HomeMy WebLinkAbout20071630 Ver 1_401 Application_20070907EarthTech A Tyco International Ltd. Company September 25, 2007 Division of Water Quality 401/Wetlands Unit 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1650 Re: Pre-Construction Notification Oak Island Force Main Interconnection - Phase I & Phase II Brunswick County, North Carolina Earth Tech Project No. 93192 To Whom It May Concern: ~07- 1 630 Please find enclosed seven copies of the Pre-Construction Notification (PCN) under Nationwide Permit 12/GC 3374 for the construction of the Oak Island Force Main Interconnection. This PCN has also been submitted to the US Army Corps of Engineer. Also enclosed is a check for $475. If there are any questions regarding the information in the form or if additional information or clarification is needed, please contact me at (919) 854-6210 or ron.johnson@earthtech.com. Sincerely, EARTH TECH OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. Ronald G..~ohnson n~harz - inr~'r~rC ~ur~.u7v vv~7ta~i o~ ^,r~,t, :~r~t?~^~w~r~q ~~~~~ Senior Biologist cc: Mr. Jerry Pierce, Brunswick County Utility Director Mr. Mike Aquesta, Earth Tech Mr. Scott Fredrick, Soil Water, & Environment Group 701 Corporate Center Drive P 919.854.6200 Suite 475 F 919.854.6259 Raleigh, NC 27607 earthtech.com e r 07-1630 _~t' i';: a. ,,.,'i ;. ..~~;,•,i. "~!; t ~ ~;. ~~ L (iii-;;.i t,~,~. ~ ~?Ii, it , _.-.i \ :\-'-- - I. Processing 1. Check all of the approval(s) requested for this project: ^ Section 404 Permit ^ Riparian or Watershed Buffer Rules ^ Section IO Permit ^ Isolated Wetland Permit from DWQ ® 40l Water Quality Certification ^ Express 401 Water Quality Certification II. 2. Nationwide. Regional or General Permit Number(s) Requested 12 3. If this notification is solely a courtesy copy because written approval for the 40l Certification is not required. check here: ^ 4. If payment into the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP) is proposed for mitigation of impacts, attach the acceptance letter from NCEEP. complete section VII1, and cheek here: ^ 5. If your project is located in any of North Carolina's twenty coastal counties (listed on page 4), and the project is within a North Carolina Division of Coastal Management Area of Environmental Concern (see the top of page 2 for further details), check~~ei~~`~ ~-~~ wi~~s;~t~~ t~' Applicant Information S`~F a ~ t0~1 Owner/Applicant Information ~ ~`t~ « ~? t~WJ~~L;~~l' ~1~~:~i ~.A,;: ~ ; , , (i . , i 7n. ~';t(4, i ~ 7 't"r'.,ht`Ct'~ Name: Brunswick County Mailin~~ Address: P.O. Box 2~#9. Bolivia, North Carolina. 28#22 Telephone Number: (910) 253-2013 ~ Fax Number: (910) 253-2022 E-mail Address: d~ore@brunsco.net 2. AgenUConsultant lnformation (A signed and dated copy of the Agent Authorization letter must be attached if the Agent has signatory authority for the owner/applicant.} Name: Ron .Iohnson Company Affiliation: Earth "Fech. Inr. ~ti~lailin« f~ddrtss: 701 Coiporatc Center Drive_ Ralci~h. North Carolina 27607 Telephone Numbers (919) g5-1-6210 E-mail r\ddress: ron.iohnsonC~i'carthtcch.com Far N~fmber: 1919} gj~1-6259 Pa~~c 1 of to Ili. l'r~~jt~ct fnf'«rr-~:-?E«-- ll~;i~~i- ~icinit~ r--~~~~ ~ i~°:~~1~,~ ~lin~;i-~i~~ i!~:~ lr~,itit~:~ r+l E'~c E~;~~~~; c~t~ ,~.~~i!t ~~.~~i~~~~t i~~c:-l 1'.~~~',.,.K~~ ~i: li ., :?~_ !:' .'r~ :ant! ~(~;fd~. .~~~>l~ j~l~l~V~fl1C ,~ t~Cl;iilt'~i SItF (?~an ~12~~',lll~' ~ii~'~f;A 1~i'~Uli(~:11i1'~ :klili l~l'"~'~(?~'~itil'i~ii ~?7.1i]V In {ll~t~ll~n to .`~UIlU11111iUi`_' prOpertle~. 1?l~tb tfle AiCillll\ Ill:'t~'~ ;u~d :ite ~~1;~-~ ruu~t include .~ •cule ;end north arro~~. The ~pecil~ic lc~olprini~ ~,i ;-}i huildins~~- impervious surfaces. ur other facilities must be included. {f possible. the maps and plans should include the appropriate USGS Topographic Quad Map and NRCS Soil Survey with the property boundaries outlined. Plan drawings, or other maps may be included at the applicant's discretion, so long as the property is clearly defined. For administrative and distribution purposes, the USf1CE requires information to be submitted on sheets no lamer than 13 by 17-inch format: however. DWQ may accept paperwork of any size. DWQ prefers full-size construction drawings rather than a sequential sheet version of the full-size plans. if fu11-size plans arc reduced to a small scale such that the final version is illegible, the applicant will be informed that the project has been placed on hold until decipherable maps are provided. i. Name of project: Oak Island Force Main interconnection. Phase 1 and Phase 11 2. T.I.P. Project Number or State Project Number (NCDOT Only): 3. Property tde-ltihration Number ("Tax PIN): See attached sheet d. Location County: Brunswick Nearest Town: Oak Island Subdivision name (include phase/lot number): N/A Directions to site (include road numbers/names, landmarks. etc.): See the attached documents. The site is located along S.R. 1887, S.R. 1 1 12, and NC 21 1. and does ~o into an off-road area between S.R. 11 12 and NC 2l 1. Follows NC 21 l to S.R. ISOS. S.R. 1501. S.R. 1.502 to US 17 5. Site coordinates (For linear projects, such as a road or utility line. attach a sheet that separately lists the coordinates for each crossing of a distinct waterbody.) Decimal Degrees (6 di~~its u~inimum): See attached sheet°N °W 6. Property size (acres): 33, including areas along public road right of wa 7. Name of nearest receiving body of water: The Intracoastal Waterway, Mercers Mill Pond. Lockwoods Folly Rivcr~ Royal Oak Swamp. Nucitt Branch. Ford Branch, and various tribi.-taries to these bodies of water ~. River Basin: Lumhcr (Note -this n-ust he one of North Carolina's seventeen dcsi~~nated major river basins. The River Basin map is available at ht~P:1/h2o.enr.statc.nr.ns/admin/mans/.) ~). Describe the existing conditions on the site and «cncr~-I 1~-nd use in the vicinity of the project at the time of this application. The land is residential in places. but there are areas that .u~e Pa~~c ? ~~f 1l) ~~t>~uled. The ;uea betwecEl S.R. l l { ~' :u,d ~C ? 1 i i~ fc~re~ted. but used ;i~ ;t cunstnirtion - -- ,!~ ir~r~ l~~t iesi~fcnti,il dcvelopn~tent IV. I(r_ 1}~~•rrihe fh~• ~~~.er;ill hr~~jec( in det,tii_ inclu~ltu~~ ih~• <<f~~ ~,(~~luif?in~~<< !~~ h~• u~~~~i_ 1_.~~ t~ati~_~n ~~~t,rk shall be completccl i,~ ha~f:h~~r. sir ti i~~l:fiu~~ ,.~h~le e~tuipment :~n~i ii~;,terial~ ~~-ill he defi~ercd by tlucks_ _ 1 I. Explain the purpose of the proposed work: Installation of sewerline to convey ~~-astewater from Oak Island to the Brunswick Wastewater Treatment Plant. Prior Project History If jurisdictional determinations and/or permits have been requested and/or obtained for this project (including all prior phases of the same subdivision) in the past, please explain. Include the USACE Action lD Number, DWQ Project Number. application date, and date permits and certifications were issued or withdrawn. Provide photocopies of previously issued permits, certifications or other useful information. Describe previously approved ~~-etland, stream and buffer impacts. along with associated mitigation (~~-here applicable). If this is a NCDOT project. list and describe permits issued for prior se«ments of the same T.I.P. project. along ~~~itl~ construction schedules. N/A V_ Future Project Plans Are any future permit requests anticipated for this project'? If so, describe the anticipated work. and provide justification for the exclusion oi~ this work from the cun-ent application. VI. Proposed Impacts to Waters of the United States/~~'aters of the State It is the applicant's (or agent's) responsibility to determine, delineate and map all impacts to wetlands, open water, and stream channels associated with the project. Each impact must be listed separately in the tables below (e.g_, culvert installation should be listed separately from riprap dissipater pads). Be sure to indicate if an impact is temporary. All proposed impacts. permanent and temporary, must be listed. and must be labeled and clearly identifiable on an accompanying site plan. A11 wetlands and waters. and all streams (intermittent and perennial) should be shown on a delineation map. ~~-Nether or not impacts are proposed to these systems. Wetland at~d stream evaluation and delineation forms should be included as appropriate. Photographs may be included at the applicant's discretion. if this proposed impact is strictly for wetland or stream mitigation, list and desrrihe thr impact in Section VI11 belo~~~. li additional space is needed for listing or description. please atr~rh a separate sheet. Y~t~~r _~ nl IU )_ F~!(1~iOc' ;1 ~titititll de~c[I}7hr~[1 i~l [1?C )~fi~~?rcc~d lill~~~til~:_ I~~C Iili~i..Cl~ n ~:c'li~lFli:~ ~~ti I1c -- _ - -- -- -et~,~~ r_-t, i~ a ~~~~zeli_n~ «iil he tn~~ ~Ile~i h~ e.~c.~~:ili[~ thr~~-i~ it -i:~ ~~~t1,i <I .uc r_ f~~~hc~ r~( V~~;11C1~ :;l~~j ~~il_'C ct;~\c'fi~ "~[~~ i~c t_iC.~~i~~ f?'~ tl~ill_ ~i('~iV(`11-;i1 dtl~;l;i' ~~ ~l; illil~'_ - In-1i~~i~itr;i(I~ Ii<- ~,~~tf:~nrl nn~,;~ct~_ ~I~~~c< tai ima~:ict~ in~~lt:~.'c_ !~~tit :,r~ n<!~ iirut~~~t -~~. mechanized cle,uins~_ ~~~radin~~_ lill_ c~ca~~,~tit~n_ fl««din~~_ ditchinJ~hait~,-~•e_ etc_ (=~,r ~I~u~»_ separately list imt~acts due to both structure and flooding. Wetland Impact Site Number (indicate on map) Type of Impact Type of Wetland (e.~., forested. marsh. herbaceous. bob. etc.) Lorrted ~~~ithin 100-year Floodplain (yes/no) UlSlanCe to Neamst Stream Ilinrm feet) Area of Impact (acres) Phase 1 { Mechanized clcarine Forested Yes -)5 0.131 2 Mechanized clearin~~ Forested Yes 2>0 0.002 ~ Mechanized clearin~~ Forested Yes -130 0.012 :~ Mechanized clearin~~ Fores-rd Nr~ ~~0 0,0?(~ S Mechanized clearim~ Forested No t 230 0.010 6 Mechanized rlearin~~ Forested No 1-)10 0.035 ~ Mechanized clcarin~~ Forested No gOO 0.010 l ~ A9rchanizrd cicarin~~ Forested No 0 0.0O-t ~ Mechanized clrarin~~ t~orested No I ;(,I) O.OO~i Subtotal 0.238 Phase 11 25 hemp. -install pipe Emcr~~ent/mowed ROW No 590 0.028 26 Temp. -install pipe Emrrgrnt/mowed ROW Nu 701) 0.01-~ ~~ Temp. -install pipe Lmcr~~cnt/mo~~~ed ROW No SU0 0.03(1 ~0 Temp. -install pipr i~mcr~~rnl/mo~~~cd ROW Nu IOl0 0.000 31 "Tcmp. -install pipr Emrr~~cnt/mo~+°ed ROy~I No 1510 0.078 32 Temp. -install pipr Lmrr~ent/mowed ROW No 7h0 0.217 33 Temp. - install pipr Emcr~~rnUr~~owcil ROW Nr~ 1 17U (1.01 I ~4 Temp. -instal! pipe Emcr~~rntlmo~~~cd ROW No 11011 1).395 35 Temp. -install pipr Fmcr~~rnt/mowed ROW No ~?00 0.018 3f, Tcmp. -install pipr Emrr~cnt/mvwrd ROW No 1580 OJ02 37 Temp. -install pipe Emrrgrm/mowed ROW No I 1 SO 0.053 ~g Trmp. -instal! pipr Emer~~rn1/mowed ROW No 790 0.09r) - 3~ Trmp. -install pipr L-mer~~cnt/mowed ROW No 0 0.017 -t0 Trmp. -install pipr I~nrrrrrnt/nun~'cd ROW N~~ { X00 0.10-1 ~ I Tcmp.- insr,~ll pipr Emcr!~rnt/nxi~~~cd ROW No ~ 0 0.01 I )~ 7~cmp_ -install pipr i=.mrt,~cn1/mo~~~rd KOW ---- N~> - 11 - ---- 0J.~9 ) ; "hrmp. -install pipe Emen~rntlmu~rr~1 ROW N~> >00 0.0~'(, .