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City of Greensboro L_ J North Carolina Water Resources Department December 20, 2017 Certified Mail 7003 1680 0001 0763 7270 Return Receipt Requested RECEIVED/DEIVR/DWR North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources Attn: Jordan Lake Watershed Coordinator DEC 2 9 2017 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Water Resources Permitting Section RE: T. Z. Osborne NPDES Total Nitrogen Reduction Schedule Report for CY2017 Submitted in Response to NPDES Permit NC0047384 Part l-A.(4) To Whom It May Concern: This correspondence will serve as the City of Greensboro Total Nitrogen Reduction Schedule Report for CY2017 in order to comply with Part 1-A.(4) of the T. Z. Osborne NPDES permit NC0047384. The permit includes the following requirements for the 2017 report: • Award construction contract for Packages 2 and 3 of the T. Z. Osborne BNR Project • Bid construction contract for Package 4 of the T. Z. Osborne BNR Project ■ By December 31, 2017 submit report to DWR on activities relating to Packages 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the T. Z. Osborne BNR Project ■ Note: In September 2014, the City of Greensboro decided to continue the Haw River Arm Study for at least an additional 12 months (through September 2015). Greensboro decided to continue the study until further notice. Jordan Lake Haw River Arm Study Update • The Haw River Arm Study began in October 2013 and includes 2 sampling events per month. • Two Sampling Sites: Site 055C— Below Pittsboro at the upper end of the Haw River Arm and Site 055E — Near the Jordan Lake Dam on Haw River arm • All lake sampling and laboratory analyses were conducted by Meritech, Inc., a State -certified commercial laboratory. • The following parameters were included in the study: Field Parameters Dissolved Oxygen (in mg/1) pH (in standard units) Specific Conductance (in umho/cm) Temperature (in °Celsius) Other Parameters Total Suspended Solids (TSS) — Standard Methods 2540 D (in mg/1) Turbidity — EPA Method 180.1 (in NTU) Ammonia -Nitrogen — EPA Method 350.1 (in mg/1) Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) — EPA Method 351.1 (in mg/1) Nitrate/Nitrite Nitrogen — EPA Method 353.2 (in mg/I) Total Phosphorus — EPA Method 200.7 (in mg/1) Chlorophyll a — EPA Method 445.0 (in µg/l) PO