, however, maintenance and monitoring will be provided (herein after referred to as "Maintenance and Monitoring Assurance"), which effectively replaces or reduces the value of the Implementation Assurance. The Maintenance and Monitoring Assurance will be provided in the form of an Insurance Policy, as detailed below. 11.1 Maintenance and Monitoring Assurance The Maintenance and Monitoring assurance shall consist of an executed insurance policy in a form substantially similar to the draft provided in Appendix I underwritten by a surety company licensed to do business in North Carolina with a Best's current rating of not less than "A-". The total value of such bond shall be Forty-two Thousand Seventy -Five Dollars & no/100 ($42,075.00). An itemized list of annual monitoring and maintenance activities and corresponding costs is provided in Appendix E. Page 26 Lowlands Mitigation Site Amended Mitigation Plan Neuse 01 - Johnston County, North Carolina Clearwater Mitigation Solutions October 2022 11.2 Other Financial Assurance Requirements Financial assurances shall be payable to the Site's easement holder and financial assurance obligee, the North Carolina Wildlife Habitat Foundation (NCWHF). In addition, financial assurances shall contain a provision ensuring the District Engineer receives notification at least 120 days in advance of any termination or revocation. 12.0 Long Term Management Plan Clearwater Mitigation Solutions (Clearwater) has signed option agreements with each of the landowners to record the amended conservation easements on all land proposed as the Site (Appendix F).The Site will be protected under the terms outlined in the Site's Conservation Easement Deed (conservation easement). A draft Conservation Easement Deed is provided in Appendix E. The conservation easement prohibits incompatible uses that might jeopardize the objectives of the Site. Clearwater as Grantee of the conservation easement, will first acquire the conservation easement and then assign the easement to the North Carolina Wildlife Habitat Foundation ("NCWHF"). The NCWHF is a qualified third -party committed to land conservation through conservation planning, management, and stewardship, and funded through established conservation easement endowment funds. The NCWHF will be the conservation easement holder and long-term manager of the Site. The NCWHF has provided correspondence to Clearwater indicating their willingness to serve as Easement Holder, Long - Term Steward and Insurance Policy (Obligee). NCWHF has requested, and the Sponsor has agreed to provide, twenty five thousand ($25,000) dollars at the conservation easement assignment to hold the Site's easements. Clearwater will assign NCWHF the conservation easement prior to the credit release. In addition to serving as the conservation easement holder, NCWHF will also be responsible for long-term management of the Site per the requirements of the Bank UMBI and this Site Mitigation Plan. As the Site has been designed to be self-sustaining, the Site's long-term management activities will be limited to routine boundary inspections and, when necessary, marking Site boundaries to ensure clear identification of conservation areas. Per their responsibilities as the Site's easement holder, NCWHF will inspect boundaries annually to monitor for encroachment. During these inspections, as the Site's long-term manager, the condition of boundary markings (i.e., signs) will be noted and replaced as needed. The Sponsor has agreed to provide to NCWHF five thousand ($5,000) dollars at the conservation easement closing and another twenty thousand (20,000) upon successful closure of the Site to fund the Site's long-term management. For the purposes of calculating the amount required to fund long-term management (see Appendix F), the following assumptions and inputs were used: 1) during the implementation of this Site Mitigation Plan, fifty (50) signs will be installed and an additional fifty (50) replacement signs will be purchased by the Sponsor; 2) these signs have a 50-year life; however, complete replacement will occur every 20 years; 3) in today's US dollars, it costs $400 to purchase 50 signs and requires four hours of labor ($600) to install 50 signs at the Site; and 4) although NCWHF will use revenues generated from the $25,000 required for easement holding (discussed above) to inspect boundaries, additional funds were included to ensure completion of boundary inspections. Page 27 Lowlands Mitigation Site Amended Mitigation Plan Neuse 01 - Johnston County, North Carolina Clearwater Mitigation Solutions October 2022 13.0 References Environmental Data Resources, EDR Radius Map Report with GeoCheck, May 17, 2017. McAdams Company, Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination Request, SPEC-16320, May 3, 2017. Meeting Minutes: Pre -Application Meeting: November 7, 2016 / On -site Meeting December 19, 2016. Mitchell Environmental, P.A. Soil Profile Descriptions and Wetland Data Forms for the James Rhodes Property, February 14, 2011. Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS), Highly Erodible Land and Wetland Conservation Determination, March 23, 1990. NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP), Neuse River Basin Restoration Priorities, 2010. NC Division of Land Resources (NCDLR), State Geologic Map, 1985. NC Division of Water Resources (NCDWR), Neuse River Buffer Determination, NBRRO# 15- 334, August 26, 2015. NC Division of Water Resources (NCDWR), Neuse River Basin Water Resources Plan, July 2010. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Monitoring Requirements and Performance Standards for Stream and/or Wetland Mitigation, November, 2011. US Department of Agricultural Soil conservation Service, Soil Survey of Johnston County, North Carolina, October, 1994. North Carolina Natural Heritage Program Division of Parks and Recreation, Schafale, Michael P., and Weakley, Alan S. Classification of the Natural Communities of North Carolina, Third Approximation, 1990. North Carolina Floodplain Mapping Program National Flood Insurance Program Flood Insurance Rate Map, Map Number 3720168000J, Map Revised December 02, 2005. North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources State Historic Preservation Office (NCSHPO), The Lowlands Mitigation Bank, Johnston County, NC, July 1, 2016. NC Wetland Functional Assessment Team, NC Wetland Assessment Method User Manual, Version 5, February, 2016. Triangle Land Conservancy, Conservation Assessment of the Neuse River Lowgrounds and Mill Creek Watershed in Johnston County, July 30th, 2010. Page 28 Lowlands Mitigation Site Amended Mitigation Plan Neuse 01 - Johnston County, North Carolina Clearwater Mitigation Solutions October 2022 US Army Corps of Engineers, Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination, SAW-2015-01815, October 23, 2016. US Army Corps of Engineers, Monitoring Requirements and Performance Standards for Compensatory Mitigation in North Carolina, North Carolina Interagency Review Team, February 8, 2031. US Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District Stream and Wetland Compensatory Mitigation Update, North Carolina Interagency Review Team, October 24, 2016. US Department of Interior Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), Wetland and Deepwater Habitats of the United States, December, 1979. US Department of Interior Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), The Lowlands Mitigation Bank — Johnston County, NC, July 14, 2016. Page 29 Lowlands Mitigation Site Amended Mitigation Plan Neuse 01 - Johnston County, North Carolina Clearwater Mitigation Solutions October 2022 Appendix A. Figures Figure 1 USGS Quadrangle — Four Oaks, North Carolina Figure 2 Johnston County NRCS Soil Survey Map (Sheet 11) Figure 3 Original Wetland Delineation Exhibit Figure 4 USGS 8-Digit HUC Map (Neuse 03020201) Figure 5 Aerial: 14-Digit Aerial HUC Map Figure 6 Site Drainage Area Map w/ Floodplain Figure 7 Lowlands Site Concept Plan with Gauge & Veg. Plot Locations Figure 8 Planting Zones w. Groundwater Gauge & Veg. Plot Monitoring Locations Lowlands Wetland Mitigation Site — Mitigation Plan Appendices Sage" `orr P&�'- — 0- w II his :w y� / } � >a -. /\/ _ 11 • ' j 1 . '— rya `,\_ 1 ,i+ III SITE IN VW. 1 �J C ., �� • r____) N. 120 • LOWLANDS IN `✓ 4witl _ ,• 4 � .�0 / _I �.•�W.` 11611114 t9 . - \l�®e •_ — f - f'.. f ' (7-0.2' -.... -ea- — _ - 46,- ��' T •►f — .... � -- - ille ; 1 , ,» Copyright:© 2013 National Geographic Society, i-cubed NOTES: 1. USGS; 7.5 MINUTE, QUAD, "FOUR OAKS", NORTH CAROLINA; 2013 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY 2. LAT: 35.419899 N, LONG: -78.348924 W W MITIGATION PLAN FIGURE 1. USGS TOPOGRAPHIC VICINITY MAP LOWLANDS MITIGATION SITE JOHNSTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 0 1,000 2,000 Feet 1 inch = 2,000 feet DATE: 10/4/2022 JOB NO: SPEC-16320 DRAWN BY: Jernigan MCADAMS CLEARWATERMITIGATION SOLUTIONS to X:\Projects\SPEC\SPEC-16320\Storm\PRM to Bank Site Conversion\Current Drawings\GIS\Figure 1 - USGS.mxd, 10/4/2022 2:59:46 PM, Jernigan NOTES: 1. USGS; SOIL SURVEY SHEET 11, JOHNSTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 2. LAT: 35.419899 N, LONG: -78.348924 W MCADAMS CLEARWATER MITIGATION SOLUTIONS t MITIGATION PLAN FIGURE 2. NRCS SOIL SURVEY MAP LOWLANDS MITIGATION SITE JOHNSTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 0 500 1,000 Feet 1 inch = 1,000 feet DATE: 10/4/2022 JOB NO: SPEC-16320 DRAWN BY: Jernigan X:\Projects\SPEC\SPEC-16320\Storm\PRM to Bank Site Conversion\Current Drawings\GIS\Figure 2 - Soil Survey.mxd, 10/4/2022 3:01:22 PM, Jernigan OPEN WATER (PONDED AREA) +/- 0.03 AC. LEGEND CLW18000-active cropland WETLANDS PROJECT AREA 0 DATA POINT DITCH - CMP CULVERT - RCP CULVERT OPEN WATER OW end tlfhp INR, War DA. USGS. A MCADAMS CLEARWATER MITIGATION SOLUTIONS MITIGATION PLAN FIGURE 3. EXISTING WETLAND DELINEATION LOWLANDS MITIGATION SITE JOHNSTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA NOTE: PROJECT AREA IS DEPICTED BASED ON GIS MAPPING AND IS SUBJECT TO FINAL SURVEY. X:\Projects\SPEC\SPEC-16320\Storm\PRM to Bank Site Conversion\Current Drawings\GIS\Figure 3 - Existing Wetland Delineation.mxd, 10/4/2022 3:09:22 PM, Jernigan 0 125 250 Feet 1 inch = 250 feet DATE: 10/4/2022 JOB NO: SPEC-16320 DRAWN BY: Jernigan ille an., hi oni Sdtsa rdebai �ru Roxboro Hillsborough Chapel Hill HUC 03020201 Pittsboro Sanford 6,1 B Everett Jordan Lake 469 r, LEGEND Q LOWLANDS SITE DNEUSE 8-DIGIT HUC I.INEUSE 14-DIGIT HUC Mi e Gorham Ap 0%o `tom Butner i Cary Creedmoor .162 ft ',;ake Forest Raleigh Garner Holly Lake prings Benson u Ang Rock '74atLFO`WLANDS SITE oharie Sdtsa I Iu.J Lake Bums Creek Coats L ill ingt on HUC 03020201150050 Dunn Walkertown Rjyer ce Coharia Sdtsa Lumbee Sdtsa Kiighldale '^Ja r t en Louisburg don V.;endcll �av��oc rc� Clayton Npr S A I' nr. 1`tinE ^4 Selma sew, ‘s Smithfield m 2Qt (f x X. H1��'k / 1 \ `� O Four Ciak . ler L-'H I.i . on sh K ei tej Haliwa Saponi Sdtsa 216tt Nashvil hah unta Sw Sources: Esri, HERE, Garmin, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS, FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), (c) OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS User Community MCADAMS CLEARWATER MITIGATION SOLUTIONS t MITIGATION PLAN FIGURE 4. 8-DIGIT AND 14-DIGIT HUC MAP LOWLANDS MITIGATION SITE JOHNSTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 0 6 12 MICCI Miles 1 in = 12 miles DATE: 10/4/2022 JOB NO: SPEC-16320 DRAWN BY: Jernigan X:\Projects\SPEC\SPEC-16320\Storm\PRM to Bank Site Conversion\Current Drawings\GIS\Figure 4 - HUC Map 1.mxd, 10/4/2022 3:12:10 PM, Jernigan LOWLANDS SITE 41 `t MI\` HUC 03020201150050 • LEGEND 0 LOWLANDS SITE L,NEUSE 14-DIGIT HUC PIC aTr; GeoEye, Earthstar Geogra GRID, IGN, and the GIS Use tOpenStrpptnnap contriaitors and th MilG41h1—% �e�,cgm 1 uin,,�rMPS- MCADAMS CLEARWATER MJTIGATION SOLUTIONS 4 MITIGATION PLAN FIGURE 5. 14-DIGIT HUC MAP WITH AERIAL IMAGERY LOWLANDS MITIGATION SITE JOHNSTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 0 1 2 CCI Miles 1 in = 2 miles DATE: 10/4/2022 JOB NO: SPEC-16320 DRAWN BY: Jernigan X:\Projects\SPEC\SPEC-16320\Storm\PRM to Bank Site Conversion\Current Drawings\GIS\Figure 5 - 14-Digit HUC Map.mxd, 10/4/2022 3:14:52 PM, Jernigan • \ \^/1, `\\1 \ 1 __\,I \ -/ mow — r• • • • • e • `` • 1,1 , • 'I LEGEND DITCH 0 LOWLANDS SITE 472 DRAINAGE AREA - 2-FT CONTOURS 500-YR FLOODPLAIN • \ l`1 \ 1 t - • r \ , I / 1 I I I 1 , t .-OWLAINDS`Sl1T t -; 1\\ \ I , 1 r� • ' ` • - _ ;1\ cs CNES/Airbus USDA, NJ 9 Coni,munity ,\` , ) /- I 1 ' / \ \ 1 11/ I \ \ 1 1 1 - ', , , \ \ \\ 1 , ' t/// 1 / , , / 1 \ \ _ 1\i/\I\I1 ` vl ; / / 1 , ,01 / ,III 1111\, / 1 � `1 / - \ ' \1I III\ I )/ \� \\ 1 / 11 i/ - // - f i, t '- \ IN11 1A,\ lam) `: -\\/ , tl AercARI UP o;rapY ), OC KE1Gu ] (dui 0 c I NbgP , i \ 1 \1 ' tl MCADAMS CLEARWATER MITIGATION SOLUTIONS MITIGATION PLAN FIGURE 6. DRAINAGE AREA MAP LOWLANDS MITIGATION SITE JOHNSTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 0 600 1,200 Feet 1 in = 1,200 ft DATE: 10/4/2022 JOB NO: SPEC-16320 DRAWN BY: Jernigan X:\Projects\SPEC\SPEC-16320\Storm\PRM to Bank Site Conversion\Current Drawings\GIS\Figure 6 - Drainage Area Map.mxd, 10/4/2022 3:15:58 PM, Jernigan %Lowlands Mitigation Approach and Credit Table Project Location Existing Acreage Former ACP ROW Acreage Combined Acreage Mitigation Approach Mitigation Ratio Mitigation Credits Wetland Type Agricultural Field (Re-establishment Area) 22.0 1.96* 23.96 Re-establishment 1:1 23.96 Riparian Preservation Area 22.8 0.76 23.56 Preservation 7.5:1 3.14 Non -Riparian Enhancement Area 1** 14.3 1.62 15.92 Preservation 15:1 1.06 Non -riparian Enhancement Area 2 5.1 - Enhancement 2:1 2.55 Riparian Uplands 5.9 0.29 6.19 Upland buffer Non -Credit Area Total Riparian 26.51 WMUs Total CE Acreage 75.35 acres Total Non -Riparian 4.20 WMUs * Includes former 1.1-acre of temporary ACP construction easement. Will require planting and monitoring devices installed. ** Proposed to be converted from original enhancement mitigation approach to preservation at a reduced ratio. Ditch.7.3 Filled i Legend Additional ,Veg Plot To Be Removed ENHANCEMENT DITCH Mit Treatment Preservation Mit Treatment Enhancement MitTreatment Re-establishment Former ACP Easement QProject Area CMP RCP Open Water Veg Plots UP/Ud • i RE=ESTABLISHMENT AREA\ Ditch 2 Filled Additional Veg Plot PRESERVATION Monitoring Well 2-ft contours Active Cropland (prior converted) HYDRIC SOIL Ud UP/Ud UPLAND SOIL UPLAND SOIL - HYDRIC AT DEPTH PF01 e; Cif I i eo o rap Ditch 1 Filled N 0 150 300 1 inch = 300 feet 600 Feet FIGURE 7: WETLAND MITIGATION PLAN LOWLANDS MITIGATION SITE OCTOBER 2022 JOHNSTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA CLEARWATER MITIGATION SOLUTIONS MCADAMS J ADDITIONAL -' VEG PLOT LEGEND • Photo Stations Conservation Easement --'-— FormerACP Easement Planting Zones Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Monitoring Wells Permanent Vegetation Plots gij MCADAMS d 3�6ii`arT'..lR a -a�� 2 • -stew " MeaRiLeficir FIGURE 3 Monitoring Plan Groundwater Well & Vegetation Monitoring Exhibit Lowlands Mitigation Site Johnston County, NC 0 150 300 Feet 1 inch = 300 feet VERSION: 1 DATE: 10/12/2022 JOB NO: SPEC-16320 DRAWN BY: Jernigan X:\Projects\SPEC\SPEC-16320\Storm\PRM to Bank Site Conversion\Current Drawings\GIS\Groundwater and Vegetation Monitoring Figure.mxd, 10/12/2022 10:57:53 AM, Jernigan Appendix B. Monitoring Reports Monitoring Year 3 — Grounwater Hydrology & Vegetative Monitoring Resulsts - w/ Supplemental Vegetative Analysis w/in Enhancement Areas 1 & 2 - w/ Supplemental Vegetative Analysis w/in Open Water Area Monitoring Year 4 — Groundwater Hydrology Monitoring Results Lowlands Wetland Mitigation Site — Mitigation Plan Appendices LOWLANDS Johnston County, North Carolina Annual Monitoring Report Year 3 Project Number: SPEC-16320 Prepared By: Jennifer Burdette Kelly Roth Alec Pierzga Amanda Bloom Date: May 2021 gij MCADAMS 2905 Meridian Parkway Durham, North Carolina 27713 �la MCADAMS LOWLANDS YEAR 3 MONITORING REPORT > SPEC-16320 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 PROJECT LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION 1 2.0 MONITORING OBJECTIVES 1 3.0 MONITORING ACTIVITIES AND SUCCESS CRITERIA 2 3.1 Wetland Hydrology 2 3.2 Vegetation 3 4.0 REFERENCES 5 5.0 FIGURES 6.0 YEAR 3 MONITORING DATA 6.1 Photo Stations 6.2 Wetland Hydrology 6.3 Vegetation creating experiences through experience �la MCADAMS LOWLANDS YEAR 3 MONITORING REPORT > SPEC-16320 1.0 PROJECT LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION The Lowlands Wetland Mitigation Site (Site) is located approximately one mile northeast of the intersection of Devils Racetrack Road (SR 1009) and Guin Road (SR 1184) in Johnston County, North Carolina. The Site is located within the Neuse River Basin, 8 digit Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) 03020201, more specifically within the 14 digit HUC 03020201150050. The project area is approximately 71.2 acres, of which 65.3 acres will include some form of wetland re- establishment, enhancement, or preservation with the remaining 5.9-acres of uplands and non- credit area to be included within the overall conservation easement as an upland buffer (see Figure 1). The purpose of the Site is to provide 33.58 wetland mitigation credits to Dominion Energy Transmission, Inc. (DETI) as part of DETI's Permittee Responsible Mitigation Plan (PRM) to compensate for unavoidable impacts to wetlands associated with the Atlantic Coast Pipeline Project (ACP). The Site includes the re-establishment of 23.1-acres of riparian wetlands, enhancement of 5.1 acres of riparian and 14.3 acres of non -riparian wetlands, and preservation of 22.8-acres of non -riparian wetlands within the Site. Construction of the project occurred in early 2018. Baseline hydrology and vegetation sampling was conducted in March 2018. 2.0 MONITORING OBJECTIVES Monitoring activities will follow the guidelines presented in USACE Wilmington District October 2016 Guidance documents and the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP) Monitoring Requirements and Performance Standards for Stream and/or Wetland Mitigation (November 2011) and will be tailored to the Site. The Site will be monitored for seven (7) consecutive years, or if the required success criteria has been met in year five (5), monitoring activities may be terminated if written approval is provided by the USACE. According to the Mitigation Plan issued August 2017, specific objectives for the Site are the following: > Restore the primary wetland functions and values appropriate for this section of the Neuse River Lowlands. > Improve sediment retention and capacity for nutrient removal to offset historic agricultural practices. > Restoration of the attendant hydrologic and biologic functions of a bottomland hardwood forest. > Restore and enhance native bottomland hardwood forest. > Permanently protect existing higher quality bottomland hardwood forest, in addition to the remainder of the project area. creating experiences through experience 1 of 5 �la MCADAMS LOWLANDS YEAR 3 MONITORING REPORT > SPEC-16320 3.0 MONITORING ACTIVITIES AND SUCCESS CRITERIA 3.1 Wetland Hydrology The primary rationale for the approach of restoring wetland hydrology on the Site relies on the comparison of the Site with adjacent reference areas with observable wetland hydrology. Monitoring wells and data loggers installed on the Site, including the adjacent reference wetlands, provide a good indication of the influence of the drainage ditches to the groundwater levels. The comparison suggests that modification of surface water hydrology through ditching and crowning have removed wetland hydrology from the Site. Removal of the Site historic modifications should restore wetland hydrology over time. The data loggers installed in the reference wetlands will be used to help determine the parameters of the restored wetland, such as the proposed grade. Following construction, groundwater hydrology data from reference wetland locations and restoration areas will be compared for the purpose of measuring successful hydrology restoration metrics. Wetland hydrology success will be measured by improvements to the frequency and duration of saturated soils compared to the reference wetlands. Wetland hydrology will be measured daily using (8) installed groundwater data loggers (the location of which can be seen on Figure 2). The data loggers will sample groundwater elevations beneath the soil surface at least once per day throughout the monitoring period. The data loggers will be downloaded on a bimonthly basis during the growing season. The Site contains Leaf soil series which according to the Wetland Saturation Threshold has a saturation/hydroperiod threshold of 10% to 12% of the growing season within 12 inches below the soil surface. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture — Soil Conservation Service Soil Survey of Johnston County, NC there are 232 days per year starting from March 21 through November 8 that are greater than 28 degrees Fahrenheit. Therefore, successful wetland hydrology is defined as saturation of soils within 12 inches of the soil surface for a period equal to or greater than 24 consecutive days (10% of the growing season) within the growing season. The Site has been historically extensively managed for agricultural production. Therefore, for the first two years of monitoring, successful wetland hydrology will be defined as saturation of soils within 12 inches of the soil surface for a period equal to or greater than 19 consecutive days, or 8%, within the growing season. For years 3 through 7, successful wetland hydrology is defined as saturation of soils within 12 inches of the soil surface for a period equal to or greater than 24 consecutive days within the growing season. The restored wetland groundwater data was downloaded and assessed as part of the Year 3 monitoring. The downloaded groundwater data is shown graphically against local precipitation data in Section 6.2 for monitoring locations shown in Figure 2. All the groundwater monitoring locations indicate that the wetland is meeting the minimum success wetland hydrology for the site. The reference groundwater data has also been included in Section 6.2, the location of which can been found on Figure 1. creating experiences through experience 2 of 5 �la MCADAMS LOWLANDS YEAR 3 MONITORING REPORT > SPEC-16320 3.2 Vegetation Prevalent vegetation should consist of species typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. These species should have the ability to grow, compete, reproduce, and persist in anaerobic soil conditions. Vegetation monitoring plots will be established to show that the composition and density of vegetation in the Site compares favorably to the reference areas. The primary focus of the vegetative monitoring will be on the tree stratum, although shrub and herbaceous species encountered may also be recorded. All woody stems, including planted and volunteer species, must be recorded for each fixed and random plot in each monitoring year. Exotic and invasive species should also be recorded; however, they will not count toward success or performance standards. Vegetation planting success criteria will be based on the survival of a minimum density of 320 trees per acre after three (3) years of monitoring. After five (5) years of monitoring, the density should be no less than 260 planted trees per acre. After seven (7) years of monitoring, the density should be no less than 210 trees per acre. In addition, trees must average 10 feet in height in each plot at year seven (7). Vegetation plots will be sampled and reported in years 1, 2, 3, 5, and 7. If the height standard is met and the stem density is trending toward success after five (5) years of monitoring, vegetation monitoring on the Site may be terminated if written approval is provided by the USACE. A combination of eight (8) permanent fixed vegetation monitoring plots and random vegetation monitoring plots are used to demonstrate vegetation coverage. Seven (7) of the plots are fixed plots randomly placed throughout the Project, and one (1) of the vegetation monitoring plots is randomly located each monitoring year. The one (1) random plot may be a different plot type (e.g., circular, transect, etc.), but should be the same size as the fixed plots. The location of the random plot for Year 3 monitoring is shown in Figure 3. Monitoring Year 3 field activities were conducted on November 5, 10, 19, and 27, 2020. Monitoring methodologies followed the vegetation monitoring requirements specified in the USACE Wilmington District Stream and Wetland Compensatory Mitigation Update released on October 24, 2016. All seven (7) permanent fixed vegetation monitoring plots installed by McAdams were located during Monitoring Year 3. Figure 3 (Section 5.0) depicts the location of the seven (7) permanent fixed and one (1) random vegetation monitoring plots. Plant species, density, survival rates and the cause of mortality, if identifiable, were recorded for each vegetation monitoring plot. Additionally, six (6) supplemental vegetation plots were sampled within the Enhancement area on April 21, 2021. The supplemental plots were each approximately 100 square meters in size and were randomly located throughout the Enhancement area. Planted stems were identified and measured within each supplemental plot to gain a better understanding of planted stem survival rates within the Enhancement area. Tables 1, 2 and 3 (Section 6.3) summarize the Year 3 vegetation monitoring data and results. Table 1A provides a success summary for vegetation monitoring plots 1 through 8 and Table 1B creating experiences through experience 3 of 5 �la MCADAMS LOWLANDS YEAR 3 MONITORING REPORT > SPEC-16320 provides a success summary for the supplemental plots (9 through 14) sampled in MY3 only. Table 2A provides a planted and volunteer stem total for vegetation plots 1 through 8 and Table 2B provides a planted stem total the supplemental plots. Table 3 provides a summary of planted and volunteer stem survival as compared to the As -Built for plots 1 through 8. Photographs showing the general vegetation condition across the mitigation site are provided in Section 6.1. The locations of the photo stations and vegetation plots are shown in Figure 3. Vegetation Monitoring Plot Data Sheets are provided in Section 6.3. Each Vegetation Monitoring Plot Data Sheet provides the height, location and age based on year planted or first observed of each woody stem within the plot. In Monitoring Year 3, vegetation monitoring plots 1 through 8 encompassed 0.61 acres and contained 385 planted stems, which yielded a density of 631 planted stems per acre. The planted stem density in the vegetation monitoring plots ranged from 200 to 1,800 stems per acre. All plots except plot 7 met the interim vegetation monitoring criteria of 320 stems per acre after three years of monitoring. Plot 7 has failed to meet the interim success criteria in all three years of monitoring. It has been noted in previous years that possible factors contributing to the low stem counts in Plot 7 are that many of the existing tree species in this plot are not on the approved planting list and thus they cannot be counted toward success, and that the young, planted stems may have been obscured by the taller existing vegetation, making them difficult to find or preventing their survival. The six supplemental plots (Plots 9 through 14) were randomly distributed throughout the Enhancement area on April 21, 2021 to determine whether the low stem counts observed in Plot 7 in monitoring years 1 through 3 is a localized survival issue centered around Plot 7 or whether it is a more widespread phenomenon throughout the Enhancement area. McAdams staff completed vegetation monitoring of planted trees in the six supplemental plots placed randomly in the Enhancement area on April 21, 2021. Two of the supplemental plots (Plots 9 and 14) did not meet the interim target density of 320 trees per acre after three years of monitoring. Of the remaining four plots, Plots 12 and 13 exceeded the target density by only 24 and four stems per acre, respectively. Plots 10 and 11 met the interim target density with 405 and 486 stems per acre, respectively. Because the four plots that failed to meet or barely met the interim target density are distributed relatively evenly across the Enhancement area, remedial planting is recommended throughout the entire Enhancement area to ensure that the Enhancement area will meet the final target stem density after seven years of monitoring. creating experiences through experience 4 of 5 �l MCADAMS LOWLANDS YEAR 3 MONITORING REPORT > SPEC-16320 4.0 REFERENCES Lee Michael T., Peet Robert K., Roberts Steven D., and Wentworth Thomas R. 2008. CVS-EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation Level. Version 4.2. North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP) November 7, 2011. Monitoring Requirements and Performance Standards for Stream and/or Wetland Mitigation. The John R. McAdams Company, Inc. August 2017. Mitigation Plan, Lowlands Mitigation Site. US Army Corps of Engineers. October 2008. Regulatory Guidance Letter No. 08-03. creating experiences through experience 5 of 5 5.0 FIGURES LOWLANDS YEAR 3 MONITORING REPORT SPEC-16320 Mitigation Type Location Acrage Mitigation Factor Wetland Mitigation Units Wetland Type Re-establishement Ag. Field 22.0 1:1 22.00 Riparian C.E. 1.1 2:1 0.55 Riparian Enhancement Area 1 14.3 3:1 4.77 Non -riparian Area 2 5.1 3:1 1.70 Riparian Preservation - 22.8 5:1 4.56 Non -riparian Upland/Non-credit - 5.9 - - - Riparian: 28.2 - 24.25 - Non -riparian: 37.1 - 9.33 - TOTAL: - 71.2 - 33.58* - Legend GMONITORING WELL n SPEC16320_Option A - 12 acres FUTURE ACP FUTURE ACP TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ACCESS CMP 4) RCP 2-FT CONTOURS DITCH OPEN WATER n PROJECT AREA ACTIVE CROPLAND (PRIOR CONVERTED) HYDRIC SOIL CROWN SLIGHT CROWN Ud UP/Ud UPLAND SOIL UPLAND SOIL - HYDRIC AT DEPTH PF01 Note: Project Area depicted based on GIS, see construction for verified acreages. N FIGURE 1: WETLAND MITIGATION CONCEPT PLAN LOWLANDS MITIGATION SITE - AUGUST 17, 2017 CLE4RW4TER l47TIGATION SOLUTIONS 1 0 150 300 600 Feet 1 inch=300feet JOHNSTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA MCADAMS CONSTRUCTION LEGEND: 0 TOW GSE TOS BOS SHEPARD D.B. 3883, PG. 355 PROPERTY LINE PER P.B. 80, PG. 41 `-101IIIIII1 S01 °12'06"W 90.93' vLO (TIE DOWN) WELL 1 TOW=110.52' SSE=107.88' J DITCH - FILLED UP ORIGIN POINT ON VEGGIE PLOTS VEGGIE PLOT WELL TOP OF WELL ELEVATION GROUND SHOT ELEVATION TOP OF SPILLWAY ELEVATION BOTTOM OF SPILLWAY ELEVATION BOTTOM OF SPILLWAY ELEVATION NOTE: L40AND L41 ARE LOCATED ON THE SOUTHERN EDGE OF THE 30' DUKE -ENERGY EASEMENT �O P RIB 30' DUKE -ENERGY EASEMENT (15' ON EACH SIDE OF UTILITY LINE (UTILITY LINE NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY) STEWART D.B. 4934, PG. 113 N01 °09'18"E 30.33' (TIE DOWN) RHODES D.B. 2344 PG. 794 EPK Iiiiii�iiiiii,E I P,�' �'' IBINInAjUIlllllllllllll�iiinm�viiii MM L L41 40 O 1-3S ACCESS EASEMENT 1 NEW 15' WIDE NON-EXCLUSIVE ACCESS EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS & REGRESS AND FUTURE UTILITY EASEMENT TO BE CONVEYED TO CLEARWATER HOLDINGS I, LLC. (AREA = 0.04 ACRES± BY COORDINATE COMPUTATION) STEWART D.B. 4934, PG. 113 STEWART D.B. 4934, PG. 113 CONSERVATION EASEMENT AREA 5 4.31 ACRES DITCH 3 (FILLED UP) v L32 10' PROPOSED PERMANENT GROUND BED EASEMENT (FOR ATLANTIC COAST PIPELINE, LLC) PER D.B. 4940, PG 820-824 CONSERVATION EASEMENT AREA 4 12.15 ACRES 50' PROPOSED PERMANENT RIGHT-OF-WAY (FOR ATLANTIC COAST PIPELINE, LLC) PER D.B. 4940, PG 820-824 J 46 L52 L47 J N01°12'06"E 102.80' (TIE DOWN) RHODES D.B. 2344 PG. 794 CONSERVATION EASEMENT AREA 2 I 7.44 ACRES DITCH (FILLED UP) 50' PROPOSED PERMANENT RIGHT-OF-WAY (FOR ATLANTIC COAST PIPELINE, LLC) PER D.B. 4993, PG 872-880 N65°05'58"E 62.54' (TIE DOWN) N75°56'50"E \I 169.90' (TIE DOWN) NP. N Ix g",\c , �`I. nI Q l60 V` WELL 2 TOW=110.59' GSE=107.99' "-NC GRID COORDINATE N=608,831.1354' E=2,194, 367.9188' ISS, REFERENCE POINT ONLY (SUITABLE FOR GPS OBSERVATION) DITCH 2 (FILLED UP) WELL 7 TOW=109.62' GSE=106.91' MATURE WOODLINE (TYPICAL) CONSERVATION EASEMENT AREA 1 45.57ACRES FIGURE 2. BASELINE MONITORING EXHIBIT DITCH 1 (FILLED UP) WELL 6 TOW=108.88' GSE=105.98' SHEPARD D.B. 3883, PG. 355 AA AA WELL 3 TOW=109.10' GSE=106.28' RHODES D.B. 2344 PG. 794 EXISTING SPILLWAY TOS = 106.42' BOS = 103.97' WELL 5 TOW=110.19' GSE=107.77' N/F ALLEN EPP O N/F STANFIELD S18°34'44"W 175.23' (TIE DOWN) KNIGHT D.B. 2343, PG. 210 EXISTING 36" CMP KNIGHT D.B. 2621, PG. 199 KNIGHT D.B. 2567, PG. 970 EXISTING SPILLYNAY TOS = 106.19' BOS = 103.20' 0 GENERAL NOTES ELEVATIONS ARE REFERENCED TO NAVD 1988 COORDINATES ARE REFERENCED TO NAD'83(2011) 100 1 " = 200' 200 200 iu NRS C � W M C n EO N 6 0 V m 3 C = Z N 0 O u, .2) U W0) N o rn c17, J E 533 C7 rn it Q 0 / /°)0 <a)77 -a1 N PERMIT - SEAL "PRELIMINARY PLAT" NOT FOR RECORDATION, CONVEYANCES OR SALES U DRAWN BY: FGR DATE: 03/15/18 SURVEYED BY: J.A.R. DWG. NO. CMS234AB18 SHEET 3 OF 3 LEGEND Permanent Vegetation Plots Conservation Easement O MY3 Supplemental Vegetation Plots (4/21/2021) • Photo Stations Planting Zones 1��/, Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Figure 3. Year 3 Vegetation Monitoring Exhibit Lowlands Mitigation Site Johnston County, NC 1 0 150 300 Feet 1 inch = 300 feet VERSION: 1 DATE: 5/11/2021 JOB NO: SPEC-16320 DRAWN BY: pierzga MCADAMS X:\Projects\SPEC\SPEC-16320\Storm\Monitoring\MY3\Vegetation Monitoring\Vegetation Monitoring Figure -Add Plots.mxd, 5/11/2021 4:53:20 PM, pierzga 6.0 YEAR 3 MONITORING DATA LOWLANDS YEAR 3 MONITORING REPORT SPEC-16320 6.1 PHOTO STATIONS LOWLANDS YEAR 3 MONITORING REPORT SPEC-16320 �la MCADAMS Lowlands Wetland Mitigation Site Photos taken November 5, 10, 19, & 27, 2020 Photo Station 1— Photo 1 (facing 165°S) Photo Station 1— Photo 2 (facing 100°E) MY3 PHOTO STATION LOG > SPEC-16320 creating experiences through experience 1 of 4 �J MCADAMS Photo Station 2 — Photo 1 (270°W) Photo Station 2 — Photo 2 (240°SW) MY3 PHOTO STATION LOG > SPEC-16320 creating experiences through experience 2 of 4 �J MCADAMS Photo Station 3 — Photo 1 (300°NW) Photo Station 3 — Photo 2 (220°SW) MY3 PHOTO STATION LOG > SPEC-16320 creating experiences through experience 3 of 4 �J MCADAMS Photo Station 4 — Photo 1 (315°NW) Photo Station 4 — Photo 2 (225°SW) MY3 PHOTO STATION LOG > SPEC-16320 creating experiences through experience 4 of 4 6.2 WETLAND HYDROLOGY LOWLANDS YEAR 3 MONITORING REPORT SPEC-16320 Restoration Monitoring Well Summary Lowlands Mitigation Site Ground Elevation (ft) MY1 - 2018 MY2 - 2019 MY3 - 2020 MY4 - 2021 MY5 - 2022 MY6 - 2023 MY7 - 2024 Notes Monitoring wells with criteria met 100.00% 100.00% 87.50% Monitoring Well MW1 107.88 Consecutive days within ranger 232 232 232 % of growing season2 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% Criteria met?3 Y Y Y Monitoring Well MW2 107.99 Consecutive days within range' 232 232 232 % of growing season2 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% Criteria met?3 Y Y Y Monitoring Well MW3 106.28 Consecutive days within range' 232 232 232 % of growing season2 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% Criteria met?3 Y Y Y Monitoring Well MW4* 108.48 Consecutive days within range' 232 67 229 % of growing season2 100.00% 28.88% 98.71% Criteria met?3 Y Y Y Monitoring Well MW5* 107.77 Consecutive days within range' 232 185 232 % of growing season2 100.00% 79.74% 100.00% Criteria met?3 Y Y Y Monitoring Well MW6 105.98 Consecutive days within range' 232 232 232 % of growing season2 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% Criteria met?3 Y Y Y Monitoring Well MW7 106.91 Consecutive days within range' 232 179 56 % of growing season2 100.00% 77.16% 24.14% Criteria met?3 Y Y Y Monitoring Well MW8* 108.87 Consecutive days within range' 232 161 232 % of growing season2 100.00% 69.40% 100.00% Criteria met?3 Y Y Y 1The US Army Corps of Engineers states that the range is within 12 inches of the soil surface 2The growing season for the site is 232 days long 3Successful wetland hydrology criteria is defined as saturation of soils within range for a period equal to or greater than 19 consecutive days (8%), within the growing season, for the first two years of monitoring and 24 consecutive days (10%), within the growing season, for years 3-7 *Denotes monitoring well is upland m CC 7.00 - 6.00 5.00 - 4.00 - 3.00 - 2.00 - 1.00 - 0.00 Lowlands MW 1 Serial #10777571 Groundwater Elevation Ground Elevation - - - Wetland Criteria .Growing Season Rainfall I 1 \\Y\1C I - 111.00 - 110.00 - 109.00 - 108.00 - 107.00^ c 0 0i - 106.00 w - 105.00 - 104.00 - 103.00 m 01 01 a1 01 of o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .-I -1 e-I e-1 a -I .-I .-I N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N O O 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N OD 011 M N- N cr W ,-i Ln a) O\1 G 0000 e\1 00 al 01 M LDD O .0 CO00c1 00 011 N LOO O V N- .—II Ln a) N - - . \ N \ . \ N \ \ \ \ \ \ 0 \ l0 -. I, \ 00 \ \ \ \ - \ .—I-1 \ N \ --I 0 O e-I a -I e-I N .--I N N 00 M V V Ln l0 N CO 00 01 01 0 0 e-I .--I e-I N .-I .-I .-I e-1 - .-I .-I .--1 Date 102.00 Rainfall Groundwater Elevation Lowlands MW 2 Serial #10766137 Ground Elevation Wetland Criteria Growing Season --NIA:vr4L,\Ol\\11 �I J '1. oh lld 1.11 L 1 0 N 0 ti 0 rl CT al -- O 0 N N \ \ 00 r` • N 0 0 N N 1 0 0 c-I 0 0 CO ti 0 0 N 0 0 N 0 0 01 N N 0 0 M 0 0 CO M 0 0 00 1n 0 0 N Date 0 0 Lu 0 0 O 00 0 0 00 n 000000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 \ 0 \ \ \ \ n 00 c-I 01 01 N l0 0 00 \ 00 \ \ \ \ \ \ . 0 - n 00 00 01 01 0 0 0,1 0 1-1 N \-I a -I 0 0 001 T N 111.00 110.00 109.00 108.00 107.00 106.00 105.00 104.00 103.00 102.00 101.00 0 0 03 v w 7.00 - 6.00 5.00 - 4.00 m z 3.00 - 2.00 1.00 - 0.00 Y m ti N ti O O O O NNNN \ \ - N o o M O O Lowlands MW 3 Serial #10765474 Groundwater Elevation Ground Elevation — — — Wetland Criteria ,Growing Season Rainfall do i LI lhl i u L.A.' IIIILL 4 O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 O O O 0 0 O O \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ CO • \ a• -i ▪ N ..-I N .--I • N ▪ \ .• -I N N M rn G V O O 0 0 - \ \ 00 In Date O O 0 0 \ N \ n 00 O O 0 0 0 0 \ \ \ N 00 \ \ 00 00 9/12/2020 9/26/2020 - N O O O O 0 NNINNN • N \ N O O ti e-I c i e-I - 109.00 - 108.00 - 107.00 - 106.00 - 105.00 .2 is v w - 104.00 - 103.00 - 102.00 N N ON N 0l N N -1 101.00 7.00 - Lowlands MW 4 Serial #10777570 Groundwater Elevation Ground Elevation - - - Wetland Criteria Growing Season Rainfall 6.00 - 5.00 - 4.00 - w 3.00 - 2.00 - 1.00 0.00 pLA_ 11 I I V\A\ f� al a1 01 a1 N 01 O O 00 O O O O O 00 O O O O O O O 00 O O O O O O .--1 -1 .-1 -1 .-1 .-1 -1 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N O 0 O 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N ID 0011 M r -i V 0\0 .. Ln 0011 V 0000 .. LL.n a\1 M l\0 O V CO\..1 11 a\1 N l\0 O N .1 L\fl 01 N .--1 N \ N \ N \ .-1 \ .-1 N .-1 N .--1 N \ N \ N \ - - .--1 N .-1 N .-1 N \ N \ .--1 - \ \ .'-1 \ N \ .-1 \ N \ \ \ \ \ \ In \ l0 \ r- \ 00 \ \ \ \ \ \ - \ N \ .-1 0 0 .-1 .--1 .H N c-1 N N M M V 'a 1n l0 N. 00 00 01 01 O O .-1 c-1 .-1 N .1 .1 .1 .1 .-1 .1 . .1 Date 118.00 117.00 116.00 115.00 114.00 113.00 112.00 111.00 0 110.00 v w 109.00 108.00 107.00 106.00 105.00 104.00 103.00 7 6 5 4 cc c .(0 cc 3 2 1 0 — O N N O cy Groundwater Elevation 1\,\i,\AP4rA: ILA Lowlands MW 5 Serial #20284994 Ground Elevation - - - Wetland Criteria Growing Season Rainfall \\1\\J al 01 01 01 01 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O e-I .-I .--I c-I e-I NNNNN NNN NNINNN N O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N t\0 T 01 n c\'I V 0000 c\-1 t 1 001 V CO0000 t\A CA M 000 O V ▪ c\-I \ N \ c-1 \ N N. \ \ N. \ N. tf . \ N o .-I .-1 . N c-1 N N 0101V V 00 lD - .-1 .-I Date O O O O O O O O O O O O c-I NNNNNNNNNIN N N N O O O O O O O O O O O O O N N N N N N N N N N N N N CO\c\'I M 0011 N t\0 O V n c\-I 00 ▪ T N c-I \ c-1 N c-I N c-I N N-N \ c-1 00 \ \ \ \ \ \ c-I \ N \ .-i N CO CO 01 01 0 0 c-1 .-I .-1 N ci c-1 c-I ci 110.00 109.00 108.00 107.00 106.00 cc 0i w 105.00 104.00 103.00 102.00 7.00 6.00 5.00 4.00 - m CC Groundwater Elevation Lowlands MW 6 Serial #20284995 Ground Elevation Wetland Criteria —Growing Season Rainfall 3.00 - 2.00 - 1.00 - 0.00 i I 1 I r 11 ! 111 h. Il L..11.1. II I l li I,l 11 11.0 .1 CO 1-1 c�-I c1-I c�-I c�-I c1-I O O 0 0 0 0 NJ NI IN IN NI 1,1 NI lD 01 m N. .—I N NI O O c-I c-I c-I N .-i .-i c-I c-I O O 1 c-I O 0 0 O O O 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O 0 0 O N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N CO .\-I V\1 01 Tr- 00 .\-1 V\1 01 CO LID 0 00 00 .. 00 DIN LID O V N—, c-1 \ c-I N c-I N .—I N — N — N c-1 \ c-I N c-I N .-1 N — N N \ \ -.L.., -.L.., \ \ v. \ lD . N. \ 00 . . . . . \ c'I c-1 N N CO CO V V 01 lD r 00 00 01 01 O O .--I .-I Date ~ ~ 1 0 O N 111.00 110.00 109.00 108.00 107.00 (13 O N 106.00 w 105.00 104.00 103.00 102.00 7.00 - 6.00 5.00 4.00 - .(0 cc 3.00 - 2.00 1.00 - 0.00 II II In al al0 m m� 0 0 0 0 e-I e-I c-I rl ,--I .-I N N N N O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e--I N ID \ ▪ N \ ▪ N \ co \ e-I O O ▪ e-I r, ▪ r, N e\-I N N ci ci eV e-I Lowlands MW 7 Serial #20284996 Groundwater Elevation • - Ground Elevation — Wetland Criteria 0 0 CV CO m 0 CV 0 0 0 00 Date o 0 0 N N N O O 0 0 \ N l0 0 0 W 0 CV 0 CO Growing Season Rainfall 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NNNNNNNNO O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NNNNNNNNN \ ▪ N \ \ \ \ e▪ \-I ▪ N CO 00 al al 0 0 i e-I - 109.00 - 108.00 - 107.00 - 106.00 - 104.00 - 103.00 - 102.00 101.00 ON N O 0 \ N e1 w 7 6 4 c c .(0 re 3 2 1 0 10/12/2019 , Groundwater Elevation .-1 m N ti ti O O 0 0 0 CO O▪ N01... 1 m N. .. \ - . N \ O c-I ci c-1 N c-1 c-1 r-I I II LI i Lowlands MW 8 Serial #20284997 Ground Elevation — — — Wetland Criteria _ L 1 NO 0 NO 0 0 0 0 O OO O 0 O 0 O O a 00 - ▪ O v 000 ti Ln .-11 % N \ \ \ ▪ \ \ \ c-I N N M rn V 00 Growing Season Rainfall \\\\\k\ i\\\\ I I I J. i• I AAA, ,L O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7-1 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N \01V▪ I tOO 0 CO00 1/1 O1 N CD 0 00 ▪ � N - 01 N O1 m \ 0 \ N\ 00 —. \ \ ▪ \ \I \ .\-1 \ N c\-I V1 l0 I. 00 00 (7l 01 O 0 c-1 .-I c1 N c-I c1 c-I c-1 Date 111.00 110.00 109.00 108.00 107.00 0 0) 106.00 w 105.00 104.00 103.00 102.00 6.3 VEGETATION • LOWLANDS YEAR 3 MONITORING REPORT SPEC-16320 Table 1A. Vegetation Plot Mitigation Success Summary Table Lowlands Mitigation Site Johnston County, NC MY3 vegetation data collection: November 5, 10, 19 & 27, 2020 McAdams Project #: SPEC-16320 Vegetation Plot ID Vegetation Density Threshold Met?* Vegetation Height Requirement Met?** 1 Yes No 2 Yes No 3 Yes No 4 Yes No 5 Yes No 6 Yes No 7 No No 8 Yes No Mean 88% 0% * Target density is a minimum of 320 trees per acre after three years of monitoring, 260 trees per acre after five years of monitoring, and 210 trees per acre after seven years of monitoring. For any tree stem to count toward success it may be either planted or volunteer, but it must be a species from the approved planting list included in the Mitigation Plan. **Trees in each plot must average seven feet (84 inches) at year five and ten feet (120 inches) at year seven. Table 1B. Supplemental Vegetation Plot Mitigation Success Summary Table Lowlands Mitigation Site Johnston County, NC Monitoring Year 3 supplemental data collection: April 21, 2021 McAdams Project #: SPEC-16320 Vegetation Plot ID Vegetation Density Threshold Met?* Vegetation Height Requirement Met?