HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW3221007_Soils/Geotechnical Report_20221020 (2)GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING REPORT Proposed Dollar General Store Parcel ID 465A043 and 465A044 Mooresville Road Salisbury, Rowan County, North Carolina CVET Project No. 22-552 June 17, 2022 PREPARED FOR: Teramore Development, LLC P.O. Box 6460 Thomasville, Georgia 31758 PREPARED BY: CATAWBA VALLEY ENGINEERING AND TESTING, P.C. HICKORY, NORTH CAROLINA GEOTECHNICAL • CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS • ENVIRONMENTAL CATAWBA VALLEY ENGINEERING & TESTING PO Box 747 Hickory, NC 28603 161 Lenoir Rhyne Blvd. SE Hickory, NC 28602 828 578 9972 0 www.cvet.net NC Firm No. C-3833 SC Firm No. 5201 Geotechnical Engineering Environmental Services CMT/Specia I Inspections June 17, 2022 Ms. Danielle Stewart Teramore Development, LLC P.O. Box 6460 Thomasville, Georgia 31758 d stewa rt@ to ra m o re . net Re: Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Dollar General Store Parcel ID 465AO43 and 465AO44 Mooresville Road Salisbury, Rowan County, North Carolina CVET Project No.: 22-552 Dear Ms. Stewart: Catawba Valley Engineering and Testing (CVET) is pleased to submit to you our Geotechnical Engineering Report for the proposed Dollar General Store located at the above referenced address in Salisbury, North Carolina. This report presents the findings of our subsurface exploration and provides geotechnical recommendations for design and construction of the project. CVET appreciates the opportunity to provide our geotechnical engineering services for this project. If you have any questions regarding the contents of this report, or if we can provide additional services for the project such as construction materials testing, please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, CATAWBA VALLEY ENGINEERING AND TESTING, P.C. James H. Carter Senior Geologist �I51 L IHrl. ��5 fy,ii ski 041419 ? Gi 6/17/2022 David M. LeGrand, Jr., P.E. Principal Engineer NC 041419 Project Name: Proposed Dollar General Store Location: Salisbury, Rowan County, North Carolina Date: June 17, 2022 Project No. 22-552 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF WORK......................................................................1 2.0 PROJECT INFORMATION..................................................................................1 3.0 EXPLORATION PROCEDURES...........................................................................1 3.1 Field Exploration...........................................................................................1 3.2 Laboratory Testing........................................................................................2 4.0 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS..............................................................................2 4.1 Site Geology.................................................................................................2 4.2 Soils.............................................................................................................3 4.3 Bedrock........................................................................................................3 4.4 Groundwater................................................................................................3 5.0 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION..................................4 5.1 Site Preparation............................................................................................4 5.2 Earthwork....................................................................................................4 5.3 Groundwater Control.....................................................................................5 5.4 Foundations.................................................................................................6 5.5 Floor Slabs...................................................................................................7 5.6 Pavements...................................................................................................8 5.7 Construction Materials Testing and Special Inspections...................................9 6.0 LIMITATIONS..................................................................................................9 APPENDIX A — PROJECT FIGURES ............................................................................. iii APPENDIX B — BORING LOGS................................................................................... iv Project Name: Proposed Dollar General Store