Box 3136 • Greensboro, NC 27402-3136 www.greensboro-nc.gov • 336-373-CITY (2489) • TTY # 333-6930 Letter of 12-20-2017 Page 2 —T. Z. Osborne NPDES Total Nitrogen Reduction Schedule Report for CY 2017 ■ The CY2017 Total Nitrogen Reduction Schedule Report contains an interim data summary for October2013 through September2017, since the study is on -going. • A final report will be submitted at the conclusion of the study. Jordan Lake Haw River Arm Study Interim Data Summary Report (October 2013-September 2017) • One hundred ninety samples (190) have been collected in the 60-month period. • Results from Site 055C: Below Pittsboro at the upper end of the Haw River Arm o 12 WQS exceedances for pH (12/94 = 12.8% exceedances) o 9 WQS exceedances for turbidity (9/95 = 9.5% exceedances) o 7 WQS exceedances for chlorophyll a (7/95 = 7.4% exceedances) ■ Results from Site 055E: Near the Jordan Lake Dam on Haw River Arm o 2 WQS exceedances for pH (2/95 = 2.1% exceedances) o 6 WQS exceedances for turbidity (6/95 = 6.2% exceedances) o 3 WQS exceedances for chlorophyll a (3/95 = 3.2% exceedances) T. Z. Osborne BNR Project Packages Activities • Package 1 of the T. Z. Osborne BNR Project was bid on July 10, 2014. Garney Construction was awarded the project and issued a Notice to Proceed on December 1, 2014. Construction is on -going and the package is scheduled for completion in 2018. • Package 2 of the T. Z. Osborne BNR Project was bid on August 28, 2014 and Garney Construction was awarded the project by the Greensboro City Council on January 6, 2015. Construction is on- going and the package is scheduled for completion in 2018. • Package 3 of the T. Z. Osborne BNR Project is being delivered using the Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) method and was awarded to Garney Construction by the Greensboro City Council on November 15, 2015. Construction is underway and is scheduled for completion in 2018. • Package 4 of the T. Z. Osborne BNR Project was bid on September 28, 2017 and Adams Robinson was awarded the project by the Greensboro City Council on November 14, 2017. Construction is scheduled to begin January 2018. Sincerely, Martie Groome Laboratory and Inclusitrial Waste Section Supervisor Phone: 336-433-7229 Email: martie.groome@greensboro-nc.gov cc: Steve Drew, Water Resources Director (via email) Mike Borchers, Water