#_) hemp.- install pipr l:mrr~~rnt/mo~~ed ROy'l' N~, VU0 - 0.011 ~~ I Trmp. install pipr i 1= mcr~~rnt/mo~crd ROVV ~~, (,OO 0. I r1_~ I'a«r -1 of t0 T - I ~~~,u~,t ~~itEun i !~ rr~~~ ~ '~ lr~ r ~~l ~ ~\rtl.mJ Imh:~~, ~ I~-,~ r: \~.tl:rr~r I ~.f!; Anml-cr 1~~i rI ir~~~~::~,, { i ir•~ f~.~r~~.l,~~} ~Il:r~'' ~ ~ ~ i il~„~.!T~i.ri~, ~ ~ tinr.~n~ ~;,, ~~. ~ f ~ ~~ iln.:~: ;r~i~ i ~~~ ~ lc~~~~t~_- ui~r.iH ,~i-~~ f_ni~ ~cnt;r,~ ~.~~i I:i .a \~ in~lr a itr,l ~~ r 1 ~ l~ni-l_ - .Il>Ia-- -'~~~~ j ' I _-~ ]rmp. install pi-~~ l_tat: ~I1E;t'it ~'tl -l( 1\~, Ate , -~)f)U it fill _ Enter cntinnn~~~i IZO~V~ I \~u ?~UU I).U~I)- aq Tcmp. -install Pipe Emcr~~cnt/mop+ed RO~'~' No ~~~p0 O.E)~5 50 Temp. -install pipe Emergent/mowed ROW No 2070 0.085 51 Temp. - insta-1 pipe Emergent/nu>wed ROW No 1260 0.106 5~ Temp. -install pipe Emergent/mo~+°ed ROW No 800 0.01 53 Temp. -install pipe Emergcnt/mowed ROw No 610 0.077 Sq Temp. -install pipe Emergent/mow~cd ROW No 630 O.U2-~ 55 Temp. -instal! pipe Emer~~em/mo~~~ed RO~V Na 660 U.US l 56 Temp. -install pipe Emer~~ent/m~>~~~c~1 RO~~' No 700 0.06? 57 Temp. -install pipe Emcr~*en~/m~~~tie~l RU~~' N~~ 1 ~0 0.082 58 Temp. -install pipe Emrr~~rnUmo~~~eJ ROtV N<~ -170 0.020 - Sq Tcmp.- install pipe Emrr~~cnt/m~~~~r~! RO~V N~~ y80 0.030 60 Tcmp. - install pipe Emer~~rntlrno~~~e~t RO~~ Nu -i;0 0.UU7 62 "fcmp. -install pipe t:mcr~~rni/rnu~~r~l RO\l- N~> 7300 0.001 63 Tcmp. -install pipe Emcr~~ent/m~»e~i RO~w' No ?~00 0.025 64 Tcmp. -install pipe Emer~~cnt/nto~~cd ROV'V Is!<~ 2530 0.01a 66 Temp. -install pipe Emrr~~cnt/mowed RO~~' Nei X760 0.0?8 67 Tcmp. -install pipe Emergent/mowed ROw No 3000 0.028 68 Tcmp. -install pipe Emergent/nx~wcd RO~V No 2560 0.018 7y Temp. -install pipe Emergent/nxnecd ROw No p 0.003 80 Tcmp. -install pipe Entcr~~ent/mo~~~ed RO~~- No a00 0.012 81 Temp. -install pipe Emcrgcnt/ntowcd ROW No 3=12 0.012 Subtotal 2.492 Total VVrlLuui Impact (acres) Pennaneni "l~emporary 0238 2.-192 3. List the total acreage (estimated) of all existing wetlands on the property: l0 acres within ROW ~. Individually list all intermittent and pemnnia} stream impacts. Bc sure to identify temporary impacts. Stream impacts include. but arc not limited to phtremcnt of fill or culverts. dam construction. flo~xfin~>. reloc~tti~n. stabilization acti~~itics (e.g.. cement v.~alls. rip-rap. crib «-a}ls, sahions. etc.). excavation. ditchin~~/strai~~htenin~~. ctr. if stream re{ocation is propo~cd. Pa~~e ~ of 10 }~i;ln~ aril I?rr~lile~ •h~}~~~in<~ the linear iol?1}~rini lt~r both the l~ri,~inal and relocated ~irealrts !~III~; h~ irlrin~li~li. Tl~ ~a}~lllale a~rea~'t~_ Intlltihl~ lcn~-~ii~ \ •,t;~ith_ ~h~n 11i~i~ic 1~~~ 1_~_~FO. ~~~~~'. ~.t all '~'t!l';!il; It`~~:".Ilf~tl~ lhc' ~~Al~'I lli!i `.Atli ~~.' ill~l;Il~C(~ ll`~li"' tllr~ii'Iln;t ~IIrt tAIl~ i'~~ lit ~lrt l~l) Ilnh Illy t11~111 tt~ll<ll_lll lk~~tl_A~~ (~?~ ~rt~tCiL SII"caln tmp:ICl Number (indicate on map) Strum Name T~~pe of Impact ~, t trennY.lt Or lnlermittcnt'? s>~tl:1`e Siltam width Belore Impact fillpacl Length (linear feet) AR'a of Impact (acres) Total Stream Impact (bv length :uui arreagel 5. Individually list all open water impacts (including lakes. ponds, estuaries. sounds. Atlantic Ocean and anv other ~~~ater of the L)_S.}. Open water impacts include. but are not limited to till. etcavation. dred~~in~. floodin~~_ draina~~e. bu}kheads. etc. - NONI Open ~~'ater Impact Site Number (indicate on ma ) Namr of Walerbody (if applicable) ~rvpe ul Impact ~t~~~pe of ~'4'atertiud~ Ilake. pond, estuary. sound. hay. ocean. etc.) Area oC Impact (acres) Total Open walrr Impact (acres) 6. List the cumulative impact to all Waters of the U.S. resultin~ t~rom the project: Stream Impact (acres): 0.00 Wetland impact (acres): Perm 0.24 Temp 2.49 Open Wate-- Impact (acres): 0.00 Total Impact to Waters of the li.S. (acres} 2.73 Total SU-eam Impact (linear feet}: 0.00 7. Isolated Waters Do any isolated waters exist on the property? ^ Yes ®No Describe all impacts to isolated waters. anti include the t>~pe of water (~~~ctland or stream) and the sire of the proposed impact (acres or linear leet). Please note that this section only apphcs to ~~~aters that have specifirall~° been determined to he isolated by the tIS/yCE. 1 hrrc t'a~~e (~ of It) ~l ~till~IrUClloil or ;: j`~`i~hi 1 f~'~~i'('~'~~~~~. ;t~~t~('l;llc'~I U~'(~~IIl(~ ;ll?(~ ~lR':Illl III?p:iCl~ ~~I~'UIt{ ~~E~ i15~'~P(i:~ .Ii'~~'~, 'il ~~'i ~„ [~;i!1 ~ :ll~ta ~?{x_;!11. ~,li~?~tC1 ~:'~(;~~Il~_ ;~~~-~~. Iil~ ~'~li;~1~1_:t1 ~'~`~I;ti _,~ii;t~'~j h~ ~~:~t11hCC1 ~~CII ,ir!c~ .: .!~fi:.'~i~ ~~~: ::!?`. Ii:. E'~~ llt~!E~i'.i'Ci ~~tl ELI?~ ;!E~j'I'~allt`il. I'l~{Ilj il~~ i`C' ~rt';tlel~ {il IC~ :1~~, a~i ii?;; ;lfpj~ C ~~ tl~'~j~l{il~> ~~ ~fle;llll (_~'t~~i't~;kll~~~ De~crihe the rnethud ~~( c-~nstnirti~~n Ee.~~._ ~Iam/emh:--il:ment_ c~cav~ition. inst,-llatir~n c-I draw-down valve or spillway°. etc.}: N/A Proposed use or purpose of pond (e.g., livestock watering, irrigation, aesthetic, trout pond, local stormwater requirement, etc.): N/A Current land use in the vicinity of the pond: N/A Size of watershed draining to pond: N/A Expected pond surface area: N/A Vll. Impact ~usti~cation (t~voidance and R~linimization) Specifically describe measw-es taken to avoid the proposed impacts. It may be useful to provide information related to site constraints such as topography, building ordinances, accessibility, and financial viability of the project. The applicant may attach drawings of alternative, lower-impact site layouts, and explain ~~~hy these design options were not feasible. Also discuss how impacts were minimized once the desired site plan was developed. if applicable, discuss construction techniques to be follo~~~ed durin~~ construction to reduce impacts. Impacts to lame wettand areas on Smith Property and all stream and river crossings have been avoided by use of directional bore to install sewer line. Additionally. the utility corridor across Mercers Mill Pond and its associated wetlands will not to he cleared and Brunswick County will not be maintaining a IO- foot maintenance corridor in this area. lmpaets to other wetland areas have been minimized by using existing road right-of-wavs as much as possible for installation of the sewer line. Wetland areas to be impacted that are alreadv cleared within the road right-of-ways will be returned to original elevations once the sewer line is installed. Therefore, the impacts to these already disturbed wetland areas will be to-I~porary in nature. Vlll. Mitigation DWQ - In accordance ~~~ith I iA NCAC 2H .0500. mitigation may be required by the NC Division of Water Quality for projects im~olving greater than or equal to one acre of impacts to freshwater wetlands or greater than or equal to~I50 linear feet of total impacts to perennial Sll~eams. USACE - In accordance with the Final Notice of Issuance and Modification of Nationwide Permits. published in the Federal Rc~~ister on January I5, 200?, mitigation will be required ~~-hen necessary to ensure that adverse effects to the aquatic environment are minimal. Factors i-~cludin~~ size and type of proposed impact and function and relative value of the imp~-cted aquatic resource ~~~ill be considered in deter-nining acceptability of appropriate and practicable miti~~ation as proposed. E~a-uplrs ~~f mitigation that may he appropriate and practicable include. but arc not limited to: rrdurin~~ the site of the project es1~-hlishin~~ ~-nd maintainin~~ ~n~etl;~nd and/or uphuui vegetated hu~~l~e-_s ~-~ protect open waters such as streams and replacing losses of -qu~-tic resource funetion~ ,uld ~ah-es by crea[in~~, restorin~~. enhancin~~. or preserving si-nil~-r I~unctirnls and values. preicrahle in the same watershed. Pa~~e 7 0l ll) l~ l~liti`_':Ilt(~n 1~ ic(t!llfc_'tl tt`I~ fhl~ h;~(?ttcl_ ;1 l~Gh\ t?I !}]t' )lil[1'_':~itl~n Il~,ln nlt4~f ham' ;{IlJCF1~~i !tl (`f~~~t ttll I ~.~~~ t: (1C ~~~~~~ ll~ ~l'il~l(1Cf Illy ;![~I?II<;tt l>>n ~t'li)I'~C'I~ ii~i~ ~`IQCC'>~ifl_' ~I~A ~~il~,!i;i'fl l:ic~in~~ a reyuic'~,1 ~„iti_<',,t~(~n l~f:u~ +.~r \C EI-.i' ci~i~t°utr~ iir~ ~h;i(I h~~ hlaccrl ~',n }~~!1~1 ,~~ in~~~~n)I'~lci~~- :111 :Ij~~'~llc,tili lil~iA ;I)~(~ l'hI~l~~~ tC? lcAiC",A~ llll' ~U4(l'lil 'li{l{l~inC'~ ~C11 ~II~Can] I~C~tC`!~t'IC'~Il Ht ~~~~~) ~ Dr:~ft ~fc~hnic;;I C~ui~ie liar Sirc,u~~ \\i>>f in \'c~lill C[tn:~(in;~- ;n;ulahlc ~Et http_iil~~~,.cnr _st,~[e-nc-us/ncwctlands/~trm~_>idc-html- 1. Provide a brief description of the proposed mitigation plan. The description should provide as much information as possible, including, but not limited to: site location (attach directions and/or map. if offsite), affected stream and river basin, type and amount (acreage/linear feet) of mitigation proposed (restoration, enhancement. creation, or preservation), a plan view, preservation mechanism (e.g., deed restrictions, conservation easement, etc.). and a description of the current site conditions and proposed method of construction. Please attach a separate sheet if more space is needed. Mitigation will be provided through preservation of swamp forest wetlands at the 1P Tract Mitigation Site_ The site is owned by the Town of Oak Island. For impacts associated with Phase portion of the project 64 acres of swamp forest wetlands will be preserved and for impacts associated with Phase it of the project 75 acres of swamp forest wetlands will be preserved- ~~ detailed Mitigation Plan is currently being developed by the Soil Water and Envirom»ent Group 2. Mitigation may also be made by payment into the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP}. Please note it is the applicant's responsibility to contact the NCEEP at (919) 715-0476 to determine availability, and written approval from the NCEEP indicating that they are will to accept payment for the mitigation must be attached to this form. For additional information regarding the application process for the NCEEP, check the NCEEP website at htt~//h?o.enr.state-nc.us/wrp/index.htm. If use of the NCEEP is proposed, please check the appropriate box on page five and provide the following information: Amount of stream mitigation requested (linear feet): Amount of buffer mitigation requested (square feet): Amount of Kiparian wetland mitigation requested (acres): Amount of Non-riparian wetland mitigation requested (acres): Amount of Coastal wetland mitigation requested (acres): IX. I:nvironrnental llocumentation (required by D~~~Q) 1. Does the project in.°olve an expenditure of public (lederal/state/local} funds or the use of public (federal/state) l,n~d'' Yes ® No ^ ?. l1 yes. dots the project require preparation of an envirom»ental document pursuant to tine rcduircm~nts of the National or Nv~th Carolina En.ironmcntal Policy Act WL-PA/SF.PA}'? Note: if ~°on are not sure whether a NEPA/SEP;~ document is requircd_ coil the SEPA coordinator at (919) 73;-083 to review current thresholds for environmental docurnentation_ Pa~~r ti ail IO li ~~'~_ it;l~ f~l~ lir~Unl~ni IellCt'~ ~`•C~11 1171;lI17C'(l ~lV the ~(;~~~' ~~~ _'t;_.. ._ ff ~'ii';I`.C _. __ :--t:,il? ,i ~~r~h~ ~~I~th~ AEP:A -~r SFF',~1 lin;-) .