HomeMy WebLinkAboutCleveland_Well Abandonment_20221028 5 WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD Forlm¢hilt;q ONLY: Tltis forme-an be used for single or muhipl,,sells 1.%%'ell Contractor Information: WELL ABANDONMENT DETAILS Stefan Smith 7a.Number of n clh being al►anduned: 1 Well Cornacior Nante for%tell mttii petsorsill)abanhithi UcII oil his"llet pinpery) F01- rllrfO(Y1C iNfICUMI ,Ar rYrt/-tlarer• sigysl%- we li ONLY welly flw b ie 1 ",w if,chle ir'-d"21"'1 ml.'rrrlr,)wi van solt'nN Ivie forl't. 3576A NC%V01 ContalclorConlf:caliun NowbcT 71).Approshnate volume of sruter remaining SAEDACCO Inc FOR WATER SUPPLI'NEi.LS ON'i.Y: C°rlvaln Nalnc 7a'Type of disinfectant used: 2.Well Construction Permit L-w4X gjpkr•uGlr rrs'l/lunrrily o.e.('wird(r.Stale.1 iirm,rce.byerliou.eir.)yNitritrri 7d.Amount of duinfeLKanf used: 3.Wdl u.w(clued.n ell use): Water Supple Well: 7c.Scaling materials used(chcelc all that apply-): ❑A,gri.nhural ❑hilmicipalt'l'oblic 17 Nett Ccmcnt Grout 13 Hemooitc Chips or Pellets ❑Gcotticmltl(Hcniine('ooling 1yupply) ❑Rcsidential Water Supply•Isinzlc) ❑ Sand Cement Grunt ❑ Div My ❑htdustri:dKbmntcicial ❑Residential Water.Supply-(shared) ❑Concrete Grout ❑Drill Cuttings 1311ti2tion ❑Specially Grout ❑Grovel Non-Water Supply Well: U$ct)lonite Slug' IJ Outer(eq)lain wader 7g) ®lvluuilorint ❑itecacely Injection Ncll: if.For cash material selcetcil Above Iwovide arumant of materials used: ❑Aquifer Recharge ❑Gioundnmter Renwdiation El Aquifer Storage aix!Recovery ❑Salinih•Barrier ElAquiferTest ❑SlornmalcrDrainave Bentonite.:51b ,Wtr:gal. ❑Cxperitrtentnl 1'txhnnlogy ❑Subsidetxe C'wutvl 7g Provide a brief dLicription of the abandonment procedure: 1_I1Seolhermal(Closet!Loop) OTracer Pour hydrated bentonite Pellets C:IGeedtunwl(HQititnf'CoolinR Return) C70(11cr{cxplain u►xicr 7R) 1.Date well(.):aban4loned: 10-10-22 _'4� ia.Well location: no T 9, s 7n27 PPG palit S.Certification-,onCertification-,r �) In�Or.ra;?�O i�f.,e:x.^.ti5 Ur4i Tlc7itrrChen rN;uast rilitc ln' (sealablc) 940 Washburn Switch lade Shelby, NC 28150 yn 10/17/2022 Plty5IcaI Address.Ct15.i3nd Zip S tim• Cenirlcd'Well f'mur aul nt Rrcll Miter Date Cleveland RI'.VjN97fgg this lfirin. I herebP coin•that lire wellrs) trrs tit ere.r abandoned ut C'treusq latcelldentifirnhit Nu.WINi accordanc•r with L?4 AFC:-lC 0 C•0100or 2C.0200[Nell CviniTichuti Strinclurifs arld thin a cola,of-ibis recclyd/an beat provided to/ire n'cll owner. $6.I atitude and longitude:in dcgrccslminutcslucnnds or decimal degrecs: Strts•dl fchl,tale 1:11.1 any is Sltliicrl%l) 9.Site diagram or Additional well details' You lout•aic the back of this passe to provide additional well site details Or well 35.324701 n 81.635839 W abandonment details. Yew inay also attach additional pages if necessary CONSTRIK-tION DETAILS OF WELUS)BFING ABANDONED SUBMITTAL tN4TR1JC'TiONS Aif dr arell carn7rlc•iiju rccvrdl..)i;JFYTJftbh-. hoe rriirlople b etiimr ar reran-i ntrr+,rrl.'h' melt,•ONIA'uitlir'.ew.wim! ,r.