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20141236 Ver 1_Stormwater Info_20141202
STORMWATER AND EROSION CONTROL 'NARRATIVE AND SUPPORTING CALCULATIONS Hempstead at Beaver Creek 'Town of Apex, North Carolina November 6, 2014 Prepared for: NVR Ryan Homes 14,01 Sunday Drive, Suite 1 11 Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 Prepared By: v MCMM &CREED v 1730 Varsity Drive, Suite 500 Raleigh, North Carolina ,27606 Phone: (919) 233.8091 Fax: (919) 233.8031 M&C Project No. 06631 -0002 \\\\111S1I111IrlU/4- H �A ' ''% �°oE�s� 1�y9,,,,, MAI 036348 - 11/06/2014 :h rprr4H C ulll\\ \\ PROJECT DESCRIPITON The purpose of the project is to construct a 193 unit townhome community within the Beaver Creek Crossings Shopping Center development in Apex, North Carolina: The community Will have two access points for residents, one off of Creekside Landing Drive and the other off of `Chapel Ridge Road. Construction access is restricted to Creekside Landing Drive. The impervious footprint of the site is approximately 10.60,acres SITE DESCRIPTION The existing 24.31 acre site is comprised of approximately 16.64 acres of seeded /grassed area and 7.67 acres of wooded area. The seeded /grassed portion of the site has previously been rough graded and envelopes the northwestern area of-the site. This area slopes moderately (2 % -3 %) from west to east towards"Beaver Creek. The wooded, southeastern ;portion of the site slopes more severely (8 % -15% and higher) towards Beaver Creek, which provides a natural parcel divide along a portion of the eastern boundary of the site. ADJACENT PROPERTIES The,project site'is bound to the north by Beaver Creek Shopping Center, Phase III. The site is bound to the south and °West by Chapel Ridge Subdivision. The site is bound to the east by Beaver Creek and Beckett Crossing Subdivision. STORMWATER IMPROVEMENTS A stormwater wet detention pond has been designed based upon the guidelines detailed in the North Carolina Division of Water Quality's "Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual The pond has been designed to remove `85% of the Total Suspended Solids (TSS) and to attenuate post- development runoff rate`s to a value at or below pre - development rates for the 1 -year, 24 -hour storm event Further, as required by Town of Apex guidelines, the pond has been designed to attenuate post - development runoff rates to a value at or below, pre-development rates for the 10 -year, 24- hour,storm event In, addition, as required per regulations, a level" spreader has been provided to disperse low flows into and across the adjacent 50' riparian buffer. A high -flow bypass will direct larger flows directly into the stream. STORMWATER CALCULATIONS H droCAD Results - Pre /Post Summary Predevelopment Postdevelopment Return Period (Yr) Runoff (cfs) Discharg_e,from gMPs cfs 1 12.44 12.06 10 45.92 43.08 SOILS According to the Wake County Generalized Soil Survey, the soils located.on the,site are classified as Altavista fine sandy loam, 0 to 6 percent slopes (AfB); Creedmoor sandy loam, 2 to 6 ,percent slopes (CrB2); Creedmoor sandy loam, 6 to 10 percent slopes (CrC2); Granville sandy loam, 6 to 10 percent_ slopes (GrC); Granville sandy loam, 1`0 to 15 percent slopes (GrD); Water (W); Wehadkee and Bibb sods, 0 °to 2 percent slopes (WOA); and Worsham.sandy loam, 0 to 3 percent slopes (WyA) The following soil descriptions are associated with the sods found on the site: AfB - Altavista fine sandy loam, 0 to 6 percent slopes - often found in the southern piedmont and coastal plain, along stream terraces,, Permeability is moderate and the, -soils are ,moderately well drained. the seasonal high water is perched at a depth of 18 to 30 inches. CrB2 - Creedmoor sandy loam, 2 to 6 percent slopes - often found in the Piedmont uplands. Permeability is very slow and ,the-,Soils are moderately well drained and somewhat poorly drained. The seasonal high water is perched at a depth of'3 to 6 feet. CrC2•- Creedmoor sandy loam, 6 to 10 percent slopes - often found in the 'Piedmont uplands. Permeability is very slow and the sods are moderately well drained and somewhat poorly drained. The seasonal high water is perched at a depth of 3 to 6 feet. GrC - Granville sandy loam, 6 to 10 percent slopes - often found in the Piedmont uplands. Permeability is moderate and the soils are wel[drained. GrD - Granville sandy loam, 10 to 15 percent slopes - often found in the Piedmont uplands. Permeabdity,is moderate and the sods are well drained. WoA - Wehadkee and Bibb sods, 0 to 2 percent slopes, —often