-~~pr«~'al letter. ~~c; ~ j ~~~, ~_~ ~. Prop+~sed Imp:-rts -~-- Rip:~rian :-nd \Vatershed I3uffe-:ti (re-teired by D~~~(,}t It is the applicant's (or agent's) responsibility to determine. delineate and map a]1 impacts to required state and local buffers associated with the project. The applicant must also provide justification for these impacts in Section VII above. All proposed impacts must be listed herein, and must be clearly identifiable on the accompanying site plan. All buffers must be shown on a map, ~yhether or not impacts are proposed to the buffers. Correspondence from the DWQ Regional Office may be included as appropriate. Photographs may also be included at the applicant's discretion. 1. Will the project impact protected riparian buffers identified within 1_SA NCAC 2B .0233 (Neese), 15A NCAC 2B .0259 (Tar-Pamlico), ISA NCAC 02B .0243 (Cata~~~ba} ISA NCAC 2B .02>0 (Randleman Rules and Water Supply Buffer Reguirernents). or other (please identify )? Yes ^ No 2. if "yes-~. identify the sgu~ire feet and acreage of impact to each zone of the riparian buffers. II huficr mitigation is required calculate the required amount of miti~~atiun by applying the hnffer multipliers. lone' Impact (sc uare feet) MuUiplier Rryuirr~i Mili~~ahon I 3 (2 for Catawba) 2 1. _S 7-o-at Ionc I estcnds out 30 feet pcrpcnrficular from the top of the near bank of channel_ Ifni ~' ~ ~ien~ls an a~f~iiiional 2n feet from the edge of Zonc 1. 3. if huffer mitigation is required, please discuss what type of mitigation is proposed (i.e., Donation of Property, Riparian Buffer Restoration /Enhancement, or Payment into the Riparian Buffer Restoration Fund). Please attach all appropriate information as identified within l5A NCAC 2B .0242 or .0244, or .0260. XI. Storm~~~ater (required by DWQ) Describe impervious acreage (existing and proposed) versus total arrea~~e on the site. Discuss stormwater controls proposed in order to protect surface waters and wetlands downstream from the property. if percent impervious surface exceeds 20`k, please provide calculations dcmons~ratin« total proposed impervious level. Pro~r sedimentatio-~ and erosion control devices shall he used as to protect surface ~yaters as required by the NCDfiv'R-DLR. XII. Se~~ a;~e llisp-fsal 1 required by D~~~Q) Pa~~r ~) of I tl Clearl~~ detail the uhit7rite treatment mcthrtl~ :u~~i ~li~lx?~itii~n tt:r~~r-:ii~~h::r~~e r~r ili~rhar~~e) ol_ '„:.~.tc~~.::tr `~ncrat~°d irurr: the t~rc~pc~~~~i },~rc~j~~t. ~'~, :t~.:r':;t}ii ~;:}~a~ it~, i~I t`te ~t,!'Er~~t t;trilit~- :~1! n;:,tewat~r shall he ticatetl at ttr~ 1>'rttn:•,~i~k (~:unt'~ . t~t~'. ~,~r I ` itrr!c'nt pl irt__.u;~i ----- --------------------- ---- tli~ch:u~,e~l at the ~r?ra~ irn aiic~n tieE~l~. ~11L ~~iol.~tions (required by I?ti1'Q) is this site in violation of DWQ Wetland Rules (l5A NCAC 2H .OSQO) or an_y Buffer Rules? Yes ^ No Is this an after-the-fact permit application? Yes ^ No XIV. Cumulative Impacts (required by DWQ) Will this project (based on past and reasonably anticipated future impacts) result in additional development, which could impact nearby downstream water quality? Yes ^ No If yes, please submit a qualitative or quantitative cumulative impact analysis in accordance with the most recent North Carolina Division of Water Quality policy posted on our website at http:!/h2o.em-.state.nc.us/ncwetlands. If no. please provide a short narrative description: Cumulative impacts have been addressed in the 201 Facility Plan which is currently under review with the NCDENR Constn~ction Grants and Loans Section. YV. Other Circumstances (Optional): It is the applicant's responsibility to suhmit the application sufficiently in advance of desired construction dates to allow processing time for these permits. However, an applicant may choose to fist constraints associated with constriction or sequencing that may impose limits on work schedules (e.g., draw-down schedules tier fakes. dates associated with Endangered and 'Threatened Species, aceessihility problems. or other issues ottiside of the applicant's conh~ol). e 9- f ~ ~" Appli nt/Agent's Signature Date (Agent's signature is valid only if an uthorization letter from the applicant is provided.) P:~t~ It) nt It) Additiot~:-t !-~forn~atitrn (hrl: [slar~d t~orre ll.-ir~ Intercon-i~~ctirrr~ E3runs~~ick Counly, Aorth Can}lin.r ~fhe Pro~eet i~ knu~,;rr a, the Ch~k bland }-i~rce Main IEuer~~~ru,~~~ti~~n 1'r~,i~•~t. }'has~~ E inrludcs :~ .' ; ~ !or~i main to h~ desi~~ned tmm the O;~k Isl;~nd ET1 !_in~il~ r;~~ the intr;AC~~astal ~~;uerlav inlet between Oak lslan~i at Sunset Harbor) at Palm Slreet. The ti~rre main ~~ill be installed within the NCDOT right-of-way ,Iona Palm Street to Sunset Harbor Road and along Sunset Harbor Koad to the intersection with the service road to the planned Sea VrVatch Subdivision. It will then follow along the service road through the Sea Watch Subdivision (also designated as a utility easement for the Town or Oak Island to the Town's land application site). From the Sea Watch Subdivision it is ~~~ithin and along the southern and eastern boundaries of the Oak Island spray site property. and then across private property to NC H~a-y 2 i I . The Phase 1 portion of the Projeci also includes a 12~~ reuse pipeline from NC 2l I across private property to the Oak Island land application site. The Phase ]portion of the project also includes tw~~o (2) manifold vaults and associated piping. both anticipated to he located within the NCDOT right-of-~~~av of H~~~y 211. Phase II consists of a new fo-ce main along NC 21 I ~yest to the intersection with Clemmons Road (SR 1505). along Clemmons Road to the intersection with Gilbert Road I(SR ISOI), along Gilbert Road to the intersection with Benton Road (SR 1502). alon~_* Benton Koad to the intersection ~~~ith US }lw~y t7. and then along LiS 17 to the West Bnu~swick Re~~ional V1%aste~~-titer Treatment Plant. ,Ali of Phase I1 ~~~ill occur within cristin~~ NCDOT ri~~ht-of-~~~a~~ except for a small portion of its terminus at the ~\%est Bnrnsyick Regional \~'aste~~-,ter Treatnunt Plant. Brunswick County has, within the past year, constructed a force main and a treated wastewater reuse {ire alon« NC 211. Constriction of that project has just recently been completed. The proposed new force main will parallel the existing force main and reuse line along NC 2l 1. III. Project Information 3. Property Identification Number Na-ne Address City State Ii Day Phone Phase 1 Mas Properties. LLC 1 ~ 1 Oscan Holden Beach NC 28462 (910) 542-3604 Boulevard West Seawatch at Sunset 131 Ocean Holden Beach NC 28462 (910) 542-3604 Harbor Boulevard West 4601 East Oak Town of Oak Island Oak Island NC 28465 (910) 278-501 1 Island Drive 3109 Cliffdale Loreen Smith Fayetteville NC 28303 (910) 867-39M Drive NC Dept.of Trans ~or7ation _ Phase tl -#~ Courthouse ___ County of Brtmswirk Boli~~ia NC 28422 (910) 253-2013 Drive N C Dept . of -- --- - -- ~T~rrnsportation ~. Site C~x-rdinates Strc:~m (-r~~ssin~,? Cuordin:~tcs '~~ A~~rthin~~ E.~siin~~ ____ 'Phase I 224336-8800 7 i~-10.98~~0 ___ 7771=1.6290 2248130.3020 80883.5390 2250209.3064 7691 1.3510 2245267.2870 Phase II _ 85671.8360 2250432.5930 85873-2800 2249678.8090 90651-71 10 22439 ] 9.5410 910.56.4000 2243882.5300 95710.1570 224778 ] . 1230 101977-6970 2237889.0870 _ _ 102254-8300 2337035.0850 8725x.9189 2237758.8954 1014-16-8-150 X224382.19.50 101072 >126 2223468.8006 All streams will be crossed usin~~ directional boring and there will be no impacts to the streams. VllI. Mitigation Mitigation Plan Unavoidable impacts to ~~~etlands lrom the project will be mitigated through preservation of wetlands at the 1P Mitigation Site o«~ned by the To~~~n of Oak Island. A detailed mitigation plan describing the site is hcin~~ prepared by the Soil Water and Environmental Group Monitoring and Vegetation Contingency Plan Following installation of the forced mein a monitorin~~ plan will be implemented to insure that wetland areas ~~ ithin the ri~~ht-of-~~~ay that ~~-ere disturbed by construction become reve~etated- Construction documents call for the use of both temporary and permanent seeding as part of the erosion ron~rol plan. 1=ollowing the completion of the project and after one ~~ro~~~in~~ season- the ri~~h~ ol~-~~~av ~~~ili he inspected and wetland areas that are nod na~uriliv rrvr~~etatin~~ ~~~ill he id~:ntified- ~1 seed mix of wetland herbaceous species will he planted in any identified pare areas to assist in [he reve~etation of these areas. The seed mix ~~~ill conr~in species that ,Ere suitahlc for herbaceous or emergem ~~etlands in the Coastal Plain of V'c~rth Carolina. ~_l__~ \J J 07-1630 .fir=_ V~ E - U o ~ 0 ~ o ~ju q~q d > d ~ Q ~ a /~ ~ rc 8 2 V) ~ qj ~ V a ~ j W V ~ ~ 4~ ~~ W ~ ~ 2 (,~ ~ '~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m z ~ Z V1Y N W~ 2 2 2 j w ~ y N~ W$ ~~ w~ 2 j ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W 2 ~ ~ ~ i ~ m i ~ o H o ~~~W~'t~t~~'W~W'i ~ w S ~ ~'~~ ~~ _ `J' ~ 4 z r< ti 3 i j i i a 3 ~~ j 3 a W W W~~ 3 ~i cei ~~ ~ ~ ~ r~ ? °~ Q U Z ~ Vf W U W x 1 IJ ~ ~ yyl1 ~~_o W I O ~ ~ Z ~ ~ o i r H 1 I ~ W ; C 71 Y N Z Z r rn s c~ ~ ~ o • ~ O . B 8 B 8 0 ~ ® ® ~ ~ ® 3 ^- a w ~ U 1lil ~~ ~ m~ z-- d = J ~ J ~ ~ [~ "' ~ Y m < /~ ~I ~1 0 ~r F O 0 0 W H a W N m tD W O H W w x ti a ° ~ •~ ' ~ j ~ v1 _ ~ ~ l _' ' , ~ a , ! ,.. ~ ~ ~f c 1 ~'~ ~ 1 ~ - a. ~~> ~ - `~~ .y ~ ~` -5 ` ;_ 4 `- ~~~~: ~ ~ .,~ '~ ~ ~ .~ a r~ ~ ~~ - ~ ~~ `4 , Q l ~ 1 // g J ~ ~/ /`~ ~ ~` -e. v _ ~ ~.__. N W \i~ ~ ~- U r.; 3 ~ ~ _ ( - t ~ ~ a ~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ a,.l" ~ i ~ .r"• ~ ~ a ~ ~, ~ ~ { ~ '~ ~ ~ 1 N ~"'~ \~ "~ ~ ~ /~ ~ ~ ~ it ~ ~ ` 3 '~ i~ j (~. ~ ~ ~ ~ _ T'i~ " -~ ~ ~ ~ ~a 1 ~ ~ _ ~ ~~ ~ '~ ~~ ,\ ~ 1 j ,~ ~ ~ - f I I ~ I ! , , 1 BRUNSWICK COUNTY ® Wetland Location PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT ~ EarthTech Force Main Alignment WETLAND IMPACTS ATyco International Ltd. Company OAK ISLAND FORCE MAIN INTERCONNECTION BRUNSWICK COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 701 CORPORATE CENTER DRIVE, SUITE 475, RALEIGH< NC 27607 919-854-6200, 919-954-6259 (fax) 0 1,000 2,000 4,000 SHEET2 OF 68 September 2007 "'~ `~ ~~~ ' Feet _~ - - `- `_~~ 38 p y I 1 -~~ - - A r-, y 36 1~ $. sl I i1 -~'_~. ~' -- 35 ~ ~ ' ~ ~ _ ~ ~ ~ I ~_~ ,,!` 1 -~ evens ~} f ~ ~ r _ d~ O ' I ~p .-~~-~ - _ _ 33-_. - ~ i _.~-~ - -- -- ~ _~_ - ~`'~ j 32 ~ {~ 1 ~ f ~ - --L o~ 3~.29i,1~28b°av _ ' ~ ~ ~ ~~, _ - ~ r'te` `! ~~ "- ~ c.. ' X27 26r~25 ~ __ mss. ` --' ~ • - l ~ ~ •.~ ~24 I 'I ,j . ~ -~!.~! r ~ ~ p , ~ ~, _ ° .~. ~ .- . { ~, ~s ~~ti ~ 14 =, ~ ~ ~ _ r ~ _ ~ ~~ > ', ~ .. ...• -_ _ ~ 1, ~ r^ ~ •®.~ tl` 3 --' -`'~~ ~~ - -_ ~ r . ~ ~ --. 