HomeMy WebLinkAbout20071642 Ver 1_Initial Interest_20070927
~,xp o~ - t L~42
October 1, 2006
Version 4
^ Riparian Buffer Minor Variance # of Determinations Requested
^ Coastal General "Major" Variance Isolated Wetland Determination
linear feet or acres
^ Stormwater Management Plan (this fee is not additive when approval is combined with 401 Cert.)
Applicant Name:
Applicant Address:
Applicant's phone number: 33 (o -2 ~ 5- ~" ~ 2 ~ Fax number:
Applicant's email address:
Consultant Name (if applicable): ~0.c.~~~e~~;~i ~- ~~e~f~~~ ~~Vi+~O~.-^-cP`~rtl~ ~~.
pp ,
Consultant address (if applicable): 33~~ ~/C.~~v~, ~cTl~
Consultant's phone number: ~ j ~ ' ~~ 3 -" 1v 5 ~ ~ Fax number: ~ ~~ " ~~ .3 -~ ~ S 5
Consultant's email address: S ~ ~ ~~ i ~ ( ~~ ~ ~- ` Q~ f • ~- ~ `'"t
Type of action requested under the Express Review Program (check all that apply):
^ 401 Water Quality Certification
^ Isolated Wetland Permit
^ Riparian Buffer Approval
# of Drainage Areas/Project Site
Name of Project: Lvo~ (7 v~ - ~ y G ~ c~ti 11r1~~ h~l County: ~ Gik ~
Total project acreage: (acres) Total built out impervious area: (acres)
Nearest Named tream + River Basin (from USGS topo map): } '
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,~ ~ V ~ ~ l71.0.1.v~ 5 ~A~ WI LU.. ~-.P , ~ v `f r -J
Stream Origin Determination
~ # of Determinations Requested
^ Intermittent/Perennial Determination
Please provide a brief description of this project (attach site plan if available):
OVA ~~11~ v L.\ l V '~ d'~ G~ 1~C~0~ V V 1 tC PS~G~U ~'~il~~
Please attach a map of site location using USGS 1:24,000 map and county soil survey.
Location of proje~~ctrr site -please include reference to the county, nearest name town and highway number:
33 1~ r ~cL~`~ ~~fee~ Fvc/t~c~~j _V~ty~r ~U
Proposed impacts:
Acres of 404/401 wetlands
Acres of isolated wetlands
Linear feet of streams
Linear feet of isolated streams
Square feet of protected stream buffers
Has consultant or applicant attended any DWQ-sponsored training sessions in the past two years? If so, please list
which ones. N~~
Has any DWQ staff visited the site? ~ c~ , if yes, please provide DWQ staff name,
date of visit:
Which other environmental permits from other agencies will be needed for this project? Please list the permits and
issuing agencies below:
Does this project require approval under the State Environmental Policy Act or National Environmental Policy Act?
Is this project anAfter-the-fact application or has this project received a previous Notice of Violation from DWQ?
Does this project require approval of a Variance from the NC Environmental Management Commission?
Are you aware of any local controversy concerning this project? If so, please describe the controversy and any measures
that have been taken with respect to public involvement.
This form must be submitted via email (c/o 401ex~ressnncmail.net), faxed (919-733-6893) or hand-delivered to the
Parkview Building, 2321 Crabtree Blvd. Suite 250, Raleigh, NC 27604. Applicants who are selected to participate in
the Express Review Program will be notified via fax within 2 days. Successful applicants will then be instructed
regarding detailed procedures for full application (Note: Submittals of the review packages on Friday after 12:00 pm
will be stamped as received on the next business day).
Please contact Cynthia Van Der Wiele at 919-715-3473 if you have any questions regarding this form.
WAKE Environrnenta!
coul`rrY Services
Jeremy Reeds
5505 E'alls of Neese Road
Raleigh, North Caroli~ 27615
Phone #: (336) 215-7025
Fax #:
AT't'N: Jeremy Reeds
Rb: Sedi»lertation & Erosion Control Letter olReceipt, 9RO/i07
Project 13atne: Cook Out Fuquay Varitta
Submitted By: The lsaacs Group PC cr'o Brian Upon
bate Received: 9/6~Z007
bate Processing Initiated: 9/68007
Review Status; Suspended
Watershed: Neese River Sasin•l, 03-04-01
r~ 919 856 7400
aox 919 7ta 4772
s~ a ~«~.~ Cw~tivl
336 Fayectev~ile St. • P.O. Boric SSO • Raleigh, I11C 27602
Dear Jeremy Roods:
This offrce has received an Erosion and Sedimentffiion Control Plan for the subject project to accordarroe
with the Sedimentation Pollution ConV~vl Act of 1973 (North Carob»a Genaal Statuc 113A-S~.