Location: Salisbury, Rowan County, North Carolina Date: June 17, 2022 Project No. 22-552 1.0 PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF WORK The purpose of the subsurface exploration and geotechnical engineering evaluation was to explore the subsurface conditions at the site, collect representative samples of soil for examination in our laboratory, and provide conclusions and recommendations for the proposed Dollar General Store located along Mooresville Road in Salisbury, North Carolina. CVET's scope of work included the following: • Drilling of nine (9) soil test borings at the site; • Collection of representative samples of soil from the soil test borings; • Classification of collected soil samples; • Preparation of boring logs, boring location plan, and general subsurface profile; • Evaluation of the encountered subsurface conditions at the site; and • Preparation of this geotechnical report. 2.0 PROJECT INFORMATION This project consists of the evaluation of subsurface conditions for the proposed construction of a new 10,640 square foot building, asphalt paved parking and driveway areas, and associated infrastructure. Based upon our experience with similar retail stores, we anticipate that the structure will consist of a turn -down concrete slab on grade floor system with masonry veneer; maximum loads of 50 kips for columns and 3 klf for walls are anticipated. Based on information provided by Teramore and the Rowan County GIS website, the subject property consists of two parcels of land totaling approximately 2.24 acres. The subject property is cleared and has been used for agricultural purposes. The parcels are relatively flat with a gentle slope from northeast to southwest. Based on the Rowan County GIS website, the site has an elevation change of approximately 7 feet. A finished floor elevation (FFE) was not provided at the time of this report, however, cut and fill requirements to achieve building subgrade are anticipated to not exceed 3 to 4 feet. 3.0 EXPLORATION PROCEDURES Exploration procedures for this project included drilling test borings at the site and laboratory testing of representative soil samples at our laboratory in Hickory, North Carolina. 3.1 Field Exploration The subsurface conditions at the site were explored by drilling nine (9) soil test borings (denoted B-1 through B-9) at the locations indicated on Figure 2 — Boring Location Plan I Project Name: Proposed Dollar General Store Location: Salisbury, Rowan County, North Carolina Date: June 17, 2022 Project No. 22-552 in Appendix A. The borings were drilled on June 13, 2022 and extended to depths ranging from 10.0 to 20.0 feet below existing site grades. The boring locations were selected by and located in the field by CVET using existing site features as a reference. Ground elevations at the boring locations were estimated from the NC One Map website. Therefore, the boring locations and elevations shown on Figure 2 and 3; plus the boring logs should be considered approximate. Drilling was performed with a Geoprobe 7822DT atv-mounted drill rig using continuous - flight hollow stem augers (HSA). Soil samples were obtained by means of the split -barrel sampling procedures in general accordance with ASTM D1586. A 2-inch O.D., split -barrel sampler was driven into the soil a distance of 18 inches by means of an automatic hammer. The number of blows required to drive the sampler through the final 12-inch interval is termed the Standard Penetration Test (SPT) ""N" value and is indicated for each sample on the boring logs. This value can be used to provide an indication of the in - place relative density of cohesionless soils, but is a less reliable indicator of the consistency of cohesive soils. For cohesive soils, the measurement of unconfined compressive strength Qu is a better indicator of consistency; this value is also listed on the boring logs. Representative portions of each SPT sample were sealed in airtight containers and returned to our laboratory for classification and storage. See the individual soil test boring logs in Appendix B for more details. Note that the soil samples will be discarded after 60 days from this report date, unless otherwise directed by Teramore Development, LLC. 3.2 Laboratory Testing Representative samples of soil obtained during the field exploration were transported to CVET's laboratory in Hickory, North Carolina, where they were examined and classified by a geotechnical engineer. The soil samples were visually classified in general accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS), per ASTM D2487. 