21~n - - M _ ~' , '~ „~ - _ ._~ Wis. ... - ; ~ ao _ l \ ~~~ ~ ~, `- r _ __. _ ~ rs 1 I-~ ;~ ~~ i `~ t ~ - '~ ~ ~~. ^- ~ ,y , ;. _ ~ e .o - ~. ~: ~ `~ _~ _ ~ --~ . - ~„ _ .,~yt~--.~ ~-~ ~. ~, ~ _ __ .1617 18... .iT ~ „ I,~~ ~. ~ / e / ~ ._ ~ 1 ~ +r ~ - N_ ~;, ~ 7, %' t / ice- „-_.. -r4 J` ~ ~ : ~` . 1 y _ ~ / _ ._ ' _. r. I `\~ f ~ s F ..i. r`- _ - - ~R V - _-_ an ~ ~ .~, _ _ .. ~ .~ ~~ -- 1- _ _ I BRUNSWICK COUNTY Wetland Location PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT ~ EarthTech Force Main Alignment WETLAND IMPACTS ATycolnternationalltd-Company OAK ISLAND FORCE MAIN INTERCONNECTION BRUNSWICK COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 701 CORPORATE CENTER DRIVE, SUITE 475, RALEIGH<NC 27607 919-854-6200, 919-854-6259 (fax) 0 1,000 2,000 4,000 SHEET3 OF 68 September 2007 Feet I ., - ~~~_ i3d1=g~ i~ /_ ``. - ., l_ ~ ~ -" -. 1. ~~ /'- ~,~ _ ~/~-' ~ ~ - ,. Iij ~ ~ ~ IJ/J ~, _ • yj ' I .. ... ,s. ~_ w .r ~;,~ =rd C 1501 r f d--ter', ~ `'. - ~ .r. -+F, ..- ,lu- _ + . '~_ • .r- / ~ ~' V - ~+. _. _ ~ „~ _1 __ J.+.. _ .,,.. M' ~ i~~ ~/ 69 1rr 67 a~ I G-`' `~ - 7 ~ '' _ ~~ ^ ~ `~ ,~~~ I~ I .. "' ' -i. "" '`. ~ , r ~ ~r'_ `rte 55 ~ ~ - . i ,,, ',~ ,~ '"~--- l "t ' ~. _,_ - _ "aa i ~ * 54 53 ~ , _ `. ;, - ,",, r - _ •, ~ s r _ i -. ~ ~ ( ~ ^r~ .r- ~ t - ,. !. -- - ~ _ _ ,~. - _ I ~r 1 a ~~- fit, ~ ~/' S0 4 ~` n ` . ` - ~ ;,..-t, 1~ "~I ~ ~ Lam' '/` i _~ ~ ~ r.,` - - - _ `\ -, p t J , ~, .. 11 r ~- , ._ r-~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ i r _^ ~+ ,.j _~- _ ~jt _. - i r -: ~ ~ _.. ~ ,. n 41 ~. ,s,, - - - --_- ,- ~. ~ 1 j ~'~-- :. r _ - . _ 1505, ~ ~_ ff ~ ~. ~ ~-~ _+.11,1. l r/ff '' _ ....., .,... - , _ _-T.\ I . ~ v 1 -;\ its i 1 i50a - + _ r~ ,~ ~~~ % .. I ~ ``\ ` __ p r 1' ~ ~ ~ __ ~ . V f7 f _ l •~ ' ~~~ ~ _ - ~ - _ BRUNSWICK COUNTY o Wetland Location PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT ~ ~~~~~~~~~ WETLAND IMPACTS A Tyco International Ltd. Company - Force Main Alignment OAK ISLAND FORCE MAIN INTERCONNECTION BRUNSWICK COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 701 CORPORATE CENTER DRIVE, SUITE 475, RALEIGH< NC 27607 919-854-6200, 9t9-854-6259 (fax) 0 1,000 2,000 4,000 SHEET4 OF 68 September 2007 Feet • _ - t ~ ,I ~ }' •-' ' i o-- - _ i ' I~ ,,r ~ may. ' .«' "'~Y t tJ~ i _ 1,F r - - °~ OJ - `~~~, _ '„1~;~ _-+r- ws,v~c~.~.o.q~tity - rL'~ ~ i~, a ~ •.ti - v .~- ,_ - ~• College.,---- _ ~ ~~e~. KCtx,~~ _ ink -.. I 1 _ 1 \ - _ i - Boa n9 '~ ¢ { '• ~ 'S5 111; ; .X _ '' .S - __ r f~ i, l i - ~ ~ ~ ~~ 11501 ~ ' _ '~ r, `~ ~ ~~ `~~ I _ ~ -+- ~~ - A - A~ ~~ ~- ~ ~ - ~ ~' - ~ 1 r' ~ __ }, ~L 'r -78t - `x.73 ~} ~~:~~ , . o o f '~ ' ~^,.~n`~ ~ F~ ~ Iss~~; ~, 86 ~85 84 `~ 81 79-~' Sx 74~'-: J ~ ~ 87 ~ 82. ,i . ti +- /, \~ J. _ . .~ // , _ ,, • ` ,, { '.~ , --» .n ~ ~ _ ~ } Con i Ch I 1` . , , ~ ~ 'J ;e _" ~• ~ ~ =i a ~ ~-' - ti ~}~ _ ..w „~ ~ _ ~ ,. ~ ~ y t • '" a' - - ~- y -` ~ -= --n. "" "':`'sue ~.r. - + y _ ~ ..-_ ~. ~ BRUNSWICK COUNTY 0 Wetland Location PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT ~ EarthTech Force Main Alignment WETLAND IMPACTS ATycolnternationalLtd.Company OAK ISLAND FORCE MAIN INTERCONNECTION BRUNSWICK COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 701 CORPORATE CENTER DRIVE, SUITE 475, RALEIGH< NC 27607 919-854-6200, 919-854-6259 (fax) 0 1,000 2,000 4,000 Feet SHEET5 OF 68 September 2007 ~~~ ~ ~. t~ •<.. 1:~ ~~_ r~ c~ ',~ ~~i~ Ul f ,, BEGIN NEW 24" FORCE MAIN 1, ~~ '. t `~ ~T1~ 1 1 1 ~ ~r 50' R~ -); ,~". ~ l~ ~ I I .~~ _~ j~ i ~_ ~' I } r r (~ ~y c ~.. NEW 20" FORCE MAIN (^ tJ' ~ ~ EW 20" FORCE MAIN (BY OTHERS )~ ~ ~ ~_~ ~,.~, ~ ~ ~~~- ~~~~ ' WETLAND N0. 1 (0.124 ACRES IMPACTED) `""`°"' DENOTES WETLAND IMPACT W i ~ ~~~~~~i ~ ~ ~ A,~ i~ ~~ . ~- ~ I ~ i ~ ~ - ; ,. ~~ ~ ~~~~ ~ . .. ` yI.1 ~±~ i I , ~~i ~1J t:7 % I I ' 12'WATER U,YE ~ ' I , i'- .-:7: j I j ~1, L- - _~-.__._ w .._..__. .._ w 4_. - ___ _ w _ _.._.. PALM S7~RFr:.T l ~.R.1~387) i _ _ ~ ~ ~ ( I ^FtAVFC C+Orb'~" :+/iA:r' urrr~ 1 NEW 24" FORCE MAIN WETLAND N0. 2 (0.002 ACRES IMPACTED) BRUNSWICK COUNTY PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT ~~ Z5~ 5O~ 10O' METLAND IMPACTS ~ EarthTech __ _ OAK ISLAND FORCE MAIN INTERCONNECTION „ --i BRUNSWICK COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA A1ycolntemationaiLtd,CBmpany V 701 CORRORATE CENTER DRNE, BURE.75, RAL ETON. NC 77807 sca~E 819-0548900 B1B-0Sa-075B(N~ PAGE 2 1 // ~ rn/ SHEET 6 Of 68 SEPTEMBER 10. 2007 ~s: ~~ (.,~ I ~ c,y I I ~ F. j , ! ~ .,.~ ~ I~- I ~, ~ ; , ~ $ - , i I ~ ~ `z i r `; I j , rr~w II I Y'1. I _ _ __ . _ _ ..._____ w _...___. _ w _____ _..____.. w .____.._ _ w - ~. _-- __ w ______..~__-- w .v.- _- w _._ w _____---.__._.__ w ._ .__ ~ ___.-._._ w R.___. ~__.~__.__._-__ ___---_.___.v______.~_____._~_.~.__..._-_-- ____.-__._ .- _- _._._r___. _. .-.~ _ .. __ t -,» .: WET' At~!0 NO 3 _~ "- " ` %j (0.01 2 /-ACRES IMPACTED) rrr ~-1 r l,s ~ a r ~ ;,- ~.~ ~.~ .~~,~~r~~-~~~--,..~._~ {~-_~s-~Y-~; .../~- -\. -. .. c , Y' A ~ 1 -' y-• 1 (1~ ~ ~~' t ~ { NEW 24" FORCE MAIN / I WETLAND N0. 4 (0.026 ACRES IMPACTED)i DENOTES ~ArE~~LAND IMPACT BRUNSWICK COUNTY PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT ~' 25~ 5~~ ~QQ' METLAND IMPACTS ~ EarthTech --~.-r----- -- -.._` OAK ]BLAND FORCE MAIN INTERCONNECTION - ~ /~ rr BRUNSWICK COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA ATycalnternationalLid.Company S CAL C 101 CDRPDRATE CENTER DRIVE, SUITE.75, RAIEIGN, NC 17E07 018.85.EtOp BtYd61225D (Itxl 1 " = 5C' SHEET T OF 68 SEPTEMBER 10. 200T I ~' 50' R/W 50' R/H' . GRAVEL DRII%E --, M~ ("~ ' _. \ G ~ t-L, ~ rr' ::? ~ ` I ''; I cz;~ I ~ I I ~. , I t„ ~~ I ~ t,~, ~ ~ , ,_ ~ ~~.` I I 1 1i.1 l~ ~--- l2' WATER LINE ~ ~ 3t ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ ' j ~ ~ ~ ~' c~ L... ...- ._. .-- -- --- ------- ~ -.-.~ ~ ~~ 50'R/W ~ '~ I -...~ ____ _.~~~ ____.__.. w . . _....-.._ w .._ .~_ _ ._ _._ ._ w ..__ . __. __,_ w ____. _~_ .._ w .. _._ w .__ _.. _.,r w _ .,~ ~ ..._.. ____.. f-'ALM `~ T f?f_.-(~ l ~ (S.R.1f~8% I \ }` GRAVEI L~RME ~ `~- OUTLET STABILIZATION WETLAND NO. 5 NEW 24" FORCE MAIN (0.010 ACRES IMPACTED) BRUNSWICK COUNTY ~' DENOTES H'FTLAND IMPACT PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT 0' 25' 50' 100' --• METLAND IMPACTS ~ EarthTech OAK ISLAND FORCE MAIN INTERCONNECTION A Tyco International Lt0 Company a~ k ~~~, J BRUNSMICK COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA (-- ~s~°_.. ~ -. _ SCALE 701 CORPOMTE CENTER ORNE, 6UITE X70, HALEIOH, NC 17007 01 B.B51?Xfo G/Y.M4.K16o (hy 1 " -- 5 ~~ ' SHEET B OF 68 SEPTEMBER 10. 2007 i I ~+ i 1 I` I I ' I ± ~ I I ~ I i ~ ~ ~ , .. '. , i :?'WATFH LINE` ~ .. x _ __.. _.. ----- .~ - ...._--- _ ____ /. -~}- --r 50' R/W G" '''~l."~Pr'CRE'TE NEW 24" FORCE MAIN ~" DENOTE ; WETLAND IMPACT _~ C ~J) I ~... I 11..J II ' I ''~. ~/ ) \/) I ~ ~~ I 1.,.1 , . C^ I +... _ ... _ _.. \~~~ w.__..._..._ w ___~._._ _.__. w _._.. 50' R/W WETLAND N0. 6 ~ (0.035 ACRES IMPACTED) BRUNSWICK COUNTY PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT caaveL vtzr,~r= METLAND IMPACTS ~ EarthTech OI Z5~ 5O1 100+ OAK ISLAND FORCE MAIN INTERCONNECTION -" BRUNSWICK COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA ATycolntemationalLtd.ComDeny ~:. _~~. 701 CORPORATE CENTER DRIVE, SUrtE X75, RAIEIpN, NC 11E01 SCALE a+a esaazoo o+cas~azsa cry 1 " = 50' SHEET 9 OF 6B SEPTEMBER 10. 200T _.~ i u~ ~rn I ~. [~ I j 'L 1.1 I ~ ; `~~ Q:: ~/ i!J 1.~~ I ~ I ~ ~..~ w.. ~ ~~~ ., _, r~ ~JNE C` I I 50' R/W r'~C M `~ rf'f FJ ~ `>.;? hip`?~~;; -_ _ _ I ___ ....vT _. __ ... ~ ..:. Prrs9orc~eo~io ~,.c-i ~y t ~-~*-- ~.; ~^; WETLAND N0. 7 uN~r,nr>r~~l,a, :,~f.A,,,, ;,,,f ._ \~ (0.010 ACRES IMPACTED) \ NEW 24" FORCE MAIN ~\ -~~~ DENC~Tc.`~~ V;~~.TLAND IMPACT 0' ?5' 5~)' __ 100' SCA!~_!= 1 ~~ _. ~~' BRUNSWICK COUNTY PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT METLAND IMPACTS OAK ISLAND FORCE MAIN INTERCONNECTION BRUNSWICK COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA SHEET 10 OF 68 SEPTEMBER 10. EarthTech A iyca International Ltd. Company 701 CORPORATE CENTER bRIVE, 6UITE 17a, RAIEiGN, NC f7n0) 61DbSa-0200 i1D-aSJ-0757 (rt[) WETLAND N0. 11 WETLAND N0. ~\ ~ /. „~•---- \ \ ~ ..~ ~c 10 Y ~ \~ ., ~ \fi_~ \~`'~~' ~ y ._.r _...r/'`` ~~~ ~_~~ ~. -~' ~,~ :.. .. :., ., , y4~ - \If ~~. , ~.~ 7 "!.Mf'.i WETLAND N0. 12 ~ ~ ;~~ (0.004 ACRES IMPACTED ) ~~;/ _~ `"'"''' DENOTE~~ WETLAND IMPACT o~ 25' ~o~ _ ~ oor SCl~~ i~ 1 " - rG` NEW 24" FORCE MAIN ~ ~ \ ~ ~ ~~ \~~ ~~'~- ~ z_ ~ \~ ~-t_~'.r ~ F~~~ Y \ `~ ~ • "~.~ ~Gi~.' \ ^r Y..t ~'~~~ '~. .,, . n. _~ \ ~ ~' ~ ~, ~~~ ~c~ '~>-., r ,\ ~ ,7 \ ~ .<< , ~~ ~ ~_ .~ BRUNSWICK COUNTY PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT WETLAND IMPACTS ~ EarthTech OAK ]BLAND FORCE MAIN INTERCONNECTION BRUNSWICK COUNTY ~ NORTH CAROLINA A Tyco International ltd. Company 701 CORVORATE CENTER DRIVE, SURE X76, RAl EIOH, NC 17807 B16A548t00 B1Bd51$758 (f4~ SHEET 11 OF 68 SEPTEMBER 10. 2007 .~~ ~ ~~ ~ 2~ 2 \\ \ ~~ ~ \ ~ \\ \~ ~~ ~> ~\ • ~ \ .L \~ \~~ ~~ ~ ,- ~ ~ \ ~/ \ ~ \ ~L ~ \ ~~ ~: BUlLCJIn~G ~~ \ ~\ NEW 12" RECLAIMED \~, ~ \ !N A T E R LINE ~...-~-' ~PR(WERTY fJNE _Y,,,DPR~="'_ .. - .. - .. - -. - - - -~ ~~~ ~!C-._~ __~_.._.~ ____WET/e~vn a„ ~IL~.'~~'WEr~p"~^' L PERMANENT EASEMENT , NEW 2~ EORCE MAIN END HORIZONTAL DIRECTIONAL DRILLING \ WETLAND N0. 23 (0.008 ACRES IMPACTED) '\ NOTE: FORCE MAIN SHALL BE NEW BORED ENCASEMENTS= INSTALLED BY HORIZONTAL ' D I`~ E C T I O N A L DRILLING T O cNFRrrFno r~r,>,~~,~ uN~ - REDUCE WETLAND IMPACTS. ~`''~° DENOTES ~~~ETLAND IMPACT BRUNSWICK COUNTY PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT `\, \ ~\ ~ ~: \\ \~\ , \ '. ~~ ~\ ~ ~, ` ~~ ., , ~\ n 2~~ 5O~ ~~0' METLAND IMPACTS ~ EarthTech _ ____ OAK ISLAND FORCE MAIN INTERCONNECTION c `r~8_ _ ~ BRUNSMICK COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA ATycolntemationalLtd.Company S C~, L r. ~, ~~o CE62a~E 00~'aaud169 (7~MlF.ION, HC 11001 I " - / O ' SHEET 72 OF 68 SEPTEMBER 10. ~ ~~ - -rs~ aFcr t~uf a wq, r ~~~~ uNF i' ~~ \`• ~`~\~' NEW 24" \~~,'. FORCE MAIN ~'~ ' ,\ z •` '\' ', ` ~~ ~~, , ~.~,\ ~~\r,, ,~ ~ ~, , \~ \~\ \ ~ ~ ~•. , ' ~' ~` ~ ' i urytnr Rnv ,. _ - __-- DP --------- DP -__.----~8-_.... OP -._..- _....- DF` _ -------- OP -- __-_- DP ___-----= DP' ~qR _.-_- DP - -.._ - -_~ _i_._ __ ----..-_-~.. _.-_.-_-------'-----.._-.--..-..---'----- AyCDOTR.... `~c~ ter NC' l-fIGNW/1Y 21l unurr~w ---...-._-__.__...~--•- _ _r_ _---.~..___._ __.- _..._ __.__ _ __-_-__._ _ _... __ .._._ _ .. _ . _ _ _ __ _ _ . _- -- . . _.. ..--- _ _ - - f k __ _ 1J.7 f (' r ~+ ~°A-- ~~-- ~ ~ t-rY" . ~~~ WETLAND N0. 25 .~ ~ `~ -~'IF1~/7 !>~=r,-: ~-1N~ ~"' ,~,,~ ~ (0.028 ACRES IMPACTED) '~, ~ ,5 Fri 'f ~t~~r~ I UNP'r1VE0 DRNE ~ Iv,~lrlt Uvi- W ' lE?' NCP ~_. I r -; at^~ arhUr NEW 24" FORCE MAIN °''"""'""u" DENOTES '?,~E T LAND IMPACT C' 25' 5C' 100' SCf!.~L 77 4~ i 1 ~ .J V BRUNSWICK COUNTY PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT WETLAND IMPACTS OAK 15LAND FORCE MAIN INTERCONNECTION BRUNSWICK COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA SHEET 13 OF 68 SEPTEMBER 10. 