found ,on flood plains along streams that drain from the mountains and piedmont Permeability is moderate, and sods are poorly drained. WyA - Worsham sandy loam, 0 to 3 percent slopes - often found in depressions, at the heads of drains, ,at the base of slopes, and on upland flast in the Piedmont Plateau. Permeability is very slow and soils are poorly drained. The seasonal high water is perched at 0 to 12 inches. PLANNED EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PRACTICES 1 TEMPORARY GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE /EXIT Temporary gravel construction entrances'/exits will be installed at the existing end of pavement locations along Briar Chapel Parkway and Boulder Point Drive to provide a buffer area for construction vehicles to drop mud and sediment to avoid transporting it onto public roads 2. SILT FENCE Silt fence will be used' in natural outfall areas to prevent any,sedimenit from,leavmg the site 3, SILT FENCE OUTLET Silt fence outlets are to be used in low areas to allow a drainage point through silt fence areas such as to relieve pressure from water held behind silt fences 4. HARDWARE CLOTH AND GRAVEL INLET PROTECTION Hardware cloth & gravel inlet protection will be installed around all new storm drainage inlet structures installed during construction LOf the project. These devices are used to keep sediment laden water out of the storm drainage system such that no, or very little, sediment is introduced to natural drainageways 5 TEMPORARY DIVERSION DITCH Temporary diversion ditches Will be installed to direct water into.existing skimmer sediment basins. They will be maintained by the contractor until approved to be removed. 6 CHECK, DAM Stone check dams will be provided within temporary diversion ditches where velocities exceed established erosive velocities. 7. SKIMMER SEDIMENT BASINS Existing skimmer sediment basins will be mucked out, repaired and brought to original design,standards,to retain sediment on the construction site,and prevent sedimentation in the surrounding area. Basins'will be maintained °by contractor,until,approved to be removed. 8. RIPRAP OUTLET PROTECTION Riprap outlet protection will be used at'the outlet of all stormwater discharge into natural ground and drainageways to dissipate the energy from concentrated runoff and reduce the scour potential.in vegetated areas. 9 TEMPORARY'SLOPE STABILIZATION Temporary erosion control matting will be installed on all slopes greater than ten feet to stabilize fill slopes. 10 TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT SEEDING Temporary and permanent seeding will be used to form a dense ground cover to reduce sod loss from exposed slopes. 11 TEMPORARY SLOPE DRAINS Slope drains will be installed where diversion ditches enter sediment basins to convey the water and' prevent erosion of the basins�slopes MAINTENANCE CONSIDERATIONS Contractor shall be responsible for periodic inspection and maintenance of all indicated erosion control devices. In addition, inspection and any necessary maintenance will be required immediately following any significant storm event. Any measure that fads to function as intended shall be repaired immediately. Upon completion of construction, the property owner shall be responsible for site maintenance. 11 CALCULATIONS S Pre - Development Subcat Reach on Link (2S) Post-Development 3P Hempstead BMP '2014.11.06.BMP Routing Type 11 24 -hr 1 -Inch Rainf611=4 00" Prepared by McKim & Creed Printed 11/6/2014 HydroCAD®10 00 s/n 04927 © 2011 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Paae 9 Summary'for Pond 3P: Hempstead BMP Inflow Area = 20 460 ac, 51 22% Impervious, Inflow Depth > 0 17" for 1 -Inch event Inflow = ,5 35 cfs @ 12 04 hrs, Volume= 0 295 of Outflow '0 14 cfs @ 19 77 hrs, Volume= 0 083 ,af, Atten= 97%, Lag= 463 7 min Primary = 0 00 cfs @ 5 00 hrs, Volume= 0 000 of Secondary = 0.14 cfs @ 19 77 hrs, Volume= 0 083 of Tertiary = 0 00 cfs @ 5 00 hrs, Volume= 0 -000 of Routing by Stor -Ind method, Time Span= 5 00 -20 00 hrs, dt= 0 05 hrs Peak Elev= 311 96' @ 19 77 hrs Surf Area= 21,701 sf Storage= 9,258 cf P lug- Flow, detention time= 254,8 min calculated,'for 0 083 of (28% of inflow) Center -of -Mass det time= 143 0 min ( 976 0 - 833 1 ) Volume Invert Avail Storage Storage Description #1 311,50' 143,295,cf Custom Stage Data (Prismatic)bsted below (Recalc) Elevation - Surf Area Inc Store Cum Store (feet) (sq -ft) (cubic -feet) (cubic -feet) 31'150, 18',321 0 0 31200 21,974 10,074 10,074 31300 24,214 23,094 33,168 31400 26,1,53 25,184 58,351 31500 