4.0 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS The subsurface conditions at the site are described in the following paragraphs. 4.1 Site Geology The site is located in the Piedmont Physiographic Province of North Carolina. The name Ilk piedmont"" means ""foot -of -the -mountains" which reflect remnants of an ancient mountain range that has since been extensively weathered, decomposed and eroded to form rolling terrain and hillsides. The bedrock is metamorphic in nature (igneous or sedimentary rocks that have been changed by heat and/or pressure) and typically consists of schist, gneiss and/or granite. Extensive weathering over time has reduced 2 Project Name: Proposed Dollar General Store Location: Salisbury, Rowan County, North Carolina Date: June 17, 2022 Project No. 22-552 the bedrock in -place to form overburden residual soils that range from clay topsoil to sandy silts and silty sandy that grade with depth back to saprolite and partially - weathered -bedrock. The degree of weathering varies both laterally and vertically. Based on the 1985 North Carolina Geologic Map, the site is underlain by granite and meta - volcanic rock. 4.2 Soils A generalized subsurface profile has been prepared for the site - see Figure 3 in Appendix A. Soil boring logs are included in Appendix B. The subject site is underlain by disturbed/plow-zone and residual soils. The generalized subsurface conditions are described below. Disturbed/plow-zone soil was encountered in all soil test borings to depths ranging from approximately 3.0 to 5.5 feet below existing site grades. The fill soil consists mainly of dry, sandy elastic silt (MH) and sandy silt (ML). SPT N-values within the disturbed/plow- zone soil ranges from 6 to 11 blows per foot (bpf), indicating medium stiff to stiff cohesive soil consistencies. Residual soil was observed beneath the fill soils in all test borings and consisted primarily of dry to wet, sandy silt (ML) and sandy elastic silt (MH). SPT N-values from the residual soils range from 2 to 10 bpf indicating very soft to stiff cohesive soil consistencies. 4.3 Bedrock Partially weathered rock (PWR) was not encountered during this exploration. 4.4 Groundwater Groundwater was not encountered during this exploration. Note that groundwater was observed in the split -spoon from test boring B-1 at 18.5 feet below existing site grades. Note that boreholes are left open for only a short period of time during the drilling operation, so the detection of groundwater during this brief period is difficult. Also note that soil moisture and groundwater conditions vary depending on conditions such as temperature, precipitation and season. Therefore, soil moisture and groundwater location at other times of the year may vary from those observed at the time of this subsurface exploration and as described in this report. The borehole cave-in depths ranged from 2.5 to 12.0 feet below existing site. In this geology, the cave-in depth of a boring is sometimes an indication of the stabilized water level, although the water level may be a few feet below the cave-in depth and therefore cannot be directly observed. If the location of the groundwater elevation is important at this site, we recommend the installation of temporary observation wells. 3 Project Name: Proposed Dollar General Store Location: Salisbury, Rowan County, North Carolina Date: June 17, 2022 Project No. 22-552 5.0 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION The following recommendations are provided for the construction of the proposed Dollar General Store located along Mooresville Road in Salisbury, North Carolina. The recommendations stated herein shall not be applied to any other project, or used in conjunction with any other recommendation, and shall be used explicitly for this project. 5.1 Site Preparation Regardless of how the existing plastic/elastic soils are addressed, site preparation should consist of removing the existing topsoil layer, removal and/or relocation of any affected utilities, as applicable, and removing all other soft or unsuitable material from the proposed building envelope and associated pavement areas. Site preparation operations should extend a minimum of 10 feet beyond the planned limits of the facilities and a minimum of 5 feet beyond the planned limits of the pavement areas. Once stripping and rough excavation has been accomplished, the exposed subgrade should be evaluated by proofrolling. Proofrolling consists of driving the appropriate equipment, typically a dump truck with axle weights