2007 EarthTech A Tyco Intemalional Ltd. Company 701 CORPORA7F CEN7ER DRNE, 6UITE n6, RAl EIGII, NC 7780'7 BtBdBa-0100 BiBbs••675B (h•7 _..-._....~_..---.-...-...-------------------- --unu~rRnv MCQDT R/IY __ ~;1: __._.-..__--_--- (.lf, f, _._ (.I ....__._.._____- Op ____- OP -~_-- OP --------- OP - ,,,,, - OP - -- OP ----1-- OP - ~>~ ~ NC,' HIGHWAY 2ll 7i \ urltm Riw _~ ~ .~ IC' l INF v~; ~ ~, ~~~111 NEW 24" !=CRCE MAIN ""~"'-"' DENOTE> WETLAND IMPACT ,. - -- j- FQ _..__.._.__.- __------ 0 -_._._. -- _._ ~ ~ __ _ ___.. --- - F ~ ..-._ F - -- ~y _ ----_ . _ ._ r __... --- _ _ _..- --_ -- -~.-Jf M WETLAND N 0 . 2 6 cRnvFC. >~NE (0.014 ACRES IMPACTED) '- BUl[DrNG BRUNSWICK COUNTY PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT C~ 25~ 5~~ X001 WETLAND IMPACTS ~ EarthTech OAK ISLAND FORCE MAIN INTERCONNECTION "' - ~,.,. BRUNSMICK COUNTY. NORTN CAROLINA ATycolntamationalltd.Campam S C ~~ L ~ 701 CORPORATE CENTER DRNE, BU7fE 06, RAIEIOH HC 27aU7 B1B-0S.~E200 B1B-051-0258 (hx) ~ " ._ )O' SNEEt 14 OF 6B SEPTEMBER 10. 2007 urrurr R/w NCODT R/W _.. ~-~(, .. __._.. ,;, _ _ --19------ OP __~ OP ----------- UP .. .... .. ...... dip ------.._.--. DP .._._._..tr------- DP -- OP _.--------- OP - -- CiF> -_._ , _ _._._.__ C1N_~°_~ _ OP .. NC HIGHWAY 2II ~~. ~ ~ l/flL/TY R/W v --- "51[ ate _ .-• ~~ ~. _ ._ F~,~ : . r~ ~ . _ _ __ . "~ : ~ _~ t~-_ _ - _ "t~re"~8---~'-~"--~-'~` - 1 r'.9F.V~(, (7RNE .- ~• ~ WETLAND N0. 27 ~/c°FOF'N -1 _. ___ ~ (0.036 ACRES IMPACTED) `"- t~ h f c!-nrMt n, w~?+rr,~ uat: ~r,,1;,, ----- - f7Bt:R i)r'77C 1.IArE NEW 24" FORCE MAIN '"~'""' DENOTE` vr~TLAND IMPACT BRUNSWICK COUNTY PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT r . S1 . •--~. - - • -NCOOr R/W wrn~~t r t,rrwr~ WETLAND IMPACTS ~ EarthTech ~~ Z5~ 5O~ 1OOI OAK ISLAND FORCE MAIN INTERCONNECTION BRUNSWICK COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA A Tyco International Ltd. Company -."'",.. /~ 701 CORPORATE CENTER nRIHE, BUTTE t78, RALEIOM, NC ]7807 S C f\ L E Y18-05.6700 B18-0SaO79Y (hul " -_ ~ L ' SHEET 15 OF 68 SEPTEMBER 10. 2007 ~ urnm Rm __._ ... ______ . _ .._._ ... _____ ... --- . - . - ~ . _ ____ • - - - - _. _._ nc, .. __ _.... ~,: __ .. _ nr .. ____ NCCu7 Ri!A' OF' __.__ ._..____._ (gyp -... . _._. _.___ OF --• _.__--_.__ (,r; .__. _.._ pP1----- OF ._.__ C1P ----___..._.__. .. - - ... - NC' f-NGI-IWAY ill ~- - __ - ~-n .- ---- Fo -- -~ - _.._ ----- _. ., _. _ FO _~. _ kCLi7T R~ UNPAVED DRNE / N'/ ?_4 RC'P ANA GATE T~ ~,w,4LF. NEW 24" FORCE MAIN - ~' DENO T E> 4alE T LAND IMPACT WETLAND N0. 30 (0.006 ACRES IMPACTED) BRUNSWICK COUNTY PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT METLAND IMPACTS ~ EarthTech ~~ ~5~ JCS 100 OAK ISLAND FORCE MAIN INTERCONNECTION ~vr ----- ~`~°'"'- BRUNSMICK COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA ATycolntemationalLtd.Campany )01 C00.PORAT4 DENIER D0.NE, 6U(TF. X15 RAt F~OH, NC 77aQ] S C~^, i_ w B1B-05aENA B1D661 NSB (tirq ,, 1 " ~ ~ ~~ SHEET 16 OF 68 SEPTEMBER 10. 2007 rc F p _ -LL-~ FiJ - _ r -~__ ~. - FO - f p ._ __ f O ._ _ . p _. ~- - t~ - - _... _..~--.._.~.. .r-r~~-rt. GRAVEL DRNE ~ ~. A \ N'/ 24 ftCP \ ~ A..-/.i~9! !{ r)PTIC UNC ~\ fb i E C! /JME ~ ~ 'y FtT(iR ClNF \_ _y- f-OFy"E NNN Uf/U/Y R/W r~•+VFO DRlof I /~ NC' Hl(~~F~WAY c`~ll N ~,. r~ -- -_ - ~-c - 'r ~s f ~ .t t - ~ F- .~ ~.~J ~ , '. : i ~` ~ ~ `., ~-~~ +s-,~a=r~ a~rlc uxs WETLAND N0. 31 ~. u°rr= g ~ ~~~~-1;~ uxF (0.078 ACRES IMPACTED ) -~_•, ~~~ ,- ~~~ NEW 24" FORCE MAIN "~~'"""" DENOTES '~'E.TLAND IMPACT aP --- oP --- - aP --------- aP -____ .._._._. aP _____.. NCOOT Riw BRUNSWICK COUNTY PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT METLAND IMPACTS ~ EarthTech ~' 25~ 5C~ 100 OAK ISLAND FORCE MAIN INTERCONNECTION """"''''';^,~^--`~ BRUNSMICK COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA AiycolntemationalLm.ComDany """'I~~® 701 CORPORATE CENTER DRIVE, 6UI7E X75, RAtEION, NCTi807 SCALE B19-0SA9T00 Bt9-0548T59 (IerO 1 "- 50' SHEET 17 Of 66 SEPTEMBER 10. 20071 l/rIIAY RM' GRAVfiL DRNE tip - -__~._ ~, ..__ ._.__. __ ap _.._ ____...____ aF~ _.____-__._._. ap ____ _.______ ap -._~ __ _ _. pp NCLrJT R/W ap ---------a~ ---____...~. NC' 1-~l (;y HW'AY 2/l -or-utr'~£inT ___ - - ---~ D ~ ':~ -r•-.. it r.- ~- `' WETLAND N0. 31 ((0.078 ACRES IMPACTED) "`"'"~" DENOTES 11lETLAND IMPACT GRAVFf t)RNE .__, f' ~.~~ - -_ _ r `_ ... NCDOT R/W Ic•Rf=cra~EO war~R uNE-__, rlHER Of'T!C (1NE ---' ~6• ro,RC~ Max wLU_ ~w NEW 24" FORCE MAIN BRUNSWICK COUNTY PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT MIETLAND IMPACTS ~ EarthTech 0' 25~ 5O~ ~~~~ OAK ISLAND FORCE MAIN INTERCONNECTION -- ~`"-"~'"" BRUNSM I CK COUNTY 1 NORTH CAROLINA A Tyco International Ltd. Company -' ' " 701 COROORATE CENTER DRIVE, 6URE .76, RAI F.ION, NC T7BQl S CALF B1oE54ET00 B166S48T6B (hq 1 " - 50' SHEET 18 OF 68 SEPTEMBER 10. 2007 L?ILRY R/W ,, _.........---- Up _ ..._ _._----_. np ._._._....__.... _ OI, ,__ _ _ .._ ._ f.7i> --. _ _._ ...__.. pp ..._ __ .-. _ - f)F' _ _. _ ._..__.. OP ---- ______..._....- ~)F, _._.. __ _ _ [,P _ NC R/W ~~!( l ~IC~HW A,Y ~ll ____...----------••-----•-------•-•-••---•--•----•--•---...--..-•..-.. Drl11TY•RiW _ ____-_.._.__ ----.__- .__....- _-._ _.. _ _...__.._ ... __ . ... __ _~._._.. _ .-- . _ _. _-__ __. _.-- -- - _-_.-- _ _ _...---_ . ____ __ _ _.._ ___._ _ ...._ _. _ _ ___. _ _ . ._ . _ _.; O ~- -WETLAND B01I/NDARY.-]{G- -WETLAND BOUNDAR/---y[~-~C -~G-~ -WETUWD BOUNOM?'-SIC-~ --WE7'UWD BUUND~ ~ - . ~ r ~ I ~.t _ ~,; ,~ _ - _ ._ , :~.. _ ~ _ _.. ___ - r _ _ .... ..,. ... ___. _.- .s ~_•.~'~ ~. -,.: ) -...1,.~ .... (.~ ..i...~. [t..-~_~-y': f~__ _._cY. l.~ ~.y. ~t _ ..~~. ~.~s-f-1rr- ,va.w~_1-~-'..v'}'~ L.l~-.... y.M ,..........-.. .. ..• ~A .._........ Q ------ -- ---- --.. -...--.. •..----... -----•---------•-..-NCLXTf R/W~ N WETLAND N0. 32 _,,~/ --~RECCaMEO w.nre:~ uNE (0.257 ACRES I MPACTEO) i ~ IQER OprlC UNC ~(; FORCE MNN wEW 24" FORCE MAIN '"~' DENO'-r~ WETLAND IMPACT BRUNSWICK COUNTY PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT MIETLANb IMPACTS ~ EarthTech O~ Z5~ Jv 100 OAK ISLAND FORCE MAIN INTERCONNECTION ~ - A Tyco Intemalional Ltd. Company "~'~ -Fr^- '~ -T~I BRUNSMICK COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA ti F""~ 7D1 CORGOMIF CFNTE0. DftIVF, 6UfTF STS. Ml FION, NC 77ep7 ~Cj,~ ~__ B1&d5~-E700810-0,'slb75B (b.<) 1 " -- ~-0, SHEET 19 OF 68 SEPTEMBER 10. 2007 C7P - . ---"- OP --~-___-. _. -- -- Cif' ---- OP _..__--- OP ..~__._~ C1F -- -_ .._ .- nP -----r._- -- OP __-_- OP ------._ ~---° OP ------- DP - ~ ~, nom, .....-..-...._.-......-..-_.-.---..... .. .....- -....._..__... _...-... _.-.- _........ ..- ..- -... ._ .._...--.._-_.__.-.__-._.-.. -_.. __ .....__..._._..-.--.-_-.-..-_.... ...._...... _.___-_ -- .. J O i~ T p~~ I r\ I /~ ~..,. , . ' U ; :, r .. ~:i=;}~-{!S-_=-~._....;.{,4..x..~ct>..:...iw.~.....:., ';,~.__/.~1~: _!°l~~__~f3t....i:~k..= ciy..._~3A- .-_ ='"*rn; ~M:-. --rr ~- - -' ~- Q o ~rrcr~r Fey ~ WETLAND N0. 32 I N ''~, ~ (0.257 ACRES IMPACTED) i ~~\ ~~ `-.eHf_c`'v~,F° wn~fw rrhr= ' NEW 24" FORCE MA I N ~~t3FR or>rrc• uNr "'"°~~" DENOTES WETLAND IMPACT BRUNSWICK COUNTY PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT ~~ 25~ 5~~ ~~0~ METLAND IAPACTS ~ EarthTech _ OAK 1 SLAND FDRCE MAIN I NTERCONNECT l ON p TKo International Ltd. Camparry ;~'~I~,~ BRUNSMICK COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA i_ SCALc 701 CORPORAO CB~rFX~~~R'I~'6U 9~7~RAtFIGN, NC T78p7 1 " _ ~0 SHEET 20 OF 68 SEPTEMBER 10. 2007 _..__ - OP--__- OP ------ OP ----- .__.-- IJP - ---------__ OP -__.___. __- OP - __. ---- -- OP --- C1P -_ _____- :?F' ___ ;?F' - - _._ . ;.~ ~~ _ _ _.._ ____~___ __.__ .~~_ _ _~___~_ _ __ __. _________ _-_--__._---_-------_-_ --_---_____-----__-.--- __ _ .-- _ ___ __ 1~ rte. - M o., ~„m., . N~+„- ,~ R Y'i _ -.. r, r ~•~ it ,; `:~ y>~ __l~_ ,I-~ - ti11r0AtAEg- ~, - WETLAND N0. 32 ~~~ ~ '~' ' (0.257 ACRES I MPACTED) I ~ '1 ~ --~~`~FCiM,vF~~ w~~~-~ L7.~r w~~~ ~ _ . it FoRCr. uaN 1 ` ~!'!Fj' "°'~~' ~'"'f NEW 24 " FORCE MA I N "`'"-'"~~,v;. DENOTES WETLAND IMPACT BRUNSWICK COUNTY PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT 0' 25' 50' 100' MfETLAND IMPACrs ~ EarthTech __ OAK ISLAND FORCE MAIN INTERCONNECTION +„~°i"'","~~ J BRUNSMICK COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA Aiyeolnternationalue.Company ry.~ ~ -- } •_-, ~ ~ 701 CORPOMTE CENiFN INtIVE, 6URF 475, RALE16H, NC 77E07 ~ C A L ~ a+casa e~oo a,aes.a7sa can 1 " = 50` SHEET 21 OF 6B SEPTEMBER 10. ~i ~ i~ ~,~~~r ~- ~ ~ a _-_._..._..__..__... _.. _ f-- _ __- ___ _ ~ .___.-._..._-.-_--._--. ~ - ~ ~ , _ ~~ ~ ;,,,. . ...___~ DP .____ __-_ OP -_-.__..._.....-" • Cp .._. .. ..- .. __ __ OP ---- __ _----- DF' .._ ._ ___ __- OP _.- rll~ _ _-:.CP .-__.`.- _._ OF ------. _ C,F _.. _. NCLL'T Pr/W ~- (fitlliY l?/W NC H!~l-lWAY ~?U c,,; 'o I .__-. ` _.._ ._._.-.~..__.._. .------__._____ ._. ___.._._ ._. y :`~ j M `-, r"~.-~ ~ -~ddAno~'~vxrar~n~.. _ :~-~- __- ro _-.- f ~ _ ~ _= F o - - ~M -- Fa - ---- -~-~-_..-~ ~~ fL~-~-`t~=>,~-t r>_ r ,.~-'"~~'Y ~~-r~ Q .._ .. __------, ~ T~ xccz~r R~~ ! to J r WETLAND N 0 . 3 2 rkav[-t aRrv~- ' ' rr~nv~~. ar~NE ~ WETLAND N 0 . 3 4 ' (0. 257 ACRES IMPACTED) '""~~ ~ f' '"' T''~`' (0.395 ACRES IMPACTED ) i WETLAND N0. 33 NEW 24" FORCE MAIN (0.011 ACRES IMPACTED) '-"`"' "" DFNO-i ES ~rFTLAND IMPACT o' zJ'~o' ~oo~ ~.- -- SCAL` BRUNSWICK COUNTY PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT METLAND IMPACTS OAK ISLAND FORCE MAIN INTERCONNECTION BRUNSMICK COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA EarthTech A Tyco Intcmational ltd. Company 701 CORPORATE CENTER DRNE, aUrTE X75, MLEIOH, NC 77a{I'7 B1BA6aCI00 Bt&ASt-0]68 (h~ ,~ " _= J (~ SHEET 22 OF 68 SEPTEMBER 10. 2007 U7';U'Y R/W _ il` .._..._.___.._- pP ______._._--- OP .._-~_..- --- fJP - ______... OP ------- OP _...__.__ --__. OP ------ OP _ __._ (lP -.._.-_....____ r)P _- -- Cr. NCLYII' R/w . - . - . N~~' HIC~HWA)' 2/l ~: L- _ _.___.-__..._~__-___------_____----________.______-- D ~.' ~ , .... ~ 1 ~ ~ '~r=~c'~ij"x'~~~'`r~~'~.r~q'Ll" ; (t t.'~_:'~~`r ~ ~ 4 ~t`,"5~'Y"5 ~?~_1~.~Y "r ~F_,~ z"~. -'S; .t O ~ NCQ7T R,i1P /SRECUUAlED WATER UNE--~ /' ' l6' FOf?L'F_ MANN ---/ i WETLAND N0. 34 rrnrR V~rrc rl~r---- NEW 24" FORCE MAIN (0.395 ACRES IMPACTED) `~'"`~ ° DENOTES 4~lETLAND IMPACT ~o t` t` y~ ~ f fV I N BRUNSWICK COUNTY PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT ~, 25, 5O~_ ~ ~~(], METLAND IMPACTS ~ EarthTech OAK 15LAND FORCE MAIN INTERCONNECTION BRUNSMICK COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA ATycolntemationalLtd.Company _. - n-..,...., _ S C A L ~ 707 C00.PORAD CEO B I~63U~ (7~5ARAl E16M, NC 17eQi '' = 5 0 ' UT1C?Y R/W i,,= ----- OP ------ OP ..._--___...----- OP -°-.-_._.._...OP _.__..~.._-----OP . _.. ..._..-.-. _.- (lP __-_-____._ OP ---,~__- OP ~_._.___... nr~ _.._._. _.. _ i~p ._ NCTX'r R/W U71a1`Y R/N ... - ... - - - - - ... .. - . - - - - - - - - - ... ... .. ` nl~' ffl~KV/AY 2_/I I' ~ ----___....._-__ _ . ___ _--__.I O CV ~ °' .k.