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HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0002927_Monitoring - 09-2022_20221011Monitoring Report Submittal Permit Number #* Name of Facility:* Month: * September Report Information WQ0002927 Domtar Paper Company, LLC - Bonsai Chip Mill Year:* 2022 Type* Upload Document* NDMR, NDAR-1, NDAR-2, NDMLR 09.22 BCM NDMR.pdf 1.47MB PDF Only Please upload one PDF containing all applicable monitoring reports (i.e., NDMR, NDAR-1, NDAR-2, NDMLR, GW-59). Confirmation Email Address:* Name of Submitter: * John T. Cecil Signature: 97-nAzK Date of submittal: 10/11/2022 This will be filled in automatically Initial Review Reviewer: Gerald, Wanda Is the project number correct?* WQ0002927 Is the monitoring report accepted?* Yes No Regional Office* Raleigh Reviewer: _anonymous Review Date: 10/25/2022 NON DISCHARGE WASTEWATER MONITORING REPORT Ilaoe k , of PERMIT NLJMBER� WQ0002927 MONTH ... . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . .. ....................... . . ........... . ... ... YEAR: 2022 FACILITY NAME�� Domtar P�p r G�Lmpa COUNM ... . . ......... L L C.,-- Wake fiqo nt�L Eff luent: Influeft . . . ......... . . ...... . .......... . .......... C Parameter monitoring Point: Effluent: influent: s UU e Water (SW)� SW CodeINam -�- Was -f" h' e- r-e --- E-ff1-u" o"in-t-F-l-ow For This Month Generated At This Facifity: — — ------- 60,050 00400 50060 -- 00310 0610 31616 00�625 70620 665 Operator D Arrwat Dady Rate F(F 1'�. w A nine Operator ORC (Flow� into art rr , Re T 2�400 It'"10 10,11 (MI "rreatmem Res ua BOD 15 hock Siw sRe? System pH CMorine 201 NH3-N rss T1KN NO3 orous - - - — - - - ----------- 'C" 0 HRH S -�;N G- N's UMT UGA. MGfL MG�L MGL MOOML MGL. MGk MGA. 31 . . . ................ 31 3 31 . . . . . ............. . . . ...... ..... . . 4 31 ... ....... ...... . ............ 5 31 6 31 7 8:45 1,75 _Y 31 622 8 29 9 29 -- - - - - - - - ------------- - 110 29 0 . . . ........ . ..................... . . . . . ........................... . . 121 101�45 025 Y 29 8.29 &82 ------ ------ 3 1 28 ----- ----------- 14 28 15--2 ... . ...... ............ . . .... . . ..... . .... . . ................... 16 28 17 . ........ ..... . . ..... . . . ......... . .. 18 28 19 12"45 y 28 6.36 0,77 . . . ................ . ........ . . . . . ............ 20 102 . . ............. .... --- . ... ......... . ...... 21 102 ............ ................ .............. 22 '102 . . . . . ............. ....... . . . ......... 23 102 . . . .. ... ....... 102 .24. 26 102 26 12.20 0 V 102 6.44 O�66 ........... . . . ............... . ............. . 27 40 28 _40 . . ..... . 29 40 . . . . . ..... . ......... 36 40 -- --- - - - -- - - ------- - —#DV/01! Average 47.73333 0, ��"'F8 #:#### #,4-### #NUM! ###—## . . .............. . . ............. . . ar y I aximum 1 2 8.44 0. 99 0 0 0 0 0 Cl '-- . . ........ ---- -- - . . ....... -"-- —' Daily Minimum 28 622 U9 0 0 0 0 0 .......... . ........ —A� --1q;k 0 . . .. ..... . . -- �-- —N A Monthly Li S) 200 d �NA N A NA NA N A �r NA Composite (C) I drab (G]I G G G G �G G —i G O�perator in Responsible Charge, (ORC): Randall Jarrell Grade; qV I EII Phorw W,W 919-210-2500 Check Box if ORC Has Change& ORC Certification INurnber. ............ 7937/23925 w Certified Laboratories (1): —1—Wasteater e rn e rL 1t (2): . . . . . ........ nn-nnnn . . . ........ E�NC011111----- Person(s) Collecting Samples: Randafl Jarrell ­­­— . . . ........... . Mail ORIMNAL and TWO COP11ES to; ATTN: Non -Discharge Compliance Unit (ii 4OR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE) DENIM BY THIS SIGNATURE, I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT M ACCURATE Division of Water Quafity AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. 1617 Mail Service Center RALEIGH, NC 27699-1617 DIENR FORM NDIMIR 1 (5/2003� 21 115iii! 1111 E11'11111ii'111! 