<r:�urnr'Jbcur<hluc.c-at.iurrcmreld'lrtlrum_1Lnrr. loa. For all ♦nett.• Submit this full Lvlltun 30 days of completion of n'CII fie.writ[ll§: TW-01 abandonment to the follnwirag: Division of Water Resourcm,Information Processing Utut, 61P.Totaln•dl depth. (ft.j 43 I617 Mail Senice Center,Raleigh.NC 27699-1617 il)b.For lnicelhhrh Wells: Ju addition to warding the form to the address in l0a 6c.Boreholedhnncter:2 (in.) above.also submit One copy of this form ssilhin 30 days of cmnplelion of well abandonment to the fallowing 6d,%ter level borne ground surface: 29 (ft.) Division of Water Resources,Undergmund injeaxion Coutnhl Prtigram. 1636 Mail Service('enter,Raleigh,NC 27699-lft36 6c.Outer easing length(if Imown)• 33 (fL) Itic,Fn n ,r Water Sunly iohxtion Yells: in addition to sending thefour:to the address(es) above. also submit One copy of this form within 31) days of completion of%sell abanduumant to the courtly lr_attlt deparinicrn of the county 6f.Inner casingitultin;,teuyKh(if knonn); (ft.) where abathipt cil, 6-..Screen length(if latosvn):10 (ft.) I Falm OW-an North Cuic-bro 1hLurnr)cru of Em iro:n icia urd NaEttial Resotlmes-Die ision of Water ltcsoulccs Re,iced August 2V13 WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD For ltnenwl L1w ONI.1': This form am be used.for single,or multiple wells 1.Well Contractor Information: WILL ARANDQNMENT DETAiiLti Stefan Smith 7a.Numbcrofnellsheingabandoned: 1 Well Coronae=.or Name(or 1.61 wmier p_isoicdll abaatikuriu6%%tl oa his-ter ptepen)) For rrnlfnpIc ft(tectine a' r,ti'n-Welrer srr;urA• ue.lhs ONLY wab ti' tunny froeftr.Yl 4AI'lrommellf.1vn1 C111 stthwir rNtu fimil. i 3576A NC Well CnrrtradnrCcniilcalinn plun#+er 7b.Appmx)matc volume of staler mmaining in SAEDACCO Inc FOR WAnit$UPPI.I'WELL,5QNi.Y: C'anfr,t i)-Manic %,fYI)c of disinfectant used: 2.Well Construction Permit t):, Lasl 4r11 applIcuble rrell twrAPliX rl.r-Cmair.Vale.1 JrfW82'.hlterYjm?.ek.l f/kmrafll 7J.A[Ilt►LnI of Jiainfcetaut nseJ: 3.Well use(chec)tn•ell use): Wier Supply Well: 7c.Scaling materials used(check all that apply): ❑AgAzultutal ❑hlunicipabl"ohlic F1 Ncal Cement Grout rk Sctaonite Chips or Pellcis ❑(leothcrm:d(HcatinglCoolin;;4upply) ❑Rcsidcnti:ll Water Supply(jingle) ❑Sand Centclu Grout ❑ Dry Clay ❑htdnstri:dl(:omnlcrcial ❑Residential Water Supply(shared) ❑Coucrele Grout ❑ Drill Cuttings ❑1fli •tion ❑ Specialty Grout ❑Gravel Non-Water Supply Well: U Bemlonite slutly U Other(explain mWer 7g) DoMunitorine ❑Recover• Injection Wcll: 7f,For each ortterial sclectcJ above,luvis'ide amonut of materials nscd: ❑Aquifer Recharge ❑Gwundi►micir Remediation ❑Aquifer Storage aryl Rccovety ❑Salinily Barrier ❑Aquifer Trst ❑SlonmcaterDminam Bentonite.:51b ,Wtr:gal. ❑Experintetual Technology ❑Subsidence Control 7g,Provide a brief description of tlnc abandonment procedure: rJGeothermal(Closed Loop) UTntcer Pour hydrated bentonite pellets ClGeotle<n»al(Ht.itinu•'Coolin;;Return) ClOtlicr(ex lain mxier.