- 2 r< ~ .< „ .._ ~, ~ ' + . 'f'.' '~ ~"'T3' t ~l rT ._ , ~ NCDCT R/N i ~ ~ - f" '~ NEW 24" FORCE MAIN N WETLAND N0. 34 (0.395 ACRES IMPACTED) ~ ,-cr.~ne~~ s~~'; Kira-. ;'~~ ~,i;r Ox'~'!C URF-----~ '~` DENCTEa '~^~'ETLAND IMPACT BRUNSWICK COUNTY PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT METLANO IMPACTS ~ EarthTech ~1 Z51 Jr, 1D~r OAK 15LAND FORCE MAIN INTERCONNECTION BRUNSMICK COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA ATycolntemationa~Ltd.Company c /v ~ ` ~ ao~ coavoa~re cearea oar, 6ur7E ~a5, a~~eiaN, r+c aasaa ~ D1D25/-0200 DtDd51-0a5D(MJ ~ ~i c-,~ ~ -- ~ L _ - __ ._ _. _ .._. __ DP --- OP ----- - -- OP - ---_.__ _ r,~, --_~.._.. - OP .._. _.._.._.-.._ tin ...._ -_._.___- OP ___..__.__.._ __ CIF _._._ _.. -.__._.. , I~, ,,,, ~~ (/"1 ~ ' ~ I I ,, I~ Z~S;.:x~~~ ~[: .. tom- CJ ~kC~ f'/'N -;~,,nF~ ,uaN -..-~ ~ ; ~~, ~ awv~c uNr- NE44' 24" FORCE MAIN- ``"'""% DENu ~ ES WETLAND IMPACT 0' 25' S0' 100' ~; SCF,!_E -~ .. __ ~ . - __.. _..__.___.__.~ ~ _.._ _._._- _..-.J._..__.~__~._ __ ice- -__._.__ ._..._..._.. .._...___._ ._...-._- ... _...__._ .o -__..______.. __.-- .__.._._ .._ ____-- -____ Q, - -_ _ . _- - ---1 ~. ,~ ~ ~ Y?.-r ~...-1~' {-XYa b~..t ~,~T /„~ ~, ate.. ~. ~. ' ~ - - - -'A- • • - • .~~-x - .'~~'~I` . T~.r'C'f ~ a1~S l'°r J"'•'L • ~-'f.~+.''ti 1 ~ -_C +• • <t ~:~ a . ~ ~ OUTLET STABILIZATION WETLAND N0. 34 (0.395 ACRES IMPACTED) BRUNSWICK COUNTY PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT METLAND IMPACTS OAK ISLAND FORCE MAIN INTERCONNECTION BRUNSMiCK COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA EarthTech A Tyco Intemationet Ltd. Company 701 CORPORATE CENTER ORNE, 6UI1'E ~7a, RALEION, NC 179x1 019.86~-0't00 019~A5~.97a9 (h[1 '~ =c JC+ t SHEET 25 OF 68 SEPTEMBER 10. 2007 unLrr~ Rev -n _ __ t,~~ .___-_ nr ________.._. nr~ ___ ..__----- c~t~ __.. - ._---- oP ._..- -- - nP .._._ nP _--__- n~ -- of __ ._ . __.--- (~F, ..__ . _ _._ _.__ n NCLXT R/'M l~C HIGHWAY 2/l ~~ J _.. ~..~J •K. ,; 1 .. - ... _ - __.. _ -}- ~ ~`~r-~` ~~-~ ~ ~,_Y y~, Z~'~~ ~-c i-~'~' -mil ~ r'. ~n ~ -F ~'o = ~ --- ~ ~o .-- - --- -- - - -•- - • - - --• --- - -- ~... .--- O , MCA- R/w 'f`--~' WETLAND N 0 . 3 4 : re~ R; cc aMCn wareR uNC: -- U.~!'At<~ ~~ L~RNf (0. 3 9 5 ACRES IMPACTED) Ls ror~F A/ArN --- ~~~ !~ F2CP F7BER OF71C L/NF--f NEW 24" FORCE MAIN "'~``~"~''" DENOTi'~S WETLAND IMPACT BRUNSWICK COUNTY PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT ----____ __ ____ _ _ _ -. _.1 ,~ U~ 7~, ~~, ~~~, METLAND IMPACTS ~ EarthTech OAK ISLAND FORCE MAIN INTERCONNECTION ~~ BRUNSM I CK COUNTY ~ NORTH CAROLINA A Tyca Intemetional ltd. Comparry S C1: L ~ 701 CORPORATE CENTER DRIVE, SURE.76, RALEION NC T1aQ7 B1&ESba?00 B1B-0SaEtSB (faK~ ,~ a -_ ~ O r V SHEET 26 OF 68 SEPTEMBER 10. 2007 i i ~ \ / C (t) _._. OP -r....----._. CJP __ _._._~~_. Of' _..._ ...__ ... .__.~__ __.. OP --- -.. _- ..--- ~P -------__ pP OP ..-_.._._..__.-- .._,i'J~f .. ------.. i ~~~ ~~ NC HIGHWAY' ill D II ,. ~ ~. + ~'. I ©~, V - - --F~" w --- - - w ~,~ .__.____._..--- p ._ ~,,i-______.. F M -~-----_ . _ _ r `--IEREr(r"JdtCU w,aTF_R UNF_ GRAVEL DRNF, -_- !6' FORE. F: MAI N ~--rree.R orrlc rrNe: ~~ NEW 24 FORCE MAIN f „p~~ G,RAVFi nRN( W~' lr 2Cl 4~~ ' r>R,avEt paNC: ~ tvi 15` RCP 0 WETLAND N0.`34: (0. 3Q5 ACRES : "<1PACTED ) °"" DENOTE`: 'p'~ETLAND IMPACT 0' 25' aC~ 100' --- ~.. _ ..-_ ~___1 -_ _-. .. SCALE 1 " - 50' BRUNSWICK COUNTY PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT MfETLANO IMPACTS OAK ISLAND fDRCE MAIN INTERCONNECTION BRUNSWICK COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA SHEET 2T OF 68 SEPTEMBER 10. 2001 EarthTech A Tyco International Ltd. Comparry 701 CORGORATE CENTER DRNE, 6UfTE X75, RAlf.10H, HC 1780'7 91P85~-e?00 819-05/8759 (1e~ ~ ~ ~-~ P %" / ~I~, ~ op~ /~ ~~ -' U~' ~ J~ NEW BORED ENCASEMENT p ;`> ~ ~i / ~~~ / J / I _. ~F- ~~ ~`\/ ~ ~, - ~~ `~N N ...--~''~ w ~ ,-~ ~ r l f.- _~ ~ ~ TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ~, ..~ "~` _ ~ ~ ENTRANCE (TYP. ) ~~ ~ .--- ~~.,; .~-- j ~ ~~ . .• I ' ~a~ `~'~ \ ~, - NEW 24" FORCE MAIN ~,,~ z. ~~~,~~r~E. ~ wprER uNE ~ ~ ~. ~'/ ~ 16` FORCE MNN - I ~- WETLAND N0. 35 <~t~~~ ~ ;,~~,~~~ ~ ~.,• (0.018 ACRES IMPACTED ) ~, ~"'' DENOTES WETLAND IMPACT 0' ?_5' S0' 100' ~: // n I _ .. L ,,.~... BRUNSWICK COUNTY PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT METLAND IMPACTS ~ EarthTech OAK 15LAND FORCE MAIN INTERCONNECTION BRUNSWICK COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA Atyc9lntemationalltd.Company 701 CORPDitA?E CENTER DRIVE, 6URE X75, Ml EIDH, NC 21007 019461-a?00 91&85~d759 (MY~ SHEET 28 Of 68 SEPTEMBER 10. 2007 NEW 24" FORCE MAIN I N^cY7T Rnv '° , ~~;. .1l~I+ON/lOB OAN713M-'- AtlYON/IOB ONY113M - NCLx7T,iw _ ~_.~.. ...~------... ----- ------...-- ""'""~``.~ DENOTES tNETLAND IMPACT 0' 25' S0' 100' SCALE 1 ~~ = 5 0 -~'`"~ BRUNSWICK COUNTY PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT METLAND I1T~'ACTS OAK ISLAND FORCE MAtN INTERCONNECTION BRUNSMICK COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA EarthTech ~~~ A Tyco International Ltd. Company ~ 707 CORPOMTE CENTER DRNE, 6URE I)5, RAI EIOH, NC 17007 919-0SM200 914051-Ot59 (Its WETLAND N0. 37 NEW 24" FORCE MAIN (0.053 ACRES IMPACTED) t ~ .._ -fi- ~ fi~-fi fi ~aroNnoe o~m~M- ---- __-.._ ____ _-.... __ - `~.f;'. 1. X05 ----~kC~T R/W ---...-.. BRUNSWICK COUNTY °''~'"~'~ DENOTES WETLAND IMPACT PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT ~, 25, 5G~ ~~~, WETLAND IMPACTS ~ EarthTech OAK ]BLAND FORCE MAIN INTERCONNECTION A Tyco Intemationat Ltd. Company i`.~. ~ -. BRUNSWICK COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA S~/'1LE 707CARi0RATECENTERDRIVE,6UITF1)S,MLEION NC 71a07 BtB-0Sa-0700 B1B-0S1d7591tnfl 1 " -- 5 G ' SHEET 30 OF 68 SEPTEMBER 10. 2007 NEW 24" FORCE MAIN c yf~ i ~}~ _,i ~;"" ., ;, _ ~ `'.Ui ~/ kX7 G tr~1.~M- _ _ un~t~nvEU ~7r~NF"~ w:' !~' E~ :r' WETLAND N0. 38 (0.099 ACRES IMPACTED) -,tyVUmµ - __.. __ ... DEN^u . k=~ 4Nr TLAND IMPACT BRUNSWICK COUNTY PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT METLAND IMPACTS ~ EarthTech ~1' ?~j' ~;~' 1001 OAK ISLAND FORCE MAIN INTERCONNECTION '~-~-~--~------..,,,.~,,. ~ ~ BRUNSMICK COUNTY NORTN CAROLINA ATytolntemationalLtd.Comparry ~ ___ .._ - - ______._._...- ~- 701 LOR~ORATE CENTER ORtVE, SUfTF. X75, RAl FION. NC 7]ap] v v:~.:.. I=. D7 D~8548700 D1D-054$25D (h~ ~ ,/ ~ tl ' SHEET 31 OF 68 SEPTEMBER 10. 2007 NEW 24" FORCE MAIN WETLAND N0. 39 ~~, ,~..~~ ~ ~,~,~ (0.017 ACRES IMPACTED ) n,; ,-, --• ~, ~ ,. ~., _.___. ~~~~ I .--^~" I --- i ' ~~ i.~,,."r'"` DENOTES ',^IETLAND IMPACT 0' 25' S0' 100' SrI'-- ~-- ~- --_ SCALC y~~~~i 1 " = 50' BRUNSWICK COUNTY PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT MfETLAND IMPACTS OAK ISLAND FORCE MAIN INTERCONNECTION BRUNSMICK COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA EarthTech A Tyco International Lld. Company 707 CARFORA7E CENTER DRIVE, BU17E ~7fi, MLEION, NC 77aQi Y10.6:XEa00 B7Pd6a8?59 (ICq NEW 24" FORCE MAIN ~ WETLAND N0. 40 '~ (0.104 ACRES IMPACTED) UNPAVED URME \ W/ /8' CNP l O ,, ~ ,, ~._~ ~ y~.". - ~ ~.-~' ~..~"~, -psi-}'~...~1~V ~`,~.-.~c-,~-~'' ~J f- '!c'- u~ .._..._ _ ._.__ .~.___..___-._ __.~. ______ _.___... _._ _ ..{ Q _ _ -- I BRUNSWICK COUNTY °.''`~;`'"`~ DENOTE`; 4vE7LAND IMPACT PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT C' 25' 5U' 100' METLAND IMPACTS ~ EarthTech _ _ OAK ISLAND FORCE MAIN INTERCONNECTION _ BRUNSMICK COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA ATycolntemetianalLtd.Campeny ~ -- S ( rI~ 701 CORPORATE CENTER DRNE, 6UITF 175, RAL FION, NC 17E07 l~ 1 Y16d54E700 61D-061d758 (fl[I " - ~o' SHEET 33 OF 68 SEPTEMBER 10. 2007 v. _' ~ r. _....._.. -f- ~ .~ o; NCC'r R/W WETLAND N0. 40 (0.104 ACRES IMPACTED) \~\ ~\ GRA4/EL ORNE . , wi ~~r carp ~~ '""'~ DENUTLS 4YETLAND IMPACT GanvEC nr~NE wi ~r rr•~ awn r,ArF NEW 24" FORCE MAIN S.R.150.5 BRUNSWICK COUNTY PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT ~~ ~~~ ~,,,~ ,~~~~ WETLAND IMPACTS ~ Earth Tech OAK ISLAND FORCE MAIN INTERCONNECTION BRUNSWICK COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ATycalnternationalltd.Campany ,- r~ r. ~ 701 CORGORATE CEI7TER DRIVE, SUITE ~7a, MLEIDM, NC 17x01 •.~\•: ..-..- n BtiEB.-0300 YtYd61 E1'A (laq SHEET 34 OF 68 SEPTEMBER 10. 2007 WETLAND N0. 41 \ ;0.011 ACRES IMPACTED) NEW BORED ENCASEMENT 1 U1 i`~ ts' \ ~ NEW 24" FORCE MAIN c3, Mc~ F~,y \ 1'' GRAVE!_ Ut?NE .. - ~, ,4 7. ~~_ • - r..~- . . ~~ ._ ____ --.-_Y..__ .._. . ~ ,. . ~ 1 . _..~__ .~_..._._..-._._ ~, .S.R. l 505. ---- ---__ --- __ __--- . _. _.. . , _._ _ __ ._...__- - • -._.. . '"~~```'~`~` DENOTES ~4'ETLAND IMPACT 0' 25' S0' 100' SCALE BRUNSWICK COUNTY PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT METLAND IMPACTS ~ EarthTech OAK ISLAND FORCE MAIN INTERCONNECTION BRUNSMICK COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA AiycolntemationalLtd.Camoam 701 CARPORATE CENTER DRIVE, 6UrtE ~]a, RALEION, NC ]1Ep7 D1&B5~8I00 alada4d25B (hh SHEET 35 OF 68 SEPTEMBER 10. 2007 NEW 24" FORCE MAIN ~" ,~ ~' DENOTES `~lETLAND IMPACT BRUNSWICK COUNTY PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT 0~ 25~ 50' 1DD' WETLAND IMPACTS ~ EarthTech .---- OAK ISLAND FORCE MU1IN INTERCONNECTION BRUNSWICK COUNTY ~ NORTH CAROLINA A Tyco Intemationa~ Lte. Comparry r ~ l ~- 701 GORPOMIE CENiFR DRNE, BURS 17e, MLEION, NC 27x01 5 ~i •, L t_. a, B,Ddu a258,~ 1 " - 50' SHEET 36 OF 68 SEPTEMBER 10. NEW 24" FORCE MAIN WETLAND N0. 42 ~ (0.139 ACRES IMPACTED) ~ UfIUTY R/W _ ,,: ~ti ~-- op o~ _____ aP ncpor RnvoP oa -- -------s- o~ op ~_ __ - _ __- nF~ c;~, _.._ f/T/L/!Y R/W i ~__ --~ ~ o ~ ';;~ ~ ~.f;.150.5 ~, \\ i ~ ~~ ~, ,,, I ,,. _ _ _ _ +""" DENO"ES 'r,'ETLAND IMPACT 0' 25' 50' 100' _-,~-. s:.. SCALE BRUNSWICK COUNTY PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT IYETLAND IMPACTS OAK ISLAND FORCE MAIN INTERCONNECTION BRUNSMICK COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA EarthTech A Tyco International Ltd. Comparry 7Ot CORPb1UTE CENTER DRIVE, BURS Q5, RALEIOM, NC 17601 B19d51d200 D16~8.'M-0YSB (hN SHEET 37 OF 69 SEPTEMBER 10. 2007 1 // ~ ~ / urr[rr R/k' "4,. fit.' '. x UTlL(!7 R/W G',?rrCRETf DRNE ~„ , IE+' L'Alf' _ ~_ _._.._~- OP ._. __ ~_ ~~.Cf. ~~"~~~G~ BRUNSWICK COUNTY ~,r.,,,:fi DEMO i ES ~UETLAND IMPACT PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT 0, 25, 5~, ~QQ' MIETLAND IMPACTS ~ EarthTech __ ~T_ ___ OAK ISLAND FORCE MAIN INTERCONNECTION •- r BRUNSM[CK COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA ATyto International Ltd. Company 701 CORPORATE CEN7ER DRNE, 6URF .75, RALEIDN, NC 11907 AL. cicaueloo eicaaa9lsotwn 1 " _•~ _` 0 WETLAND N0. 43 NEW 24" FORCE MAIN (0.026 ACRES IMPACTED) ~ ~ ~` ~' UNF'At~Fb DRl/F ~' __. ~~ ~ , - 0~-----.~-_ Op _-.____.~...___.. OP - --- OP ---_..._ -- OP --- ---- OP -___---- C7P ---_-_--•--~- f' .. - . - ~~ I -~--~. SHEET 38 OF 68 SEPTEMBER 10. WETLAND N0. 