27,586 26,870 85,221 31600 29,026 28,306 113,527 31700 30,510 29,768 143,295 Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 306 50' 24.0" Round Culvert L= 63 5' RCP, square edge headwall, Ke= 0 500 Inlet / Outlet Invert= 306 50'/ 303 00' S= 0 0551 T Cc= 0 900 n= 0 013, Flow Area= 3 14 sf #2 Device 1 313 20' 36.0" W x 3.6" H Vert. Orifice /Grate C= 0 600 #3 Device 1 313 50' 48.0" x 48.0" Horiz. Orifice /Grate C= 0 600 Limited to weir flow at low heads #4 Secondary 311 50' 3:0" Vert. Orifice /Grate C= 0 600 #5 Tertiary 315 50' 50.0' long x 22:0' breadth Broad - Crested Rectangular Weir Head (feet) 0 20 0 40 0 60 0 80 1 00 1 20 140 1 60 Coef (English) 2 68 2 70 2 70 2 64 2 63 2 64 2 64 2 63 P.r"imary OutFlow Max =O 00 cfs @ 5 00 hrs HW =311 50' (Free Discharge) 1•- = Culvert (Passes 0 00 cfs of 30 25 cfs potential flow) 2 =Orifice /Grate ( Controls 0 00 cfs) 3= Orifice /Grate ( Controls,0.00 cfs) econdary OutFlow Max =O 14 cfs @ 19 77 hrs HW =311 96' (Free Discharge) = Orifice /Grate (Orifice Controls 0 14 cfs @ 2 80 fps) librtiary OutFlow Max =O 00 cfs @ 5 00 hrs HW =311 50" (Free Discharge) L-5= Broad - Crested Rectangular Weir( Controls, 0 00 cfs) 2014.11.06.BMP Routing Type 11 24 -hr 1 -Inch Rainfall = 1.00" Prepared by McKim & Creed Printed 11/6/2014 HydroCAD® 10.00 s/n 04927 @2011 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 10 N V O LL Pond 3P: Hempstead BMP Hvdroaraoh 0.00 cfs 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Time (hours) ■ Inflow C= Outfl ❑ Primary r] Secondary ■ Tertiary 2014.11.06.BMP Routing Type 1124-hr 9 -Yr Rainfall= 2.87" Prepared by McKim & Creed Printed 11/6/2014 HydroCAD® 10.00 s/n 04927 © 2011 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 12 Summary for Subcatchment 1S: Pre - Development Runoff = 12.44 cfs @ 12.16 hrs, Volume= 0.963 af, Depths 0.57" Runoff by SCS TR -20 method, UH =SCS, Time Span= 5.00 -20.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Type II 24 -hr 1 -Yr Rainfall =2.87' Area (so CN Description 891,249 70 Woods, Good, HSG C 891,249 100.00% Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 20.0 Direct Entry, Subcatchment 1S: Pre - Development Hydrograph 13- 12.44 cfs 12 Type II 24 -hr 11 1 -Yr Rainfall= 2.87" 10 Runoff Area = 891,249 sf 9 Runoff Volume =0.963 of 8- Runoff Depth >0.57" LL : 6 7 Tc =20.0 min 5 CN =70 0 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Time (hours) ❑ Runoff 2014.11.06.BMP Routing Type// 24 -hr 1 -Yr Rainfall = 2.87" Prepared by McKim & Creed Printed 11/6/2014 HydroCAD® 10.00 s/n 04927 © 2011 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 13 Summary for Subcatchment 2S: Post - Development Runoff = 48.02 cfs @ 12.02 hrs, Volume= 2.441 af, Depth> 1.43" Runoff by SCS TR -20 method, UH =SCS, Time Span= 5.00 -20.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Type II 24 -hr 1 -Yr Rainfall =2.87' Area (so CN Description 434,734 74 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG C 456,515 98 Paved parking, HSG C 891,249 86 Weighted Average 434,734 48.78% Pervious Area 456,515 51.22% Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 10.0 Direct Entry, Subcatchment 2S: Post - Development Hydrograph ❑ Runoff 50 48.02 cfs 45 Type II 24 -hr 1 -Yr Rainfall= 2.87" 40 Runoff Area = 891,249 sf 35 Runoff Volume =2.441 of 30 Runoff Depth >1.43" 0 25- Tc =10.0 min LL 20 CN =86 15 10 5 0 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Time (hours) 2014.1'1.06.BMP Routing Type 1124 -hr 1 -Yr Rainfall= 2.87" Prepared by McKim & Creed Printed 11/6/2014 HydroCADO 10 00 s/n 04927 © 2011 HydroCAD Software�Solutions LLG Paae 1,4 Summary forftnd 3P: Hempstead BMP Inflow Area = 20 460, ac, '51'22% Imperviou "s,, Inflow Depth > 1 43" for 1 -Yr event Inflow = 48 02 cfs @ 12.02 hrs, Volume= 2 441,af' Outflow = 12 06 cfs @ 12 24 hrs, Volume= 1 489 af, Atten= 75 %, Lag= 13 4 min Primary = 11 71 cfs @ 12 24 hrs, Volume= 1 263 of Secondary = 0 35 cfs @ 12 24 hrs, Volume= 0 226 of Tertiary = 0 00 cfs @ 5 00 hrs,, Volume= 0 000 of Routing by Stor -Ind method, Time Span= 5.00 -20 00 hrs„ dt= 0 05 hrs Peak Elev= 313 80'@,12 24 hrs Surf Area= 25,774 sf Storage= 53,276 cf Plug -Flow detention time= 151:6 min calculated for 1 489 of (61 %of inflow) Center -of -Mass det time= 77 3 min ( 863 8 - 786 4 ) Volume Invert Avail Storage Storage-Description #1 311 50' 143,295 cf Custom Stage Data (Prismatic)Listed below (Recalc) Elevation Surf Area Inc Store Cum Store (feet) (sq =ft) (cubic -feet) (cubic -feet) 311 50 18,321 0 0 312.00 21,974 10,074 10,074 31300 24;214 23;094 33,168 31400 26,153 25,184 