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SW6220703_Design Calculations_20221027 (2)
Ditch #1 M North American Green ECMDS Version 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Forrn — ❑ x File 5pecifi[ations Options Help ENGLISH. USER 972T2022 02:43 PM HYDRAULIC RESULTS Uneinforced Vegetation [n4-D40] a 5 0 Da70 Discharge Peak Flow Vdoc4 [fps] Area [sq.ft) Hydrauli cfs Bottom Period NO c Radius ft Normal Depth f! �5.1 0.3 262 9.59 0.77 1.09 1� �1 Width 50R 3.0 LINER RESULTS � Not to Scale Matting Type Vegetation Characteristics Reach Slahidy Analysis Permissiole Calculated Safely Factor Remarks Staple Pattern Phase Class Type Qerrsily Shear Shess Shear Stress W1 (li) Low Flow Unrzinfaaced Vegetation C Bunch 50.75% 4.20 0.48 8.80 STABLE Soil Sandy Loam 0.0.35 0.044 0.80 UNSTABLE American Green ECMDSVersion 4.3 -Channel Protection Design, Output Forrn File Specifications Options Help ENGLISH. USER 129120�22 OF244 PM � NYDRAULIG RESULTS Normal De h Et Ilek ` I I f 1.11 Discharge ds Peak Flow Period s VelocrTy [fps] Area [sq.ftJ Hydraulicc Radius R 05.1 0-3 2.56 9.79 0.78 F LIfV��R�S�LTS 5150 [n4.041 ] 1Ndth = 5.50 R Not to Scale Ln Reach Malting Type Staple Pattern StabildyAnalksis Vegetation Characlerislics Permis*le Shear Stress (psl) Calculated Shear SGess fpsfJ Safety Factor Remarks Phase Class Type Density Straight 5150 Unvagetated 1-75 0-48 361 STABLE Staple D x` 4 North North American Green ECMDS Version 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Form File Specifications Options Help ENGLISH. IUSEP I ffm--/m 0246 PM F-- HYDRAULIC RESULTS f]iseharge Peak Flow VebcrTy [fpsJ Area (sq.ft) Hydraulic Normal ds Period s Radi'lftl Depth 141 25.1 1 Lib 1 1.35 1 18.62 1 1.13 1 1.74 LINER RESULTS Rack Rprap [n-0.100) Ln Bottom Width = 5.50 0 Not to Scale Reach Malting Type Staple Pattern StabildyAnaoy Vegetation Chatacterislics Permissbie Shear Stress (PSI) Calculated Shear Stress 10) Safety Factor Remarks Phase Class Type Density Slraight Rock Riprap Unvegetated 4.00 016 5.27 STABLE 12in Ditch #2 North American Green ECMD5 Version4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Form — ❑ X File Specifications Options Help NGLISH. IUSER I 912RM22 11:35AM HYDRAULIC RESULTS DiscYrarge Peak Fbw Velocity (fps] unteinfonxd Vegetation Jn-aB401 d ,. :i 4' S = DAM 4. iS = 1L Bottom 3.0 Width = R. it LINER RESULTS Not to Scale cfs Period Ms Area [sq.fl] Hydraulic Radius ft Normal Depth fl j2.0 0.1 3.65 0.55 0.20 0.35 Reach Matting Type Staple Pattern itabittyAnal = Vegetation Characterisfics Permissible Shear Stress [psi) Calculated Shear Stress [psf] Safety Factor Remarks Phase Class Type Density Llnreinforced Vegetation C Bunch 50.75% 4.20 1.80 2.33 STABLE pn2�7 Sail Seedy Loam 0.035 0.164 0.21 UNSTABLE MNorth American Green ECMDS Version4.3 - Channd Protection Design, Output Form — ❑ X File Specifications Options Help ENGLISH, IUSER I V2612022 OMAM ❑RAULIC RESULTS C125 [n=0-022] IL LINER RESULTS Ln S = 0.0820 R Widh U50 Not 1 to Scale Discharge ds Peak Fbw Pergd s Veiociy[!ps] Brea [sq.R] Hydraulc Rerdi� f! Normal D k �.0 0.1 5.6`9 0.35 0.16 0.27 Reach Matting Type StaptePatton StabdilyAnalysis Vegetation Characterstics Pmnisside Shear Stress fpsF] Calculated Shear Shess fpsf] SafetyFartw Remarks Phase Class Type Densiry Strag}k C725 lJrnegelated 2.25 1.38 1.6e STABLE Staple D Ditch #3 North American Green ECMDS Versicn4,3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Form — ❑ X File Specifications Options Help ENGLISH. IUSER I FRM/= 11:36AM Ht MRAuuc RESULTS Velocity (fps Area [sq.fi] Reach Matting Type Staple Pattern 31ability.4r'ralysis Vegetation L�xuaGeristics Permissible Shear St*ss [psi) Calculated Shear Stress (v=f) Safety Facia Remarks Phase Class type DerraRy Straight Ll nreinforced Vegetation C Bunch 50.75% 4.20 1.58 2.50 STABLE Sall Sandy Loam 0.035 0.153 0.23 UNSTABLE North Amen can Green ECMOS Version 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Form File Specifications Options Help .ENGLISH USER � ❑f359AM HYDRAULIC RESULTS ❑ischarge cfs Peak Flow Veloc<y[fps] Period hrs Area[sgil) Hydraulic Radius ft Normal ❑ h ft 2.1 0.1 552 0.38 0.17 028 Ci 25[n=0.0221 S = 0.0730 1 Ln 'WidtMC,50ft' �1 LINER RESULTS Not to Scale f Matling Type Vegetation CharaclerMics Reach StabilRy Analysis Per6s1le Calcuated Safety Factor Remarks Staple Pattern ?hose Class Type $hear Stress Shear Stress Density [Psf] (psf) Straight C125 Unvegetated 2.25 1.23 1.75 STABLE Staple D Ditch#4 North American Green ECMDS Versicn4,3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Form — ❑ X File Specifications Options Help NGLISH. IUSER I 9129l2022 11:37AM HYDRAuuc RESULTS unreinforced Vegetation Erw404M # �+ :i S = 0.0460 4. iS = 1L li 3.0 Width = R50 ft : LINER RESULTS Not to Scale Discharge (of,-) Peak Fbw Period Ms Velocity (fps Area [sq.ft] Hydraulic Radus fl Normal De h fl hz o.z 2.5s o.as D.1a D.32 Reach Matting Type Staple Pattern ilabityAnal = Vegetation Charactefistics Permissible Shear Shess [Psf) Calculated Shear Stress (psf) Safety Factor Remarks Phase Class Type DeraO Straight Urxeinforced Vegetation C Bunch 50.75% 4.20 0.92 4.59 STABLE soil Sandy Loam 0.035 0.084 0t42 UNSTABLE North American Green ECMOS Version 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Form — File Specifications Options Help ENGLISH USER r3—/2—&= 0902AM HYDRAULIC RESULTS Discharge I (cis) Peak Fbw Period [Ks] Velocity ppa] Area isq ft] Hydraulic Radlus[ft] Normal Depth pq h.2 1 02 1 2.04 1 0.59 1 Q21 0.37 S75 in4055] 5 = 0.04610 .1 1 Width 050 It 1 LINER RESULTS Not to Scale I Matling Type Vegetation CharaclerMics j Reach Sta6rlRyAnalysis Perrrdss14e Calculated Safety Fadof Remarks 1 Staple Pattern Phase Class Type Density Shear Strew Shear Stress I [psi] (psf) Straight 575 Unvegetated 1.55 1.05 1.47 STABLE Staple D Ditch #5 North American Green ECMDS Version 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Form — ❑ X File Specif cations Options Help ENGLJSH- USER 912sim 03:14 PM Discharge cfs Peak Fbw Velocity (fps) Area (sq-et) Period WnI Hydrant I Radius ft Normal Depth ft 0.0 0.1 2-03 1-44 0.33 0-61 ka Urrelrrfomed Vegetation (rp0.040) 3 V idth� 0-50 It 3 0 Not to Scale Reach MattFrg Type Staple Pattern Stability Analysis