HomeMy WebLinkAboutPender_Well Abandonment_20221031 s,>n. WELL "ANDONMENT RECORD North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources-Division of Water Quality r 3 ) 2022 . WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATT_ON# 1.WELL CONTRACTOR: 0. 'WELL DETAILS: a.Told Depth: 97 ft. Diameter:_ in. Well Ctotrntxor(tadividuat)Name n sagL. �ytt1� 'p(i(Ilny � rIIMP $N✓'�C,S b.Water level(Below Measuring pointli ring Poini):�_R. Welk Compmy^Nm1oe * Measuring point is-Ir y_ .above land surface. STREET ADDRESS }O`I I 0 tit A✓ a✓L 6. CASING: Length Diameter CA014L N„11I1 plc 2YNaq a Casing Depth(if known): lZa—fL �in. ? City 2 To. 691FSanta Zip Code b.Casing Removed: fL in. q( 10 )_ 31 ' 44 Am code-Phone number - 7. DISINFECTION: Ib L WELL INFORMATION: (Amount of 65%75%calcium hypochlorite used) SITE WELL ID#(if applicable) S. SEALING MATERIAL: STATE WELL PERMIT 0(if applimblc) Neat Cement Sand Cement COUNTY WELL PERMIT#(if applicable) Cement Ib. Cement 16. .. Water goL Water gal. OWQ or OTHER PERMIT 4(if applicabk:) itil _ WELL USE(Check applicable use): ❑ Monitoring KReddeatLl Bentonite 50 lb. ❑ Men)cipaFPubhe ❑ Industrial/Commercial ❑AXrkWW l Type:[I Slurry A Qlfellets 11 t�rIRecoveryRevery ❑ Injection Irrigation Wmer_4AD_ _gal. ❑Other(list use) Other Type material 3.WELL LOCATION: COUNTY LAAr Amount QQUADRANGLE NFARFSTTOWN: �m1 Let ,IG �fHr14 22-2 510op 1'O_nf Lot (t NAPIfs fdr 9. EXPI.MN METHO`F EMPLACEMENTPat- OF MA AL;O (Sa mn-vRoad Name.Number.Conity,Subdivisim,[a No..Patois,Zip Coda) �+ •l — uy lowley A- is T�— TOPOGRAPHIC/LAND SETTING: tga r- [_ICI cr t e�— ❑Slope ❑valley Flat ❑Ridge❑Othcr_T_ (Check appropriate setting) 10. WELL,DIAGRAM:Draw a detailed sketch of the well on the back of this Ld-N.atuses, ay be indcgmo, r LATITUDE —— soconds,or in a fom showing total depth,depth and diameter of seteens(if any)remainingecimal fsmt in the well,gravel interval,intervals of casing perforations,and depths midLANGTTUDE types of fill materials used. Latitudelbagitudesetace: ❑CPS ❑Topogtaphicmap (Location ojwell must be shown on a USGS ropo map and ]L DATE WELL ABANDONED attached to this form if not using GFS) 1 DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT INS WELL WAS ABANDONED IN ACCORDANCE 4a.FACILITY;The name of the ineimss when the well is located.Cea late 4a an44b. W i H 15A NCAC 7,C,WELL CONSIRIICTION STANDARDS,AND THAT A COPY OF (Ifa midential well,skip 4a;complete 4b,well owner inlen ation only.) THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO. E WELL OWNER FACILITY ID#(i(applicable) NAME OF FACILITY _ (D t3- o7 a SICNA REO STREET ADDRESS IED WELL CONTRACTOR DATE City"Town Sinc Zip Code SiGNATUREOFPRIVATEWEI"LOWNERABANDONINGTHEWELL DATE 111 a Rivet well Owner nano be an mdividpdwho loatilla((yabaadaes haybvspidedial well 4b.CONTACT PERS TLL_"E ����� n 15A NCAC 2C. 113.) NAME ((J� FO ,/t I c l,ael C Sage. - STREEf ADDRESS le `� Sloop Omer/ Lai ► ) P NAME OP PERSON ARANDOMNG THE WELL pit � y 7 L Submit a copy to the owner and the original to the Division of Water Qua01y within 30 days. Font OW 30 Attn:Indbroutlon Managemen41617 Mail Service Center-Raleigh,NC 2709-1617, Phom No.(91n 7317014 ert 56E. Rov.5106