** 9 No No 10 Yes No 11 Yes No 12 Yes No 13 Yes No 14 No No Mean 88% 0% * Target density is a minimum of 320 trees per acre after three years of monitoring, 260 trees per acre after five years of monitoring, and 210 trees per acre after seven years of monitoring. For any tree stem to count toward success it may be either planted or volunteer, but it must be a species from the approved planting list included in the Mitigation Plan. **Trees in each plot must average seven feet (84 inches) at year five and ten feet (120 inches) at year seven. Table 2A. Planted and Volunteer Stem Count by Vegation Plot Lowlands Mitigation Site Johnston County, NC MY3 vegetation data collection: November 5, 10, 19 & 27, 2020 McAdams Project #: SPEC-16320 Scientific Name Common Name Species Type Planted and Volunteer Stems Annual Totals VP-1 VP-2 VP-3 VP-4 VP-5 VP-6 VP-7 VP-8 MY-3 (Dec. 2020) MY-2 (Dec. 2019) MY-1 (Nov. 2018) As -built (Mar. 2018) Betula nigra river birch tree 12 5 19 11 10 2 5 64 63 57 65 Cephalanthus occidentalis buttonbush shrub 21 4 1 26 27 27 29* Cercis canadensis eastern red bud small tree 2 1 2 5 6 6 0 Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash tree 2 45 34 1 9 7 98 93 95 98 Nyssa sylvatica black gum tree 9 14 9 2 6 40 38 31 49 Quercus michauxii swamp chestnut oak tree 4 4 3 6 2 Quercus nigra water oak tree 7 1 12 26 6 2 2 56 61 56 39 Quercus phellos willow oak tree 6 12 7 11 5 5 1 1 48 47 42 10 Quercus sp. oak species tree 2 3 1 6 8 3 65 Taxodium distichum bald cypress tree 14 11 4 9 38 38 36 39 Stem Count Total 36 102 76 67 55 17 24 8 385 384 360 396* Size of Vegetation Plot (acres) 0.02 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.05 0.12 0.02 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.59 Number of Different Species 5 8 5 7 8 6 5 3 9 9 9 9 Average height (inches) 72 40 60 72 47 63 33 58 56 38 21 N/A Stems Per Acre 1800 1020 760 670 550 340 200 400 631 630 590 674* Total CE Area = 71.2 acres *Corrections made to As -built data in MY1 Table 2B. Planted Stem Count - Supplemental Vegation Plots Lowlands Mitigation Site Johnston County, NC MY3 supplemental data collection: April 21, 2021 McAdams Project #: SPEC-16320 Scientific Name Common Name Species Type Planted Stems VP-9 VP-10 VP-11 VP-12 VP-13 VP-14 Betula nigra river birch tree 3 Cephalanthus occidentalis buttonbush shrub 3 Cercis canadensis eastern red bud small tree Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash tree 2 1 2 Nyssa sylvatica black gum tree 1 7 2 3 2 Quercus michauxii swamp chestnut oak tree 1 1 Quercus nigra water oak tree 1 Quercus phellos willow oak tree 4 3 Quercus sp. oak species tree Taxodium distichum bald cypress tree 7 6 Stem Count Total 7 10 12 9 8 3 Size of Vegetation Plot (acres) 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 Number of Different Species 3 2 5 2 4 1 Average height (inches) 72 40 60 72 47 63 Stems Per Acre 283 405 486 364 324 121 Total CE Area = 71.2 acres Table 3. Planted and Volunteer Stem Survival by Vegation Plot Lowlands Mitigation Site Johnston County, NC MY3 vegetation data collection: November 5, 10, 19 & 27, 2020 McAdams Project #: SPEC-16320 VP-1 VP-2 VP-3 VP-4 VP-5 VP-6 VP-7 VP-8 MY3 Stem Count Total 36 102 76 67 55 17 24 8 MY2 Stem Count Total 37 101 77 67 54 I 17 22 9 MY1 Stem Count Total 26 99 78 63 50 12 23 8 As -built Stem Count Total 30 112 86 70 67 7 24 N/A Difference from As -built to MY3 10 3 -2 4 5 5 1 0 Survival Rate 120% 91% 88% 96% 82% 243% 100% N/A Note: Reductions in the number of planted stems are due to species which were deemed "missing" or "dead" at the time of monitoring. One possible explanation for "missing" species is due to thick herbaceous growth obscurring the species from identification. Increases in the number of planted stems may be due to stems that were previously noted as "missing" but are found in subsequent monitoring years, survival of stems which were previously deemed "dead" but were dormant at the time of monitoring and put out new growth in the current monitoring year or the addition of newly identified volunteer stems. Lowlands Wetland Mitigation Site MY3 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 1 Sampling Date: 11/27/2020 Plot Area: 98m2 (-10m x 10m) Plot Type: Fixed X-axis: 220°SW Woody invasive/exotic stem count: 0 Plot notes: Baccharis (-30 stems) -30% Blackberry 25% CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA Stem ID Scientific Name X (m) Y (m) Source (Planted or volunteer) Height (in.) Age (based on year planted or first observed) Notes/ DBH (cm) 1 Quercus nigra (water oak) 0.5 0.9 P 51 3 0.9 2 Quercus phellos (willow oak) 0.8 3.6 P 74 3 0.6 3 Quercus nigra (water oak) 0.2 6.3 P 96 3 0.11 4 Betula nigra (river birch) 2.2 9.2 P 107 3 0.15 5 Quercus nigra (water oak) 1.8 6.5 P 38 3 0.7 6 Betula nigra (river birch) 1.7 5.4 P 92 3 0.9 7 Quercus phellos (willow oak) 2.9 3.9 P 109 3 0.15 8 Betula nigra (river birch) 3.0 2.5 P 66 3 0.4 9 Quercus nigra (water oak) 2.3 1.5 P NA NA Dead 10 Betula nigra (river birch) 3.4 0.1 P NA NA Dead 11 Betula nigra (river birch) 4.3 1.1 P 96 3 1 12 Betula nigra (river birch) 5.2 0.6 P 102 3 1.1 13 Betula nigra (river birch) 6.5 0.6 P 58 3 0.1 14 Betula nigra (river birch) 7.4 2.0 P 39 3 0.5 15 Betula nigra (river birch) 6.3 2.7 P 111 3 1.2 16 Quercus nigra (water oak)* 6.4 2.9 P 41 3 0.5 17 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 8.5 2.9 P 73 3 0.6 18 Betula nigra (river birch) 9.2 2.7 P 80 3 1 19 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 4.2 3.5 P 76 3 0.8 20 Quercus phellos (willow oak) 3.9 7.3 P 72 3 0.5 21 Quercus nigra (water oak)* 4.8 10.0 P 70 3 0.6 22 Quercus nigra (water oak)* 6.6 10.0 P M NA Missing 23 Quercus nigra (water oak)* 7.9 10.0 P 34 1 0.6 (resprout) 24 Quercus phellos (willow oak)* 6.9 7.3 P 64 3 0.4 25 Quercus phellos (willow oak) 6.1 6.5 P 72 3 0.6 26 Betula nigra (river birch) 7.1 5.9 P 102 3 1.2 27 Quercus phellos (willow oak) 8.2 6.4 P 64 3 0.4 28 Quercus nigra (water oak)* 6.9 5.2 P 102 3 0.9 29 Betula nigra (river birch) 9.6 5.9 P 92 3 1.5 30 Betula nigra (river birch) 9.7 7.1 P 90 3 0.6 500 Nyssa sylvatica (black gum) 0.5 8.5 V 63 2 0.4 501 Nyssa sylvatica (black gum) 0.6 8.7 V 51 2 0.6 502 Nyssa sylvatica (black gum) 1.0 8.6 V 49 2 0.9 503 Nyssa sylvatica (black gum) 1.0 8.5 V 47 2 0.11 504 Nyssa sylvatica (black gum) 0.9 8.4 V 33 2 0.7 505 Nyssa sylvatica (black gum) 1.1 9.6 V 69 2 0.7 506 Nyssa sylvatica (black gum) 1.2 10.0 V 76 2 0.26 507 Nyssa sylvatica (black gum) 1.3 9.6 V 63 2 0.4 508 Nyssa sylvatica (black gum) 1.6 8.8 V 63 2 0.5 `Species identified differently in MY2 than in MY1 Coordinates corrected in MY2 Note: those stems with decreased heights assumed to have been foraged. Page 1 Lowlands Wetland Mitigation Site MY3 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 1 Sampling Date: 11/27/2020 10.0 9.0 8.0 7.0 Plot 1 ®0 2© 2© 23 5 O O O 00 1.0 0 O 2.0 3.0 0 0 4.0 5.0 X(m) 6.0 OStem Location X Dead • Missing 7.0 30 8.0 9.0 10.0 Guin Road X (0 0) Plot 1 Y ditch CL rt Page 2 Lowlands Wetland Mitigation Site MY3 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 2A Sampling Date: 11/19/2020 Plot Area: 102m2 (-10m x 10m) Plot Type: Fixed X-axis: Woody invasive/exotic stem count: 0 Plot notes: Volunteers - Ulmus sp. (3); Ulmus americana Betula nigra (1), Ulmus americana CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA Stem ID Scientific Name X (m) Y (m) Source (Planted or volunteer) Height (in.) Age (based on year planted or first observed) Notes/ DBH (cm) 1 Quercus sp. (oak species) 1.2 1.0 P 38 3 1.3 2 Taxodium distichum (bald cypress) 3.8 1.6 P 41 3 1.7 3 Nyssa sylvatica (black gum) 4.8 1.6 P NA NA Dead 4 Cephalanthus occidentalis (buttonbush) 7.5 0.5 P 46 3 1.3 5 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 9.6 0.1 P 61 3 1.2 6 Cephalanthus occidentalis (buttonbush) 9.8 0.9 P 35 3 1.2 7 Nyssa sylvatica (black gum) 9.2 3.0 P NA NA Dead 8 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 9.0 3.1 P 34 3 1.3 9 Quercus nigra (water oak) 6.4 2.2 P 21 3 0.7 10 Cephalanthus occidentalis (buttonbush) 5.6 3.8 P 30 3 0.9 11 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 2.8 3.9 P 47 3 1.7 12 Ulmus americana (American elm)` 1.0 3.9 V 23 2 0.6 13 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 1.1 4.7 P 34 3 1.1 14 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 3.0 4.7 P 39 3 1.3 15 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 5.2 4.7 P 37 3 1.4 16 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 7.4 4.8 P 31 3 1.1 17 Quercus phellos (willow oak) 8.5 5.4 P 53 3 0.8 18 Quercus phellos (willow oak) 6.3 6.5 P 78 3 0.7 19 Quercus phellos (willow oak) 4.5 5.8 P 65 3 0.5 20 Quercus sp. (oak species) 2.4 5.9 P M NA Missing 21 Taxodium distichum (bald cypress) 0.2 5.5 P 29 3 1.2 22 Betula nigra (river birch) 4.6 8.0 P 63 3 0.3 23 Cephalanthus occidentalis (buttonbush) 7.2 8.7 P 27 2 0.7 24 Cephalanthus occidentalis (buttonbush) 8.7 8.1 P 34 3 1.1 25 Quercus phellos (willow oak) 2.4 9.4 P 73 3 0.5 26 Cephalanthus occidentalis (buttonbush) 0.6 9.9 P 29 3 1 `Species identified differently in MY2 than in MY1 Note: those stems with decreased heights assumed to have been foraged. Page 4 Lowlands Wetland Mitigation Site MY3 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 2A Sampling Date: 11/19/2020 >- 10.0 9.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 Plot 2A 25 13 14 15 16 1© 11 10 V 0 9 O 6 0.0 5 0 0 1 0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 X (m) OTree Location X Dead • Missing ditch/channel (0,0) ditch plug Plot 2 tree line i Page 3 Lowlands Wetland Mitigation Site MY3 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 2B Sampling Date: 11/19/2020 Plot Area: 99m2 (-10m x 10m) Plot Type: Fixed X-axis: 75°E Woody invasive/exotic stem count: Plot notes: Volunteers :Ulmus americana (4), Liquidambar styraciflua(1), Ulmus americana (3), Bacharus (2) CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA Stem ID Scientific Name X (m) Y (m) Source (Planted or volunteer) Height (in.) Age (based on year planted or first observed) Notes/ DBH (cm) 27 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 1.3 0.4 P 49 3 2.8 28 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 2.7 0.3 P 40 3 1.4 29 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 3.6 1.7 P 38 3 1.5 30 Betula nigra (river birch) 4.9 1.3 P NA NA Dead 31 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 6.0 2.5 P 37 3 1.3 32 Betula nigra (river birch) 6.5 1.3 P 96 3 1.3 33 Betula nigra (river birch) 8.7 0.0 P 82 3 0.5 34 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 10.0 0.4 P 49 3 1.2 35 Cephalanthus occidentalis (buttonbush) 9.8 2.7 P 38 3 1.8 36 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash)* 8.1 3.0 P 56 3 0.2 37 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 10.0 5.0 P 48 3 1.5 38 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 9.6 5.0 P 68 3 0.8 39 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 7.5 4.8 P 20 3 0.7 40 Cephalanthus occidentalis (buttonbush) 6.9 4.0 P 63 3 0.3 41 Betula nigra (river birch) 3.4 2.3 P NA NA Missing 42 Betula nigra (river birch) 1.8 3.8 P 49 3 1 43 Cercis canadensis (redbud) 0.7 4.2 P 9 3 0.6 (dieback) 44 Betula nigra (river birch) 0.2 5.2 P NA 3 Dead 45 Cephalanthus occidentalis (buttonbush) 3.1 6.4 P 48 3 1.5 46 Cephalanthus occidentalis (buttonbush) 4.2 5.3 P 28 3 1 47 Taxodium distichum (bald cypress) 8.7 6.0 P 54 3 1.9 48 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 9.6 6.6 P 41 3 1.4 49 Taxodium distichum (bald cypress) 7.1 6.6 P 39 3 1.1 50 Nyssa sylvatica (black gum) 6.2 6.9 P NA NA Missing 51 Taxodium distichum (bald cypress) 5.3 7.4 P 27 3 0.8 52 Cephalanthus occidentalis (buttonbush) 1.9 7.4 P 11 3 0.4 53 Cephalanthus occidentalis (buttonbush) 0.2 8.4 P 28 3 0.9 54 Cercis canadensis (redbud) 1.1 9.0 P NA 3 Dead 55 Taxodium distichum (bald cypress) 4.7 8.7 P 36 3 1.4 56 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 8.8 8.5 P 33 3 1.4 57 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 9.8 7.9 P 23 3 1.4 58 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 8.4 9.8 P 26 3 1.1 59 Nyssa sylvatica (black gum) 7.3 8.9 P NA NA Dead 60 Nyssa sylvatica (black gum) 5.2 5.0 P NA NA Missing 61 Cephalanthus occidentalis (buttonbush) 5.0 4.0 P 41 3 1.3 62 Cephalanthus occidentalis (buttonbush) 0.7 0.3 P 22 3 0.9 *Species identified differently in MY2 than in MY1 Note: those stems with decreased heights assumed to have been foraged. Page 5 Lowlands Wetland Mitigation Site MY3 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 2B Sampling Date: 11/19/2020 10.0 9.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 Plot 2B 4j) 60 39 38 37 c) 00 10 20 3 0 4.0 5.0 X (m) 6.0 7 0 OTree Location X Dead • Missing ditch/channel (0,0) 8.0 9 0 10.0 ditch plug Plot 2 tree line iN Page 6 Lowlands Wetland Mitigation Site MY3 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 2C Sampling Date: 11/19/2020 Plot Area: 100m2 (-10m x 10m) Plot Type: Fixed X-axis: 75°E Woody invasive/exotic stem count: Plot notes: Volunteers - Quercus phellos (1), Ulmus sp. (1); Acer rubrum (1), Fraxinus Pennsylvanica (11 CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA Stem ID Scientific Name X (m) Y (m) Source (Planted or volunteer) Height (in.) Age (based on year planted or first observed) Notes/ DBH (cm) 63 Cercis canadensis (redbud) 3.7 0.7 P 21 3 0.6 64 Cephalanthus occidentalis (buttonbush) 3.8 0.9 P 21 3 0.6 65 Cephalanthus occidentalis (buttonbush) 5.5 1.0 P 27 3 0.7 66 Cephalanthus occidentalis (buttonbush) 6.8 0.2 P 27 3 0.7 67 Taxodium distichum (bald cypress) 9.1 1.1 P 25 3 0.5 68 Quercus phellos (willow oak)* 7.1 1.7 P 20 3 0.7 69 Cephalanthus occidentalis (buttonbush) 1.8 2.1 P 25 3 0.6 70 Cephalanthus occidentalis (buttonbush) 0.4 3.3 P 18 3 0.7 71 Taxodium distichum (bald cypress) 5.1 3.0 P 24 3 0.6 72 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 9.2 2.9 P 36 3 1.2 73 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 8.5 4.5 P 33 3 1 74 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 6.4 5.0 P 48 3 1.5 75 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 4.3 5.1 P 32 3 1 76 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 2.3 5.1 P 40 3 1.4 77 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 0.9 4.9 P 38 3 1.4 78 Cephalanthus occidentalis (buttonbush) 1.5 6.7 P NA NA Missing 79 Taxodium distichum (bald cypress) 4.0 7.8 P 29 3 1.4 80 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 5.6 6.7 P 40 3 1.3 81 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 6.9 5.6 P 31 3 1.2 82 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 8.8 7.1 P 56 3 0.5 83 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 9.8 3.9 P 22 3 0.9 84 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 7.7 8.3 P 41 3 1.7 85 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 2.3 9.3 P 30 3 1 86 Cephalanthus occidentalis (buttonbush) 2.6 5.5 P 28 3 1.2 501 Cephalanthus occidentalis (buttonbush) 0.4 8.0 P 27 3 0.9 *Species identified differently in MY3 than in MY2 Note: those stems with decreased heights assumed to have been foraged. Page 7 Lowlands Wetland Mitigation Site MY3 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 2C Sampling Date: 11/19/2020 10.0 9.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 Plot 2C 0 • Gir © 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9 0 10.0 X (m) OTree Location • Missing ditch/channel TN ditch plug Page 8 Lowlands Wetland Mitigation Site MY3 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 2D Sampling Date: 11/19/2020 Plot Area: 97m2 (-10m x 10m) Plot Type: Fixed X-axis: 75°E Woody invasive/exotic stem count: Plot notes: 0 CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA Stem ID Scientific Name X (m) Y (m) Source (Planted or volunteer) Height (in.) Age (based on year planted or first observed) Notes/ DBH (cm) 87 Taxodium distichum (bald cypress) 1.0 1.0 P 29 3 1.1 88 Taxodium distichum (bald cypress) 2.6 0.0 P 22 3 0.9 89 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 7.2 0.2 P 38 3 1.4 90 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 9.8 3.0 P 30 3 1.2 91 Taxodium distichum (bald cypress) 8.1 3.0 P 43 2 1.8 92 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 5.6 1.8 P 50 3 1.9 93 Quercus phellos (willow oak) 6.5 3.5 P 90 3 1.2 94 Quercus sp. (oak species) 5.5 2.7 P NA NA Missing 95 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 4.3 2.5 P 54 3 1.4 96 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 2.9 2.6 P 39 3 1.2 97 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 2.3 2.9 P 29 3 1.6 98 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 1.2 2.2 P 30 3 1.3 99 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 1.3 4.0 P 39 3 1.6 100 Quercus phellos (willow oak) 4.8 3.9 P 72 3 1.3 101 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 5.8 4.2 P 49 3 1.6 102 Quercus phellos (willow oak) 8.3 4.2 P 41 3 1.4 103 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 8.2 4.8 P 64 3 0.7 104 Quercus phellos (willow oak) 6.9 5.3 P 70 3 0.4 105 Quercus sp. (oak species) 3.3 5.2 P 53 NA 1.1 106 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 1.6 6.3 P 30 3 1 107 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 0.2 7.1 P 26 2 0.9 108 Quercus phellos (willow oak) 3.5 8.4 P 40 3 1.3 109 Quercus phellos (willow oak) 5.1 6.8 P 33 3 1 110 Taxodium distichum (bald cypress) 7.1 9.0 P 30 3 0.9 111 Taxodium distichum (bald cypress) 8.6 7.8 P 29 3 0.9 112 Quercus sp. (oak species) 5.9 8.6 P NA NA Missing Note: those stems with decreased heights assumed to have been foraged. Page 9 Lowlands Wetland Mitigation Site MY3 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 2D Sampling Date: 11/19/2020 10.0 9.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 £ 5.0 >- 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 00 1.0 20 30 Plot 2D 4.0 50 X (m) 60 OTree Location • Missing 70 80 90 10.0 ditch/channel ditch plug lu IN Page 10 Lowlands Wetland Mitigation Site MY3 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 3A Sampling Date: 11/10/2020 Plot Area: 98m2 (-10m x 10m) Plot Type: Fixed X-axis: 280 ° W Woody invasive/exotic stem count: 0 Plot notes: Volunteers - Acer rubrum (2), Baccharus (2) CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA Stem ID Scientific Name X (m) Y (m) Source (Planted or volunteer) Height (in.) Age (based on year planted or first observed) Notes/ DBH (cm) 1 Quercus nigra (water oak) 1.5 2.7 P 98 3 2 Quercus nigra (water oak) 2.9 3.0 P 35 3 3 Quercus nigra (water oak) 5.0 1.7 P NA NA Dead 4 Quercus nigra (water oak) 6.0 0.5 P 29 3 1 5 Quercus nigra (water oak) 9.2 0.8 P NA NA Dead 6 Quercus nigra (water oak) 4.0 8.0 P 46 3 1.8 7 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 2.0 5.8 P 88 3 1.2 8 Betula nigra (river birch) 8.4 4.1 P 66 3 0.4 9 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 8.4 4.3 P 38 3 1.6 10 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 7.3 4.1 P 74 3 0.9 11 Quercus phellos (willow oak) 3.7 4.0 P 64 3 0.3 12 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 3.7 4.6 P 55 3 0.4 13 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 1.1 5.1 P NA NA Missing 14 Quercus phellos (willow oak) 2.0 4.2 P 105 3 1.6 15 Quercus nigra (water oak) 1.0 3.9 P 39 3 1.4 16 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 2.0 6.7 P 48 3 1.6 17 Quercus nigra (water oak) 8.0 6.9 P 80 3 0.6 18 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 5.0 3.5 P NA NA Missing 19 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 6.0 4.5 P 50 3 2.1 20 Quercus nigra (water oak) 3.0 8.1 P NA NA Missing 21 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 2.5 8.6 P 55 3 0.5 22 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 1.0 8.4 P 56 3 0.4 Coordinates corrected in MY2 Note: those stems with decreased heights assumed to have been foraged. Page 11 Lowlands Wetland Mitigation Site MY3 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 3A Sampling Date: 11/10/2020 10.0 9.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 £ 5.0 >- 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 o O o Plot 3A ® p o o 00 1 0 2.0 o 0 3.0 4.0 5.0 X (m) 6.0 7 0 8 0 9 0 10.0 OTree Location X Dead • Missing doh Guin Road Plot 3 iN Page 12 Lowlands Wetland Mitigation Site MY3 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 3B Sampling Date: 11/10/2020 Plot Area: 99m2 (-10m x 10m) Plot Type: Fixed X-axis: 280°W Woody invasive/exotic stem count: Plot notes: 0 CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA Stem ID Scientific Name X (m) Y (m) Source (Planted or volunteer) Height (in.) Age (based on year planted or first observed) Notes/ DBH (cm) 23 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 3.8 0.3 P 41 3 1.9 24 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 7.5 1.2 P 46 3 1.9 25 Quercus phellos (willow oak) 8.5 0.2 P 72 3 0.5 26 Quercus nigra (water oak) 9.2 1.5 P NA 3 Missing 27 Quercus phellos (willow oak) 6.8 1.4 P 92 3 1 28 Betula nigra (river birch) 4.7 1.5 P 60 3 0.2 29 Betula nigra (river birch) 2.7 1.7 P 34 3 0.8 30 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 2.6 1.4 P 41 3 1.2 31 Betula nigra (river birch) 1.0 2.4 P 96 3 1 32 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 1.2 2.7 P 42 3 2 33 Quercus phellos (willow oak) 3.0 2.7 P 38 3 1.5 34 Betula nigra (river birch) 5.5 1.8 P 59 3 0.2 35 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 4.0 3.1 P 39 3 1.8 36 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 7.5 4.7 P NA 3 Missing 37 Betula nigra (river birch) 7.3 2.8 P NA 1 Missing 38 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 5.5 4.4 P 65 NA 0.9 39 Quercus phellos (willow oak) 3.5 6.3 P 65 3 0.4 40 Betula nigra (river birch) 2.5 4.4 P 24 3 0.7 41 Betula nigra (river birch) 2.5 6.6 P 40 3 1.3 42 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 1.2 5.0 P 78 3 1.1 43 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 0.5 6.1 P 43 3 1.9 44 Betula nigra (river birch) 0.7 9.0 P 105 3 1.3 45 Betula nigra (river birch) 1.3 7.8 P 119 3 1.5 46 Quercus nigra (water oak) 3.1 7.9 P NA NA Dead 47 Betula nigra (river birch) 6.2 7.4 P 63 1 0.3 48 Cephalanthus occidentalis (buttonbush) 6.3 6.6 P 82 3 1 49 Cephalanthus occidentalis (buttonbush) 4.1 9.0 P NA NA Missing 500 Betula nigra (river birch) 3.5 6.1 P 45 3 1.3 Note: those stems with decreased heights assumed to have been foraged. Page 13 Lowlands Wetland Mitigation Site MY3 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 3B Sampling Date: 11 / 10/2020 r 10.0 9.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 Plot 3B 34 28 27 24 23 Q 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9 0 10.0 X (m) OTree Location X Dead • Missing Guin Road doh Plot 3 Page 14 Lowlands Wetland Mitigation Site MY3 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 3C Sampling Date: 11/10/2020 Plot Area: 99m2 (-10m x 10m) Plot Type: Fixed X-axis: 280°W Woody invasive/exotic stem count: 0 Plot notes: Volunteers - Diospyros virginiana; (1), Pinus taeda (2), Baccharus (1) CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA Stem ID Scientific Name X (m) Y (m) Source (Planted or volunteer) Height (in.) Age (based on year planted or first observed) Notes/ DBH (cm) 50 Betula nigra (river birch) 4.5 0.6 P 72 3 0.4 51 Cephalanthus occidentalis (buttonbush) 7.1 1.0 P 76 3 0.5 52 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 5.4 1.8 P 61 3 0.5 53 Betula nigra (river birch) 4.8 1.3 P 54 3 1.7 54 Betula nigra (river birch) 2.3 1.5 P 76 3 0.5 55 Betula nigra (river birch) 1.4 3.7 P 36 3 0.9 56 Betula nigra (river birch) 2.0 3.6 P 50 3 1.9 57 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 4.0 3.1 P 61 3 0.5 58 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 8.0 5.0 P 74 3 0.7 59 Cephalanthus occidentalis (buttonbush) 5.9 5.4 P 63 3 0.5 60 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 2.4 4.9 P 27 1 0.8 61 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 1.5 6.9 P 34 3 1.5 62 Quercus nigra (water oak) 0.5 6.3 P 79 3 0.9 63 Quercus nigra (water oak) 1.0 9.0 P 45 3 1.5 64 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 2.4 9.1 P 30 3 1.6 65 Quercus nigra (water oak) 4.0 6.6 P NA 3 Missing Coordinates corrected in MY2 Note: those stems with decreased heights assumed to have been foraged. Page 15 Lowlands Wetland Mitigation Site MY3 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 3C Sampling Date: 11/10/2020 >- 10.0 9.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 Plot 3C o o 0 00 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 X (m) OTree Location • Missing 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 doh Guin Road Plot 3 iN Page 16 Lowlands Wetland Mitigation Site MY3 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 3D Sampling Date: 11/10/2020 Plot Area: 99m2 (-10m x 10m) Plot Type: Fixed X-axis: 280 ° W Woody invasive/exotic stem count: 0 Plot notes: Volunteers: Typha sp. CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA Stem ID Scientific Name X (m) Y (m) Source (Planted or volunteer) Height (in.) Age (based on year planted or first observed) Notes/ dbh (cm) 66 Cephalanthus occidentalis (buttonbush) 1.8 0.5 P 98 3 1.3 67 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 4.1 0.5 P 47 3 2.1 68 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 9.4 0.2 P 52 3 1.9 69 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 9.2 0.5 P 48 3 1.5 70 Betula nigra (river birch) 8.0 1.0 P 39 3 0.9 71 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 6.2 1.8 P 32 3 0.8 72 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 4.6 2.0 P 58 3 0.9 73 Quercus nigra (water oak) 3.1 2.5 P 66 3 0.6 74 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 2.4 2.3 P 65 3 1.1 75 Quercus nigra (water oak) 1.0 4.6 P 80 3 0.9 76 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 3.1 4.4 P 54 3 2 77 Betula nigra (river birch) 6.1 4.8 P 90 3 1 78 Betula nigra (river birch) 5.2 7.5 P 86 3 1 79 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 3.8 7.9 P 61 3 0.8 80 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 2.2 6.9 P 38 3 Die back 1.5 81 Quercus phellos (willow oak) 2.0 6.4 P 62 3 0.3 82 Quercus nigra (water oak) 0.8 6.4 P 111 3 0.8 83 Quercus nigra (water oak) 0.0 8.1 P 105 3 1.1 84 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 1.5 8.8 P 44 3 1.7 85 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 3.9 5.9 P 39 3 1.4 86 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 4.2 3.5 P 45 3 1.5 501 Cephalanthus occidentalis (buttonbush) 3.2 4.5 P NA NA Dead Note: those stems with decreased heights assumed to have been foraged. Page 17 Lowlands Wetland Mitigation Site MY3 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 3D Sampling Date: 11/10/2020 >- 10.0 9.0 8.0( 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 Plot 3D 00 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 X (m) OTree Location X Dead 6.0 70 80 9.0 10.0 doh Guin Road Plot 3 IN Page 18 Lowlands Wetland Mitigation Site MY3 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 4A Sampling Date: 11/10/2020 Plot Area: 99m2 (-10m x 10m) Plot Type: Fixed X-axis: 290°W Woody invasive/exotic stem count: 0 Plot notes: Volunteers: Diospyros virginiana (1), Ulmus sp. (1), Baccharrus sp. (1) CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA Stem ID Scientific Name X (m) Y (m) Source (Planted or volunteer) Height (in.) Age (based on year planted or first observed) Notes/ DBH (cm) 1 Nyssa sylvatica (black gum) 1.7 1.2 P NA NA Dead 2 Nyssa sylvatica (black gum) 3.8 0.4 P NA NA Dead 3 Quercus phellos (willow oak) 5.9 1.8 P 137 3 2.1 4 Quercus nigra (water oak) 8.1 1.7 P 94 3 3 5 Quercus phellos (willow oak) 9.8 0.8 P 91 3 1.4 6 Quercus phellos (willow oak) 3.8 2.6 P 100 3 1.6 7 Quercus phellos (willow oak) 2.4 3.0 P 100 3 1.5 8 Quercus phellos (willow oak) 0.1 2.6 P 109 3 2.1 9 Quercus nigra (water oak) 1.5 6.9 P 52 2 0.9 10 Betula nigra (river birch) 3.6 6.7 P 111 3 2.4 11 Betula nigra (river birch) 5.4 6.7 P 113 3 2 12 Quercus nigra (water oak) 7.1 6.6 P 102 3 1.9 13 Quercus nigra (water oak) 8.3 6.6 P 113 3 2.7 14 Betula nigra (river birch) 9.8 6.2 P 98 3 1.3 15 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 9.7 7.7 P 79 3 1.2 16 Betula nigra (river birch) 7.6 8.8 P 96 2 1.9 17 Quercus nigra (water oak) 5.7 9.3 P 84 3 1.3 18 Quercus nigra (water oak) 4.5 10.0 P NA NA Missing 19 Quercus nigra (water oak) 0.8 9.0 P 82 3 0.8 20 Quercus nigra (water oak) 7.6 10.5 P NA 3 Missing 21 Quercus phellos (willow oak) 8.3 10.2 P 82 3 1.2 22 Betula nigra (river birch) 9.9 8.7 P 111 3 1.8 23 Quercus nigra (water oak) 8.4 10.0 P 74 3 0.6 500 Quercus falcata (southern red oak) 5.3 1.3 V 56 2 0.4 501 Quercus falcata (southern red oak) 4.9 2.6 V 68 2 0.8 502 Quercus phellos (willow oak) 9.2 9.3 P 78 2 0.9 Note: those stems with decreased heights assumed to have been foraged. Page 19 Lowlands Wetland Mitigation Site MY3 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 4A Sampling Date: 11/10/2020 10.0 9.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 00 10 2 0 3.0 Gull') Road Plot 4A 18 17 16 10 11 12 13 6 x 4.0 5.0 X (m) 6.0 14 OTree Location X Dead • Missing Plot 4 7.0 8.0 farm road 9.0 10.0 i. Page 20 Lowlands Wetland Mitigation Site MY3 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 4B Sampling Date: 11/10/2020 Plot Area: 101m2 (-10m x 10m) Plot Type: Fixed X-axis: 290 ° W Woody invasive/exotic stem count: 0 Plot notes: Volunteers: Acer rubrum (10), Baccharus sp. CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA Stem ID Scientific Name X (m) Y (m) Source (Planted or volunteer) Height (in.) Age (based on year planted or first observed) Notes/ DBH (cm) 24 Betula nigra (river birch) 1.6 3.4 P 58 3 0.2 25 Betula nigra (river birch) 3.7 3.3 P 96 3 1.1 26 Betula nigra (river birch) 5.7 3.1 P 111 3 2.4 27 Betula nigra (river birch) 7.8 3.3 P 66 3 0.4 28 Quercus nigra (water oak) 8.6 5.2 P 58 3 0.4 29 Quercus nigra (water oak) 7.0 5.4 P 79 3 0.7 30 Quercus nigra (water oak) 4.9 5.7 P 52 3 2.2 31 Betula nigra (river birch) 4.0 6.0 P 68 3 0.4 32 Quercus nigra (water oak) 2.9 5.1 P 66 3 0.7 33 Betula nigra (river birch) 1.7 6.0 P 55 3 0.2 34 Quercus nigra (water oak) 2.7 8.5 P 12 3 0.7 35 Quercus nigra (water oak) 4.4 7.9 P 44 3 1.4 36 Quercus nigra (water oak) 7.2 7.7 P 45 3 1 37 Quercus sp. (oak species) 8.3 8.8 P NA NA Missing 503 Quercus rubra (northern red oak) 5.4 1.6 V 29 2 1.1 Note: those stems with decreased heights assumed to have been foraged. Page 21 Lowlands Wetland Mitigation Site MY3 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 4B Sampling Date: 11/10/2020 10.0 9.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 Plot 4B 34 35 30 36 29) (27 0 0 0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 X (m) OTree Location • Missing Guin Road Plot 4 farm road Page 22 Lowlands Wetland Mitigation Site MY3 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 4C Sampling Date: 11/05/2020 Plot Area: 98m2 (-10m x 10m) Plot Type: Fixed X-axis: 290°W Woody invasive/exotic stem count: 0 Plot notes: Volunteers: Acer rubrum (1) CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA Stem ID Scientific Name X (m) Y (m) Source (Planted or volunteer) Height (in.) Age (based on year planted or first observed) Notes/ DBH (cm) 38 Quercus nigra (water oak)* 0.0 0.5 P 104 3 1.9 39 Quercus nigra (water oak) 3.1 1.5 P 111 3 2.1 40 Quercus phellos (willow oak) 5.6 1.9 P 109 3 1.8 41 Nyssa sylvatica (black gum) 8.5 1.2 P 53 3 1.9 42 Nyssa sylvatica (black gum) 7.9 4.4 P 51 3 1.9 43 Quercus nigra (water oak) 5.4 3.3 P 59 3 2 44 Quercus phellos (willow oak) 5.6 4.4 P 109 3 1.5 45 Quercus nigra (water oak) 2.7 3.6 P 93 3 1.9 46 Quercus nigra (water oak) 1.4 4.6 P 105 3 1.3 47 Quercus nigra (water oak) 4.8 5.3 P 96 3 1.1 48 Quercus nigra (water oak) 6.3 6.1 P 148 3 2.6 49 Nyssa sylvatica (black gum) 7.1 6.1 P 30 3 0.7 50 Quercus phellos (willow oak) 9.6 8.1 P 100 3 1.9 51 Quercus phellos (willow oak)* 7.8 7.3 P 64 3 0.3 52 Nyssa sylvatica (black gum) 5.9 7.4 P NA NA Dead 53 Quercus nigra (water oak) 3.4 6.8 P 111 3 2 54 Quercus nigra (water oak) 1.6 7.5 P 102 3 1.4 55 Nyssa sylvatica (black gum) 1.8 9.9 P 23 3 0.8 56 Nyssa sylvatica (black gum) 3.6 8.9 P 57 3 0.4 57 Nyssa sylvatica (black gum) 4.9 8.6 P 56 3 0.4 58 Nyssa sylvatica (black gum) 9.6 10.2 P 41 3 0.9 *Species identified differently in MY2 than in MY1 Note: those stems with decreased heights assumed to have been foraged. Page 23 Lowlands Wetland Mitigation Site MY3 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 4C Sampling Date: 11/05/2020 10.0 9.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 E r 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 54 46 0.0 Plot 4C 56 4sa 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 X (m) OTree Location X Dead 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 Page 24 Lowlands Wetland Mitigation Site MY3 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 4D Sampling Date: 11/05/2020 Plot Area: 100m2 (-10m x 10m) Plot Type: Fixed X-axis: 290 ° W Woody invasive/exotic stem count: 0 Volunteers - Populus detoidies (4) Salix Plot notes: nigra (2), Pinus taeda (1), Baccharus sp.(4) Blackberry <2% CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA Stem ID Scientific Name X (m) Y (m) Source (Planted or volunteer) Height (in.) Age (based on year planted or first observed) Notes/ DBH (cm) 59 Nyssa sylvatica (black gum) 0.5 0.6 P 53 3 1.5 60 Nyssa sylvatica (black gum) 2.6 1.3 P 22 3 0.8 61 Nyssa sylvatica (black gum) 4.4 2.6 P 21 3 0.7 62 Nyssa sylvatica (black gum) 6.2 1.5 P 24 3 0.8 63 Nyssa sylvatica (black gum) 7.9 1.3 P 45 1 0.6 64 Quercus nigra (water oak) 8.2 6.8 P 24 3 0.7 65 Nyssa sylvatica (black gum) 6.9 6.7 P 39 1 1 66 Nyssa sylvatica (black gum) 3.7 6.0 P 39 3 0.8 67 Quercus nigra (water oak) 2.4 6.3 P 84 3 1 68 Cercis canadensis (redbud) 1.0 7.0 P 15 3 0.6 69 Quercus nigra (water oak) 7.4 9.5 P 51 3 1.3 70 Nyssa sylvatica (black gum) 9.8 6.6 P NA NA Missing Note: those stems with decreased heights assumed to have been foraged. Page 25 Lowlands Wetland Mitigation Site MY3 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 4D Sampling Date: 11/05/2020 10.0 9.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 I } 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 Plot 4D 0 0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 X (m) OTree Location • Missing Page 26 Lowlands Wetland Mitigation Site MY3 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 5A Sampling Date: 11/05/2020 Plot Area: 103m2 (-10m x 10m) Plot Type: Fixed X-axis: 110°E Woody invasive/exotic stem count: 0 Plot notes: Quercus michauxii CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA Stem ID Scientific Name X (m) Y (m) Source (Planted or volunteer) Height (in.) Age (based on year planted or first observed) Notes/ DBH (cm) 1 Quercus michauxii (swamp chestnut oak) 1.2 0.4 P 43 3 1 2 Taxodium distichum (bald cypress) 1.1 2.8 P 45 3 2.3 3 Quercus michauxii (swamp chestnut oak) 0.9 5.8 P 45 3 1.3 4 Betula nigra (river birch) 0.8 7.4 P 67 3 0.4 5 Betula nigra (river birch) 3.1 7.5 P 92 3 1.1 6 Taxodium distichum (bald cypress) 3.1 5.4 P NA NA Missing 7 Quercus nigra (water oak) 3.4 3.7 P 52 3 1.5 8 Quercus nigra (water oak) 3.8 0.6 P 80 2 0.8 9 Quercus michauxii (swamp chestnut oak) 6.7 0.5 P NA NA Missing 10 Taxodium distichum (bald cypress) 6.2 2.9 P NA NA Missing 11 Quercus nigra (water oak) 5.7 5.7 P 77 3 0.7 12 Nyssa sylvatica (black gum) 5.9 8.3 P NA NA Missing 13 Betula nigra (river birch) 8.4 8.6 P 63 3 0.3 14 Quercus nigra (water oak) 8.1 7.0 P 77 3 0.8 15 Quercus nigra (water oak) 8.6 4.6 P 41 3 1 16 Taxodium distichum (bald cypress) 9.0 1.3 P 38 2 2.3 17 Taxodium distichum (bald cypress) 10.4 6.2 P 43 3 2.3 Note: those stems with decreased heights assumed to have been foraged. Page 27 Lowlands Wetland Mitigation Site MY3 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 5A Sampling Date: 11/05/2020 10.0 9.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 o ® ® • Plot 5A o o o o 00 10 20 Guin Road 3.0 4 0 5 0 6.0 X (m) OTree Location • Missing 7.0 8.0 farm road 9.0 10.0 Page 28 Lowlands Wetland Mitigation Site MY3 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 5B Sampling Date: 11/05/2020 102m2 (-10m x 10m) Fixed 110°E Woody invasive/exotic stem count: Plot notes: Typha sp. 0 CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA Scientific Name X (m) Y (m) Source (Planted or volunteer) Height (in.) Age (based on year planted or first observed) Notes/ DBH (cm) Taxodium distichum (bald cypress) 1.1 2.1 P 34 3 1.4 Taxodium distichum (bald cypress) 0.4 4.2 P 30 3 1.4 Taxodium distichum (bald cypress) 1.4 7.5 P 43 3 2.8 Betula nigra (river birch) 0.3 9.5 P 38 3 1.1 Taxodium distichum (bald cypress) 3.9 8.0 P 35 3 1.9 Quercus nigra (water oak) 2.4 4.6 P NA NA Dead Quercus phellos (willow oak) 3.7 2.3 P NA NA Missing Taxodium distichum (bald cypress) 4.5 0.0 P 39 3 0.9 Taxodium distichum (bald cypress) 7.0 0.4 P 21 3 1.2 Quercus nigra (water oak) 6.5 2.7 P 65 3 0.6 Taxodium distichum (bald cypress) 4.8 5.3 P NA NA Dead Quercus michauxii (swamp chestnut oak) 7.2 6.1 P 18 3 0.6 Quercus nigra (water oak) 6.0 8.1 P NA NA Dead Quercus nigra (water oak) 8.3 8.5 P NA NA Dead Taxodium distichum (bald cypress) 9.2 6.0 P NA NA Missing Taxodium distichum (bald cypress) 8.7 3.2 P 44 2 0.9 Taxodium distichum (bald cypress) 8.9 0.8 P 39 3 1 Note: those stems with decreased heights assumed to have been foraged. Page 29 Lowlands Wetland Mitigation Site MY3 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 5B Sampling Date: 11/05/2020 10.0 9.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 l`5 0 Plot 5B kjl 0 26 0.0 25 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 X(m) OTree Location X Dead • Missing Guin Road Plot 5 3 Q) al Q Page 30 Lowlands Wetland Mitigation Site MY3 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 5C Sampling Date: 11/05/2020 Plot Area: 103m2 (-10m x 10m) Plot Type: Fixed X-axis: 110°E Woody invasive/exotic stem count: 0 Plot notes: Volunteers - Typha sp. CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA Stem ID Scientific Name X (m) Y (m) Source (Planted or volunteer) Height (in.) Age (based on year planted or first observed) Notes/ DBH (cm) 35 Nyssa sylvatica (black gum) 0.6 0.2 P NA NA Missing 36 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 1.5 3.4 P 40 3 2.3 37 Betula nigra (river birch) 0.6 8.5 P 43 3 2 38 Nyssa sylvatica (black gum) 3.5 8.1 P 14 3 1 39 Nyssa sylvatica (black gum) 2.8 6.3 P NA NA Missing 40 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 3.4 3.6 P 32 3 1 41 Nyssa sylvatica (black gum) 2.7 0.6 P 16 3 0.5 42 Nyssa sylvatica (black gum) 4.7 1.2 P 18 3 0.7 43 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 5.3 3.6 P 49 3 2.1 44 Nyssa sylvatica (black gum) 4.9 6.2 P 16 3 0.6 45 Quercus phellos (willow oak) 6.0 8.6 P 88 3 1.4 46 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 8.7 7.6 P 32 3 0.8 47 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 8.6 5.1 P 40 3 1.5 48 Nyssa sylvatica (black gum) 9.3 1.9 P 21 3 0.7 49 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 10.3 5.7 P 59 3 0.8 50 Nyssa sylvatica (black gum) 7.1 1.6 P NA NA Missing 501 Nyssa sylvatica (black gum) 1.5 6.2 V 12 3 1.1 Note: those stems with decreased heights assumed to have been foraged. Page 31 Lowlands Wetland Mitigation Site MY3 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 5C Sampling Date: 11/05/2020 10.0 9.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 £ 5.0 >- 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 00 10 20 Gel Road 3 0 4.0 Plot 5C 5.0 6.0 X (m) OTree Location • Missing 7.0 8.0 farm road 9.0 10.0 0 cu 0_ Page 32 Lowlands Wetland Mitigation Site MY3 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 5D Sampling Date: 11/05/2020 Plot Area: 102m2 (-10m x 10m) Plot Type: Fixed X-axis: 110°E Woody invasive/exotic stem count: 0 Plot notes: Volunteers: Salix nigra (1), Betula nigra (1), Fraxinus pennsyvanica (1) CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA Stem ID Scientific Name X (m) Y (m) Source (Planted or volunteer) Height (in.) Age (based on year planted or first observed) Notes/ DBH (cm) 51 Quercus phellos (willow oak) 0.5 3.0 P 75 3 1.1 52 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 1.0 6.4 P 80 3 1 53 Nyssa sylvatica (black gum) 1.4 9.5 P 20 2 0.7 54 Nyssa sylvatica (black gum) 3.8 9.9 P 20 1 0.6 55 Betula nigra (river birch) 3.0 0.0 P NA NA Missing 56 Quercus phellos (willow oak) 2.5 4.0 P 90 3 1.5 57 Betula nigra (river birch) 2.3 0.4 P 52 3 1.8 58 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 4.4 1.2 P 40 3 1.9 59 Quercus phellos (willow oak) 4.9 4.2 P 107 3 2.1 60 Betula nigra (river birch) 5.0 7.2 P 55 3 0.1 61 Betula nigra (river birch) 8.3 7.4 P NA NA Dead 62 Betula nigra (river birch) 10.0 7.7 P NA NA Missing 63 Quercus sp. (oak species) 9.3 3.3 P 51 3 1 64 Betula nigra (river birch) 9.0 0.6 P 82 2 0.8 65 Betula nigra (river birch) 6.9 0.7 P 65 3 0.4 66 Quercus phellos (willow oak)* 7.1 3.5 P 52 2 1.8 67 Betula nigra (river birch) 6.7 7.2 P NA 3 Missing 500 Nyssa sylvatica (black gum) 0.1 8.7 P 13 3 0.9 *Species identified differently in MY2 than in MY1 Note: those stems with decreased heights assumed to have been foraged. Page 33 Lowlands Wetland Mitigation Site MY3 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 5D Sampling Date: 11/05/2020 10.0 9.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0 Plot 5D 0 0 0.0 W 00 10 20 30 40 50 60 7.0 80 9.0 10.0 X (m) fjl OTree Location X Dead • Missing Guin Road farm road Plot 5 3 0 0 v Q. Page 34 Lowlands Wetland Mitigation Site MY3 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 6A Sampling Date: 11/19/2020 Plot Area: 91m2 (-10m x 10m) Plot Type: Fixed X-axis: 65°E Woody invasive/exotic stem count: 0 Plot notes: Volunteers: Callicarpa americana (1), Baccharus sp (3), Liquidambar styraciflua (1) CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA Stem ID Scientific Name X (m) Y (m) Source (Planted or volunteer) Height (in.) Age (based on year planted or first observed) Notes/ DBH (cm) 1 Taxodium distichum (bald cypress) 0.3 2.6 P 36 3 0.7 2 Betula nigra (river birch) 4.1 3.0 P 69 3 0.3 3 Nyssa sylvatica (black gum) 7.1 3.3 P 19 3 0.8 500 Nyssa sylvatica (black gum) 1.1 1.2 V 55 3 0.3 501 Nyssa sylvatica (black gum) 4.5 0.8 V NA NA Dead 502 Quercus phellos (willow oak) 10.0 0.7 V 98 3 0.9 503 Taxodium distichum (bald cypress) 7.5 6.2 P 20 3 0.4 504 Taxodium distichum (bald cypress) 7.0 8.0 P 21 3 0.6 Note: those stems with decreased heights assumed to have been foraged. Existing tree species in Plot 6 (sub -plots A and B): Acer rubrum (red maple) Ilex opaca (American holly) Pinus taeda (loblolly pine) Quercus rubra (red oak) Ulmus alata (winged elm) Sambucus canadensis (elderberry) Callicarpa americana (beauty berry) Volunteers: Callicarpa americana (beauty berry) Liquidambar styraciflua (sweetgum) Quercus stellata (post oak) Blueberry (Vaccinium) Page 35 Lowlands Wetland Mitigation Site MY3 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 6A Sampling Date: 11/19/2020 10.0 9.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 >- 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 o Plot 6A O 00 10 20 3.0 4.0 5.0 X (m) O Tree Location X Dead 6.0 7.0 8.0 ditch 9.0 10.0 iN cut line Plot 6 /• B X (0,0) Y A Page 36 Lowlands Wetland Mitigation Site MY3 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 6B Sampling Date: 11/19/2020 Plot Area: 93m2 (-10m x 10m) Plot Type: Fixed X-axis: 65°E Woody invasive/exotic stem count: Volunteers: Baccharus sp. (2), Liquidambar Plot notes: styraciflua (1), Quercus rubra (2), Sambucus canadensis (8), Ulmus alata (1) CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA Stem ID Scientific Name X (m) Y (m) Source (Planted or volunteer) Height (in.) Age (based on year planted or first observed) Notes/ DBH (cm) 4 Cercis canadensis (redbud)* 0.1 2.1 P 18 3 0.5 5 Cercis canadensis (redbud)* 3.6 2.8 P 22 3 0.8 6 Taxodium distichum (bald cypress) 6.3 2.9 P 33 3 0.7 7 Betula nigra (river birch) 9.2 3.0 P 117 3 1.1 505 Quercus nigra (water oak) 3.2 2.6 V 123 2 2.2 506 Quercus phellos (willow oak) 4.2 1.2 V 59 2 0.2 507 Quercus phellos (willow oak) 5.2 0.7 V 115 2 1.8 508 Quercus phellos (willow oak) 2.7 0.3 V 86 2 0.9 509 Quercus nigra (water oak) 1.9 0.8 V 41 2 0.9 510 Quercus phellos (willow oak) 0.2 4.6 V 137 2 1.8 *Species identified differently in MY2 than in MY1 Note: those stems with decreased heights assumed to have been foraged. Existing tree species in Plot 6 (sub -plots A and B): Ilex americana (American holly) Quercus phellos (willow oak) Quercus nigra (water oak) Acer rubrum (red maple) Quercus rubra (red oak) Page 37 Lowlands Wetland Mitigation Site MY3 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 6B Sampling Date: 11 / 19/2020 >- 10.0 9.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 O 1.0 0.0 Plot 6B -® 7 00 10 20 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 X(m) OTree Location I', cut line Plot 6 Page 38 Lowlands Wetland Mitigation Site MY3 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 7A Sampling Date: 11/19/2020 Plot Area: 115m2 (-14.1 m x 8.3m) Plot Type: Fixed X-axis: 80°E Woody invasive/exotic stem count: 0 Plot notes: Volunteers: Acer rubrum (4) CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA Stem ID Scientific Name X (m) Y (m) Source (Planted or volunteer) Height (in.) Age (based on year planted or first observed) Notes/ DBH (cm) 1 Nyssa sylvatica (black gum) 3.1 0.3 P 16 3 0.6 2 Nyssa sylvatica (black gum) 12.8 0.6 P 27 3 0.5 3 Nyssa sylvatica (black gum) 6.9 0.3 P 16 3 0.5 4 Cephalanthus occidcntalis (buttonbush) V NA NA Red maple 5 Ccphalanthus occidcntalis (buttonbush) V NA NA Red maple 6 Taxodium distichum (bald cypress) 3.8 8.1 P 46 3 1.8 7 Taxodium distichum (bald cypress) 7.3 7.5 P 36 3 1 8 Taxodium distichum (bald cypress) 10.3 7.5 P 43 3 1.8 9 Cephalanthus occidentalis (buttonbush) 8.6 7.5 P NA NA Missing 10 Cephalanthus occidentalis (buttonbush)` 9.6 1.5 P 51 3 0.9 *Species identified differently in MY2 than in MY1 Note: those stems with decreased heights assumed to have been foraged. Existing tree species: Acer rubrum (red maple) Ilex opaca (American holly) Liquidambar styraciflua (sweet gum) Pinus taeda (loblolly pine) Volunteers: Acer rubrum (red maple) - 2 Page 39 Lowlands Wetland Mitigation Site MY3 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 7A Sampling Date: 11/19/2020 r 10.0 9.