„) 4.Date srcll(s)ahandom_rt: 10-10-22 53.Well location: PPG liLivtiv(xo«_1 7�f �i�i^` 1 l)fZri racilitj-Xhrn:rNam1w rxiMy Ina(irappli--fblc) S.Certification; , Ditivia-S lG 940 Washburn Switch Rd. Shelby, NC 28150 --iQL!.��7W""` 10/17/2022 PIi}'sisal Address.Citi:;rnrt Zip ti'�nre:b Certificd Well t,krlrrrBGclr ur V/61(,hsmr Mile Cleveland Br stqurt{�1hts b...11l. I hembt'rerr,'ft'tltru dw we•11rp,9 tars orere,r tibmidrnted:tt Casnul lintel ldanlif6ali m No.(111191 uccurrlultco will?IJ:I aC:;•IC'OX,0100 or 2C.1120 rr E1!Cint,ilnfchbn SPondards and tkaf a copy ol'this rrc orcl hens beery pror•itied io lire 1r•cll oa'tter. Sh,I»ltitude and longitude In or decimal degrecs: Ifln•e13 rw1d,itite Lof mig i—mificki-i1 9.Sitc dia►gratin or additional?Yel)details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well 35.324359 n 81.635213 �1' abaiduu rleut details. Yon IlinS'also attae h additional paloRs if itecessan. MNSTRUC"TIQN DETAILS OF W'E:LLM MEIN(:ABANDONED 5 TRINIMAi.iNSTRLICTiQNS affode it r1)rnta4lrltr isre frrcrrd(!o tI 0114JI(Arr. Feu•nntlupie hyecriore rr'rron-u•rttrr.nrppir N'B1lY U:VLI'r17f11 riY'.1t1Ule rvA.clTwY'f1R'f�rAM14rrt.4iritarvlf.f an cure srrtnri!rArc'tuner. 10a. For all WeEm Submit [his mail within 30 days of eompiction of well 6a.Well IDi TW-02 abandonment to the following: Divisiun of Water ReYourcm,Information Processing Unit. 61►.Total well depth: 30 00 1617 Mail Scnice Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 Ulb.Far lnleellim Wells: 3n addition to sending tlt±,form to the address iu l0a 6c.Borcbnlc Jlanrctcr,1 (ia.3 above.also submit one cope of this forn within 3(1 days of completion of hell abluidoulnern to the rallowilt": Division of Water Rvionmes,Guder•}(round injection Control Progratu. tid.Water level he[nn gnu►and aUrfacc: 24 ff4} 1636 Mail Senice C''emer,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 6c.Outer casing length(if Imown): 20 (ft.) I Oe.Fnr Wikj�r•Sr_ rm '• to lectionr Wells: 3n addition to se►idim,the form to the address(es) above. also submit one copy of this form within -10 days of completion al'well abandonment to the cormly health dcpartruem or the count;- (if.inner easilh'tul►ing length(if lawsvn}: (ft.) w here ghindoncd. 