Vegetation Charaeteristcs Permissible Shear Stress ip l Calculated Shear Stress (Psf) Safety Factor Remarks Phase Class Type Density Straight Unreinkxoed Vegetation C 18unch 50.75% 4.20 0.54 7.e4 STABLE Sod Sandy Loam 0.035 0,049 0-72 UNSTABLE 4 4I North American Green ECMDS Version 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Form — ❑ X File Specifications Qptions Help ENGUSH. SEFI 9/29l2D22 14 PM ,+,w • ,ayi 1 L'` ,'4' ,' "'. ,''i' i' • '4� !' ='�i' �' G'' ='! S C" -^s? t [" • _'(r' !' C^ -'viz >k' - •'Li t' C" -' 1�t _'L; lt`" _. HYDRAULIC RESULTS -- - S75 [n=0.051 ] Discharge ds Peak Flow Period Ms Velocity [[psJ Area [sq [t] Hydraulic Radius(ftl Normal Depth Iftl 1 3.0 1 0-1 1 1J4 1 1-72 1 0-36 0-w I l �f f I LINER RESULTS 0 1Nrdtht� 0.50 ft 3 D Not to Scale Reach Matting Type StabbyAnalysis Vegetation Characteristics Permissible SheatSttass iP91 Calculated Shear Stress (Pst) Safety Factor Remarks Staple Pattern Phase Class Type Density Straipfit S75 Unvegetated 1.55 R55 Z61 STABLE Staple D #. A Ditch #6 North American Green ECMDS Versicn4,3 - Channel Protection Design, Output form — ❑ X File Specifications Options Help NGLISH. IUSER I 9129/M2 11:47AM HYDRAUuc RESULTS DiscYra ge Peak Fbw Velocity (fps Area Inft) Hydraulic Normal Unreinlaced Vegetation (rr=f1D40] � (of,-) Period 1hrs Radus ft D fi 1.3 0.1 1.93 0.67 L22 17.40 S = 0-0200 4.0 iS = 1L7 Bottom 3.0 Width = R50 ft : LINER RESULTS Not to Scale Reach Matting Type Staple Pattern ilabityAnal = Vegetation fhuactefistics Permissible Shear Stress [psi) Calculated Shear Stress (P30 Safety Factor Remarks Phase Class Type Demity Straight Urxeinforced Vegetation C Bunch 50.75% 4.20 0.50 B.47 STABLE Sail Seedy Loam 0.035 0.045 0t77 UNSTABLE North American Green ECMDS Version 4,3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Form — File Specifications Options Help ENGLISH[USER rY-2—&= 09t33AM HYDRAULIC RESULTS Discharge [cfs] Peak Fbw Velo*ffps] Period [hrs] Area(sgft) Hydraulic Radlus(ft) Normal Depth 01) j1.3 0.1 1 1.52 1 0.85 1 025 OAS S75 in4.0551 + I - S = 0.0200 .1 1 L 'W,gh�orn LINER RESULTS I Not to Scale l Matling Type Vegetalion CharaclerMics j Reach Sta6rlRyAnalysis Perrrdss14e Calculated Safety Fadof Remarks 1 Staple Pattern Phase Class Type Density Shear Strew Shear Stress I [psi] (psf) Straight 575 Unvegetated 1,55 0.57 2.72 STABLE Staple D Ditch #7 North American Green ECMDSVersion 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Form — ❑ x File Specifications Options Help ENGLISH. JUSER FW-2—a= 1238 PM tDM AULICRESULTS Unreinforced Vegetation (n•0.040) ¢•i► r,[ . A\ ; S = Q0240 r A`` 1 17 5,•' . Boltam it Width = Q50 LINER RESULTS Not to Scale �a Discharge cfs Peak Flow Period s VdocRYlfPsl Area ]sq.ft] Hydraulic Radnas Ft Normal Reach Matting Type ilabilityAnalysis Vegetation Charaderistics Permissit>fe Shear Shess [psi) Calculated Shear Stress lost) Safety Factor Remarks Staple Pattern 17C lass Type DerrsRy Straight Unreinforced Vegetation Bench 50.754 4.20 0.46 3.12 STABLE Soil Sandy Loam 0.035 0.042 0-83 UNSTABLE North American Green ECMOS Version 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Form — J 'r File Specifxations Options Help ENGLISH. USER 3/26/2022 0335AM HYDRAULIC RESULTS j Discharge Peak Flow elodtypps] Area(sgft) Hydra�ic Narrnal i cfs Period hrs Radius ft Depth t i 0.8 0.1 1.44 0.55 Q20 0.35 L- 3.0 S 75[n=u 055] Bottom Width = 0.50 It Not to Scale f Reach Matting Type Staple Pattern Stability Analysis Vegetation Characteristics Permissible $hear $hest [psfl Calculated $hear $hess IN) Safety Factor Remarks ?hose Class Type Density � Straight 575 Un>regetated 1.55 0.53 2.92 $TABLE l Staple D Ditch #8 0 North American Green ECMDS Version4.3 - Channel Protection Design,, Output Farm — ❑ x File Specifications Options Help ENGLISH. IUSER I 9/29/2022 0316 PM tDYQRAU IC RESULTS Disd Peak Flow Velrxity (fps) Area [sq.ltJ Hydraulic Urrreinforced Vegetation (rr-0.0401 WnIharge �Ifti [9plh cfs Period Radars ft h.sD.1zasD7sDza s = D.D2aD 3.0 W� 0.50 Ft N Not to Scale Reach fdattFrg Type S;aple Pattern SlabiikyAnalysis Vegetation Characteristics Permissible Slxar Stress fps) Calculated Sheaf Stress fPSfl Safety Factor fiemarks Phase Class Type Density Straight Urxemforxd Vegetation C Bunch 50.75 0 4.20 0.74 5.65 STABLE Soil Sandy Loam O.035 0.068 0.52 UNSTABLE 4l North American Green ECh9D5 Version 4.3 -Channel Protection Design, Output Form — ❑ X File Specif cations Options Help ENGUSH, 11JSER 9129l2022 f)3:17 PM fi' c" at 1' » ='ss'. f.'..[�.' ,,4 �:.,.' ="i' i', '4� !�-• '4 d',['' _'� i'-s^ -^s' �'_[" -'k' !'-c^ -v -yi �S fiY©RAU IC Discharge Peak Flaw Velocity (fps) Area (sq.Et) Hydraulic Normal 575 [n=O.1355) cfs Period hrs Radius ft Depth ft jk.8 0.1 1.88 0.96 0.27 D.49 5 - D.6280 �# ` I: 1 3.0 ,1Nrdlh � 0.50 1 ft' �i LINER RESULTS Not to Scale Reach Matting Type � StabdityAnalysis Vegetation Characteristics Permissible Shear Stress IPsfl l:alculatrd Shear Stress IPsfl Safety Factor Remarks Staple Pattern Phase Class Type Density Straight 575 Unvegetated 1.55 4.85 1.82 STAKE Staple Q y Ditch #9 0 North American Green ECMDS Version4.3 - Channel Protection Design,' Output Farm — ❑ x File Specifications Options Help ENGLISH. IUSER I 9/29/2022 0318 PM tDYQRAU IC RESULTS Discharge Peak Flow Velocity [fps) Area (sq-It) Hydraulic Normal Urrreinforced Vegetation (rr-0.0401 cfs Period Radiu ft Depth �T ft j2.7 0-1 3-15 0.86 0.25 0-46 S = 0.0450 N 1L1 ! 