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 Plot 7A O 6 7 9 8 C 0 0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6 0 7.0 8 0 9 0 10.0 11.0 12.0 X (m) OTree Location • Missing ditch Plot 7 Guin Road D X (0,0) A C B Y iN / cut line Page 40 Lowlands Wetland Mitigation Site MY3 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 7B Sampling Date: 11/19/2020 Plot Area: 106m2 (-11.6m x 8.4m) Plot Type: Fixed X-axis: 80°E Woody invasive/exotic stem count: 0 Plot notes: Volunteers: Nyssa sylvatica (1), Pinus taeda (2), Ilex opaca (1) CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA Stem ID Scientific Name X (m) Y (m) Source (Planted or volunteer) Height (in.) Age (based on year planted or first observed) Notes/ DBH (cm) 11 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 1.4 7.0 P 20 3 0.6 12 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 4.9 7.1 P 33 3 1.1 13 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 8.4 6.9 P 34 3 0.9 14 Taxodium distichum (bald cypress) 2.8 0.3 P 52 3 2.2 Existing tree species: Acer rubrum (red maple) Liquidambar styraciflua (sweet gum) Pinus taeda (loblolly pine) Volunteers: Liquidambar styraciflua (sweetgum) Page 41 Lowlands Wetland Mitigation Site MY3 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 7B Sampling Date: 11/19/2020 9.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 1 5.0 >- 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 U Plot 7B 12 00 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 10.0 X (m) OTree Location ditch Guin Road cut line Page 42 Lowlands Wetland Mitigation Site MY3 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 7C Sampling Date: 11/19/2020 Plot Area: 120m2 (-14.1 m x 8.1 m) Plot Type: Fixed X-axis: 80°E Woody invasive/exotic stem count: 0 Plot notes: Volunteers: Acer rubrum (7), Fraxinus pennsylvanica ( ) CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA Stem ID Scientific Name X (m) Y (m) Source (Planted or volunteer) Height (in.) Age (based on year planted or first observed) Notes/ DBH (cm) 15 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 0.2 6.2 P 29 3 0.8 16 Quercus phellos (willow oak)* 3.4 6.3 P 39 3 0.9 17 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 8.0 6.0 P 36 3 1.2 18 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) 10.6 6.3 P 32 3 1 19 Taxodium distichum (bald cypress) 12.5 2.0 P 25 3 0.6 20 Taxodium distichum (bald cypress) 9.5 2.7 P 48 3 1.7 21 Taxodium distichum (bald cypress) 5.3 1.0 P 32 3 1.3 22 Taxodium distichum (bald cypress) 2.5 0.0 P 31 3 1 500 Taxodium distichum (bald cypress) 7.2 2.3 P 20 3 0.7 501 Quercus phellos (willow oak) 6.5 1.1 P NA NA Missing *Species identified differently in MY2 than in MY1 Note: those stems with decreased heights assumed to have been foraged. Existing tree species: Volunteers: Pinus taeda (loblolly pine) NA Acer rubrum (red maple) Page 43 Lowlands Wetland Mitigation Site MY3 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 7C Sampling Date: 11/19/2020 10.0 9.0 8.0 7.0 15 6.0 5.0 >- 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 00 1.0 2.0 ditrh 3.0 4.0 Plot 7C o • 5.0 6.0 7.0 X (m) OTree Location • Missing Plot 7 8.0 Guin Road D X (0,0) A C B Y 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 IN / cut line Page 44 Lowlands Wetland Mitigation Site MY3 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 7D Sampling Date: 11/19/2020 Plot Area: 129m2 (-14.1 m x 10.8m) Plot Type: Fixed X-axis: 80°E Woody invasive/exotic stem count: 0 Plot notes: No volunteers CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA Stem ID Scientific Name X (m) Y (m) Source (Planted or volunteer) Height (in.) Age (based on year planted or first observed) Notes/ DBH (cm) 23 Nyssa sylvatica (black gum) 1.5 2.0 P NA NA Dead 24 Nyssa sylvatica (black gum) 4.2 2.1 P 27 3 0.6 25 Nyssa sylvatica (black gum) 10.0 2.9 P NA NA Missing 26 Nyssa sylvatica (black gum) 12.6 1.0 P 32 3 0.7 Existing tree species: Volunteers: Pinus taeda (loblolly pine) NA Ilex opaca (American holly) Liquidambar styraciflua (sweet gum) Acer rubrum (red maple) Page 45 Lowlands Wetland Mitigation Site MY3 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 7D Sampling Date: 11/19/2020 10.0 9.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 >- 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 is) e Plot 7D 0.0 0 0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 X (m) ditrh OTree Location X Dead • Missing Guin Road Plot 7 NA X (0,0) D A C B Y i, cut line Page 46 Lowlands Wetland Mitigation Site MY3 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 8 Sampling Date: 11/19/2020 Plot Area: 100m2 (-10m x 10m) Plot Type: Random invasive/exotic stem count: Plot notes: CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA Stem ID Scientific Name Source (Planted or volunteer) Height (in.) Notes 1 Quercus phellos (willow oak) P 80 2 Betula nigra (river birch) P 68 3 Quercus nigra (water oak) P 41 4 Betula nigra (river birch) P 70 5 Betula nigra (river birch) P 32 6 Betula nigra (river birch) P 59 7 Betula nigra (river birch) P 27 8 Quercus nigra (water oak) P 84 9 Page 47 Lowlands Wetland Mitigation Site MY3 Supplemental Vegetation Monitoring April 2021 - Plot 9 Sampling Date: 4/21/2021 Plot Area:--100m2 - 10m x 10m square Plot Type: Random Plot notes: Numerous beautyberry, 2 staghorn sumac; remianing trees predate planting date CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA Stem ID Scientific Name Source (Planted or volunteer) Height (in.) Notes/Diameter (cm) 1 Quercus phellos (Willow oak) P 25 0.9 2 Quercus phellos (Willow oak) P 35 0.8 3 Quercus phellos (Willow oak) P 16 0.2 4 Quercus phellos (Willow oak) P 10 0.2 5 Nyssa Sylvatica (Black gum) P 41 1.0 6 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (Green ash) P 87 1.2 7 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (Green ash) P 26 1.0 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Ave. height 34.28571 Lowlands Wetland Mitigation Site MY3 Supplemental Vegetation Monitoring April 2021 - Plot 10 Sampling Date: 4/21/2021 Plot Area:--100m2 - 10m x 10m square Plot Type: Random Plot notes: Numerous beautyberry >10 CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA Stem ID Scientific Name Source (Planted or volunteer) Height (in.) Notes/Diameter (cm) 1 Nyssa sylvatica (Black gum) P 60 0.4 2 Nyssa sylvatica (Black gum) P 81 0.6 3 Nyssa sylvatica (Black gum) P 41 0.6 4 Nyssa sylvatica (Black gum) P 47 0.6 5 Nyssa sylvatica (Black gum) P 24 0.4 6 Nyssa sylvatica (Black gum) P 18 0.4 7 Nyssa sylvatica (Black gum) P 40 0.6 8 Quercus phellos (Willow oak) P 20 0.3 9 Quercus phellos (Willow oak) P 17 0.6 10 Quercus phellos (Willow oak) P 6 0.2 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Lowlands Wetland Mitigation Site MY3 Supplemental Vegetation Monitoring April 2021 - Plot 11 Sampling Date: 4/21/2021 Plot Area: -100m2 - 10m x 10m square Plot Type: Random invasive/exotic stem count: Plot notes: CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA Stem ID Scientific Name Source (Planted or volunteer) Height (in.) Notes/Diameter (cm) 1 Nyssa sylvatica (Black gum) P 50 1.4 2 Fraxinus Pennsylvanica (Green ash) P 19 0.5 3 Tadoxium distichum (Bald cypress) P 30 0.6 4 Nyssa sylvatica (Black gum) P 23 1.1 5 Tadoxium distichum (Bald cypress) P 26 0.9 6 Tadoxium distichum (Bald cypress) P 36 1.1 7 Tadoxium distichum (Bald cypress) P 28 1.2 8 Tadoxium distichum (Bald cypress) P 29 0.9 9 Tadoxium distichum (Bald cypress) P 17 0.5 10 Quercus nigra (Water oak) P 24 0.5 11 Quercus michauxii (Swamp chestnit oak) P 10 0.3 12 Tadoxium distichum (Bald cypress) P 18 0.4 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Ave. height 26 Lowlands Wetland Mitigation Site MY3 Supplemental Vegetation Monitoring April 2021 - Plot 12 Sampling Date: 4/21/2021 Plot Area:--100m2 - 10m x 10m square Plot Type: Random Plot notes: Vaccinium (4); Baccharis (4); Pinus taeda (1); Numerous red maple, sweetgum CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA Stem ID Scientific Name Source (Planted or volunteer) Height (in.) Notes/Diameter (cm) 1 Taxodium distichum (Bald cypress) P 30 1.5 2 Taxodium distichum (Bald cypress) P 27 1.1 3 Taxodium distichum (Bald cypress) P 28 0.9 4 Nyssa sylvatica (Black gum) P 33 1.6 5 Taxodium distichum (Bald cypress) P 39 1.7 6 Taxodium distichum (Bald cypress) P 40 1.1 7 Nyssa sylvatica (Black gum) P 28 0.8 8 Taxodium distichum (Bald cypress) P 29 0.8 9 Nyssa sylvatica (Black gum) P 25 0.6 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Ave. height 31 Lowlands Wetland Mitigation Site MY3 Supplemental Vegetation Monitoring April 2021 - Plot 13 Sampling Date: 4/21/2021 Plot Area:--100m2 - 10m x 10m square Plot Type: Random invasive/exotic stem count: Plot notes: CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA Stem ID Scientific Name Source (Planted or volunteer) Height (in.) Notes/Diameter (cm) 1 Nyssa sylvatica (Black gum) P 47 2.1 2 Nyssa sylvatica (Black gum) P 31 1.8 3 Quercus michauxii (Swamp chestnut oak) P 10 0.2 4 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (Green ash) P 28 0.6 5 Fraxinus pennsylvanica (Green ash) P 26 1.2 6 Betula nigra (River birch) P 31 0.5 7 Betula nigra (River birch) P 20 0.3 8 Betula nigra (River birch) P 20 0.2 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Ave. height 27 Lowlands Wetland Mitigation Site MY3 Supplemental Vegetation Monitoring April 2021 - Plot 14 Sampling Date: 4/21/2021 Plot Area: -100m2 - 10m x 10m square Plot Type: Random invasive/exotic stem count: Plot notes: CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA Stem ID Scientific Name Source (Planted or volunteer) Height (in.) Notes/Diameter (cm) 1 Cephalanthus occidentalis (Buttonbush) P 35 0.8 2 Cephalanthus occidentalis (Buttonbush) P 35 0.8 3 Cephalanthus occidentalis (Buttonbush) P 26 1.0 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Ave. height 32 IJ MADAM MONITORING YEAR 3 REPORT > SPEC-16320 VEGETATION PLOT PHOTOS Lowlands Wetland Mitigation Site — Monitoring Year 3 Report November 13, 14, 18 and 25, 2019 Vegetation Plot 1 Vegetation Plot 2A creating experiences through experience 2905 Meridian Parkway, Durham, NC 27713 / 919. 361. 5000 ILII MCADAMS MONITORING YEAR 3 REPORT > SPEC-16320 Vegetation Plot 2B Vegetation Plot 2C creating experiences through experience 2 of 15 �i MADAM MONITORING YEAR 3 REPORT > SPEC-16320 Vegetation Plot 2D Vegetation Plot 3A creating experiences through experience 3 of 15 �i MADAM MONITORING YEAR 3 REPORT > SPEC-16320 Vegetation Plot 3B Vegetation Plot 3C creating experiences through experience 4 of 15 �i MADAM MONITORING YEAR 3 REPORT > SPEC-16320 Vegetation Plot 3D Vegetation Plot 4A (MY3 photo corrupted — MY2 photo re -used) creating experiences through experience 5 of 15 �i MADAM MONITORING YEAR 3 REPORT > SPEC-16320 Vegetation Plot 4B (MY3 photo corrupted — MY2 photo re -used) Vegetation Plot 4C creating experiences through experience 6 of 15 �i MADAM MONITORING YEAR 3 REPORT > SPEC-16320 Vegetation Plot 4D (MY3 photo corrupted — MY2 photo re -used) Vegetation Plot 5A creating experiences through experience 7 of 15 �i MADAM MONITORING YEAR 3 REPORT > SPEC-16320 Vegetation Plot 5B Vegetation Plot 5C (MY3 photo corrupted — MY2 photo re -used) creating experiences through experience 8 of 15 �i MADAM MONITORING YEAR 3 REPORT > SPEC-16320 Vegetation Plot 5D Vegetation Plot 6A creating experiences through experience 9 of 15 MADAM MONITORING YEAR 3 REPORT > SPEC-16320 Vegetation Plot 6B Vegetation Plot 7A creating experiences through experience 10 of 15 �i MADAM MONITORING YEAR 3 REPORT > SPEC-16320 Vegetation Plot 7B Vegetation Plot 7C creating experiences through experience 11 of 15 IM MCADAMS MONITORING YEAR 3 REPORT > SPEC-16320 Vegetation Plot 7D Vegetation Plot 8 creating experiences through experience 12 of 15 �i MADAM MONITORING YEAR 3 REPORT > SPEC-16320 2 1SW m * 35,421529.-78.357/77 la ■ 11 M Vegetation Plot 9 Vegetation Plot 10 creating experiences through experience 13 of 15 MADAM MONITORING YEAR 3 REPORT > SPEC-16320 Vegetation Plot 11 t 3 11'M(r)•3541 18,•78.3518.86f6rfi a 4m Vegetation Plot 12 creating experiences through experience 14 of 15 MADAM MONITORING YEAR 3 REPORT > SPEC-16320 si 4 [ }glaGon Pbk k3 7 �g n McAdams. Vegetation Plot 13 Vegetation Plot 14 creating experiences through experience 15 of 15 LOWLANDS Johnston County, North Carolina Annual Monitoring Report Year 4 Project Number: SPEC-16320 Prepared By: Jennifer Burdette Rebecca Stubbs Cameron Jernigan Date: December 2021 1 1 MCADAMS 2905 Meridian Parkway Durham, North Carolina 27713 �la MCADAMS LOWLANDS YEAR 4 MONITORING REPORT > SPEC-16320 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 PROJECT LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION 1 2.0 MONITORING OBJECTIVES 1 3.0 MONITORING ACTIVITIES AND SUCCESS CRITERIA 2 3.1 Wetland Hydrology 2 3.2 Vegetation 3 4.0 REFERENCES 4 5.0 FIGURES 6.0 YEAR 4 MONITORING DATA 6.1 Photo Stations 6.2 Wetland Hydrology 6.3 Vegetation creating experiences through experience �la MCADAMS LOWLANDS YEAR 4 MONITORING REPORT > SPEC-16320 1.0 PROJECT LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION The Lowlands Wetland Mitigation Site (Site) is located approximately one mile northeast of the intersection of Devils Racetrack Road (SR 1009) and Guin Road (SR 1184) in Johnston County, North Carolina. The Site is located within the Neuse River Basin, 8 digit Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) 03020201, more specifically within the 14 digit HUC 03020201150050. The project area is approximately 71.2 acres, of which 65.3 acres will include some form of wetland re-establishment, enhancement, or preservation with the remaining 5.9-acres of uplands and non-credit area to be included within the overall conservation easement as an upland buffer (see Figure 1). The original purpose of the Site was to provide 33.58 wetland mitigation credits to Dominion Energy Transmission, Inc. (DETI) as part of DETI's Permittee Responsible Mitigation Plan (PRM) to compensate for unavoidable impacts to wetlands associated with the Atlantic Coast Pipeline Project (ACP). The Site is currently undergoing conversion to a traditional wetland mitigation bank site for credits to be through the Clearwater Neuse 01 Lowlands Umbrella Mitigation Bank. The Site includes the re-establishment of 23.1-acres of riparian wetlands, enhancement of 5.1 acres of riparian and 14.3 acres of non -riparian wetlands, and preservation of 22.8-acres of non -riparian wetlands within the Site. Construction of the project occurred in early 2018. Baseline hydrology and vegetation sampling was conducted in March 2018. 2.0 MONITORING OBJECTIVES Monitoring activities will follow the guidelines presented in USACE Wilmington District October 2016 Guidance documents and the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP) Monitoring Requirements and Performance Standards for Stream and/or Wetland Mitigation (November 2011) and will be tailored to the Site. The Site will be monitored for seven (7) consecutive years, or if the required success criteria has been met in year five (5), monitoring activities may be terminated if written approval is provided by the USACE. According to the Mitigation Plan issued August 2017, specific objectives for the Site are the following: > Restore the primary wetland functions and values appropriate for this section of the Neuse River Lowlands. > Improve sediment retention and capacity for nutrient removal to offset historic agricultural practices. > Restoration of the attendant hydrologic and biologic functions of a bottomland hardwood forest. > Restore and enhance native bottomland hardwood forest. > Permanently protect existing higher quality bottomland hardwood forest, in addition to the remainder of the project area. creating experiences through experience 1 of 5 �la MCADAMS LOWLANDS YEAR 4 MONITORING REPORT > SPEC-16320 3.0 MONITORING ACTIVITIES AND SUCCESS CRITERIA 3.1 Wetland Hydrology The primary rationale for the approach of restoring wetland hydrology on the Site relies on the comparison of the Site with adjacent reference areas with observable wetland hydrology. Monitoring wells and data loggers installed on the Site, including the adjacent reference wetlands, provide a good indication of the influence of the drainage ditches to the groundwater levels. The comparison suggests that modification of surface water hydrology through ditching and crowning have removed wetland hydrology from the Site. Removal of the Site historic modifications should restore wetland hydrology over time. The data loggers installed in the reference wetlands will be used to help determine the parameters of the restored wetland, such as the proposed grade. Following construction, groundwater hydrology data from reference wetland locations and restoration areas will be compared for the purpose of measuring successful hydrology restoration metrics. Wetland hydrology success will be measured by improvements to the frequency and duration of saturated soils compared to the reference wetlands. Wetland hydrology will be measured daily using (8) installed groundwater data loggers (the location of which can be seen on Figure 2). The data loggers will sample groundwater elevations beneath the soil surface at least once per day throughout the monitoring period. The data loggers will be downloaded on a bimonthly basis during the growing season. The Site contains Leaf soil series which according to the Wetland Saturation Threshold has a saturation/hydroperiod threshold of 10% to 12% of the growing season within 12 inches below the soil surface. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture — Soil Conservation Service Soil Survey of Johnston County, NC there are 232 days per year starting from March 21 through November 8 that are greater than 28 degrees Fahrenheit. Therefore, successful wetland hydrology is defined as saturation of soils within 12 inches of the soil surface for a period equal to or greater than 24 consecutive days (10% of the growing season) within the growing season. The Site has been historically extensively managed for agricultural production. Therefore, for the first two years of monitoring, successful wetland hydrology will be defined as saturation of soils within 12 inches of the soil surface for a period equal to or greater than 19 consecutive days, or 8%, within the growing season. For years 3 through 7, successful wetland hydrology is defined as saturation of soils within 12 inches of the soil surface for a period equal to or greater than 24 consecutive days within the growing season. The restored wetland groundwater data was downloaded and assessed as part of the Year 4 monitoring. The downloaded groundwater data is shown graphically against local precipitation data in Section 6.2 for monitoring locations shown in Figure 2. All the groundwater monitoring locations indicate that the wetland is meeting the minimum success wetland hydrology for the site. The reference groundwater data has also been included in Section 6.2, the location of which can been found on Figure 1. creating experiences through experience 2 of 5 �la MCADAMS LOWLANDS YEAR 4 MONITORING REPORT > SPEC-16320 3.2 Vegetation Prevalent vegetation should consist of species typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. These species should have the ability to grow, compete, reproduce, and persist in anaerobic soil conditions. Vegetation monitoring plots will be established to show that the composition and density of vegetation in the Site compares favorably to the reference areas. The primary focus of the vegetative monitoring will be on the tree stratum, although shrub and herbaceous species encountered may also be recorded. All woody stems, including planted and volunteer species, must be recorded for each fixed and random plot in each monitoring year. Exotic and invasive species should also be recorded; however, they will not count toward success or performance standards. Vegetation planting success criteria will be based on the survival of a minimum density of 320 trees per acre after three (3) years of monitoring. After five (5) years of monitoring, the density should be no less than 260 planted trees per acre. After seven (7) years of monitoring, the density should be no less than 210 trees per acre. In addition, trees must average 10 feet in height in each plot at year seven (7). Vegetation plots will be sampled and reported in years 1, 2, 3, 5, and 7. If the height standard is met and the stem density is trending toward success after five (5) years of monitoring, vegetation monitoring on the Site may be terminated if written approval is provided by the USACE. A combination of eight (8) permanent fixed vegetation monitoring plots and random vegetation monitoring plots are used to demonstrate vegetation coverage. Seven (7) of the plots are fixed plots randomly placed throughout the Project, and one (1) of the vegetation monitoring plots is randomly located each monitoring year. The one (1) random plot may be a different plot type (e.g., circular, transect, etc.), but should be the same size as the fixed plots. Monitoring of the eight (8) permanent vegetation plots was not completed in Year 4 monitoring activities. The vegetation plots will be monitored again in Monitoring Year 5 and 7. creating experiences through experience 3 of 5 �l MCADAMS LOWLANDS YEAR 4 MONITORING REPORT > SPEC-16320 4.0 REFERENCES Lee Michael T., Peet Robert K., Roberts Steven D., and Wentworth Thomas R. 2008. CVS-EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation Level. Version 4.2. North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP) November 7, 2011. Monitoring Requirements and Performance Standards for Stream and/or Wetland Mitigation. The John R. McAdams Company, Inc. August 2017. Mitigation Plan, Lowlands Mitigation Site. US Army Corps of Engineers. October 2008. Regulatory Guidance Letter No. 08-03. creating experiences through experience 4 of 5 5.0 FIGURES LOWLANDS YEAR 4 MONITORING REPORT SPEC-16320 Mitigation Type Location Acrage Mitigation Factor Wetland Mitigation Units Wetland Type Re-establishement Ag. Field 22.0 1:1 22.00 Riparian C.E. 1.1 2:1 0.55 Riparian Enhancement Area 1 14.3 3:1 4.77 Non -riparian Area 2 5.1 3:1 1.70 Riparian Preservation - 22.8 5:1 4.56 Non -riparian Upland/Non-credit - 5.9 - - - Riparian: 28.2 - 24.25 - Non -riparian: 37.1 - 9.33 - TOTAL: - 71.2 - 33.58* - 5-yr. Cutover ENHANCEMENT Rim Ditch MW SOUTH PRESERVATION 1:.2:2 ac. Legend GMONITORING WELL n SPEC16320_Option A - 12 acres FUTURE ACP - FUTURE ACP TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ACCESS CMP RCP 2-FT CONTOURS DITCH OPEN WATER n PROJECT AREA ACTIVE CROPLAND (PRIOR CONVERTED) HYDRIC SOIL CROWN SLIGHT CROWN Ud UP/Ud UPLAND SOIL UPLAND SOIL- HYDRIC AT DEPTH PF01 MW NORTH Note: Project Area depicted based on GIS, see construction for verified acreages. ID CIoo o� N; IGPP.w arthstar (e eegraphics C�N�E�I,�.�, o o acA, met,Q :l�KI1Woili N 0 150 300 FIGURE 1: WETLAND MITIGATION CONCEPT PLAN LOWLANDS MITIGATION SITE AUGUST 17, 2017 600 Feet CLEAR TE4TER MITIGATION 'J SOLUTIONS e MCADAMS 1 inch=300feet JOHNSTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA CONSTRUCTION LEGEND: 0 TOW GSE TOS BOS SHEPARD D.B. 3883, PG. 355 PROPERTY LINE PER P.B. 80, PG. 41 `-101IIIIII1 S01 °12'06"W 90.93' vLO (TIE DOWN) WELL 1 TOW=110.52' SSE=107.88' J DITCH - FILLED UP ORIGIN POINT ON VEGGIE PLOTS VEGGIE PLOT WELL TOP OF WELL ELEVATION GROUND SHOT ELEVATION TOP OF SPILLWAY ELEVATION BOTTOM OF SPILLWAY ELEVATION BOTTOM OF SPILLWAY ELEVATION NOTE: L40AND L41 ARE LOCATED ON THE SOUTHERN EDGE OF THE 30' DUKE -ENERGY EASEMENT �O P RIB 30' DUKE -ENERGY EASEMENT (15' ON EACH SIDE OF UTILITY LINE (UTILITY LINE NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY) STEWART D.B. 4934, PG. 113 N01 °09'18"E 30.33' (TIE DOWN) RHODES D.B. 2344 PG. 794 EPK Iiiiii�iiiiii,E I P,�' �'' IBINInAjUIlllllllllllll�iiinm�viiii MM L L41 40 O 1-3S ACCESS EASEMENT 1 NEW 15' WIDE NON-EXCLUSIVE ACCESS EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS & REGRESS AND FUTURE UTILITY EASEMENT TO BE CONVEYED TO CLEARWATER HOLDINGS I, LLC. (AREA = 0.04 ACRES± BY COORDINATE COMPUTATION) STEWART D.B. 4934, PG. 113 STEWART D.B. 4934, PG. 113 CONSERVATION EASEMENT AREA 5 4.31 ACRES DITCH 3 (FILLED UP) v L32 10' PROPOSED PERMANENT GROUND BED EASEMENT (FOR ATLANTIC COAST PIPELINE, LLC) PER D.B. 4940, PG 820-824 CONSERVATION EASEMENT AREA 4 12.15 ACRES 50' PROPOSED PERMANENT RIGHT-OF-WAY (FOR ATLANTIC COAST PIPELINE, LLC) PER D.B. 4940, PG 820-824 J 46 L52 L47 J N01°12'06"E 102.80' (TIE DOWN) RHODES D.B. 2344 PG. 794 CONSERVATION EASEMENT AREA 2 I 7.44 ACRES DITCH (FILLED UP) 50' PROPOSED PERMANENT RIGHT-OF-WAY (FOR ATLANTIC COAST PIPELINE, LLC) PER D.B. 4993, PG 872-880 N65°05'58"E 62.54' (TIE DOWN) N75°56'50"E \I 169.90' (TIE DOWN) NP. N Ix g",\c , �`I. nI Q l60 V` WELL 2 TOW=110.59' GSE=107.99' "-NC GRID COORDINATE N=608,831.1354' E=2,194, 367.9188' ISS, REFERENCE POINT ONLY (SUITABLE FOR GPS OBSERVATION) DITCH 2 (FILLED UP) WELL 7 TOW=109.62' GSE=106.91' MATURE WOODLINE (TYPICAL) CONSERVATION EASEMENT AREA 1 45.57ACRES FIGURE 2. BASELINE MONITORING EXHIBIT DITCH 1 (FILLED UP) WELL 6 TOW=108.88' GSE=105.98' SHEPARD D.B. 3883, PG. 355 AA AA WELL 3 TOW=109.10' GSE=106.28' RHODES D.B. 2344 PG. 794 EXISTING SPILLWAY TOS = 106.42' BOS = 103.97' WELL 5 TOW=110.19' GSE=107.77' N/F ALLEN EPP O N/F STANFIELD S18°34'44"W 175.23' (TIE DOWN) KNIGHT D.B. 2343, PG. 210 EXISTING 36" CMP KNIGHT D.B. 2621, PG. 199 KNIGHT D.B. 2567, PG. 970 EXISTING SPILLYNAY TOS = 106.19' BOS = 103.20' 0 GENERAL NOTES ELEVATIONS ARE REFERENCED TO NAVD 1988 COORDINATES ARE REFERENCED TO NAD'83(2011) 100 1 " = 200' 200 200 iu NRS C � W M C n EO N 6 0 V m 3 C = Z N 0 O u, .2) U W0) N o rn c17, J E 533 C7 rn it Q 0 / /°)0 <a)77 -a1 N PERMIT - SEAL "PRELIMINARY PLAT" NOT FOR RECORDATION, CONVEYANCES OR SALES U DRAWN BY: FGR DATE: 03/15/18 SURVEYED BY: J.A.R. DWG. NO. CMS234AB18 SHEET 3 OF 3 LEGEND • Photo Stations Conservation Easement Permanent Vegetation Plots Planting Zones 1��/, Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Figure 3. Year 3 Vegetation Monitoring Exhibit Lowlands Mitigation Site Johnston County, NC 0 150 300 Feet 1 inch = 300 feet VERSION: 1 DATE: 12/30/2020 JOB NO: SPEC-16320 DRAWN BY: pierzga MCADAMS X:\Projects\SPEC\SPEC-16320\Storm\GIS\Vegetation Monitoring Figure-MY3.mxd, 12/30/2020 1:27:52 PM, pierzga 6.0 YEAR 4 MONITORING DATA LOWLANDS YEAR 4 MONITORING REPORT SPEC-16320 6.1 PHOTO STATIONS (NOT REQUIRED FOR YEAR 4 MONITORING) LOWLANDS YEAR 4 MONITORING REPORT SPEC-16320 6.2 WETLAND HYDROLOGY LOWLANDS YEAR 4 MONITORING REPORT SPEC-16320 Restoration Monitoring Well Summary Lowlands Mitigation Site Ground Elevation (ft) MY1 - 2018 MY2 - 2019 MY3 - 2020 MY4 - 2021 MYS - 2022 MY6 - 2023 MY7 - 2024 Notes Monitoring wells with criteria met --- 100.00% 100.00% 87.50% 87.50% Monitoring Well MW1 107.88 Consecutive days within range" 232 232 232 163 % of growing season 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 70.26% Criteria met?3 Y Y Y Y Monitoring Well MW2 107.99 Consecutive days within range" 232 232 232 *MW2 has been sent to manufacturer for support to reclaim MY4 data % of growing season 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% Criteria met?3 Y Y Y Monitoring Well MW3 106.28 Consecutive days within range" 232 232 232 232 % of growing season 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% Criteria met?3 Y Y Y Y Monitoring Well MW4* 108.48 Consecutive days within range' 232 67 229 171 % of growing seasonZ 100.00% 28.88% 98.71% 73.71% Criteria met?3 Y Y Y Y Monitoring Well MW5* 107.77 Consecutive days within range' 232 185 232 232 % of growing season 100.00% 79.74% 100.00% 100.00% Criteria met?3 Y Y Y Y Monitoring Well MW6 105.98 Consecutive days within range" 232 232 232 232 % of growing season 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% Criteria met?3 Y Y Y Y Monitoring Well MW7 106.91 Consecutive days within range" 232 179 56 96 % of growing seasonZ 100.00% 77.16% 24.14% 41.38% Criteria met?3 Y Y Y Y Monitoring Well MW8* 108.87 Consecutive days within range" 232 161 232 163 % of growing seasonZ 100.00% 69.40% 100.00% 70.26% Criteria met?3 Y Y Y Y 1The US Army Corps of Engineers states that the range is within 12 inches of the soil surface 2The growing season for the site is 232 days long 3Successful wetland hydrology criteria is defined as saturation of soils within range for a period equal to or greater than 19 consecutive days (8%), within the growing season, for the first two years of monitoring and 24 consecutive days (10%), within the growing season, for years 3-7 *Denotes monitoring well is upland Groundwater Elevation Lowlands MW 1 Serial #20284998 Ground Elevation — — — Wetland Criteria Growing Season Rainfall 4.00 - 111.00 I I I I I I I 3.50 - 3.00 - 2.50 42 2.00 - 0 1.50 - 1.00 - 0.50 - 0.00 LL i 1 n 1 - 110.00 - 109.00 - 108.00 - 107.00 F 0 0 co O O 0 N ati a -I .—I .—I a -I a -I .—I .—I c-I .-1 .—I a -I a —I .—I .—I a -I a -I =I .—I a -I .--1 .-1 a -I a -I .—I N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N c\-I if O\1 N 00 O 011 N M N O 00 00 N 011 01 M N e\-1 V 00 e\-I 011 01 01 t\0 O V 0000-1 N — 1-1 — e-I 01 r1 N e-I N . N N — e-I \ . 01 e-I N . N N , CV 1-1 \ N \ a-1 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Ln \ l0 \ N \ \ \ \ \ \ 0 \ - \ N — a-1 .-1 a —I N a —I a —I N N M M 00 00 Ln 00 I, N 00 00 01 01 a —I 0 c-1 a-1 a —I N ti ti ti ei .-1 Date NOTE: Groundwater elevation dropped 1211 below ground surface during the following growing season periods for a total of 8 days. Monitoring well is still within criteria for more than 10% of the growing season (24 consecutive days). [5/21-5/29] v 106.00 w 105.00 104.00 103.00 102.00 4 3.5 3 2.5 ra 2 m cc 1.5 1 0.5 0 Lowlands MW 3 Serial #10777569 Groundwater Elevation — Ground Elevation — — — Wetland Criteria Growing Season Rainfall • „ L i N. IIi11IT11I1I -I.-I _, _, _, .-I .-I .-I _,_,_,.-I.-I_,_,_,.-I FTI ._, _, .-INN N N N N N N NNNNNNNNN N N NOO O O O O O O OOOOOOOOO O O ONN N N N N N N NNNNNNNNN N N Nn rrn n O V W N Lnalrrnn.\-IVW.\-11n O V WNN M M V VV1• l0N▪ N1b1bOlal c-I ci N ci L -I dJ n O O .-▪ I 1 c1 Date 109.00 108.00 107.00 106.00 105.00 •° m 104.00 103.00 102.00 101.00 5) w NOTE: Groundwater elevatoin remained within the wetland criteria (above 1211 below ground surface) throughout the growing season. 4.00 - 3.50 3.00 2.50 ,l 2.00 - Lowlands MW 4 Serial #10777567 Groundwater Elevation Ground Elevation — — — Wetland Criteria —Growing Season Rainfall hti 1.50 - 1.00 0.50 - 110.00 109.00 108.00 107.00 106.00 105.00 104.00 r r 0.00JI l I' �T ^ kUi . 7 / T .00 O O O a -I .- 1 .- 1 .- 1 a -I a -I a -I .- 1 .- 1 a -I a -I a -I .- 1 .- 1 .- 1 a -I a -I .- 1 .- 1 .- 1 a -I a -I a -I 111110300 .--I a -I a -I .- 1 a -I Date 0 ro v w NOTE: Groundwater elevation dropped 12" below ground surface during the following growing season periods for a total of 9 days. Monitoring well is still within criteria for more than 10% of the growing season (24 consecutive days). [ 5/8 - 5/10, 5/14 - 5/21 ] 4 3.5 - 3 2.} 1.5 1 0.5 0 Lowlands MW 5 Serial #20284994 Groundwater Elevation Ground Elevation — — — Wetland Criteria Growing Season Rainfall \sni\t„ \I\ov\\*\ o O 0 .-1 .-I .-I 1-1 .1 .- c-I 1-1 .-I 1-1 c-I c-1 N N N N N N N N N N N Ni N N N 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 NI N NI N N N N N N N N N N N N .\-1 l • 001 N 0 O m N m N O V 00 N 11 N \ c-I \ .- I m e-1 N .--I NI c-I N \ N \ \ N \ ."1 \ \ \ \ \ - - \ ul \ 00 .--I c-I N .--I .--I NI NI CO m Cr V ul c-1 c-I O rn 0 Date N 0 0.1 T — T ' 110.00 109.00 108.00 107.00 - 106.00 •° m v w - 105.00 - 104.00 - 103.00 c-I 1--1 c-I c-I 1--1 .ti c-I .--I e-I .--I c-I N NI NI Ni Ni N N N N N NI Ni N 0 0 O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NJ N N NJ N N NI N NI NI NI N c\-I V 0000 e\-I m 0\l m 0 o V 0\o -1 m \ NJ — ▪ NI o \ .\'1 \ N ,-I N 00 0o on of c-I O .-1 c-I .-I N .-I c-I ci 102.00 NOTE: Groundwater elevation remained within the wetland criteria (above 12" below ground surface) throughout the growing season. 4 3.5 3 2.5 c w 2 Lowlands MW 6 Serial #20284995 Groundwater Elevation Ground Elevation Wetland Criteria Growing Season Rainfall 1.5 - 0.5 - 0 II I I I ' I I I O O .-i 0 N ,lk c-I c-I N N O 0 MI CNI 0 O N-1 -4 OfI11TtT mN 6/5/2021 A O Date 7/3/2021 c //A ti O O O O O O \ \ \ \ \ \ n ,--1 V 00 �--I lf1 r-1 m .-I N .--I N N N W W O\l O\l rJ,r-r rsi 'Hul .- I a --I .--I NOTE: Groundwater elevation remained within the wetland criteria (above 12" below ground surface) throughout the growing season. - 111.00 - 110.00 - 109.00 - 108.00 - 107.00 w O N - 106.00 w - 105.00 - 104.00 - 103.00 102.00 O 4.00 I 3.50 3.00 2.50 c w 2.00 c as 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 0 0 N Lowlands MW 7 Serial #20284996 Groundwater Elevation Ground Elevation — — — Wetland Criteria —Growing Season Rainfall -R-- -- i 1 \\t\s\\\k\os � I � O .ti .—I a —I .—I O O 0 0 0 \ N \ \ \ 01 \ e\-1 \ O N a-1 c-I N a —I )kU_ a 1 a —I a —I a 1 a —I a —I a--1 a -I - a-1 a 1 a —I a 1 N N N N N N N N N N N N N O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ N \ \ \ n M n 0 V 00 N In al M n ,-I Tr N a —I N ati N ▪ N a —I \ ati M %-1 N M M Tr V V• \l lW. \0 N. r n 00 Date IIJrII1flI:Lr11 —I a-1ati a —I N OO O O\\ \ \0 OV 00 a-1NI a —I -I \N \ e\-1c-I r,a—I N, -1 a —I 109.00 108.00 107.00 106.00 105.00 104.00 103.00 102.00 101.00 0 co w NOTE: Groundwater elevation dropped 1211 below ground surface during the following growing season periods for a total of 43 days. Monitoring well is still within criteria for more than 10% of the growing season (24 consecutive days). [ 5/19 - 5/23, 8/27 - 9/23, 9/28 - 10/9, 10/24 - 10/25 ] 4 3.5 3 2.5 03 2 cc 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 O c1 c-I Lowlands MW 8 Serial #20284997 Groundwater Elevation Ground Elevation . Wetland Criteria —Growing Season Rainfall II II 1 1 1 1 0 0 N N a -I a- a -I a- a -I N N N N N O O 0 0 0 O M n M n \ .. \ a -I ▪ N N CO CO 4/24/2021 --- I. ' a- a1 - e-I e-I N N N N N 0 0 0 0 0 0000 N L.r, a,m v1 N 0 \ N 0 0 Date a- a -I a- a -I .-I a 1 .-I a 1 a-1 N N N N N N N N N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 V 0000 .\-I 011 T N 00 0 V 0 \ • \ N 00 00 • O1 CO• a- 1 0 a --I a 1 a-1 a -I a 1 111.00 110.00 109.00 108.00 107.00 c 0 a0i 106.00 w I 105.00 104.00 — 103.00 — 102.00 N NOTE: Groundwater elevation remained within the wetland criteria (above 12" below ground surface) through the majority of the growing season. Only one point on 5/29 dropped below 12" below ground surface and it only lasted for a few hours. 6.3 VEGETATION • (NOT REQUIRED FOR YEAR 4 MONITORING) LOWLANDS YEAR 4 MONITORING REPORT SPEC-16320 Table 3. Open Water Vegetation Summary Table Lowlands Bank Conversion Site Johnston County, NC Monitoring Year 3 McAdams Project #: CLW-18000 Species Indicator Status Absolute % Cover Juncus effusus FACW 65 Andropogon glomeratus FACW 8 Scirpus cyperinus FACW 22 Typha latifolia OBL 15 Solidago gigantea FACW 20 Ludwigia alternifolia FACW 8 Miscanthus sinensis FACU 35 Juncus tenuis FAC 5 Persicaria hydropiperoides OBL 55 Symphyotrichum pilosum FAC 5 Prunella vulgaris FACU 2 Cyperus strigosus FACW 12 Setaria parviflora FAC 1 Baccharis halmifolia FACW 5 Dichanthelium acuminatum FAC 1 Carex frankii OBL 1 Tree species noted: Fraxinus pennsylvanica , Acer rubrum , Salix nigra , Quercus nigra, Gleditsia triacanthos , Taxodium distichum , Betula nigra Appendix C. Regulatory Correspondence - IRT Meeting Minutes - IRT Initial Evaluation Letter w/ Regulatory Correspondence Lowlands Wetland Mitigation Site — Mitigation Plan Appendices CLEAR WATER MITIGATION SOLUTIONS e December 14, 2020 MEETING MINUTES LOWLANDS ACP SITE- IRT Site Visit Current Corps Action ID: SAW-2014-1558 Site Visit Date: 12/09/2020 On December 9, 2020 the USACE, NCDWR, NCWRC, Axiom Environmental, McAdams Company, and Clearwater Mitigation convened, on -site, at 1:00pm to review the Lowlands mitigation site, located approximately 1 mile northeast of the intersection of Devils Racetrack Road and Guin Road (along Guin Road), in Four Oaks, NC. Below is a list of attendees and general site visit notes.. There is a covered structure and a small access road for parking. Attendees: USACE Sam Dailey USACE Kim Browning USACE Casey Haywood NCDWR Erin Davis NCWRC Travis Wilson McAdams Rebecca Stubbs Axiom Grant Lewis Clearwater Kevin Yates General Background: The Site is located within the Neuse River Basin, 8 digit Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) 03020201, more specifically within the 14 digit HUC 03020201150050. The project area is approximately 71.2 acres, of which 65.3 acres will include some form of wetland re- establishment, enhancement, or preservation with the remaining 5.9-acres of uplands and non- credit area to be included within the overall conservation easement as an upland buffer. The original purpose of the Site was to provide 33.58 wetland mitigation credits to Dominion Energy Transmission, Inc. (DETI) as part of DETI's Permittee Responsible Mitigation Plan (PRM) to compensate for unavoidable impacts to wetlands associated with the Atlantic Coast Pipeline Project (ACP). The Site includes the re-establishment of 23.1-acres of riparian wetlands, enhancement of 5.1 acres of riparian and 14.3 acres of non -riparian wetlands, and preservation of 22.8-acres of non -riparian wetlands within the Site. Construction of the project occurred in January through February 2018. Baseline hydrology and vegetation sampling was conducted in March 2018. Monitoring activities have followed the guidelines presented in USACE Wilmington District October 2016 Guidance documents and the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP) Monitoring Requirements and Performance Standards for Stream and/or Wetland Mitigation (November 2011) and will be tailored to the Site. The ACP project was abandoned by Dominion Energy in July 2020, and with that the need for the wetland mitigation credits provided by the Lowlands PRM Site. Since then, it has been agreed by all parties to investigate the conversion of the Lowlands PRM Site and its assets into a Clearwater Mitigation Solutions 604 Macon Place Raleigh, NC 27609 919-624-6901 clearwatermitigation©gmail.com CLEARWATER MITIGATION SOLUTIONS ® Lowlands IRT Meeting Minutes traditional Mitigation Bank to service the Neuse River Basin, 8 digit Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) 03020201. The Site is in monitoring Year 3, with all success criteria for wetland hydrology and the vegetation being met in monitoring years 1 and 2. Data for the year 3 monitoring report is currently being processed and written into a report, with results expected by December 31 st 2020. While the vegetation plots have met success criteria thus far, the Enhancement Areas of the site may require some adaptive management for the vegetation moving forward, as noted below. Site Visit Notes: A walk-through was conducted by the attendees noted to assess existing conditions and general performance of the Site thus far. Enhancement Area 2: 1) The pines and woody vines have taken over some of this area closer to Guin Road and was noted by Clearwater to require some adaptive management. Clearwater proposed hydro -axing the pines, treating woody vines, and any invasive species, while preserving any desired hardwood species. This would be followed by supplemental planting. 2) This area could also be left in its current state, and moving forward would be a non-credit generating portion of the Site within the conservation easement, providing a substantial vegetated buffer to the remainder of the Site. 3) Kim and Erin noted that if we do re -plant the entire area, it would likely trigger an additional 7-years of monitoring. Enhancement Area 1: 1) While this area does not contain the density of pines and woody vines, there are some undesirable species such as sweet gum and red maple, with fewer pines. 2) While it was difficult during our December 9th site visit to initially identify planted stems, Axiom, McAdams, and Clearwater did conduct field reconnaissance in October 2020, and were able to identify some of the original planted stems in this area. 3) Erin and Travis suggested we conduct some random sampling of this area to assess species inventory vs. our target plant community. 4) McAdams is scheduled to conduct these sample plots in January 2021. Once completed we will assess if supplemental planting is required. 5) Kim and Erin noted that if the supplemental planting reached 40-50% that this would likely trigger an additional year of monitoring. 6) Our current credit ratio for the enhancement areas are 3:1. Kim and Erin stated there is potential to receive a 2:1 credit ratio if these areas are meeting success criteria laid out in the guidance and/or brought up to an enhancement level to merit a 2:1 ratio. Clearwater Mitigation Solutions 604 Macon Pl. Raleigh, NC 27609 919-624-6901 Page 3 CLEARWATER MITIGATION SOLUTIONS ® Lowlands IRT Meeting Minutes Preservation Area: 1) While the original approved credit ratio for the preservation area was 5:1, the IRT felt like the lack of various strata and diversity in some areas warrant a ratio of 7.5:1 moving forward. 2) Although efforts were made to remove the historic fencing, there is some still present, Clearwater will have the remainder of fencing removed by February 2021. Re -Establishment Area: 1) There was an area of open water with dormant herbaceous vegetation noted upstream of the southern ditch plug. While Travis welcomed the open water diversity for wildlife habitat, Erin and Kim would like to see supplemental planting in this area or document the diversity of existing herbaceous vegetation. If the herbaceous layer is deemed diverse and robust, then supplemental planting may not be required. Diversity may be shown by herbaceous vegetation plots indicating the presence of 3 to 4 species. 2) Sam noted, otherwise, the vegetation and hydrology within the re-establishment area appeared to be on track in meeting success criteria. 3) Erin and Kim noted that the IRT likes to see multiple ditch plugs in current mitigation plans. Clearwater and McAdams have observed that most of the original ditches have filled with sediment and we can walk across most ditch sections with knee boots. Wrap -Up Discussion: 1) Sam was going to move forward with a Public Notice with a 30-day comment period. Clearwater will assist in providing background information for the Public Notice. 2) The proposed project will require a draft mitigation plan, but not a prospectus. 3) If the mitigation plan is approved, the Site could receive a credit release equivalent to Year-3 (or 65% of total WMU's) in the mitigation banking process. In addition, all preservation credit would be released upon approval of the plan. 4) Clearwater will need to acquire the portion of the gas line easement bisecting the conservation easement area from the land owner and have Dominion Energy abandon this portion of the gas line easement. 