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Good morning Colleen,
On behalf of our client, Spark Infrastructure Property Owner, L.P., Kimley-Horn is submitting the following NCDWR 401 Water Quality Certification Pre-Filing Notification for the sPARK
project located in Morrisville, Wake County, North Carolina. The project is composed of multiple parcels that are bounded by McCrimmon Parkway to the north and east, Airport Boulevard
to the west, and commercial developments to the south. The sPARK project is proposing the development of a life science campus that includes the construction of multiple buildings, associated
parking lots, stormwater basins, and a public roadway corridor (Public Street A) into the campus. Kimley-Horn staff conducted a detailed delineation of the project area on July 14-15,
2021 and February 24, 2022. The delineation efforts identified 7 jurisdictional wetlands (W1-W7) within the project area and 4 jurisdictional streams in or within 50 feet of the project
area boundary (S2, S4, S5 and S6). A Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination Request (SAW-2021-01709) has been submitted to and reviewed by James Lastinger of the USACE and documentation
is pending. Additionally, a Stream Origin Determination for Neuse River Basin riparian buffers was issued by Ben Mills of the Town of Morrisville (TOM# DETER-21-0028) on September 9,
The proposed project is anticipated to result in unavoidable wetland, stream, and riparian buffer impacts, however, impacts have been minimized to the greatest extent practicable. Kimley-Horn
held a pre-application meeting with James Lastinger of the USACE on April 25, 2022 to review the project design and permitting approach. After discussing the project and anticipated
impacts, James concurred that the project could request authorization under a combination of Nationwide Permit (NWP) 39 and NWP 18. The project will be requesting review from NCDWR under
a corresponding Individual 401 WQC. Riparian buffer authorization is anticipated to come from the Town of Morrisville as the delegated local municipality.
Below I have provided additional information to facilitate processing this request:
Project Name: sPARK
County: Wake County
Nationwide #: 39 & 18
Owner: Spark Infrastructure Property Owner, L.P.
Applicant/Consultant: Jason Hartshorn, PWS (Kimley-Horn) – <>
Please let me know if you have any questions or need additional information to process this request.
Jason Hartshorn, PWS
Kimley-Horn | 421 Fayetteville Street, Suite 600, Raleigh, NC 27601
Direct: 919 678 4155 | Mobile: 919 417 1781