3.0 W1140.50 ft Not to Scale Reach Matting Type Staple Pattern Stability Analysis Vegetation Characteristics Permissible Shear Stress ipol Calculated Shear Stress (Pst) Safety Factor Remarks Phase Class Type Density Straight Urxemforced Vegetation C Bunch 50.75 0 4.20 1,29 3-27 STABLE Soil Sandy Loam 0,035 0,117 0-30 UNSTABLE 4l M North American Green ECMDS Version 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Form — ❑ X File Specif cations Options Help ENGUSH, 11.1SER 9/29/2022 03:20 PM -v i' -' ' y3 HYDRAULIC RESULTS �isa}tar a Peak Flaw VelociE Area [! H dratic Normal SC150(n=0.0501 af� g y (1Ps) ( 1 y w cfs Period hrs Radius ft D h ft 2.7 0.1 2.67 1.01 0.27 0.50 +- S = 61J1450 �# ` I w'� 3.0 Width 0 50 ft' �i LINER RESULTS Not to Scale Reach Mattng Type Stability Analysis Vegetation Characteristics PermiSSiNe Shear Stress IPsll Calculated Shear Stress (psfl Safety Factor Remarks Staple Pattern Phase Class Type Density Straight SC150 Unvegetated 2A0 1.41 141 STABLE Staple D Ditch #10 North American Green ECMD5 Versicn4,3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Form — ❑ X File Specifications Options Help ENGLISH. IUSER I FV2V= 11:59AMd Ht MRAuuc RESULTS Urreinforced Vegetation [rr=f1Df01 �+ ji S = 0.0500 4.0 iS = 1L7 Sodom 3.0 Width = R50 ft : LINER RESULTS Not to Scale Discharge cfs Peak Flow Period s Velocity [fps Area [sq.ft] Hydraric Radius ft Normal De h fl j3.5 Q1 2.12 0.24 0.13 0.21 Reach Matting Type Staple Pattern 31ability.4r'ralysis Vegetation L�xuaGeristics Permissible Shear Stress fpol Calculated Shear Stress [p=f] Safety Facia Remarks Phase Class type DerraRy Straight Ll nreinforced Vegetation C Bunch 50.75% 4.20 0.85 6.44 STABLE SaiE Sandy Loam 0.035 0.059 0.59 UNSTABLE North American Green ECMDS Version 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Form File Specifications Options Help .ENGLISH USER � 0348A�f HYDRAULIC RESULTS Discharge [cfs] Peak Fkw Velodty[fps] Period [hrs] Area (sgft) Hydraulic Radius[ft] Narnal Depth (FQ 0.5 0.1 1.68 0.30 0.15 0.24 575 (n=0.055] S = 0.0504 .1 1 Ln 'W,gh�orn �1 LINER RESULTS Not to Scale I Matling Type Vegetation CharaclerMics j Reach StabilRy Analysis Perrrdss14e Calculated Safety Fadof Remarks 1 Staple Pattern Phase Class Type Density Shear Strew Shear Stress I [psi] (psf) Straight 575 Unvegetated 1.55 0.76 2.05 STABLE Staple D Ditch #11 J1 North American Green ECMDS Version 4.3 - Channel Protection Design,' Output Farm — ❑ X File %ecifications Options Help ENGLISH. IUSER I 9/29/2022 0329 PM tDYQRAULIC RESULTS Urrreinforced Vegetation [rr-0.0401 Discharge Peak Flow Velocity [fps) Area [sq T� �T cfs lt] Period Hydraulic Radrus ft Hormel D Ih ft 2.3 0.1 3.45 0.67 0.22 0.40 5=0.0040 N 1L1 ! 3.0 W1140.50 ft Not to Scale Reach flatting Type Staple Pattern Stability Analysis Vegetation Characteristics Permissible Shear Stress Spd) Calculated Shear Stress (Psi) Safety Factor Remarks Phase L1ass Type Density Straight Unreinforced Vegetation C Bunch 50.75 0 4.20 1.58 2.66 STABLE Soil Sandy Loam 0,035 0,144 0.24 UNSTABLE 4l N North American Green ECMDS Version 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Form — ❑ X File Specif cations Options Help ENGLISH, SER 9/29/2022 Q328 PM i' Gn' ;wag 1' « =ss+ a.' ['` ,4 ,:. i' i' !' ' Y d' C !t t' C" •^s x' [" - W !' C" v a' ,.yi <L'• e �i #� .: ;fit . HYDRAULIC RESULTS Disctarge cfs I Peak Flaw Period hrs Velocity [fps) Area (Sq k) Hydraulic Radius ft Normal D h k �3 1 0.1 292 1 079 1 0.24 044 5CIwo N [n=0.05U]r I w'� I 0 Widtt 0.50ft' �i LINER RESULTS Not to Scale Reach Matting Type � StabdityAnalysis Vegetation Characteristics PermiSSiNe Shear Stress IPsff Calculated Shear Stress (Pst) Safety Factor Remarks Staple Pattern Phase Class Type Density Straight SC150BN Unvegetated L2.10 1.74 1,21 STAKE Staple D Ditch #12 North American Green ECMDS Versicn4,3 - Channel Protection Design, Output form — ❑ X File Specifications Options Help ENGLISH. IUSER I 9129l2022 1F30PM Ht MRAuuc RESULTS Discharge Peak Fbw Velocity (fps Atea [sq.fl] Hydraulic N�hf Unxeinlaced Vegetation In-aB401 d �+ :i S = 0.0360 iS = 1L Sodom 3.0 Width = R50 ft LINER RESULTS Not to Scale cfs Period s Radius ft De j1.2 Q1 2.36 051 0.19 Reach Matting Type Staple Pattern 31abity.4r'ralysis Vegetation L�xuaGeristics Permissible Shear St*ss [psi) Calculated Shear Stress (v=f) Safety Facia Remarks Phase Class type DerraRy Straight Ll nreinforrxd Vegetation C Bunch 50.75% 4.20 0.76 5.55 STABLE SaiE Sandy Loam 0.035 0.[)69 0.51 UNSTABLE North American Green ECMOS Version 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Form — File Specifications Options Help ENGLISH USER � 0357AM HYDRAULIC RESULTS Discharge cfs Peak Flow Period [Ks) Velocily[fps] Area (sq.ft) Hydraulic Radius ft Norrrud Depth t j1.2 0.1 1.86 0.65 022 0.39 LINER RESULTS I Matting Type Reach Sta6rlrty Staple Pattern i Straight 575 l]naes Stile D 575 (n=O.t755] S = 0.0.360 .1 1 Ln 'WidtMC,50ft' �1 aclerMics Permssible Calculated ype Density Shear Stress Shear Stress [vsf] (Psf) 1.55 0.87 Not to Scale Safety Facto I Remarks Ditch #13 o Narth American Green ECMDS Version 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, 0utput Form —0 X File Specifications Options Help HGUSH. USER 9/23/2U22 37 PM 4'� �+:• .s;s 4' �.;._ ,.ci � ..i;i ! • -try i!' - L ,tis � 'c? 4 "':� r!' ,.lens 11 � ! �^ �•ts �: .i;i �• � .� 4' ,:'• :�4 # �•y HYDRAULIC RESULTS Discharge Peak F,- Velocity ups) Area (salt) Hydretdic Normal Unreinforced Vegetation [r�D 04D] �• cfs Period Radius ft) Depffilftl 2.0 1 Q"1 3"86 1 0.52 1 0.20 0"34 /7— � I LINER RESULTS f 1 L 3.0 BOttom Width - 0.50 ft _j I Not to Scale Reach Matting Type Staple Pattern SlabktyAnalysis Vegetation ChatactedA" PemissNe Shear Stress (Pd) Calculated Sheen Suess (f�) Safety Factor Re necks Phase Class Type Density Straight Unreinforced Vegetation C Bunch 50.75% 4.20 2.02 2-08 STABLE Sci Sardy Loam 0,035 0.194 0-19 UNSTABLE North American Green EChfDS Version 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Form -- 0 x File Specifications Options Help ENGUSH" SER 9129/= 073-7PM _ HYDRAULIC RESULTS Discharge cfs Peak Fbw Period s Velocty [lpsJ Area [sq"!t] Hydraulic Radius {t Normal D !h f! j2.0 Q"1 6"01 D"33 0.16 0"F6 f t'� �;��'"�ri`' #E.:►'��.: i�- ��:�Te-�r'r,.' ' �4�'. �i�. �.�tiS�•.ir�' �.�.� :� +r� LINER RESULTS a 3 Width Q50 ft Not to Scale Reach Matting Type Staple Pattern Stability Analysis Vegetation Characteristics Permissible Sheaf Stress (psi) Calculated Shem Stress (0) Safety Factor Remarks Phase Class Type Density Str* t C125 Unyegetated L 12.25 1.54 1.46 STABLE Staple D Ditch #14 North American Green ECMDS Version 4.3 -Channel Protection Design, Output Form — ❑ X File Specifications options Help ENGUSH. SER 9I29I2p22 1202PM `.R�L S ' A'. iS .. r. Z'- �' �. tZ' 7 A.iS - ii3 Rf �_ 4'. A 1' ' A ` c ii �=..• 5 HYDRAULIC RESULTS UnreinlacedVegetadon [n=0.040] I S ' •' -0.101D `- ^. 1 T ti• :.e.