Resources Deputy Director (via email) Elijah Williams, Water Reclamation Manager (via email) Bradley Flynt T. Z. Osborne ORC (via email) Alicia Goots, Laboratory Coordinator (via email) Julie Grzyb, NCDEQ, DWR NPDES Permitting Section (via email) JORDAN LAKE HAW RIVER ARM SAMPLING/ANALYSES BY STATE CERTIFIED COMMERCIAL LABORATORY Greensboro Jordan Lake Haw River Arm -Site CPF055C SamplinglAnalyses by Meritech, Inc. pecial Dissolved Ammonia Nitrate/ Total Study Oxygen pH Conductivity Temp TSS Turbidity Nitrogen TKN Nitrite Phosphorus Chlorophyll a mgll units umho/cm "C mgll NTU mgil mg/l mgil mg/I ugll Sample Date: Field Field Field Field SM 2540D EPA 180.1 EPA 350.1 EPA 351.1 EPA 353.2 EPA 200.7 EPA 445.0 10/18/2013 7.77 7.31 183 20.40 9 5.8 < 0.02 1.04 0.44 0.057 33.5 10/31/2013 8.54 7.69 196 18.2 6 4,6 < 0.02 1.1 0.52 0.074 28.2 11/14/2013 9.18 9.08 255 29.5 16 10.1 < 0.02 1.1 0.62 0.068 25.5 11/27/2013 8.51 7.18 242 11.0 11 7 0.02 1.0 0.88 0.063 22.4 12/9/2013 9.03 7.33 181 9.9 8 9.6 0.04 0.84 0.81 0.067 16.7 12/30/2014 11.68 6.86 73 7.4 40 78 0.19 0.44 0.56 0.16 7.05 1/6/2014 11.46 7.28 115 5.5 6 21.5 0.10 0.68 0.80 0.077 7.12 1/20/2014 11.33 7.02 88 6.3 10 31 0.05 0.34 0.51 0.084 5.88 2/3/2014 12.28 7.11 163 3.5 6 12.8 0.14 0.62 1.11 0.02 2.61 2/25/2014 10.26 7.06 116 9.9 18 34.7 < 0.02 < 0.20 0.40 0.095 7.57 3/5/2014 10.35 7.16 141 7.5 7 15.4 < 0.02 < 0.20 0.68 0.063 9.65 3/19/2014 10.55 7.08 117 6.6 18 30A 0.08 < 0.20 0.45 0.085 4.53 4/9/2014 9.13 6.77 133 15.6 42 589 0.11 0.70 0.27 0.15 3.43 4/23/2014 9.28 7.49 106 16.8 12 15.5 < 0.02 0.52 0.48 0.083 10.1 5/5/2014 8.71 7.73 147 21.3 6 7.4 < 0.02 < 0.20 0.66 0.069 13.9 5/20/2014 7.63 7.04 100 22.1 11 7.3 0.06 0.36 0.51 0.11 16.4 6/2/2014 9.09 8.42 160 26.1 7 5.6 0.02 0.76 0.32 0.061 15.4 6/19/2014 11.37 9.15 240 30.2 14 3.6 < 0.02 2.11 0.34 0.091 36.5 7/9/2014 8.79 8.91 236 29.3 9 6.9 < 0.02 0.97 0.03 0.074 38.9 7/28/2014 9.18 9.05 255 29.5 9 7.2 < 0.02 1.21 0.03 0.087 32.4 8/11/2014 7.78 8.53 247 27.2 8 5.6 < 0.02 1.33 0.11 0.064 33.7 8/27/2014 6.51 7.51 216 27.3 6 5.8 < 0.02 0.75 0.15 0.072 22.2 9/8/2014 5.79 7.17 224 28.2 9 6.0 < 0.02 0.89 0.03 0.072 19.0 9/23/2014 6.62 7.17 245 24.6 14 12.1 0.09 1.09 0.54 0.086 23.3 10/13/2014 7.27 7.34 252 21.8 7 1.8 0.03 0.85 0.21 0.085 20.7 10/27/2014 7.31 7.19 267 18.7 5.8 < 2.5 0.04 0.63 0.52 0.062 9.75 11/12/2014 