HomeMy WebLinkAbout20141247 Ver 1_Emails_20141215Smith, Cherri L From: Smith, Cherri L Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2014 4:32 PM To: 'Richmond, Martin' Cc: Beasley, Troy Subject: RE: Logan's Manor (02140355.00) - Riparian Buffer Authorization IVY Yes, I think that the sewer line connection for the Logan's Manor project is a better fit as a perpendicular impact rather than a parallel impact, and therefore, mitigation should not apply. Cherri From: Richmond, Martin [ maiIto :mrichmond @withersravenel.com] Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2014 4:00 PM To: Smith, Cherri L Cc: Beasley, Troy Subject: Logan's Manor (02140355.00) - Riparian Buffer Authorization Cherri, Just to follow up our conversation regarding the sewer line connection for the Logan's Manor project, it's my understanding that after your review of the authorization application, you have determined the line and easement will proceed through the buffer at a perpendicular angle (75 to 105 degrees), thereby classifying the non - electric utility impact as 'allowable'. Under this classification, no buffer mitigation will be required. We appreciate your help with this, if you need further info or have questions, please let me know. Thanks, Martin Martin Richmond 115 MacKenan Drive I Cary, INC 27511 Phone: 919.469.3340 1 Fax: 919.467.6008 Direct: 919.535.5206 m rich mond@withersraveneLcom www.withersravenel.com NOTICE OF CONFIDENTIALITY AND NONDISCLOSURE This e l trop le I Ttessage, which IrICluG .. any allac l wnIs and othel doc men [ r veined to heieln, run lain: infairnallon fiorn t,'d IYI eis l; Rai nel, Inc. 1hal -nay be prop) letaly or ro rioernllal. The infai r a I! on iv In[ended for 1he Use of 4I n addres.ee(s) onl1V. If you a l e no 4he addressee r u4<_ 4hal any dlScl-w L r_., copying, pi In nting, disti IbUt!Otl 0r Use of, 4I e ronlen is of 1hls Ttessage Is pioh,! bited, If yoe r ceiv .d 4I is I Ttessage in error f Iease advise 4he :e,dei b repIV and delete [hls electiot-HEI; [hl essage and any all,rhrenta. r r w.., P R G NOTICE: w.opl I ig .'C 2(214 Withers & Ravenel, Inc. All Rig 4s R<' =sel yea by Withers c Rav ere , Inc. This c e.ctrot is -nessage, any allarhmenIs 4I n veto and all docUfflenis reiel rye to lheieln are pl ouoed ton [hie reclple 4 Intorrrallon only, and no righ,is we licensed, lean sfe.rr .o or othelwlse gran l d by the. [iansrnission of 1hIs ele.atronl I Ttessage by ,,,,lthe Is l; iadenel Inc. or recelpt of, 4I I. Ttessage by 1he reclpler i on any o1hei pw IV.