+. L Bottom 3.0 Width=U50ft �:� • , i 4 LINER RESULTS Not to Scale €lischarge cfs Peak Flow Period s Velocrly[fps Area [aq.f!] Rydrardic Radus ft Natural D B j3.5 0.1 2.75 0.18 all0.18 Reach Matting Type Staple Pattern itatsQyAnalysis Vegetation Characteristics Perrc,issi6le Shear 5hess fP�l Calculated Shear Stress (P�) Safety Facia Remarks Phase Class Typo Densrly 5traigfk Unreinforced Vegetation C Bunch 50.75% 4.217 1.11 3.77 STABLE Soil Sandy Loam 0.Q35 0.102 0.34 UNSTABLE iL' North American Green ECMDS version 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Form — ❑ X File Specifications Options Help ENGLI5H. USER 3/26/2022 1U01 AM i]ischarge cls LINER Aeak Flow Period s Vek>citypps] Area (sq ft) Hydraulic Radius !t Normal Depth t 0.5 0.1 2.18 023 Q13 D.21 T Mailing Type Reach Stability ype Straight 575 Unvegetated Staple D 575 In=0.0551 30 Width 0.50 Perrmssible Calculated Safety Fact Shear Stress Shear Stress [pol [Psf] 1.55 1.30 1.20 ft 30 Not to 5caie or Remarks sraeLE Ditch #15 North American Green ECMDS Version 4.3 -Channel Protection Design, Output Form — ❑ X File Specifications options Help ENGUSH. IUSER I 9I29I2Q22 120 PPM S jE'_ _ ',- KF, �' k. A'. iS .. Z'- �' �. tZ' 7 A-:i�S .{t3 ... .Rf �. 4'. A 1 A' c Ks A iA 0 .A'•. KYDRAUUc RESULTS Urweinfaced Vegetation (n=0.040) S . JA ' •' -0.G54G 1 T ti• :.e.+. L Bottom 3.0 Width=U50ft �:� • , i 4 LINER RESULTS Not to Scale Discharge ds Peak Flow Period s Velocrly[fps Area [aq.f!] Rydraufc Ratios ft Normal D h fi 1.0 0.1 2.82 0.38 D.17 D.28 Reach Matting Type Staple Pattern itabQyArtalysis Vegetation Characteristics Perrc,issi6le Shear 5hess IPsfl Calculated Shear Stress (psf] Safety Facia Remarks Phase Class Typo Densey StraDgFk Unreinforced Vegetation C Bunch 5D•75% 4.217 0.55 4.40 STABLE Soil Sandy Loam 0.035 0-087 0-40 UNSTABLE iL North American Green ECMDS version 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Form — ❑ X File Specifications Options Help ENGLI5H. USER 3/26/2022 1[k01 AM iischarge cfs LINER Peak Flow Velodtypps] Period hrs Area (sq ft] Hydrar.rfic Ratios !t Narnal Depth t jI.D 0.1 2.06 0.48 Q19 0.33 T Mailing Type Reach Stability ype Straight 575 Unvegetated Staple D 575 (n=0.0551 30 Width 0.50 Perrmssible Calculated Safety Fact Shear Stress Shear Stress (PSI) (psf) 1.55 1.10 1.41 It 30 Not to 5caie or Remarks sraeLE Ditch #16 North American Green ECMDS Version 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Form — ❑ X File Specifications Options Help HGLISH. PUSER 23/2U22 39 PM � '- fr:, s � �._ ` '7 +'�' ,t3 .w' ..( ? in' ; �L+:' iN.' ..[:S i�' i- ; ir".' .+r1 S• �.. �• ; 4 _ HYDRAULIC RESTS Unreinforced vegelation [ri,40 0401 #' Discharge cfs Peak Flow Period Velocity (fpsJ Area (sg R) Hydrauk Rados ft Normal D R V1 0"1 1 346 1 0-60 1 0.21 037 I I I LINER RESULTS 5 n D0700 1 L 1 Battorn 3.0 Width - 0.50 ft Not to Scale Reach Matting Type Staple Pattern SlabktyAnalysis Vegetation Characteristics Pemissble She% Stress (Pd) Calculated Sheen Stress (f�) Safety Factor Remarks Phase Class Type Density straight Unreinforced Vegetation C Bunch 50.75% 4.20 1.63 2.58 STABLE Soil Sardy Loam 0,035 0.149 0.24 UNSTABLE •4`l North American Green EChfDS Version 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Form -- 0 x File Specifications Options Help ENGLISH" USER 9129/= U,3 PPM I_ i I f 14' �. �'v-ri�'. .��..�'�.: ��•-�i�v°-ii,v; ��`7��e� �.k�'�•i1�•`'�.�.�: +1a, t IJ l.11 MEB RESULTS Discharge cfs Peak Fbw Period s Velouly [lpsJ Area (sq"Et] Hydraulic Rados ft Normal D Ih ft 2.1 0"1 2"95 0"71 0.23 0"41 Ln BORM Width - Q50 ft Not to Scale Reach Matting Type Staple Pattern StatxfityArralysis Vegetation Characteristics Permissible Sheaf Stress (psi) Calculated Shear Stress (If) Safety Factor Remarks Phase Class Type Density Straight SC150 Unvegetated L 12.00 1.79 1.11 STABLE Staple D Ditch #17 North American Green ECMDS Version 4.3 -Channel Protection Design, Output Form — ❑ X File Specifications options Help ENGUSH. IUSER 9I29I2p22 1212PM `.R�L S ' A'.r. _-co. Z'- �' 7 A.i�S ii3 Rf �_ �. tZ' 4. A 1' ' A ` c ii �=..• 5 HYDRAULIC RESULTS Urweiniaced Vegetation (rr-0.040) i S 0.0700 = ` 1 1 ti• :.e.+. L Bottom 3.0 Width=U50ft �:� • , i 4 LINER RESULTS Not to Scale Discharge ds Peak Flow Period s Velacrly[fps Area [aq.f!] Hydraulic R ft Normal D h fi 0.6 0.1 2.52 D.24 D.13 0.21 Reach Matting Type Staple Pattern itabaytyArtalysis Vegetation Characteristics Perrc,issi6le Shear 5hess IPsfl Calculated Shear Stress [Psfl Safety Facia Remarks Phase Class Typo Densey StraDgFk Unreinforced Vegetation C Bunch 50.75% 4.211 0.92 4.57 STABLE Sail Sandy Loam 0.035 0.084 0.42 UNSTABLE iL' North American Green ECMDS version 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Form — ❑ X File Specifications Options Help ENGLI5H. USER 3/2612t122 1903AM iischarge cls LINER Peak Flow Velodty 0ps] Period hrs Area {sq ft] Hydraric Ratios !t Normal p h t j7.6 0.1 1.99 0.30 Q15 0.24 T Mailing Type Reach Stability ype Straight 575 Unvegetated Staple D 575 (n=0.0551 30 Wig=0.53 Perrmssible Calculated Safety Fact Shear Stress Shear Stress (pol (Psf] 1.55 1.05 1.47 ft 30 Not to Scale Of Remarks sraeLE Ditch #18 o Narth American Green ECMDS Version 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, 0utput Form —0 X File Specifications Options Help HGLISH. PUSER 9/23/2022 41 PM I��. �' .s;s �' �- ,.41 �7 r:' ,ti3 Yw' ..( ? in' ; �L+:' iN.' ..[:S i�' i- ; ir"...+.1 S• �.. �• ; 4 _ HYDRAULIC RESULTS — — Unreinforced Veaelation h410401 #' Disdwrge cfs) Peak Flow Velocity [IpsJ Area (salt) I Hydraulic I Radus ft I Normal D Ih ft 2.5 0"1 3"63 1 0.68 1 0.22 1 0"40 I LINER RESULTS 5 n 0.0700 1 L 1 Bottom 3.0 Width - 0.50 ft Not to Scale Reach Matting Type Staple Pattern SlabktyAnalysis Vegetation ChatactedA" Permissible Shear Stress (Pd) Calculated Sheen Stress (f�) Safety Factor Remarks Phase Class Type Density Straight Unreinforced Vegetation C Bunch 50.75% 4.20 1.75 2.40 STABLE Soil Sardy Loam 0.035 0.160 0.22 UNSTABLE •4`l North American Green EChfDS Version 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Form -- 0 x File Specifications Options Help ENGLISH" SER 9129/= 074-2 PM _ HYDRAULIC RESULTS �— Disdwrge cfs Peak Fbw Period s Velouly [1psJ Area (sq"Et] Hydraulic Radrus {t Normal D !h f! 2.5 0"1 5"88 0"44 0.18 6"31 f t'� �;��'"�ri`' #E.:►'��.: i�- ��:�Te-�i'i,.' ' �4�'. �i�. �.�tiS�•.i1�' �.�.