HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-09770_Well Construction - GW1_20221027 I 84.1 WELL CONsTRucrION RLCORD Fasrtttlr5t9tl�n t�^. M5(anti via ba and for shtple er malilrk tells 1.im iContrantar Mormations Scott Hunt Jr. FROM -to glFtiClttPt7@lY VV01.caarouctarNoma 4561-A tS%8}[CCFit! 46[l(a (tzrii[isN sscitsORIAIIERiIfS'` N�CiVcl4C4rura�setC.tliG�lic+nNw�acr 3! tet�tR tt 'tittCt+' AlAtFEtt�i, 0 (t. 34 f4 1" in. SCE-40 PVC SAEDACCO Inc C'nasp:rnvtv`amrc 'l�::INItEfF"CC 't1VtirU87'Lall11AIG' saa t1 To nt�stt tt. mrrAa s k!vrctuU 2.Well Construction Permit : ft. tt; tu. latt5�3a{r�{ire&IrtiziA{.nnzit f�c.Casrnn_itna*,t'nriercre fJt Srh:1 hL 3.WOO Use(cb"-well ore I, L4 tcrSupplt�@df� rni}'+i TO Y orau1Ktr -tart�ti> 11trCtkx �rart�t�►t. 34 (t. 44 [h 1" io 010 SCH-40 i PVC Oft&.dttitui l�hV4F1A'tcipsliPtdal'to tra fL 1t 00004henral(Heatin Coolitth Stq,)ply) 131kesideutaal Water Supply'(siu9lc) Oludustttiall0mltntetcial OlkesideutiatWaterSugpty-(SlsMa 'ts 4ra(cR r► cc�t `t rent mon A iannrr FR13:4! 't4 , ❑Yeti ►ion 0 h. 28 (L Portland C e-ie Nsrw'Water°Supply Well-. i�tvl+�»itnaip� L7C#;x:Stn'ct}' Ct�jec(o�.4��I1: l lr4rlttlfst Reciutrgc G3Gtouadraatcr t;a nt€dittitur t� Alvflut. � ;flat<rca vua'<t tt trsrrr;rrtsr; �et.�c�ur-vt�ar-rRran ,� p Aquifer 5terupandRecovaly 05alilnit4 Harries 31 ft. 44 ff, Filter Sand #2 C1Agari1.LrTcst 175t+7rmezatcrt?r:aia{a t ft. ft. ❑i VCdoicutal Tvchnolog [75yth &-r11Cc Comml 3t1 ARIt<T fltiCrl tattxf`aaF aa.;;; 4i( c rit ! ? - MswtheutW(Clased Loup! ❑Tij= FRONT TO DIN CEWTug tcour,trmtrnt viAltwk Ao& , n ire ttr a �Geartltanrtah()heatia *1Coolip;,Regan) 37 dwrwVl�unnnder ?@Renunks-) o 67 ft : See Geologist's log ft. ft. 4.Date W1.41(s)Coulplt 10: 9/22/22 Welt I DdOW-15 5a.ATCB Locatieln: % .. ..t4 Chemoura Farititl OYacrNamx Farilih IBP(ii Vpl�: 10 (, fa. 1248 Sill Hall Rd., White Oak, NC, 28399 ft (l Plnsical4.dirm City.nadbp 2i'fE11(� -x Sentonite: 44-67' Cumberland �J?"©1: C taa lr Panel ltl azUtu tl9uzy No,(PIN! 3b.Laeihrde and t vattlitude In rle !>raeirrtrtcfisseuirds or decimal degrem 22.C,ertiftratlaen; rirt.r:)t a�td;Harz I;tttlpaas�is���cie�t .,c�.. W ,� 10/11/2022 Sig uaum orCenif�^r9 W eat CauE ar pa e 6.is fare)the wen(s): Mpermanent or 07ernporary k rgni3tg AIV four,f t4enb}israfti tka, f e ttwflfs!I,=ftwwj tamime-fed itr arCgr'nnce rEl:s2tieNC,dt t7. fir? r! taYCt rl3e.t2siii74tePdCn!estraeticut&ar marts zttrddams 7.I,S this ItrepairtoanCBi,dirt WCM EIVCS Or MNtl dz��4f{flffP+fa3fl�flrtr{y.=td{ltt7y1fo-41�'tt#Jh1;It}f(rn'nSP. ffrhis is rt txrer,B1f matmr+na nrff i naar7t3rcric7rt.ufturz rf+c+r ata f<_cspPaT'F rler rrrtrr of for rr{+�ir rFartfer d�f rr.nurts a�tiur:ur�r ttu:bcrt oP tflis furnL 23.5lte diagram or add'ilintntl well.details: You tuay use the back of this page to provi&-additional well site Mils of well S.Number of wells constructed: 1 -- __ a�carstaua tlonitzrails. You auay'a6o dtaclt a ldiliutaal p4 if rxv;essaty. sa6mix ft� e!? e rh:rr cr fir t nzrear iarr,rdfs O,V'Lt'vefe{t rbs trtrr: euustrarrlovr,vns c<a SITBMI(f,AL(NS 7('I r-UQN szi{�'nzlt rmc fur..?. 9.'D'o(stl well depth below landsur4'aw 67 -- tft.) 24a. (s'tar All ftlig: Submit this form within?i}days of C4Dinpktion of well F.,rues{W,pk yetis Hsr a tkptk:€ 302(k)'Nut-Mot!'} conSgruction to O c foltoNVing; 10.Static%vats r level below top of cashw. (ft.) Oh-ision of Water Ruauree&Information Processing Unit, ff latrtc#..k€l ct t rn a curia..Zoe" 1617 SUH.Stn'i&Center,Raicirit,..VC 27699-1 617 1 L Barchoe diametm 4" do} 24b.Ernes,tla+r W&jh ONE V. In addition to sendingrct the Pot tj ttt address itr 14aabove.also suln it a copy of this funrt Withirt 34&aYs Of Cotrnlletialn Of welt IL Wcll aft Avetion anrthod.Roto-sonic cwasenx-tfon to the following. ;io.ata sr mmly,cahttdired push.eml Division o€%'ater Resources,Underground Injestiort Control l"roVaw, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Malt Service Ceatter.Rate►f h,NC 276994636 method of trsR 23c.For Water SOB&&Ipjc�Ykm Welts: 13a.Viddfgpw) Also submit one ,AVS of this farm within 30 days of Completion of fl3lr Iticla€�xKion '. w. Amount: teeth comunwrian to tic caua;v tic iith department of the r4aunry where ' cOntraz ted FattuCOY-t IvmtraCrsalteratkpar3nsnrn!E 'ic rmtienram1�aaur'I(t¢maucs=Dttzsioaof1j'alerR ruv� Revis.^dArgarst 01A I