58,351 31500 27,586 26,870 85,221 31600 29,026 28,306 113,527 31,700 30;510 29,768 143,295 Device Routing _ Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 306 50' 24.0" Round Culvert L= 63 5' RCP, square edge headwall, Ke= 0 500 Inlet / Outlet Invert= 306 50'/ 303.00' .S= 0 0551 T Cc= 0 900 n= 0 013, Flow Area= 3 14 sf #2 Device 1 313 20' 36.0" W x 3.6" H Vert. Orifice /Grate C= 0 600 #3 Device 1 313 50' 48.0" x 48.0" Horiz. Orifice /Grate C= 0 600_ Limited to weir flow at low heads #4 Secondary 311:50" 3.0" Vert. Orifice /Grate C =, 0 600 #5 Tertiary 31'5 50' 50.0' long x 22.0' breadth Broad - Crested Rectangular Weir Head (feet) 0 20 0 40 0 60 0 80 1, 00 1 20 140 1.60 Coef (English) 2 68 2'70 2 70 2 64 2 63 2 64 2'64 2,63 Primary OUtFlow Max =11 62 cfs ,@ 1-2 24 hrs HW =313'80' (Free Discharge) t-� =Culvert (Passes 1162 cfs of 37 98 cfs potential flow) 2 --Orifice /Grate (Orifice Controls 2 90 cfs @ 3 23 fps) 3- Orifice /Grate (Weir Controls 8.72 cfs @ 1 80 fps) econdary 'OutFlow Max =O 35 cfs @ 12 24 'hrs HW =313 80'' (Free Discharge) = Orifice /Grate (Orifice Controls 0 35 cfs @ 7 11 fps) Iertiary•OutFlow Max =O 00 cfs @ 5 00 hrs HW =311 50' (Free Discharge) z-5= Broad - Crested Rectangular Weir( Controls 0 00 cfs) 2014.11.06.BMP Routing Type 1124-hr 9 -Yr Rainfall = 2.87" Prepared by McKim & Creed Printed 11/6/2014 HydroCAD® 10.00 s/n 04927 © 2011 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 15 Pond 3P: Hempstead BMP Hydrograph 48.02 CfS ■Inflow I -: Outflow Inflow Area = 20.460 ac 0 Primary Ci Secondary Peak Elev= 313.80 0Tertiary 50f Storage= 53,276 cf 45 40 35 30 c 25 20 11.71 Cfs 15 10 _ 0.35 cfs - - -- 0.00 CfS 0 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Time (hours) 2014.11.06.BMP Routing Type 1124-hr 90 -Yr Rainfall = 5.04" Prepared by McKim & Creed Printed 11/6/2014 HydroCAM 10.00 s/n 04927 © 2011 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Paae 17 Summary for Subcatchment 1S: Pre - Development Runoff = 45.92 cfs @ 12.14 hrs, Volume= 3.195 af, Depth> 1.87' Runoff by SCS TR -20 method, UH =SCS, Time Span= 5.00 -20.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Type II 24 -hr 10 -Yr Rainfall = 5.04" Area (so CN Description 891,249 70 Woods, Good HSG C 891,249 100.00% Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 20.0 Direct Entry, Subcatchment 1S: Pre - Development Hydrograph 48 45.92 cfs 44 Type II 24 -hr 40 10 -Yr Rainfall= 5.04" 36 Runoff Area = 891,249 sf 32 Runoff Volume =3.195 of 30 Runoff Depth >1.87" 26 0 24 Tc =20.0 min LL 22 18 CN =70 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Time (hours) ❑ Runoff 2014.11.06.BMP Routing Type 1124-hr 10 -Yr Rainfall = 5.04" Prepared by McKim & Creed Printed 11/6/2014 HydroCAM 10.00 s/n 04927 © 2011 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 18 Summary for Subcatchment 2S: Post - Development Runoff = 105.74 cfs @ 12.01 hrs, Volume= 5.577 af, Depth> 3.27" Runoff by SCS TR -20 method, UH =SCS, Time Span= 5.00 -20.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Type II 24 -hr 10 -Yr Rainfall = 5.04" Area (sf) CN Description 434,734 74 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG C 456,515 98 Paved parking, HSG C 891,249 86 Weighted Average 434,734 48.78% Pervious Area 456,515 51.22% Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 10.0 Direct Entry, Subcatchment 2S: Post - Development Hydrograph 115 110 105.74 cfs 105 100 65 60 70 65 — 60 0 55 lL cn Type II 24 -hr 10 -Yr Rainfall= 5.04" Runoff Area = 891,249 sf Runoff Volume =5.577 of Runoff Depth >3.27" Tc =100 m in CN =86 5 6 7 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Time (hours) ❑ Runoff 2014.11 .,06.BMP Routing Type lI 24 -hr 10 -Yr Rainfall =5 04" Prepared by McKim & Creed Printed 11/6/2014 HydroCAD®10 00 s/n 04927 © 2011 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC_ Paae 19 Summary for Pond 3P: Hempstead BMP Inflow Area = 20 460 ac, 51 22% Impervious, Inflow Depth > 3 27" for 10 -Yr event Inflow = 1,05 74 cfs @ 12 01 hrs, Volume= 5 577 of Outflow = 43 08 cfs @ 12 16 hrs, Volume =4 563 af, Atten= 59 %, Lag 9 1 min Primary = 42 62 cfs @ 12 16 hrs, Volume= 4 288 of Secondary = 0 46 cfs @ 12 1`6 hrs, Volume= 0 276 of Tertiary = 0 00 cfs @ 5 00 hrs, Volume= 0 000 of Routing by(Stor =Ind method, Time Span= 5 00 -20 00 hrs, dt= 0 05'hrs Peak Elev= 315 44' @ 12 16 hrs Surf Area= 28,216 sf Storage= 97,428 cf Plug -Flow detention °time= 93 1 min calculated for 4 563 of (82% of inflow) Center -of -Mass det time= 41 -9 min ( 809 7 - 767 8 �y Volume Invert Avail Storage Storage Description #1 