HomeMy WebLinkAbout20221150 Ver 1_Holly Branch Restoration Project Area Wetland Survey_20221013On September 14, 2022, a field evaluation of the project area for wetlands was conducted by Jennings Environmental. Two areas of wetlands were identified (see Existing Conditions - Stream and Wetland Map). The wetland areas have indicators of hydrophytic vegetation, hydric soils, and wetland hydrology per the Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Eastern Mountains and Piedmont Region, Version 2.0. In the recent past, the west portion of the project area had been mowed and maintained as an open area. The vegetation in the wetlands is dominated by herbaceous and vine species. Adjacent upland areas are covered by herbaceous and vine species with some tree seedlings and saplings. The wetland areas are adjacent to but not abutting the existing stream channel due to side cast berms that will be removed as part of the restoration project. 2015 Aerial photograph: wetland and riparian areas mowed and maintained as open area. The proposed restoration project will impact 0.377 acres of the existing wetlands. These impacts include grading for floodplain benches (0.296 acres) and construction of a new stream channel (0.081 acres). The grading of floodplain benches will not result in a loss of wetland area. The impacted wetlands in the floodplain benches will be restored. The construction of the new stream channel will convert 0.081 acres of existing wetlands to stream. The project proposes to construct approximately 0.11 acres of new additional wetlands in the riparian corridor. Hydric soils from the disturbed wetland area(s) will be stockpiled separate from other stockpiled soils at the site. These soils will be placed within restored wetland areas and/or placed within constructed wetland areas. Restoration design will enhance existing wetland hydrology and disturbed wetland areas will be seeded with a native wetland mix and where available the seed mix will include herbaceous wetland pollinator species Photo Log Photo 1: Upland Area in West Portion of Project Area Photo 2: Upland Area in West Portion of Project Area at Forest Edge Photo 3: Upland Area in West Portion of Project Area Photo 4: Soils in Upland Area Photo 5: Wetland W2 Photo 6: Wetland W2 Photo 7: Soil in Wetland W2 Photo 8: Wetland W1 Photo 9: Upland in Eastern Portion of Project Area Photo 10: Upland in Eastern Portion of Project Area Photo 11: Holley Branch Photo 12: Holley Branch Photo 13: Holley Branch Photo 14: Holley Branch Photo 15: Holley Branch Observed Wetland Hydrology Indicators Surface Water High Water Table Saturation Water-Stained Leaves Oxidized Rhizospheres on Living Roots Crayfish Burrows Geomorphic Position Observed Hydric Soil Indicators Depleted Matrix Observed Hydrophytic Vegetation Carex spp. Juncus spp. Scirpus cyperinus Arthroxon hispidus Galium tinitorium Impatiens capensis Lobelia cardinalis Persicaria sagittate Acer rubrum Vernia noveboracensis Solidago rugusa