1�1111 i! q 111 ii I i i ; Paqe,_2 of S M TH= 1. Does all monitoring data andi sampling frequencies meet permit requirements? Cornpilant iY,N) Y-_ If the facility is ma[1:gQVpfiant, please explain in the space below the, reason(s) the facility was not in compliance with its permit Provide in YOUr explanation the date(s) of the non-compliance and descdbe the corrective action(s), taken Attach additional sheets if necessary. 1 certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or SLJpervisioin in accordance, with a system designed to assure that all qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, trUe, accurate, and complete, I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of finesand Imprisonment for knowing violations." John Cecil (Signa e of Permittee)* Date, (Name of Signing 6—M—ciall-P—lease . .... p r`i`ft or type) Domtair Par�qr.corrl n LLq . .... . DForester �sthct .. . ......... . . ......................... . . . . ....... (Perm ittee-Please print or type) (Position or Tintle) ..... ..... — 7634 Old .US.Fin wa #1 10 1-1 7/31 /2!028 New Hill, NC 2�7562 (Phone Nurnber) iPermit Exp, Date) — - ----------- - - . ......... . ermittee Address) Parrarneter Colde assilstance niay bp obtained by calfing the Water Quafily Con,ipii�arece/Eoitorcprii!eiiii. Un4 al (910) 733 50,83 ext, 5�29 'The rnontNy average for Fecal Cohform is to be reported as a GEOMETRIC mean. U p ci1lly e Un ts desugaqjqd on_ the, r qp_o faaRy'5..p rrijot for r -L gportin --d-ata If sloined bv other thm the nprrniftep. iiii! , Ifinn DENR FORM NDMR-1 (5/2003) NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT' P"';qP of SPRAY IRRIGAMN SITE(S) THERE ARE TWO APPLICATION FIELDS PER PAGE, USE ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NEEDED, PERMIT NUMBER: WQ0002927 MONTH;_ 13 Ernber YEAR:, 2022 FACILITY NAME:, Donitar PaRer Company, COUNTY. Wake --------- . . . . ........... . . - .......... Formulaw Maxi nr uni Hourly Loa di rig (inchesi MonthryLoading(hiches) Average Weekly Load4rg (tncheS I [Monflfly f oadL riq unct�esftViontN / ItdI IGI iner,)'f fR;Dys IY The nonfti fdaysffnaMh)] A fdays/we4 k) Did Irrigatiwi Occur At This Facility" Did Irrigation Occur On This Field: Did irrigation Occur On This Field; Yes: No: yes No Yes: No: FIE7 NUNIBER; 1 FIELD AREA SPRAYED arL,� Q,42 PRAYED es': AREA SPRAYED acres': COVER CROP: 4Z; r e, Fescue COVER CROP: - — - - - - _- - __- - - ----- - PERMITTED, HOURLY RATE (inches):025 PERWTTED HOURLY RATE (inches): WEATHER CONDITIONS PERMITTEDYEARLY. RATE Inches): 25 PERMIITTED YEA D A Storage remper- r_agoon Maximum T Weather " 3' 'r� a", Volume Time D"Iy Hourly Time Daily H. IV V I�Imueid In E C.d.- � . 11, PP juatio fion board . -�_i A R!i.q .......... p t i. lirr�A� �tq.. a6i Loa r Au p d, L i ��!ed dinj( rr c f—Re a Huns nFriutes "h" inches gallons rnoiWes inches unc.hes 31 2 (1.00, 0 018 0100 . . . . ......... . . ............................................................ . . ..... ................... 0 018 31 01 00 0.08 4 31 2 0100 . 008 .......................... . . . ............. . . 5 — - --- -- 6 31 2 000 Cl, 0 8, .... ... . .............. ------------ 7 PC 75 01 '00 0.08 29 2 000 0.08 .. . .......... . ..... . . . . . . . ............ .... ..................................... 9 — — ------- - - — - - ------ - 29 2 0.010 008, 10 0 0 0 0 08 ...................... — ----- 11- OrOO M8 12 PC 82 11 66 29 2 000 _00 0 08 28 2 �_c 007 -------- -_ 14 28 2 01,00 0.017 —0 ---------- ----------- - - - -- -- ----------- ------ 15 28, . . . . ............... 0-1-7. .................. . . . ......................... . ..... 16 28, 2 01.00, OrO,7 ............................ ....................... — ------ 17 28 2 0100 0,07 18 28 2 Mo D 07 ... . .. . . ... . .. . ...... . . .... .............. ­__­.­­­­­_ . ...... . . . . .... .... ............... 1 86 0 28 2 0010 0,07 ............ . . . ... ..... .......... 102 8 0011 ............. . . . . .. . ........ ------ - 007 . . ...... . . 21 102 8 01111 0 r 07 102 8 .01 _001 0 07' . . . . . . . . . . .............................. _22 3 102 FF_ 007 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ................... . ... 