5) Clearwater will discuss with attorney best approach to efficiently execute the acquisition of the gas line easement portion of the Site. 6) Clearwater will also discuss with surveyor and attorney an effective approach to include gas line easement portion into the Conservation Easement Plat Survey. Clearwater Mitigation Solutions 604 Macon Pl. Raleigh, NC 27609 919-624-6901 Page 3 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS 69 DARLINGTON AVENUE WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403-1343 November 5, 2021 Regulatory Division Action ID No. SAW-2015-01815 Re: NCIRT Initial Review of the Clearwater Mitigation — Neuse 01 Umbrella Mitigation Banking Instrument & Lowlands Mitigation Site Prospectus Mr. Kevin Yates Clearwater Mitigation 604 Macon Place Raleigh, NC 27609 Dear Mr. Yates: This letter is regarding your prospectus documents for the proposed Neuse 01 Umbrella Mitigation Bank and Lowlands Mitigation Site. The proposal consists of the establishment and operation of a commercial umbrella mitigation bank, and the associated 76-acre Lowlands Mitigation Site, within the Neuse River watershed and is located along Guin Road, near the Town of Four Oaks, in Johnston County, North Carolina (35.4210 N,-78.3480). The proposed bank would include stream and wetland restoration and enhancement activities within the Upper Neuse River Basin (03020201 HUC). The Corps determined the Prospectus was complete and issued a public notice (P/N MBSAW-2015-01815) on August 23, 2021. The purpose of this notice was to solicit the views of interested State and Federal agencies and other parties either interested in or affected by the proposed work. Attached are comments received in response to the public notice from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the State Historic Preservation Office, the Cherokee Nation Tribal Historic Preservation Office, and the Catawba Indian Nation Historic Preservation Office. The Corps has considered the comments received from members of the Interagency Review Team (IRT) and information that was discussed during an IRT site review on December 9, 2020. We have determined that the proposed umbrella mitigation bank appears to have the potential to restore and enhance aquatic resources within the 8- digit HUC 03030201 of the Neuse River. Therefore, the bank sponsor may proceed with preparation of a draft Umbrella Mitigation Banking Instrument (UMBI). Please provide a response to the attached comments with your draft UMBI submittal. We understand that this is an unusual project in that the first site was already constructed as a permittee-responsible mitigation site. As such, we will coordinate with you during the process of developing the draft UMBI to ensure that all provisions appropriately reflect the circumstances. We appreciate your interest in restoring and protecting waters of the United States. If you have questions regarding this letter, please contact me at the Raleigh Regulatory Field Office by email at Todd.Tugwell(�usace.army.mil or telephone (919) 210-2625. Sincerely, --,Li T-,, Todd Tugwell Mitigation Project Manager Regulatory Division Electronic Copies Furnished: NCIRT Distribution List DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS 69 DARLINGTON AVENUE WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403-1343 CESAW-RG/Tugwell November 5, 2021 MEMORANDUM FOR RECORD SUBJECT: Action ID No. SAW-2015-01815, Comments Received in Response to the Public Notice for the Clearwater Mitigation — Neuse 01 Umbrella Mitigation Banking Instrument & Lowlands Mitigation Site Prospectus Elizabeth Toombs, Cherokee Nation, September 21, 2021: SEE ATTACHED COMMENTS Wenonah Haire, Catawba Indian Nation, October 5, 2021: SEE ATTACHED COMMENTS Renee Gledhill -Earley, State Historic Preservation Office, September 28, 2021: SEE ATTACHED COMMENTS Kathy Matthews, USFWS, August 25, 2021: SEE ATTACHED COMMENTS NC Interagency Review Team Comments, June 10, 2021: SEE ATTACHED MEETING MINUTES Todd Tugwell Mitigation Project Manager Regulatory Division Dailey, Samantha J CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) From: Elizabeth Toombs <elizabeth-toombs@cherokee.org> Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2021 11:01 AM To: Dailey, Samantha J CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) Subject: [Non-DoD Source] RE: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Public Notice Ms. Dailey: The Cherokee Nation recently received a review request for Johnston County, North Carolina. Johnston County is outside the Cherokee Nation's Area of Interest. Thus, this Office respectfully defers to federally recognized Tribes that have an interest in this landbase at this time. Thank you for the opportunity to comment upon this proposed undertaking. Please contact me if there are any questions or concerns. Wado, Elizabeth Toombs, Tribal Historic Preservation Officer Cherokee Nation Tribal Historic Preservation Office PO Box 948 Tahlequah, OK 74465-0948 918.453.5389 From: CESAW-PublicNoticeList <CESAW-PublicNoticeList@usace.army.mil> Sent: Monday, August 23, 2021 10:47 AM Subject: <EXTERNAL> U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Public Notice As you requested, you are hereby notified that Wilmington District, United States Army Corps of Engineers has issued a Public Notice. The ADOBE ACROBAT format of this document can be found on the RIBITS website for viewing, printing, or downloading: https://ribits.ops.usace.army.mil/ords/f?p=107:2 1 <Blockedhttps://ribits.ops.usace.army.mil/ords/f?p=107:2> (be sure to copy the entire link, which also includes the dots at the end). To access the public notices, first select the Wilmington District from the Filter View drop -down menu in the lower left- hand column, and then select the link for Bank & ILF Establishment under the Menu section on the left-hand side. Scroll down to the heading for Current Public Notices for Wilmington District Mitigation Activities and select the link for the appropriate project as listed above. The current notice involves: Corps Action ID#: SAW-2015-01815 Bank Sponsor: Clearwater Mitigation Solutions, LLC (Mr. Kevin Yates) Project Name: Clearwater Neuse 01 Lowlands UMBI, Lowlands Mitigation Site (Johnston County) Issue Date: August 23, 2021 Expiration Date: September 22, 2021 Point of Contact: Samantha Dailey Project Description: The Wilmington District, Corps of Engineers (Corps) received a prospectus describing the establishment of an umbrella compensatory mitigation bank, known as the Clearwater Neuse 01 Lowlands Umbrella Mitigation Banking Instrument, Lowlands Mitigation Site (Site). The Site was part of a permittee responsible mitigation plan that was abandoned in 2020 and is currently in Year 4 Monitoring. The Bank Sponsor, Clearwater Mitigation Solutions, LLC, has restored, enhanced, and preserved approximately 76 acres of wetland that would be used to offset impacts authorized as part of future Federal and State permits, located in the Hydrologic Unit Code 03020201 of the Neuse River Basin. The 76-acre Lowlands Mitigation Site is located along Guin Road, in Four Oaks, in Johnston County, North Carolina. 2 Catawba Indian Nation Tribal Historic Preservation Office 1536 Tom Steven Road Rock Hill, South Carolina 29730 Office 803-328-2427 Fax 803-328-5791 October 5, 2021 Attention: Samantha Dailey Army Corp of Engineers Wilmington District Re. THPO # 2021-56-5 TCNS # Project Description SAW-2015-01815 Clearwater Neuse 01 Lowlands Umbrella Mitigation Bank Dear Ms. Dailey, The Catawba have no immediate concerns with regard to traditional cultural properties, sacred sites or Native American archaeological sites within the boundaries of the proposed project areas. However, the Catawba are to be notified if Native American artifacts and / or human remains are located during the ground disturbance phase of this project. If you have questions please contact Caitlin Rogers at 803-328-2427 ext. 226, or e-mail Caitlin.Rogers@catawba.com. Sincerely, Wenonah G. Haire Tribal Historic Preservation Officer North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources State Historic Preservation Office Ramona M. Bartos, Administrator Governor Roy Cooper Office of Archives and History Secretary D. Reid Wilson Deputy Secretary, Darin J. Waters, Ph.D. September 28, 2021 Samantha Dailey US Army Corps of Engineers 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 Wake Forest, North Carolina 27587 Samantha.J.Dailey@usace.army.mil Re: The Lowlands Mitigation Bank, Four Oaks, Johnston County, ER 16-1097 Dear Ms. Dailey: Thank you for your email of August 23, 2021, regarding the above -referenced undertaking. We have reviewed the submission and offer the following comments. We have conducted a review of the project and are aware of no historic resources which would be affected by the project. Therefore, we have no comment on the project as proposed. The above comments are made pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's Regulations for Compliance with Section 106 codified at 36 CFR Part 800. Thank you for your cooperation and consideration. If you have questions concerning the above comment, contact Renee Gledhill -Earley, environmental review coordinator, at 919-814-6579 or environmental.review@ncdcr.gov. In all future communication concerning this project, please cite the above referenced tracking number. Sincerely, kiat Ramona Bartos, Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer Location: 109 East Jones Street, Raleigh NC 27601 Mailing Address: 4617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh NC 27699-4617 Telephone/Fax: (919) 814-6570/814-6898 United States Department of the Interior FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Raleigh ES Field Office 551-F Pylon Drive Raleigh, North Carolina 27606 August 25, 2021 Samantha Dailey U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District Raleigh Regulatory Field Office 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 Wake Forest, NC 27587 Re: Clearwater Neuse 01 Lowlands Umbrella Mitigation Bank/ SAW-2015-01815/ Johnston County Dear Mrs. Dailey: The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) has reviewed the information concerning the above referenced project. The project, based on the description in your letter to our office, and other information, is expected to have minimal adverse impacts to fish and wildlife resources. In accordance with the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended, (ESA) and based on the information provided, and other available information, it appears the action is not likely to adversely affect federally listed species or their critical habitat as defined by the ESA. We believe that the requirements of section 7 (a)(2) of the ESA have been satisfied for this project. Please remember that obligations under the ESA must be reconsidered if: (1) new information identifies impacts of this action that may affect listed species or critical habitat in a manner not previously considered; (2) this action is modified in a manner that was not considered in this review; or, (3) a new species is listed or critical habitat determined that may be affected by the identified action. For your convenience a list of all federally protected endangered and threatened species in North Carolina is now available on our website at http://www.fws.gov/raleigh. Our web page contains a complete and frequently updated list of all endangered and threatened species protected by the provisions of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.)(Act), and a list of federal species of concern' that are known to occur in each county in North Carolina. Section 7 of the Act requires that all federal agencies (or their designated non-federal representative), in consultation with the Service, insure that any action federally authorized, funded, or carried out by such agencies is not likely to jeopardize the continued existence of any federally -listed endangered or threatened species. A biological assessment or evaluation may be prepared to fulfill that requirement and in determining whether additional consultation with the Service is necessary. In addition to the federally -protected species list, information on the species' life histories and habitats and information 1 The term "federal species of concern" refers to those species which the Service believes might be in need of concentrated conservation actions. Federal species of concern receive no legal protection and their designation does not necessarily imply that the species will eventually be proposed for listing as a federally endangered or threatened species. However, we recommend that all practicable measures be taken to avoid or minimize adverse impacts to federal species of concern. on completing a biological assessment or evaluation and can be found on our web page at http://www.fws.gov/raleigh. Please check the web site often for updated information or changes. If your project contains suitable habitat for any of the federally -listed species known to be present within the county where your project occurs, the proposed action has the potential to adversely affect those species. As such, we recommend that surveys be conducted to determine the species' presence or absence within the project area. The use of North Carolina Natural Heritage program data should not be substituted for actual field surveys. If you determine that the proposed action may affect (i.e., likely to adversely affect or not likely to adversely affect) a federally -protected species, you should notify this office with your determination, the results of your surveys, survey methodologies, and an analysis of the effects of the action on listed species, including consideration of direct, indirect, and cumulative effects, before conducting any activities that might affect the species. If you determine that the proposed action will have no effect (i.e., no beneficial or adverse, direct or indirect effect) on federally listed species, then you are not required to contact our office for concurrence (unless an Environmental Impact Statement is prepared). However, you should maintain a complete record of the assessment, including steps leading to your determination of effect, the qualified personnel conducting the assessment, habitat conditions, site photographs, and any other related articles. The Service appreciates the opportunity to review and provide comments on the proposed action. Should you have any questions regarding the project, please contact Kathy Matthews at (919) 856-4520, extension 27. Sincerely, for Pete Benjamin Field Supervisor cc: NMFS, Beaufort, NC EPA, Atlanta, GA WRC, Raleigh Appendix D. Property Information - Draft Conservation Easement Plat & CE Deeds Original Conservation Easement Plat & CE Deeds - Draft Assignment to NCWHF ACP ROW Release Instruments Lowlands Wetland Mitigation Site — Mitigation Plan Appendices LEGEND: ISS - IRON STAKE SET ECM - EXISTING CONCRETE MARKER EIP - EXISTING IRON PIPE ERRR - EXISTING RAILROAD RAIL PTI - PINCHED TOP IRON EA- EXISTING AXLE EDS - EXISTING DRIVE SHAFT EMN - EXISTING MAG NAIL CMP - CORRUGATED METAL PIPE O.D. - OUTSIDE DIAMETER RPS - RANGE POLE SET EMN - EXISTING MAG NAIL MNS - MAG NAIL SET EIS - EXISTING IRON STAKE EPP - EXISTING PUMP PIPE PPS - PUMP PIPE SET NMC - NON-MONUMENTED CORNER R/W - RIGHT OF WAY EOP - EDGE OF PAVEMENT PB - PLAT BOOK D.B. - DEED BOOK PG. - PAGE o- NON-MONUMENTED CORNER UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED No. 5 REBAR FLUSH WITH GRADE WITH YELLOW • PLASTIC CAP INSCRIBED: "CONSERVATION EASEMENT" CONSERVATION EASEMENT LINE - - TIE DOWN LINE ADJOINER OR R/W LINE LINE DATA ALONG THE CONSERVATION EASEMENT AREAS LINE BEARING DISTANCE L1 S18°34'32"W 762.01' L2 S18°34'47"W 131.57' L3 S18°36'33"W 1375.26' L4 N88°26'25"W 873.50' L5 N01°12'06"E 246.29' L6 N30°18'21"E 1416.82' L7 N12°00'48"E 199.54' L8 N65°05'58"E 129.53' L9 N65°05'58"E 129.53' L10 N75°56'50"E 235.75' L11 N88°38'52"E 61.26' L12 N84°00'57"E 150.38' L13 N82°00'25"E 150.25' L14 S02°29'51"E 99.15' L15 S12°00'48"W 153.93' L16 S30°18'21"W 1318.96' L17 N01°12'06"E 705.05' L18 N01°12'06"E 229.58' L19 N77°36'23"E 226.61' L20 N37°52'30"E 49.49' L21 N59°55'53"E 57.17' L22 NO2°02'15"W 38.35' L23 N75°10'59"E 12.26' L24 N61 °56'57"E 125.96' L25 S42°19'31"E 88.03' L26 N59°19'32"E 57.41' L27 N16°59'44"E 117.03' L28 N28°03'03"W 8.69' L29 N65°05'58"E 128.31' L30 S30°18'21"W 696.31' CONSERVATION EASEMENT ADDITION LINE DATA ALONG THE CONSERVATION EASEMENT AREAS LINE BEARING DISTANCE L31 S89°41'48"E 338.73' L32 S88°55'49"W 511.52' L33 S33°05'31"W 293.63' L34 SO4°09'59"E 798.43' L35 S89°41'48"E 215.80' L36 N30°18'21"E 805.41' L37 N01°02'39"E 358.00' L38 S77°36'23"W 52.46' L39 N31°21'17"W 93.33' L40 S85°26'31"W 180.14' L41 S85°34'17"W 175.68' L43 S18°35'53"E 145.69' L44 S36°44'59"E 159.15' L45 S47°08'18"E 141.34' L46 S62°58'01 "E 154.65' L47 S81°38'54"E 115.98' L48 N01°02'39"E 206.32' L49 S89°24'43"E 18.56' L50 S88°55'49"W 15.01' L51 NOT USED L52 S81 °38'54"E 15.12' L53 S01°02'39"W 119.09' L54 N01°12'06"E 20.00' L55 N01°12'06"E 336.79' OWNER'S CERTIFICATE (PIN 169000-48-1394): James Clifton Rhodes and wife, Teresa M. Rhodes, hereby certify that we are the owners of the property shown and described herein which property was conveyed to James Clifton Rhodes by deed recorded at Book 2344, Page 794, Johnston County Registry, and that we hereby adopt the plan of conservation easements and grant and convey the easements herein with our free consent. Further, we hereby certify that the land shown herein is within the subdivision regulation jurisdiction of Johnston County, North Carolina. Date James Clifton Rhodes Date Teresa M. Rhodes STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF JOHNSTON , the undersigned notary public certify that James Clifton Rhodes and wife, Teresa M. Rhodes, personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged to me that they voluntarily signed the foregoing document. Witness my hand and notarial stamp or seal this the __day of , 20_ NOTARY PUBLIC MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: SUBDIVISION ADMINISTRATOR'S CERTIFICATE This plat is exempt from subdivision regulation within the Johnston County Planning Jurisdiction. Date Subdivision Administrator STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF JOHNSTON , Review Officer of Johnston County, certify that the map or plat to which this certification is affixed meets all statutory requirements for recording. Date Review Officer STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF JOHNSTON Filed for registration at Office. Recorded in P.B. M. , 2022 in the Register of Deeds , PG. Register of Deeds By 1 FEMA FLOOD STATEMENT: A PORTION OF THE AREA REPRESENTED BY THIS PLAT IS LOCATED IN A FLOOD HAZARD BOUNDARY ACCORDING TO FEMA MAP NUMBER(S) 3720168000J ZONE(S): AE, SHADED X & X, DATED: DECEMBER 2, 2007. I STEWART D.B. 4934, PG. 113 SURVEYORS CERTIFICATION(S) Surveyor's disclaimer: No attempt was made to locate any cemeteries, wetlands, hazardous material sites, underground utilities or any other features above, or below ground other than those shown. N23°44'17"W However, no visible evidence of cemeteries or utilities, aboveground or otherwise, was observed by 32.85' EPP the undersigned (other than those shown). NOTE: L40 AND L41 ARE LOCATED ON THE SOUTHERN EDGE OF THE 30' DUKE -ENERGY EASEMENT I certify that the survey is of another category such as the recombination of existing parcels, a court -ordered survey, or other exception to the definition of subdivision (conservation easement). I JOHN A. RUDOLPH , certify that this plat was drawn under my supervision from (an actual survey made under my supervision) (deed description recorded in Book SEE . Page REFS , etc.) (other); that the ratio of precision as calculated by latitudes and departures is 1 / 10 000+; that the boundaries not surveyed are shown as broken lines plotted from information found in D B xx Page xx ; that this plat was prepared in accordance with G.S. 47-30 as amended. Witness my original signature, registration number, and seal this 26th day of January, A.D. 2022. SEAL OR STAMP DRAWN BY: FGR DATE: 01/26/22 DWG. NO.: CMS234MR22 SURVEYED BY: J.A.R. Surveybr' L 4194 NOT FOR RECORDATION, CONVEYANCES OR SALES k2 design group 5688 U.S. Hwy. 70 East Goldsboro, NC 27534 919.394.2547 k2design@suddenlink.net 0 v 30' DUKE -ENERGY EASEMENT (15' ON EACH SIDE OF UTILITY LINE (UTILITY LINE NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY) STEWART D.B. 4934, PG. 113 N01 °09'18"E 30.33' (TIE DOWN) RHODES D.B. 2344 PG. 794 0 EPK unn�1enmm�ll 11111111l111111��� 2 m. EIP :i101��:iiiiU111�111111111:■■■■■... •••m40 (� � s �41 STEWART D.B. 4934, PG. 113 CONSERVATION EASEMENT AREA 5 4.31 ACRES EXISTING DITCH (TYPICAL) ACCESS EASEMENT 1 TO BE ABANDONED STEWART D.B. 4934, PG. 113 L32 10' PROPOSED PERMANENT GROUND BED EASEMENT (FOR ATLANTIC COAST PIPELINE, LLC) PER D.B. 4940, PG 820-824 TO BE ABANDONED CONSERVATION EASEMENT AREA 4 12.15 ACRES CONSERVATION EASEMENT AREA 7 (ADDITION) 1.76 ACRES 50' PROPOSED PERMANENT RIGHT-OF-WAY (FOR ATLANTIC COAST PIPELINE, LLC) PER D.B. 4940, PG 820-824 TO BE ABANDONED L35 / N89°4148"W / 271.70' / / / / / / / / / / L53J L50 CURVE DATA CURVE ARC LENGTH RADIUS CHORD BEARING CHORD LENGTH C1 89.01' 963.73' S73°36'40"W 88.98' 50' PROPOSED PERMANENT RIGHT-OF-WAY (FOR ATLANTIC COAST PIPELINE, LLC) PER D.B. 4940, PG 820-824 TO BE ABANDONED SHEPARD D.B. 3883, PG. 355 PROPERTY LINE PER P.B. 80, PG. 41 / RHODES D.B. 2344 PG. 794 CONSERVATION EASEMENT AREA 2 7.44 ACRES N01 ° 12'06"E 102.80' EXISTING DITCH (TYPICAL) N65°05'58"E 62.54' (TIE DOWN) 50' PROPOSED PERMANENT RIGHT-OF-WAY (FOR ATLANTIC COAST PIPELINE, LLC) PER D.B. 4993, PG 872-880 TO BE ABANDONED ACCESS EASEMENT 2 NEW 15' WIDE CROSS -ACCESS EASEMENT (7.5' ON EACH SIDE OF L54) TO BE v L54- I� CONVEYED TO CLEARWATER HOLDINGS I, LLC. (AREA = 0.01 ACRES± BY COORDINATE COMPUTATION) CONSERVATION EASEMENT AREA 3 2.35 ACRES Os EIP LAMPE & IVEY D.B. 3891, PG. 184 50' PROPOSED PERMANENT RIGHT-OF-WAY (FOR ATLANTIC COAST PIPELINE, LLC) PER D.B. 4993, PG 872-880 TO BE ABANDONED NCGS RTN DATA FOR ISS 0 - NC GRID COORDINATES FOR ISS 11 N = 608,831.1354' E = 2,194,367.9188' - GRID FACTOR (GRID TO GROUND) 1.00012283 GRID FACTOR (GROUND TO GRID) 0.99987717 - GEOID 2012B CONUS ALL DISTANCES ARE HORIZONTAL GROUND DISTANCES - GPS RECEIVER USED: TOPCON HIPER SR WITH A MINIMUM OBSERVATION TIME OF 180 SECONDS COMPLETED ON 05/03/2017 CONSERVATION EASEMENT AREA 6 (ADDITION) 1.77 ACRES EXISTING DITCH (TYPICAL) WOODLINE (TYPICAL) CONSERVATION EASEMENT AREA 1 45.57ACRES ir CORNER 1 DESCRIPTIONS CORNER DESCRIPTION 0 3.0" O.D. PUMP PIPE 2.0' ABOVE GRADE O 2.0" O.D. IRON PIPE 2.0' BELOW GRADE O 1.0" O.D. IRON PIPE FLUSH WITH GRADE O 2.0" O.D. PUMP PIPE 1.4' ABOVE GRADE O 4.0" O.D. PUMP PIPE 1.0' ABOVE GRADE, BENT O 1.0" O.D. IRON PIPE 0.1' ABOVE GRADE, WITNESSED BY 4' LIGHT WOOD STAKE O 3.0" O.D. PUMP PIPE 1.0' ABOVE GRADE OS PK NAIL FLSUH WITH GRADE O 1.0" O.D. IRON PIPE 0.4' BELOW GRADE 10 PK NAIL FLSUH WITH GRADE 11 No. 5 REBAR FLUSH WITH GRADE WITH YELLOW PLASTIC CAP SUITABLE FOR GPS SHEPARD D.B. 3883, PG. 355 �pl tI NC GRID COORDINATE N=608,831.1354' E=2,194, 367.9188'j SS, REFERENCE POINT ONLY (SUITABLE FOR GPS OBSERVATION) N/F ALLEN -- M zz 0 z D.B RHODES 2344 PG. 794 EXISTING DITCH (TYPICAL) EPP 0 N/F STANFIELD S 18°34'44"W 175.23' (TIE DOWN) KNIGHT D.B. 2343, PG. 210 EXISTING 36" CMP KNIGHT D.B. 2621, PG. 199 KNIGHT D.B. 2567, PG. 970 z SITE 0 N VICINITY MAP (NTS) DEED REFERENCE(S): BEING A PORTION OF THE PROPERTY RECORDED IN D.B. 2344, PG. 794 AND BEINGA PORTION OF THE PROPERTY RECORDED IN D.B. 4934, PG.113 OF THE JOHNSTON COUNTY REGISTER OF DEEDS. MAP REFERENCE(S): P.B. 80, PG. 41 P.B. 62, PG. 351 GENERAL NOTES: NO HORIZONTAL CONTROL EXISTS WITHIN 2000 FEET. NOTE: NO ABSTRACT OF TITLE, NOR TITLE COMMITMENT, OR RESULTS OF TITLE SEARCH WERE FURNISHED TO THE SURVEYOR. ALL DOCUMENTS OF RECORD REVIEWED ARE NOTED HEREON (SEE REFERENCES). THERE MAY EXIST OTHER DOCUMENTS OF RECORD THAT MAY AFFECT THIS SURVEYED PARCEL. ALL DISTANCES SHOWN ARE HORIZONTAL GROUND DISTANCES. THE PURPOSE OF THIS PLAT IS TO IDENTIFY THE LOCATION OF CONSERVATION EASEMENTS (DEPICTED AS CONSERVATION EASEMENT AREAS 1-5 HEREIN), TO PROVIDEA BASIS FOR THE CONVEYANCE AND DEDICATION OF SAID CONSERVATION EASEMENTS, AND TO PROVIDE ACCESS TO THOSE CONSERVATION EASEMENTS OVER THE ASSOCIATED LANDS. THIS PLAT DOES NOT CREATE NEW PROPERTY LINES OR AFFECT ANY EXISTING PROPERTY LINES. THE RIGHT(S) OF NON-EXCLUSIVE INGRESS, EGRESS AND REGRESS OVER THE ASSOCIATED PROPERTY TO THE RESPECTIVE CONSERVATION EASEMENTS AND OVER AND ALONG ANY AND ALL EXISTING PATHS/ROADS TRANSECTING THE ASSOCIATED PROPERTY ARE RESERVED BY THE GRANTOR(S) AND THE GRANTEE(S) OF THE CONSERVATION EASEMENT(S) AS PROVIDED HEREIN AND IN THE CONSERVATION EASEMENT DEEDS RECORDED IN CONNECTION WITH THIS CONSERVATION EASEMENT PLAT ALL FOR THE USE(S)AND PURPOSES NOT INCONSISTENT WITH THE USE OF THE CONSERVATION EASEMENTS DESCRIBED HEREIN. OWNER'S CERTIFICATE (PIN 169000-27-5572): Chad Minson Stewart and wife, Ursula H. Stewart, hereby certify that we are the owners of the property shown and described herein which property was conveyed to Chad Minton Stewart by deeds recorded at Book 4341, Page 853, Book 4401, Page 820, and Book 4934, Page 113, Johnston County Registry, and that we hereby adopt the plan of conservation easements and grant and convey the easements herein with our free consent. Further, we hereby certify that the land shown herein is within the subdivision regulation jurisdiction of Johnston County, North Carolina. Date Chad Minson Stewart Date Ursula H. Stewart STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF JOHNSTON , the undersigned notary public certify that Chad Minson Stewart and wife, Ursula H. Stewart, personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged to me that they voluntarily signed the foregoing document. Witness my hand and notarial stamp or seal this the day of , 20__ NOTE: ISS IS WITNESSED BY A 1.5" O.D. EIP 0.7' ABOVE GRADE LOCATED S 88°26'25" E 1.0' FROM ISS. THIS /EIP WAS FOUND LAID OVER AND DISTURBED, SURVEYOR SET EIP AS A WITNESS TO CORNER N88°26'25"W 832.63' (TIE DOWN) CONSERVATION EASEMENT ACREAGE DATA: CONSERVATION EASEMENT AREA 1 RHODES TRACT PIN 169000-48-1394 45.57 ACRES± 54.78 ACRES± CONSERVATION EASEMENT AREA 2 RHODES TRACT PIN 169000-48-1394 7.44 ACRES± CONSERVATION EASEMENT AREA 6 (ADDITION) RHODES TRACT PIN 169000-48-1394 1.77 ACRES± CONSERVATION EASEMENT AREA 3 STEWART TRACT PIN 169000-27-5572 2.35 ACRES± 20.57 ACRES± CONSERVATION EASEMENT AREA 4 STEWART TRACT PIN 169000-27-5572 12.15 ACRES± CONSERVATION EASEMENT AREA 5 STEWART TRACT PIN 169000-27-5572 4.31 ACRES± CONSERVATION EASEMENT AREA 7 (ADDITION) STEWART TRACT PIN 169000-27-5572 1.76 ACRES± TOTAL CONSERVATION EASEMENT INCLUDING ACCESS EASEMENT 2 & EXCLUDING ALL OTHER EASEMENTS AND RIGHT-OF-WAYS BY COORDINATE COMPUTATION 75.82 ACRES± NOTARY PUBLIC MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: EPP® CONSERVATION EASEMENT ADDITION FOR CLEARWATER HOLDINGS I, LLC OVER A PORTION OF THE LANDS OF THE TRACT RECORDED IN D.B. 2344 PG. 794 (PIN NO. 169000-48-1394) (CURRENT OWNER: JAMES CLIFTON RHODES) AND ALSO, OVER A PORTION OF THE LANDS OF THE TRACT RECORDED IN D.B. 4934 PG. 113 (PIN NO. 169000-27-5572) (CURRENT OWNER: CHAD M. STEWART) INGRAMS TOWNSHIP JOHNSTON COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA (THE FIELD SURVEY TOOK PLACE DURING MAY & DECEMBER 2017) 200 100 0 200 400 600 GRAPHIC SCALE 1" = 200' I r LEGEND: ISS - IRON STAKE SET ECM - EXISTING CONCRETE MARKER EIP - EXISTING IRON PIPE ERRR - EXISTING RAILROAD RAIL PTI - PINCHED TOP IRON EA - EXISTING AXLE EDS - EXISTING DRIVE SHAFT EMN - EXISTING MAG NAIL CMP - CORRUGATED METAL PIPE O.D. - OUTSIDE DIAMETER RPS - RANGE POLE SET EMN - EXISTING MAG NAIL MNS - MAG NAIL SET EIS - EXISTING IRON STAKE EPP - EXISTING PUMP PIPE PPS - PUMP PIPE SET NMC - NON-MONUMENTED CORNER R/W - RIGHT OF WAY EOP - EDGE OF PAVEMENT PB - PLAT BOOK D.B. - DEED BOOK PG. - PAGE o - NON-MONUMENTED CORNER UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED No. 5 REBAR FLUSH WITH GRADE WITH YELLOW • PLASTIC CAP INSCRIBED: "CONSERVATION EASEMENT" CONSERVATION EASEMENT LINE - - TIE DOWN LINE ADJOINER OR R/W LINE LINE DATA ALONG THE CONSERVATION EASEMENT AREAS LINE BEARING DISTANCE L1 S18°34'32"W 762.01' L2 S18°34'47"W 131.57' L3 S18°36'33'W 1375.26' L4 N88°26'25"W 873.50' L5 N01°12'06"E 246.29' L6 N30°18'21"E 1416.82' L7 N12°00'48"E 199.54' L8 N65°05'58"E 129.53' L9 N65°05'58"E 129.53' L10 N75°56'50"E 235.75' L11 N88°38'52"E 61.26' L12 N84°00'57"E 150.38' L13 N82°00'25'E 150.25' L14 S02°29'51"E 99.15' L15 S12°00'48"W 153.93' L16 S30°18'21"W 1318.96' L17 N01°12'06"E 705.05' L18 N01°12'06"E 229.58' L19 N77°36'23"E 226.61' L20 N37°52'30"E 49.49' L21 N59°55'53"E 57.17' L22 NO2°02'15"W 38.35' L23 N75°10'59"E 12.26' L24 N61°56'57"E 125.96' L25 S42°19'31"E 88.03' L26 N59°19'32"E 57.41' L27 N 16°59'44"E 117.03' L28 N28°03'03"W 8.69' L29 N65°05'58"E 128.31' L30 S30°18'21"W 696.31' LINE DATA ALONG THE CONSERVATION EASEMENT AREAS LINE BEARING DISTANCE L31 S89°41'48"E 338.73' L32 S88°55'49"W 511.52' L33 S33°05'31 "W 293.63' L34 SO4°09'59'E 798.43' L35 S89°41'48"E 215.80' L36 N30°18'21"E 805.41' L37 N01°02'39"E 358.00' L38 S77°36'23"W 52.46' L39 N31°21'17"W 93.33' L40 S85°26'31 "W 180.14' L41 S85°34'17"W 175.68' L43 S18°35'53"E 145.69' L44 S36°44'59"E 159.15' L45 S47°08'18"E 141.34' L46 S62°58'01"E 154.65' L47 S81°38'54"E 115.98' L48 N01 °02'39"E 206.32' L49 S89°24'43"E 18.56' L50 S88°55'49"W 15.01' L51 N01°02'39"E 121.57' L52 S81°38'54"E 15.12' L53 S01 °02'39"W 119.09' L54 N01°12'06"E 20.00' L55 N01°12'06"E 336.79' OWNER'S CERTIFICATE (PIN 169000-48-1394): James Clifton Rhodes and wife, Teresa M. Rhodes, hereby certify that we are the owners of the property shown and described herein which property was conveyed to James Clifton Rhodes by deed recorded at Book 2344, Page 794, Johnston County Registry, and that we hereby adopt the plan of conservation easements and grant and convey the easements herein with our free consent. Further, we hereby certify that the land shown herein is within the subdivision regulation jurisdiction of Johnston County, North Carolina. D�S/!8eLpitor iejecho Datu.0 �$mes Clifton Rhodes D e V esa M. Rhodes STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF JOHNSTON rn. *1/2‘77 . , the undersigned notary public certify that James Clifton Rhodes and wife, Teresa M. Rhodes, personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged to me that they voluntarily signed the foregoing document. Witness my hand and notarial stamp or seal this the $ day of631/, 20 /:. ��Qeq��lHl�tl;� tN<e/c-. ff ‘4.O1.11,) •► 7 AQS LAG UNri NOTARY PUBLIC �/1 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: J I "'W.2y STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF JOHNSTON I, �f ✓�{ £fCL kl , Review Officer of Johnston County, certify that the map or plat tot which this certification is affixed meets all statutory requirements for recording. Date Review O icer 4 J SURVEYORS CERTIFICATION(S) Surveyor's disclaimer: No attempt was made to locate any cemeteries, wetlands, hazardous material sites, underground utilities or any other features above, or below ground other than those shown. However, no visible evidence of cemeteries or utilities, aboveground or otherwise, was observed by the undersigned (other than those shown). I certify that the survey is of another category such as the recombination of existing parcels, a court -ordered survey, or other exception to the definition of subdivision (conservation easement). JOHN A. RUDOLPH , certify that this plat was drawn under my supervision from (an actual survey made under my supervision) (deed description recorded in Book SEE , Page REFS , etc.) (other); that the ratio of precision as calculated by latitudes and departures is 1 / 10,000+; that the boundaries not surveyed are shown as broken lines plotted from information found in D.B. xx Page xx ; that this plat was prepared in accordance with G.S. 47-30 as amended. Witness my original signature, registration number, and seal this 9th day of January, A.D. 2018. SEAL OR STAMP SEAL 94 SUf;VE�O�' �. •.., ... ,...�,,,, . RU���,. DRAWN BY: FGR DATE: 01/09/18 DWG. NO.: CMS234MR17 ' URVEYED BY: J.A.R. Surveyor k2 design group 5688 U.S. Hwy. 70 East Goldsboro, NC 27534 919.394.2547 k2design@suddenlink.net STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF JOHNSTON Filed for registration at I:4T 3O Am . Tbi � (0 2018 in the Register of Deeds Office. Recorded in P.B. , PG. oZ 33 . ail(DULV'4! -1 Re ister o eeds By V� 9 FEMA FLOOD STATEMENT: A PORTION OF THE AREA REPRESENTED BY THIS PLAT IS LOCATED IN A FLOOD HAZARD BOUNDARY ACCORDING TO FEMA MAP NUMBER(S) 3720168000J ZONE(S): AE, SHADED X & X, DATED: DECEMBER 2, 2007. NOTE: L40 AND L41 ARE LOCATED ON THE SOUTHERN EDGE OF THE 30' DUKE -ENERGY EASEMENT ACCESS EASEMENT 1 NEW 15' WIDE NON-EXCLUSIVE ACCESS EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS & REGRESS AND FUTURE UTILITY EASEMENT TO BE CONVEYED TO CLEARWATER HOLDINGS I, LLC. (AREA = 0.04 ACRES* BY COORDINATE COMPUTATION) STEWART D.B. 4934, PG. 113 EPP 0 GENSE No 1 30' DUKE -ENERGY EASEMENT (15' ON EACH SIDE OF UTILITY LINE (UTILITY LINE NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY) STEWART D.B. 4934, PG. 113 N01 °09'18"E 30.33' (TIE DOWN) w"A ailna L40 STEWART D.B. 4934, PG. 113 CONSERVATION EASEMENT AREA 5 4.31 ACRES EXISTING DITCH (TYPICAL) L32 10' PROPOSED PERMANENT GROUND BED EASEMENT (FOR ATLANTIC COAST PIPELINE, LLC) PER D.B. 4940, PG 820-824 CONSERVATION EASEMENT AREA 4 12.15 ACRES 50' PROPOSED PERMANENT RIGHT-OF-WAY (FOR ATLANTIC COAST PIPELINE, LLC) PER D.B. 4940, PG 820-824 L35 N89°41'48"W 271.70' .� (TIE DOWN) 'y�! • SEAL •.2 2000 �. i ••Oh, 0\e,. • , 'isr 50 J RHODES D.B. 2344 PG. 794 CURVE DATA CURVE ARC LENGTH RADIUS CHORD BEARING CHORD LENGTH C1 89.01' 963.73' S73°36'40"W 88.98' SHEPARD D.B. 3883, PG. 355 PROPERTY LINE PER P.B. 80, PG. 41 EPK m"a L22 S01 ° 12'06"W 90.93' (TIE DOWN) RHODES D.B. 2344 PG. 794 CONSERVATION EASEMENT AREA 2 7.44 ACRES N01 ° 12'06"E 102.80' (TIE DOWN) EXISTING 40" CMP EXISTING DITCH (TYPICAL) 50' PROPOSED PERMANENT RIGHT-OF-WAY (FOR ATLANTIC COAST PIPELINE, LLC) PER D.B. 4993, PG 872-880 ACCESS EASEMENT 2 NEW 15' WIDE CROSS -ACCESS EASEMENT (7.5' ON EACH SIDE OF L54) TO BE L54 CONVEYED TO CLEARWATER HOLDINGS I, LLC. (AREA = 0.01 ACRES± BY COORDINATE COMPUTATION) L2 L7 CONSERVATION EASEMENT AREA 3 2.35 ACRES L EIP 0 LAMPE & IVEY D.B. 3891, PG. 184 NCGS RTN DATA FOR ISS 11 - NC GRID COORDINATES FOR ISS 11 N = 608,831.1354' E = 2,194,367.9188' - GRID FACTOR (GRID TO GROUND) 1.00012283 - GRID FACTOR (GROUND TO GRID) 0.99987717 - GEOID 2012B CONUS - ALL DISTANCES ARE HORIZONTAL GROUND DISTANCES - GPS RECEIVER USED: TOPCON HIPER SR WITH A MINIMUM OBSERVATION TIME OF 180 SECONDS COMPLETED ON 05/03/2017 N75°56'50"E 169.90' (TIE DOWN) N65°05'58"E 62.54' (TIE DOWN) EXISTING DITCH (TYPICAL) WOODLINE (TYPICAL) CONSERVATION EASEMENT AREA 1 45.57ACRES i CORNER 1 DESCRIPTIONS CORNER DESCRIPTION O 3.0" O.D. PUMP PIPE 2.0' ABOVE GRADE O 2.0" O.D. IRON PIPE 2.0' BELOW GRADE O 1.0" O.D. IRON PIPE FLUSH WITH GRADE Q 2.0" O.D. PUMP PIPE 1.4' ABOVE GRADE O 4.0" O.D. PUMP PIPE 1.0' ABOVE GRADE, BENT O 1.0" O.D. IRON PIPE 0.1' ABOVE GRADE, WITNESSED BY 4' LIGHT WOOD STAKE O 3.0" O.D. PUMP PIPE 1.0' ABOVE GRADE Q PK NAIL FLSUH WITH GRADE 0 1.0" O.D. IRON PIPE 0.4' BELOW GRADE to PK NAIL FLSUH WITH GRADE 11 No. 5 REBAR FLUSH WITH GRADE WITH YELLOW PLASTIC CAP SUITABLE FOR GPS / GP�N ‘c l66/P SHEPARD D.B. 3883, PG. 355 NC GRID COORDINATE iii:. N=608,831.1354' E=2,194,367.9188' J ISS, REFERENCE POINT ONLY (SUITABLE FOR GPS OBSERVATION) N/F ALLEN 0 � 93 c�a zz x cc O z NOTE: RHODES D.B. 2344 PG. 794 EXISTING DITCH (TYPICAL) 7 N/F STANFIELD r-� S18°34'44"W 175.23' (TIE DOWN) KNIGHT D.B. 2343, PG. 210 EXISTING 36" CMP KNIGHT D.B. 2621, PG. 199 KNIGHT D.B. 2567, PG. 970 N SITE VICINITY MAP (NTS) DEED REFERENCE(S): BEING A PORTION OF THE PROPERTY RECORDED IN D.B. 2344, PG. 794 AND BEING A PORTION OF THE PROPERTY RECORDED IN D.B. 4934, PG.113 OF THE JOHNSTON COUNTY REGISTER OF DEEDS. MAP REFERENCE(S): P.B. 80, PG. 41 P.B. 62, PG. 351 GENERAL NOTES: NO HORIZONTAL CONTROL EXISTS WITHIN 2000 FEET. NOTE: NO ABSTRACT OF TITLE, NOR TITLE COMMITMENT, OR RESULTS OF TITLE SEARCH WERE FURNISHED TO THE SURVEYOR. ALL DOCUMENTS OF RECORD REVIEWED ARE NOTED HEREON (SEE REFERENCES). THERE MAY EXIST OTHER DOCUMENTS OF RECORD THAT MAY AFFECT THIS SURVEYED PARCEL. ALL DISTANCES SHOWN ARE HORIZONTAL GROUND DISTANCES. THE PURPOSE OF THIS PLAT IS TO IDENTIFY THE LOCATION OF CONSERVATION EASEMENTS (DEPICTED AS CONSERVATION EASEMENT AREAS 1-5 HEREIN), TO PROVIDE A BASIS FOR THE CONVEYANCE AND DEDICATION OF SAID CONSERVATION EASEMENTS, AND TO PROVIDE ACCESS TO THOSE CONSERVATION EASEMENTS OVER THE ASSOCIATED LANDS. THIS PLAT DOES NOT CREATE NEW PROPERTY LINES OR AFFECT ANY EXISTING PROPERTY LINES. THE RIGHT(S) OF NON-EXCLUSIVE INGRESS, EGRESS AND REGRESS OVER THE ASSOCIATED PROPERTY TO THE RESPECTIVE CONSERVATION EASEMENTS AND OVER AND ALONG ANY AND ALL EXISTING PATHS/ROADS TRANSECTING THE ASSOCIATED PROPERTY ARE RESERVED BY THE GRANTOR(S) AND THE GRANTEE(S) OF THE CONSERVATION EASEMENT(S) AS PROVIDED HEREIN AND IN THE CONSERVATION EASEMENT DEEDS RECORDED IN CONNECTION WITH THIS CONSERVATION EASEMENT PLAT ALL FOR THE USE(S) AND PURPOSES NOT INCONSISTENT WITH THE USE OF THE CONSERVATION EASEMENTS DESCRIBED HEREIN. OWNER'S CERTIFICATE (PIN 169000-27-5572): Chad Minson Stewart and wife, Ursula H. Stewart, hereby certify that we are the owners of the property shown and described herein which property was conveyed to Chad Minton Stewart by deeds recorded at Book 4341, Page 853, Book 4401, Page 820, and Book 4934, Page 113, Johnston County Registry, and that we hereby adopt the plan of conservation easements and grant and convey the easements herein • h our free conse `'Fu her, we hereby certify that the land shown herein is within the s i on regulation jurisd•tio o Johnston • _ ty, North Carolina. 2-5-lr Date /(id•taiol Chzrd Minson Stewart Da rsu a . Stewart STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF ISTON Await/ 1.e4C'AT • t ' ` i :Pt , the undersigned notary public certify that Chad Minson Stewart and wife, Ursula H. Stewart, personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged to me that they voluntarily signed the forego pg document. Witness my hand and notarial stamp or seal this the 6 day of fI ISS IS WITNESSED BYA 1.5" O.D. EIP 0.7' ABOVE GRADE LOCATED S 88°26'25" E 1.0' FROM ISS. THIS EIP WAS FOUND LAID OVER AND DISTURBED, SURVEYOR SET EIP AS A WITNESS TO CORNER N88°26'25"W 832.63' (TIE DOWN) 00011t auayse / 3 Foci c • CC 1 SUBDIVISION ADMINISTRATOR'S CERTIFICATE This plat is exempt from subdivision regulation within the Johnston County Planning Jurisdiction. Date EPP 5 Ii coal ,;,,TP Subdivision Administrator CONSERVATION EASEMENT ACREAGE DATA: CONSERVATION EASEMENT AREA 1 RHODES TRACT PIN 169000-48-1394 45.57 ACRES± 53.01 ACRES± CONSERVATION EASEMENT AREA 2 RHODES TRACT PIN 169000-48-1394 7.44 ACRES± CONSERVATION EASEMENT AREA 3 STEWART TRACT PIN 169000-27-5572 2.35 ACRES± 18.81 ACRES± CONSERVATION EASEMENT AREA 4 STEWART TRACT PIN 169000-27-5572 12.15 ACRES± CONSERVATION EASEMENT AREA 5 STEWART TRACT PIN 169000-27-5572 4.31 ACRES± TOTAL CONSERVATION EASEMENT INCLUDING ACCESS EASEMENT 2 & EXCLUDING ALL OTHER EASEMENTS AND RIGHT-OF-WAYS BY COORDINATE COMPUTATION 71.82 ACRES± NOTARY PUBLIC MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: , 20 iS 5-- l- tot'z CONSERVATION EASEMENT FOR CLEARWATER HOLDINGS I, LLC OVER A PORT/ON OF THE LANDS OF THE TRACT RECORDED IN D.B. 2344 PG. 794 (PIN NO. 169000-48-1394) (CURRENT OWNER: JAMES CLIFTON RHODES) AND ALSO, OVER A PORT/ON OF THE LANDS OF THE TRACT RECORDED IN D.B. 4934 PG. 113 (PIN NO. 169000-27-5572) (CURRENT OWNER: CHAD M. STEWART) INGRAMS TOWNSHIP JOHNSTON COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA (THE FIELD SURVEY TOOK PLACE DURING MAY & DECEMBER 2017) 200 100 0 200 400 600 GRAPHIC SCALE I" = 200' is i RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: Robert H. Merritt, Jr. Bailey & Dixon, LLC 434 Fayetteville Street, Suite 2500 Raleigh, NC 27601 SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE PERMANENT CONSERVATION EASEMENT THIS CONSERVATION EASEMENT ("Conservation Easement") made this day of October 2022 by and between, James Clifton Rhodes and wife, Teresa M. Rhodes (the"Grantor"), CLEARWATER MITIGATION SOLUTIONS, LLC, a North Carolina Limited Liability Company whose primary address is 604 Macon Place, Raleigh, NC 27609 and its successors and assigns (the "Grantee"). The designation Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties, their heirs, successors and assigns, and shall include singular, plural, masculine, feminine or neuter as required by context. RECITALS WHEREAS, Grantor owns in fee simple certain real property situated, lying and being in Johnston County, North Carolina, more particularly described in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein (the "Property"); 1 WHEREAS, Grantee is a North Carolina limited liability company who will be assigning its interest to North Carolina Wildlife Habitat Foundation, Inc. a North Carolina non-profit corporation, who is a charitable, not -for -profit or educational corporation, association, or trust qualified under § 501 (c)(3) and § 170 (h) of the Internal Revenue Code, and N.C. Gen. Stat. § 121-34 et seq., the purposes or powers of which include one or more of the purposes (a) — (d) listed below; (a) retaining or protecting natural, scenic, or open -space aspects of real property; (b) ensuring the availability of real property for recreational, educational, or open -space use; (c) protecting natural resources; (d) maintaining or enhancing air or water quality. WHEREAS, Grantor and Grantee recognize the conservation, scenic, natural, or aesthetic value of the property in its natural state, which includes the following natural communities: riparian wetlands and non -riparian wetlands. The purpose of this Conservation Easement is to maintain wetlands, riparian resources and other natural values of approximately 1.77 acres, more or less, and being more particularly described in Exhibit B attached hereto and incorporated fully herein by reference (the "Conservation Easement Area"), and prevent the use or development of the Conservation Easement Area for any purpose or in any manner that would conflict with the maintenance of its natural condition. WHEREAS, the restoration, enhancement and preservation of the Conservation Easement Area is a condition of the approval of the Mitigation Banking Instrument (MBI) and Mitigation Plan for the Lowlands Site Mitigation Bank, Department of the Army (DA) Action ID Number SAW- SAW-2015- 01815, entitled "Agreement to Establish the Clearwater Neuse 01 Mitigation Bank in the Neuse River Basin within the State of North Carolina", entered into by and between Clearwater Mitigation Solutions, LLC acting as the Bank Sponsor and the Wilmington District Corps of Engineers (Corps), in consultation with the North Carolina Interagency Review Team (IRT). The Lowlands Mitigation Site has been approved by the Corps for use as a mitigation bank to compensate for unavoidable stream and wetland impacts authorized by DA permits. WHEREAS, Grantor and Grantee agree that third -party rights of enforcement shall be held by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District ("Third-Parties,"to include any successor agencies), and may be exercised through the appropriate enforcement agencies of the United States, and that these rights are in addition to, and do not limit, the rights of enforcement under the Department of the Army instrument number SAW- SAW-2015-01815 ("Mitigation Banking Instrument"), or any permit or certification issued by the Third -Parties. 2 NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the covenants and representations contained herein and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and legal sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, Grantor hereby unconditionally and irrevocably grants and conveys unto Grantee, its heirs, successors and assigns, forever and in perpetuity a Conservation Easement of the nature and character and to the extent hereinafter set forth, over the Conservation Easement Area described on Exhibit B, together with the right to preserve and protect the conservation values thereof, as follows: ARTICLE I. DURATION OF EASEMENT This Conservation Easement shall be perpetual. This Conservation Easement is an easement in gross, runs with the land and is enforceable by Grantee against Grantor, Grantor's personal representatives, heirs, successors and assigns, lessees, agents and licensees. ARTICLE II. PROHIBITED AND RESTRICTED ACTIVITIES Any activity on, or use of, the Conservation Easement Area inconsistent with the purpose of this Conservation Easement is prohibited. The Conservation Easement Area shall be preserved in its natural condition and restricted from any development that would impair or interfere with the conservation values of the Conservation Easement Area. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the following activities and uses are expressly prohibited, restricted or reserved as indicated hereunder: A. Disturbance of Natural Features. Any change disturbance, alteration or impairment of the natural features of the Conservation Easement Area or any introduction of non-native plants and/or animal species is prohibited. B. Construction. There shall be no constructing or placing of any building, mobile home, asphalt or concrete pavement, billboard or other advertising display, antenna, utility pole, tower, conduit, line, pier, landing, dock or any other temporary or permanent structure or facility on or above the Conservation Easement Area. C. Industrial, Commercial and Residential Use. Industrial, residential and/or commercial activities, including any rights of passage for such purposes are prohibited. D. Agricultural, Grazing and Horticultural Use. Agricultural, grazing, 3 animal husbandry, and horticultural use of the Conservation Easement Area are prohibited. E. Vegetation. There shall be no removal, burning, destruction, harming, cutting or mowing of trees, shrubs, or other vegetation in the Conservation Easement Area except as provided in the Mitigation Plan. Mowing of invasive and herbaceous vegetation for purposes of enhancing planted or volunteer trees and shrubs approved in the Mitigation Plan is allowable once a year for no more than five consecutive years from the date on page 1 of this Conservation Easement, except where mowing will negatively impact vegetation or disturb soils. Mowing activities shall only be performed by Clearwater Mitigation Solutions, LLC and shall not violate any part of Item L of Article II. F. Roads and Trails. There shall be no construction of roads, trails or walkways on the Conservation Easement Area; nor enlargement or modification to existing roads, trails or walkways. G. Signage. No signs shall be permitted on or over the Conservation Easement Area, except the posting of no trespassing signs, signs identifying the conservation values of the Conservation Easement Area, signs giving directions or proscribing rules and regulations for the use of the Conservation Easement Area and/or signs identifying the Grantor as owner of the Conservation Easement Area. H. Dumping or Storage. Dumping or storage of soil, trash, ashes, garbage, waste, abandoned vehicles, appliances, machinery or hazardous substances, or toxic or hazardous waste, or any placement of underground or aboveground storage tanks or other materials on the Conservation Easement Area is prohibited. I. Excavation, Dredging or Mineral Use. There shall be no grading, filling, excavation, dredging, mining or drilling; no removal of topsoil, sand, gravel, rock, peat, minerals or other materials, and no change in the topography of the land in any manner on the Conservation Easement Area, except to restore natural topography or drainage patterns. For purposes of restoring and enhancing streams and wetlands within the Conservation Easement Area, Clearwater Mitigation Solutions, LLC is allowed to perform grading, filling, and excavation associated with stream and wetland restoration and enhancement activities as described in the Mitigation Plan and authorized by Department of the Army Nationwide Permit 27. J. Water Quality and Drainage Pattern. There shall be no diking, draining, dredging, channeling, filling, leveling, pumping, impounding or related activities, or altering or tampering with water control structures or devices, or disruption or alteration of the restored, enhanced, or created drainage patterns. In addition, diverting or causing or permitting the diversion of surface or 4 underground water into, within or out of the easement area by any means, removal of wetlands, polluting or discharging into waters, springs, seeps, or wetlands, or use of pesticide or biocides is prohibited. K. Development Rights. No development rights that have been encumbered or extinguished by this Conservation Easement shall be transferred pursuant to a transferable development rights scheme or cluster development arrangement or otherwise. L. Vehicles. The operation of mechanized vehicles, including, but not limited to, motorcycles, dirt bikes, all -terrain vehicles, cars and trucks is prohibited other than for temporary or occasional access by the Clearwater Mitigation Solutions, LLC, the Grantee, its employees and agents, successors, assigns, NCDWR, and the Corps for purposes of constructing, maintaining and monitoring the restoration, enhancement and preservation of streams, wetlands and riparian areas within the Conservation Easement Area. The use of mechanized vehicles for monitoring purposes is limited to only existing roads and trails as shown in the approved in the mitigation plan. M. Other Prohibitions. Any other use of, or activity on, the Conservation Easement Area which is or may become inconsistent with the purposes of this grant, the preservation of the Conservation Easement Area substantially in its natural condition, or the protection of its environmental systems, is prohibited. ARTICLE III. GRANTOR'S RESEVERED RIGHTS The Grantor expressly reserves for himself, his personal representatives, heirs, successors or assigns, the right to continue the use of the Conservation Easement Area for all purposes not inconsistent with this Conservation Easement, including, but not limited to, the right to quiet enjoyment of the Conservation Easement Area, the rights of ingress and egress, the right to hunt, fish, and hike on the Conservation Easement Area, the right to sell, transfer, gift or otherwise convey the Conservation Easement Area, in whole or in part, provided such sale, transfer or gift conveyance is subject to the terms of, and shall specifically reference, this Conservation Easement. Notwithstanding the foregoing Restrictions, Grantor reserves for Grantor, its successors and assigns, including Clearwater Mitigation Solutions, LLC acting as the Bank Sponsor, the right to construct and perform activities related to the restoration, enhancement, and preservation of streams, wetlands and riparian areas within the Conservation Easement Area in accordance with the approved Lowlands Site Mitigation Plan, and the Mitigation Banking Instrument described in the Recitals of this Conservation Easement. 5 ARTICLE IV. GRANTEE'S RIGHTS The Grantee or its authorized representatives, successors and assigns, and the Corps, shall have the right to enter the Property and Conservation Easement Area at all reasonable times for the purpose of inspecting the Conservation Easement Area to determine if the Grantor, or his personal representatives, heirs, successors, or assigns, is complying with the terms, conditions, restrictions, and purposes of this Conservation Easement. The Grantee, Clearwater Mitigation Solutions, LLC, and its authorized representatives, successors and assigns, and the Corps shall also have the right to enter and go upon the Conservation Easement Area for purposes of making scientific or educational observations and studies, and taking samples. The easement rights granted herein do not include public access rights. ARTICLE V. ENFORCEMENT AND REMEDIES A. To accomplish the purposes of this Easement, Grantee, the Corps, and NCDWR are allowed to prevent any activity on or use of the Conservation Easement Area that is inconsistent with the purposes of this Easement and to require the restoration of such areas or features of the Conservation Easement Area that may be damaged by such activity or use. Upon any breach of the terms of this Conservation Easement by Grantor that comes to the attention of the Grantee, the Grantee shall notify the Grantor in writing of such breach. The Grantor shall have 30 days after receipt of such notice to correct the conditions constituting such breach. If the breach remains uncured after 30 days, the Grantee may enforce this Conservation Easement by appropriate legal proceedings including damages, injunctive and other relief. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Grantee reserves the immediate right, without notice, to obtain a temporary restraining order, injunctive or other appropriate relief if the breach of the terms of this Conservation Easement is or would irreversibly or otherwise materially impair the benefits to be derived from this Conservation Easement. The Grantor and Grantee acknowledge that under such circumstances damage to the Grantee would be irreparable and remedies at law will be inadequate. The rights and remedies of the Grantee provided hereunder shall be in addition to, and not in lieu of, all other rights and remedies available to Grantee in connection with this Conservation Easement. The costs of a breach, correction or restoration, including the Grantee's expenses, court costs, and attorneys' fees, shall be paid by Grantor, provided Grantor is determined to be responsible for the breach. The Corps and the NCDWR shall have the same rights and privileges as the said Grantee to enforce the terms and conditions of this Conservation easement. B. No failure on the part of the Grantee to enforce any covenant or provision hereof shall discharge or invalidate such covenant or any other covenant, condition, or provision hereof or affect the right to Grantee to enforce 6 the same in the event of a subsequent breach or default. C. Nothing contained in this Conservation Easement shall be construed to entitle Grantee to bring any action against Grantor for any injury or change in the Conservation Easement Area resulting from causes beyond the Grantor's control, including, without limitation, fire, flood, storm, war, acts of God or third parties, except Grantor's lessees or invitees; or from any prudent action taken in good faith by Grantor under emergency conditions to prevent, abate, or mitigate significant injury to life, damage to property or harm to the Conservation Easement Area resulting from such causes. ARTICLE VI. MISCELLANEOUS A. Warranty. Grantor warrants, covenants and represents that it owns the Property in fee simple, and that Grantor either owns all interests in the Property which may be impaired by the granting of this Conservation Easement or that there are no outstanding mortgages, tax liens, encumbrances, or other interests in the Property which have not been expressly subordinated to this Conservation Easement. Grantor further warrants that Grantee shall have the use of and enjoy all the benefits derived from and arising out of this Conservation Easement, and that Grantor will warrant and defend title to the Property against the claims of all persons. - B. Subsequent Transfers. The Grantor agrees to incorporate the terms of this Conservation Easement in any deed or other legal instrument that transfers any interest in all or a portion of the Conservation Easement Area. The Grantor agrees to provide written notice of such transfer at least sixty (60) days prior to the date of the transfer. The Grantor and Grantee agree that the terms of this Conservation Easement shall survive any merger of the fee and easement interests in the Conservation Easement Area or any portion thereof and shall not be amended, modified or terminated without the prior written consent and approval of the Corps. C. Assignment. The parties recognize and agree that the benefits of this Conservation Easement are in gross and assignable provided, however that the Grantee hereby covenants and agrees, that in the event it transfers or assigns this Conservation Easement, the organization receiving the interest will be a qualified holder pursuant to 33 CFR 332.7 (a)(1), N.C. Gen. Stat. § 121-34 et seq. and § 501 (c)(3) and § 170 (h) of the Internal Revenue Code, and the Grantee further covenants and agrees that the terms of the transfer or assignment will be such that the transferee or assignee will be required to continue in perpetuity the conservation purposes described in this document. D. Entire Agreement and Severability. The Mitigation Banking Instrument: MBI with corresponding Mitigation Plan, and this Conservation Easement sets forth the entire agreement of the parties with respect to the Conservation Easement and supersedes all prior discussions, negotiations, understandings or agreements relating to the Conservation Easement. If any provision is found to be void or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder shall continue in full force and effect. E. Obligations of Ownership. Grantor is responsible for any real estate taxes, assessments, fees, or charges levied upon the Property. Grantor shall keep the Property free of any liens or other encumbrances for obligations incurred by Grantor, except those incurred after the date hereof, which are expressly subject and subordinate to the Conservation Easement. Grantee shall not be responsible for any costs or liability of any kind related to the ownership, operation, insurance, upkeep, or maintenance of the Property, except as expressly provided herein. Nothing herein shall relieve the Grantor of the obligation to comply with federal, state or local laws, regulations and permits that may apply to the exercise of the Reserved Rights. F. Long -Term Management. Grantor is responsible for all long-term management activities associated with fencing. These activities include the maintenance and/or replacement of fence structures to ensure the aquatic resource functions within the boundaries of the Protected Property are sustained. G. Extinguishment. In the event that changed conditions render impossible the continued use of the Conservation Easement Area for the conservation purposes, this Conservation Easement may only be extinguished, in whole or in part, by judicial proceeding. H. Eminent Domain. Whenever all or part of the Conservation Easement Area is taken in the exercise of eminent domain so as to substantially abrogate the Restrictions imposed by this Conservation Easement, Grantor and Grantee shall join in appropriate actions at the time of such taking to recover the full value of the taking, and all incidental and direct damages due to the taking. I. Proceeds. This Conservation Easement constitutes a real property interest immediately vested in Grantee. In the event that all or a portion of the Conservation Easement Area is sold, exchanged, or involuntarily converted following an extinguishment or the exercise of eminent domain, Grantee shall be entitled to the fair market value of this Conservation Easement as determined at the time of the extinguishment or condemnation. 1. Notification. Any notice, request for approval, or other communication required under this Conservation Easement shall be sent by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, to the following addresses (or such address as may be hereafter specified by notice pursuant to this paragraph): 8 To Grantor: James Clifton and Teresa Rhodes 2009 Devils Racetrack Road Four Oaks, NC 27524 To Grantee: Clearwater Mitigation Solutions, LLC 604 Macon Place Raleigh, NC 27609 To Sponsor: Clearwater Mitigation Solutions, LLC 604 Macon Place Raleigh, NC 27609 To the Corps: US Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington District, Regulatory Division 69 Darlington Avenue Wilmington, NC 28403 K. Failure of Grantee. If at any time Grantee is unable or fails to enforce this Conservation Easement, or if Grantee ceases to be a qualified grantee, and if within a reasonable period of time after the occurrence of one of these events Grantee fails to make an assignment pursuant to this Conservation Easement, then the Grantee's interest shall become vested in another qualified grantee in accordance with an appropriate proceeding in a court of competent jurisdiction. L. Amendment. This Conservation Easement may be amended, but only in a writing signed by all parties hereto, and provided such amendment does not affect the qualification of this Conservation Easement or the status of the Grantee under any applicable laws, and is consistent with the conservation purposes of this grant. M. Present Condition of the Conservation Easement Area. The wetlands, scenic, resource, environmental, and other natural characteristics of the Conservation Easement Area, and its current use and state of improvement, are described in Amended Lowlands Site Mitigation Plan, prepared by Grantor and acknowledged by the Grantor and Grantee to be complete and accurate as of the date hereof. Both Grantor and Grantee have copies of this report. It will be used by the parties to assure that any future changes in the use of the Conservation Easement Area will be consistent with the terms of this Conservation Easement. However, this report is not intended to preclude the use of other evidence to establish the present condition of the Conservation Easement Area if there is a controversy over its use. 9 TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said rights and easements perpetually unto Grantee for the aforesaid purposes. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the Grantor has hereunto set his hand and seal, the day and year first above written. [Signatures of the Grantor and Grantee in appropriate form] Grantor/Seller By: Print Name: James Clifton Rhodes By: Print Name: Teresa M. Rhodes NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF I, , a Notary Public in and for the County and State aforesaid, do hereby certify that , GRANTOR, personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the execution of the foregoing instrument. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and Notary Seal this the day of , 2022. Notary Public My commission expires: 11 Grantee/Buyer By: Authorized Officer Print Name J. Kevin Yates NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF I, , a Notary Public in and for the County and State aforesaid, do hereby certify that , personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged that he/she is the of Member/Manager, of CLEARWATER MITIGATION SOLUTIONS, LLC, a North Carolina Limited Liability Company, GRANTEE, and that by the authority duly given as an act of the limited liability company, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its authorized officer and attested by its authorized officer. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and Notary Seal this the day of 2022. Notary Public My commission expires: 12 EXHIBIT A (Legal Description of Property) BEING ALL OF that certain approximately 58 acre tracts of land in Johnston County, North Carolina full described as follows: TRIM # 1 Beginning on a pine stump formerly John Sellers comer and now Hackney Wagon Company land runs as said line S 1$ W 136 poles to a stake; thence W 53 poles to a stake; thence N 108 poles to a stake, Formerly C S Powell's line; thence as his line N 79 E 95 poles to the beginning, containing 55 acres, more or Tess, and being the property conveyed to D C Rhodes by Rebecca Rhodes, Widow, by deed dated June 23, 1923 and recorded in Hook 129, Page 176, Registry ofJoluiston County. TRACT # 2 Beginning at a white nak corner Lot No. 5 and rums N 5.70 chains to a comer in the Old Beard line; thence with said in W 25 chains to a comer on a pine; thence N 3.50 chains to a stake; W 31.30 chains to a stake in the run of Little Swamp; thence down said swamp as it meanders to a stake corner lot No, 5; thence E 43.50 chains to the beginning, containing 36 acres, more or less, and being Lot # 6 of the division of James H. Rhodes property as shown in L D 13 page 391, page 392, Registry of Johnston County. AND BEING the same property described in deed recorded in Deed Book 062, Page 0351, Deed Book 02344, Page 0794, Pin 169000-48-1394, Johnston County Registry. 13 EXHIBIT B (Legal Description of the Conservation Easement Area) Conservation Easement Area 6 All of the Conservation Easement Area 6 of the Lowlands Site over a portion of the land of James Clifton Rhodes (PIN No 169000-48-1394) lying and being situated in Ingrams Township, Johnston County, North Carolina and particularly described as follows (all distances are ground distances unless otherwise noted): Beginning at an iron stake (Point of Beginning) being the most Northeastern point of Conservation Easement Area 6 on the Southern right-of-way of N.C.S.R. 1184 (Guin Rd) and being located North 22°37'26" West 568.23 feet from an iron stake (Point No. 11) with N.C. Grid Coordinates N=608,831.1354', E=2,194,367.9188' (NAD '83, 2011). Thence from the Point of Beginning, South 12°00'48" West 199.54' to an iron stake; thence South 30°18'21" West 1416.82' to an iron stake; thence North 01°12'06" East 102.80' to an iron stake; thence North 30°18'21" East 1318.96' to an iron stake; thence North 12°00'48" East 153.93' to an iron stake; thence North 65°05'58" East 62.54' to an iron stake; which is the point of beginning, having an area of 1.77 acres. 14 RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: Robert H. Merritt, Jr. Bailey & Dixon, LLC 434 Fayetteville Street, Suite 2500 Raleigh, NC 27601 SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE PERMANENT CONSERVATION EASEMENT THIS CONSERVATION EASEMENT ("Conservation Easement") made this day of 2022 by and between, Chad Minson Stewart and wife, Ursula H. Stewart (the"Grantor"), CLEARWATER MITIGATION SOLUTIONS, LLC, a North Carolina Limited Liability Company whose primary address is 604 Macon Place, Raleigh, NC 27609 and its successors and assigns (the "Grantee"). The designation Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties, their heirs, successors and assigns, and shall include singular, plural, masculine, feminine or neuter as required by context. RECITALS WHEREAS, Grantor owns in fee simple certain real property situated, lying and being in Johnston County, North Carolina, more particularly described in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein (the "Property"); 1 WHEREAS, Grantee is a North Carolina limited liability company who will be assigning its interest to North Carolina Wildlife Habitat Foundation, Inc. a North Carolina non-profit corporation, who is a charitable, not -for -profit or educational corporation, association, or trust qualified under § 501 (c)(3) and § 170 (h) of the Internal Revenue Code, and N.C. Gen. Stat. § 121-34 et seq., the purposes or powers of which include one or more of the purposes (a) — (d) listed below; (a) retaining or protecting natural, scenic, or open -space aspects of real property; (b) ensuring the availability of real property for recreational, educational, or open -space use; (c) protecting natural resources; (d) maintaining or enhancing air or water quality. WHEREAS, Grantor and Grantee recognize the conservation, scenic, natural, or aesthetic value of the property in its natural state, which includes the following natural communities: riparian wetlands and non -riparian wetlands. The purpose of this Conservation Easement is to maintain wetlands, riparian resources and other natural values of approximately 1.76 acres, more or less, and being more particularly described in Exhibit B attached hereto and incorporated fully herein by reference (the "Conservation Easement Area"), and prevent the use or development of the Conservation Easement Area for any purpose or in any manner that would conflict with the maintenance of its natural condition. WHEREAS, the restoration, enhancement and preservation of the Conservation Easement Area is a condition of the approval of the Mitigation Banking Instrument (MBI) and Mitigation Plan for the Lowlands Site Mitigation Bank, Department of the Army (DA) Action ID Number SAW- SAW-2015- 01815, entitled "Agreement to Establish the Clearwater Neuse 01 Mitigation Bank in the Neuse River Basin within the State of North Carolina", entered into by and between Clearwater Mitigation Solutions, LLC acting as the Bank Sponsor and the Wilmington District Corps of Engineers (Corps), in consultation with the North Carolina Interagency Review Team (IRT). The Lowlands Mitigation Site has been approved by the Corps for use as a mitigation bank to compensate for unavoidable stream and wetland impacts authorized by DA permits. WHEREAS, Grantor and Grantee agree that third -party rights of enforcement shall be held by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District ("Third-Parties,"to include any successor agencies), and may be exercised through the appropriate enforcement agencies of the United States, and that these rights are in addition to, and do not limit, the rights of enforcement under the Department of the Army instrument number SAW- SAW-2015-01815 ("Mitigation Banking Instrument"), or any permit or certification issued by the Third -Parties. 2 NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the covenants and representations contained herein and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and legal sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, Grantor hereby unconditionally and irrevocably grants and conveys unto Grantee, its heirs, successors and assigns, forever and in perpetuity a Conservation Easement of the nature and character and to the extent hereinafter set forth, over the Conservation Easement Area described on Exhibit B, together with the right to preserve and protect the conservation values thereof, as follows: ARTICLE I. DURATION OF EASEMENT This Conservation Easement shall be perpetual. This Conservation Easement is an easement in gross, runs with the land and is enforceable by Grantee against Grantor, Grantor's personal representatives, heirs, successors and assigns, lessees, agents and licensees. ARTICLE II. PROHIBITED AND RESTRICTED ACTIVITIES Any activity on, or use of, the Conservation Easement Area inconsistent with the purpose of this Conservation Easement is prohibited. The Conservation Easement Area shall be preserved in its natural condition and restricted from any development that would impair or interfere with the conservation values of the Conservation Easement Area. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the following activities and uses are expressly prohibited, restricted or reserved as indicated hereunder: A. Disturbance of Natural Features. Any change disturbance, alteration or impairment of the natural features of the Conservation Easement Area or any introduction of non-native plants and/or animal species is prohibited. B. Construction. There shall be no constructing or placing of any building, mobile home, asphalt or concrete pavement, billboard or other advertising display, antenna, utility pole, tower, conduit, line, pier, landing, dock or any other temporary or permanent structure or facility on or above the Conservation Easement Area. C. Industrial, Commercial and Residential Use. Industrial, residential and/or commercial activities, including any rights of passage for such purposes are prohibited. D. Agricultural, Grazing and Horticultural Use. Agricultural, grazing, 3 animal husbandry, and horticultural use of the Conservation Easement Area are prohibited. E. Vegetation. There shall be no removal, burning, destruction, harming, cutting or mowing of trees, shrubs, or other vegetation in the Conservation Easement Area except as provided in the Mitigation Plan. Mowing of invasive and herbaceous vegetation for purposes of enhancing planted or volunteer trees and shrubs approved in the Mitigation Plan is allowable once a year for no more than five consecutive years from the date on page 1 of this Conservation Easement, except where mowing will negatively impact vegetation or disturb soils. Mowing activities shall only be performed by Clearwater Mitigation Solutions, LLC and shall not violate any part of Item L of Article II. F. Roads and Trails. There shall be no construction of roads, trails or walkways on the Conservation Easement Area; nor enlargement or modification to existing roads, trails or walkways. G. Signage. No signs shall be permitted on or over the Conservation Easement Area, except the posting of no trespassing signs, signs identifying the conservation values of the Conservation Easement Area, signs giving directions or proscribing rules and regulations for the use of the Conservation Easement Area and/or signs identifying the Grantor as owner of the Conservation Easement Area. H. Dumping or Storage. Dumping or storage of soil, trash, ashes, garbage, waste, abandoned vehicles, appliances, machinery or hazardous substances, or toxic or hazardous waste, or any placement of underground or aboveground storage tanks or other materials on the Conservation Easement Area is prohibited. I. Excavation, Dredging or Mineral Use. There shall be no grading, filling, excavation, dredging, mining or drilling; no removal of topsoil, sand, gravel, rock, peat, minerals or other materials, and no change in the topography of the land in any manner on the Conservation Easement Area, except to restore natural topography or drainage patterns. For purposes of restoring and enhancing streams and wetlands within the Conservation Easement Area, Clearwater Mitigation Solutions, LLC is allowed to perform grading, filling, and excavation associated with stream and wetland restoration and enhancement activities as described in the Mitigation Plan and authorized by Department of the Army Nationwide Permit 27. J. Water Quality and Drainage Pattern. There shall be no diking, draining, dredging, channeling, filling, leveling, pumping, impounding or related activities, or altering or tampering with water control structures or devices, or disruption or alteration of the restored, enhanced, or created drainage patterns. In addition, diverting or causing or permitting the diversion of surface or 4 underground water into, within or out of the easement area by any means, removal of wetlands, polluting or discharging into waters, springs, seeps, or wetlands, or use of pesticide or biocides is prohibited. K. Development Rights. No development rights that have been encumbered or extinguished by this Conservation Easement shall be transferred pursuant to a transferable development rights scheme or cluster development arrangement or otherwise. L. Vehicles. The operation of mechanized vehicles, including, but not limited to, motorcycles, dirt bikes, all -terrain vehicles, cars and trucks is prohibited other than for temporary or occasional access by the Clearwater Mitigation Solutions, LLC, the Grantee, its employees and agents, successors, assigns, NCDWR, and the Corps for purposes of constructing, maintaining and monitoring the restoration, enhancement and preservation of streams, wetlands and riparian areas within the Conservation Easement Area. The use of mechanized vehicles for monitoring purposes is limited to only existing roads and trails as shown in the approved in the mitigation plan. M. Other Prohibitions. Any other use of, or activity on, the Conservation Easement Area which is or may become inconsistent with the purposes of this grant, the preservation of the Conservation Easement Area substantially in its natural condition, or the protection of its environmental systems, is prohibited. ARTICLE III. GRANTOR'S RESEVERED RIGHTS The Grantor expressly reserves for himself, his personal representatives, heirs, successors or assigns, the right to continue the use of the Conservation Easement Area for all purposes not inconsistent with this Conservation Easement, including, but not limited to, the right to quiet enjoyment of the Conservation Easement Area, the rights of ingress and egress, the right to hunt, fish, and hike on the Conservation Easement Area, the right to sell, transfer, gift or otherwise convey the Conservation Easement Area, in whole or in part, provided such sale, transfer or gift conveyance is subject to the terms of, and shall specifically reference, this Conservation Easement. Notwithstanding the foregoing Restrictions, Grantor reserves for Grantor, its successors and assigns, including Clearwater Mitigation Solutions, LLC acting as the Bank Sponsor, the right to construct and perform activities related to the restoration, enhancement, and preservation of streams, wetlands and riparian areas within the Conservation Easement Area in accordance with the approved Lowlands Site Mitigation Plan, and the Mitigation Banking Instrument described in the Recitals of this Conservation Easement. 5 ARTICLE IV. GRANTEE'S RIGHTS The Grantee or its authorized representatives, successors and assigns, and the Corps, shall have the right to enter the Property and Conservation Easement Area at all reasonable times for the purpose of inspecting the Conservation Easement Area to determine if the Grantor, or his personal representatives, heirs, successors, or assigns, is complying with the terms, conditions, restrictions, and purposes of this Conservation Easement. The Grantee, Clearwater Mitigation Solutions, LLC, and its authorized representatives, successors and assigns, and the Corps shall also have the right to enter and go upon the Conservation Easement Area for purposes of making scientific or educational observations and studies, and taking samples. The easement rights granted herein do not include public access rights. ARTICLE V. ENFORCEMENT AND REMEDIES A. To accomplish the purposes of this Easement, Grantee, the Corps, and NCDWR are allowed to prevent any activity on or use of the Conservation Easement Area that is inconsistent with the purposes of this Easement and to require the restoration of such areas or features of the Conservation Easement Area that may be damaged by such activity or use. Upon any breach of the terms of this Conservation Easement by Grantor that comes to the attention of the Grantee, the Grantee shall notify the Grantor in writing of such breach. The Grantor shall have 30 days after receipt of such notice to correct the conditions constituting such breach. If the breach remains uncured after 30 days, the Grantee may enforce this Conservation Easement by appropriate legal proceedings including damages, injunctive and other relief. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Grantee reserves the immediate right, without notice, to obtain a temporary restraining order, injunctive or other appropriate relief if the breach of the terms of this Conservation Easement is or would irreversibly or otherwise materially impair the benefits to be derived from this Conservation Easement. The Grantor and Grantee acknowledge that under such circumstances damage to the Grantee would be irreparable and remedies at law will be inadequate. The rights and remedies of the Grantee provided hereunder shall be in addition to, and not in lieu of, all other rights and remedies available to Grantee in connection with this Conservation Easement. The costs of a breach, correction or restoration, including the Grantee's expenses, court costs, and attorneys' fees, shall be paid by Grantor, provided Grantor is determined to be responsible for the breach. The Corps and the NCDWR shall have the same rights and privileges as the said Grantee to enforce the terms and conditions of this Conservation easement. B. No failure on the part of the Grantee to enforce any covenant or provision hereof shall discharge or invalidate such covenant or any other covenant, condition, or provision hereof or affect the right to Grantee to enforce 6 the same in the event of a subsequent breach or default. C. Nothing contained in this Conservation Easement shall be construed to entitle Grantee to bring any action against Grantor for any injury or change in the Conservation Easement Area resulting from causes beyond the Grantor's control, including, without limitation, fire, flood, storm, war, acts of God or third parties, except Grantor's lessees or invitees; or from any prudent action taken in good faith by Grantor under emergency conditions to prevent, abate, or mitigate significant injury to life, damage to property or harm to the Conservation Easement Area resulting from such causes. ARTICLE VI. MISCELLANEOUS A. Warranty. Grantor warrants, covenants and represents that it owns the Property in fee simple, and that Grantor either owns all interests in the Property which may be impaired by the granting of this Conservation Easement or that there are no outstanding mortgages, tax liens, encumbrances, or other interests in the Property which have not been expressly subordinated to this Conservation Easement. Grantor further warrants that Grantee shall have the use of and enjoy all the benefits derived from and arising out of this Conservation Easement, and that Grantor will warrant and defend title to the Property against the claims of all persons. - B. Subsequent Transfers. The Grantor agrees to incorporate the terms of this Conservation Easement in any deed or other legal instrument that transfers any interest in all or a portion of the Conservation Easement Area. The Grantor agrees to provide written notice of such transfer at least sixty (60) days prior to the date of the transfer. The Grantor and Grantee agree that the terms of this Conservation Easement shall survive any merger of the fee and easement interests in the Conservation Easement Area or any portion thereof and shall not be amended, modified or terminated without the prior written consent and approval of the Corps. C. Assignment. The parties recognize and agree that the benefits of this Conservation Easement are in gross and assignable provided, however that the Grantee hereby covenants and agrees, that in the event it transfers or assigns this Conservation Easement, the organization receiving the interest will be a qualified holder pursuant to 33 CFR 332.7 (a)(1), N.C. Gen. Stat. § 121-34 et seq. and § 501 (c)(3) and § 170 (h) of the Internal Revenue Code, and the Grantee further covenants and agrees that the terms of the transfer or assignment will be such that the transferee or assignee will be required to continue in perpetuity the conservation purposes described in this document. D. Entire Agreement and Severability. The Mitigation Banking Instrument: MBI with corresponding Mitigation Plan, and this Conservation Easement sets forth the entire agreement of the parties with respect to the Conservation Easement and supersedes all prior discussions, negotiations, understandings or agreements relating to the Conservation Easement. If any provision is found to be void or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder shall continue in full force and effect. E. Obligations of Ownership. Grantor is responsible for any real estate taxes, assessments, fees, or charges levied upon the Property. Grantor shall keep the Property free of any liens or other encumbrances for obligations incurred by Grantor, except those incurred after the date hereof, which are expressly subject and subordinate to the Conservation Easement. Grantee shall not be responsible for any costs or liability of any kind related to the ownership, operation, insurance, upkeep, or maintenance of the Property, except as expressly provided herein. Nothing herein shall relieve the Grantor of the obligation to comply with federal, state or local laws, regulations and permits that may apply to the exercise of the Reserved Rights. F. Long -Term Management. Grantor is responsible for all long-term management activities associated with fencing. These activities include the maintenance and/or replacement of fence structures to ensure the aquatic resource functions within the boundaries of the Protected Property are sustained. G. Extinguishment. In the event that changed conditions render impossible the continued use of the Conservation Easement Area for the conservation purposes, this Conservation Easement may only be extinguished, in whole or in part, by judicial proceeding. H. Eminent Domain. Whenever all or part of the Conservation Easement Area is taken in the exercise of eminent domain so as to substantially abrogate the Restrictions imposed by this Conservation Easement, Grantor and Grantee shall join in appropriate actions at the time of such taking to recover the full value of the taking, and all incidental and direct damages due to the taking. I. Proceeds. This Conservation Easement constitutes a real property interest immediately vested in Grantee. In the event that all or a portion of the Conservation Easement Area is sold, exchanged, or involuntarily converted following an extinguishment or the exercise of eminent domain, Grantee shall be entitled to the fair market value of this Conservation Easement as determined at the time of the extinguishment or condemnation. 1. Notification. Any notice, request for approval, or other communication required under this Conservation Easement shall be sent by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, to the following addresses (or such address as may be hereafter specified by notice pursuant to this paragraph): 8 To Grantor: Chad M. Stewart 121 Dogwood Lane Four Oaks, NC 27524 To Grantee: Clearwater Mitigation Solutions, LLC 604 Macon Place Raleigh, NC 27609 To Sponsor: Clearwater Mitigation Solutions, LLC 604 Macon Place Raleigh, NC 27609 To the Corps: US Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington District, Regulatory Division 69 Darlington Avenue Wilmington, NC 28403 K. Failure of Grantee. If at any time Grantee is unable or fails to enforce this Conservation Easement, or if Grantee ceases to be a qualified grantee, and if within a reasonable period of time after the occurrence of one of these events Grantee fails to make an assignment pursuant to this Conservation Easement, then the Grantee's interest shall become vested in another qualified grantee in accordance with an appropriate proceeding in a court of competent jurisdiction. L. Amendment. This Conservation Easement may be amended, but only in a writing signed by all parties hereto, and provided such amendment does not affect the qualification of this Conservation Easement or the status of the Grantee under any applicable laws, and is consistent with the conservation purposes of this grant. M. Present Condition of the Conservation Easement Area. The wetlands, scenic, resource, environmental, and other natural characteristics of the Conservation Easement Area, and its current use and state of improvement, are described in the Amended Lowlands Site Mitigation Plan, prepared by Grantor and acknowledged by the Grantor and Grantee to be complete and accurate as of the date hereof. Both Grantor and Grantee have copies of this report. It will be used by the parties to assure that any future changes in the use of the Conservation Easement Area will be consistent with the terms of this Conservation Easement. However, this report is not intended to preclude the use of other evidence to establish the present condition of the Conservation Easement Area if there is a controversy over its use. 9 TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said rights and easements perpetually unto Grantee for the aforesaid purposes. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the Grantor has hereunto set his hand and seal, the day and year first above written. [Signatures of the Grantor and Grantee in appropriate form] Grantor/Seller By: Print Name: Chad Minson Stewart By: Print Name: Ursula H. Stewart NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF I, , a Notary Public in and for the County and State aforesaid, do hereby certify that , GRANTOR, personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the execution of the foregoing instrument. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and Notary Seal this the day of , 2022. Notary Public My commission expires: 11 Grantee/Buyer By: Authorized Officer Print Name J. Kevin Yates NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF I, , a Notary Public in and for the County and State aforesaid, do hereby certify that , personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged that he/she is the of Member/Manager, of CLEARWATER MITIGATION SOLUTIONS, LLC, a North Carolina Limited Liability Company, GRANTEE, and that by the authority duly given as an act of the limited liability company, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its authorized officer and attested by its authorized officer. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and Notary Seal this the day of 2022. Notary Public My commission expires: 12 EXHIBIT A (Legal Description of Property) BEING ALL OF that certain approximately 86 acre tracts of land in Johnston County, North Carolina full described as follows: Parcel a1rWas Tax ILA. 081(13015 Taut tract of land described. in R-7, page 590 in the. GFTice or the Register of Deeds or Johnsto n Canty, bearingdstic January 8, 1898, from W. R. Stanley and wife,. Nancy } . Sianicy, to James Galin and wife., Susan Guilt', containing 14 1/4 acres, more or less,. and described 25 fellows; BEG[NNING at a stake at the corner of the Wiggins. Field and runs East 36 poles in : stake: 'hence South to Dr. Trlrlrrycs earner; thence his line $ proles to a stake in A. J. K. Rhodes' line; tFrcrrce with his line '20 poles to a stalk, Min Po cll's corner; thence with his line North I I I.12 de s West S3 poles to this BEGINNING, n[ai ping 14 I /4 acres. �kA T2: Tax ID: 0SKt3015 That tract of land described in. a deed recorded in D-9, page 509, bearing date October 3, 1900, aired conveyed by N. G, Fund ta) J. W. Quip, containing 15 1N10 arcs, mom or LEss, and described as roll BEGLNN NC at a stake„ San Strickland's souclFtwrsi corner d runs E241. woih his Tune about 20 voles to J.W. Griirt's corner; thence about South 30 degrees East with said Gain's line abour 80 poles to Cain's other cornrer::hence west with the dividing Line or the Powell artd Rhodes lands about 3B poke to a Iightwood knot, corner ef a piece eyeland heretofore cal ff,thence Nonii 3 degrees Est along a line of marked trees about 80 poles to the 11 EG IN KING, contain n ing 15 1l I 0 acmes, mace or Tess. TRACT 3: Tax LD: 08 K 13015 That tract of land cortve}'ed by deed from Samuel Strickland and wife. to J.W. Cuin and wife, bearing iiiMe January 30, 1914. recorded in Bunk T-12, page 440, containing 56 acres. more or J. and described as follows: BEGINNING ai a stake in Calvin Stewart' s I i nc and runs South 107 poles to a stake in' Hackney's Line; thence West 37 poles to a stake. in J. W. fiuin's line; thence North 7 poles to a stake; thence Wes( 57 pales to a stake.; thence North 80 poles to a stake in John Smith's corner; thence. North 79 degrees East a straight line to BEG t N N INC, containing 56 acres. more or less, AND BEING the same property described in deed recorded in Deed Book 04401, Page 0820, Johnston County Registry. 