6g.Screen length(if lulosrn):10 Fauu ti1Y-3u Nonli Carolina De[mull mi of Ens-irl;tottefA and N:turol Rcsfmixe5-Leh LSla11 or W'BICf 1tC5GIlIR RCrLied AlLetiR 2.013 - i WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD Fir trrenuilMwONIX: This form Call be used for single.or mu_ltipl:wells 1.Well('nntractor Information: WF LI.ABANDONMENT DF:TAM; Stefan Smith 7a.Number of hell,bcing abandoned: 1 Well CmAjaclor Name tot%tell mttwi rvtsowilh Axiwilo11hig UCII am hsl her piapcey t rev' rndnpir 01leL'1i(Al1 ur, NVW-wares- 3trpp r nV;l3 0,VL)' 'wed) xa8ne l avat+micural ea'arl,G„+art•+tt)r,p rrnrss•:ftvur(me fain. 3576A 14C%V01 CowraclorCcrliftt:aims 11mrbci 7b.Appnrsimatc solmne of»attr lrmaining in nell(s)?1 (xuL) SAEDACCO Inc FOR WATER SV1'Pi.V WEI.L.S ONLV.- 00113ran)Name 7c Type of disinreetant used: 2.Well Construction Permit Ltsrarlf d,JpfleJl%1C Ivelf;wrmL1'(j.t•.C oared'.Stul<.)nnarce.Lgrdiorr.Nlr.i il.frtnleu 7d,!lrnount of disinfcttant uses: 3.Writ use(chedi well urc): Water Supply Well: 7e.Scaling materials uxtil(clicch all that apply): ❑Agricnhpml ❑hitmicip dii'ttbtic ❑ New Ccrilm Grow 6d Berdonitc Chips or N-11c15 ❑(irotltmud(Heatirh'Caolitta Supply) ❑Rcsiden►i;d�Vatrr.Sttpph tsinAle) ❑Sarin Certtela Grunt ❑ DivCLn ❑hidumbUComntercial ❑Residential Walcr.Snpph•tshmed) ❑Concrete Grout ❑Drill Collings ❑lrri t•lion ❑ Specially Grout ❑Gra%vl Non-Water.Supply Well: G ijenlonite slurry C1 Other(explain alder 7g) wMauilorinc ❑ ccavery injection Well: 7f.For cacti inalcrial selected above,provide amount of materials itself: []Aquifer Recharge ❑Groundwater Rentediation ❑aquifer Storage anxl Recovery ❑Saliuily[harrier ❑Ayalifcr Tcs1 ❑Stomnsatnr l]rsiecler Bentonite.:51b ,Wtr:gal. ❑Experimental Twhualogy ❑Subsidewu Conutul 7M Provide a brief description ofthe abandonment procedure: ❑Geothermal(Closed Loop) UTraccr Pour hydrated bentonite pellets C7Gcothemtal(Hrttinp�'Coolin>?Return) CJOttwr(c.� lain antler 71t) 4.Date sells)abandoned: 10-10-22 .F id.Well location: O C T 2 8 2022 PPG Ii fori-rta';2-m %�f�^353€::land S.Cer•tlficatimt; ] rlciltlpiQwnrNrutk rxiriyMilltifappli;iblc) t� DV Q,'••rf`0-G 940 Washburn Switch Pd. Shelby, NC 28150 fL ' Vj 'U7 10/17/2022 ��l ----- ,i. Phesical Address.Cie).and Zip C :I arc Ct:niru W'-11('auttnt'.lar nt V,ell outscr Uate Cleveland 111..sjgjmf{g fires form, I herehy rertlft'that the wellrs) tress(here/ abandoned to (irutth flircel ldmifirtikin No.(VINt oceurdwire irith !J-1 X(."-i1.'02C ,010U ur 2C.0J))0['elf f.il,l,�lnrcf;ou.Cftnuietrds and that a cupr oJllris rcrorJ hos hc:ex proriclee!!o!!re n•cll t>uner. Sit,Latitude and longitude in dcgrccslrnirurtcsJsecnatls or decimal degrecs: Iiriscll rwid,one L omtg is Salllcict-4l 9.Site diagram or additional well details: You matt'the the back of this page to provide additional%sell site details or well 35.324359 1\ 81.635213 W abaulonnteut details. You ray alsa attach additional pages if necessary. CONSTRUCTION DETAILS OF WELId5)BEING