of 10 or 20 tons for single and double axles respectively, over the subgrade at a walking pace. The proofrolling equipment should first make overlapping passes across the subgrade in one direction, followed by passes in a perpendicular direction. We recommend that the proofrolling be observed by a professional engineer or qualified engineering technician. As a result of the existing plastic/elastic soils, we anticipate areas of instability will be revealed during initial proofrolling operations within the building envelope. The risks associated with the encountered conditions within the building envelope are discussed in Section 5.5 Foundations. Furthermore, areas of instability may also be revealed during proofrolling observations within pavement areas, depending on in -situ moisture content of the apparent fill soils. We conclude that the risks associated with the encountered soils in the pavement areas can also be addressed by localized undercut and replacement and/or the installation of a heavy geosynthetic fabric or grid, depending on the depth of structural fill required to achieve proposed finished grades. 5.2 Earthwork At the time of this report, CVET was not provided a proposed FFE for the facility. Based upon the existing site grades, we anticipate that the FFE will be approximately 820 feet above the referenced datum. Based upon the assumed FFE, we anticipate cut and fill depths to be less than 3 to 4 feet. Any required fill soils should be compacted to at least 98 percent of the maximum dry density obtained in accordance with ASTM Specification D-698, Standard Proctor Method, 51 Project Name: Proposed Dollar General Store Location: Salisbury, Rowan County, North Carolina Date: June 17, 2022 Project No. 22-552 with a moisture content within +/- 3% of the optimum moisture content (OMC). Acceptable fill soils should be soil that has less than 5 percent organic content and a liquid limit and plasticity index less than 50 and 20, respectively. Soils with USCS group symbols of SP, SW, SM, SC, and ML are recommended for use as controlled fill, although it is important to note that silty soils are very moisture sensitive and not as strong as sandy soils. Soils having a plastic index of 20% or greater (MH, CH, and some SC and CL) should not be utilized within 5 feet of bearing elevation if utilized as structural fill. Organic laden soils shall not be utilized as structural fill. All fill soils should be placed in horizontal loose lifts and compacted with adequately -sized equipment. Loose lift thicknesses will vary depending on the size of the compaction equipment: we recommend a maximum of 8 inches for large self-propelled compactors, 6 inches for small self-propelled compactors, and 4 inches for remote -controlled compactors and hand -operated equipment (plate tampers, wacker-packers, or jumping jacks). Vibratory smooth -drum rollers are appropriate for cohesionless/coarse-grained soils while sheepsfoot rollers are appropriate for cohesive/fine-grained soils. We anticipate the existing site soils will not be suitable for reuse as structural fill. We recommend that positive site drainage is maintained during earthwork operations to prevent the ponding of water on exposed subgrades. Soil subgrades should be protected from inclement weather (rain especially) by sealing' the subgrades prior to forecasted inclement weather. Sealing' can be performed by rolling with a smooth steel -drum roller without vibration. Ruts should not be created during the sealing' operation. Prior to the placement of additional fill, the sealed' subgrade should be scarified. If earthwork is performed during winter months or after inclement weather, the subgrade soil conditions could potentially be more unstable due to wet soil conditions, which could potentially require stabilization or undercutting. 5.3 Groundwater Control Groundwater was not encountered during this exploration, therefore we do not anticipate groundwater control will be necessary. Groundwater control is the purposeful drawdown of the groundwater levels to facilitate necessary construction. Temporary dewatering operations consist of well points and sump pumps, while permanent dewatering operations typically consist of French underdrains which discharge by means of gravity flow into the site storm drainage system. Note that soil moisture and groundwater conditions vary depending on conditions such as temperature, precipitation and season. Therefore soil moisture and groundwater location at other times of the year may vary from those observed at the time of this subsurface exploration and as described in this report. 