HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-09673_Well Construction - GW1_20221027 Feb 151945;43p ClearwatstWellOriiling 828-622 7241 P 1 .. WE)GL�oz� ucTIax RF.coR]D rf w><� For intrrnfft um I t, itC.nntrarlor nfnrmatten: f W NES --- 'Zlxi►�I D$8 Well CoRmciat NV'alm NC Well CnattagnrCatlfication NirmMcr �, ruse 4liVr, Pa tttal w OR ER ire I �� +plpM tp D1A [R 77! MATIMUL JQ ` ft fe. (:oatpnnyN,vna 6. El'RCAS ORT th011611t 2.�Ve11 Conrtfrnctinn Pt:lanit#: 19a 1 - YI _ M 'M DIAMCM S NA t.lrr rtl!aJyriirnhGr wolf emurnlminl)permlrs(Ru t/lC,Cp)rary Srn1S YRrrmrcz;rrrJ�mm ft. f► Gi 3.\Yr]t ifae(check Well uftfL)_ 1Valcf 5upp�y\cell: t7.SC _ty a A -stars= rULCM� A t11AL Agriculttltol MffmtalpatlPubtle () nr• fL o+• Qeothcrmal Oleatinwconifng supply) Residential Water Supply(singla) it, U. in. htdustriaUCrnmnetxinlResidential Water%up*(sharrul) a iff iRi tnion FROM 7 7ftA L yaC ni AUTAt1Nr Nnn 1YnlerSapplyyinll: r'^ Monitoring Recovery tt. fr. injection Well: ft. R. Aquifex'RecllargcGroundwntgr(Irmeditilf nn t9,SANffJGRAVRL Ph f s AquifcrStorsile find Rceovery f3SnitnityBarrier pDpM i4>T C �StiMtt7uon Aquifer Ten �StxvtnwatcrArcinagc IL n• Experimental Tcallilnlogy r3SumidenBe Control C+cod UMEAl(Closed Loop) 13Tracer 2Q RIt.T G Lt3C f6 gRNX RKMA >d a. mtar. r< ate ae, Gcotlternlal(tiCetin Wolin Rctutn} ()Ihe r lAin folder r921 Remarks) !r_ toTV ^1 t,1}AMWOen(S)Completed:�4- Welt iou tt. i-'71 (4 r - _ M 5u.Well T n"tl( nn.VUG(Ch(-S 1 QV a' f e 4� C.1 ► ft. L•:teil- a,er)lartte �^ Fib-Ally IN(f liliaMAP.) fl• R. P iml Addm,;s,City,and Zip i), ft. -n•a *! Y—Du-nn \' el 211REMARKS �l"T C'17311y PAM](denif eation No.(Pff� .91).Lntitude anti longitude fn degrecslminutes/secondsordccimnl degr'eac; Iirt��rm� l�� 1'r �"e iJrta WM4,31lffCld One 7niganfiiafcnf) �c,c2/Uf�ang,3qa o QLo r 123 \t.�4rtiflcntinn: --I ^ l &JIS(aro me wfal(sj Permanent or DTamporary Sillnnt .nrCix7tfir+tDfell Camtraetor Dar AP st)p+ing(198.(ur'+n,a hF?WAYV r0.rha1 rA¢n+dl(aj rmr&M-)aXSIMerrd In tlrnarAince i.ly tiffs A repair tp Afl a xixHn>;Wdt: E]YCS or No udth I Lt 47',rC 02(.QJDD nr J9A,YCAC.117C.',dJ1nD A'eJJCanelrnrrrmrSraxdarde rind+liar o lfddvlse�rcJrrrir,/IJ1nurRmnnmiwlJ<lnnsrrturknrlr�rmatinn r nfitlhenmm�•nfrlm �n,+)ynj'llttercrnrdAael�rr!npm�ldGvltnrhexr./Jrtivrtrr. rrxrirrmdur Alt runnrk+c.rcrrinn nrrurtlre htuk r�flblvjnnn, 23_Site cHeptnlm or ndditltt»nt WttRt dclgits+: 8.For Geoprnher'l)pT or Clrwe&l nap Geothermal Wege having the saute You rosy use the back of this pap to provide additionf+t well atito df:httile or well man511uctian,onl}1 CSWl is nerded. fndieata T0TA1_(+t1,fM8Fk of Nwallc canstntc(inn itrtaits. Yau may also n((tieil additional pap�es if rtecessery drillad:­_ ��� %MMUTA .IN iJC:fiQiyS S 7 'r'21 zveRlt dcpttl betfnr fond surfit ra SuhM;l flits farm wnhin an d a Of C* lotion of Well r�na•Mrdupfe.vrflF iirr rrll d y1f/a`IJ'd/jjcrrn+�csa+nplc^J�i.lQr/'anK"r+(nni � � � '' nn O conat edon to the fotlotving: go.k t3latie water Irvrd below top of ca9iag:�!G (ft.) Division of Water Ra�ourres,infllrmatian Pmeessieg 11niy JJx'nhvJreel Lrahmm Cm• ,rac".^1� )6t?A7f$Service Center•,IMtdgh.AJC�7699-itit7 i)orlebotedipm¢tcr: M For i%IyWn�,PJXjW to addltaon to sanding the form 14 fhs,addrers in 24a 12,W121;Cllnatmpllnn methed: Ir 01(V I 'd►ove,oho submit one copy of this forin within 3n days of complevon of Well U C.ougar,rotnag•cable,4lrect Posh,Ma) construction to the following. mi{WATTR f+CPP?Y WFi�t�9 ONLY: Division ofWater Rrsour min Underglround injection Contra)Program, 1636 Mail S4rvloe{,`ante•,Raleigh.MC 296ry99.1636 )3a,Vtcf d(Rota) Nethtu(of tc4l: 2tes ,tor VVater_S@rnMv&bleu8on l ig; in addition In sanding the lbmf to 13h.1)tsinfeenon type: the fiddw.mCes) ahava, RIM Suhmil nee copy of lhig feint within 31)days nP Amount_ COmpictinn of a961 constn=dOn to the cntmtiy bate th elepPMcnI of IdP county afhnra ontt9tfuctod. FOMI G.W.I NcutltGlmlfrmDcpnrnnent�ftin.ininmcnrtlQ+ed)ty-1�3vrs+nnorWardliarmarcec Req%ad222 2a16 Date: - Well Case: Welw L l 00 4 t Name: Address: DIP COjv-C-eet(, Pump has been installed, well head ready for Inspection. Sign