HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-09828_Well Construction - GW1_20221028 Fob 161906:43p Clearwater Well Drilling 828-622,7242 P•1 WELL CON>zSMjT, T ON_12EC0. GW 11 -For Imemni Use nty: 1.�clt C.nntrnetnr lnfbrrnation: ��_ v e_)� cool OLADS t w T ZONES tIRow 3O A88Cnt TION lVdi Connagtx Kane , I NC WC41 enutractar(:crtlficalion Ninnbn /^� + y A1Tt'13ti C WG !er prat taa➢a Oak Lt, t If a (m c ' .-•- (t ` 4 l •.. R09 TA DIAMR'11LR 'I'll B8S MAl'ERIAL - Cnnp tnyNamr. 16.INN RC It(G0>!#1fltR tattaero:♦1 300 J I^'^ •ro cuntcrsrt s aA4c�ttst 2.Well Conxlruction Permit M r ft in. i.la7 Pell opIthcnhru well cnxrmrcrinn pamtllr(Let.VIC.CPnary,Sale.Varhtnce,cr,) .i _ 3.Well iltc(chests even list)_ TtcrSupp�,gIFcll: 17.SC N nA rttrcrwsaa AT arAr. NRO N 1Y► Agricultural uitia}po1/Puhkic (? GeoncCrmal(14e81ing(Cortting Supply) Iteskdentfal Water SuppLv(cinglo) Industriallenmmereial DRtsidcntkat WalerUpply(shares() 18 Vf Irrigation ro MA t L tru► !rt a+4 A ores iVnn►1'nlcr5upplyNetl: A4onitaring Recovery fu fk Injretion Wcll: IAquiferRccbar�c afitoundwatcrReniediatinn t4 SpN11/GR�IVRLPACC I! aquifer storapt:and Rer:overr D"inity antrier PROM TV! 7 tie, itanru►c 14a;NrM�rnop AquifetTest nSwrmwaterArainage ih-perlmental TmllllolnV 1:tSutwidence Contras Geothe mal(Closed Loop) 1371aaer 20.nRlta.ttvc t oc aeh ids If naetittarsl PRO 1rr TO � Tf0 mine lc tk kr�e gra�niUrs,einl� • GcofttennalfKeatinp�Cool}n Rctum) �(Iittc'r'{explainttttderiF21 Remarks) -1 tr. � fA ?� /' �. t.tlatclt'eli(s)Compllewll-a-1— Well!D9 c'� R. ft. rn" Su.well I neatlnn:•T f tkJY�l L-5 �—� O n' t% ^.. IaLol(tl:tittlrtelNaraa . Facllityi uof:wlpllcable) 4, ft. Physical Address,City,end zip LL 1! fA m� �� 21 R>±MARKVr a CaltrttY► Parcel idcntificntion No.(PINT 5b.l.rttitude noel MnAltude in degrBiWinimstexisecands or decimnt degrees, - lair (e-11 ficid,onw ltagnngiinsuffielcnt) t II 2�,{; Orion; , Pr`c''''+'% 41 4. the wcli(s)'QP_mancnt or ©ITemtrnrarV Sipnalua afC.crttficttWelrCatrtraaar �� Pero B•v sl1nliAg MIA.form I hoe"raotl'6+thal Air wdl/..)mar(war--)cr9wnxfrd Hr acwrrAmrce ±.In this arepairm Fin existingwell: Elves or No trrrAltr:VrACD2C.#1&VPr1SA.VCAC42C.021iOWtflCarurrnertmr57rmdarde(md ohm or !1'fhixG.-»rclMit;nllwnrdnnNm�utdl•rnnunuafnnir{fmmalian ulrsprpinderrmnrertlrhu tanyrnfl/rLcrcmrrlFnr7,tc>JpMtdrYmflnlltt:Wtr(Inw»+o: r:;�atrnnder t121 ramnnkraxcnan neon tier.nncx nflhlxfnmt. 2;.St1F tliagratn or arttflttonal Weli delRiis: 8,For Geoprohe/APTer('Jawed-i.onp Geothermal Wells having the some ),Ou may use ale hock"of this page In provide additional well sirs dmits or ruell eOnalmetlnn,Only i CrIV-1 is needed. fnd[t atu TaTAt.NUMBiiR of+.rtis construction driails. You may also m;tach additional pages if ntxessaty drilled 1 AT,114S]RLt _OtYS l Karat weft depth Ir41aw land sue sites: ___(tt.) 2,1,y,jar AN Wells: Submit this A mt within 30 days of completion of ucli I%rr nrnlUp/c mrO,clit,aliAitpllu•fili�er err(rxrrnple•3 n.1Qp'nnd 2@lna� conslntrOm 10 the klsllOIT1119: 1n.SlAtie WAUP levRf helow tap of caging: ___._,._.__(fI:) Division ofWater Resources,InibtrmRtion Processing Unit, 1J tenter lucr,Jls trhara tpslsd,uae" "1 7617 Will Service Center,Raleigh.XC276"-1617 ta_Boreholedinmetcr: La '9 0.') 211h.Bar Infection Wens: In addition to Priding*P,form t4 diir address in 24a a Well conatnicNm►method: �j i�C�Y�_ cuesql?rlyc,also submit One copy of this form within 31i days of eompit�lnre of well cnttstnrctian m the following: (i C.m,gc-,mtnry,cable,4ioect ptuU,via,) •-�T' Division of Water Rrsaurrt%Underground lidectfon Coarml Psogram. fY31R WATER St;PPT v Lti`i ONLY: 1636 Mail SerVICe CCntCr,PAICl�u,r(C 2709-�63e 13a.Yield(1;PQr) � i ethod of(egos,,T� tile,For Aftler'quelY"&_FAkc oil Wrdir In addihts In sanding the Foote to the oddrass(cs) Onion, also submit One COPY of 111I5 form WHIlin 30 days or 13A.DIsinfecnon type: ,Amount- completion of%Tell construction to the county hr;alth dcpaltmcnl of the county whare constructed. InrnIGV.•I NorthVMOlFrmUcpnnmcntnfr:n WOTTIM.11<)anllty-piviSMOOf Won Rasartrees ReviaeA?22?alb W4A Dd§W #" i honma s k ► -1CAA-k e / ar V m*#ba the a raftWrPA WigvM iwlvMMd In aP MMIQO 101401 11 R�-� Kta JoLo X'�iQgt� I 1 ��� Typ *� Cr Q tigTm