HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-09829_Well Construction - GW1_20221028 P•1 Feb 151005.43p Clearwater Well Drilling 828-622=1249 „ . WET,L CONS'li'RUCTION RECORD iGW-Xl ) nr 1nlclmnl iJsc niy: 1, rlld,,n/ntraeMrinfarma�tio�n:� i _________�_` lbw[ zorlas — _ D 1't1Oti tticit t':aatrxt:ldr Namr rF A. � . 4C:Wc1l Cngnmt not t.ertlSicatinn Nntnler y TrER C RING Poe 1m1 lK w ORI.iYER Sfa e ItRBAt TOP!A l6R rill tom'its � V tom' , 1 . C. Cnmpnn-vNam.-. (a,INN C INr.GRTUMNG th4trtwl4 go I n i Q � �x T)'" GIAM TEAL 71 NA L ?.Well Construction Permit#:,.„�,.,r,,,.�_ l LXyy Et• ft. in. NO ail applicable wall rAdvarallan parnl/Lr -4 flit,Collwy,Maf�VarUmer•,CM..) t p•, h in. 3.?Yt91 ilic(chock well use): 17.90 ft N w®tc)-SnPP�yWell: mom ra eA nttrtatttaR Araeut Agricttlturgl �MudicipoUPuhile 0 h. ft. "'• Geothermal(Reating/Conling Supply) Residential WaterSuppi-v(Angle) Et. ;, h+• [nduattuil/t'atntnereial Residential Water Supply(shared) g 1]1Pl - firi orlon � z MA rat. eN,rut at ont,w ouxv r+, IL Won►1`nitr 5upplylti r)L- Monitoring Recovery tt. fr fnjetNon Well: {t. R AquircrnccbaTe QGroundwntetRemediotina 19SA1Vi1JGlIAVSLpgCCiiEo It Salinity L;naicr "Mx _ o tAL IDYirLACCMYtVTMtCi�tan� Aquifer Storage and Rcerlvcl), �". A quitcrTrst 13SmrtinvatcrDrainngi 4-perimentai Toolutology 5ubAdence Control R• Geothctmai(Closed Loop) 13Tcaecr 2rk pRf1.LRQG LOG ueG i.�ln tvl--- °'� 1t f� Sin k „ Cicothrrmal(HcatinpJTo Cnolin Retunt) Qhlt_ler(axPlain ender r121 ttemwks} 4.Wit;Wtll(s)CerR I tt d• -1—,R ot►'kil IDN. (1. 5 [N II I.nrattoa: Er' l anlitat't)anet?lame. •t i p F1x+lity[Dii(if lie bla) 1 ( J 'mil t P ty•ira1 Addrcct,Ciq+,and �p - r:auuty Patecl idcntif[catinn No.(PN) •.�+w'•,r::y t�r a' 51).I.Btitodr.nod 1nnRltnde in degrees/m11211M/sacnnds or decimal drgrcec; (it+vnll�b�nncindlnngitsuiiieicnli / 2,tC (lcntinn; C h4art)the wtil(s) Pcrmonent ar OITtmpomrg Signature nrCcrttrmd Wdl Cuatraetar —� Dille ,kp,elJar1aJ11fiM_inMr,!JlMwA?earr/fy d,ar Me wrJl(.)war firer;]rn2nntewl in acmrdmtca 7.l.11 this arepairtoaneximflagwell: oyes or No 1 09oriSAMCACP?C.',O2170WellComidweoirValtdardemul'hot" !!'thfrisarapnirfJllmnR'nawniva/t.»nsrmcJlanirt{nrmariaa a erp/nin1J,C,uta.rr.n/'rlru pnPl+alibi.crccnnlhor7+t'BJ/1M►ddrtif/nrlk!w�`11,nv7a9: r..anirnailer01ramarkcs tanarnnllrrhackaflbtc.jom,• 1;,%todyagr:tmor additional waildowils, R.For GeoprohelopT or Glttaed-l.nnp GetlthermAl Wells having the sane YOU may use the tuck of this page to provide additional well she details or well 1101stinction,only I CiWl is deeded. rndtcarrt TMAL NUMBER of kvrtls cnnstntctian actails. You may also tdtnch additional pages if necessary. dulled:_,_„ y,r111iN�i�ll,��;,�gtl[;Ronls 'l 7 oeat•well!depth below land surface: -^ AO S7 F* ;l4a. 1For AH Wttls: Submit this form VAtllin 30 days or complrtion of xtell 1%ar atnlriplC wail tv.11 ;Il yNlu rfdrjjar end(ar mph 3�21gR'nnd i((+110f1� Cnn.9hnCtinR in the fdlOww" M.Stntiu water levgl hclaw top of rasing: (ft) Division of Water Retr wees,Information Processing Unit, !jxatarbnrlIsI'dwritCab•1ng.lae 1617114ail Service Centan,IZateigihNC2.7400-1817 t l-flnreholedflameter: W ' �._(i1n.) 24h.For Islectign W" In addition to sending the Soap t4 the Addnas in 24a 1 (J 1 l U zlmve,9lsn submit one copy of this fmm+vithin 31)days of compledt m of well 12 Welt ettnztrttellnta method.- tic,mt cnnstntction to the foilotving: mtnrp,rabic,direct pusil,cic.) Division ofWnter ReatHl ra.Underground injectlnn Cnntrnl hiigram, FOR WATER SUPPi li WFLJ S ONLY: Iy � 1636 Moil ServUx Center,RAlaigh,14C 2.7699-1636 13a.Yield(Rpm) v IVEcthnU of ta41: r +� 2 tc,leer Water,upof &TAFteflon Wclis: In udtiition In sanding fhc(brm to i(te oddrrss(es) above, also submit one copy of this form willlln 30 days of IA.111sinfeetian type_ — Amnimt� cnmpiction of%Yd l constJrucdon t:a tho cotml)health depamnen(of the county where oonslmCUA Dorn)M.I taattti CamllnnDeportmcnt.iftinvininmmril quallty-Divis,nnofwMar RosenraeF Revrse42224ftf6 wail Drnlor SgIf emat Clrtifteftn A4A V -A 3 New,WeU ,Addcew Perwft I hereby cm*that the above re emced weu mms grouted m appeamnoe in ac=41001 with all County WeRMes. well l ler; eocAu-� 5 ed, 7- — Certificatef<q 1 l Daw Grouted- =-Z =- 2- �-------- Construction: Gwd. Total Depth• 'E�Js = ---^-- r Casing Type:" C T17ie1mess: Intl Cag �,. t .� Diametm:. �veighCJThicic: . — Drive Shoe: i I