13 EXHIBIT B (Legal Description of the Conservation Easement Area) Conservation Easement Area 7 All of the Conservation Easement Area 7 of the Lowlands Site over a portion of the land of Chad M. Stewart (PIN No 169000-27-5572) lying and being situated in Ingrams Township, Johnston County, North Carolina and particularly described as follows (all distances are ground distances unless otherwise noted): Beginning at an iron stake (Point of Beginning) being the most Northeastern point of Conservation Easement Area 7 and being located South 84°51'31" West 962.00 feet from an iron stake (Point No. 11) with N.C. Grid Coordinates N=608,831.1354', E=2,194,367.9188' (NAD '83, 2011). Thence from the Point of Beginning, South 01°12'06" West 705.05' to an iron stake; thence South 01°12'06" West 102.80' to an iron stake; thence South 30°18'21" West 696.31' to an iron stake; thence North 89°41'48" West 271.70' to an iron stake; thence North 23°44'17" West 32.85' to an iron stake; thence South 89°41'48" East 215.80' to an iron stake; thence North 30°18'21" East 805.41' to an iron stake; thence North 01 °02'39" East 358.00' to an iron stake; thence North 01 °02'39" East 119.09' to an iron stake; thence North 01 °02'39" East 206.32' to an iron stake; thence South 89°24'43" East 18.56' to an iron stake; which is the point of beginning, having an area of 1.76 acres 14 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ASSIGNMENT OF CONSERVATION EASEMENTS COUNTY OF JOHNSTON THIS ASSIGNMENT OF CONSERVATION EASEMENTS (hereinafter referred to as "Assignment") made this day of , 2022, by and between CLEARWATER MITIGATION SOLUTIONS, LLC, a North Carolina limited liability company (hereinafter referred to as "Assignor"), and NORTH CAROLINA WILDLIFE HABITAT FOUNDATION, INC., a North Carolina not for profit corporation (hereinafter referred to as "Assignee"). The designation Assignor and Assignee as used herein shall include said parties, their heirs, successors and assigns, and shall include singular, plural, masculine, feminine or neuter as required by context. RECITALS WHEREAS, the Assignor is a limited liability company with a purpose to conserve of property and which is also qualified to be the holder of a conservation easement pursuant to N.C. Gen. Stat. 021-34 et. seq. and Internal Revenue Code § 170(h); WHEREAS, the Assignee is a nonprofit corporation, operated primarily for conservation purposes, including protection of environmentally valuable and sensitive land for charitable, scientific, educational, and aesthetic purposes and which is qualified to be the grantee of a conservation easement pursuant to N.C. Gen. Stat. §121-34 et. seq. and Internal Revenue Code §170(h); WHEREAS, the Assignor acquired conservation easement, a true copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit A, by instrument recorded in Book 5097, Page 868-879, Johnston County Registry, on February 6,. 2018 and Book , Page Johnston County Registry, on , 2022, Johnston County Registry (the -Conservation Easement"). on certain lands owned by Chad M. Stewart and wife Ursala H. Stewart, being hereinafter referred to as the "Easement Area" and being more particularly described on Exhibit A in the Conservation Easement; 1 WHEREAS, the Assignor acquired conservation easement, a true copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit A, by instrument recorded in Book 5097, Page 814-825, Johnston County Registry, on February 6,. 2018 and Book , Page Johnston County Registry, on , 2022, Johnston County Registry (the -Conservation Easement"). on certain lands owned by James C. Rhodes and wife Teresa M. Rhodes, being hereinafter referred to as the "Easement Area" and being more particularly described on Exhibit A in the Conservation Easement; WHEREAS, the Conservation Easements provide that it may be assigned to a qualified holder provided that the assignee be required to continue in perpetuity the conservation purposes set forth in that instrument; WHEREAS, the Assignor wishes to assign and transfer to the Assignee all of its rights, duties, obligations, and interests in the Conservation Easements and the Assignee wishes to accept such assignment and all of the rights, duties, obligations, and interests set forth in such Conservation Easements; and WHEREAS, the assignment set forth in this instrument has as its primary purpose the preservation of the Easement Area and the furtherance of mitigation banking and restoration activities on the Easement Area, and these activities are intended to compensate for unavoidable stream and or/wetlands impacts authorized by permits issued by the United States Department of the Army Corps of Engineers. NOW. THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar and 00/100 ($1.00) and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and legal sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged. Assignor hereby unconditionally and irrevocably assigns, transfers, and conveys unto Assignee, its heirs, successors and assigns, forever and in perpetuity the Conservation Easement of the nature and character and to the extent set forth and described in Exhibit A, together with the right to preserve and protect the conservation values thereof, and the Assignee hereby accepts this Assignment of Conservation Easement, represents and warrants that it is a qualified holder of the Conservation Easement pursuant to N.C. Gen. Stat. § 121-34 et. seq. and Internal Revenue Code §170(h) and covenants and agrees to continue in perpetuity the conservation purposes set forth in such Conservation Easement and otherwise be bound by the terms thereof IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, Assignor and Assignee have hereunto set their hands and seals, on the day and year first above written. [SIGNATURES AND NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGMENTS APPEAR ON FOLLOWING PAGES] 2 ASSIGNOR: CLEARWATER MITIGATION SOLUTIONS, LLC By: Authorized Officer Print Name: J. Kevin Yates STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF I, , a Notary Public in and for the County and State aforesaid, do hereby certify that , personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged that he/she is the of Member/Manager, of CLEARWATER MITIGATION SOLUTIONS, LLC, a North Carolina Limited Liability Company, GRANTEE, and that by the authority duly given as an act of the limited liability company, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its authorized officer and attested by its authorized officer. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and Notary Seal this the day of 2022. Notary Public Typed or Printed Name Notary Public Signature My commission expires: 3 ASSIGNEE: NORTH CAROLINIA WILDLIFE HABITAT FOUNDATION, INC. By: Authorized Officer Print Name: STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF I, , a Notary Public in and for the County and State aforesaid, do hereby certify that personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged that he/she signed the foregoing document as the duly authorized signatory for the NORTH CAROLINA WILDLIFE HABITAT FOUNDATION, INC. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and Notary Seal this the day of 2022. Notary Public Printed or Typed Name Notary Public Signature My commission expires: 4 EXHIBIT A Conservation Easement [Attached hereto] 5 Filed in JOHNSTON COUNTY, NC CRAIG OLIVE, Register of Deeds Filed 07/28/2022 08:25:00 AM DEED BOOK: 6310 PAGE: 269-270 INSTRUMENT # 2022820654 Real Estate Excise Tax: $0.00 Deputy/Assistant Register of Deeds: Erica Byrd RELEASE AND TERMINATION OF EASEMENT AGREEMENT This Instrument Prepared by: Atlantic Coast Pipeline, LLC 120 Tredegar Street Richmond, VA 23219 Upon Recording Return to: Doyle Land Services, Inc. in service to Atlantic Coast Pipeline, LLC P.O. Box 2829 Smithfield, NC GPIN/TAX ID # 08K13015 Tract Number(s): 20-162, 20-162.GB ATLANTIC COAST PIPELINE, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company with its place of business at 120 Tredegar Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219. as the grantee under and the beneficiary of certain easements provided for in the Easement Agreement(s) described below, and in accordance with the rights granted it in such Easement Agreement(s), does hereby terminate and release such Easement Agreement(s), and does hereby terminate, release, relinquish, abandon and surrender all its right, title and interest in and to any easement rights granted therein: That certain Easement Agreement dated the 11thday of April, 2017 from CHAD M. STEWART, of 121 Dogwood Lane, Four Oaks, NC 27524, to Atlantic Coast Pipeline, LLC, recorded on the 13th day of April, 2017, in the Clerk's Office, Circuit Court, Johnston County, North Carolina, as Instrument No. 2017526368; and That certain Cathodic Protection Unit Agreement dated the 1 lth day of April, 2017 from CHAD M. STEWART, of 121 Dogwood Lane, Four Oaks, NC 27524, to Atlantic Coast Pipeline, LLC, recorded on the 13th day of April, 2017, in the Clerk's Office, Circuit Court, Johnston County, North Carolina, as Instrument No. 2017526345. fl tJre Ind NoiarAcknovyrcdzrment Al pew- on 1n Page 1 of 2 submitted electronically by "Doyle Land services Inc" in compliance with North Carolina statutes governing recordable documents and the terms of the submitter agreement with the Johnston county Register of Deeds. DEED B: 6310 P: 270 END OF DOCUMENT WITNESS the following signature as of ATLANTIC COAST PIPELINE, LLC By: Name: Jeff Arrington Title: Sr. Land Agent, Authorized Representative STATE/COMMONWEALTH OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY/CITY OF -T6N..l r u to -wit: 2022. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this -Cc day of J f Rf , 2022 by Jeff Arrington as authorized representative of Atlantic Coast Pipeline, LLC, a Delaware corporation, who personally appeared before me in the aforesaid jurisdiction on behalf of said corporation and did acknowledge that he/she signed, sealed and delivered the foregoing instrument as hi , her voluntary act and deed of said corporation for the purposes herein contained. He/She is personally known to me or produced as identification. My commission expires: Page 2 of 2 Notary Public (AFFIX SEAL) Filed in JOHNSTON COUNTY, NC CRAIG OLIVE, Register of Deeds Filed 07/20/2022 10:39:42 AM DEED BOOK: 6304 PAGE: 975-976 INSTRUMENT # 2022819565 Real Estate Excise Tax: $0.00 Deputy/Assistant Register of Deeds: Pauline Sanders RELEASE AND TERMINATION OF EASEMENT AGREEMENT This Instrument Prepared by: Atlantic Coast Pipeline, LLC 120 Tredegar Street Richmond, VA 23219 Upon Recording Return to: Doyle Land Services, Inc. in service to Atlantic Coast Pipeline, LLC P.O. Box 2829, Smithfield, NC GPIN/TAX ID Number(s) : 08K13009, 08H99012A, 08K130I2A, 08J13195B ATLANTIC COAST PIPELINE, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company with its place of business at 120 Tredegar Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219, as the grantee under and the beneficiary of certain easements provided for in the Easement Agreement(s) described below. and in accordance with the rights granted it in such Easement Agreement(s), does hereby terminate and release such Easement Agreement(s), and does hereby terminate, release, relinquish, abandon and surrender all its right. title and interest in and to any easement rights granted therein: That certain Easement Agreement dated the 31' day of May, 2017 from DIANA SHEPARD, of 105 Lakewood Drive, Dickson, TN 37055, to Atlantic Coast Pipeline, LLC, recorded on the 9th day of June, 2017, in Book 4972, Page 660 of the Johnston County, North Carolina Public Registry; and Thai certain Easement Agreement dated the 7th day of July, 2017 from JAMES C. & TERESA MASSENGILL RHODES, of 2009 Devil Racetrack Road, Four Oaks, NC 27524, to Atlantic Coast Pipeline, LLC, recorded on the 20th day of July, 2017, in Book 4993, Page 872 of the Johnston County, North Carolina Public Registry. Page 1 of 2 submitted electronically by "Doyle Land services Inc" in compliance with North Carolina statutes governing recordable documents and the terms of the submitter agreement with the Johnston county Register of Deeds. DEED B: 6304 P: 976 END OF DOCUMENT WITNESS the following signature as of STATE/COMMONWEALTH OF RT41 CA COUNTY/CITY OF TiaYta o.i 19 , 2022. ATLANTIC COAST PIPELINE, LLC , to -wit: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this / 'day of f , 20 -2Zs by c4 c rt n 0l as authorized representative of Atlantic Coast Pipeline, LLC, a Delaware limited liability compa 4" ny, who personally appeared before me in the aforesaid jurisdiction on behalf of said company and did acknowledge that he/she signed, sealed and delivered the foregoing 'nntrument as his/her voluntary act and deed of said company for the purposes herein contained. He/She is Hpersonally known to me or 0 produced as identification. (AFFIX SEAL) Natty istritMarollna I Commission ns Public County - Or kik rob 7/2027 Page 2 of 2 Notary Public My commission expires: 02? OWNER'S POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE * ** Policy Number OX 782719 * * Issued by Old Republic National Title Insurance Company * * Any notice of claim and any other notice or statement in writing required to be given to the * * Company under this Policy must be given to the Company at the address shown in Section 18 of the Conditions. COVERED RISKS SUBJECT TO THE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE, THE EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE CONTAINED IN SCHEDULE B, AND THE CONDITIONS, OLD REPUBLIC NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, a Florida corporation (the "Company') insures, as of Date of Policy and, to the extent stated in Covered Risks 9 and 10, after Date of Policy, against loss or damage, not exceeding the Amount of Insurance, sustained or incurred by the Insured by reason of: 1. Title being vested other than as stated in Schedule A. 2. Any defect in or lien or encumbrance on the Title. This Covered Risk includes but is not limited to insurance against loss from: (a) A defect in the Title caused by (i) forgery, fraud, undue influence, duress, incompetency, incapacity, or impersonation; (ii) failure of any person or Entity to have authorized a transferor conveyance; (ii!) a document affecting Title not properly created, executed, witnessed, sealed, acknowledged, notarized, or delivered; (iv) failure to perform those acts necessary to create a document by electronic means authorized by law; iv) a document executed under a falsified, expired, or otherwise invalid power of attorney; (vi) a document not properly filed, recorded, or indexed in the Public Records including failure to perform those acts by electronic means authorized by law; or (vii) a defective judicial or administrative proceeding, (b) The lien of real estate taxes or assessments imposed on the Title by a governmental authority due or payable, but unpaid. (c) Any encroachment, encumbrance, violation, variation, or adverse circumstance affecting the Title that would be disclosed by an accurate and complete land survey of the Land. The term "encroachment" includes encroachments of existing improvements located on the Land onto adjoining land, and encroachments onto the Land of existing improvements located an adjoining land. 3. Unmarketable Title. 4. No right of access to and from the Land. 5. The violation or enforcement of any law, ordinance, permit, or governmental regulation (including those relating to building and zoning) restricting, regulating, prohibiting, or relating to (a) the occupancy, use, or enjoyment of the Land; {b) the character, dimensions, or location of any improvement erected on the Land; (c) the subdivision of land; or (d) environmental protection if a notice, describing any part of the Land, is recorded in the Public Records setting forth the violation or intention to enforce, but only to the extent of the violation or enforcement referred to in that notice. Countersigned: Authorized Officer or Licensed daent ORT Form 4309 ALTA Owners Policy of Title Insurance 6-17-06 OLD REPUBLIC NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY A Stock Company 400 Second Avenue South, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 (612) 371-1111 Sy Attest (,),4 President Secretary 18R00092 Policy No.: DX782719 Old Republic National T'itic Insurance Company OWNER'S POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE Name and Address of Title Insurance Com an SCHEDULE A Old Republic National Title Insurance Company Send all notices to; 400 Second Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55401-2499 Policy No.; OX782719 Address Reference: not applicable or unknown Date of Policy: February 6, 2018 at 1:47 pm in Johnston County (Tract 1) February 6, 2018 at 2:09 pm in Johnston County (Tract 2) 1. Name of Insured: CLEARWATER HOLDINGS I, LLC, A NORTH CAROLINA LEVIITED LIABILITY COMPANY 2. The estate or interest in the Land that is insured by this policy is; Conservation and Access Easement 3. Title is vested in: CLEARWATER HOLDINGS I, LLC, A NORTH CAROLINA LIMITED LIAB]LITY COMPANY pursuant to Deed from JAMES CLIFTON ANODES and wife, TERESA M. RHODES, dated February 5, 2018, recorded on February 6, 2018 at 1:47pm, in Book 5097, Page 814, Johnston County Registry. CLEARWATER HOLDINGS I, LLC, A NORTH CAROLINA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY pursuant to Deed from CHAD MINSON STEWART and wife, TJRSULA H. STEWART, dated February 5, 2018, recorded on February, 6, 2018 at 2:09pm, in Book 5097, Page 868, Johnston County Registry. 4. The Land referred to in this policy is described as follows; Conservation Easements identified as Conservation Easement Areas 1 and 2, as shown on plat entitled "Conservation Easement for Clearwater Holdings I, LLC over a portion of the lands of the Tract recorded in D. B. 2344 Pg. 794 (PIN No. 169000-48-1394), (current owner; Jaynes Clifton Rhodes) and also over a portion of the lands of the Tract recorded in D. 13. 4934 pg. 113 (PIN No. 169000-27-5572) (current owner: Chad M. Stewart), Ingrarns Township, Johnston County, North Carolina" recorded at Plat Book 86, Page 233, Johnston County, North Carolina Registry. Conservation Easements identified as Conservation Easement Areas 3, 4 and 5 as shown on plat entitled "Conservation Easement for Clearwater Holdings I, LLC over a portion of the lands of the Tract recorded in D.13. 2344 Pg. 794 (P1N No. 3 69000-48-1394), (current owner: James Clifton Rhodes) and also over a portion of the lands of the Tract recorded in D.13. 4934 Pg. 113 (PIN No. 169000-27-5572) (current owner: Chad M. Stewart), Ingrams Township, Johnston County, North Carolina" recorded at Plat Book 86, Page 233, Johnston County, North Carolina Registry. SCHEDULE B - EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE This policy does not insure against loss or damage, and the Company will not pay costs, attorneys' fees, or expenses that arise by reason of; 1. Taxes for the year 2018, and subsequent years not yet due and payable. 2. The Company does not insure the exact amount of acreage or square footage of the land described in Schedule ALTA Owners Policy or Title Insurance (6.17•Q6) The Title Company of North Carolina 434 Fayetteville Street, Suite 2340 P.O. Box 2718 (27602), Raleigh, NC 2760I (9I9) 832-0252 ] 8R00092 Printed: 2412018 by CMG Page 1 of 2 6. An enforcement action based on the exercise of a governmental police power not covered by Covered Risk 5 if a notice of the enforcement action, describing any part of the Land, is recorded in the Public Records, but only to the extent of the enforcement referred to in that notice. -- 7. The exercise of the rights of eminent domain if a notice of the exercise, describing any part of the Land, is recorded in the Public Records. 8. Any taking by a governmental body that has occurred and is binding on the rights of a purchaser for value without Knowledge. 9. Title being vested other than as stated in Schedule A or being defective (a) as a result of the avoidance in whole or in part, or from a court order providing an alternative remedy, of a transfer of all or any part of the title to or any interest in the Land occurring prior to the transaction vesting Title as shown in Schedule A because that prior transfer constituted a fraudulent or preferential transfer under federal bankruptcy, state insolvency, or similar creditors' rights laws; or (b) because the instrument of transfer vesting Title as shown in Schedule A constitutes a preferential transfer under federal bankruptcy, state insolvency, or similar creditors' rights laws by reason of the failure of its recording in the Public Records (i) to be timely, or (ii) to impart notice of its existence to a purchaser for value ar to a judgment or Tien creditor. 10. Any defect in or lien or encumbrance on the Title or other matter included in Covered Risks 1 through 9 that has been created or attached or has been filed or recorded in the Public Records subsequent to Date of Policy and prior to the recording of the deed or other instrument of transfer in the Public Records that vests Title as shown in Schedule A. The Company will also pay the costs, attorneys' fees, and expenses incurred in defense of any matter insured against by this Policy, but only to the extent provided in the Conditions. EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE The following matters are expressly excluded from the coverage of this policy, and the Company will not pay loss or damage, costs, attorneys' fees, or expenses that arise by reason of: 1. (a) Any law, ordinance, permit, or governmental regulation (including those relating to building and zoning) restricting, regulating, prohibiting, or relating to (i) the occupancy, use, or enjoyment of the Land; (ii) the character, dimensions, or location of any improvement erected on the Land; (iii) the subdivision of land; or (iv) environmental protection; or the effect of any violation of these laws, ordinances, or govern- mental regulations. This Exclusion 1(a) does not modify or limit the coverage provided under Covered Risk 5. (b) Any governmental police power. This Exclusion 1(b) does not modify or limit the coverage provided under Covered Risk 6. 2. Rights of eminent domain. This Exclusion does not modify or limit the coverage provided under Covered Risk 7 or 8. 3. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims, or other matters (a) created, suffered, assumed, or agreed to by the Insured Claimant; (b) not Known to the Company, not recorded in the Public Records at Date of Policy, but Known to the Insured Claimant and not disclosed in writing to the Company by the Insured Claimant prior to the date the Insured Claimant became an Insured under this policy; • (c) resulting in no loss or damage to the Insured Claimant; (d) attaching or created subsequent to Date of Policy (however, this does not modify or limit the coverage provided under Covered Risk 9 and 19); or (e) resulting in loss or damage that would not have been sustained if the Insured Claimant had paid value for the Title. 4. Any claim, by reason of the operation of federal bankruptcy, state insolvency, ar similar creditors' rights laws, that the transaction vesting the Title_as shown in Schedule A, is (a) a fraudulent conveyance or fraudulent transfer; or (b) a preferential transfer for any reason not stated in Covered Risk 9 of this policy. 5. Any lien on the Title for real estate taxes or assessments imposed by governmental authority and created or attaching between Date of Policy and the date of recording of the deed or other instrument of transfer in the Public Records that vests Title as shown in Schedule A. Pane 2 18R00092 Policy No.: OX782719 Old Republic National Title Insurance Company OWNER'S POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE A hereof. 3. The following matters that are shown on survey dated January 4, 2017, by John A. Rudolph, Registered Land Surveyor: a) rights of others in and to the ditches; and b) existing 40 inch CMP. 4. Cross Access Easement recorded in Book 5097, Page 826. Johnston County Registry. THE FOLLOWING EXCEPTIONS APPLY TO TRACT 1: 5. Right of Way Agreement to State Highway Commission for road project # 6.800I97 recorded at Book 581, Page 70, Johnston County Registry. 6. Easement and Right of Way Agreement to allow brick company to remove clay, recorded at Book 590, Page 25, Johnston County Registry. 7. Easement to Carolina Power & Light Company recorded at Book 801, Page 407, Johnston County Registry. 8. Easement to South River Electric Membership Corporation recorded at Book 2195, Page 152, Johnston County Registry. 9. Right of Way Agreement to Department of Transportation for development of Secondary Road 1184 (Project 6,312396) recorded at Book 2400, Page 337, Johnston County Registry. 10. Easement Agreement to Atlantic Coast Pipeline, LLC recorded in Book 4993, Page 872, Johnston County Registry. THE FOLLOWING EXCEPTIONS APPLY TO TRACT 2: 11. Easements to Carolina Telephone and Telegraph Company recorded at Book 570, Page 402, Johnston County Registry. 12. Right of Way Agreement for State Road 1184 (Guin Road) recorded at Book 581, Page 71, Johnston County Registry. 13. Easement to Carolina Power & Light Company recorded at Book 591, Page 232, Johnston County Registry. 14. General service and utility easement to Carolina Power & Light recorded at Book 80I, Page 409, Johnston County Registry. 15. Right of Way Easement for electrical service to South River Electric Membership Corporation recorded at Book 813, Page 615, Johnston County Registry. 16. Cathodic Protection Unit Agreement to Atlantic Coast Pipeline, LLC recorded at book 4940, Page 634, Johnston County Registry;Easement Agreement for construction and maintenance of natural gas pipeline to Atlantic Coast Pipeline, LLC recorded at Book 4940, Page 820, Johnston County Registry. Authoriz 1 Si .6 ALTA Owners Policy of Title Insurance (6-17-06) The Title Company of North Carolina 434 Fayetteville Street, Suite 2340 P.O. Box 2718 (27602}, Raleigh, NC 27601 (919) 832-0252 18R00092 Printed: 2/8/2018 by CMG Page 2 of 2 1. DEFINITION OF TERMS The following terms when used in this policy mean: (a) "Amount of Insurance": The amount stated in Schedule A, as may be increased or decreased by endorsement to this policy, increased by Section 8(b), or decreased by Sections 10 and 11 of these Conditions. (b) "Date of Policy": The date designated as "Date of Policy" in Schedule A. (c) "Entity": A corporation, partnership, trust, limited liability company, or other similar legal entity. (d) "Insured': The Insured named in Schedule A. (i) The term "insured" also includes (A) successors to the Title of the Insured by operation of law as distinguished from purchase, including heirs, devisees, survivors, personal representatives, or next of kin; (8) successors to an Insured by dissolution, merger, consolidation, distribution, or reorganization; (C) successors to an Insured by its conversion to another kind of Entity; (D) a grantee of an Insured under a deed delivered without payment of actual valuable consideration conveying the Title (1) if the stock, shares, memberships, or other equity interests of the grantee are wholly -owned by the named Insured, (2) if the grantee wholly owns the named Insured, (3) if the grantee is wholly -owned by an affiliated Entity of the named Insured, provided the affiliated Entity and the named insured are both wholly -owned by the same person or Entity, or (4) if the grantee is a trustee or beneficiary of a trust created by a written instrument established by the Insured named in Schedule A for estate planning purposes. (ii) With regard to (A), (B), (C), and (D) reserving, however, all rights and defenses as to any successor that the Company would have had against any predecessor Insured. (e) 'Insured Claimant": An Insured claiming loss or damage. (f) "Knowledge" or 'Known': Actual knowledge, not constructive knowledge or notice that may be imputed to an Insured by reason of the Public Records or any other records that impart constructive notice of matters affecting the Title. (g) "Land': The Land described in Schedule A, and affixed improvements that by law constitute real property. The term 'Land" does not include any property beyond the lines of the area described in Schedule A, nor any right, title, interest, estate, or easement in abutting streets, roads, avenues, alleys, lanes, ways, or waterways, but this does not modify or limit the extent that a right of access to and from the Land is insured by this policy. (h) 'Mortgage': Mortgage, deed of trust, trust deed, or other security instrument, including one evidenced by electronic means authorized by law. (i) 'Public Records': Records established under state statutes at Date of Policy for the purpose of imparting constructive notice of matters relating to real property to purchasers for value and without Knowledge. With respect to Covered Risk 5(d), 'Public Records°. shall also include environmental protection liens filed in the records of the clerk of the United States District Court for the district where the Land is located. (j) "Title": The estate or interest described in Schedule A. (k)'Unmarketable Title": Title affected by an alleged or apparent matter that would permit a prospective purchaser or lessee of the Title or lender on the Title to be released from the Obligation to CONDITIONS purchase, lease, or lend if there is a contractual condition requiring the delivery of marketable title. 2. CONTINUATION OF INSURANCE The coverage of this policy shall continue in force as of Date of Policy in favor of an Insured, but only so long as the Insured retains an estate or interest in the Land, or holds an obligation secured by a purchase money Mortgage given by a purchaser from the Insured, or only so long as the insured shall have liability by reason of warranties in any transferor conveyance of the Title. This policy shall not continue in force in favor of any purchaser from the Insured of either (i) an estate or interest in the Land, or (ii) an obligation secured by a purchase money Mortgage given to the Insured. 3. NOTICE OF CLAIM TO BE GIVEN BY INSURED CLAIMANT The Insured shall notify the Company promptly in writing (!) in case of any litigation as set forth in Section 5(a) of these Conditions, (ii) in case Knowledge shall come to an Insured hereunder of any claim of title or interest that is adverse to the Title, as insured, and that might cause loss or damage for which the Company may be liable by virtue of this policy, or (iii) if the Title, as insured, is rejected as Unmarketable Title. If the Company is prejudiced by the failure of the Insured Claimant to provide prompt notice, the Company's liability to the Insured Claimant under the policy shall be reduced to the extent of the prejudice. 4. PROOF OF LOSS In the event the Company is unable to determine the amount of foss or damage, the Company may, at its option, require as a condition of payment that the Insured Claimant furnish a signed proof of loss. The proof of loss must describe the defect, lien, encumbrance, or other matter insured against by this policy that constitutes the basis of loss or damage and shall state, to the extent possible, the basis of calculating the amount of the loss or damage. 5. DEFENSE AND PROSECUTION OF ACTIONS (a) Upon written request by the Insured, and subject to the options contained in Section 7 of these Conditions, the Company, at its own cost and without unreasonable delay, shall provide for the defense of an insured in litigation in which any third party asserts a claim covered by this policy adverse to the Insured. This obligation is limited to only those stated causes of action alleging matters insured against by this policy. The Company shall have the right to select counsel of its choice {subject to the right of the Insured to object for reasonable cause) to represent the Insured as to those stated causes of action. It shall not be liable for and wilt not pay the fees of any other counsel. The Company will not pay any fees, costs, or expenses incurred by the Insured in the defense of those causes of action that allege matters not insured against by this policy. (b) The Company shall have the right, in addition to the options contained in Section 7 of these Conditions, at its own cost, to institute and prosecute any action or proceeding or to do any other act that in its opinion may be necessary or desirable to establish the Title, as insured, or to prevent or reduce loss or damage to the Insured. The Company may take any appropriate action under the terms of this policy, whether or not it shall be liable to the insured. The exercise of these rights shall not be an admission of liability or waiver of any provision of this policy. If the Company exercises its rights under this subsection, it must do so diligently. (c) Whenever the Company brings an action or asserts a defense as required or permitted by this policy, the Company may pursue the litigation to a final determination by a court of competent jurisdiction, and it expressly reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to appeal any adverse judgment or order. Pace 3 6. DUTY OF INSURED CLAIMANT TO COOPERATE (a) In all cases where this policy permits or requires the Company to prosecute or provide far the defense of any action or proceeding and any appeals, the Insured shall secure to the Company the right to so prosecute or provide defense in the action or proceeding, including the right to use, at its option, the name of the Insured for this purpose. Whenever requested by the Company, the Insured, at the Company's expense, shall give the Company all reasonable aid {i} in securing evidence, obtaining witnesses, prosecuting defending the action ar proceeding, or effecting settlement, and (ii) in any other lawful act that in the opinion of the Company may be necessary or desirable to establish the Title or any other matter as insured. If the Company is prejudiced by the failure of the Insured to furnish the required cooperation, the Company's obligations to the Insured under the policy shall terminate, including any liability or obligation to defend, prosecute, or continue any litigation, with regard to the matter or matters requiring such cooperation. (b) The Company may reasonably require the Insured Claimant to submit to examination under oath by any authorized representative of the Company and to produce for examination, inspection, and copying, at such reasonable times and places as may be designated by the authorized representative of the Company, all records, in whatever medium maintained, including books, ledgers, checks, memoranda, correspondence, reports, e-mails, disks, tapes, and videos whether bearing a date before or after Date of Policy, that reasonably pertain to the loss or damage. Further, if requested by any authorized representative of the Company, the Insured Claimant shall grant its permission, in writing, for any authorized representative of the Company to examine, inspect, and copy all of these records in the custody or control of a third party that reasonably pertain to the loss or damage. All information designated as confidential by the Insured Claimant provided to the Company pursuant to this Section shall not be disclosed to others unless, in the reasonable judgment of the Company, it is necessary in the administration of the claim. Failure of the Insured Claimant to submit for examination under oath, produce any reasonably requested information, or grant permission to secure reasonably necessary information from third parties as required in this subsection, unless prohibited by law or governmental regulation, shall terminate any liability of the Company under this policy as to that claim. 7. OPTIONS TO PAY OR OTHERWISE SETTLE CLAIMS; TERMINATION OF LIABILITY In case of a claim under this policy, the Company shall have the following additional options: (a) To Pay or Tender Payment of the Amount of Insurance. To pay or tender payment of the Amount of Insurance under this policy together with any costs, attorneys' fees, and expenses incurred by the insured Claimant that were authorized by the Company up to the time of payment or tender of payment and that the Company is obligated to pay. Upon the exercise by the Company of this option, all liability and obligations of the Company to the Insured under this policy, other than to make the payment required in this subsection, shall terminate, including any liability.or obligation to defend, prosecute, or contin- ue any litigation, (b) To Pay or Otherwise Settle With Parties Other Than the Insured or With the Insured Claimant. (i) To pay or otherwise settle with other parties for or in the name of an Insured Claimant any claim insured against under this CONDITIONS (can't) policy. In addition, the Company will pay any costs, attorneys' fees, and expenses incurred by the Insured Claimant that were authorized by the Company up to the time of payment and that the Company is obligated to pay; or (ii) To pay or otherwise settle with the Insured Claimant the loss or damage provided for under this policy, together with any costs, attorneys' fees, and expenses incurred by the Insured Claimant that were authorized by the Company up to the time of payment and that the Company is obligated to pay. Upon the exercise by the Company of either of the options provided for in subsections (b){i) or (ii), the Company's obligations to the Insured under this policy for the claimed loss or damage, other than the payments required to be made, shall terminate, including any liability or obligation to defend, prosecute, or continue any litigation. 8. DETERMINATION AND EXTENT OF LIABILITY This policy is a contract of indemnity against actual monetary loss or damage sustained or incurred by the Insured Claimant who has suffered foss or damage by reason of matters insured against by this policy. (a) The extent of liability of the Company for loss or damage under this policy shall not exceed the lesser of (i) the Amount of Insurance; or (ii) the difference between the value of the Title as insured and the value of the Title subject to the risk insured against by this policy. (b) If the Company pursues its rights under Section 5 of these Conditions and is unsuccessful in establishing the Title, as insured, {i} the Amount of Insurance shall be increased by 10%, and (ii) the Insured Claimant shall have the right to have the loss or damage determined either as of the date the claim was made by the Insured Claimant or as of the date it is settled and paid, (c) In addition to the extent of liability under (a) and (b), the Company will also pay those costs, attorneys' fees, and expenses incurred in accordance with Sections 5 and 7 of these Conditions. 9. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY (a) If the Company establishes the Title, or removes the alleged defect, lien, ar encumbrance, or cures the lack of a right of access to or from the Land, or cures the claim of Unmarketable Title, all as insured, in a reasonably diligent manner by any method, including litigation and the completion of any appeals, it shall have fully performed its obligations with respect to that matter and shall not be liable for any foss or damage caused to the Insured. (b) In the event of any litigation, including litigation by the Company or with the Company's consent, the Company shall have no liability for loss or damage until there has been a final determination by a court of competent jurisdiction, and disposition of all appeals, adverse to the Title, as insured. (c) The Company shall not be liable for loss or damage to the Insured for liability voluntarily assumed by the Insured in settling any claim or suit without the prior written consent of the Company. 10. REDUCTION OF INSURANCE; REDUCTION OR TERMINATION OF LIABILITY All payments under this policy, except payments made for costs, attorneys' fees, and expenses, shall reduce the Amount of Insurance by the amount of the payment. Page 4 CONDITIONS (can't) 11. LIABILITY NONCUMULATIVE The Amount of Insurance shall be reduced by any amount the Company pays under any policy insuring a Mortgage to which exception is taken Schedule 8 or to which the Insured has agreed, assumed, or taken .ubject, or which is executed by an Insured after Date of Policy and which is a charge or lien on the Title, and the amount so paid shall be deemed a payment to the Insured under this policy. 12. PAYMENT OF LOSS When liability and the extent of loss or damage have been definitely fixed in accordance with these Conditions, the payment shall be made within 30 days. 13. RIGHTS OF RECOVERY UPON PAYMENT OR SETTLEMENT (a) Whenever the Company shall have settled and paid a claim under this policy, it shall be subrogated and entitled to the rights of the insured Claimant in the Title and all other rights and remedies in respect to the claim that the Insured Claimant has against any person or property, to the extent of the amount of any loss, costs, attorneys' fees, and expenses paid by the Company, If requested by the Company, the Insured Claimant shall execute documents to evidence the transfer to the Company of these rights and remedies. The Insured Claimant shall permit the Company to sue, compromise, or settle in the name of the Insured Claimant and to use the name of the Insured Claimant in any transaction or litigation involving these rights and remedies. If a payment on account of a claim does not fully cover the loss of the Insured Claimant, the Company shall defer the exercise of its right to recover until after the Insured Claimant shall have recovered its loss. (b) The Company's right of subrogation includes the rights of the Insured to indemnities, guaranties, other policies of insurance, or bonds, notwithstanding any terms or conditions contained in those instruments that address subrogation rights. 14. ARBITRATION Either the Company or the Insured may demand that the claim or controversy shall be submitted to arbitration pursuant to the Title Insurance Arbitration Rules of the American Land Title Association ("Rules"). Except as provided in the Rules, there shall be no joinder or consolidation with claims or controversies of other persons. Arbitrable matters may include, but are not limited to, any controversy or claim between the Company and the Insured arising out of or relating to this policy, any service in connection with its issuance or the breach of a policy provision, or to any other controversy or claim arising out of the transaction giving rise to this policy. All arbitrable matters when the Amount of Insurance is $2,000,000 or less shall be arbitrated at the option of either the Company or the Insured. All arbitrable matters when the Amount of Insurance is in excess of $2,000,000 shall be arbitrated only when agreed to by both the Company and the Insured. Arbitration pursuant to this policy and under the Rules shall be binding upon the parties. Judgment upon the award rendered by the Arbitrator(s) may be entered in any court of competent jurisdiction. —15. LIABILITY LIMITED TO THIS POLICY; POLICY ENTIRE CON- TRACT (a) This policy together with all endorsements, if any, attached to it by the Company is the entire policy and contract between the Insured and the Company. In interpreting any provision of this policy, this policy shall be construed as a whole. (b) Any claim of loss or damage that arises out of the status of the Title or by any action asserting such claim shall be restricted to this policy. (c) Any amendment of or endorsement to this policy must be in writing and authenticated by an authorized person, or expressly incorporated by Schedule A of this policy. (d) Each endorsement to this policy issued at any time is made a part of this policy and is subject to all of its terms and provisions. Except as the endorsement expressly states, it does not (i) modify any of the terms and provisions of the policy, (i!) modify any prior endorsement, (i!i) extend the Date of Policy, or (iv) increase the Amount of Insurance. 16. SEVERABILITY In the event any provision of this policy, in whole or in part, is held invalid or unenforceable under applicable law, the policy shall be deemed not to include that provision or such part held to be invalid, but all other provisions shall remain in full force and effect. 17. CHOICE OF LAW; FORUM (a) Choice of Law: The Insured acknowledges the Company has underwritten the risks covered by this policy and determined the premium charged therefor in reliance upon the law affecting interests in real property and applicable to the interpretation, rights, remedies, or enforcement of policies of title insurance of the jurisdiction where the Land is located. Therefore, the court or an arbitrator shall apply the law of the jurisdiction where the Land is located to determine the validity of claims against the Title that are adverse to the Insured and to interpret and enforce the terms of this policy. In neither case shall the court or arbitrator apply its conflicts of law principles to deter- mine the applicable law. (b) Choice of Forum: Any litigation or other proceeding brought by the Insured against the Company must be filed only in a state or federal court within the United States of America or its territories having appropriate jurisdiction. 