5 Project Name: Proposed Dollar General Store Location: Salisbury, Rowan County, North Carolina Date: June 17, 2022 Project No. 22-552 5.4 Foundations As a result of the existing fill soils present, we have generated two options for facilitating foundation construction for the proposed development. The options are presented below with their associated risks. Lower Risk — Undercut and Replacement The lower risk option associated with the encountered subsurface conditions would be to support the proposed facility on shallow foundations bearing in newly compacted structural fill soils. This option alleviates the concerns associated with construction of the facility on shallow existing plastic/elastic site soils. If this option is elected, we recommend an undercut extending a minimum of 5.0 feet below bottom of footing elevations. The undercut should also extend a minimum of 10 feet beyond the perimeter of the building envelope. The undercut should be replaced with approved fill soils. If this option is elected, shallow foundations for buildings should be designed with an allowable net bearing pressure of up to 2,000 pounds per square foot. We recommend minimum foundation widths and embedment depths of 16 and 18 inches, respectively. A site -specific settlement analysis has not been performed. However, based upon the loading provided and the requirement that the foundation subgrade soils bear in the remedial measures states above (to be verified by CVET or another qualified CMT firm), we expect total settlements of structures foundations to be less than 1 inch. In general, differential settlements between building components are expected to be on the order of 1/3 to 1/2 of the total settlements. We expect settlements in the building foundations to occur relatively soon after the loads are applied. Hiaher Risk — No Undercut of Site Soils The highest risk associated with the encountered subsurface conditions would be to support the proposed facility on shallow foundations bearing in approved existing fill soils. This option will facilitate construction at the subject site, although mitigating risks associated with existing fill materials is not addressed. If this option is elected, we recommend the building be constructed of a monolithic system bearing on approved existing fill soils, designed for an allowable net bearing pressure of up to 1,500 psf. If this option is elected we recommend that the foundations be significantly oversized to decrease the contact pressure. Additional reinforcing steel may also be incorporated into the monolithic system bearing on existing fill soil to make the foundations more tolerant to settlement. 0 Project Name: Proposed Dollar General Store Location: Salisbury, Rowan County, North Carolina Date: June 17, 2022 Project No. 22-552 We do not have the ability to accurately predict settlements of structures bearing on the existing plowzone and plastic/elastic site soils. Settlements of foundations are expected to be primarily the result of elastic compression of the bearing soils, which should occur relatively soon after the loads are applied, although the long term risks associated with consolidation settlement is still present and must be accepted by the owner/developer. CVET does not recommend supporting the structures on existing plastic/elastic soil. Foundation subgrade should be thoroughly evaluated using a Dynamic Cone Penetrometer to verify the recommended bearing capacity. 5.5 Floor Slabs We recommend that grade slabs be supported on approved fill, residual soils or newly compacted structural fill. As a result of the encountered site conditions we recommend a modulus of subgrade reaction (ks) of up to 90 pounds per cubic inch (pci) for slabs supported by properly prepared soil subgrade. This value is representative of a 1-ft square loaded area and may need to be adjusted depending the size and shape of the loaded area and the method of structural analysis. The floor slab should be isolated from building foundations unless the connection is designed to accommodate anticipated differential settlement between the slab and foundation systems. We consider properly prepared soil subgrade to consist of approved residuum or approved structural fill soils within the top two feet of finished grades compacted to 100% of the standard Proctor method (ASTM D698). Compacted soils should be placed within t3% of the optimum moisture content (OMC) as determined by the standard Proctor method. Correspondence with Teramore Development, LLC (developer) indicated that the project architect and developer do not require the use of 4 to 6 inches of free draining material or aggregate base course beneath the concrete slab on grade; therefore CVET has been requested to provide a modulus of subgrade reaction (ks) for slabs supported directly on prepared soil subgrade. However, CVET recommends the use of 4 to 6 inches of free - draining granular material (NCDOT No. 57 stone or recycled concrete) as both aggregate base course under the slab and capillary break. Prior to placing the granular material, the subgrade for the entire floor slab area should be proofrolled. Please note that site preparation and earthwork operations shall be performed in accordance with our Geotechnical Engineering Report to ensure adequate subgrade soil conditions for direct slab on grade support. The structural engineer of record should be provided the report for review. Plastic/elastic soils are moisture sensitive and prone to shrink/swell with moisture changes. If plastic/elastic soil is exposed at the floor slab elevation, we recommend an undercut of at least 18 inches of the elastic/plastic soil, and replacement with quality non - plastic fill materials. If fill soils are placed to reach final grades, we recommend an 18- 7 Project Name: Proposed Dollar General Store Location: Salisbury, Rowan County, North Carolina Date: June 17, 2022 Project No. 22-552 inch buffer of non -plastic fill soils between the bottom of foundations and the elastic/plastic soils. Stabilization can also include the installation of a biaxial geogrid (Mirafi BX1200 or approved equivalent) or a heavy woven geotextile fabric (Mirafi HP 370 or approved equivalent) depending on the exposed subgrade soil conditions. If conditions revealed during slab on grade preparation operations vary from those described in this report, the on -site geotechnical engineer shall contact the engineer of said report to discuss potential options to address the varying site conditions. The use of a vapor retarder should be considered beneath concrete slabs on grade which will be covered with wood, tile, carpet or other moisture -sensitive or impervious coverings, per ACI 302 and/or ACI 360. Construction joints, contraction joints, and isolation joints should be provided in the slab to reduce the impacts of cracking and shrinkage. See ACI 302 for additional details regarding slab joint design. 5.6 Pavements Traffic loading conditions for this project have not been provided. Pavement for this project is assumed to consist of light -duty asphalt parking areas (only personal vehicle traffic) and heavy-duty asphalt drives (drive lanes). Based on the subsurface conditions encountered in the test borings, and assuming all pavement areas pass a proofroll as described in section 6.1 of this report, we recommend thicknesses of 2.0, 0 and 8 inches for surface course, base course and ABC crushed stone, respectively, for light -duty pavement. For heavy-duty pavement, we recommend thicknesses of 3.0 and 8.0 inches for surface course and ABC crushed stone, respectively. We recommend an 8-inch thick Portland cement concrete slab bearing on 6 inches of ABC crushed stone for the approach and slab for any trash dumpster on site. If concrete pavements are desired, we recommend a minimum of 6 inches of concrete overlying 8 inches of ABC crushed stone base. The concrete should be air -entrained and have a minimum of 4,000 psi after 28 days of laboratory curing per ASTM C-31. It should be noted that the design recommendations stated may not satisfy North Carolina Department of Transportation guidelines; therefore, we recommend that any roadways constructed for public use with maintenance provided by the State be designed in accordance with State regulatory requirements. If a proofroll reveals unstable soils, stabilization and/or undercut should be anticipated. We recommend an undercut of at least 18 inches and replacement with quality non - plastic fill materials. Plastic/elastic soils are moisture sensitive and prone to shrink/swell with moisture changes. If fill soils will be placed to reach final grades, we recommend an 18 inch buffer of non -plastic fill soils between the pavement subgrade and the elastic soils. Stabilization could consist of the installation of a biaxial geogrid (Mirafi BX1200 or approved equivalent), a heavy woven geotextile fabric (Mirafi HP 370 or approved 0 Project Name: Proposed Dollar General Store Location: Salisbury, Rowan County, North Carolina Date: June 17, 2022 Project No. 22-552 equivalent) or chemical stabilization depending on the exposed subgrade soil conditions. Pavements should not bear on plastic/elastic soils. Careful control of storm water is one of the best ways to ensure adequate long-term performance of any pavement. The surface of the pavement should be sloped to gutters and/or catch basins to prevent water from ponding and infiltrating through the pavement into the sub -base and subgrade. We recommend compaction testing of the ABC crushed stone base prior to asphalt/concrete placement, and full-time inspection during asphalt/concrete placement. 