ABANDONED -LTBNfrfTAi,fN5TRU .TiONS Irfudc trrN rurverncLw:rner,raf."m f anuJra4Jr. Rev nuslople Biiecalnu(.v n„n-ucuer nipp1r nellrO:\'Li'mtr.4 rfr .,,le,Irelavarnenr•r4:4eurelorcn.nr.icw cur:mjbirnl wrr'lom. 10a. For All Wells- Submit IhLS fund w•illun 30 days of completion of well 6a.Well IDi1:TW-03 abandonment to the fallowirt,,: Division of Water Rewurees,Inft►tmation Processing Unit, fit►.Total swell depth: 35 (ft,) 1617 flail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 Wit.For inieetlon Wells: In addition to seirding tlh foriu to lite address ill l0a 6c.Bomhole dianichr.I abosrc.116u slibluit our COPY of this forn sviihin 30 days of completion of well(in.) abandomuem to tire fallowing: 6d.Water h vel helms gr itund mirfam. 20 (ft.) Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Prugr rtu. 1636 Mail Service(.enter,Ralcigh,NC 27699-1636 fie.(lutcrcasinglcn;,tb{if Imonn): 25 (ft•) I[tc.For W rr,S+r11,11e in inn Vrlls: In addi(ion to 5;►Iding the form to the addresses) above. also submit cnle copy of this forn widiin 30 days of cortipledun al"%sell abandonment to the county lruhli deparinicm of the County 6(.Inner t:aainl:/tnbing length lit known): (ft.) wltcrc abandoned, 6g.Scrm"length(if knossn)-.10 (ft.) i Fomi G1V-,tl North Caiotiro Depnimm of Em hoameni anal Natural Re5mv cs-Division of Water Rcsowees Rcrtscd Aucust 201 WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD For trilmml V_w ONLY: This form can be used.for single or multiple[sells 1.Well Cmrtractnr Information: WELL ABANDONMENT DFfAiL8 Stefan Smith 7a.Number ofnells being abandoned: 1 Well Ce aracior Nnme(of%,dI owwr pC1501L•t11)91mi bili11g dell all lltud!er prepaij 5 riu Irorfople IAlCcrimr c1.• lma-metro. sl:ppfr• ++ells ONLY wob Mw mane rr nrrnieotaa:rb�+:rai:rrrnrr:r,pea,wrr.tan5aor wig lr,rl,i. 3576A r Al.Approximate volume of[rater remainiu;;in xcll(sT?1 {;aL> NC Well COminclorCcniJc;ninu Nnn-bcr SAEDACCO Inc FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS 4,1NI,V: Cnn4rany Nornc 7c.Type of disinfectant used: 2.Well Construction Permit H:, Lw 4dl"p11:41t•uble well rworatr(j._.C ua in State.)oriouce.bytuirjit eic.1(JA!uibrr 7d.:lmount of disinfectant used: 3.Well use(check.well use): Water Supply Well: 7c.Scalia-matCrials uscil(citcclC all that apply): ❑Agricultural ❑hdunicipaliPublic ❑ Nan Cenicut Groat M Bemonitc Chips or pellcls ❑(ic(idtcr•nvll(Hc lt6rs 'Caulin3$uI}pl}) ❑lIccidonti l Water Snppty(Sincic) ❑ Sand Ccuterit Grout ❑Dn Ckm ❑hidnstrialiCgmniercial ❑Residential Water Supply Ishated) ❑Concrete Grout ❑Drill Cultings ❑ itigation ❑Specialty Grout ❑Graved Non-Water Supply Well: U Beritonite Slut)• rl Other{;explain under 7g) ��loniloring 131keem-er• Injection Well: 7f,For each material selected abovT provide amount of materials