HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-09570_Well Construction - GW1_20221021 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD (GW-1) ForInteanal Us Only: 1.Well Contractor Tnfonnation: I t Frankie L.Oliver ifj44VAT Wen Contractor Natne FROM TO DESCRH'TION 424 [` 436 n• I 3002-A 456 [`' 469 n' 570 1 NC Well Contractor Certification Number 13 OTIINRY2oAb tir�i ulft °sd8; "etlg tilt t11NF11"' liVile. `" Carolina Well Drilling FROM To DIAMETER TMCKNESS MATERIAL 0. �4R �Dl/4 1n' SDR21 PVC n. n Company Name 22-333 � i�losedll ��<a.�_�s a xs '._,:.=.�`i'-• 2.Well Construction Permit#l: FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL List all applicable well consbxction permits(i.e.UIC,County,State,Variance,etc.) [t. ft. In. 3.Well Use(check well use): [t. n. in. INo ter Supply Well: FROM TO n1AMGTFR SLOT Sl7F TTITCKNFSS MATF.RTAL gricultural ®Municipalt'Public R % In. eothermal(Heating/Cooling Supply) ®Residential Water Supply(single) tt i4 in. ndusuial/Cottvnercial ®Residential Water Supply(shared) ,411 y Irrigation FROM TO MATERIAL El1II'LACEMMIr METHOD&AMOUNT n-Water Supply Well: 0 f`' 20+ n Bentonite Pour 14 501b Bags Monitoring Recovery, ft. n. ection Well:quifer Recharge ®Groundwater Remediation AV T A tt i 1 liitii61l = ws' -'quifer Storage and Recovery ®Salinity Barrier FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLALEME.tTMETHOD quifer Test Stnrmwater Drainageft. n. xperimental Technology ,Subsidence Control ft. n. Geothermal(Closed Loop) 13Tracer :211DIti[:UT1tG G`:(iti;scli'gdiliilufii6L liellfh`Itces7a s�.5',d'- t� "' .: Geothermal eatin Coolie Return) Other(explain under 421 Remarks FROM To nFSenmTON color hardnett twtthock t rain sbe etc 0 n. 2, ft' Brown Clay/Shale 4.Date Well(s)Completed: 9-15-22 Well ID#1 23 f`' 6 0 n' rani So.Well Location: Circle S Ranch et. n. t o. Facility/Owner Name Facility M#(if applicable) ft. j ft. 0612 White Store Rd. Monroe NC 26112 Well#1 [t. ft. UKK Physical Address,City,and Zip ft. i ft. m01 hf TC Union 09-066-001 n"2472P County Parcel Identifimtiun No.(PIN) Sig.Latitude and longitude in degreeslrulnutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (if well field,one Iat/long is sufficient) 22.Cert(fieatior}: 34.56.603 N 80.27.861 W h 9-26-22 6.Is(are)the well(s)JOPermanent or E]Temporary Si of CmTW i ed Well Contractor Date 13y signing this form,I hereby certify that the well(s)wKa(were)constructed in accordance 7.Is this a repair to an existing well: ®Yea or SINo with 15A NCAC 04C.0100 or 15A NCAC 02C.0200 Well Construction Standards and that a JJthis is a repair,fill nutkssoim ivell couuructinn infornmtinn and explain the nature of the copy nJ/his r ernrd has been provided to7he well owner. repair under#21 remark section or on the bark of thi form. 23.Site dlagral1��lr or additional well details: 8.For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details ur well construction,only I GW-1 is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells construction detils. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. drilled: SUBMITTAL ((INSTRUCTIONS i 9.Total well depth below land surface: 600 (ft.) 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well For multiple wells lict all depths ifdi,(ferent(exrtmple.3@200'a id 2@100� construction to e following: 10.Static water level below trip of casing: 26 (fL) Division of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit, If waler level is above casing,rise"+" 1 17 Mail Service Center,Ralelgb,NC 27699-1617 I 11.Borehole diameter: 6 (in.) 24b.For ec on Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a Air Rotary above,also su mit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well 12.Well construction method: construction to a following: (i.e.auger,rotary,cable,direct push,etc.) Division of ater Resources,Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1I,636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 13a.Yield(gpm) 24 Method of test: Air 24ca For Water Sual ly&IniectIIon Wells: In addition to sending the form to the addresses above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of 13b.Disinfection type: 70%HTH Amount: 36oZ completion of ell construction to the county health department of the county where constru ed. I Form GW-I North Carol inn Department of Environmemal Quality-Divisgon of Water Resources. Revised 2-22-2016