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From:Slaughter, Johnathan H
Sent:Wednesday, December 10, 2014 4:04 PM
To:Wanucha, Dave
Cc:Pilkington, Olivia L
Subject:RE: SR 1331B, Watauga, Application
1)Any stream classification on the plans would come from the technician drawing the plans. Sometimes they get it
wrong. I should have caught that. The correct classification is in my cover letter (C +).
2)The ESA is an old drained pond that is now a wetland. The purpose of the cross hatching and proposed safety
fence is to draw everyone’s attention to the area so they stay out of it. The special provisions are in the actual
contract, not the plans. Much of the environmental language will be similar to what you see on page 1A but
there will be more detail, including specific seeding blends/rates and such.
3)Mitigation to DWR is not required so the corps is the only regulatory agency that gets the email from EEP. I
request mitigation for maintenance projects at the same time the application is submitted so I don’t actually
have an acceptance letter (other Divisions may handle it differently). That’s never a problem since the amounts
needed are low. Huge TIP projects with 15,000 feet of impacts are a different story. The EEP letter is needed up
front in those cases to verify that they can handle what’s needed. I check the box on the PCN to let the Corps
know that mitigation is being requested. They get a copy of my email to EEP too.
4)F.3b – Well honestly I’ve never been asked to answer that question for maintenance projects. We are just kind
of upgrading an existing facility, not creating a new one. I really wouldn’t expect any new development because
of what we are doing, especially considering that much of the area falls within the FEMA Floodway. We are
undercutting the roadway to avoid a CLOMR.
Hope this help clarify things. Let me know if you have further questions.
From: Wanucha, Dave
Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2014 10:13 AM
To: Slaughter, Johnathan H
Subject: RE: SR 1331B, Watauga, Application
Hi Heath,
Thanks for the erosion control plans. There are a few other items that need to be addressed.
I noticed that on Plan Sheets 18 and 19 (close ups of 9+30, and 62+59) the designer IDs the UTs as WS-IV;
CA+. Is that correct?
What is the environmentally sensitive area on Sheet 13? The notes say to see project special provisions, but I’m
not seeing the special provisions.
There is no mitigation acceptance letter from EEP.
Could you provide an answer to question F.3b. on page 9 of the PCN?
Dave W.
Dave Wanucha
NC DENR Winston Salem Region Office
NC Division of Water Resources
Transportation Permitting Unit
450 W. Hanes Mill Rd, Suite 300
Winston-Salem, NC 27105
Cell (336) 403-5655
Office (336) 776-9703
E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject
to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.
From: Slaughter, Johnathan H
Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2014 3:58 PM
To: Wanucha, Dave
Subject: RE: SR 1331B, Watauga, Application
Try this one.
Wet pipes that remain perched due to excessive slopes are usually handled with dissipater pads in the
streambed. Failure to do so usually leads to blow holes. I usually include the bulleted language below just below the
impact table in the application cover letter but looks like I failed to do so this time for some reason. Guess I just felt like
mixing things up that day. Based on previous discussions with DOT Hydraulics and other regulators, it is believed that
once pipe slopes exceed about 6%, fish passage is not likely. That’s why we don’t try to bury pipes on a 10% grade. Let
me know if you have further questions.
Please note that all wet pipe slopes exceed 6% and need not be buried. These pipes may remain perched
after replacement due to excessive slope. If so, riprap energy dissipater pads will be placed in the stream
channel at the outlet of these pipes.
From: Wanucha, Dave
Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2014 3:37 PM
To: Slaughter, Johnathan H
Subject: RE: SR 1331B, Watauga, Application
Hey Heath,
I’m not seeing the proposed erosion control measures you referenced in the application letter. Not saying they aren’t
there, just that I’m not finding them. Also, how does DOT typically handle pipe outlets that remain perched in terms of
preventing scour?
Dave w.
Dave Wanucha
NC DENR Winston Salem Region Office
NC Division of Water Resources
Transportation Permitting Unit
450 W. Hanes Mill Rd, Suite 300
Winston-Salem, NC 27105
Cell (336) 403-5655
Office (336) 776-9703
E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject
to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.
From: Slaughter, Johnathan H
Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2014 4:33 PM
To: Andy Williams (; Wanucha, Dave; Gregory, Sonia; Chambers, Marla J
Cc: Pilkington, Olivia L; Whittington, Kevin K; Souther, Zachary S
Subject: SR 1331B, Watauga, Application
See attached permit application and call if you have questions.
9+30 – 36.24009N, 81.63019W
13+20 – 36.24095N, 81.63113W
62+59 – 36.24835N, 81.62527W
Email correspondence to and from this sender is subject to the N.C. Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.