� :� +r� LINER RESULTS a 30 WidQ50ft Not to Scale Reach Matting Type Staple Pattern Stability Analysis Vegetation Characteristics Permissible Sheaf Stress (psi) Calculated Shan Stress (u�f) Safety Factor Remarks Phase Mass Type Density Str* t C125 Urrvegetated L 12.25 1.35 1.67 STABLE Staple D Ditch #19 o Narth American Green ECMDS Version 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, 0utput Form —0 X File Specifications Options Help HGUSH. PJSEFI 23/2022 43 PM I��. �' .s;s �' �- ,.41 �7 r:' ,ti3 Yw' ..( ? in' ; �L+:' iN.' ..[:S i�' i- ; ir"...+.1 S• �.. �• ; 4 _ HYDRAULIC RESULTS Unreinforced Veaelation h410401 #' Discharge cfs) Peak Flow Velocity (IpsJ Area (srxlt) I Hycketdic I Rados ft I Normal D !h fl k.0 0"1 431 1 0.93 1 US0"48 I LINER RESULTS S n 0"0800 1 L 1 Bottom 3.0 Width - 0.50 ft Not to Scale Reach Matting Type Staple Pattern SlabktyAnalysis Vegetation ChatactedA" Pemissble Shear Stress (Pd) Calculated Sheen Stress (0) Safety Factor Remarks Phase Class Type Density Straight Unreinforced Vegetation C Bunch 50.75% 4.20 2.39 1.76 1 STABLE Soil Sardy Loam 0.035 0.218 0-16 UNSTABLE •4`l North American Green EChfDS Version 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Form -- 0 x File Specifications Options Help ENGUSH" SER 9129/= 0 4 44 PM _ HYDRAULIC RESULTS �- 6ischarge cfs Peak Fbw Velocity (IpsJ Area (sq"!t] Period s Hydrarlic Radrus ft Normal D R 4.0 0"1 5.74 0.59 0.21 0"37 f t'� �;��'"�ri`' #E.:►'��.: i�- ��:�Te-�i'r,.' ' �4�'. �i�. �.�tiS�•.ir�' �.�.� :� +r� LINER RESULTS a 3 Width Q50 ft Not to Scale Reach Matting Type Staple Pattern Stability Analysis Vegetation Characteristics Permissible Sheaf Stress (psi) Calculated Shan Stress (u�f) Safety Factor Remarks Phase Class Type Density Str* t C125 Urrvegetated L 12.25 1.84 1.22 STABLE Staple D Ditch #20 kj worth American Green EC MDS Versio n 4,3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Form File Specifications Options Help NGLISH. JUSER [F-99/1—�23= 1216PM ti M *DTW UUW:T Discharge (cfs) Peak Fbw Period hs) Vebdy[fps I Area (sq,ft)j Hyd&Ac Rmiut[ft] 0.8 0.1 1 2.3' 1 0,35 1 016 LINER RESULTS UrweinfotcedVegetaltix (n-0.040) — 13 x L-n vx-T Soft —Td Not to Scale Reach Matti N North American Green ECM DS Version 4.3 - Channel P rotectia n Design, Output Farm 0 x File Specifications Options Help IENGLISH USER Flf-2112022 109:12AMI i HYDRAULIC BESULTS Dimharge Peak Flo Velo6t;(Ips�) Aiea(sq.ft) HY&a,* Normal Not to Scale Reach StabikyAnaysis Straight S75 unyegetated I 1 1-55 0-87 1-79 STABLE Matting Type Vegetation Characteristics Ditch #21 hl worth American Green ECMDS Version4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Form File Specifications Options Help ENGLISH. JUSER I 9129i2022 1217PMF— HYQBAULIC RESULTS Discharge Peak Fkwr Velaclly[fps Area [sq.d] Hydraraic Normal cfs (PeriodsRadus ft De h ft 2.0 0.1 1 216 1 0.93 0.26 0.48 LIMIER RESULTS I UrxeinfotcedVegetadon (n-0.040) — 0 X vx-TSo I< Not to Scale Reach Matti ng Type 31raWty.4rralysis Vegetation Characteristics Perrr+ssiW Shear 5hess ford) Calculated Shear Stress (psf) Safety Factor Remarks Staple Pattern Phase Class Type Density Straght Unredomed Vegetation C j0unchJ50,75% 4.20 0.60 7A3 STABLE Saul Sandy Loam 0-035 0.055 0-54 UNSTABLE North American Green ECMDS Version 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Farm File Specifications Options Help ENGLISH, USER 7i27120Q2 t-IYORAULIC RESULTS i I Discharge cfs Peak Fbw Period hrs Velocity (fps) Area (sq.ft) HydraUhc Radw ft Normal 4 th ft 120 0.1 1.72 1 1.16 1 0.29 0.54 f4)y;:.�;1 ° - rsy: ,� ,ti' i ilk' #:y ` • r illy: �,�* r... r � �.ti ` � �' ,�.ti ` i i� r LINER RESULTS Matting Type Vegetation Characteristics Reach Stability Analysis Stale Patten Phase I Class I Type Den ti Straight S75 Unvegetated Staple 0 SEA F 4, 0 1L \1 3.0 Bottom Width = D.50 It Not to Scale Permissible Calculated Safety Factor Remarks Shear Stress Shear Stress (PS0 IPstl 2.28 STABLE 1.55 0.68 Ditch #22 hl worth American Green ECMDS Version4,3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Form File Specifications Options Help ENGLISH JUSER 9129i2022 1217PMF— HYDRAULIC RESULTS Discharge Peak Flow Vdacrly(fPs Area Is4•ftl Hydrauic NOrmal cfs Period s RaduS ft Depth ft �A 0.1 1 3.75 1 1.7, 0.36 0.W LINER RESULTS I Urxeinforced Vegetation (n-0.040) 15riddl So ft — 0 X Not to Scale :; Reach Matti 11 North American Green ECMDS Version 4.3 - Channel protection Design, Output Form — ❑ X File Specifications Options Help ENGLISH.[USER 7127120P.2 .14AM HYDRAULIC RESULTS Discharge 01 Peak Flow 136od hrs lVelocily jfps] Area IA.ft] Hydraulic Radius ft Normal Depth ft 0A 0.1 1 3.19 1 2.01 1 039 0.74 LINER RESULTS Reach I Mattr Staple Pattern Phase Class Type Straight S150BN Unvegetated Staple D S150BN S • 0.040D Bottom Width = 0.50 It 3.0 Not to Scale Permissible Calculated Safety Factor Remarks Shear Stress Shear Stress (psi] (psf) 1.85 1.84 1.00 STABLE Ditch #23 Ll worth American Green ECMDS Version4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Form File Specifications Options Help ENGLISH. JUSER I 9129i2022 1218PMF— Discharge cfs Peak Fbw Period s Vebdy(fps Area [aq.ft] Hydraufc Radius ft 0.3 0.1 1 3.39 1 0.97 1 0.27 LIMIER RESULTS I UnrefnforcedVegetadon (n-0.040) — 0 X 15riddr So ft Not to Scale Reach Matti ng Type itaWty.4rralysis Vegetation Characteristics Perrr+ssiW Shear Shess jpsf) Calculated Shear Stress (Psf) Safety Factor Remarks Staple Pattern Phase Class Type Density Strmght Unredomed Vegetation C j0unchJ50,75% 4.20 1.47 2.85 STABLE Saul Sandy Loam 0-035 0.135 0-26 UNSTABLE North American Green ECMDS Version 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Form — ❑ X File Specifications Options Help ENGLISH. IUSER I 71271P022 .15AM HYDRAQUC RESULTS Discharge Peak Flaw Velocity [fps] Area (sq.ft) Hydraulic Normal cfs Period [hrs;l I I I Radius ft Depth ft 0,3 0.1 2.72 1 1.21 0.30 0.56 51508N (n-0.054) war. U50 0 Not to Scale Reach Matting Type StabOy Analysis Vegetation Characteristics Permissble Shear Stress iW CalctWed Safety Factor Shear Shess (Psf) Remarks StaPle Pattern Phase Class Type Density Straight 51506N Unvegetated 1.85 1.67 1.11 STABLE Staple 0 Ditch #24 Ll worth American Green ECMDS Version4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Form