9.36 7.61 254 15.9 6 4.1 < 0.02 0.41 0.51 0.058 20.8 _ 11/25/2014 9.51 7.34 249 11.8 4 5.8 < 0.02 0.79 0.55 0.063 24.4 12/3/2014 10.01 7.30 258 10.3 4 7.3 0.05 0.70 0.88 0.067 14.8 _ 12/15/2014 10.21 7.25 221 8.2 3 7 0.09 0.47 0.85 0.055 9.4 1/5/2015 11.09 7.16 154 9.0 10 17.7 0.09 0.24 0.71 0.139 7.39 1/26/2015 11.33 6.88 203 6.2 17 24.3 0.20 0.52 0.61 0.093 6.07 2/4/2015 11.10 7.00 183 5.7 7 14.4 0.06 0.30 0.98 0.084 6.19 2/25/2015 13.25 7.04 216 2.3 4 9.8 0.30 0.78 0.83 0.108 5.53 3/16/2015 10.72 7.02 195 12.0 12 16.2 0.09 1.42 1.58 0.085 13.9 3/30/2015 10.13 7.29 179 12.9 10 12.7 < 0.02 0.70 0.65 0.184 10.4 4/6/2015 10.59 7.66 175 17.0 8 7.3 < 0.02 1.02 0.39 0.093 33.7 4/16/2015 7.53 7.00 164 18.8 8 11.3 0.08 0.19 0.44 0.082 8.11 5/4/2015 9.84 7.39 121 21.2 17 13.5 0.03 1.22 0.35 0.198 21.1 5/20/2015 9.41 8.53 218 27.3 6 7.5 < 0.02 1.02 0.36 0.134 18.3 6/3/2015 6.41 7.79 234 26.9 6 4.6 0.05 1.03 0.42 0.117 12.3 6/18/2015 9.97 9.13 210 31.7 7 3.8 < 0.02 0.92 0.03 0.067 14.0 7/7/2015 13.63 ' 9.59 244 29.8 11 7.2 < 0.02 2.18 0.34 0.118 38.1 7/20/2015 9.93 9.26 195 30.8 8 5.1 < 0.02 2.04 < 0.02 0.096 33.7 8/3/2015 8.27 8.66 221 30.5 9 5.3 < 0.02 1.36 < 0.02 0.087 24.5 8/21/2015 6.98 7.73 244 29.0 6 8.2 < 0.02 1.31 0.06 0.124 77.3 9/11/2015 8.01 8.67 234 28.9 9 7.5 0.04 0.78 0.02 0.082 32.4 9/21/2015 8.13 8.43 241 26.1 8 8.2 < 0.02 0.53 < 0.02 0.109 43.3 10/12/2015 8.34 7.14 110 19.5 15 4.1 < 0,02 0.92 0.42 0.098 23.4 10/27/2015 7.67 7.08 153 17.7 11 10 < 0.02 0.94 0.38 0.041 20.5 11/9/2015 7.49 6.92 112 16.8 8 13.4 0.10 0.69 0.35 0.066 3.1 11/23/2015 8.90 7,04 90 13.0 19 23 0.08 0.95 0.28 0.075 6.3 12/7/2015 8.81 6.86 134 12.2 < 2.5 8.2 < 0.02 0.63 0.37 0.040 18.8 1/18/2016 8.81 6.61 86 8.5 6 7.3 < 0,02 0.62 0.43 0.059 4.98 1/27/2016 11.53 6.94 126 4.1 < 2.5 17.3 0.04 0.78 0.82 0.048 2.05 2/8/2016 10.38 6.82 93 8.6 18 54.0 0.05 0.91 0.48 0.093 4.46 2/29/2016 10.01 7.29 84 9.7 18 479 0.04 1.01 0.35 0.069 5.76 3/14/2016 9.81 8.71 141 19.3 9 10.4 < 0.02 0.79 0.63 0.033 12.00 3/29/2016 8.67 6.84 97 16.9 20 37.0 0.05 1.15 0.68 0.063 7.61 4/6/2016 7.29 7.06 122 16.3 11 13.8 0,05 0.74 0.54 0.067 7.05 4/25/2016 8.83 7.97 196 21.5 4 6.6 < 0.02 0.85 0.76 0.052 14.3 5/16/2016 7.42 7.53 122 22.1 9 13.6 < 0.02 0.70 1.06 0.060 28.4 5/31/2016 8.19 8.34 126 25.3 8 8.5 < 0.02 0.69 0.23 0.048 22.7 6/8/2016 7.78 8.33 142 27.1 12 17.3 < 0.02 0.80 0.67 0.067 17.8 6/23/2016 9.89 9.29 161 < 2.5 4.6 < 0.02 0.97 0.10 0.051 22.6 7/11/2016 9.51 9.07 138 30.7 9 9.5 < 0.02 0.85 0.23 0.077 31.7 7/25/2016 9.12 9.03 163 32.8 7 5.1 < 0.02 0.78 < 0.02 0.042 22.6 8/8/2016 8.94 9A2 174 30.0 15 6.5 < 0.02 1.00 0.05 0.055 26.3 8/30/2016 6.86 7.74 179 30.5 12 7.9 < 0.02 1.00 0.09 0.058 37.1 9/14/2016 9.93 9.21 193 28.7 5 5.2 < 0.02 0.82 0.02 0.050 30.6 9/26/2016 6.39 7.07 192 26.1 8 8.2 0.03 1.01 0.13 0.049 25.8 10/3/2016 8.71 8.19 163 24.8 11 15.5 < 0.02 0.73 0.47 0.068 42.6 10/29/2016 5.67 6.90 117 19.8 8 7.9 < 0.02 0.57 0.50 0.044 18.5 11/7/2016 8.16 7.23 144 18.4 7 7.8 < 0.02 0.75 0.33 0.042 28.7 11/30/2016 8.03 7.41 170 13.8 4 8.4 < 0.02 0.67 0.55 0.048 24.2 12/12/2016 8.71 7.22 197 10.6 6 5.9 < 0.02 0.60 0.91 0.045 18.4 12/27/2016 10.80 7.70 200 9.7 5 5.0 < 0.02 0.99 1.07 0.040 29.9 1/16/2017 11.13 7.43 199 7.6 8.4 11.8 < 0.02 0.86 0.82 0.042 11.1 1/31/2017 9.67 7.17 120 9.0 19 20.5 0.03 0.71 0.45 0.065 11.2 2/8/2017 11.07 132 10.5 11 13.3 < 0.02 0.47 0.49 0.062 35.2 2/20/2017 10.53 8.11 188 11.6 12 8.6 < 0.02 1.50 0.75 0.046 30.4 3/6/2017 9.62 7.57 207 12.5 10 10.6 0.02 0.95 1.15 0.055 17.9 3/29/2017 10.06 8.36 219 17.7 5 3.5 < 0.02 0.68 0.76 0.044 15.0 4/10/2017 9.17 7.53 149 18.0 11 7.6 0.02 0.92 0.57 0.064 11.8 4/26/2017 8.51 6.87 70 15.2 46 92.8 0.09 1.05 0.26 0.094 6.9 5/10/2017 8.48 7.39 123 20.0 4 10.4 < 0.02 0.48 0.43 0.047 15.5 5/24/2017 7.51 7.64 171 23.0 27 21.6 0.07 1.18 0.93 0.087 12.4 6/12/2017 8.99 9.19 142 28.2 < 2.5 8.2 < 0.02 1.25 0.13 0.062 -- 24.8 6/26/2017 8.82 7.61 105 27.1 13 17.5 < 0.02 0.86 0.31 0.094 19.5 7/10/2017 8.13 8.49 158 30.5 3 4.4 < 0.02 1.09 0.23 0.053 18.3 7/31/2017 7.58 7.83 200 28.5 18 7.4 < 0.02 1.26 0.07 0.084 43.7 8/15/2017 7.78 8.52 223 28.8 4 4.7 < 0.02 1.05 0.10 0.060 41.7 8/30/2017 6.97 7.41 247 26.3 12 5.7 0.21 0.89 0.08 0.261 34.0 9/18/2017 10.84 9.13 217 25.5 13 3.9 < 0.02 1.29 0.23 0.081 82A 9/28/2017 7.81 8.22 227 26.2 10 10.6 < 0.02 1.20 0.21 0.065 44.2 AVG* (using PQLs) 9.10 NIA 174 19.0 10.5 13.4 0,04 0.86 0.46 0.08 20.8 MAX 13.63 9.59 267 32.8 46 92.8 0.30 2.18 1.58 0.26 82.4 MIN 5.67 6.61 70 2.3 2.5 1.80 < 0.02 < 0.19 0.02 0.02 2.05 Count 95 94 95 94 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 # exceeding WQS 0 12 N/A N/A N/A 9 N/A N/A N/A N/A 7 % Violations 0 12.8 9.5 7.4 NC WQS >4.0 6.0-9.0 25• 