311 50' 143,295 cf Custom Stage Data (Prismatic)Listed below (Recalc) Elevation Surf Area Inc Store Cum Store (feet) (sq -ft) (cubic -feet) (cubic -feet) 311.50 1'8,321 0 0 31,200 21,974 10,074 10,074 313 00 24,214 23;094 33,168 31400 26',153 25,184 58,351 31500 27,586 26,870 85,221 31600 29,026 28,306 113,527 31700 30,510 29,768 143,295' Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 306 50' 24.0" Round Culvert L= 63,5' RCP, square edge headwall, Ke= 0 500 Inlet/ Outlet Invert= 306 50'/ 303.00' S= 0 0551 T Cc= 0 900, n= 0 013, Flow Area= 3 14 sf #2 Device 1 313 20' °36.0" W x 3.6" H Vert. Orifice /Grate C= 0 600 #3 Device 1 313 50' 48.0" x 48.0" Horiz. Orifice /Grate C=0600 Limited .to weir flow, at low, heads #4 Secondary 311 50' 3.0" Vert. Orifice /Grate C= 0 600 #5 Tertiary 315 50' 50.0' long x 22.0' breadth Broad - Crested Rectangular Weir Head (feet) •O 20 0.40 0 60 0 80 1 00 1 20 1 40 1 60 ,Coef, , (English) 2 68 2170 2 ,70 2,64 2 63 2 64 2 64 2 63, Primary OutFlow Max =42 58 cfs @ 12 16 hrs HW =315 43' (Free Discharge) t = Culvert (Inlet Controls 42 58 cfs @ 13 -56 fps) 2= Orifice /Grate (Passes < 6 24 cfs potential flow) 3= Orifice /Grate (Passes z'1106 89 °cfs potential flow) econdary OutFlow Max =O 46 cfs @ 12 16 hrs HW =315 43' (Free Discharge) = Orifice /Grate (Orifice Controls 0 46 cfs @ 9 39 fps) Tertiary OutFlow Max =O 00 cfs @, 5 00 hrs HW =311 50' (Free Discharge) z-5= Broad - Crested Rectangular Weir( Controls 0 00 cfs) 2014.11.06.BMP Routing Type fl 24 -hr 10 -Yr Rainfall= 5.04" Prepared by McKim & Creed Printed 11/6/2014 HydroCAD® 10.00 s/n 04927 © 2011 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 20 3 O LL 110 100 90 20 0.00 CfS 5 Pond 3P: Hempstead BMP Hydrograph 105.74 CfS 0 Inflow (.:Outflow Inflow Area = 20.460 ac ❑ Primary. '_.Secondary Peak Elev = 315.44 0Tertiary Storage= 97,428 cf 42.6 CfS h 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Time (hours) WATER QUALITY-POND CALCULATIONS Project Name Hempstead at Beaver Creek Project Number 6631 -0002 Date November 6, 2014 3rd revision 2nd revision Ist revision 201411 06 Water Quality Pond Drainage Area Data Project Hempstead at Beaver Creek Project No. 6631 -0002 Date November 6, 2014 Total site area 879,004 square feet = 20.18 acres Impervious areas Drainage area to and Other Drainage Area Existing s Proposed s Change s Existing s Proposed s 20' Lots 1,350 sf ea 102 ttl 0 137,700 137,700 0 0 22' Lots 1,500 sf ea 91 ttl 0 136,500 136,500 0 0 On -site streets/alleys 0 155,283 155,283 0 0 On -site sidewalks 0 25,032 25,032 0 0 On -site open s ace 0 2,000 2,000 0 0 Off -site streets 0 0 0 0 0 Off -site sidewalks 0 0 0 0 0 Total Impervious 0 456,515 456,515 0 0 Non-impervious areas Drainage area to and Other Drainage Area Existing s Proposed s Change s Existing s Proposed s On -site grass/landscape 18,213 434,734 416,521 0 0 On -site woods 0 0 0 0 0 Other undeveloped 873,036 0 - 873,036 0 0 Total off -site non-impervious 0 0 0 0 0 Total non-impervious 891,249 434,734 - 456,515 0 0 Total -Drainage Area 879,004 879,004 1 0 1 3,167,850 3,167,850 Percent Impervious 0.0 51.9 1 51.9 1 0.0 0.0 Notes: 2014.11.04.Wet Detention Pond.xls Site Drainage Area Data Page 2 of 17 Printed 11/6/2014 10:08 AM Water Quality Pond Surface Area Calculations Project Hempstead at Beaver Creek Project No. 6631 -0002 Date November 6, 2014 Total on -site drainage area to pond 879,004 square feet Total impervious area in drainage area 456,515 square feet Average water depth of basin at normal pool 3.2 feet Location of site Apex, Wake County, NC Site region Piedmont % Impervious cover 51.9 percent If the site is in a coastal area, will a vegetative filter be used? Surface Area /Drainage Area Ratios: n/a For a site in the Piedmont (85 %) 2.1 percent For a site in the Piedmont (90 %) 3.0 percent For a site in a Coastal County w/ Vegetative Filter 4.2 percent For a site in a Coastal County w /out Vegetative Filter 5.6 percent Required surface area of pond: For a site in the Piedmont (85 %) 18,100.0 square feet For a site in the Piedmont (90 %) 26,280.0 square feet For a site in a Coastal County w/ Vegetative Filter 36,600.0 square feet For a site in a Coastal County w /out Vegetative Filter 49,190.0 square feet Notes: 2014.11.04.Wet Detention Pond.xls Pond Surface Area Calcs Page 3 of 17 Printed 11/6/2014 10:08 AM Water Quality Pond Stormwater Runoff Volume Calculations Project Hempstead at Beaver Creek Project No. 6631 -0002 Date November 6, 2014 Drainage area 879,004 square feet Impervious area 456,515 square feet Rainfall depth 1.00 