File Specifications Options Help ENGLISH. JUSER I 9129i2022 1219PMF— Discharge cfs Peak Flow Period s Velocily (I Atea [sq.R) HO&Ac Radius ft 4.0 0.1 1 3.75 1 1.07 0.28 LIMIER RESULTS I Normal � Depth ft 0.52 Unreinforced Vegetation (n-0.040) v 0.50 ft Not to Scale — 0 X Reach Matti ng Type 31raNlity.4rralysis Vegetation Characteristics Perrr+ssiW Shear Shess jpd) Calculated Shear Stress (psf) Safety Factor Remarks Staple Pattern Phase Class Type Density Strmght Unreinfomed Vegetation C j0unchJ50,75% 4.20 1.78 Z36 STABLE Saul Sandy Loam 0-035 0.193 0-22 UNSTABLE North American Green ECMDS Version 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Form File Specifications Options Help ENGLISH. IUSER I 1/27/2022 09:16AM HYDRAULIC RESULTS Discharge cfs Peak Flow Period his Velocity lips) Area [sq.it) Hydraulic Rath R Normal D E g.D 0.1 1 3.24 1 1.24 0.30 0.56 LINER RESULTS — ❑ x 5C150BN [n-0.049) Se0,M 1 L WSW t-0.5U ft' � 1 Not bo Scale Reach Matting Type StahilityAnalysis Vegetation Characteristics Perrnissi6le Sheat Stress Ipsll Calcdated Shear Stress [Psfl Safety Factor Remarks Staple Pattern Phase Class Type Density Straight SC1508N Unvegetated 2.10 1.93 109 STABLE Sta* D Ditch #25 Ll -A o rth American Green ECMDS Version 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Form File Specifications Options Help .NGLISH. JUSER 9/29/2022 1219 PM Discharge cfs Peak Flow Period s V&dy [fps 1 Area [sq.ft] HydraLk Radrus ft 0.3 0.1 1 2.82 0.46 1 0.18 LINER RESULTS I Normal � Depth ft 9.32 Urxeinforced Vegetation (n-0.040) Widh So ft Not to Scale — 0 X Reach Matti ng Type iraWtyArralysis Vegetation Characteristics Perrr+ssiW Shear Shess jpsf) Calculated Shear Stress (psf) Safety Factor Remarks Staple Pattern Phase Class Type Density Strmght Unredorced Vegetation C j0unchJ50,75% 4.20 1.09 3.85 STABLE Saul Sandy Loam 0-035 0.099 0-35 UNSTABLE North American Green ECMDS Version 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Form — ❑ X Fife Specifications Options Help ENGLISH, IUSER 7I2712022 09:17AM Discharge Peak Flow (cis) Period his Velocity (fps) Area [sq.ft] Hydauic I Normal Aa&4111 I D t b.3 0A 2.22 1 0.58 1 0.21 1 0.37 LINER RESULTS S75 (n=11055) S = 0.0550 1 L w3r=7500 1 Not to Scale Reach Matting Type Staple Pattern StabkyAnalgsis Vegetation Characteristics Permissible Shear Stress (PS0 Calculated Shear Stress [psf] Safety Factor Remarks Phase Class Type Density Straight S75 Unvegetated 1.55 1.26 1.23 STABLE Staple D Ditch #26 i worth American Green ECMDS Version4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Form File Specifications Options Help .NGUSH. JUSER 9/29/2022 1222 PM Discharge cfs Peak Flow Period s Veto* [fps Area (sq.R] I Hydraufc Radrus ft jl.1 0.1 1 2421 0.45 1 0.19 LIMIER RESULTS I Normal � Depth ft 0.31 UnreWorcedVegetadon (n-0.040) Widh So ft Not to Scale — 0 X Reach Matti ng Type iraWty.4rralysis Vegetation Characteristics Perrr+ssiW Shear 9hess ford] Calculated Shear Stress (PA Safety Factor Remarks Staple Pattern Phase Class Type Density Strmght Unredoreed Vegetation C j0unchJ50,75% 4.20 0.81 5.22 STABLE Saul Sandy Loam O-035 0.073 O-48 UNSTABLE North American Green ECMDS Version 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Form — ❑ X Fife Specifications Options Help ENGUSH. JUSER 7I2712022 09:17AM HYDRAULIC RESULTS Discharge Peak Flow (cis) Period his Velocity [fps] Area [sq.ft] Hydauic I Normal Aa&4111 I D t b.1 0A 1.91 1 0.58 1 0.21 1 0.36 LINER RESULTS S75 (n=11055) S - 0.D410 1 L w3r=7500 1 Not to Scale Reach Matting Type Staple Pattern StabOyAnalysis Vegetation Characteristics Permissible Shear Stress (PS0 CalWated Shear Stress fpsf] Safety Factor Remarks Phase Elms Type Density Slraigh! S75 Unvegetated 1.55 0.93 1.67 STABLE Staple D Ditch #27 J1 North American Green ECMDS Version4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Form — 0 X File Specifications Options Help ENGUSH. IUSER 9/29/2022 47 PM Discharge cfs Peak Flaw Period hrs Velocitf (fpsl Area (sq.ft) Hydreubc Radius ft Normal D ft 5.2 0.1 4.91 1.C8 0.28 0.52 LINER RESULTS Umeinfolced 5 a 0.0800 1 �1 Baltom Width = 0.50 ft 3.0 Not to Scale Reach Matting Type StabiityAnaiysm Vegetation Characteristics Permissible Shear Stress ipol Calculated Shear Stress (psf) Safety Factor Remarks 5tapie Pattern Phase Class Type Density Straight Unreinfaoed Vegetation j C Bunch 50.75 0 4.20 2.93 1.43 STABLE Sol Sandy Loam 0,035 0,268 0.13 UNSTABLE North American Green ECMDS Version 4.3 • Channel Protection Design, Output Form — ❑ X File Specifications Options Help NGLISH. ]9 SERA E FW �2022 03:48 PM j lhl .i4 C� :j�3 iT, {+i ,Afi .�T?-''�=�4 ,.� (� .i�-.•eT-#, L .:.[y1� - .4. Ey^ .aT d'6' HYDRAULIC HYDRAULIC RESULTS C1258N fn-0.0221 . Discharge cfs Peak FkDw Period his Velocity (fps) Area (sq f!) Hydrarlic Radius ft Normai Depth ft �.2 1 0.1 1 7.52 1 0.69 1 0.23 0.41) IN RF—SULU S a Q0900 1 Wn T50 ft 1 Not to Scale Reach Matling Type Staple Pattern 5tabilityAnalysis Vegetation Characteristics Permissitle Sheaf Stress (of) Calculated Sheaf Sirens (psf) Safety Factor Remarks Phase Class Type Density Straight C125BN Urmegetated 2.35 2.27 1.D4 STABLE Staple D Ditch #28 North American Green ECMDS Version4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Form — ❑ X File Specifications Options Help NGLISH, IUSER I 129i3Q22 122 PMI 1�d' -.4-? 5 .T5 �. . ..JL.- °'4 4' ... � •'^s' .>I.' S -<c, .l' ■1 �, J<' R5 ' .rti' s H rj .fir j Y r. � . •4 �,. .. A',f � N' 'S..!', _ �: ;' ?' 1 �'ih`,��t r 1.-'�. tt' . . HYDRAULIC �: '• DiscitarQe Peak Flow VebaTy[fps Area [sq.R] Hydraulic Unreinfaced Vegetation In-0.040] i L,..' S - D.D750 "^ 1 L 8oltom 3.0 Width = U-50 ft T }.