18. NOTICES, WHERE SENT Any notice of claim and any other notice or statement in writing required to be given to the Company under this policy must be given to the Company at 400 Second Avenue South, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401-2499. rages qR G p� W*V Q O W Filed in JOHNSTON COUNTY, NC CRAIG OLIVE, Register of Deeds Filed PM DEED BOOK: 0978PAGEg898-879 INSTRUMENT #s 2018559815 Real Estate Excise Tax $254.00 Deputy/Assistant Register of Deeds asantos Prepared by and return to; Robert H. Merritt, Jr. P, O. Box 1351 Raleigh, NC 27602 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF JOHNSTON DEED FOR CONSERVATION EASEMENT THIS DEED FOR CONSERVATION EASEMENT (this "Conservation Easement"), is To` made this day,�U of 21 ,2018 by and between CHAD MINSON STEWART and wife, URSULA H. STEWART ("Grantor") whose mailing address is 121 Dogwood Lane, Four Oaks, North Carolina 27524, and CLEARWATER HOLDINGS 1, LLC ("Grantee"), whose mailing address is 604 Macon Place, Raleigh, NC 27609. The designation Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties, their successors, and assigns, lessees, agents and Licenses, and shall include singular, plural, masculine, feminine or neuter as required by context. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Grantor owns in fee simple, the real property situated in Ingrains Township, Johnston County, North Carolina (the "Property"), being the following parcel of land: (1) PIN No. 169000-27-5572; Parcel No. 08K13015 containing approximately 86.23 acres, said tract being acquired by the Grantor pursuant to deeds recorded at Book 4341, Page 853, Book 4401, Page 820, and Book 4934, Page 113, Johnston County, North Carolina, Registry; and WHEREAS, Grantee has been formed for the purpose of acquiring, maintaining, restoring, enhancing, creating and preserving wetland and riparian resources that contribute to the protection and improvement of water quality, flood prevention, fisheries, aquatic habitat, wildlife habitat, and recreational opportunities; and WHEREAS, Grantee is qualified to be the grantee of a Conservation Easement pursuant to N.C. Gen. Stat. §121-35; and WHEREAS, Grantor has entered into an Option Agreement with Clearwater Mitigation Solutions, LLC, a North Carolina Limited Liability Company ("Clearwater") for the conveyance of an interest in a portion or portions of the Property which will constitute the area covered by the Conservation Easement and referred to herein as the "Easement Area", said Easement Area being more particularly described on Exhibit A, attached hereto (the "Easement Area") and for the construction, installation, maintenance and repair of certain Improvements (defined in Paragraph 2 below) for the purpose of stream and wetlands restoration within the Easement Area; and WHEREAS, Clearwater is qualified and authorized to undertake such actions as may be necessary to construct, install, maintain and repair the Improvements and to protect the natural state of the Easement Area; and 2 WHEREAS, Grantor, Grantee, and Clearwater have determined the need for restoration of and improvements to the stream, associated buffers and related wetland areas existing within the Easement Area as well as the requirements for access to the Easement Area in order to proceed with restoration, including installation, construction, repair, and maintenance of the Improvements; and WHEREAS, Grantor, Grantee, and Clearwater recognize that the Easement Area will be disturbed by Clearwater, its employees and agents during restoration of the stream, wetland and buffer areas, but desire to see the Easement Area restored to a natural and stable state and maintained in that condition at the completion of the Improvements, and they further wish to limit activities or acts detrimental to the land or water areas within the Easement Area for any purpose or in any manner that would conflict with the continued maintenance of the Easement Area in its restored natural condition; and WHEREAS, Clearwater is undertaking construction and installation of the Improvements for the purpose of creating and selling stream and/or wetland mitigation credits to offset unavoidable stream and/or wetland impacts from building and construction projects, including the Atlantic Coast Pipeline, and Grantor and Grantee recognize that all mitigation credits generated by the Improvements and the proceeds therefrom shall belong exclusively to Clearwater and may be transferred by Clearwater as may be necessary to provide mitigation credits to other entities, including entities associated with the construction of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the premises and the mutual covenants, terms, conditions and restrictions contained herein, and pursuant to the laws of North Carolina and in particular the Historic Preservation and Conservation Agreements Act, as set forth under N.C. Gen. Stat. §121-34 et. seq., Grantor hereby voluntarily grants and conveys unto Grantee this 3 Conservation Easement in perpetuity aver portions of the Property as described in Exhibit A, attached hereto, said portions of the Property being collectively referred to as the Easement Area, together with easements over the Property for ingress, egress, and regress to the Easement Area as described in Exhibit A and as referenced in the map referred to in Exhibit A, of the nature, character and terms herein and hereinafter set forth: 1. Duration, This Conservation Easernent shall be perpetual. This Conservation Easement is an easement in gross, runs with the Iand, and is enforceable by Grantee and Grantee's successors and assigns against Grantor and Grantor's successors and assigns, lessees, agents, and licensees. 2. Purpose. The purpose of this Conservation Easement is to provide for the creation, restoration, enhancement, maintenance and preservation of wetland and/or riparian resources within the Easement Area and in conjunction therewith, to give to Grantee, and its agents, including Clearwater, the right to enter upon the Property to make improvements within the Easement Area, including the right to construct, install, improve, inspect, and repair the stream banks and stream beds, riparian channels, and adjacent natural areas within the Easement Area and to make improvements to storm water pipe outfall areas (collectively, the "Improvements"); to obtain samples of storm water from time to time for testing purposes; to remove from the Easement Area trees, structures or other obstructions to the proper maintenance and operation of said storm drainage facilities. Upon completion of the Improvements, the purpose of this Conservation Easement is to give Grantee and its successors and assigns including, but not Limited to Clearwater, the perpetual right to restore, maintain and enhance the Easement Area to a natural, undeveloped condition that contributes to the protection and improvement of water quality, flood protection, 4 wildlife and aquatic habitat, and to prevent any use of the protected Easement Area that will significantly impair or interfere with these purposes. 3. Prohibited and Restricted Activities. Upon completion of the Improvements on the Easement Area, including Clearwater's construction of the same and any necessary or required monitoring or maintenance of the Easement Area that may be required by Clearwater, any activity on, or use of, the Easement Area, inconsistent with the purpose of this Conservation Easement is prohibited. The Easement Area shall be restored to and thereafter preserved in its natural condition and restricted from any development that would impair or interfere with the conservation values of the Easement Area. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the following activities and uses are expressly prohibited, restricted or reserved as indicated hereunder: (a) Inconsistent Activities. Any activity or use of the Easement Area inconsistent with the purpose of this Conservation Easement is prohibited. (b) Disturbance of Natural Features. There shall be no change, disturbance, alteration or impairment of the natural features within the Easement Area. There shall be no change in topography of the land and no alteration of the restored, enhanced or created drainage patterns. (c) Vegetation. Unauthorized mowing, cutting, removal, harming, or destruction of any trees, shrubs or other vegetation in the Easement Area is prohibited. Removal of dead, diseased or damaged trees and non-native species is allowed with the prior written approval of Grantee, Clearwater and the United States Army Corps of Engineers ("USACE"). There shall be no unauthorized introduction of new plant or animal species. Livestock grazing is prohibited. 5 (d) Construction. Except as related to the construction of the Improvements, there shall be no construction or placement of temporary or permanent structures or facilities, including, but not limited to fences, pavement, storage buildings and storage tanks on, under, or above the Easement Area. Pre-existing structures or facilities may be repaired, maintained, improved or removed as necessary with prior approval of Grantee, provided such actions do not diminish the conservation values of the Easement Area. (e) Signage. No signs shall be permitted on or over the Easement Area, except the posting of no trespassing signs, way finding signs, or signs for educational and interpretive purposes. (f) Dumping or Storage. Dumping or storage of leaves, grass clippings, soil, trash, ashes, abandoned vehicles, appliances, machinery or hazardous substances, or toxic or hazardous waste or similar items is prohibited. 4. Grantee's Rights. Grantee or its authorized representatives, successors and assigns, including Clearwater, shall have the right to enter the Property and the Easement Area at all reasonable times for the purpose of inspecting the Easement Area to determine if Grantor, or Grantor's personal representatives, heirs, successors, or assigns, are complying with the terms, conditions, restrictions, and purposes of this Conservation Easement. Grantee and Clearwater shall also have the right to enter and go upon the Property and the Easement Area for purposes of making scientific or educational observations and studies, and taking samples in and around the Easement Area. The easement rights granted herein do not include public access rights. It is understood and agreed by and between the parties that Grantee and Clearwater shall have the right to enter and have access to the Property and the Easement Area as may be needed for the purposes described herein, and no entry for such purposes shall be deemed a trespass. Any damage that may occur outside the Easement Area to landscaping, fences, buildings, or other 6 structures resulting from Grantee's or Clearwater's exercise of the right of entry and access shall be repaired by Grantee and/or Clearwater, as may be applicable. 5. Grantor's Rights. Grantor expressly reserves for itself, its representatives, successors or assigns, the right to continue to use the Easement Area for all purposes not inconsistent with this Conservation Easement, including, but not limited to, the right to quiet enjoyment of the Easement Area, the rights of ingress and egress, the right to hunt, fish and hike on the Easement Area, the right to sell, transfer, gift, or otherwise convey the Easement Area, in whole or in part, provided such sale, transfer or gift conveyance is subject to the terms of, and shall specifically reference and be subject to this Conservation Easement. 6. Acts Beyond Grantor's Control. Nothing contained in this Conservation Easement shall be construed to entitle Grantee or Clearwater to bring any action against Grantor for any injury or change in the Easement Area resulting from causes beyond Grantor's control, including, without limitation, fire, flood, storm, war, acts of God or third parties, acts or omissions by individuals not under the direction or control of Grantor, except Grantor's lessees or invitees; or from any prudent action taken in good faith by Grantor under emergency conditions to prevent, abate, or mitigate significant injury to life, damage to property or harm to the Easement Area resulting from such causes. 7. Subsequent Transfers. Grantor agrees to incorporate the terms of this Conservation Easement in any deed or other legal instrument that transfers any interest in all or a portion of the Easement Area. Grantor and Grantee agree that the terms of this Conservation Easement shall survive any merger of the fee and easement interests in the Easement Area or any portion thereof and shall not be amended, modified or terminated without the prior written consent and approval of the Parties. 7 8. Assignment. The parties recognize and agree that the benefits of this Conservation Easement are in gross and assignable provided, however that Grantee hereby covenants and agrees, that in the event it transfers or assigns this Conservation Easement, the organization receiving the interest will be a qualified holder under N.C. Gen. Stat. § 121 -34 et seq. and §170(h) of the Internal Revenue Code, and Grantee further covenants and agrees that the terms of the transfer or assignment will be such that the transferee or assignee will be required to continue in perpetuity the conservation purposes described in this document. 9. Indemnification. Grantee agrees to indemnify and save harmless Grantor from and against any loss, claim, damage, cost or expense (including reasonable attorney's fees) suffered or incurred by Grantor by reason of any injury to person or damage to property on or about the Easement Area to the extent caused by Grantee, its officers, employees, agents, invitees, contractors, or subcontractors entering or conducting work in connection with the Improvements or maintenance of the Easement Area; provided the foregoing shall not apply to any loss, claim, damage, cost or expense suffered or incurred as a result of negligence or the intentional misconduct of Grantor or Grantor's employees, agents or invitees. 10. Miscellaneous. a. The title to the Conservation Easement conveyed herein is subject to the following exceptions: None b. Except with respect to the provisions of that certain Option to purchase Conservation Easement and Agreement dated March 10, 2017, by and between Grantor and Clearwater, this instrument sets forth the entire agreement of the parties with respect to the Conservation Easement and supersedes all prior discussions, negotiations, understandings or agreements relating to the Conservation Easement. If any provision is found to be invalid, the 8 remainder of the provisions of the Conservation Easement, and the application of such provision to persons or circumstances other than those as to which it is found to be invalid, shall not be affected thereby. c. Any notices shall be sent by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested to the parties at their addresses as shown above or to other address(es) as either party establishes in writing upon notification to the other. d. Grantor shall notify Grantee in writing of the name and address and any party to whom the Property or any part thereof is to be transferred at or prior to the time said transfer is made. Grantor further agrees to make any subsequent lease, deed, or other legal instrument by which any interest in the Property is conveyed, subject to the Conservation Easement herein created. e. The Grantor and Grantee agree that the terms of this Conservation Easement shall survive any merger of the fee and easement interests in the Property or any portion thereof. f. This Conservation Easement may be amended, but only in a writing signed by all parties hereto or their respective successors or assigns, and provided such amendment does not affect the qualification of this Conservation Easement or the status of the Grantee under any applicable laws, and is consistent with the purposes of the Conservation Easement. g• The parties recognize and agree that the benefits of this Conservation Easement are in gross and are assignable by Grantee; provided, however, that the Grantee hereby covenants and agrees, that in the event it transfers or assigns this Conservation Easement, the organization receiving the interest will be a qualified holder under N.C. Gen. Stat. § 121-34 et 9 seq. and § 170(h) of the Internal Revenue Code, and the Grantee further covenants and agrees that the terms of the transfer or assignment will be such that the transferee or assignee will be required to continue in perpetuity the conservation purposes described in this document. h. Any mitigation credits or similar entitlements generated or to be generated as a result of the mitigation project to be completed in the Easement Area shall belong exclusively to Grantee or Grantee's designee including, but not limited to, Clearwater or Clearwater's designee, and Grantor shall have no right to or interest in any such mitigation credits or the proceeds thereof. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said rights and easements perpetually unto Grantee for the aforesaid purposes. AND Grantor covenants that Grantor is seized of the property described in Exhibit A in fee, and has the right to convey the permanent Conservation Easement herein granted; that Grantor has done nothing to impair such title as Grantor received, and Grantor will warrant and defend such title against the lawful claims of all persons claiming by, under or through Grantor other than the specified exceptions set forth in Paragraph 10 a., above. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the Grantor has hereunto set his hand and seal, the day and year first above written. GRAN By: �f haf Minson St By: 11i.�1 rsula H Stewart 10 (SEAL) (SEAL) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF I' '`R- , the undersigned Notary Public of the County and State aforesaid, certify that Chad Minson Stewart and wife, Ursula H. Stewart, personally appeared before me this day, acknowledging to me that they voluntarily signed the foregoing document for the purposes therein expressed. I have received satisfactory evidence of the principal's identity in the form of. f 3 Lcc s6 WITNESS my hand and official stamp or seal, this the 3 day of ,ew,I 2018. My Commission Expires: /- Zaz- 00434331 11 EXHIBIT A Conservation Easement Description Conservation Easements identified as Conservation Easement Areas 3, 4 and 5 as shown on plat entitled "Conservation Easement for Clearwater Holdings I, LLC over a portion of the lands of the Tract recorded in D. B. 2344 Pg. 794 (PIN No. 169000-48-1394), (current owner: James Clifton Rhodes) and also over a portion of the lands of the Tract recorded in D. B. 4934 Pg. 113 (PIN No. 169000-27-5572) (current owner: Chad M. Stewart), Ingrams Township, Johnston County, North Carolina" recorded at Plat Book , Page R 33 , Johnston County, North Carolina Registry. 60434331/1 Prepared by and return to: Robert H. Merritt, Jr. P. D. Box I35I Raleigh, NC 27602 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF JOHNSTON Tel/ 6154••tb THIS DEED FOR CONSERVATION made this J day of j�-73C.lilt 2018 by Filed in JOHNSTON COUNTY, NC CRRIG OLIVE, Register of Deeds DEED 00d 0K: 50978PAGE: PM INSTRUMENT # 2018559808 Real Estate Excise Tax $834.00 Deputy/Assistant Register of Deeds asantos DEED FOR CONSERVATION EASEMENT EASEMENT (this "Conservation Easement"), is and between JAMES CLIFTON RHODES and wife, TERESA M. RHODES ("Grantor") whose mailing address is 2009 Devils Racetrack Road Four Oaks, North Carolina 27525, and CLEARWATER HOLDINGS I, LLC ("Grantee") whose mailing address is 604 Macon Place, Raleigh, NC 27609. The designation Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties, their successors, and assigns, lessees, agents and licenses, and shall include singular, plural, masculine, feminine or neuter as required by context. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Grantor owns in fee simple, the real property situated in Ingrains Township, Johnston County, North Carolina (the "Property"), being the following parcel of land: (1) PIN No. 169000-48-1394; Parcel No. 08K130I2A containing approximately 57.27 acres, said tract being acquired by the Grantor pursuant to deed recorded at Book 2344, Page 794, Johnston County, North Carolina, Registry; and WHEREAS, Grantee has been formed for the purpose of acquiring, maintaining, restoring, enhancing, creating and preserving wetland and riparian resources that contribute to the protection and irnprovernent of water quality, flood prevention, fisheries, aquatic habitat, wildlife habitat, and recreational opportunities; and WHEREAS, Grantee is qualified to be the grantee of a Conservation Easement pursuant to N.C. Gen. Stat. §121-35; and WHEREAS, Grantor has entered into an Option Agreement with Clearwater Mitigation Solutions, LLC, a North Carolina Limited Liability Company ("Clearwater") for the conveyance of an interest in a portion or portions of the Property which will constitute the area covered by the Conservation Easement and referred to herein as the "Easement Area", said Easement Area being more particularly described on Exhibit A, attached hereto (the "Easement Area") and for the construction, installation, maintenance and repair of certain Improvements (defined in Paragraph 2 below) for the purpose of stream and wetlands restoration within the Easement Area; and WHEREAS, Clearwater is qualified and authorized to undertake such actions as may be necessary to construct, install, maintain and repair the Improvements and to protect the natural state of the Easement Area; and 2 WHEREAS, Grantor, Grantee, and Clearwater have determined the need for restoration of and improvements to the stream, associated buffers and related wetland areas existing within the Easement Area as well as the requirements for access to the Easement Area in order to proceed with restoration, including installation, construction, repair, and maintenance of the Improvements; and WHEREAS, Grantor, Grantee, and Clearwater recognize that the Easement Area will be disturbed by Clearwater, its employees and agents during restoration of the stream, wetland and buffer areas, but desire to see the Easement Area restored to a natural and stable state and maintained in that condition at the completion of the Improvements, and they further wish to limit activities or acts detrimental to the land or water areas within the Easement Area for any purpose or in any manner that would conflict with the continued maintenance of the Easement Area in its restored natural condition; and WHEREAS, Clearwater is undertaking construction and installation of the Improvements for the purpose of creating and selling stream and/or wetland mitigation credits to offset unavoidable stream and/or wetland impacts from building and construction projects, including the Atlantic Coast Pipeline, and Grantor and Grantee recognize that all mitigation credits generated by the Improvements and the proceeds therefrom shall belong exclusively to Clearwater and may be transferred by Clearwater as may be necessary to provide mitigation credits to other entities, including entities associated with the construction of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the premises and the mutual covenants, terms, conditions and restrictions contained herein, and pursuant to the laws of North Carolina and in particular the Historic Preservation and Conservation Agreements Act, as set forth under N.C. Gen. Stat. §121-34 et. seq., Grantor hereby voluntarily grants and conveys unto Grantee this 3 Conservation Easement in perpetuity over portions of the Property as described in Exhibit A, attached hereto, said portions of the Property being collectively referred to as the Easement Area, together with easements over the Property for ingress, egress, and regress to the Easement Area as described in Exhibit A and as referenced in the map referred to in Exhibit A, of the nature, character and terms herein and hereinafter set forth: 1. Duration. This Conservation Easement shall be perpetual. This Conservation Easement is an easement in gross, runs with the Iand, and is enforceable by Grantee and Grantee's successors and assigns against Grantor and Grantor's successors and assigns, lessees, agents, and licensees. 2. Purpose. The purpose of this Conservation Easement is to provide for the creation, restoration, enhancement, maintenance and preservation of wetland and/or riparian resources within the Easement Area and in conjunction therewith, to give to Grantee, and its agents, including Clearwater, the right to enter upon the Property to make improvements within the Easement Area, including the right to construct, install, improve, inspect, and repair the stream banks and stream beds, riparian channels, and adjacent natural areas within the Easement Area and to make improvements to storm water pipe outfall areas (collectively, the "Improvements"); to obtain samples of storm water from time to time for testing purposes; to remove from the Easement Area trees, structures or other obstructions to the proper maintenance and operation of said storm drainage facilities. Upon completion of the Improvements, the purpose of this Conservation Easement is to give Grantee and its successors and assigns including, but not limited to Clearwater, the perpetual right to restore, maintain and enhance the Easement Area to a natural, undeveloped condition that contributes to the protection and improvement of water quality, flood protection, 4 wildlife and aquatic habitat, and to prevent any use of the protected Easement Area that will significantly impair or interfere with these purposes. 3. Prohibited and Restricted Activities. Upon completion of the Improvements on the Easement Area, including Clearwater's construction of the same and any necessary or required monitoring or maintenance of the Easement Area that may be required by Clearwater, any activity on, or use of, the Easement Area, inconsistent with the purpose of this Conservation Easement is prohibited. The Easement Area shall be restored to and thereafter preserved in its natural condition and restricted from any development that would impair or interfere with the conservation values of the Easement Area. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the following activities and uses are expressly prohibited, restricted or reserved as indicated hereunder: (a) Inconsistent Activities. Any activity or use of the Easement Area inconsistent with the purpose of this Conservation Easement is prohibited. (b) Disturbance of Natural Features. There shall be no change, disturbance, alteration or impairment of the natural features within the Easement Area. There shall be no change in topography of the land and no alteration of the restored, enhanced or created drainage patterns. (c) Vegetation. Unauthorized mowing, cutting, removal, harming, or destruction of any trees, shrubs or other vegetation in the Easement Area is prohibited. Removal of dead, diseased or damaged trees and non-native species is allowed with the prior written approval of Grantee, Clearwater and the United States Army Corps of Engineers ("USACE"). There shall be no unauthorized introduction of new plant or animal species. Livestock grazing is prohibited. 5 (d) Construction. Except as related to the construction of the Improvements, there shall be no construction or placement of temporary or permanent structures or facilities, including, but not limited to fences, pavement, storage buildings and storage tanks on, under, or above the Easement Area. Pre-existing structures or facilities may be repaired, maintained, improved or removed as necessary with prior approval of Grantee, provided such actions do not diminish the conservation values of the Easement Area. (e) Signage. No signs shall be permitted on or over the Easement Area, except the posting of no trespassing signs, way finding signs, or signs for educational and interpretive purposes. (f) Dumping or Storage. Dumping or storage of leaves, grass clippings, soil, trash, ashes, abandoned vehicles, appliances, machinery or hazardous substances, or toxic or hazardous waste or similar items is prohibited. 4. Grantee's Rights. Grantee or its authorized representatives, successors and assigns, including Clearwater, shall have the right to enter the Property and the Easement Area at all reasonable times for the purpose of inspecting the Easement Area to determine if Grantor, or Grantor's personal representatives, heirs, successors, or assigns, are complying with the terms, conditions, restrictions, and purposes of this Conservation Easement. Grantee and Clearwater shall also have the right to enter and go upon the Property and the Easement Area for purposes of making scientific or educational observations and studies, and taking samples in and around the Easement Area. The easement rights granted herein do not include public access rights. It is understood and agreed by and between the parties that Grantee and Clearwater shall have the right to enter and have access to the Property and the Easement Area as may be needed for the purposes described herein, and no entry for such purposes shall be deemed a trespass. Any damage that may occur outside the Easement Area to landscaping, fences, buildings, or other 6 structures resulting from Grantee's or Clearwater's exercise of the right of entry and access shall be repaired by Grantee and/or Clearwater, as may be applicable. 5. Grantor's Rights. Grantor expressly reserves for itself, its representatives, successors or assigns, the right to continue to use the Easement Area for all purposes not inconsistent with this Conservation Easement, including, but not limited to, the right to quiet enjoyment of the Easement Area, the rights of ingress and egress, the right to hunt, fish and hike on the Easement Area, the right to sell, transfer, gift, or otherwise convey the Easement Area, in whole or in part, provided such sale, transfer or gift conveyance is subject to the terms of, and shall specifically reference and be subject to this Conservation Easement. 6. Acts Beyond Grantor's Control. Nothing contained in this Conservation Easement shall be construed to entitle Grantee or Clearwater to bring any action against Grantor for any injury or change in the Easement Area resulting from causes beyond Grantor's control, including, without limitation, fire, flood, storm, war, acts of God or third parties, acts or omissions by individuals not under the direction or control of Grantor, except Grantor's lessees or invitees; or from any prudent action taken in good faith by Grantor under emergency conditions to prevent, abate, or mitigate significant injury to life, damage to property or harm to the Easement Area resulting from such causes. 7. Subsequent Transfers. Grantor agrees to incorporate the terms of this Conservation Easement in any deed or other legal instrument that transfers any interest in all or a portion of the Easement Area. Grantor and Grantee agree that the terms of this Conservation Easement shall survive any merger of the fee and easement interests in the Easement Area or any portion thereof and shall not be amended, modified or terminated without the prior written consent and approval of the Parties. 7 8. Assignment, The parties recognize and agree that the benefits of this Conservation Easement are in gross and assignable provided, however that Grantee hereby covenants and agrees, that in the event it transfers or assigns this Conservation Easement, the organization receiving the interest will be a qualified holder under N.C. Gen. Stat. §121-34 et seq. and §170(h) of the Internal Revenue Code, and Grantee further covenants and agrees that the terms of the transfer or assignment will be such that the transferee or assignee will be required to continue in perpetuity the conservation purposes described in this document. 9. Indemnification. Grantee agrees to indemnify and save harmless Grantor from and against any loss, claim, damage, cost or expense (including reasonable attorney's fees) suffered or incurred by Grantor by reason of any injury to person or damage to property on or about the Easement Area to the extent caused by Grantee, its officers, employees, agents, invitees, contractors, or subcontractors entering or conducting work in connection with the Improvements or maintenance of the Easement Area; provided the foregoing shall not apply to any loss, claim, damage, cost or expense suffered or incurred as a result of negligence or the intentional misconduct of Grantor or Grantor's employees, agents or invitees. 10. Miscellaneous. a. The title to the Conservation Easement conveyed herein is subject to the following exceptions: None b. Except with respect to the provisions of that certain Option to purchase Conservation Easement and Agreement dated March 9, 2017, by and between Grantor and Clearwater, this instrument sets forth the entire agreement of the parties with respect to the Conservation Easement and supersedes all prior discussions, negotiations, understandings or agreements relating to the Conservation Easement. If any provision is found to be invalid, the 8 remainder of the provisions of the Conservation Easement, and the application of such provision to persons or circumstances other than those as to which it is found to be invalid, shall not be affected thereby. c. Any notices shall be sent by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested to the parties at their addresses as shown above or to other address(es) as either party establishes in writing upon notification to the other. d. Grantor shall notify Grantee in writing of the name and address and any party to whom the Property or any part thereof is to be transferred at or prior to the time said transfer is made. Grantor further agrees to make any subsequent lease, deed, or other legal instrument by which any interest in the Property is conveyed, subject to the Conservation Easement herein created. e. The Grantor and Grantee agree that the terms of this Conservation Easement shall survive any merger of the fee and easement interests in the Property or any portion thereof. £ This Conservation Easement may be amended, but only in a writing signed by all parties hereto or their respective successors or assigns, and provided such amendment does not affect the qualification of this Conservation Easement or the status of the Grantee under any applicable laws, and is consistent with the purposes of the Conservation Easement. g. The parties recognize and agree that the benefits of this Conservation Easement are in gross and are assignable by Grantee; provided, however, that the Grantee hereby covenants and agrees, that in the event it transfers or assigns this Conservation Easement, the organization receiving the interest will be a qualified holder under N.C. Gen. Stat. § 121-34 et 9 seq. and § 170(h) of the Internal Revenue Code, and the Grantee further covenants and agrees that the terms of the transfer or assignment will be such that the transferee or assignee will be required to continue in perpetuity the conservation purposes described in this document. h. Any mitigation credits or similar entitlements generated or to be generated as a result of the mitigation project to be completed in the Easement Area shall belong exclusively to Grantee or Grantee's designee including, but not limited to, Clearwater or Clearwater's designee, and Grantor shall have no right to or interest in any such mitigation credits or the proceeds thereof. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said rights and easements perpetually unto Grantee for the aforesaid purposes. AND Grantor covenants that Grantor is seized of the property described in Exhibit A in fee, and has the right to convey the permanent Conservation Easement herein granted; that Grantor has done nothing to impair such title as Grantor received, and Grantor will warrant and defend such title against the lawful claims of all persons claiming by, under or through Grantor other than the specified exceptions set forth in Paragraph 10 a., above. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the Grantor has hereunto set his hand and seal, the day and year first above written. GRANTOR: By -4-~Ze m (SEAL) `James Clifto odes By: 10 447-4--) (SEAL) resa M. Rhodes STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF kil, 447 I, IC.�k! k &fir 1; JR- • , the undersigned NotaryPublic of the State aforesaid, certify th t James Clifton Rhodes and wife, Teresa M. Rhodes, Cpersonlly appeared before me this day, acknowledging to me that they voluntarily signed the foregoing document for the purposes therein expressed. I have received satisfactory evidence of the principal's identity in the form of Ar[ a L, G�,,.sc— r4 WITNESS my hand and official stamp or seal, this the 5 day of f"C-'W, .c.g/L/ 2018. My Commission Expires: 00434359/1 11 Notary4ublic, EXHIBIT A Conservation Easement Description Conservation Easements identified as Conservation Easement Areas 1 and 2, as shown on plat entitled "Conservation Easement for Clearwater Holdings I, LLC over a portion of the lands of the Tract recorded in D. B. 2344 Pg. 794 (PIN No. 169000-48-1394), (current owner: James Clifton Rhodes) and also over a portion of the lands of the Tract recorded in D. B. 4934 Pg. 113 (PIN No. 169000-27-5572) (current owner: Chad M. Stewart), Ingrams Township, Johnston County, North Carolina" recorded at Plat Book , Page 2 3 3 , Johnston County, North Carolina Registry. 00434359 / 1 Appendix E. Financial Assurances - Draft Monitoring Bond - Annual Maintenance & Monitoring Costs Lowlands Wetland Mitigation Site — Mitigation Plan Appendices Policy Number: UMR #: B1392BWI216054 Previous Policy Number: MITIGATION BANK INSURANCE POLICY DECLARATIONS INSURER UNDERWRITING OFFICE PRODUCER Underwriters at Lloyds of London Alliant Americas — A Division of Alliant Insurance Services 6550 Rock Spring Drive, Suite 610 Bethesda, MD 20817 Contact Person: Barry Peters Robert S. Spoth, President Ecosystems Insurance Associates, LLC 10 Market Street Onancock, VA 23417 Phone Number: (703) 232-0258 CLAIMS MADE AND REPORTED COVERAGE NOTICE: THIS IS A CLAIMS -MADE AND REPORTED POLICY. THIS POLICY HAS CERTAIN PROVISIONS AND REQUIREMENTS UNIQUE TO IT AND MAY BE DIFFERENT FROM OTHER POLICIES A "NAMED INSURED" MAY HAVE PURCHASED. FOR THERE TO BE COVERAGE UNDER THIS POLICY, A CLAIM MUST FIRST BE MADE AGAINST THE NAMED INSURED BY THE REGULATORY AGENCY AND REPORTED TO UNDERWRITERS DURING THE POLICY PERIOD. THIS POLICY INCLUDES NO DUTY TO DEFEND OR TO PAY DEFENSE COSTS. PLEASE READ THE ENTIRE POLICY CAREFULLY ITEM 1 Named Insured: Clearwater Mitigation Solutions, LLC Mailing Address: 604 Macon Place, Raleigh, NC 27609 A. Mitigation Bank Lowlands Mitigation Site B. Insured Property The Lowlands Wetland Mitigation Site ('Site") is located approximately one mile northeast of the intersection of Devils Racetrack Road (SR 1009) and Guin Road (SR 1184) in Johnston County, North Carolina (35.421° N; 78.348° W). The Site is located within the Neuse River Basin, 8 digit Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) 03020201, more specifically within the 14 digit HUC 03020201150050. ITEM 2 Policy Period From: TBD/2022 To: TBD/2023 At 12:01 A.M. both dates at your mailing address shown above. THE INSURANCE COMPANY WITH WHICH THIS COVERAGE HAS BEEN PLACED IS NOT LICENSED BY THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA AND IS NOT SUBJECT TO ITS SUPERVISION. IN THE EVENT OF THE INSOLVENCY OF THE INSURANCE COMPANY, LOSSES UNDER THIS POLICY WILL NOT BE PAID BY ANY STATE INSURANCE GUARANTY OR SOLVENCY FUND. ITEM 3: LIMIT OF LIABILITY The Limit of Liability shown below is subject to possible reduction pursuant to Section IV. B. of this Policy. AGGREGATE LIMIT FOR ALL CLAIMS: $ 42,075.00 ITEM 4: DEDUCTIBLE ITEM 5: POLICY PREMIUM 10,000.00 Per Claim TBD TRIA PREMIUM $ included STATE TAX OR OTHER (IF APPLICABLE): $ TBD TOTAL PREMIUM 100% minimum and earned on the inception date of the Policy Total Premium 100% minimum and earned on $ TBD the inception date of the Policy. ITEM 6: REGULATORY AGENCY: Name: United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Wilmington District N/k Address 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 Wake Forest, North Carolina 27587 The name and address above will be used for all notices to the Regulatory Agency ITEM 7: NOTICE TO UNDERWRITERS Notices to Underwriters pursuant to Section V.B.1. of this Policy shall be sent to the following: Wilson, Elser, Moskowitz, Edelman & Dicker, LLP 150 E. 42nd Street New York, New York 10017 Attn: Martin. M. Ween, Esq. ITEM 8: FORMS AND ENDORSEMENTS FORMING A PART OF THIS POLICY AS OF THE INCEPTION DATE: See attached schedule of forms and endorsement: THESE DECLARATIONS, TOGETHER WITH THE COMMON POLICY CONDITIONS AND COVERAGE FORM(S) AND ANY ENDORSEMENT(S), COMPLETE THE ABOVE NUMBERED POLICY. Countersigned: By: Date: Authorized Representative: THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. SCHEDULE OF FORMS AND ENDORSEMENTS Named Insured: Clearwater Mitigation Solutions, LLC Policy Number: TBD Policy Period From: TBD/2022 To: TBD/2023 Forms and Endorsements Mitigation Bank Insurance Policy Declarations Mitigation Bank Insurance Policy Wording - NYDOCS01 - #7566288, 7 7 2016 edition Schedule of Forms and Endorsements Nuclear Energy Exclusion Endorsement Exclusion of Certified Nuclear, Biological, Chemical or Radiological Acts of Terrorism and Exclusion of other Acts Terrorism Committed Outside the United States; Cap on losses from Certifies Acts of Terrorism US Treasury Dept office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC ) Several Liability Notice Minimum Earned Premium Endorsement Mitigation Bank Insurance Coverage Form THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. NUCLEAR ENERGY EXCLUSION ENDORSEMENT NUCLEAR INCIDENT EXCLUSION CLAUSE -LIABILITY -DIRECT (BROAD) (U.S.A.) For attachment to insurances of the following classifications in the U.S.A., its Territories and Possessions, Puerto Rico and the Canal Zone: Owners, Landlords and Tenants Liability, Contractual Liability, Elevator Liability, Owners or Contractors (including railroad) Protective Liability, Manufacturers and Contractors Liability, Product Liability, Professional and Malpractice Liability, Storekeepers Liability, Garage Liability, Automobile Liability (including Massachusetts Motor Vehicle or Garage Liability), not being insurances of the classifications to which the Nuclear Incident Exclusion Clause - Liability -Direct (Limited) applies. • This Policy* does not apply: I. Under any Liability Coverage, to injury, sickness, disease, death or destruction: (a) with respect to which an insured under the Policy is also an insured under a nuclear energy liability policy issued by Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance Association, Mutual Atomic Energy Liability Underwriters or Nuclear Insurance Association of Canada, or would be an insured under any such policy but for its termination upon exhaustion of its limit of liability; or (b) resulting from the hazardous properties of nuclear material and with respect to which (1) any person or organization is required to maintain financial protection pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, or any law amendatory thereof, or (2) the insured is, or had this Policy not been issued would be, entitled to indemnity from the United States of America, or any agency thereof, under any agreement entered into by the United States of America, or any agency thereof, with any person or organization. / ■ II. Under any Medical Payments Coverage, or under any Supplementary Payments Provision relating to immediate medical or surgical relief, to expenses incurred with respect to bodily injury, sickness, disease or death resulting from the hazardous properties of nuclear material and arising out of the operation of a nuclear facility by any person or organization. III. Under any Liability Coverage, to injury, sickness, disease, death or destruction resulting from the hazardous properties of nuclear material, if: (a) the nuclear material (1) is at any nuclear facility owned by, or operated by or on behalf of, an insured or (2) has been discharged or dispersed therefrom; (b) the nuclear material is contained in spent fuel or waste at any time possessed, handled, used, processed, stored, transported or disposed of by or on behalf of an insured; or (c) the injury, sickness, disease, death or destruction arises out of the furnishing by an insured of services, materials, parts or equipment in connection with the planning, construction, maintenance, operation or use of any nuclear facility, but if such facility is located within the United States of America, its territories or possessions or Canada, this exclusion (c) applies only to injury to or destruction of property at such nuclear facility. IV. As used in this endorsement: "hazardous properties" include radioactive, toxic or explosive properties; "nuclear material" means source material, special nuclear material or by-product material; "source material", "special nuclear material", and "by-product material" have the meanings given them in the Atomic Energy Act 1954 or in any law amendatory thereof; "spent fuel" means any fuel element or fuel component, solid or liquid, which has been used or exposed to radiation in a nuclear reactor; "waste" means any waste material (1) containing by-product material and (2) resulting from the operation by any person or organization of any nuclear facility included within the definition of nuclear facility under paragraph (a) or (b) thereof "nuclear facility" means: (a) any nuclear reactor, (b) any equipment or device designed or used for (1) separating the isotopes of uranium or plutonium, (2) processing or utilizing spent fuel, or (3) handling, processing or packaging waste, (c) any equipment or device used for the processing, fabricating or alloying of special nuclear material if at any time the total amount of such material in the custody of the insured at the premises where such equipment or device is located consists of or contains more than 25 grams of plutonium or uranium 233 or any combination thereof, or more than 250 grams of uranium 235, (d) any structure, basin, excavation, premises r place prepared or used for the storage or disposal of waste, and includes the site on which any of the foregoing is located, all operations conducted on such site and all premises used for such operations; "nuclear reactor" means any apparatus designed or used to sustain nuclear fission in a self-supporting chain reaction or to contain a critical mass of fissionable material. With respect to injury to or destruction of property, the word "injury" or "destruction" includes all forms of radioactive contamination of property. It is understood and agreed that, except as specifically provided in the foregoing to the contrary, this clause is subject to the terms, exclusions, conditions and limitations of the Policy to which it is attached. * NOTE: As respects policies which afford liability coverages and other forms of coverage in addition, the words underlined should be amended to designate the liability coverage to which this clause is to apply. 