5.7 Construction Materials Testing and Special Inspections Construction materials testing (CMT) and inspection should be performed at regular intervals throughout the course of the project. CVET is qualified for this work and would be pleased to provide these services during construction. 6.0 LIMITATIONS This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Teramore Development, LLC, and their agents for specific application to the referenced property, in accordance with generally accepted soils and foundation engineering practices. No warranties, express or implied, are intended or made. The conclusions and recommendations presented in this report are based on the specific test borings and laboratory testing performed as part of our scope of work, and do not reflect variations in subsurface conditions that may exist between test boring locations or in unexplored portions of the site. Note that the soil data presented in this report is for the specific time of this subsurface exploration. While the type of material encountered in the test borings will not likely change significantly over time, the properties of the materials can and will change over time, including soil moisture content, density, consistency, SPT ""N" values, etc. Fluctuations in the groundwater level can have a significant impact on the material properties, as can seasonal changes. Site safety, excavation support related to OSHA requirements, and construction dewatering requirements are the responsibility of others, not CVET. In the event changes are made to the proposed construction plans, design or location of the project as described within this report, the conclusions and recommendations provided in this report shall not be considered valid unless CVET is given the opportunity to review the changes, and either verifies or modifies the conclusions and recommendations contained in this report in writing. 0 Project Name: Proposed Dollar General Store Location: Salisbury, Rowan County, North Carolina Date: June 17, 2022 Project No. 22-552 APPENDIX A - PROJECT FIGURES --ME z Z N O Lf) Z w'n r I wLd a O N 2 li Of U) Q a r w W m N O Z =_ o Q o Ln CD 0 O /W��r� lJ N LJI . I_ > 04 � /� � N V 1 w U W J Z J L I— U O W Of O OM O U) MQ U) W (n Q W L7 L z w N J w Q ~ i o2S m Z Of # Q Z Q U L7 • w 0 Z N O LO Z P7 W LLI I� O N = LL cr N d N N O Z = N Q pED O O 0 O O /W CJ W r- _ � > pFo 0 00 00 00 00 oo 00 00 00 00 Of N W U W _z �r OwD Of D O o cn �Q CO W O Q W l7 Z w N Q J w ~ i o2S m Z 3 Ef Q w F— w Q Z u l7 Z w Q O O O O O O O O O N N N N N N O O 00 O � � N � O� N N 00 CO N 00 � 00 W N N N N N N N N N 00 or) O 00 N M 0-) O � O' I� O U� CO U� I� 00 � N C � CO c0 O � � O I� O O CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO � O I� 00 � O � � � + � c0 N � � r7 00 r7 Oj 6 6 00 � � O 00 � . W C O Q N r� It � cfl I� 00 O '� O O O O O O O O O U m m m m m m m m m N V W U Q LL Cl) N O 02 (O V N O O O O O 00 0) 0) 00 ONO 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 I- 1- Q) m 0 0 v co o. .................................:.........:.........:.........:......... ............................ ......... ao m m I ow M .:......... ....... O . m .........;. co rn ro V: m m: N N O 02 (O V N O 00O O O 00 0) 00 ONO 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 I- 1— (11) UOIJena13 N C N co m LO i) C v co N rdS iNIO ZSS-ZZ\3-nIAS32i00W OO ZSS-ZZ\dOl>iS30\SND12iVH�31NV0\S2i3sn\:O - Sb:l l ZZ/LU9 - 10O 31V�dW31 V1V0 13AO - V 3ZIS - 3ON3d 13AO CATAWBA VALLEY KEY TO SYMBOLS ENGINEERING & TESTING 161 Lenoir -Rhyne Blvd./PO Box 747 Hickory, NC 28W2 828 578 9972 CLIENT Teramore Development PROJECT NAME Teramore Mooresville Road GEO PROJECT NUMBER 22-552 PROJECT LOCATION Salisbury, NC LITHOLOGIC SYMBOLS SAMPLER SYMBOLS (Unified Soil Classification System) Split Spoon FILL: Fill (made ground) EM ffn MH: USCS Elastic Silt IN ML: USCS Silt WELL CONSTRUCTION SYMBOLS ABBREVIATIONS LL - LIQUID LIMIT (%) TV -TORVANE PI - PLASTIC INDEX (%) PID - PHOTOIONIZATION DETECTOR W - MOISTURE CONTENT (%) UC -UNCONFINED