� - UNER RESULTS Not to Scale cfs Period s Radius fl Noma) i] h H j7.9 0.1 2.08 0.31 0.15 D.25 Reach 11 Matting Type Staple Pattern 3labilily.4nalysis Vegetation Characteristics Perrriissi6k Shear Stress fpdl Calculated Shear Stress frs%►J Safety Facia Rernmlcs Phase Class Type Density Straight Unreiniorced Vegetation C ounch 5D 75:c 4.20 1.17 3.59 SrA9LE Sadk Sandy Loam 0.035 0.107 0.33 UNSTABLE " � North American Green FCMQS Version4.3 - Channel Protection pesign, Output Farm File Specifications Options Help NGUSH. USEF 7127I2022 0922AM k. iiYDRAUL[C RE5ULT5 Discharge cs Peak Flow Periodhrs Velocity (fps) Area [sq.ftJ Hydrauic Normal Rfl 0.1 2.27 040 D17Q 0.29P.9 f� LINER I RESULTS Malting Type Reach Staple Pattern [ Straight 575 Staple D Vegetation Characteristics :ability Analysis Permissble Calculated Phase Class Type Density Shear Stress Shear Stress (PSI) f0l Unvegetated 1.55 1.35 — 0 X 5 75 (n=0.0.55) Width =750 R to Scale Ln Safety Facia Remarks 1.14 STABLE Ditch #29 North American Green ECMDS Version 4.1- Channel Protection Design, Output Form File Specifications Options Help ENGLISH. IUSER I � e—.50 PM Discharge cfs Peak Flow Period his Velocity (fps) Area (sgft] Hydraulic Radius ft Normal Deoth fit 1 0.2 1 0.1 1 2.08 1 2.96 1 0.47 0.92 LINERFkS-ULTS S75 S=0.D110 1 Bottom 1 Width = 0.50 ft Not to Scale Reach Marling Type StabilityAnaois Vegetation Characteristics Permissitle Shear Slress [psf) Cab"ed Shear Slress (psi) Safety Factor Remarks Staple Pattern Phase Class Type Density Straight S75 Unvegetated 1.55 0.63 2.46 STABLE Staple D North American Green ECMDS Version 4.3 - Channel protection Design, Output Form — ❑ X File Specifications Options Help ENGLISH. IUSER I 9/29/2622 0350PM HYDRAULIC RESULTS Discharge cfs Peak Fines Period his Velocity (fps) Area (sgft] Hydr&& Radius ft Normal 0 h fit �.2 0.1 1 2.08 1 2.98 1 0.47 0.92 1 �'1 Widthtt 0 50 ft LINER RES��TS Not to Scale Reach Marling Type Staple Pattern Stability Analysis Vegetation Characteristics Permissitle Shear Stress (of) Calculated Shear Slress (psi) Safety Factor Remarks Phase Class Type Density Straight S75 Urrvegetated 1.55 0.63 246 STABLE Staple D �f�. .t,i e .a:' .<_:i .�' <:s :^' ��i 4� ',�.i y•.w',e.i rn' w 1 -^.- �'.i !�:" �i ,. ..s:i �' -ti' �. a;� � rk' .(_._i ,A. Ditch #30 North American Green ECMDS Version4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Form — 0 X File Specifications Options Help ENGUSH. IUSER I 9/29/2022 1224 PM i� HYDRAULIC Discharge Peak Fbw VeloraTy( UnreWorceclVegetalion In=0.040] o :• <;s = Widohn-a50it' 1 4 LINER RISI ILTS Not to Scale cfs Period s fps Area [sq.ft] Hydrauic R t tJormal Depth fl 11.6 D., ,.� 0.82 [1� 0.45 Roach Matting Type 3labdily.4ndysis Vegetation Characteristics Perrrrsssbk Shear Stress fpsfl Calculated Shear Stress [rsf] Safety Facia Remarks Staple Pattern Phase Class Type Dens4y, Straight Unreinfaced Vegetation C 8wrch 5D 75% 4.20 0.50 8.40 57ABLE Soil Sandy Loam 0-035 0-045 0-77 UNSTABLE North American Green ECMDS Version 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Form File Specifications Options Help ENGL€SH. USER TI2TI2U22 0923AM HYORALILIC RESULTS Discharge Peak Fbw Vebcdy [fps] Area (sq.ft) Hydraulic Normal ofs Period hrs Radius R Oepffi t 1-6 0.1 1.55 1.03 028 0.51 Bottom Width = 0.50 ft LINER RESULTS — ❑ X Not to Scale Ln Mailing Type Vegetation Characferi;stics Reach Slability Analysis Permissbk Calculated Safety Factor Remarks Staple Pattern Phase Class Type Density Shear Stress Shear Stress Insf] [psll Straight $75 Unvsgetated 1.55 0.57 271 STABLE Staple D Ditch #31 North American Green ECMDS Version 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Form — ❑ X File Specifications Options Help ENGUSH. 1USER I 19129rM :18 PM x Discharge cfs Peak Flow Period NO elocity (fps] L Area [sq.ft) I Hydraulic I Radius R {Normal Depth([,) �-3 1 0.1 1 2.53 1 2-49 1 0.41 0.64 UmeinforcedVegetation [rra0.040) L— Bottom 3.0 Width = 2.00 R 3. Not to Scale - Reach Matting Type Staple Pattern StatiityAnalysis Vegetation Characteristics Permiss"- Shew Stress (PSI) Calculated Shear Stress (PSI) Safety Factor Remarks Phase Class Type Densrly Straight Urxeinforced Vegetation C I Bunch 50-75% 4.20 0-60 7.04 STABLE Soil Sandy Loam 0-035 3.054 M64 UNSTABLE 0 North Amercan Green ECMDS Version 4.3 - Channel Protection C1esign. Output Four — ❑ X File Specifications Options Help ENG€ISH.)USER 9/29/2022 0418PM rN `. tDMBAULFC RESULTS 5150 (n=0.050] t, S = 0.0150 1 L Bottom 3.0 Width = 2.00 R 3.0 1 F- Discharge cfs Peak Flow Period hrs elocity (fps] Area [sq fti Hydraulic Radius t Normal D R P-3 0.7 2.74 2.95 0.45 071 Not to Scale Reach Matting We Staple Pattern Sta6ilityAnalysis Vegetation Characterstics Permiss615 Shear 5Gess 1psf] Calculated Shear Stress host) Safety Factor Remarks Phase Class Type Density Straight 5150 Unvegetaled 1.75 0.67 2-63 STABLE Staple D Ditch #32 LI North American Green ECMD5 Versicn4.3 - Channel protection Design, Output Form — ❑ X File Specifications Options Help ENGLISH. IUSER 5-2-9/= 1227 PM I_ ^ HYDRAUUC RESULTS .�. UrxeinforcedVegetatian (rr-0.040] +■ �i :. S - Q0300 4.0 `. Bolcom Width = 0 50 i! 3.0 LINER RESULTS Not to Scale Dharge isc ch Peak Flow Velocity [fps Period s Area [sq.k] Hydraulic Rad'irrs fl Normal D h fl j1.9 0.1 248 0.7T 0.24 0.43 Reach Matting Type Staple Pattern ilabililyAnalysis Vegetation Characteristics Permissible Shea' Shen fasfl � Calculated Sheen Stress IpsfJ Safety Factor Remarks PTC lass Type Densrly Straight Unreiniorced Vegetatien Bunch 50.75% 4.20 0.80 5-23 STABLE Soil Sandy Loam 0-035 0-073 0-48 UNSTABLE North American Green FCMpS Version 4.3 -Channel Protection Design, Output Form File Specifications Options Help EN&LESH. USER 7I27I2022 0323AA1fj HYDRAULIC RESULTS Discharge Peak Flow Velocity [fps] Area [sq-ftJ Hydraulic Nurnal cFs Periad hrs Radius R D t b-S 0.1 1.95 0.97 0.27 0.49 LINER RESULT — Cl X S75 [ne0.065] 5 = D-D300 ' Bottom 1 � width = 0.50 ft • � T Not to Scale Reach Malting Type Staple Pattern SlatilityAnalysis Vegetation Characteristics Permissble Shear Stress IPSf1 Calculated Safety Factor Shear Stress (usfl Remarks Phase Class Type Deraity Straight $75 Unvegetated 1.55 0.92 1-68 STABLE Staple D Ditch #33 North American Green ECMDS Version 4.1- Channel Protection Design, Output Form File Specifications Options Help ENGLISH. IUSER I rW-2-3MM 04:11 PM Discharge Peak Flow cfs Period hrs Velocity (fps) Area (vtft1 Hydraulic Radius fit Normal D th [t h.7 0.1 2.81 0.59 0.21 0-37 LINERFkS-ULTS Unredofeed S=0.Mffl 1 Bottom 1 Width = 0.50 ft Not to Scale Reach Matting Type StabilityAnaois Vegetation Characteristics Permissitle Sheaf Stress (of) Calculated Shear Stress bps,) Safety Factor Remarks Staple Pattern Phase Class Type Densily Straigh! Unieinfomed Vegetation C 8unch 50-75% 4,20 1.10 3.80 STABLE Soil Sandy Loam 0.035 0.101 G35 UNSTABLE North American Green ECMDS Version 4.3 - Channel protection Design, Output Form — ❑ X File Specifications Options Help ENGLISH. IUSER I 9/29/2022 0410 PM HYDRAULIC RESULTS Discharge cfs Peak Flow Period his Velocity (fps) Area (sgft] Hydraulic Radius ft Normal D th [t 1.7 1 0.1 1 2.26 1 0.75 1 0.24 0-42 1 �'1 Widthtt 0 50 ft LINER RESULTS Not to Scale Reach Matling Type Staple Pattern Stability Analysis Vegetation Characteristics Permissitle Shear Stress (of) Cab"ed Shear Stress W) Safety Factor Remarks Phase Class Type Densily Straight S75 Urrvegetated 1.55 1.27 1,22 STABLE Staple D �:=Y�° .cs � A ' .Se � �.