40 'Turbidity WQS exceedances are not necessarily associated with nutrient loading. JORDAN LAKE HAW RIVER ARM SAMPLING/ANALYSES BY STATE CERTIFIED COMMERCIAL LABORATORY Greensboro Jordan Lake Haw River Arm-Slte CPF055E Sampling/Analyses by Meritech, Inc. Special Dissolved Ammonia Nitrate/ Total Study EIMMINIM Conductivi Tem TSS Turbidity Nitrogen TKN Nitrite Phosphorus Chlorophyll a mgll units umho/cm °C mg/I NTU mg/I m./I mgll mull u,/I Sample Date: Field Field Field Field ,5M 2540D EPA 180.1 EPA 350.1 EPA 351.1 EPA 353.2 EPA 200.7 EPA 445.0 10/18/2013 ®•Dam® 20.2 6 4.3 < 0.02 0.97 0.47 0.047 16.4 10/31/2013 =KM 7.13 =1:13MI® 6 5.I < 0.02 ♦ ♦113ME E 13.7 11/14/2013 ® 8.39 231 5 • 7.1 < 0.02 MEM♦ 0.60 • 0.054 • 14.2 11/27/2013 IMEM•El• 205 MUM 10 • 5.7 0.04 • 0.89 • 0.66 11 0.057 11 14.5 12/9/2013 IM13•11M• 195 9.7 0♦ 7.7 0.02 ♦ EM 0.83 • 0.064 • 17 12/302014 1_ 116 9.1 9 • 20 2 0.17 '' ♦ 0.66 • 0.086 • 4.8 1/6/2014 9.98 mgsmccmormil 7 • 8.9 • 0.06 1'■ 0.45 0.055 16.3 1/20/2014 _ ' 6.98 126 3•� 10 ♦ 19 ♦ 0.09 ♦ 0.41 0.067 12.0 2/3/2014 EXE•111111 120 ME• 5 ® 0.09 � MIEN, 0.63 0.022 5.8 225/2014 117 ���� r UIMEM♦ 0.42 0.096 8.73 3/5/2014 IMEEM® 129 7.7 MEMIM®EI 0.02 OWE.. 0.55 • 0.063 • 5.87 3/19/2014 ME131111M11 115 7.6 IMIUMMIMEMIE 0.03 1:11110311111 0.38 • 0.075 • 10.4 4/9/2014 9.79 6.83 130 15.4 IMEININIIIE271121111MINIME111111 0.29 0.115 • 5.73 4/23/2014 10.46 8.41 125 17.3 0.02 � 0.14 0.064 • 22.8 5/5/2014 8.36 7.39 131 20.8 i• 2.5 1�' 0.02 El W 0.41 0.052 • 7.73 5/20/2014 7.24 6.98 139 21.7 11 • I . 0.03 ♦ '®• 0.21 0.065 • 19.0 6/2/2014 9.02 8.39 135 26.5 D . U U ' ♦ 0.69 • 0.08 0.054 • 13.9 67/9/2014 7.33 7.62 207 28.2 4 4.4 8 0.02 ' 0.81 0.04 0.049 23.8 7/28/2014 7.71 8.39 231 28.5 mounEffism 0.02 10131.1. 0.04 0.068 • 25.9 8/11/2014 7.41 8.21 200 27.0 1=M11.111WEINCI 0.02 ®i0 0.02 0.051 • 21.9 8/27/2014 7.29 191 27.8 a■®E r r ■- 8 0.02 r r IE 4 9/8/2014 6.27 ® 190 28.1 0MIKEIM♦ r ♦AEI 0.02 0.056 • 16.7 9/23/2014 7.58 7.23211 22.3 5 4.5 0.06 0.15 0.057 22.4 10/13/2014 7.58 7.411 211 22.3 < 2.5 4.5 e 0.02 0.68 0.20 0.062 17.1 10/27/2014 7.92 Elm 250 19.5 I MEIMICIMEM1111 0.07 0.47 ♦ I 0.049 • 7.73 11/12/2014 9.12 MB 233 15.5 I < ®1•®♦ 0.02 .31.110•'®• 0.039 IN 6.76 11/25/2014 8.86 1016311M1SUM 11.6 0♦1.1391.