Please be advised that this Act t+equires tl~ all persons disturbing ao area of one or more acres of land trtust
obtain approval of an Erosion and Sedirntntadon Control Plan prime to the tor[nrrencemettt oaf the land-disturbing
activity. The Act further states that this plan must be filed a mitmnum of 30 days prior to the activity and that the
approving authority must approve or disapprove a plan within 30 (working) days of receipt of a complete application
(Oslo Processing Initiated). Failure of the approving authority m approve ar disapprove the submitted plan within the
30 day period will be deemed approval of the plan Commencement or continuation of any lath-disturbing activity
under the jurisdiction ofthis Act prior m the approval oft+n Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan is a violation of
the Act.
Wt have pcrformcd a preliminary revi¢w of the submitted plan and have determined that additional
information will be necessary. Attached Requirements/(:ta~_klist i»dic~tinta iterna that moat be suh~rnittc~ to
facilitate i+rooe~oomntetian of our rtric _ Failure to provide the additional information may nsutt in disapproval of
the plan.
1. Plan is on Neese Riparian Buffer hold utnrl documtatation is provided from NC OWQ exempting or approving
site plan.
2. Plan is on hold until approval is provided from Fuquay Varina.
3. Provide stabilization calculations far proposed grass Swale at east side of property.
4. Must use Wake County Custom Basina design as sedimerrt basin dotal! for contraction.
5. Please ehartge the construction sequence to meet Wake County requiremerts.
6. Check erosion contml notes as it pertains do City of Rock Hll and SCbHEC.
7. Area at south cmtter of property ahtsw limits of disturbance outside of property botutdary. Please provide an
easement agrcernent for that disturbance.
Due to the location of this project, it should be noted that a rule to protect arul maitstain existing buffers
along watercourses in the Ntuse River basin becmne effective on July 22, 1997. T'be Neese River Riparian Area
Protection and Mairrter-anee Rule (15A NCAC 2B.0233) applks bo all perennial and it~tetrnittent streams, laloes,
ponds and estuaries itt the Neese River Basin with forest vegetation on the adjacent land or `y'iparian area". In
ripariap areas with existing forest vegotation in the first 30 feet directly adjacent t0 the stream, the Wile prohibits land
disturbance, new development and ferdlizor use within tho first 50 foot of land need to the water. In riparian areas
with forrat vegetation that is lass than 30 feet wide, the rule prohibits land diaturbanoe, new development and
fertilizer use within tba area that contains forest vegetation (bu< not rite errtire SO Soot riparian area). For more
iafornsation about tltis riparian area rule, please oontad the Division of Water Quality's Wetlandh401 Unit at 919-
We will complete our review of the proposed plan as soon as possible atul w{I1 notify you concerning our
findings. If you have arty questions or need additional information please do not hesitate to contact this ofl-tce_ Your
cooperation in this matter is appreciated.
Charles Phillips, 856-5599
EnvirvnmeMal Engineer/Conauham
cc:The ]eases Group PC c% Brian Upton
_- =Sherrill Environmental, jnc.
Environmental and Geologic Services
March 14, 2007
Shannon Duncan
Town of Fuquay-Varina Planning Department
401 Old Honeycutt Road
Fuquay-Varina, NC 27526
Sherrill Environmental, Inc. was contracted by Cook Out, Inc. to examine the
applicability of a riparian buffer at the property located at 1433 N. Main Street in
Fuquay-Varina. Both the USGS 7.5 minute quadrangle topographic map dated 1988
(Figure 1) and the Wake County Soil Survey dated 1965 (Figure 2) indicate a small farm
pond located on the subject property. On each map, the pond is shown connected to an
intermittent stream. The unnamed tributary flows to Terrible Creek to Middle Creek to
the Neuse River. At some time prior to 2005, the dam of the pond was breached with an
On March 1 1, 2007, John Sherrill, PG and Kevin Nunnery, LSS inspected the subject
property. The inspection determined that no perennial or intermittent streams are on the
property, following the NC Division of Water Quality's Identification Methods for the
Origins of Perennial and Intermittent Streams, Version 3.1. The breached pond is fed by
storm water. Photograph 1 is a view of the breach in the dam. Photograph 2 is a view of
the 24-inch culvert under the railroad track. The elevation of the invert of the pipe is too
high to allow for the remnant pond feature to fully drain. The remnant pond feature has
become aman-made wetland of low grade quality. According to Ordinance No. PZ-OS-
0~, Article G Reparian Buffers, 9-9034 Applicability, wetlands are excluded from riparian
At your request, we would be pleased to meet with the Planning Department on the
subject property to discuss any questions that you may have. Please contact us at (919)
493-6555 or sherrill@nc.rr.com.
Sherril Environmental, Inc.
John ack) Sherrill, L.G.
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CC: Mr. Jeremy Reaves, Cook Out, Inc.
Mr. Brian Upton, PE, The Isaccs Group, PC
3326 Rugby Rd. Durham NC 27707
ph. 919.493.6555 fax. 919.493.6554 ce11.919.418.3894 a-mail. Sherrill@nc.rr.com
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USES 3 km E of Fuquay-Varina, North Carolina, United States O1 Jul 1988
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Image courtesy of the U.S. Geological Survey
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Figure 1
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Sherrill Environmental, Inc.
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Photograph 1
View of breached dam looking towards the former pond area.
Photograph 2
View of ?4 inch culvert under railroad track embankment.
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