1 0 2 8 001 007 . . . . . .. . ................. . ............. .. . . .... . . . . . . ........ . ...... .... .... ............... 5 25 . 102 8 0011 007 16. . . . . . . . ....... . . 0 ..... . ..... . ................... . .. . . .. . ..................... 102 . .... 6 001 007 ......... . . . . ......... ............ 27 40 3 0.001 _6,_66 0,07 28 28 40 3 0 7 .. . . ........ 29 40, 3 0100, 0 07 ............ 0 3 0 . . . . ........ . ........................ . ... . ............ 411 31 000 &07 31 'Total GalloinslMonthly Leading (inches) l 1432 0 0 0 00 12 Month Floating Total (Inches) 1,16 Average Weekly Loadling (inches) L 02971 Weather Codes: C-clear, PC -partly ciloucly, Cl-cloudy, R-rain, en -snow, SI-sleet Spray Irrigation Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC): _ __ . . . . . ............. RariUJarrell Phone: 919-210-2500 OR C Certification Number: 7937 / 23925 ........ . .... ........................... Check Box if ORC Has Changed: L, Mail ORIGINAL and TWO COPIES to: ATTW Non -Discharge Comphance Unit DENR . . ............... M Lf' k �,,—z Division ofWQu ater ality (SIGNATURE OF PER TOR IN/E�SIP&4iiBLE CHARGE) 16�17 Mail Service Center BY THIS SIGNATURE, Il CERTIFY THAT THIS R,EPOR TIS ACCURATE AND COMPLETE RALEIGH, NC 27699-1617 TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. DENFR FORM NDAR 1 (5,2003) NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT page -"I of -�' . . ........... SPRAY IRRIGATION SITEl Fgj�l fetus: Piease iindicate ( by inserting Y(es) or N(c) in the appropriate box ) whiether the fadlity has been cam, liant with the following perniit requirement& (Note- if a reqtnrpment does ni()t 'wftpty fo yoorr fra Cifity PUf (NA) hi the cornpfiarQ box 1. The application rates) did not exceed the finnitr(s) specified In the permit, CoipR!!a �r(Yi IT 1 2, Aderlimte measures wore taken to prevent wastewater runoff from the site(s), 1 A suitable vegetative cover was maintained on, the site(s) inn accordance with the permit. 4. All buffer zones as specified in the permit were maintained during each application. �IT - - ---- ------ & The fireeboard in the treatment aii storage lagoon(s) was not less than the limit(s) . . .... ..... . specified in the permit, ... ........ .. If the facility is please explain en the space lbellow the reasori(s) the facifity was hot in coni p1l ia rice with its permit P'rovid!e in your explanation the date(s) of the non-CoQ'Ilpfiance! and dlescribe the corrective actori(s) taken Attach additiorW sheets if necessary. "I certify, under penalty of Ilaw, that this document and ail attach me nits were prepared under my diirection o�r sul.')ervismn in accordance with a systern designed to aSSUre that ail qUalified personnell propedy gathered and evalL32ited the jriforrnaVon SUbmitted Based on my inquiry of the person or per$osrjS who marriage the system, or, those persons directly responsible for gathehnq the inforrnation, the infoFli'llatiOn SUbirnifted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, tFUe, accurate, and cornpiete I arts aware that there are significant penalties for SUbrritting false information, including the possibi0ity of fines arndl imprisonment for knowing viokafioris " Date Diorrifao Pa (perms print or type) 763 't 'JIU <� 4 Old U.C.� hw #1 - ------ L-1 Hi —2-2y New Hill, NC 2!7 iiee �ddressj --------------- --- - — .......... (Name of Signing Official -Please print or type) Diskrict Fore-ster .......... . (Posiitlori Title) 7/311?028 - --- (Phone Number).. Tpeininit Exp. Date), * If sigined by other than the perinittee, delegation of signatory authority roust be on file with the state per 15A NCAC 215.0506 (b)i i FORM Ni 1 (5/2(l03) �5 "i F 21 -AUg ol 1 09 21 -Sep 013 1.15 21 -Oct H9 1 15 21-Nov M8 1 12 21 -Dec 0,06 1.09 22-Jan 0, 08 1.08 22-Feb 006 1 O4 22-Mar 0,07 1.0 22-Apr 0.1 1.0 22-May 0.26 119 22-Juri 008 1,118 22--JW 0.08 119 22-Aug 0 07 1,16 22-Sep 0 13 116