HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-09748_Well Construction - GW1_20221027 Fob 1510 05,,43p earwa er �`
EX.L c ON -R,17Clam RECORD tGVlf-11 for Intetnni use niy: 1
�• .t C.nntrr<etnr(n!'ormatton: L�----- _—•Il
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►tall f:olttracltx Namef fR _ fit•
>I .Well Contractor Catifttnlion Nmnber S o1Tl'Sll C IN(I ea!Rif vnU OR !fo
TO (rgg tltA•rER1A1.
MCI � o M , in. U
t:gatpnnuNlme �16.WNIvR C 1NCOR RIfR NG it"I tt too
2.Well Conarruction Permit tt: in.
i.A•1all opplicabru,.allmnctnrcnnnparmin(L++ UIG,,Conn$!Sm14 Mrfa"M er:JJI
3.?vell i st(cheek wdl list:):
�datcl-SD t7 sc�tlt N
PD�Y Wcll: t m D ,_s tctcrrtrae
Agricutturat MtrpicipalJPuhHc
0cothermai(LieatinglConlingSupply) ResidandalWataSupph•(Angle)
Fndusli;aMotntnsreiai ReMacntial Water Snpply(shared) tti
Irrl^ ttan z t»,� t'/// es+tetac rr na prbtlNT
ft, &
Yon lt'nler5uppiylM1ail:
1�Qnnitaring itecovety tt. fry
Fnjectian Well: fit. tt
AquifaR+�char$c �(ironndwaterltcnledistioa 199aNMGRAVBLAAC if tt
AgUif2rStgraliaMdRCCOVcry F3. 1 L tAC NBR m�ilion
Salinity Qnrricr pttblt[ 'M
AquiftTest O tnrrmvatcrArainagc n"
'x)terimental TerJmoingy E)SIdwidence Control �•
GcotbcTmal(Closed Loop) 13T(Mer 20.BRIT. LOG rdiaah lt�wfa ifraurariR)
{+& M 4Yf alit cobr ► WSW Nis&am
• Cicothtxmal(Kcatinp CeotinR Rcturol gther{explain undor i1.1 Remmirs
.i.Wn-weir s corn leti d-1 -070� welt il)N _ i��. ,L
5n.WetlTi.nrxHnne ( _/ R ���-
_ 11 n, Fly
Fa+alitt:'(k+v�MNattw 6adlBy f[hi(ifaltpllcablc)
1' inol Address,Clty,Rod Zip
21. ARKS G
1 , L
County Pmecl Fdeaatfeation No,rp1Nt
fib.Lilfitudr.nod Iongltude in degreeslinitultea/secondsortlecimai drgrecsr
(iftyollrrrdtl nmIntliongiasufliricut) t „z, ,e n;
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b.Is(arc)the'MR-) permanent or 12ITctnpnrary Vilna icdlNellCgMmaor paic
11,v.rll+niag dith•iarm.I iJJ?R%kP nwgfp flint rlirr%Mq...J tVr Arm-)a martwaj!n OrwrAMiCe
;.ly fbls a repair to an exivting well YCs or lWo u•rtl,ISA Nf_,Ar,�ME''#100 or iSA.vCAC 02C.0200 Wert Canr+rnerlmr 4orrrktrds mid chat r
lfdrlelcorepain•/illoutknn+rnhwll•onrtmcttnnirtJermatinnmuIcrpiniathnnnnrregf+bu �M?llnflh`Sre4nrdhOFhtCt7f1m1'1tYtdrnrhe i1§tllnx7a7'.
r alrrraderOfremrukr=0411nr(Mtltchnrloflbhrinrm. q;1,;5itF+» gramorrd0doanlvmR,dennits:
R,rar GeraitraheMPTor Gavad-1 onp G+eWhermal Wells having ille stinia you may use the bnck of this page to provide addittonhi welt atlo detath or wolf
MnAntellon,only I CtW 1 isneeded. fndicKoTOTALNUMBER017-mils constrnediontletaiLs. You may altaaltachaddlfionalpagcsifflDeessary,
dril(ul:�, _ SR7D,TM)MI,Ih.4lR1JCFTUFy9
l AAA well depth below land sudkee: 0—`s— If* yl,.i,yer iau_wet&.- 9abrnh dtls faun wthin 30 dn}x of eompleaoh oP umH
1%nr ntnitlpfc n e0rli.0 alidrv,flu iftfrjjcrrnr(+uorttnle•3(?1!1(I'ond i(n11t70� epnshUCtiM 10 the M10*1119:
t0,stotie water level below top of casing: —_M) Aiviaion of Water Remrces,Infbrmadon Procession Unit,
If-lerAtralIsr-ihamam.lna,the"•' C?•c MATMail$erviceCenter,�tdgh.TfC27dtJ*-ldl7
11_Porehotedlameter:,...,..LQ ._•.(ln.) 2tb.�r►r Irtlecrinn l�'d!s: Ai addition to Beading tfta farm 19 tutu address in 2qn
lZ Well construellnD method: nhova,also submit one copy of this fwm lvllbin 30 days of completion of well
ctmrstmatinn to the fallowing:
(i c,m,grr,mnq•,ratblc,41rat posh,MeJ
s�R WATr Division of Water Rtaottt'ct%Undcirgroulld Injection ContMl Program,
R R1;1'P V VVEMS ONLY: 1636 Mfill S IM Ccntrr,FRRWIgboNC 27699-1636
t3a.Yfrld(gptn) Method of teat: zic.i or Water Sunbty&1'aiecHatt Rd tx In addition in stmiling the loan in
1bc oddra.;(es) above, Also submit one copy of No form within 30 days of
Fab,Otcinfeerfort rype:� Amatrnh 1 / Jy I romptction of well construction to the coaniy hoalHt department of the count},
whara Canstrocted.
Front C,N'•t North DiviA,nnoPWater Restmraea ReuNM2 22 7.nl R