♦ 0.02 0.74 ♦MEMI• 0.054 • 17.9 12/3/2014 wigw® 256 10.4 ©♦IMM� 0.06 0.71 ♦ '®• 0.062 • 19.7 12/15/2014 10.03 7.22 243 9.1 0♦® 0.06 0.59 ♦ 0.78 • 0.055 • 15.6 1/5/2015 9.76 6.97 190 8.6 MCEMIIMIMIIII 0.15 0.29 11 iJ4 0.049 • 13.7 1/26/2015 11.31 6.8 187 6.3 ®. 9.4 0.04 0.22 EMI.. 0.054 • 15.7 2/4/2015 11.41 7.24 192 6.1 MM. 9.8 0.11 0.46 0.48 0.068 12.0 2/25/2015 ® 7.24 183 3.1 0♦1111E011♦ 0.19 0.70 0.63 0.114 13.2 3/16/2015 7.18 169 11.1 1111C111111111113=111 0.10 1.26 1.03 0.074 15.3 3/30/2015 10.44 7.22 167 12.6 0• 7.7 • 0.02 0.91 EWE.. 0.07 • 23.9 4/6/2015 10.89 7.48 206 ®EI0♦ 7.5 112 0.02 111.10IMMEEME 0.076 IMMUNE 4/16/2015 7.73 7.11 160 0 11.5 • 0.11 • 1.20 10MM. 0.069 • 5.8 5/4/2015 9.68 7.22 132 •1 I; U 11.8 0.02 • 1.12 1111KM• 0.177 • 20.1 5/20/2015 9.82 8.44 138 26.1 3 4.4 0.02 1.06 0.22 0.086 14.6 6/3/2015 7.91 8.58 169 26.0 2 4.1 0.02 0.71 0.10 0.069 19.8 6/18/2015 immicEimgim 31.9 im0♦mum 0,02 • 1.01 Emig.. 0.060 • 9.8 7/7/2015 •1351•1Enu® 28.7 •110♦®' ♦ 0.02 • 1.08 < 0.02 < 0.087 25.1 7/20/2015 8.11 195 '®�®m�♦ 1.86 < 0.02 0.076 19.9 8/3/2015 8.18 190 MilIE1110 IIIEEMICIIMIMIE 0.86 CiNECEME 0.063 M® 8/21/2015 7.54 ®IIIEEME0 IIMEEMINCEEMII 0.83 Maranill 0.067 • 33.6 9/11/2015 7.27 K 212 W••0N 4.3 • 0.02 ♦ IX 0.02 • 0.020 • 23.9 9/21/2015 7.91 •H• 191 War•IIII©IN 3.8 • 002 ♦ 0.68 0 0.02 11 0.061 • 29.6 10/12/2015 8.13 ® 158 • t' 3.6 1120.02 mom. 0.35 • 0.068 16.4 10/27/2015 7.39 miliimum 17.9 M0 11.0 13 0.02 • 0.80 ♦MIERI• 0.030 17.7 11/9/2015 7.27 i 17.1 11• : 11.5 0.02 • 0.65 • 0.46 • 0.047 1111 6.1 11/23/2015 8.41 INIZIM11=1 13.8 miumzEn 0.09 imam. 0.30 • 0.075 EMMEN 12/7/2015 masmotzi 140 ♦ 4.5 • 0" .02 • 0.88 • 0.040 • 16.9 1/18/2016 ®r 99 9.516.1 11111111M,®� 0 0.02 MIME.. MI. 0.037 • 3.7 _ 1/27/2016 9.37 . 97 6.6 Q® 7.5 IIIKEMMIECEMEMEME 0.032 • 6.8 _ 2/8/2016 10.00 6.86 IP 10.1 • 14 Q••r I 0.68 IINCEMU 0.093 • 4.4 2/29/2016 MIEMINUFM=1111111 9.0 1111 I'• 31.1 ♦ m ' ♦ 0.98 • 0.37 • 0.051 • 8.9 3/14/2016 10.91 KNEE136 17.8 10 • 10.8 10 0.02 1.11 • 0.70 • 0.034 El 18.6 _ 3/29/2016 8.98 8.78 96 16.6. 6 • 12.9 0 0.02 0.87 • 0.60 • 0.037 • 11.7 _ 4/6/2016 8.11 i ® 17.1 ©1•®• 0.07 0.84 IMMEMU 0.040 El 6.5 _ 4/25/2016 10.06 Km mom 21.0 1•0♦!113 0.02 0.80 ♦ 0.38 • 0.038 • 20.4 5/16/2016 9.34 wrammumommi♦© maim 0.02 • 0.84 ♦EM. 0.031 • 36.5 5/31/2016 8.63 8.73 127 25.6 7 6.1 0.02 0.77 0.04 0.046 26.3 6/8/2016 8.59 8.81 147 27.8 6 6.6 0.02 1.13 0.50 0.052 20.0 6/23/2016 MICEMEEMM2=Milill ©MMEM 0.02 0.86 0.09 0.044 30.8 7/11/2016 8.69 9.01 157 30.9 7 6.6 0.02 0.93 < 0.02 0.053 33.9 7/25/2016 8.01 8.89 151 31.7 6 5.7 0.02 0.82 < 0.02 0.038 19.2 8/8/2016 MEMI* 157 29.9 2.5 ♦mi:••♦ 0.02 • 0.83 11111133111111 0.042 • 24.1 8/30/2016 IMUMME11 153 30.6 ♦11•33•1 0.02 11•131.11 0_02 0.041 17.0 9/14/2016 WEIMILEN 168 magi u♦® 0.02 MEEM113 0.02 0.036 22.4 9/26/2016 111111M•Ell 175 1•23811•1-U ' 0.04 ♦ 0.80 • 0.45 ♦ 0.035 22.9 10/3/2016EMI 196 ®•10♦MEM♦ 0.02 • 0.70 • 0.39 • 0.051 • 25.3 10/28/2016 5.20 6.83 118 19.8 8 6.9 0.03 0.61 0.31 0.031 11.4 /72 11016 5.88 6.76 129 18.7 6 9.5 0.02 0.71 0.32 0.031 12.1 11/30/2016 11123M•1= 162 ®I•0♦=351•♦ 0.02 1• EMM '®l♦ 0.036 • 14.9 12/12/2016 7.94 7.14 183 momomm••••mom 0.02 I 0.60 • 0.80 • 0.034 • 14.3 12/27/2016 9.0 7.1 203�c •Oi♦!13 0.02 lii®l♦•' U 0.041 • 30.2 1/16/2017 10.8 7.29 148 _-M0♦MICEMI♦ 0,02 0.86 • 0.60 • 0.039 • 22.7 1/31/2017 9.7 7.09 MMEMIIIIIEXIMi♦ K ♦INEEM♦ 0.03 1.11 • 0.52 • 0.045 • 13.7 2/8/2017 10.18 7.69 139 IfflailM1111.132.11:11112311 0.30 ♦MEMill 0.037 =MIMI 2/20/2017 11.56 8.68 150 MEININIM ♦ ♦ r 1.17 MEM.. 0.041 EMEMEI 3/6/2017 '® 7.84 183 IMECEM0UIKEM♦ r 1.11 111.371111. 0.044 • 23.4 IMEMECZCHIMEDEENI 8.63 180 maim. 6 uzim♦ r r 0.73 ♦ t•U 0.042 • 19.2 4/102017 1.33• I 190 win. 5 • U r r ♦ 0.89 ♦IME. 0.040 • 14.3 4/26/2017 7.24 6.96 133 17.0 20 18.7 0.14 0.78 0.43 0.060 5.7 5/10/2017 8.05 7.17 135 20.2 18 6.1 0.02 0.36 0.22 0.042 16.2 6/12/2017 9.74 9.03 135 27.3 11 7.9 0.02 0.96 < 0.02 0.043 --29.8 6/26/2017 wfimmum. 95 miummmi♦i0 0.02 • 1.25 ••31(M• 0.104 • 40.9 7/102017 IEEI® '®MI♦WEECI 0.02 MEM♦ 0.02 • 0.033 • 16.3 7/31/2017 7.61 7.59 171 28.7 12 5.9 0.02 ' 1.20 < 0.02 0.045 40.7 8/15/2017 7.04 7.89 184 28.7 6 4.3 B 0.02 0.98 0.03 0.045 29.8 8/30/2017 6.58 7.31 190 27.0 6 4.2 0.10 0.79 < 0.02 0.049 34.8 9/18/2017 11.46 9.31 195 25.9 12 4.0 < 0.02 1.24 0.05 0.056 78.3 9/28/2017 7.64 8.58 189 26.6 5 5.1 < 0.02 1.05 0.04 0.045 35.6 AVG* usi a PQIs 8.77 N/A 165 19.2 7.8 9.7 0.04 0.80 0.34 0.06 19.0 MAX 12.77 9.31 256 31.9 33 80.3 0.19 1.86 1.03 0.18 78.3 MIN 5.20 6.52 91 3.10 < 2.0 < 2.40 0.02 < 0.20 < 0.02 0.020 3.72 Count 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 # exceedin, WQS 0 2 N/A N/A N/A 8 N/A N/A N/A N/A 3 % Violations 0 21 NC WQS >4.0 6.0-9.0 25• 40 Including 80.3 *Turbidity WQS exceedances are not necessarily associated with nutrient loading.