17/3/60 NMA1256 RADIOACTIVE CONTAMINATION EXCLUSION CLAUSE -LIABILITY -DIRECT (U.S.A.) For attachment (in addition to the appropriate Nuclear Incident Exclusion Clause -Liability - Direct) to liability insurances affording worldwide coverage. In relation to liability arising outside the U.S.A., its Territories or Possessions, Puerto Rico or the Canal Zone, this Policy does not cover any liability of whatsoever nature directly or indirectly caused by or contributed to by or arising from ionising radiations or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste from the combustion of nuclear fuel. 13/2/64 NMA 1477 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. EXCLUSION OF CERTIFIED NUCLEAR, BIOLOGICAL, CHEMICAL OR RADIOLOGICAL ACTS OF TERRORISM AND EXCLUSION OF OTHER ACTS OF TERRORISM COMMITTED OUTSIDE THE UNITED STATES; CAP ON LOSSES FROM CERTIFIED ACTS OF TERRORISM This endorsement modifies insurance provided as follows: A. The following exclusion is added: This insurance does not apply to: TERRORISM 1. "Any Claim" arising, directly or indirectly, out of a "certified act of terrorism". However, this exclusion applies only when one or more of the following are attributed to such act: a. The terrorism involves the use, release or escape of nuclear materials, or directly or indirectly results in nuclear reaction or radiation or radioactive contamination; or b. The terrorism is carried out by means of the dispersal or application of pathogenic or poisonous biological or chemical materials; or c. Pathogenic or poisonous biological or chemical materials are released, and it appears that one purpose of the terrorism was to release such materials. 2. "Any Claim" arising, directly or indirectly, out of an "other act of terrorism" that is committed outside of the United States (including its territories and possessions and Puerto Rico), but within the "coverage territory". However, this exclusion applies only when one or more of the following are attributed to such act: a. The total of insured damage to all types of property exceeds $25,000,000 (valued in U.S. dollars). In determining whether the $25,000,000 threshold is exceeded, we will include all insured damage sustained by property of all persons and entities affected by the terrorism and business interruption losses sustained by owners or occupants of the damaged property. For the purpose of this provision, insured damage means damage that is covered by any insurance plus damage that would be covered by any insurance but for the application of any terrorism exclusions; or b. Fifty or more persons sustain death or serious physical injury. For the purposes of this provision, serious physical injury means: (1) Physical injury that involves a substantial risk of death; or (2) Protracted and obvious physical disfigurement; or (3) Protracted loss of or impairment of the function of a bodily member or organ; or c. The terrorism involves the use, release or escape of nuclear materials, or directly or indirectly results in nuclear reaction or radiation or radioactive contamination; or d. The terrorism is carried out by means of the dispersal or application of pathogenic or poisonous biological or chemical materials; or e. Pathogenic or poisonous biological or chemical materials are released, and it appears that one purpose of the terrorism was to release such materials. With respect to this exclusion, Paragraphs a. and b. describe the thresholds used to measure the magnitude of an incident of an "other act of terrorism" and the circumstances in which the threshold will apply for the purpose of determining whether this exclusion will apply to that incident B. The following definitions are added: 1. For the purposes of this endorsement, "any claim" means a written notice given by the "regulatory body" to the Company setting forth in detail the information required by Section V.A. under this Coverage Part to which this endorsement is applicable, and includes but is not limited to "any claim" as may be defined in this Coverage Part. 2. "Certified act of terrorism" means an act that is certified by the Secretary of the Treasury, in concurrence with the Secretary of State and the Attorney General of the United States, to be an act of terrorism pursuant to the federal Terrorism Risk Insurance Act. The criteria contained in the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act for a "certified act of terrorism" include the following: a. The act resulted in insured losses in excess of $5 million in the aggregate, attributable to all types of insurance subject to the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act; and b. The act resulted in damage: (1) Within the United States (including its territories and possessions and Puerto Rico); or (2) Outside of the United States in the case of: (a) An air carrier (as defined in Section 40102 of title 49, United States Code) or United States flag vessel (or a vessel based principally in the United States, on which United States income tax is paid and whose insurance coverage is subject to regulation in the United States), regardless of where the loss occurs; or (b) The premises of any United States mission; and c. The act is a violent act or an act that is dangerous to human life, property or infrastructure and is committed by an individual or individuals as part of an effort to coerce the civilian population of the United States or to influence the policy or affect the conduct of the United States Government by coercion. 3. "Other act of terrorism" means a violent act or an act that is dangerous to human life, property or infrastructure that is committed by an individual or individuals and that appears to be part of an effort to coerce a civilian population or to influence the policy or affect the conduct of any government by coercion, and the act is not a "certified act of terrorism". Multiple incidents of an `other act of terrorism" which occur within a seventy-two hour period and appear to be carried out in concert or to have a related purpose or common leadership shall be considered to be one incident C. In the event of any incident of a "certified act of terrorism" or an `other act of terrorism: that is not subject to this exclusion, coverage does not apply to any loss or damage that is otherwise excluded under this Coverage Part. D. If aggregate insured losses attributable to terrorist acts certified under the federal Terrorism Risk Insurance Act exceed $100 billion in a Program Year (January 1 through December 31) and we have met our insurer deductible under the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act, we shall not be liable for the payment of any portion of the amount of such losses that exceeds $100 billion, and in such case insured losses up to that amount are subject to pro rata allocation in accordance with procedures established by the Secretary of the Treasury. All other terms, conditions and exclusions remain unchanged. Endorsement Effective: Policy No.: Endorsement No. Insured: Premium: U.S. TREASURY DEPARTMENT'S OFFICE OF FOREIGN ASSETS CONTROL ("OFAC") No coverage is provided by this Policyholder Notice nor can it be construed to replace any provisions of your policy. You should read your policy and review your Declarations page for complete information on the coverages you are provided. This Policyholder Notice provides information concerning the possible impact on your insurance coverage provided under your policy due to directives issued by OFAC. Please read this Policyholder Notice carefully. OFAC administers and enforces economic and trade sanctions based on US foreign policy and national security goals based on Presidential declarations of "national emergency." OFAC has identified and listed numerous: q • Foreign agents • Front organizations • Terrorists • Terrorist organizations • Narcotics traffickers as "Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons." This list can be found on the United States Treasury's web site — http://www.treas.gov/ofac. In accordance with OFAC regulations, if it is determined that you or any other insured, or any person or entity claiming the benefits of this insurance has violated US sanctions law or is a Specially Designated National and Blocked Person, as identified by OFAC, this insurance will be considered a blocked or frozen contract and all provisions of this insurance will be immediately subject to OFAC. When an insurance policy is considered to be such a blocked or frozen contract, neither payments nor premium refunds may be made without authorization from OFAC. Other limitations on the premiums and payments may also apply. SEVERAL LIABILITY NOTICE The subscribing insurers' obligations under contracts of insurance to which they subscribe are several and not joint and are limited solely to the extent of their individual subscriptions. The subscribing insurers are not responsible for the subscription of any co -subscribing insurer who for any reason does not satisfy all or part of its obligations. LSW 1001 (Insurance) 08/94 SN\L, N4(\4/ THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. MINIMUM EARNED PREMIUM ENDORSEMENT This endorsement modifies insurance provided as follows; It is understood and agreed that the premium designated in the declarations is the minimum premium that applies to the policy period shown in the declarations and is 100% earned at inception. Regardless of when this Policy terminates, there shall be no return premium or any amount due or payable to the Named Insured. All other terms, conditions and exclusions remain unchanged. This endorsement changes the policy to which it is attached and is effective on the date issued unless otherwise stated. (The information below is required only when this endorsement is issued subsequent to preparation of the policy.) Endorsement Effective: Policy No.: Insured: Endorsement No. Premium: NOTICE TO POLICYHOLDERS MITIGATION BANK INSURANCE COVERAGE FORM The US Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) has the authority to require financial assurances for the establishment of mitigation banks, which are designed to offset unavoidable impacts to the waters of the United States authorized through the issuance of Department of the Army permits pursuant to section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33U.S.C. 1344) and/or sections 9 or 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 (33 U.S.C. 401,403). The Named Insured proposed a Mitigation Banking Instrument for Corps approval, as described more specifically attached hereto Wetland Mitigation Bank Insurance Coverage Form and affixed endorsements. The "regulatory agency" has the sole obligation, responsibility and accountability for determining compliance with "compensatory mitigation" requirements for the aforementioned mitigation bank. PNAP 041 1211 Page 1 of 1 MITIGATION BANK INSURANCE CLAIMS MADE AND REPORTED NOTICE: THIS IS A CLAIMS -MADE AND REPORTED POLICY. THIS POLICY HAS CERTAIN PROVISIONS AND REQUIREMENTS THAT MAY BE DIFFERENT FROM OTHER POLICIES THE NAMED INSURED MAY HAVE PURCHASED. FOR THERE TO BE COVERAGE UNDER THIS POLICY, A CLAIM MUST FIRST BE MADE AGAINST THE NAMED INSURED BY THE REGULATORY AGENCY AND REPORTED IN WRITING TO UNDERWRITERS DURING THE POLICY PERIOD. THIS POLICY INCLUDES NO DUTY TO DEFEND OR TO PAY DEFENSE COSTS. PLEASE READ THE ENTIRE POLICY CAREFULLY. Various provisions in this Policy restrict coverage. Read the entire Policy carefully to determine rights, duties, and what is and is not covered. Words and phrases that appear in bold face have special meaning. Refer to DEFINITIONS Section VII. The word "Underwriters" when used throughout this Policy refers to those certain Underwriters at Lloyd's, London identified by endorsement as subscribing to this Policy. In consideration of the payment of the premium by the Named Insured, in reliance upon the statements and information in the Application and the attachments thereto, all of which are made a part of this Policy, and subject to the Limits of Liability of this Policy as set forth in the Declarations, and the exclusions, conditions, and other terms of this Policy, Underwriters agree with the Named Insured as follows: I. INSURING AGREEMENT In the event a Claim is first made in writing by the Regulatory Agency against the Named Insured during the Policy Period and reported in writing to Underwriters during the Policy Period for or based on a failure to meet Performance Standards under the Mitigation Banking Instrument at the Insured Property, Underwriters agree to pay, up to the Limit of Liability set forth in the Declarations, Loss to a Third Party for the costs of Adaptive Management to achieve Compensatory Mitigation for which the Named Insured is legally responsible under the Mitigation Banking Instrument. II. TERRITORY This Policy only applies to Insured Properties located and to Claims made or brought in the United States of America. III. EXCLUSIONS This Policy does not apply to Claims or to any Loss arising out of any Claims for, based upon, out of, or relating either directly or indirectly to: A. Force Majeure or Catastrophic event, as are defined in the Mitigation Banking Instrument. B. Any property or location other than the Insured Property set forth in the Declarations. C. Any liability of the Named Insured under or pursuant to any document, contract or agreement other than (i) the Mitigation Banking Instrument in relation to a Claim, or (ii) any contract entered into with a Third Party in the event of a Claim, to perform Adaptive Management required by the Mitigation Banking Instrument to bring the Insured Property into compliance with Performance Standards. D. Any legal fees, attorneys' fees, costs, or expenses including expert or consultant fees incurred in the defense of the Named Insured for any reason other than for liability under the Mitigation Banking Instrument for a Claim declared by the Regulatory Agency in meeting Performance Standards; E. Fluctuation in, or the short fall or devaluation in whole or in part of the monetary value or marketability of mitigation credits or other equivalent credits. IV. LIMIT OF LIABILITY AND DEDUCTIBLE A. Regardless of the number of Claims reported to Underwriters, the total liability of Underwriters for all Claims shall be the Limit of Liability set forth in Item 3. of the Declarations. B. The Limit of Liability set forth in Item 3. of the Declarations can be changed by written endorsement to this Policy reducing the Limit of Liability if and when the Regulatory Agency approves in writing a modification or reduction in the Limit of Liability. Underwriters shall have the right to directly request, or require the Named Insured to request that the Regulatory Agency approve a reduction of the Limit of Liability based on appropriate criteria as to the status of the Insured Property. C. Underwriters' financial obligation under this Policy is, at their sole discretion, to make payment above the deductible specified in Item 4. of the Declarations and up to the applicable and available Limit of Liability in effect at the time of the Claim for, or to secure through payment, the costs of Adaptive Management in order to meet Performance Standards and achieve Compensatory Mitigation after the making of a Claim by the Regulatory Agency, However, the Named Insured's failure to satisfy the deductible does not release Underwriters from the obligation to respond, investigate, adjust or settle any Claim, or to advance where necessary all or any portion of the deductible on behalf of the Named Insured. Underwriters may at their sole discretion and option, either: 1) Undertake, continue, or complete, by payment of any portion or all of the deductible amount to a Third Party, Adaptive Management in order to meet Performance Standards so as to achieve Compensatory Mitigation in the event of a Claim and upon notification of the action taken, the Named Insured shall promptly reimburse Underwriters for such part of the deductible amount as had been paid by Underwriters; or 2) upon receipt of notice of a Claim or at any time thereafter, call upon the Named Insured to pay or deposit with Underwriters or their designated representatives all or any part of the deductible amount, to be held and applied by Underwriters towards the costs of Adaptive Management in order to meet Performance Standards so as to achieve Compensatory Mitigation. The deductible amount indicated is applicable to each Claim and a separate deductible will be applied to each Claim. V. NOTICE PROVISIONS A. NOTICE OF CLAIM The Named Insured shall provide written notice to Underwriters of a Claim as soon as practicable, but no later than Sixty (60) days after the Named Insured receives or becomes aware of the Claim and such notice shall contain the following: 1. Copies of any notices sent by the Regulatory Agency, or any other person or entity acting for or on behalf of the Regulatory Agency; 2. a brief explanation of the events and circumstances that resulted in the Claim; 3. any other information the Named Insured deems relevant to the Claim. For purposes of the notice of Claim set forth above, written notice of a Claim sent by the Regulatory Agency to Underwriters with a copy to the Named Insured shall be deemed to be notice of Claim from the Named Insured. The Named Insured shall make all responsible personnel and all available information of the Named Insured available to Underwriters upon reasonable request and shall cooperate with Underwriters and their representatives in the investigation and verification of the Claim and the details thereof, provided that the failure of the Named Insured to cooperate does not release Underwriters from any obligations under this Policy to pay, up to the applicable limit of liability, for the costs of the Adaptive Management able to be performed without the cooperation of the Named Insured. 1. All notices required by this Item V. Notice Provisions shall be provided in writing and sent to Underwriters through their representative set forth in Item 7. of the Declarations. 2. Underwriters shall provide written notice to the Named Insured and to the Regulatory Agency of all changes, amendments, endorsements to the Policy and as to any Claims at the addresses set forth in Items 1. and 6. of the Declarations. VI. CONDITIONS A. ASSIGNMENT — This Policy is not assignable except with the prior written consent of Underwriters, which consent shall be granted at Underwriters' sole discretion. B. BANKRUPTCY — Bankruptcy or insolvency of the Named Insured, or its agents, contractors, or subcontractors, shall not relieve Underwriters or the Named Insured of their respective obligations under this Policy, including the obligation of Underwriters to pay Claims up to the Limit of Liability set forth in Item 3. of the Declarations or as may be reduced by any endorsement to this Policy. C. CANCELLATION, TERMINATION AND RELEASE 1. This Policy may be cancelled by the Named Insured by a written notice stating when thereafter such cancellation shall be effective, provided, however, that no such cancellation by the Named Insured shall be effective unless: a. The Named Insured has provided the notice of cancellation to the Regulatory Agency at least One Hundred and Twenty (120) days prior to the effective date of cancellation, b. The cancellation by the Named Insured is approved in writing by the Regulatory Agency prior to the effective date of cancellation. Underwriters shall notify the Regulatory Agency of a proposed cancellation and/or release of the Policy within ten (10) days of receipt of such request from the Named Insured, but in no event less than thirty (30) days prior to the effective date of cancellation. Underwriters shall not be required to cancel the Policy unless and until the Regulatory Agency shall provide written notice to Underwriters that it has approved of the cancellation, whether as a result of acceptance of a replacement financial assurance mechanism, a decision that such mechanism is no longer required, a determination that this Policy is no longer required by law within its authority, or any other reason. The Regulatory Agency shall provide such notice to Underwriters as soon as practicable, which notice shall include an effective date for the cancellation and/or release, if different from the date set forth by the Named Insured in its notice of cancellation. c. On the effective date of the Regulatory Agency's" approved cancellation and/or release of the Policy, Underwriters shall be released from any and all liability or obligations under the Policy to the Named Insured, the Regulatory Agency or to any other person or entity, including any existing or future liability or obligations arising from Claims reported to Underwriters prior to the effective date of cancellation, unless the approval by the Regulatory Agency specifies any exception to such release of obligations. 2. This Policy can be cancelled by Underwriters in the event of failure to pay a premium when due. In such instances the policy may be cancelled by Underwriters by the mailing of written notice to the Named Insured at the address set forth in Item 1. of the Declarations not less than Thirty (30) days prior to the effective date of cancellation, which cancellation date shall be specified in the notice. 3. Coverage shall also terminate at the earlier of the following times whether or not the Regulatory Agency has extended its written approval: a. on the Policy Period expiration as shown in Item 2. of the Declarations; or such expiration and non -renewal may only occur with 120-day prior notice to the Regulatory Agency should underwriters, for any reason, choose not to renew the policy. b. on the date a written acknowledgement, certification or other equivalent determination is issued by the Regulatory Agency indicating that that the Named Insured has met the Success Criteria set forth in the Mitigation Banking Instrument or has met the Contingency Plan, if the Regulatory Agency has determined in writing that the criteria contained in such Contingency Plan have replaced the Success Criteria contained in the Mitigation Banking Instrument, in the Contingency Plan, c. If the Policy is terminated pursuant to 3.a. or 3.b. above, Underwriters shall be released from all liability or obligations under the Policy, except as to any existing liability or obligations arising from Claims previously reported or pending under the Policy unless the Regulatory Agency has expressly approved in writing Underwriters' release from such previously reported and/or pending Claims. D. CHANGES — Notice to or knowledge possessed by any broker or by any other person or entity shall not affect a waiver or change in any part of this Policy or stop Underwriters from asserting any right under the terms of this Policy. The terms of this Policy shall not be waived or changed except by endorsement signed and issued by Underwriters or their representative to form a part of this Policy. E. CLAIM ADJUSTMENT — Upon receipt of notice of a Claim, Underwriters will, as soon as reasonably practicable, identify, undertake and where and when appropriate make payment to the Third Party of the amounts, up to the applicable Limit of Liability, found to be necessary to perform the Compensatory Mitigation. Underwriters will work with the Regulatory Agency in good faith to obtain agreement concerning the Compensatory Mitigation to be undertaken and completed including the obtaining of approval and retention of a Third Party to perform services as to such Compensatory Mitigation. The Named Insured shall not be released from any of its obligations to Underwriters under this Policy by virtue of any such Compensatory Mitigation undertaken and/or completed or secured through payment by Underwriters, including but not limited to the Named Insured's duties to pay or reimburse any deductible amount. F. CONFLICTS — In the event of a conflict between (i) any state or federal laws or regulations, applicable to the Named Insured including the Mitigation Banking Instrument and (ii) the Named Insured's rights under this Policy, the former shall prevail In no event shall Underwriters be liable to the Named Insured for failure to perform an act precluded by any applicable laws or regulations or the Mitigation Banking Instrument. Any changes in applicable state or federal law or regulations made after the commencement of the Policy Period shall not change Underwriters' obligations under this Policy unless and until agreed to by Underwriters and endorsed in writing on this Policy. G. DECLARATIONS — By acceptance of this Policy, the Named Insured agrees that the statements in the Declarations and Application are its agreements and representations, that this Policy is issued in reliance upon the truth of such representations and that this Policy embodies all agreements existing between the Named Insured and Underwriters or any of their agents relating to this Policy. The Named Insured expressly agrees that in entering into this Policy it has not relied on any statement by any person, agent, or broker not directly employed by or authorized by Underwriters to act on their behalf regarding the terms, provisions, coverage or interpretation of this Policy. Misrepresentation by the Named Insured do not invalidate the Underwriters obligation to the Regulatory Agency in the event of a Claim. Any misrepresentation may result in a dispute between the Named Insured and Underwriters. H. INDEPENDENT AGREEMENT — This Policy is a separate, independent agreement between Underwriters and the Named Insured. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Policy, Underwriters and the Named Insured hereby agree that no other contract or agreement shall be used to interpret any provision of this Policy, nor shall this Policy be used to interpret any other contract or agreement. I. INSPECTION, REVIEW AND AUDIT — Underwriters shall be permitted but not obligated to inspect, sample, audit, review, and monitor the Named Insured and the Insured Property upon reasonable advance notice and at reasonable intervals, taking into consideration any site access requirements. J. MODIFICATION — This Policy cannot be modified, changed, or any provision waived except by a written endorsement agreed to and issued by Underwriters and made a part of this Policy, provided, however, that, except for any cancellation by Underwriters pursuant to Section VI.D. of this Policy, the Regulatory Agency must be notified and approve of any such endorsed modifications, changes, or waivers. K. NO THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARY — No third party beneficiaries are created as a result of this Policy, except to the extent that any specific rights are conferred on the Regulatory Agency by the Policy. This Policy creates no rights by or on behalf of any other third parties. Should Underwriters undertake to make payment for completion of any required Compensatory Mitigation, any contracts or agreements between Underwriters and a party or parties undertaking and completing such Compensatory Mitigation shall be a separate, independent agreement from this Policy, and this Policy shall confer no specific or general rights or benefits to any party to such contract or agreement. Underwriters have no obligation under this Policy to any third party, other than the Regulatory Agency as may be specifically set forth in this Policy or as conferred under applicable law or regulation at the inception date of this Policy. However, any changes in the applicable law or regulations shall not be deemed to change or modify Underwriters' obligations under the Policy, unless agreed to and endorsed in writing on this Policy. L. OTHER INSURANCE — The insurance provided under this Policy is primary insurance, except this insurance shall be excess over any surety bond or other financial assurance instrument applicable to the Claim covered under this Policy. When this Policy is excess over any surety bond, or other financial assurance instrument, Underwriters shall be obligated to undertake and complete or otherwise secure through payment Compensatory Mitigation of a value up to the amount that exceeds the total amount of that other surety bond or other financial assurance instrument available to pay for the Claim in the absence of this Policy. When this Policy is deemed to be primary and the Named Insured has other insurance that is applicable on an excess basis to any Claim, the amount of Underwriters' liability under this Policy shall not be reduced by the existence of such excess insurance. When both this insurance and other insurance apply to a Claim on the same basis, whether primary, excess, or contingent, Underwriters shall not be liable under this Policy for a greater proportion than that set out in the declarations or the following contribution provision, whichever method is lower: a. Contribution by Equal Shares — Under this approach, each insurer contributes equal amounts measured by the actual value of (i) Compensatory Mitigation undertaken or completed or otherwise secured through payment by Underwriters or (ii) any funds paid by any other insurer, until each insurer, including Underwriters, has paid its applicable limit of insurance; or b. Contribution by Limits — Each insurer's share is based on the ratio of its applicable limit of insurance to the total applicable limits of insurance of all insurers. M. PREMIUM — the Policy Premium stated in Item 5. of the Declarations is fully earned on the inception date of this Policy, and any cancellation or termination of the Policy either by the Named Insured or by Underwriters shall not result in the return of any portion of the Policy Premium. N. SUBROGATION — In the event of any payment under this Policy, Underwriters shall be subrogated to any right of recovery that the Named Insured may have against any person or entity other than the Regulatory Agency. The Named Insured to the extent permitted by applicable law shall execute and deliver instruments and papers and do whatever else is necessary to secure and protect such rights. The Named Insured shall do nothing to prejudice such rights under this paragraph and shall, to the extent requested by Underwriters, cooperate with respect to any subrogation efforts. In the event that the Named Insured commits fraud, Underwriters and the Named Insured agree that Underwriters may subrogate and/or bring suit against the Named Insured that commits such fraud. O. SERVICE OF SUIT - In the event of the failure of Underwriters to pay any amount claimed to be due under this Policy, Underwriters, at the request of the Named Insured, will submit to the jurisdiction of a Court of competent jurisdiction within the United States. This Condition does not constitute and should not be understood to constitute an agreement by Underwriters that an action is properly maintained in a specific forum, nor may it be construed as a waiver of Underwriters' rights to commence an action in any Court of competent jurisdiction in the United States, to remove an action to a United States District Court, or to seek a transfer of a case to another Court as permitted by the laws of the United States or of any State in the United States. Service of process in such suit may be made upon the Underwriters' representative designated in Item _7_ of the Declarations and that in any suit instituted against any one of then upon this Policy, Underwriters will abide by the final decision of such Court or of any Appellate Court in the event of an appeal. The Underwriters; representative, designated in Item_7_ of the Declarations is authorized and directed to accept service of process on behalf of Underwriters in any such suit and/or upon the request of the Named Insured to give a written undertaking to the Named Insured that they will enter a general appearance upon Underwriters' behalf in the event such a suit shall be instituted. Further, pursuant to any statute of any state, territory or district of the United States which makes provision therefor, Underwriters hereon hereby designate the Superintendent, Commissioner or Director of Insurance or other officer specified for that purpose in the statute, or his successor or successors in office, as their true and lawful attorney upon whom may be served any lawful process in any action, suit or proceeding instituted by or on behalf of the Named Insured or any beneficiary hereunder arising out of this contract of insurance, and hereby designate the Underwriters' representative designated in Item _7_ of the Declarations as the person to whom the said officer is authorized to mail such process or a true copy thereof. VII. DEFINITIONS A. Mitigation Bank means the mitigation project referenced in the Mitigation Banking Instrument and set forth in Item 1. of the Declarations. B. Claim means a written notice given by the Regulatory Agency to the Named Insured, of the default, failure and/or refusal of the Named Insured to meet Performance Standards and achieve Compensatory Mitigation pursuant to the Mitigation Banking Instrument and the forfeiture, cancellation, or revocation of all remaining unsold credits of the Named Insured. C. Adaptive Management means as stated in 33 CFR 332.2, being the development of a management strategy that anticipates likely challenges associated with compensatory mitigation projects, including but not limited to unanticipated site conditions and unforeseen changes to those projects, and provides for the implementation of actions to address those challenges, conditions and changes. D. Adaptive Management Plan means as stated in 33 CFR 332.4(c)(12), being the written plan that specifies the remedial actions or Adaptive Management that must be taken to meet unforeseen changes in site conditions or other components of the Compensatory Mitigation project and achieve the Performance Standards set forth in the Mitigation Banking Instrument and/or approved mitigation plans for the Mitigation Bank, provided that such plan is prepared, documented, approved and filed in compliance with applicable law and regulation, including approval by the Regulatory Agency. E. Inception Date means the beginning of the Policy Period set forth in the Item 2. of the Declarations. F. Loss means those amounts required to be paid after a Claim is made on the Named Insured to a Third Party to perform Adaptive Management pursuant to an Adaptive Management Plan in order to meet Performance Standards and achieve Compensatory Mitigation pursuant to the Mitigation Banking Instrument, including but not limited to the following 1. Construction, material, administrative and management costs incurred by Third Parties, designated contractors, approved subcontractors, including but not limited to the preparation of mitigation monitoring reports; 2. Deposits of sums of money , subject to the applicable and available limit of liability, sufficient to cover costs described in this section VII(F) into an account with or controlled by a designee of the Regulatory Agency; 3. The cost to purchase appropriate replacement mitigation credits at another mitigation bank or In Lieu Fund; 4. The fees and costs of consultants, attorneys, accountants, and other professionals, but only for or associated with the Adaptive Management Plan. G. Named Insured means the person or entity set forth in Item 1. of the Declarations. H. Policy Period means the period set forth in Item 2. of the Declarations, or any shorter period arising as a result of cancellation or termination of this Policy. I. Regulatory Agency means the lead agency or entity set forth in Item 6 of the Declarations. J. Performance Standards means, for purposes of this Policy, the same as that term is defined in 33 CFR 332.2 and those specific performance criteria for restoration set forth in the Mitigation Banking Instrument or the Adaptive Management Plan. K. Mitigation Banking Instrument means, for purposes of this Policy, the same as that term is defined in 33 CFR 332.2 and specifically the written instrument that is identified in Item _1_. of the Declarations and made a part of this Policy by endorsement, which sets forth the establishment, operation and use of a mitigation bank, but only if such Mitigation Banking Instrument is prepared, approved, filed, and documented in compliance with applicable law. L. Compensatory Mitigation means, for purpose of this Policy, the same as that term is defined in 33 CFR 332.2, being the restoration (reestablishment or rehabilitation), establishment (creation), enhancement, and/or in certain circumstances preservation of aquatic resources for the purposes of offsetting unavoidable adverse impacts which remain after all appropriate and practicable avoidance and minimization has been achieved. M. Insured Property means the property or properties identified in Item _1_ of the Declarations to this Policy as the only property or properties that are within the scope of coverage under this Policy. N. Third Party means the party selected from a list of qualified vendors provided by Underwriters and approved by and subject to the regulatory oversight of the applicable Regulatory Agency to receive payment from Underwriters, within and up to the applicable Limit of Liability, to secure or complete the Compensatory Mitigation agreed to within the Mitigation Banking Instrument. O. Success Criteria means those elements set forth in the Mitigation Banking Instrument required for fully achieving Compensatory Mitigation and completion of the mitigation project. EGWL M005 0314 . Page 2 of 2 CLEARWATER MITIGATION SOLUTIONS LOWLANDS SITE (Year 4) — Johnston County, North Carolina FINANCIAL ASSURANCE REQUIREMENT for Maintenance & Monitoring Insurance ANNUAL MONITORING & MAINTENANCE COST Prepared by: Kevin Yates, Principal MONITORING Annual Monitoring (lump sum) - Groundwater Gauge Downloads / Maintenance - Vegetation Plot Measurements (9 Plots) - Data Processing and Analysis - Report Preparation Annual Direct Cost for Monitoring Activities - Travel ($0.585/mi): - Groundwater Gauge Maintenance: - Miscellaneous (copies, monitoring post, flagging, field equipment): Total Annual Monitoring Cost = SITE/PROJECT MAINTENANCE Annual Vegetation Maintenance (Invasive Species) - Annual Budget Rebuild/ Repair (due to Catastrophic Storm Event) - Annual Budget (15% of Construction Cost adjusted for Inflation) Clearwater Mitigation Solutions - Annual Budget for Administrative Cost Budget for Total Annual Maintenance Costs = $6,932.00 $433.00 $1,500.00 $300.00 $9,165.00 $4,500.00 $26,910.00 $1,500.00 $32,910.00 Total Annual Monitoring & Maintenance Costs = $42,075.00 Clearwater Mitigation Solutions 604 Macon Place . Raleigh, NC 27609 919-624-6901 clearwatermitigation@gmail.com Appendix F. Long Term Management NC Wildlife Habitat Foundation Acceptance Letter - Long -Term Management Calculations Lowlands Wetland Mitigation Site — Mitigation Plan Appendices August 26, 2022 Kevin Yates Principal, Clearwater Mitigation Solutions 604 Macon Place Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 Re: Lowlands Mitigation Site This letter on behalf of the North Carolina Wildlife Habitat Foundation is in regards to the Lowlands Mitigation Site, a 76.2-acre project in Johnston County. We have reviewed the provided project documents for this site and believe that the completed project will provide real and lasting benefits to wildlife habitat. Since the project aligns with the mission and interests of the NCWHF, our organization is willing to serve in the following roles: • Easement Holder for a perpetual conservation easement on this site. This offer is subject to final review and acceptance of easement terms. The required endowment fee is $25,000. • Long Term Steward of the conservation easement on this site. This offer is subject to final review and acceptance of easement terms. The required endowment fee is $25,000. The NCWHF appreciates the opportunity to serve in this way, which is consistent with both our existing easement stewardship program and our broader mission. This proposal is with the understanding that the current monitoring and reporting efforts of the NCWHF easement holding program meet the standards required by USACE for serving as Easement Holder and Long -Term Steward. As always, the endowment fees required for this site will be held and invested according to best practices for stewardship funds. The funds will be used for ongoing monitoring of this specific site as well as any legal costs which may arise from efforts to resolve specific violations of the easement terms. The fees listed here are subject to a favorable review of the final conservation easement document, boundaries, and details. There are a few other standard requirements as well. The Developer will be responsible for installing standard NCWHF easement signage at the site. The Developer must also keep NCWHF informed of progress on the project, both in construction and monitoring phases. At closeout, Developer must provide handoff details to facilitate continued NCWHF monitoring of the easement. Sincerely, Theodore C. Bethea II NCWHF, Operations Director C: Greg Erwin — NCWHF Chairman Harrison Stewart — NCWHF Conservation Easement Committee Chair North Carolina Wildlife Habitat Foundation www. ncwhf. org September 26, 2022 Lowlands Conservation Easement Financial Worksheet Estimated Annual Expenses (2022 USD) Boundary inspection $200 Monitoring/Reporting $50 Overhead $100 Total $350 Inputs ROI 0.05 Inflation 0.03 Endowment Principal $25,000 Year Endowment Value Plus Interest Annual Expense (AE) Endowment-AE 2022 $25,000 $26,250 $350 25,900 2023 $25,900 $27,195 $361 26,835 2024 $26,835 $28,176 $371 27,805 2025 $27,805 $29,195 $382 28,813 2026 $28,813 $30,253 $394 29,859 2027 $29,859 $31,352 $406 30,947 2028 $30,947 $32,494 $418 32,076 2029 $32,076 $33,680 $430 33,249 2030 $33,249 $34,912 $443 34,468 2031 $34,468 $36,192 $457 35,735 2032 $35,735 $37,522 $470 37,052 2033 $37,052 $38,904 $484 38,420 2034 $38,420 $40,341 $499 39,842 2035 $39,842 $41,834 $514 41,320 2036 $41,320 $43,386 $529 42,856 2037 $42,856 $44,999 $545 44,454 2038 $44,454 $46,677 $562 46,115 2039 $46,115 $48,421 $578 47,842 2040 $47,842 $50,234 $596 49,638 2041 $49,638 $52,120 $614 51,507 2042 $51,507 $54,082 $632 53,450 2043 $53,450 $56,122 $651 55,471 2044 $55,471 $58,245 $671 57,574 2045 $57,574 $60,453 $691 59,762 2046 $59,762 $62,750 $711 62,039 2047 $62,039 $65,141 $733 64,408 2048 $64,408 $67,628 $755 66,873 2049 $66,873 $70,217 $777 69,440 2050 $69,440 $72,912 $801 72,111 2051 $72,111 $75,716 $825 74,892 2052 $74,892 $78,636 $850 77,787 2053 $77,787 $81,676 $875 80,801 2054 $80,801 $84,841 $901 83,940 2055 $83,940 $88,137 $928 87,208 2056 $87,208 $91,569 $956 90,613 2057 $90,613 $95,143 $985 94,158 2058 $94,158 $98,866 $1,014 97,852 2059 $97,852 $102,745 $1,045 101,700 2060 $101,700 $106,785 $1,076 105,709 2061 $105,709 $110,994 $1,108 109,886 2062 $109,886 $115,380 $1,142 114,238 2063 $114,238 $119,950 $1,176 118,774 Appendix G. Original Lowlands PRM Mitigation Plan - See online RIBITS Lowlands Wetland Mitigation Site — Mitigation Plan Appendices