used: ❑Aquifer Recharge ❑Grruminater Reniedt:itian ❑Aquifer Storage aiYJ Recovery ❑Salinity Barrier ❑Agnifcr Test ❑Slaciuttialrr C)rahcage Bentonite.:51b ,Wtr:gal. ❑GipL'tliilumal Technal a ❑Subddewe Control 7g.Prin-ide a brief dmiription of tiic abandonment primedure: i 0codternml(Closed L.00p1 iiTrlcer Pour hydrated bentonite pellets CIGLrodterntal(Heatinrt'Coolin Return) C70dtcrtcxplt3inm3der era J.D:Itr.rvell(sl db:uadnocd: 10-10-22 tj ,�& t t� p' 9y rnt i 17f yi Sa.Well location: ,.• w PPG L rudIilr:r(hvmrN;rw4 r}.iliayIU'(ifappliablc) S.Ccrtlficntiod: it1F>.o„r�;DI !,r4s� ,nth(Jns 940 Washburn Switch Rd. Shelby, NC 28150 L— i4,y 10/17/2022 ,)--1�-- Pimical Address.City.and Zip .C:-s spas...Ce:tirsd WL31 Coutmcwt or IVOI Owl= D IC Cleveland Br.v{c:rrrng this firrim, I hemtj-cerYrh•rhnr lire wellfs) was ruerer ahamfolied err C'auuy 1 imel Wni ifdctakni No.(PIN;r Decor Iance w ille 1,:J`.f:=1C'Olin,0100 or 2C.0200 fF ll Can sinrctiori Skmdards and that a cop[�71ris rccc�r<llrrrsbeerr f+rot idler!to fire s+•ell utterer. 510,1.1titode and longitude:in ddy;rccshnirducsfsccnnds or decimal dcgrccs: Siftscl?Fntd,ow ItIlAing is static l-Jf 7.Site diagraw or additinnal well dclail5: Yon❑lit}'use the back of this page to pio�•ide additional well site details or well 35.325085 N 81.635974 Y�' abandaunteut details. You rimy al o attach additional pages if necessary. CONS'rRll(:'r1ON DETAILS OFW1 LL(Sl BEING ABANDONED S(1BINiiTTAi.iNSTR(iC.TtUXS_ :rrfade null eorxrr_icrinr n.mrN+)if otynh hht Ivv nrtdr{nit•bjecdem or mei-n•akr wrpplr trolls•ONLY orui rlk.Vale:v.K+f.arfherir!i:ur<hnrr:fenr.t+m dui;:lilarrl rpre;tinrr' lUu. For All Weak' Sublmil this lbrnt within 0 days of compaction of welt 63.Well ID#:TW-04 ab;anddnmcm to the following: Division of Water Rmuurcer,Information Processing Unit, Gb,'total well depth: 30 1617 Mail Service Centel-,Raleigh,NC 2769'l-1617 {fl.) lUb.Ivor iniccNon Wells: In addition to�.nding Elie forat to the address in Ma Coe.Dorthole diameter:l above,also sttbntit one copy of this form within 30 days of eompleiion of►yell (ill.) karldotuuetu t0 Elie falloWfi g: till.Water level bc[nvs rnun[t surfac0: 18 (ft.} Divislanof Water Resources,Underground Injection Coolrol Program. F 1636 Mall-Service Center,Raleigh,N('27699-I636 fie.Outer easing len-,th(if Imoe n): 20 (fat Inc.For Water Sur i►lu C ire'' inn Yells: Tn addition to Sending the forms to the address{es) above. also submit one copy of this form within #U days of Conipletidn 01'well abandomnicnt to the COimly lEcahlr dcpannicru Of the C0110V a•hcrc nbaridlmz`d. (if.Innercasin;;Itubing length(if knonn): (fat Gg.Screen length(If knonn):i0 (ft.) i Fa all GW-tu Non h Carolina Depaimictu of Em irommasit and Natural Resen:wcs-Dii isio1r of Wmcr li No1r0.'Ci t?e,Lied Augusi 2p l