44 (0.011 ACRES IMPACTED) NEW 24" FORCE MAIN -~_ .. --,1~_~__ OP ----- ---- . . .- 1 ... __- • _ - ... ____,-_--.__.~w----.----.___ . ..._...._-__- ----___ .-. __...----_. _..- - -f ,~ --___ 5.~.~JU~ ~~( _. ,~ - - .. - N OOT R/W - ... -__ ... ~_ .. . „_ . . ~~~° DENOTES WETLAND IMPACT BRUNSWICK COUNTY PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT ~~ Z5~ 5G~ 100 METLAND IMPACTS ~ EarthTech DAK 15LAND FORCE MAIN INTERCONNECTION _k ~ BRUNSMICK COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA ATycolntematronalltd.Company :ESL yi•.•,' t-_ T0~ CORPORATE CENTER DRIVE, 6UITE X15, RAI. FION. NL )Te07 S C A L ` 919 E61-0P00 9194546]59 (fug 1 " - 50' SHEET 39 OF 69 SEPTEMBER 10. 2001 WETLAND N0. 45 (0.193 ACRES IMPACTED) NEW 24" FORCE MAIN f7F7 --_ -- OP -- __--N-------- OP -~-- ~-~{Q7P'..- ....... --- l7P -------_ .. _ - OP - _...------_ CIP ----- -- OP ------ __~ OF; ._ _ _. __ ~)L. , -~ . ,_. ~ , , .r -nom -~~~~~ - . - ... - ... ~ ""' DENOTES b~~ETLAND IMPACT ,~~,~,~~_~ j- _ ,~ ,ice ,fi_,~ .. _ .. -_ ___ Q h' ; N S.h'.15C1.5 d ". _ _ _ _. _._ i NCOUT R/W BRUNSWICK COUNTY PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT ~~ 25~ SCI 100 OAK 15LAND ORCENMAIN~INTERCONNECTION ~ EarthTech ,~,, r BRUNSMICK COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA ATyeolntemationalltd.Comparry S ~ ~ r 70t CORPORA CE~~DB ad5~-0?6a (~jR/~LEIOH, NC 17807 SHEET 40 OF 68 SEPTEMBER 10. 2007 __---- - _ ~-- - WETLAND N0. 45 - - -- ~-`' . ~- - _.._ (0.193 ACRES IMPACTED) ~,.. - - ~.- - - _ __._-= -- `~~' " -_ nP -`- ---- " ----- - ~ -" °~ --- r- - " ~~ cn ,::~ _ ~~ry __...._...._.____ oF> ._._ ____-.-_.._ ;,P _.-----____... ~~~ _._ _ or ------e-_- -NEW 24 FORCE MA I N ~ o ~ ~ -, ~.~ _-, r rT ; ~~ ~-~ ~ ..UTIUTYI/t%M' ` -.- :..-iNC0a3T I~i~ - - - - - - - -~' rv ~;~~, I_... _ _ .._.._-.____.__.-.___-._ .. ._ . _ __-._ _ _ ... _ __._.__ __.__..._ . _ ------_._-- ----_._.-- o ; >.F~.1505 __ ... --• ---.. -.. -... ACOOTR/W '"""'"""~`"'P DENOTES ~~F T LAND IMPACT I+ ;N BRUNSWICK COUNTY PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT 0' 25' 50' 100' METLAND IUPACTS ~ EarthTech __ __ OAK ISLAND FORCE MAIN INTERCONNECTION ;~~ ,,~I~ BRUNSM I CK COUNTY ~ NORTH CAROLINA A lrco Intemetionel Ltd. Comparry SCALE 701 CORPORATE CENTER ORNE, 6UITF 416, MLE~OH, NC 17607 818-0546100 818-0646158 (fat) 1 " = 50' SHEET ~1 OF 68 SEPTEMBER 10. 2007 . • • , f,._._ oF~ .~--- CAF' --'" -...--_' • !~ . ~' • •• ..,~-~ ~ . -' " ~~ --, b N _._ O ' -A I + I ___.~..---- O ' i ...___.__._. WETLAND N0. 45 (0.193 ACRES IMPACTED) Hcaor Rnv NEW 24" FORCE MAIN 'o I+ m 'o ' N ... ___ - _ ... . _. __ _ - i Q ~~ .~ NCDOT' R/W ~`'"?~"° DENOTES ~1~ETLAND IMPACT BRUNSWICK COUNTY PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT 0' 25' 50' _ 100' METLANO IMPACTS ~ EarthTech _ OAK ]BEANO FORCE MAIN INTERCONNECTION tw~'~"~ ~ BRUNSMICK COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA A1yco~ntemationalLte.Company L._ ~s ~~ S ~ ^ ~ ~ 701 CORPORATE CENTER DRNE, 6UrtF 115, RAiE16M, NC 7~E07 Y1 Bt9AS.0100 819851-0~SY (Ith 1 " - 50' SHEET 42 OF 6B SEPTEMBER 10. 2007 ~~ -; ' I ,,~~,;,; ,ern C7 ~~ I -i- I N WETLAND 45 (0.193 ACRES IMPACTED) S.R. L50 ,rcbr,~ ~t~sr `" "°''"~:' DE~ti~O ~ E`~, 4~~ETLAND IMPACT BRUNSWICK COUNTY PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT NEW 24" FORCE MAIN I ~o I~ ,,i~ N --__...._. _ ___.. ~ G __~ .._ ~ .......J II H :~ ~' 25~ 50' ~QQ' MIETLAND IMPACTS ~ EarthTech ` ~~ OAK ISLAND FORCE MAIN INTERCONNECT]ON ~ ~(~ /~~ P/{ BRUNSWICK COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA A Tyco International LtA. Company J C/"'~ ~ ~_ 701 CORPORATE CENTER DRIVE, BUTTE 1T 5, RALEIGH, NC 17D0T BIB-0XEt00 B7B~ASI E759 (its ~ ~~ __ JOB SHEET ~3 OF 68 SEPTEMBER 10. 2007 NEW 24" FORCE MAIN WETLAND NO. 45 (0.193 ACRES IMPACTED) I ~ ~~ NCDUf RnM ' ~ J.! ?' 1 ,,..-- 1 0~~ N ; `~~~ .1 ~ .... .... ----° o _ _ - __ ,S.Fr' l r~ t? ~~ WETLAND N0. 46 (0.061 ACRES IMPACTED) ~' ..._- - _.._-•- ~w •-- ""` DENOTES 'r~~~TLAND IMPACT BRUNSWICK COUNTY PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT METLAND IMPACTS ~ EarthTech ~~ 25~ 5C'~ 100 OAK ISLAND FORCE MAIN INTERCONNECTION ~s`~~, BRUNSMICK COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA ATyeolntemetionalLte.Company SCALE 701 CORPORATE CENTER ORNE, BUfiE.76, RALEION, NC 77407 819-0640200 41a-0648259 (tits 1 " = 50' SHEET 44 OF 6B SEPTEMBER 10. 2007 i WETLAND N0. 47 ~ NEW 24" FORCE MAIN (0.070 ACRES IMPACTED) I~ Ncraor ~vw~ 'K S.R. i50.5 ""'~"''", DENOTES 'W'ETLAND IMPACT BRUNSWICK COUNTY PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT 0, 251 JC, ,~~, WETLAND IAPACTS ~ EarthTech ___.____ OAK ISLAND FORCE MAIN INTERCONNECTION BRUNSWICK COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA ATycolntematlonelLtd.Campany _ -~... "~~ z y (~ Q 7D1 CORVORA?F CFN?ER ORNE SUfTE .i5, RAI FION, NC 77a07 S"" `~~ B1Bd5.E700 B1BbS1-075B (hh ,J 1 " _ `- 0 ' SHEET 45 OF 68 SEPTEMBER 10. 2007 NEW 24" FORCE MAIN WETLAND N0. 48 (0.040 ACRES IMPACTED) NCD17T R/W S.R.1.5U.`~ NCOOT R/W • - ~~" DFN07L~ 'WETLAND IMPACT 0' 2G' 50' 100' >A~I~~ JCP,LE " _.. ~C, BRUNSWICK COUNTY PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT MIETLAND IMPACTS OAK ISLAND FORCE MAIN INTERCONNECTION BRUNSMICK COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA SHEET 46 OF 68 SEPTEMBER 10. EarthTech ATyco International lte. Company 701 CORPORATE CENTER DRIVE, SUITE X76, RALEIOM, NC 27Ep7 B14.E61lt00 Yt92548758 (lop WETLAND N0. 49 (0.035 ACRES IMPACTED) ,'~ .'~ ~~ )~ ~~ ~, ~ ~, NEW 24" FORCE MAIN,' ti ,' ~ / ~% I ~\' ~ '~ / ~~ A'CWf R/W ~ -•- - ---•---•- ~" DENOTES WETLAND IMPACT BRUNSWICK COUNTY PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT C' 25' 50' 100' METLAND IMPACTS ~ EarthTech OAK ISLAND fORCE MAIN INTERCONNECTION "'s ,~~,_, BRUNSMICK COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA ATycolntemationalltd.Company 701 COROORATE CEN7ER DRIVE, SUDS A)a, RAIEION, NC P~a07 SCALE o, a,Ya~aa,~, 1 " = 50' SHEET ~7 Of 68 SEPTEMBER 10. 2007 WETLAND N0. 50 (0.085 ACRES IMPACTED) ~a ~. .S.l=?.1505 ,, OA'V713M - NEW 24" FORCE MAIN ~ Nccbr Riw -. ---•'--- NCG~RiIY~ '" '~=,,y,, DENOTES WETLAND IMPACT BRUNSWICK COUNTY PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT 0' 25' S0' 100' METLAND IMPACTS ~ EarthTech OAK ISLAND FORCE MAIN INTERCONNECTION BRUNSMI CK COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA A Tyco Intemationat Ltd. Company ~ .: :.. SCALE 7D1 CORVpiATE CENTER ORIVF, 6UfTE ~7fi RAIFION, NC )1807 a18-05.Et00 a1a~85a875a (h~ 1 " - 50' WETLAND N0. 51 NEW 24" FORCE MAIN I (0.106 ACRES IMPACTED) ; ~:u'f~ NCDO! R/W ~ ---~- ~ . _.r .._ .,~,,, to ,. _. ..._ A.. ~ fi_fi ~ _-.uev_oNnr~ OM+7„(„~M.- .. -- __.~roNnoe OIVV713M~'-' _ ~~,7~-- _.~. __.__-- __ ._._ ____ _____....._. _____. 1~ _~___.__.. _.__...__. Q .. _. _ ______ _-~--_-__---__L.._-- __ ________ _- --____ _._______-1 "` DEMO T ~.~ ~!1LTLAND IMPACT BRUNSWICK COUNTY PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT WETLAND IA~ACTS ~ EarthTech OI 251 5u1 100+ OAK ISLAND FORCE MAIN INTERCONNECTION ~; _ BRUNSWICK COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA ATycolntematlonalltd. ompany 70+ CORPCftATE CENTER DRNE, 6URE .76, RAL ETON, NC Ta07 S C ~l L i~ a+a.es. e7oo a+a-0saezae cre,n 1 " = 50' SEPTEMBER 10. 2007 SHEET 49 OF 68 NEW 24" FORCE MAIN WETLAND N0. 51 (0.106 ACRES IMPACTED) / ~~ ,., iv yw.,;. ~~ - - - _ - .... U'' __... ----_ I""""°"r'} DENOTES WETLAND IMPACT ... _ ... _....._ ... - - MCGOf R/W BRUNSWICK COUNTY PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT ~~ 25~ 5v^' ~~~~ WETLAND IMPACTS ~ EarthTech _ _ OAK ISLAND FORCE MAIN INTERCONNECTION ;r ~ BRUNSWICK COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA ATycolntemationalLtd.Comparry --- "-- - ~` _ 701 CORPORATE CENTER DRfVE, Sl1tTE .7e, RALEION, NC T1E7/ SCALE a,a. 9,96Y1-0T59 (fu) 1 " - 5~' SHEET 50 OF 6B SEPTEMBER 10. 2007 NEW 24" FORCE MAIN WETLAND N0. 52 (0.015 ACRES IMPACTED) Ncc~rivsr ----------•--••--•- ...-------•-•- `i°"' DENOTES G^IETLAND IMPACT BRUNSWICK COUNTY PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT D, 25' S0' ~~(), WETLAND IMPACTS ~ EarthTech DAK ISLAND FORCE MAIN INTERCONNECTION -~ BRUNSMICK COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA ATycolntemationalltd.Company .._._,~.. n ,: 70, CORPORATE CENTER DRIVE, $URF 176. IU1l EION, NC 77$07 SCALE olaa$.e7oo e,,as.a:$„r.~, " -- 5 0 ' SHEET 51 OF 68 SEPTEMBER 10. 2007 NEW 24" FORCE MAIN WETLAND N0. 53 ~ ~~,1 fr c~rrvr. - ~;~> nl (0.077 ACRES IMPACTED ) ,~ '~ NCDOf R/W ~ - - -.-- l ~ --._~. __.~__~~.---- --- ----. _._._ .. --__.____._._,_ _----- - ._._ . __. ___ _._ ~. fi_ _.._.~.__...__ _.__._. _ _ __ _. ___ -U BRUNSWICK COUNTY "~" DtNGTES '+'~'FTLAND IMPACT PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT ~~ ZS 5O~ ~QQ' METLAND IAPACTS ~ EarthTech OAK ]BLAND FORCE MAIN INTERCONNECTION ~'^"~ -- A Tyco Intemetional Ltd. Company `,--,~ ~ BRUNSMICK COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA S ~ ~ ~ ~ T01 CORGpRATE CENTER DRNE, BURS 475, RALEI(}H, NC 77667 919-0646700 9198548159 (tai " = 50' SHEET 52 OF 6B SEPTEMBER 10. 2007 NEW 24" FORCE MAIN WETLAND N0. 54 (0. C2.4 ACf~ES IMPACTED ) I I ~ I ~ .. ~ ~.d.~n,.-,,~,.,.. 1 ~ WETLAND N0. 55 (0.051 ACRES IMPACTED) / NCDOf RM' ' -- - .(tlY1MIfA0B•-OAAq.L7A~."'''- -"~ _" - .._ M~_.ot~rat3~..----_ . --~---~ __ .. _ ~F. _--~'- ~ _ ~ . T - - - _------"- -- f - t --- - - _...._ . f. _...-. .. __ ..- - - - - - - - - NCOOf R/W UNDERGf7CXIND TFLF/'Ht7NE LlNf ------' ""~"'~'""` DENOTES WETLAND IMPACT BRUNSWICK COUNTY PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT WETLAND IMPACTS ~ EarthTech O~ 25~ ~~~ 1OOI OAK ISLAND FORCE MAIN INTERCONNECTION t`s BRUNSWICK COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA A Tyco International Ltd. Company L-- L_ -. 701 CORPORATE CENTER DRIVE, BU7TF .175, RAI. FION, NC 17607 SCALE B1B-0Sa-0700 B1B-6546258 (lul 1 " = 50' SHEET 53 Of 6B SEPTEMBER 10. 2007 ~_ _ ~~,~; ~; , ~_ ;rr; 7 r~Cf'NUNf_ UNE '~ I ~, 1 ~~ ~..___ ~~. _F= °t _~ _~ WETLAND N0. 56 (0.062 ACRES IMPACTED) S.R. l ~~~01 NEW 24" FORCE MAIN ~r~•~l~~.l~-•-~+-i-v(- tai ~..t-~i..., r ? --~._~._____ T --.._._ _.__ r _ __. J NCLYIT R/W - . r_ BRUNSWICK COUNTY `'`~`""' DENOTES WETLAND IMPACT PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT 0' 25' S0' 100' METLAND IMPACTS ~ EarthTech OAK ISLAND FORCE MAIN INTERCONNECTION t' ~ BRUNSMICK COUNTT~ NORTH CAROLINA ATycolnternationalLtd.Campany SCALE 701 CORPORATE CENTER DRNE, BURP 17a, RALFIOH, NC f7a07 B1B-0aLa700 B1Bd61-0768 (faQ 1 " = 50' SHEET 54 OF 68 SEPTEMBER 10. NEW 24" FORCE MAIN ^,'n('I-,`~;~p(!NO TEIFPNONE L/NE' f'. (_ 1.'Ai.'~.. NC[.1'Jr l~%7V .. ' t. ,~`~ ~ ~r-s7 ~4:: ~. . WETLAND N0. 57 (0.082 ACRES IMPACTED) OUTLET STABILIZATION ~' s.f~. r5a~ __- ___....._ T DENOT: -~t~TLAND IMPACT C' 25' SG' 100' _.. ~""~ ~~, - ~- ~_ ~a ~ SOLE t I ~ ~~ _ J n 7 J BRUNSWICK COUNTY PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT METLAND IMPACTS OAK ISLAND FORCE MAIN INTERCONNECTION BRUNSMICK COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA SHEET 55 OF 68 SEPTEMBER 10. 2007 EarthTech A Tyco International Ltd. Company 701 CORPgtATE CENTER DRIVE, BUI7E X76, RALEIpM, NC 77~p7 D1D26a8?00 latY-0S~-0)69 (f.~) NEW 24" FORCE MAIN ~~';7: I?rr;°,ti/.rP'IJ If.:1.FPHONE WETLAND N0. 58 ` GRAVEL DRNE I (0 • ~ 2 O ACRES IMPACTED) ~\ f>RAVEL ORNE W/ l8'CMP ,~I ~ W/ 1.5CPP Nc0or R/W . ---- T .__._~------ --__----- 7 _ T _ ._ , ..._ J.R. ~ ~?U~ _~__._...-------~' "'"`~"'~'' DENI~TES ~AIETLAND IMPACT BRUNSWICK COUNTY PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT ~' 25' S~' ~(](7' WETLAND IMPACTS ~ EarthTech _ ~^ OAK ISLAND FORCE MAIN INTERCONNECTION BRUNSWICK COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA AiycolntemationalLtd.Company S r J1 L!. 701 CORVORATE CENTER DRIVE, 6URE.75, RAI FION NC 770/ B7Bb5aE900 BtB2Wd7fi9 (r.~ 1 " LL 50' SHEET 56 OF 68 SEPTEMBER 10. 2007 ~, .. .o ~ ., _.,.__ p, ., ..,~_.... ...,.. NEW 24" FORCE MAIN I WETLAND N0. 59 ~ (0.030 ACRES IMPACTED) ~ -- (NC1fl'tGYY} r~ ;F~/~t,~~n~;l 1hYF NCIXIT RM' ~ __ , ... ____ - -- - -_ _... __..._ 1 --- T -----._V..._.r- T _------------ T -.. _ ..._ ___ _-'C -__- ~__._ .. T ..._._._~._ T r N ' S'.~,'.1.501 ~ "°"' DENOTES WETLAND IMPACT 0' 25' 50' 100' ..,,r•s,~-- r~ ;. -'mow. SCl~LE 1 " -- 50' BRUNSWICK COUNTY PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT METLAND IMPACTS OAK ISLAND FORCE MAIN INTERCONNECTION BRUNSMICK COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA SHEET 5T OF 68 SEPTEMBER 10. EarthTech A Tyco International Ltd. Company 701 CORPORATE CENTER DRIVE, BUTTE .I S, RALEION, NC 77aO7 BiBA64-0700 B1B.B54876B (tnQ OUTLET STABILIZATION r-- NEW 24" FORCE MAIN WETLAND NO. 60 (0.007 ACRES IMPACTED) b" I-ORCE MAIN 1F RIW pQfF Yt FM .. W - w- -- ww - -- w -_- - --- w ---- w ---- --- w -- w -- _ _._�...----_.._.. _- MCDOf R/W 7; UME — BRUNSWICK COUNTY 7 DENO TES WETLAND IMPACT PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT WETLAND IMPACTS EarthTech 01 25' 50' _ 100 OAK ISLAND FORCE MAIN INTERCONNECTION ���/// BRUNSWICK COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA ATyco lntemationalLtd. Company S CAL 701 CORPORATECE DR BURSe 4776, RALEIGH, NC 27x07 5U` SHEET 58 OF 68 SEPTEMBER 10. 2007 .. (/N) 'i;Hti1 °~' 'r P`~11.,r~HC)MF" UNE ~r ro~~cF uaN -- ,' ~ N!ETLAND N0. 61 .~1;~ ~ ~ -'--~--'- __ ~ _ ._. T T ` .__._ ._.._ _ 1 ____.___`__-- _ __ __....---W- W ---. - ~_ - - ~.____ ..__.._ W _.___._. W ,;,' w;+r~-rt uN~ WETLAND N0. 62 (0.001 ACRES IMPACTED) NEW 24" FORCE MAIN\ I~ ~~ ~ _ -• •---------~ ..._.. ..- •• F .. ... t ._._ .. .... _,__. _ T ~__~. ---- T --- T --- _ T _... W -_.-_.. _~_~. W _.. BRUNSWICK COUNTY `'`°~~°" DENOTES WETLAND IMPACT PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT 0' 25' 50' 100' METLAND IMPACTS ~ EarthTech OAK 15LAND FORCE MAIN INTERCONNECTION BRUNSMICK COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA ATytolntemationalLtd.ComDany I z SCALE 701 CARVORATE CENTER ~RfVE, BUi1E.76, iuLEIOM, NC 77001 B1B-064d700 B1BENatOB (Mtn 1 " = 50' SHEET 59 OF 68 SEPTEMBER 10. WETLAND N0. 63 (0.025 ACRES IMPACTED) NCLY71'R/W ~. ~... ~---- .. _._._ _ ._. _ , _----- T _. 'q! _.. . _...... _ ._ _. w .. _ _.________ yy ft7fd;E MANN -- ----'_. ..~. __- -FM- _._ . T ._ _ . _.... .. _._ . ~ _ _ ._. _ ... _ .. - T -- -__ ----__-~ T --- - T S.R.1501 /_ - FM ~ NEW 24" FORCE MAIN i--- UNCN~`n>'(;t;IINL% 'F1T"~fONE t?Nf. T ------ T ---- _. r _. - w ------- -- w -- -...------- w~ w .~_.- w w . _ _. _ . ~_ . - .. . i~ l~wnrER t.lNE -- '; BRUNSWICK COUNTY '"'~"'""" DENOTES WETLAND IMPACT PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT WETLAND IMPACTS ~ EarthTech ~~ Z5~ 5O~ ~~~~ OAK 1SLAN0 FORCE MAIN INTERCONNECTION BRUNSWICK COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA ATycolntemationalLtd.Company .~_ --- SCALE 1~1CORi0NAB Ca s.e~OR0~P656U6?%(rySjgMlE16H.NC~1E0~ 1 " = 50' SHEET 60 OF 68 SEPTEMBER 10. 2007 NEW 24" FORCE MAIN WETLAND N0. 64 `---rr,=o~cE MNN .~ (0.014 ACRES IMPACTED ) / l~~ ~ un~~RCr~au,Nr., rc: crr-~r ~aNe ! rr<r / ~. i n( -..__ F.At_ __ -FM _. .. _.... ~ ...___. T __.__. _..__ T _._._.. •~ Jl NCOOT R/W -- f M - F M --~ ,FTC S,f7.1501 _. - _ ,, _____ w __ '' DENOTES 'f'dETLAND IMPACT BRUNSWICK COUNTY PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT METLAND IMPACTS ~ EarthTech ~~ 2Ei~ ~C~ _ 100 OAK ISLAND FORCE MAIN INTERCONNECTION ~ ~+.:. + ~''~''""` ~ BRUNSWICK COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA A Tyco International Ltd. Company 701 CORPORATE CENTER DRNE, 6UmE.76, RALFIDH, NC 71807 S C A L D 979-0W-0T00 919451-0769 (hon 1 " - 50' SHEET 61 OF 68 SEPTEMBER 10. 2007 w --.__------ w ---_..._.. ____- - w -• ----- w ------------ w - ---- w _..__._ w __.. ...-...__.~..._..._._..._..._..- MCDOTR/W r~ wAr~rt uNE __ .' NEW 24" FORCE MAIN ~~ ~r\ ~~ ~' -. ...._.. pi -- ........ ..._ p~ _.. _.__~_`..r.-. ty _~ OUTLET STABILIZATION WETLAND N0. 66 (0.028 ACRES IMPACTED) ~-$f"ORL'F_ M/Vh' UNDEHC'I~JfJND TF(J'PNONr: LINt ~ O - I CO CV ,.-, ~ .1 ~_ _ _ - ___ _.__-----.---- __ _____ _-- _ _._ _ _ ____ _.___ __ _ ___ . __ _ Q _______ _- _ _____. ---_ _- -_ _.. ___ _ _ _ __ 1 . -.----._ _ W ------. _.. ___ W .._ _._. _. ----..._ W _-_-- ------_. M _--- ---___ W _. ~~`` M ..~..-___..----- W _ _.__.___ __ W .._ - _ __ W (r warER uNE -l / ''"'`"'"~°' DENOTES WETLAND IMPACT BRUNSWICK COUNTY PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT ~~ 25~ 5O~ X00' METLAND IMPACTS ~ EarthTech _ OAK 15LAND FORCE MAIN INTERCONNECTION BRUNSMICK COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA ATycolntemati9nalLm.Comparry 701 CORPOIUI7E CENTER DRNF, BUrtE.76, MLF16N, NC ]7907 SCALC a+9-0WB200 aiaesaeaso ~np 1 " = 50' SHEET 62 OF 68 SEPTEMBER 10. -- ~r roRCE MaN WETLAND N0. 66 NEW 24" FORCE MAIN (0.028 ACRES IMPACTED) / ~ ~ ' ~ /~ ~ ~ ~-- . .. ~. 4 f. M ... ~• ____ -_.. . y, .._- ._.___- ~ rr----- F to _ _ _ - . ..., ~----~ - M ..: ~ ____ ~M N.CDOT R/W - - - ' "'_' '"171 --~- _..~_ -- ~ --._~_ _._.__. ______...____ ~"_.___, F .---- ----__. N I -- _ _._ __....~ _._ ______--._---- s.R. r5oi __ ~I. _.. W --_ -- ~. o _._... ,_..._ W - - - ,.~.__ ...~--• ____ ~__..~.._--W .. moor •R/W - - - • -"'~ • - 12W.~1'f_R L1NE "'"~'~'" DENOTES WETLAND IMPACT BRUNSWICK COUNTY PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT UNDFRGR!~'JNCJ TF(EF!+ON( lINF 0' 25' S0' 100' wErLANO IMPACTS ~ EarthTech OAK ISLAND FORCE MAIN INTERCONNECTION ~ BRUNSWICK COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA A1ycolltiarnationallte.Comparry ,, . 70, CORPORATE CENTER DRIVE, 6U7TE 17a, RALEION, NC 27a07 SCALE a, b,b aS462'A (14, 1 " _ ~0' J SHEET 63 Df 66 SEPTEMBER 10. 2007 ? F(?h'C.'E MAIN h"Wi~77- R/W _....__..~ F M _------ F M ----------_ 4 ~ A t }h ~4 -ti-~,•>. . __ _ __...____ w w -__.-_ u,,~~. - - DENCTE~~ ~,~'ETLAND IMPACT 0' 25' S0' 100' - `~~' -- -- ~'TM scr~L~= 1 " _ ~C' WETLAND N0. 67 (0.028 ACRES IMPACTED) ~ ' F M _-~---- F M T ------------• 7 NEW 24" FORCE MAIN (lNf)EF?GRCMIND 7ELE.f'liONE' UN( _~~ . ______.... ; td -- .___ _... Y' ... -..... ... 5.1~. !5~~1 ~ _._ _ ...__.._. _ .---- ---r _.. _ ___..._._~-... _-- w -- -__...--- w -.-~. ~---- w - ----- ------ w ----•- ,.%' ~'." ~,. LrfORf.'E MAIN-_! • ,' w -----_.__ w _-_____._._ w .. _.._ . BRUNSWICK COUNTY PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT METLAND IMPACTS OAK ]SLAND FORCE MAIN INTERCDNNECTION BRUNSMICK COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA EarthTech A Tyco International Ltd. Compa~ry )Ot CORPORATE CENTER DRIVE, SURE X75, RALF.IDN, NC 71e01 Dtg-a5~d7(p B1PE54dP5O (h~ SHEET 64 OF 68 SEPTEMBER 10. 2007 NEW 24" FORCE MAIN WETLAND N0. 68 ~~ (0.018 ACRES IMPACTED) y SR./50! ...lit mn~'A~, ___. __. ---._ ,- .._.._ ... r -- -_ T - _ _ - ____._..w~~ .._._.._ w _.. _ _---w ._.._. __ -__ _ w _____-- - SR.150/ '`'~'"'~" DENOTES WETLAND IMPACT f1' FORCE MAfN 6RAVEt. GRwE W/ ?4 RCP UNf)ERGRCKIND TEl.EPWUh'C IJNl - - - - - - - - - - ~ + r _1 ---__.___.._-t----------.._.__7-- ~__ w __ .--_...___ w __~_.____ w ----_ _ . w -__. M _.. `~~-- - l~^' W n7 E ~' llh'L` BRUNSWICK COUNTY PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT Q~ 25~ 5Q' 1~~t METLAND IbPACTS ~ EarthTech OAK ISLAND FORCE MAIN INTERCONNECTION A Tyco International Lld. Company ~t, ~' :: „~ BRUNSMICK COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA l~ ~, ~. ~:a /~//~~ ~_a_d S C!'1 L ~ 701 CORVORATE CEN7ER DRfVE, BUf7E.16, MLEICH, HC )Ia07 BtB-l6~-0400 Btg651d769 (tuQ ~ " ~. ~ n ' - -~----- FM _. ~. ~ _:_.__ ____ ~ N, . _. _~~ z.. f SHEET 65 OF 68 SEPTEMBER 10. END HORIZONTAL DIRECTIONAL DRILLING BEGIN HORIZONTAL DIRECTIONAL DRILLING NCB R~_ •'''~ ._"'- _.--"-___,.._~... r-- _..___...___----- J,lr'i, r --____-_____ ~~ 2 _...r...__. _.` ., , .. ---- ... ... .......~--~~:A ... ~ ... _ ..._.._ f M ""'_..--- J•~,._ . . r""'~'.T'~7'1~~r.S"Y"1~ ."C' ~Y'Z_{7Y'?'_ ~~:!'Y1-, ~\ -.. ~\ ti-[' Y~ 1~ 1 rt "YZ-.r'`( ~ y 1,.Ri1C~M ~.`, WETLAND N0. 79 ~'~F'a 0.003 ACRES IMPACTED) \ ~K ~,I ,~~~~ ~ 1 ~~~ ~ ~~ WETLAND BOUNDARY C7 LO 7. c.-~> ~. '"""°"~`" DENOTES `v'rTLAND IMPACT 0' 25' S0' 100' . .._ __ .. f Yi.~.J;. SCALE 1 " = 50' NEW 24" FORCE MAIN BRUNSWICK COUNTY PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT METLAND IMPACTS OAK ]BLAND FORCE MAIN INTERCONNECTION BRUNSMICK COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA . ~~ . , f,M ,. EarthTech A Tyco Intemetional Ltd. Company 7pt CORPORATE CENTER DRIVE, 6URE 476, RAL EIDH, NC 77e07 B76ASa@00 B1B-054fi75Y (hK SHEET 66 OF 68 SEPTEMBER 10. MCDOr R/W S.R.1502 TV TV ~~._ ,., _._ __~._ v ` T -- i ~~ ~. / NEW ?_4" ~^!?CE MAIN OUTLET STABILIZATION- ` '""°`° DENCIES 'ra.F_TLAND IMPACT G' 25' 50' 100' ~:... __ - C:~ ~_ C_ I t is _ r r' i J ~ - - TV ----- - TV ---- - TV -~~~ ~ y __.~.._._ _. ry _._ _,.__ - --t ..._ __._ ._.. - ~, i M0001' R/W WETLAND N0. SO ~ ~~ (0.012 ACRES IMPACTED) ~ ~ C/~E3LE TEG~?'~5/O.v LINE~~ --- -' BRUNSWICK COUNTY PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT METLAND IMPACTS OAK 1SLAN0 FORCE MAIN INTERCONNECTION BRUNSWICK COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA SHEET 6T OF 68 SEPTEMBER 10. 2007 EarthTech A Tyco International ltd. Company t0~ CORVORATF CENTER DRIVE, BUITf .175, Mi fiCL/, NC 77a07 ale.es/ezoo a1D a:M$t59 t~h NCOGT R/'A' _...._- y rICI~T R/W -- TV --- ------ TV ----- TV _______._~--- TV -` _. TV WETLAND N0. 81 (0.012 ACRES IMPACTED) T V - T V----- .------... 1 V _---- _ _ _. _ __ -T~~ YY tb NEW 24" FORCE MAIN -~ "'~°""""`': DENOTES !}lETLAND IMPACT 0' 25' 50' 100' SCALD: BRUNSWICK COUNTY PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT METLAND IMPACTS OAK ISLAND FORCE MAIN INTERCONNECTION BRUNSWICK COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA SHEET 6B OF 68 SEPTEMBER 10. 2007 ~7-630 EarthTech A Tyco International ltd. Company 707 CORPORATE CENTER DRIVE, SURF X76, RAI.EIOM, NC 778pi D1 B.65.E100 B1B-0S1-0Y6B (IC()