HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-09830_Well Construction - GW1_20221028 va-622g241 ' P.1
Fel) 151905:43p Clearwater wail Drilling
WEiL.L!g NSTJ&110N ItFCO f GW-1) Fnr Intemnl Use Only.
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fi.Well(!onarat ltx Name.
?I �Wc11 C:nnlragvt Ccnificalion NumberRe TO IN R far pal w OR
PIA R •alit MATtatW
S16 I its ML
t.mtpnnyNamr. Mtd.tNNBR t: 1NGQR fl Ihpstottl tttt{ttlq
net z otAt TRI ss an><suut
7.)Yell Coinstraction Permit M -"A. ft, [n.
ids►all n�plicnhle tuellegnrtntcllnFl purmltrO.t;l�r nun1Y Mal,Yar!lmrr,err.) f+
n• � in.
3.WrIl Tric(check well list): 17.3CR8 N sum
tc+ctvttsa xarrut
Nvater.supplywell: tmona
llgriculhlrAl M►mcipc 0 'I- f+ "`'
Geothermal(t3enting/coding Supply) RRoldwt'1=i11313Pplv(cin6lp) A.
t+- in.
Induglriallt'amtoprcini DRmidential Water Supply(shared) a 1Tf
zo MA t. ttMru►c ' +]ona,t otnar
Non-lYnlcnlc r 5upplylkr]lc fk
Monitoring Recovery t+,
In action Weil: to. It
Aquifer itacberjjc E3Gronndvvnter Remediatinn 19 L VAC C if�sala
AquifustoragcnntlRecovely 13SAIllityi3nnier Ingot[ 71) M10 T t L RNTLAGCMt3NTMull—
Aquifer Tctt r3Stnrtnwater Dreinagu !t. ft.
Experimental Tcelmolr>gy o5uttsidcncc Comml
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i Gcotbumal(Closed Loop) r3TrAccr 2D t1Rf1.1,1NG LOG ,t 6 td►t�tuebea►�) rain+ ae.
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•t,natawen(s)cnmpteteri;��"(a�well inu ft..- -� - --
Su.Wall I.ncnt[ n: tt t p
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1t1fiUT'vl"rw'3ai.r:1 t rr.".=1:lL:rii.
Sb.I.nlitude and longlihtde in degroulminnteslsecondsordecimal degrees:
fietvollfrGllj,nnclnt9nngissufiirlcnl' � t _ .�� �2.i%ytn[t1 lion; n_ J
l.ls{xrc)thewelt(s) ivrtrnoom ar 0TetrrllnMry tu(cGeCcntrwdWr1iCantmetar Data
(�( Vjjmwg anx lama.I lager-hv(.rrMO:Mal Ate urlIN w4f 1Srnr_;1 rnnvrrtmd As arrwrAn!rcr
i.l t this n rcpalrtn pn cxfstip Elves cs or IKJNQ a lfb 1 Lf 4f'ar.:ozr..n►orl n,lS�i,Y(AC.A?C.',n1a0 rt'erl G.turnurtntr Uandardc mr,l thnr.r
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1 vnir rotdar A 2 r mmarkca fj#m air rmilia hurl offAfxlnnn, a3,site 41108'ttm or attditlonal wall details:
$.For Gen raha/)PT or ameti-I.Anit Geoll ill Welis having the some You mny'tsa the back of this page ter provide Additional well site lit ails or tvell
nonsmtction,oniv I CTW.I is needed. litdimbt TOTAL.NLIMSFR of-c' c +.tip �intt ticrsils. You rnayafso nittach additional pages if ttocessety.
etlr•1lP-d:�_--.,..- ___ ' 1 Si�IRMrrrAl 11y.`�'t'RTlf.T1UN1$
9.Total welt dcpdt below toad smime:,,� (R} t I f.far AN Wells; Submit this form within 30 d,g's of wmplrlion of+yell
!%nrmtrlllpkwNJtGtrnl;Aeplfmjdf/fernnlfirtunpla3010R'nndi�afORI constnictionto The follo%tttg:
I n,Statre Walter level below top of caslog: (ft-) Division of Water Resourccfk Information Processing 130%
Q-Mn1arlLncllvrtblive Caving tct(c"•} 16171i'Ii+flSwyiceCem,tcr,RsteiglyMC 274"-Ibl'1
t 1.ltttrnbotedlAmetcr: lJ r v Ctn•) ?.ab.irnr Irriection W" to addition to fending the forts t4 111q.nddrM Io 240
�{ allow,sign submit one copy of this form within 30 days of compledon of well
IZ,Wel[tnngtrnctlnn method: cimsto imr to the following:
G c:,eager,rntity.cable,direct pttsh,etc.) -—
1)Ivision of Winer Rraouriz%Undeigroliud Irdirtlon Coltlrlll ProgrAM,
FOR WATER S TK Y W,LLS ONLY: Q t 1636 Mnll Smim Cotter,RAMP,TqC 7,7699.106
1.3A,yield(gpm) ilitlthbd of teak �J`�i 1:m Ifnr VYater Srtt�dr&iaicctlan Y6►eltl» In udditioo to sanding the font to
tim nddw(es) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 dttya AF
tab.Disinfection type: _ Ammrr+h_ - completion (if well constmction to Lilo county health department of the county
-- v�here cotlstmctod.
horn)CM-1 North(',amtirtnll'?apnnmcnt of tiu.irrinmcotil quality-Aivistnn of Water Raeonrces Ravrmd2 22 IRI 6
Well Driller Sglf_em ut Cordfic Lion ,
F H ,.I 'rtu��(�Uowner.,* j(����IIL Ne�FWell: ---.---
I cv—
uez&y cer*that the above refermced well,was grouted in appearanae M accordmce with
all County WdI MeS
Well Driller: �G, �� S SirnecL• _ _ ��---�
Conti diow.
TbtM Depth,
Ga Type:
Wig' U
(, '�wrlmess•
�g�: i
Diameter;. 4
Drive Shoe: