HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-09798_Well Construction - GW1_20221027 828-522 72�44 P.1 Frt�151905;43p ClearwaterW,911 illing •. :y WETaL CON�'Y">ft�T TIC„ UN)t2F�'ORD IM-111 Fnr intemnl U-Se niy- 1,Wr")tt'Antritrwr lnfo,rmatlon: _ ----- - _ ran,nvr+r>!1 WrIf Cantranor 1VAatC ft �• ��_ _-__ Mc.Watt COAMM111.,m1ficatlon Ntt(nher //JJ 1 j e � c IC/�� 1 �l�� � rgt.DAt R! TO � / in.: V l� L. �- f:nmpnnyTlvnr. 'Ib. l< NGQit'1111f N 1ot! -tars 2.Well CanatrnMfan Permit W: Ee ft,DID tn. iJ.41 a!!nr/rl;aysh7�,ocilenxmnrdlmt prarrnitr(Lac I11G Gsnaly,5rnl�ftarTmtcP,crr! 3-Wr1l 111t:RINSt well used N Wemr.9applywell: Agrictilhfral ivfupicipnlJPuhlec e• �'� �'' Gemhermat(Boatidg/Cenliegsupply) tikgldentlal WatcrSuppl�'(Silt$iC) el• to °i' 1 Induatriel/CommQrcird Residential WalerSupply(Sharell) 1P1 tti ttr rRc► - To TO �rrlgmian Non Witter 4nppiy Vl'e11a tt, Or Monitarin Reeovety T— - injeahan Well: ft. R Aquifertteebarga �t;ronndwn[arRenmdfllinn r9,$� LpkCnan- AgUircr3ivrageMftRccgverg �•SalinityQnrricr i K):oink _ry - AquillerTVq j 9rnnnworcrDrainagc 11. Pxperilnental TcchnolttRy trltsidenca Control n• ^ Gcolhermal(Closed I.IInp) �Tcncor nRir.l, ,u lain uttaet 42.1 Remarks Gcntgtemnl(Hcatin ooCnit ReMM) � erf`�P -__�- } fr. 7/ L/ •t,Pat,-Wtn(s)Cnmplctrd:,_._._.,_,..__q_,—Well tDl/,,,•,,,,___--..._..� __..._ Ru.Well l.ncntlnna 1`l� U(�6 i��5 J��iCc Q l5� Y t.ft. _ -- l�actlit♦':r)nnnr)lamn FafiitY li)ii CafatPPlEcalda) a n - Mm.iml�Adddrrcax,Chy,mid 71pf � Parcel rdcniiticatim Imcm, w:i.R.R r3cz�,r,�j Unft 5h.tdtfiiudt,,and innkltvde in deAf rieslmhflrteF/9ecnndcordreimnl drgrces: •. --- (if.vcii Gr.IA,nna lnt7nngialufrinlcal' v 41, t ilCAtio ; ' (a.Is(nre]the welt(aj# Pcsmnnent nr �1Tetnrae}a $gnat aKktifi d eliCmitraatac I?etc ��\\ p 8tltafpP r1UA;(rrm,!1rPdr fP tarKlfj�JJ(ar fir ivrl!(. rn7t Jwm- am" tarn Jn acm da!tcr +.1atp[varcpalrrnancxivtingwcll: OWN or lYo muhlsg47atr:nK'•JittrDarlstaNCatCn?C.,pTt71iA'rrlCoratmcrtmrShondnrd,rmalahaun OVII%`h a,renarfr"JRJ ourd7leam twdl.atnzrnu rroar J4Arma11rm ar plraru Iles rrnrlart gfalra .tavy m tlrLc arrant kocbd9J pmtdaYa l Jn Iha!tar!!mvrtrr r^parts an�:r r.7 rnrpnrkc sascrtnn nrtsn tar.hark nfPubr,jnnn' 11,Site dingt'am or almdoi l Wall dettalta: a.car Clot 1robN111?I or Cir>aed-i.nn r^,eothrxTaftl Webs having nc�snmr. you mo.v liar the link ar this page to Wvide addititlaid welt alto drs' b or turli ��nslmGtion,only I GW I is needcd. indim TR'fAl-NUMBi;R orwrlls con9tnsction cicraita. You inssY also aftnnh addltianirl pAgcs if ntxessaty drilled: 9.TAW well depth below land surAcc: Cl/D� - (Il•f !ltr. 6r+ nN We1is: Sahmit this form within 30 dn's of comtilrlion of.vell I rr nrnll/p7c wrllt liv a;day de 1fdoernnr festam 1:un9lrnelion In the Mn)S11119: ln.Stotie water lrvt l klaw top of casing. Ow pivisioll g titer Reset mo,Information Processing Unit, If aanrorBnvd lr arAaace r'nclttp lieu"•" 1617 MxR SQrvice Ceatet;k1ktdgb.NC27#A-1617 ti-Domholedfame Jo addition to satding the Arts t4 All';adOre+a in 34n 7/7�!►/ vlinvc,elan suhmit anc copy of ribs form(Albin 30 rmyc of comptetitm or well 12,Welt construellan mmhed: 'v�'�----. -•-.'_ cnromaticn to the fallowing: (i a,augc•,mtnry,ruble.direst posh,eta.) 111v1sinnofWamrRraimrm.Undeigi'n udInjlTttontCourmlP1'OAram, LPORWAT18111fir�'pM,YW,,i.La'r Q1+11,Yr 1636 Man Samm C'cmmr,1RIfIclgh,N6 2.7bpv'-163b ejo 1(tpm) M4thotiofTr1r.ac WFIler Snn v&iaFection WellAr In asddition to sanding ihr firm to Addresc(cs) sbam also submit nnc copy of lhl% Form wlfhin 30 days of infeetlan type.. ,Amount: completion of%ydj aoasuactl'.an ip tho coonly hoallh Ocilliamcm of tht county "'.00 con.Stmc d, lanntt C.tk-1 Nelda CamliamDapanmam of t:n.•trainmrnwl t?nattry-mvaamn rat'Waxer Rosaumm RwTaed?.22-xnf 6