HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-09645_Well Construction - GW1_20221021 i
WELL C0NSTRIJCt`ION gFt�(1(� For btemal Use Onbr
L Well Contractor Information: "
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wen CctmaooaName MM To DFS�TiON
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NC Well Cow CatiSatiaaN®ber
rNIQ- ' % ; j/ :,MOUMCASING wed OHLit�GR _rr:.
A,%an . F.1--AtkerS JfAr—• FROM R TO DrAMt a MUMEAL
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3.well Use(cheel_rnwen uft).- R ;n
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OCseothemnal(Heatmg/CooimB Supply)r`�_. - Water Supply(singte) R R in'
oladusttiaUCommercial Wags Supply( )
fl on MWells>100 000 GPD FROM To w trey; Fi�iec t rrMa�oD�antovxr
xoh-water Sapplywa- @ 0 vti 7 �+4l
oM ORecovery R R
Injection Welt: eoL
OAgniferRechuV OGaoundvm1erRemedisrion R
D quftStorageandRecovety OSalntityBarrier I9 SAPIDlL Y$EPACg __. ;,, ti ^r `
axoar To IarAz�eraL ' - - - sMere�r
OAgcufaTea OStormvraberDtairoge $ R
OBcpaimmial Technology t7Subside a Control R R >
(Closed Loop) OTracer ?2QIDRIId�iGLOG ai�eliii8ditinaalsh8elsif' " - '
OGeothermd aleaftr-Mling Rom) 170tha(esplain under#21 Remaris) FROM To DESCRErMN w�iti.etc��
4.Date Wens)Comphted: $�I�� Well ID#_ l 7 1t�{'y ! R ft
Ss.wen Lodation: R R t� 4 V.
Mw� d IAJaod;e— �?8�57 R R C 12 12022
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'is sufficied)
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_. t%is(ve)Aewen(s): permanent- or OTemporary S ` eIlCamraaflr Daw
BYEWwigd TfO?SIharbyaa7f'thardewcg(s)was6mm)emuvzwmdbiaccmdmwwirh
7.19 dds a repair to an eristhzg wdl:, r t?A or MWo 15ANCAC 02C.0100 ar ISANCAC 02C.0200 WkJCVa&zccffonSxmdff&anddxrra copy
IfBitrfsasgcfrjr7laadbiow�twellav�aa+aaiovt fOrmaffanardcplainMerraaaroftfae ofddsramdh=bewpNvrdadmtheHrllawns
.npafrwxkrg2l yemmisseMn ormi lheb=t-oftldsforoc
23.Site diagram or additional well details-
8.For GeoprobeMPT or C1osed-1,00p Geothermal Wells having the same You may use the back of this page to provide additional well constructim in%
construction,o*1 GW 1 is-needed.Iadicdte TOTAL NUMBER of wens (add'See Ova'in Remarks Boxy You may also attach additional pages ifnecessmy.
9.Tm&wen depth below land surface: ( )
Fora u Submit this GW-1 within 30 days of well completion per the following:.
�atple weAslivaIIdgvlaifdf�naa(eaa+Ple',•3(t�200'and2�100� "' i
10.Static water Level below top of essiug: d (h)
24a. For All Wells: Original fomi to Division,of Water Resources
Inhnm on U ' � �
Ifwatclerrlssohons�aae••+- +'_ _ PmcessaBg n�1617MSC,RateigH,NC27699-1617
11.Borrhob diameter. ! (m,) 24b.Foi•Injection Weft COPY to DWR,Undagound Injection Cont<ol(IUC)
L Pmpram,1636 M q Ralwgb,.NC 27699-1636
12.Welt construction method: (t,r
(Le.�,rofa�Cal*dna pw%�) — -- 24c.For Water Sagyk and O I;000 Geothermal Return Weld:Copy to the
Minty erivironme�at health oepaiDaGnt Ofthe courdy where�mstalm
FOR WATER SUPPLY WEI:IS ONLY: 24d.For Water Welts Prodaismg over MM t:'PD:Copy tO.DWR,CCPCUA
U&Yield(gpm) Method of test: rd Ga d. Permrt�0g�'i 11 MSC, C 699-1 11
13b.Disinfection type: T Amount: —2 C a r—
FCIMGW 1 Nm&CamlmaDeparmmofBorm cataiQaabty-Divi mofwaterResaaas
{ Raviaed 662018