inches Percent Impervious 51.9 percent R(v) =0.05 +0.009 *(Percent impervious) Runoff coefficient - R(v) 0.52 in /in Runoff volume = (Design rainfall) *(R(v)) *(Drainage area) Runoff volume 37,901.1 cubic feet Notes: 2014.11.04.Wet Detention Pond.xls Runoff Volume Calcs Page 4 of 17 Printed 11/6/2014 10:08 AM Water Quality Pond Volume Calculations Stage - Storage Data for Pond - Temporary Pool Project Hempstead at Beaver Creek Project No. 6631 -0002 Date November 6, 2014 Contour ID Stage Area [s q. ft. Area acres Incremental Area [s q. ft. Incremental Area acres Incremental volume cu. ft Incremental volume acre -ft Cumulative volume cu. ft Cumulative volume acre -ft 311.5 0 18,321.0 0.421 18,321.0 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 312 0.5 21,974.0 0.504 3,653.0 0.1 10,073.8 0.2 10,073.8 0.2 313 1.5 24,214.0 0.556 2,240.0 0.1 23,094.0 0.5 33,167.8 0.8 313.2 1.7 24,664.0 0.566 450.0 0.0 4,887.8 0.1 38,055.5 0.6 314 2.5 26,153.0 0.600 1,489.0 0.0 20, 326.8 0.5 58, 382.4 0.6 315 3.5 27,586.0 0.633 1,433.0 0.0 26,869.5 0.6 85,251.9 1.1 316 4.5 29,026.0 0.666 1,440.0 0.0 28,306.0 0.6 113,557.9 1.3 317 5.5 30,510.0 0.700 1,484.0 0.0 29,768.0 0.7 143,325.9 1.3 2014.11.04.Wet Detention Pond.xls Stage Storage (Temp Pool) Page 5 of 17 Printed 11/6/201410:08 AM Water Quality Pond Volume Calculations Stage - Storage Data for Pond - Permanent Pool Project Hempstead at Beaver Creek Project No. 6631 -0002 Date November 6, 2014 Contour ID Stage Area ft. Area acres Incremental Area [s q. ft. Incremental Area acres Incremental volume cu. ft Incremental volume acre -ft Cumulative volume cu. ft Cumulative volume acre -ft 304 0 2,326.0 0.053 2,326.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 305 1 3,167.0 0.073 841.0 0.0 2,746.5 0.1 2,746.5 0.1 306 2 4,445.0 0.102 1,278.0 0.0 3,806.0 0.1 6,552.5 0.2 307 3 5,951.0 0.137 1,506.0 0.0 5,198.0 0.1 11,750.5 0.2 308 4 7,737.0 0.178 1,786.0 0.0 6,844.0 0.2 18,594.5 0.3 309 5 9,702.0 0.223 1,965.0 0.0 8,719.5 0.2 27,314.0 0.4 310 6 11,850.0 0.272 2,148.0 0.0 10,776.0 0.2 38,090.0 0.4 311 7 14,148.0 0.325 2,298.0 0.1 12,999.0 0.3 51,089.0 0.5 311.5 7.5 18,321.0 0.421 4,173.0 0.1 8,117.3 0.2 59,206.3 0.5 2014.11.04.Wet Detention Pond.xls Stage Storage (Perm Pool) Page 6 of 17 Printed 11161201410:08 AM Water Quality Pond Volume Calculations Stage - Storage Data for Pond - Forebays Project Hempstead at Beaver Creek Project No. 6631 -0002 Date November 6, 2014 Contour ID Stage Area [s q. ft. Area acres Incremental Area [s q. ft. Incremental Area acres Incremental volume cu. ft Incremental volume acre -ft Cumulative volume cu. ft Cumulative volume acre -ft 306 0 368.0 0.008 368.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 307 1 872.0 0.020 504.0 0.0 620.0 0.0 620.0 0.0 308 2 1,428.0 0.033 556.0 0.0 1,150.0 0.0 1,770.0 0.0 309 3 2,047.0 0.047 619.0 0.0 1,737.5 0.0 3,507.5 0.1 310 4 2,697.0 0.062 650.0 0.0 2,372.0 0.1 5,879.5 0.1 311 5 3,345.0 0.077 648.0 0.0 3,021.0 0.1 8,900.5 0.1 311.5 5.5 4,693.0 0.108 1,348.0 0.0 2,009.5 0.0 10,910.0 0.1 2014.11.04.Wet Detention Pond.xls Stage Storage (Forebays) Page 7 of 17 Printed 11/6/2014 10:08 AM Water Quality Basin Dewatering Time Calculations Project Hempstead at Beaver Creek Project No. 6631 -0002 Date November 6, 2014 Water quality treatment volume 37,952 cubic feet Total treatment volume 38,056 cubic feet Maximum head of water above dewatering hole 1.70 feet Driving head 0.56 feet Orifice coefficient 0.60 Diameter of each hole Number of holes 3.00 inches Cross sectional area of each hole = 0.049 square feet Water Quality Pond Summary Information Project Hempstead at Beaver Creek Project No. 6631 -0002 Date November 6, 2014 Drainage area to pond 879,004 square feet = 20.18 acres Impervious area in drainage area 456,515 square feet = 10.48 acres Bottom of pond elevation 304.00 feet Normal pool elevation 311.50 feet Pond volume at normal pool 59,206 cubic feet Required volume for design rainfall 37,901 cubic feet Required surface area for pond 18,100 square feet Volume provided for storage of design rainfall = 38,056 cubic feet at elevation 313.20 Surface area provided at normal pool 18,321 square feet Average Depth 3.23 feet 2014.11.04.Wet Detention Pond.xls Summary Data Page 9 of 17 Printed 11/6/2014 10:08 AM Friction Method Solve For Roughness Coefficient Channel Slope Left Side Slope Right Side Slope Bottom Width Discharge Normal Depth Flow Area Wetted Perimeter Hydraulic Radius Top Width Critical Depth Critical Slope Velocity Velocity Head Specific Energy Froude Number Flow Type Downstream Depth