� _-<:v �`'Fw�' ids �: :..- � i ��. ��i y4• a:•�e �' �n' � v � -R .� v �' fir:' i � #�^ s r $'.� 4• av �'prk Kt !�R A-„ Ditch #34 hj North American Green ECMD5 Versicn4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Form — ❑ X File Specifications Options Help ENGLISH. IUSER � 1229 PM ^ HYDRAQUID RESULTS .�. UrxeinforcedVegetatian (rr-0.040) +■ �i :. S = OL0210 4.0 - �s 1 Bolcom Widh = 0 50 i! 3.0 LINER RESULTS Not to Scale Discharge ch Peak Flow Velocity [fps Period s Area [sq.k] Hydraulic Radius fl Normal D h fl 1.0 0.1 1.64 D.54 0-ZO 0.35 Reach Matting Type Staple Pattern ilabililyAnalysis Vegetation Characteristics Permissible Shea' Shen fasfl � Calculated Sheen Stress (psf) Safety Factor Remarks PTC lass Type Densrly Straight Unreiniorced Vegetatien Sunch 50.75% 4.20 0.46 5.15 STABLE Soil Sandy Loam 0-035 0-042 0-64 UNSTABLE North American Green FCMpS Version 4.3 -Channel Protection Design, Output Form File Specifications Options Help EN&LESH. USER 7I27I2D22 0325AA1 HYDRAULIC RESULTS Discharge Peak Flow Velocity [fps] Area [sq-ftJ Hydratric Nurnal cfs Periad hrs R fl D t b-D 0.1 1.45 0.59 0.73 0.40 LINER RESULT Malting Type Vegetation Characteristics Reach Slaty Analys s Permwssble Staple Pattern Phase Class Type Deraky Shear Stress Ipsf) Straight $75 Unvegetated 1.55 Staple D — Cl X Bottom width = 0.50 ft Ln Not to Scale Calculated Safely Factor Remarks Shear Stress ft�l 0.53 294 STABLE — Cl X Bottom width = 0.50 ft Ln Not to Scale Calculated Safely Factor Remarks Shear Stress ft�l 0.53 294 STABLE Ditch #35 hj North American Green ECMDSVersion 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Form — ❑ X File Specifications Options Help ENGLISH. JUSER FV2a= 1229 PM A- HYDRAULIC RESULTS Unreinforced Vegetation (n•0.040) 4.t., r,[ . ; S - O 0481D :` t 11 5,1. B0-5 Width = Q50 it LINER RESULTS Not to Scale �at ' Discharge cfs Peak Flow Period s VdocrTy[fpsj Area [sq.ft] Hydraulic Radius H Normal D h Ft 3.6T 7.23 0.30 0.56 Reach N Matting Type ilabililyAnalysis Vegetation Charartaistics Perrdssit>fe Shear Shess rpst] Calculated Shear Stress [psf] Safety Factor Remarks Staple Pattern 17C lass Type DerrsRy Straight Unreinforced Vegetation Bench 5D•754 4.20 1.68 250 STABLE Soil Sandy Loam 0035 0.153 0-23 UNSTABLE orth American Green ECMDS Version 43 -Channel Protection Design, Output Form File Specifications Options Help ENGLISR. USER 7127I2022 0526AM r-tyrt[zea tt rr at=cr a -Tc Discharge cfs Peak Flow Periodhrs Ve:ocity [fpsJ Area lsq ft] Hydrauic Radi R Normal D t 4.5 0.1 3.21 1.40 0.32 0.60 Llh[ER RESULTS — ❑ X SC1506N 5 = D.048D ' Bottom 1 � Width = 0.5D ft • � 1 Not to Scale Reach Malting Type Staple Pattern Stability Analysis Vegetation Characteristics Permissible Shear Stress [psf] Calculated Shear Stress [psfJ Safety Factor Remarks Phase Class Type Density Slraigh! 5C15UBN Unvegetated 2.10 1.81 1.16 STABLE Staple 0 Ditch #36 hj North American Green ECMDSVersion 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Form — ❑ X File Specifications Options Help ENGLISH. JUSER FW-2—a= 1230 PM HYDRAULIC RESULTS Discharge Peak Flow VdocrTy[fpsj Area [sq.ft] Hydraulic Nor Unreinforced Vegetalion (n•0.040) ¢•i► r,[ . A\ ; 1I7 5,1. Width = Q5 0 it LINER RESULTS Not to Scale �at ' cfs Period s Radius H mal Depth F! 0.8 0.1 219 0 37 0.16 028 Reach N Matting Type ilabililyAnalysis Vegetation Characteristics Perrdssit>fe Shear Shess fPstJ Calculated Shear Stress (osf) Safety Factor Remarks Staple Pattern 17C lass Type Densty Straight Unreinforced Vegetation Bench 50.754 4.20 0.67 6,26 STABLE Soil Sandy Loam 0.035 0.061 0.57 UNSTABLE orth American Green ECMDS Version 43 -Channel Protection Design, Output Form File Specifications Options Help ENGLISFI. USER 7127I2022 0928AM r-rynraet n rr aFcr a -Tc Discharge cfs Peak Flow Period [his) Ve:'ocity [fpsJ Area laq.ftJ Hydraulic R fl Normal Q ft 0.8 0.1 1.73 0.46 0.18 0.32 Llh]ER RESULTS — ❑ X S75 5 = D.D39D ' Bottom 1 � Width = 0.5D ft • � 1 Not to Scale Reach Malting Type Staple Pattern Stability Analysis Vegetation Characteristics Permissible Shear Stress IPsf] Calculated Shear Stress rPsf1 Safety Factor Remarks Phase Class Type Density Slraigh! S75 Unvegetated 1.55 0.77 200 STABLE Staple Q Ditch #37 North American Green ECMDS Version 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Form — ❑ X File Specifications Options Help NGLISH. IUSER FW �2022 :12PM -...,ci ly .:�;i y' m' .si y''."- ,Cs §',4� !' i - HYDRAULIC RESULTS D scharge Peak Flow Velocity [fps] Area (sgft] Hydrauk Norma{ cls Period hrs Radus It Depth It �1.6 1 0.1 1 4.53 1 1.02 1 M L50 y pA ' 4LINER RESWU Unreinforced Vegetation (n=0.040) Ln Width T90 ft Not to Scale Reach Matling Type Staple Pattern StabiltyAnalysis Vegetation Characteristics Permissible Shear Stress (01) Calculated Shear Stress (psf) Safety Factor Remarks Phase Class Type Density Straight Unreinforced Vegetation C Bunch 50-75G 4.20 2.61 1.61 STABLE Soil Sandy Loam 0.035 0-238 0-15 UNSTABLE North American Green ECMDS Version 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Farm — ❑ X File Specifications Options Help ENGLISH. n USER I {{ FW :12PM y y Il Gr -! 0.`. �•,. .v.. HYDRAULIC RESULTS Y discharge Peak Flow Velocity (fps)Area (sc[R) Hydraubc Normal IE cls period hrs Radus It 0 h R k.6 0.1 7.08 0.65 0.22 0.39 LINER RFSULT-5 C125 tr,40221 L n Bottom Width = 0.50 Ft Not to Scale Reach Mailing Type Staple Patton StabilayAnalysis Vegetation Characteristics Permissitle Shear Stress (pst) Calculated Shear Stress (psfj Safety Factor Remarks Phase Class Type Density Straight C125 Umegetated 2.25 2.02 1.12 STABLE Staple D 4.: