HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-09795_Well Construction - GW1_20221027 Fob 15 19 Drilling43p Clearwater Well Drilling 82$-622-7241 1 PA
WET+L CONSTRUCTION R1P.CGRD fGW-11 rnr]ntemni Use nly:
rlid�tntraettrr nfarmstinn• ,,,,___._____
iVc11('onmadur Name fa �• '
{S]tyell Cnntrfa�got Cettlficntinn Ntttnt,er y��� )2lt 91NG tdt Olt o e
t.n npnny Name _ �tiI.11Vi'IER C 1NG Qlt TlM tgOnsttl iu0
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1Yc11 Cotuctrnctinn Peratrii#��� f6 �, � tm.
LIM all q+l hcable welt eMLstnrrtlao purarWr(l c.ill(,Fa wy,maiZ Yakimv.cir..) �
3 Well rise(cheep Well ele)_ r —---
wercl-sppp�>;een, MSCM N o A tctcwtras maul.
Agriculhtrol 91
Mupicipal/Puhkic {) �• �^ i"' _�.,.
c;r:othcrnral([4eating/Conttngsupply) Rc.9ideattinl WatcrSuppl�{eingtc)
IndmiriallCommoreial Residential Water Supply(shared) g OU7'
MA•rMUE e,Mytr-u� ,IG•rT]�1 On t.A DtITri'
rfTi ation r rr- P h, y ` '\A/ D
IYnn lfinler Supplyl7lrJk 1 , ` 1 Vv`
Recovery RA -
Aquifer ltecbatgcCroundrvntet Itemediatinn 19$ S,pA�rgL BkC Ca In
ggpA[ DAL ttirlTt.AGtC TMCTlti3n
AquifoStgrngc And Rccovcrl• MNInityOnirier M�. •- �
Aquifer Tcst 133mnowatcr Drainago
Experimental Tcahnology D5uhgidcnec Control
Gcothcrilial(Closed Loop) 13TML r to Rtt.L G Lt3G
•BRO�T 't�0 1 k raM r etc,
Gcothe mal(Hcatin CaoDn Rctum) other fa Iain under 1721 Rcmnfks it. R I f
C date Well{s)co mplete-la-i �, well IDN ft• t -n —
Su.Well T.ncallon! 1 ft, ay' R• ��_
I:tctlity:'(lnaurl A f ac'lt'&i0d(ifapplicable) 2 '"
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P1 sisal Ad(ddrr"',,CiT,and(Zipp/� 21,REAtARffiS r
Caum Patcct ldamilieatirn No.(Pau)
.rill.A.atitude and tonl{ltode hk dMroulmi nuteSISMIldsOr dccimi►l drB+rees; ��
(itwcflfithl,nnt;lo lnngigsufcient) C ! � 2 ,Ver Wallow
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!,,is{ore?the wellOwer rtanant or �kflvnrary i$nnturc afCrsltfied dl Cantmetar gate
,kp ailrrliaP,r1rf6•i+nvr,!hervfirC.ffmfy!teat the wwllf)war hron-;1 r»ttuxtsl+.+i to acanuftce
7,la iN-,R repair to an Wmdn�lrCll: �Xss OC PTo n.11h i S 1 y7'Af..'nzr..oloo err 1sa NCAC a2r.'.0.20o W,,r11 C.onsrracrimr Unndardc tmd Ant n
lfdilria:rrcpnir./1flm+tt�+nwn�wlf.:n,srncttanirtk+rmarinnorufr3�loinllu+ttuntrq(Jru +•an1�Rf1/rtctrtr�rdhasAe+atpmratYelftnrltewrflmvna.
t-pair under,121romarkr.,wFianarnathr.had-of1Alxfanu. :1,1,Site cliagrsmorattMonat well d2 tits:
R.For GcorirnhPltlt►T or Closed-1 nnri GeathermAl Wells haying the same you may use llte back of this page to provido additional weli silo details or well
MISIT1119ion,anly I GWl is needed. indicarg TOTAL NUMt3M of�.clts coastrucr{on details. You may also ak¢ah addJfianat pages if ntxessary.
9.7'0121 weft depth i►clow land SurAtec 't —(ll•) 2.1y. barn Weltr Submit this form within 30 tim's of completion of well
1%nr natltipir weacliy nli ddprlu ifdijlhran,re a nola.3tnt24o'and l a 10al consmction in The fallolying:
In.Static watmrlevel below top nreaSing: T00 Division afV4atrrResources,lafnrmation Processing Unit,
OMIT A-el Is three casing,rice•'." 1617 AUR Scsviee Center,INtetgh.T4C?,7rrA-1617
11_Bareholediametcr: Q (An.) '1.4b.Fur .Aiectiow MMr. ro addition to&ending 04 forts 14 Utf addrm in 244
L �F nllove,also submit one copy of this from within 30 days or completion of we11
1Z Well enntirnetlon method: 1 i caummaion to the fallowing.
(i c,suss-,mrttp,cubic,Qira,:t pnsR,�c.l
Division of Water Rtainlrm,Underground injection Control Pragnln,
1G36 Mail Service Center,VAlalgh,iyC 27699^R636
13R.Yield(grim) a Jl�r 1V O n0 of legs: v'ri 24c,rent Water 3un1EtV&�grSQHan Wrttltn In uddMon to sanding The form to
fire addtrss(cs) above, also submit one copy of thftt form within 30 dW of
rib.Disinfection type! Arnatmh_ completion of Yell consuuction to the county health dcpatunent of the county
v+hare constmctnd.
t+Mm G%*-I Qcmnry-Aivismo ce Wwar Rasalmas Dtrwised2 22 2a1 f.