Length Number Of Steps Upstream Depth Profile Description Profile Headloss Downstream Velocity Upstream Velocity Normal Depth Critical Depth Channel Slope Worksheet for BMP Bypass Channel Manning Formula Normal Depth Subcritical 0.078 0.06800 tuft 3.00 Will (H:V) 3.00 tuft (H:V) 5.00 ft 42.62 ft3 /s 1.17 ft 9.94 ft' 12.39 ft 0.80 ft 12.01 ft 1.06 ft 0.10106 Wit 4.29 ft/s 0.29 ft 1.45 ft 0.83 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 0 0.00 ft 0.00 ft Infinity ft/s Infinity ft/s 1.17 ft 1.06 ft 0.06800 Will T =yds y =62.4 Ib /ft3 d =1.17 ft s =0.068 ft/ft T= 62.4*1.17 *.068 T =4.96 Ib /ft2 4.96 >5 ib /ft2 allowable for Riprap with D50 15" Bentley Systems, Inc. Haested Methods SANi wfliiiaNaster V81(SELECTseries 1) [ 1116/201411 :17:67 AM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1 -203- 766 4886 Page 1 of 2 Worksheet for BMP Bypass, Channel GYE Output Data Critical Slope 0 10106 ft/ft Bentley Systems, Inc Haestad Methods SdUkIdlefSkboWMaster V81 (SELECTsernes 7) [08 11 01 031 11/612014 11 17 67 AM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06796,USA +1403- 766 -1666 Page 2 of 2 HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS L M. M se.a.no� sas. BmtM 6yNma. xc MN40 MMnd Sai7Wn .1 c�m.� a,.. sole iao w wr.wn cr ce�x use .1 —7—W � rye ,tasq gQtdt - HEMPSTEAD AT BEAVER CREEK _ STORM DRAINAGE DESIGN SUMMARY TABLE 1 OF 2) _ u9.*. OP- Ilpbt.m u,.- I"-- B9.bml��xllr T.7 %-- 0.03. qp9 wPler ASea.p xob 1Mafbnln ,O.w3tlro XQam) x.e. F1...6en m) NSeKmI -(ft) nl - MMAn.I -) 319x1.) _ ox.xl.a bl..4i1m i V. mh), M.Y6.1 w 3 W9BN -7� �361ABHx tj353651� -,4114AlIl iC366)= 063 dlillil358A33- 3519) ,�L353Wp1 3LLW MJS401 BLIx 163 ]0M x100%® Ism )15 !35)0 MUSH 25 gi�65312 571 �SN]!1 4. iCmtltle� fobcle i0.31� SOM- SDMN10 35138 33113 3.W 33150 350.29 swlll 1m 350.38 "L99 6330 �13� 0.1014 OfiOx (WA) QOt ZW 719 mw691m 616 0.W ]610 9131 0..3 0.3 0..3 CV9 3353] "120 31 12 7)] ]8610 662 19. Cnnn.le Cmaele SOMK3 SOMA 321 W 3164 35850 31100 3f3W-W 35520 33 1 3.1. 31 rn 35655 SOM82 WKWPM 31D W JI 313.1 1.70 n7.7 Wj� 35631 I". 13350 -W 110x 0.7Tif 1797N WNlAfl= 422 1103 WjI� a. Q 7d j91.1 M Lb IZ " rN= i% 0..3 0..J 7d 592 [enuele Cmvele CBJ1 6. 639 638 637 35900 35641 350. 3570 1.10 17110 ODI.f ZI - 1106 mmw U 3gM %W 3558) 35219 352W 31550 351% 316% 0.18 0.10 15) 2. 69] fi93 1070 ]1 33 WE5= 1619 ME19M 55 Cmnero 0..3 631 !8170 35612 33450 3.61 350.10 3f1 W 32610 317 1326 1666 31830 501083 !18-08 311 W 311W 31). M. 3110 9330 �9�00%�� SAfxi 0.12 619 1. �Cmv.�le g._Z.�y PVC 0..0 ..0 C638 [OK 31)12 33L73W C62A �C619 BX 32150 3.71 al, Q20 all Qb 026 611 ). 711 722 111 LM a. 12 ]2 32 113, 820 911 1185 611 )d 2 �� PVC �0� OAIO 3.6Z 33135 `33)00 32650 '331. 32)35, 33175 1,610 1206 C610 gr_-u 31090 32179 X3"25 ]3010 311% 33131 --w 33161 3NW I. W . W NW 19.1 wi�w 090% MaEw 431 1% 4555 6.m 697 l� 3.86 30 1S .Z15 611 SOM83 31850 31139 432L17 _ 1�60D� 331 ComeR 0..3 a- me. CBAB 31155 32133 3IL% 311. 722 LIS l2 915 1% � WNIF7d C8]W 3 "23 32255 3)950 32410 3IL,1 030 121. 0608 390% 0.1) .21 P. .1. .0 .C� L`a�.5f 127SS 3.35 32500 33110 31L67 W3.MN 12 ]2 93 1420 619 11;6,31 �PV -,�C� Mr•.1�8 PVC OHIO. 0.0 31613 339 2 ®A0� 31140 331% ,,E 419 0,J1 MW Ld [690 ® .1. 3!5.05 C69C �50MN9B� 33525 3)S )0 "2W �33L00� 333W �833}it 13)40 �6)20� 2360 19.1 OA% .20 0.15 an 0.11 716 0112 7d 1]I M2.90W 3% Mai '� IS 198 .11 �m 122 ANC= -- MIEMM 0.3 3 �313A -3� C99A �C49� J35,0 3353) 331. W330.90W 3b 15 33293 3g2 69 C36 3.17 (�3i175M "i. 33635= 33221 �35//M 330.81 0.l. MgM all 0. %, WPM §ME- 12W�i 2111 ]�U 30.W 1666 M10.50� Ii.s �0..3M O.3 X31'10' 30.30 �IA�'-�%-� i•^_^t .60x G--, Cnvete Qt 6) 33175 331)5 � 331% }3651 32613 Q7' U6 1 508185 333. 3.22 32665 3240 3]}. 313 3% 621 fit) 2). X21 �..� N 51% 1657 0..3 0..3 3 "" 32,W Ji6d 32111 7790 21. 52.1 0.. 3667 16W � I-- Qb WMx5 3.621 ff3 3..b !21.12 "/1] 160% �.SOF��EWLE&W .10 1. NsIbl 685 615 17% 3L92 sw-wW W.11 1222 3"b 3M31 33)" SOMHJA Sall- 32150 331% wg292 = 33535 =99M Corcrele 0.3 CP" CF" 31011 110.10 33610 33620m 3510 tinww 1.. 6Vi4 4 all mmm 0.d 111 INI0. "M 690 .d )22m 700 AW mw--= 631 15 =USE 15 13-00 532 1135 0..3 .3 W33752 -2 6110 affigim 3b 11 wi6. m 33620 unf. W 33715 420 ill. 219ENA Cave2 C6i3 R" 3.30 35109 .310 611 =91M 613! .111% W-If- a =99M 0.11 EWW1= a. )l6M 110 MRM . =Cffl= 11 0.3 0.3 WY2Diw w----Rg 31 }W � ---w-M wr--M . ANEItM 573 Wag= 311, 616 1&11 35115 3W W 31665 311 3725 W3717 35169 35125 ... 31675 .11. 31726 3.21 M: := S MOM 551 0..3 0.013 6I6 10.10 %. l��0..8...0��'�-%,,•��.� L.v_= a- 611 MUM 437 N2 705 MUM 191 ILO �G-�r.�e1e u Gve2a CB-. 6N 37. 19fi 35726 .3. 35310 35110 3N23 3 %,5 ,3515fi 612 6" 3.30 35�t 169 _ 313M 37J0 1111111-u -01-1101 RM17-In mug= =Mw 152 WiKgw wiWKIM offREM 9% 1. mc- -_mil Cam.!. 0..3 0.0]3 635 0819 611 C81. WM E3i> W� 351% W311)0m 3N. 35159 �3.136�' 3N 95 "W I 11110 0.90% 0.6024 am 47' 0.7 626 0.19 �6"W 722 111 136 �1-50� IS 3] 5% EKL M I. 150 31)90 3.00 SK92 PVC PVC 6.0 820 111-6:2-19 U7 67 315. W331 I0U 31533 Off310.0)IM 3317) C819 31750 33122 .W Win-= "W 6. 119 WV )]l =).'® 723 . =Ku:w all 32 NW- = 15 365 M6-M 610 0010 wff( .w= 0..3 3.76 30D% a9 0.0] 615 689 476 Cmtta6e C82. C812 33550 31119 ... 33610 C821 [ &" C &" 33910 339.30 331. 33190 710 ]L � 33)1) 33519 91 W 130% 10011 6" 419 100 719 12.17 �� 6% 'C�a'melga i_s (ax�rale vffi2im 13 C6" KM- --N 3.90 3.% 336W .133 fir4M 3729 311. 31J. 33610 "6W 33)55 zfiliim '337 52 1930 ong9m JO .16 67 722 726 1 1. 35 sw5 15 C8. 3Qt1 w m9am .36 MiEm 761 iIB 6. CameC 0..3 0..3 C625 JIL (826 SS 3N3S 337. 810.30 3361. 310.)3 0831 WKH :M 67 31452 .15 1b% 39.5 0..3 J))7t1� 33611 330.. NKw= := 13520 0.19 0.16 )13 710 L" L59 l5 135 10.9., ® 13S Cemeu C_ 631 3Y 51 33651 I.. WSHhm 33511 33537 333)5 3365] 31.15 3.W .20% 01.6 0.101 0." 427 0.36 0.19. )21 722 0117 33128 2130 � 17 IS 15 �a1:1 -21)' � 3L15 Mi2w 6% Cmu,1. Carc3eb 0..3 C8. in 11 37,1_01 37. 3 ".10 32791 3" ll C8. SDM115 327J31 3".10 315.' 311% 3_ M 331W 33113 314. 331% 12710 . W 317 39015 ('g.1.S -M I30x all Awmam MR-7IM 747 11]1 201 35 11 =SSSis 5.2 167 malwi Ca F PVC 0.013 0..0 SDMM9B WIIIF>dA 33570 3 2 3UW 319. '311% 33110 3213. 311W 6970 D &�CFT7� SpAN3 (W-) ��N/$ all Q. 705 67 =Elm % -.l W&-jm - PO30 '0..3 J "IS -%=. 32136 36W 110.E - L. 5559 165 ]606 pof...m Can.le Q31 Q33 3151. 33135 31150 mffffim 31610 W31� 32152 3216,up 27. mw)39G07 435 31[mw 031 653 mnw .1 -M) 6)) 52062 2.. 3fi i1 V-1.26 21. VW173 = 689 WedU- 0.3 3]8.00 WKM wa_-Im oi-M -M O.tO% CarreY Caveb 633 631 33137 �3� 33665 33190 Mgg= 331% 331" Q1-411111, 632 yw63i= 33135 m333m l. .i 32670 EW3i9A0� u .1. IK. 33113 .70 Wiff31J07i 26301 M.m all W6'»'W 722 �5m L7 ]5 5132 1. �569m 512 .3 w ---m 110% P.m 639 Cacrtle CV19 635 33352 33]59 �Od.l� 333. 33090 � 0.. 6. 0013 3.55 33605 336.. "293 1. �® .930 3.70 �66= 259 OWN= .4 �620� fiM 1" 62) 10.26 171, NW-4-olm 1550 A )D LLfifi� 2615 1136 IL93 fmvetr Cl% [W 637 31635 '350. J11 A 31130 .Sb 31137 31612 635 036 a 3.55 3.13 316231 095-w-W NLW 21 3,116 31133 0900% w 350% §WHm an zffiIS U MACUMM 1976 1. 1l.. Cem.p Carr.ete 0.3 _ HEMPSTEAD AT BEAVER CREEK _ STORM DRAINAGE DESIGN SUMMARY TABLE 2 OF 2 Upbxm wm. Up096m R6. 61m)bn lrtl Upx) ld 6)11)61M 1xLmBq Oe.n d. xo61 Om.mbeam Nie 6w+dm5L1 Del.rsOtvn 1...n ml xr;<adlPl 11616 lrt 139.171am 66r3Am. Proe11 Sp-I M�1 93rbmlm.mlq @J3.7 TaW SW 31er11L) 911• gamlb+pnl c1 dtyflm. T.t.51q lrLl .crap 9axa19IN9 wbml 3M L3as !♦3X71 Y♦tl 1051 E0� I�353.03�C 6- `�5�d3,/Q )�35Q9oM j�3sz_ 99� LS 1350 3LW (7�1.30%1� D5 215 IA 0.35 Conaeb 'dom 0013 C61fi f8-6) CBIM � 35567 3561635 36050 35150 7 W, 357 W, 35113 35315 35]T U�5 )�tb�6' CBN CLNA UlMB 3X11 )�35565� 35650 A�4 35130 DSL60 35510 BSI IO 360.10 353]1 �35i15� 356)1 X3}6.03 -� 360.6) 650% f® 190% �19011'� n" 0.01 0.]I �O.Ii� QA 0.06 0..6 0.11 � )10 7m 101]16a 732 166 115 LA 1]3 15 15 13 12 01[ 12 �]1 6M 6.21 �360� 122 eel WC 0013 0010 llff0010 IOMD 63]0 9610 If600 10160 [Ba6B 36119 360.00 36200 380.66 362.) CB19C 6J.D 365N 3621] 3.19 35910 36217 ]d0% 250x -6 0.A 629 QI] 0.A Mlff 'Q" mmu-_-m ]2I =N101 IA 15 is ]0.]d 596 L% 125 4013 0013 3XID 359.16 6" 35510 3X30 3X36 35924 mw-"---= 23W CN3 CBI] 3621) �� 35150 36300 35923 36350 SOMHJI WO m>.:3101 J67.0 3.2 l 362]5 3X30 361N Wm Ell �0�90x,� 633 0.. =Ngm MINIEW AM6DIg IMME9131 �C'�O�m�reb+� fomere 4013 0.013 50M1N1 f350 36]10 33953 33912 6265 33]40 33330 36311 3394) 3-2 358. 33Q9I 26200 �IALO� 2990 ]]flit 3i -� Od101 (WA) �Q11= 0.I, S) 4. 7W 655 b5fi LSfi 30.21 016 15 N 632 1341 3411 559 1126 936 33635 33953 3-SO 33310 Comeb 0011 013 CL51 CB52 Q50 651 335]1 33611 33)51 QOf 0.51 aw 0.71 715 IMMER SSS ls IS 0013 0013 330.93 331 33)13 33913 33692 331-00 1350 150.20 �m 35011 &19ZW 1202 L. 4.1 Cmveb CL53 C8N 3-16 .941 3390 313.0 310.61 31405 C852 C&53 651 33150 Iw339d0= 0.12 lLLIiliff QOfi MIME2illl 642 2W MEMME 24 WHERE 33942 1119iin 33696 15010 W--w 050% ImEaiw ]2U 1627 mff 3 1. �f'a-an.le faveee 0013 4f113 C455 56 .3. 363]3 ,33195 339 33)96 33691 104.0 20.30 655 311. ��'.''3.0��t� WNEW r� 060'4 -m ��1A,1! 69] X21. ��¢!�® 1D - 797 369 390 Comrele 1S�4Q3� C157 CL56 3.366 31151 33150 M 33530= 33565 1X00)R 3 "33 3A 91 310.10 �36fL)� CJXi 57 60. 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