COMPRESSION DID - DRY DENSITY (PCF) ppm - PARTS PER MILLION NP - NON PLASTIC Water Level at Time -200 - PERCENT PASSING NO. 200 SIEVE Drilling, or as Shown PP - POCKET PENETROMETER (TSF) Water Level at End of 1 Drilling, or as Shown Water Level After 24 - Hours, or as Shown Project Name: Proposed Dollar General Store Location: Salisbury, Rowan County, North Carolina Date: June 17, 2022 Project No. 22-552 APPENDIX B - BORING LOGS Iv REFERENCE NOTES FOR BORING LOGS I. Drilling Sampling Symbols SS Split Spoon Sampler ST Shelby Tube Sampler RC Rock Core, NX, BX, AX PM Pressure meter DC Dutch Cone Penetrometer RD Rock Bit Drilling BS Bulk Sample of Cuttings PA Power Auger (no sample) HSA Hollow Stem Auger WS Wash Sample REC Rock Sample Recovery % RQD Rock Quality Designation II. Correlation of Penetration Resistance to Soil Properties Standard penetration (blows/ft) refers to the blows per foot of a 140 lb. hammer falling 30 inches on a 2 inch OD split spoon sampler, as specified in ASTM D 1586. The blow count is commonly referred to as the N-value. L. Non -Cohesive Soils (Silt, Sand, Gravel and Combinations Density Adjective Form Under 4 blows/ft Very Loose 5 to 10 blows/ft Loose 11 to 30 blows/ft Medium Dense 31 to 50 blows/ft Dense Over 51 blows/ft Very Dense Particle Size Identification Boulders 8 inches and larger Cobbles 3 to 8 inches Gravel Coarse 1 to 3 inches Medium 1/2 to 1 inch Fine 1/4 to'/z inch Sand Coarse 2.00 mm to inch Medium 0.42 to 2.0 mm Fine 0.074 to 0.42 mm Silt and Clay 0.0 to 0.074 mm Cohesive Soils (Clay, Silt, and Combinations Blows/ft Consistency Unconfined Comp. Strength Q (tso Degree of Plasticity Plasticity Index Under 2 Very Soft Under 0.25 None to Slight 0-4 3 to 4 Soft 0.25-0.49 Slight 5-7 5 to 8 Medium Stiff 0.50-0.99 Medium 8-22 9 to 15 Stiff 1.00-1.99 High to Very High Over 22 16 to 30 Very Stiff 2.00-3.00 31 to 50 Hard 4.00-8.00 Over 51 Very Hard Over 8.00 III. Water Level Measurement Symbols WL Water Level BCR Before Casing Removal DCI Dry Cave-in WS While Sampling ACR After Casing Removal WCI Wet Cave-in WD While Drilling 0 Est. Groundwater Level "�*'/ Est. Seasonal High GWT The water levels are those levels actually measured in the borehole at the times indicated by the symbol. The measurements are relatively reliable when augering, without adding fluids, in a granular soil. In clay and plastic silts, the accurate determination of water levels may require several days for the water level to stabilize. In such cases, additional methods of measurement are generally applied. c� 0 0 Ir z U) W w U BORING NUMBER B01 CATAWBA VALLEY PAGE 1 OF 1 ENGINEERING & TESTING 161 Lenoir -Rhyne Blvd./PO Box 747 Hickory, NC 28W2 828 578 9972 CLIENT Teramore Development PROJECT NAME Teramore Mooresville Road GEO PROJECT NUMBER 22-552 PROJECT LOCATION Salisbury, NC DATE STARTED 6/13/22 COMPLETED 6/13/22 GROUND ELEVATION 819 ft MSL HOLE SIZE 2.25 inches DRILLING CONTRACTOR CVET GROUND WATER LEVELS: DRILL RIG NUMBER 1 HAMMER EFFICIENCY 91 % TIME OF BORING --- DRILLING METHOD 2.25 Hollow Stem Auger END OF BORING --- Cave at: 12 LOGGED BY TV CHECKED BY JHC NOTES Elevation Data Pulled From NCOneMap 2' Contours U w a� �w o cnw u~ a a 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION co OfE > C1 �~� 0 Q UX H p �w Z SPT N VALUE A Lu �J a� O� m0� Ln (7 QZ w� U? Qz a LnO �U U) Of 0 20 40 60 80 (MH) FILL/PLOW ZONE: Sandy Elastic SILT, Fine Roots, Red Brown, Dry, Medium Stiff SS 100 3-3-3 1 (6) ....... :....... :....... :....... :....... 816.0 ---------------------------- ....... :....... :....... :....... :....... (ML) RESIDUAL: Sandy SILT, Brown, Orange Brown, Black, Tan, Moist to Wet, Very Soft to Medium Stiff SS 100 3-3-4 ....... :....... :....... :....... :....... 2 (7) 5 SS 100 2-2-3 3 (5) >......:.......>......;....... ................................... SS 100 2-2-2 4 (4) 10 ;......:.......;......;....... SS 28 1-1-1 5 (2) 15 100 6 (2) 20 799.0 Bottom of borehole at 20.0 feet. BORING NUMBER B02 CATAWBA VALLEY PAGE 1 OF 1 ENGINEERING & TESTING 161 Lenoir -Rhyne Blvd./PO Box 747 Hickory, NC 28W2 828 578 9972 CLIENT Teramore Development PROJECT NAME Teramore Mooresville Road GEO PROJECT NUMBER 22-552 PROJECT LOCATION Salisbury, NC DATE STARTED 6/13/22 COMPLETED 6/13/22 GROUND ELEVATION 820 ft MSL HOLE SIZE 2.25 inches DRILLING CONTRACTOR CVET GROUND WATER LEVELS: DRILL RIG NUMBER 1 HAMMER EFFICIENCY 91 % TIME OF BORING --- DRILLING METHOD 2.25 Hollow Stem Auger END OF BORING --- Cave at: 10.8 LOGGED BY TV CHECKED BY JHC NOTES Elevation Data Pulled From NCOneMap 2' Contours U w a� �w o cnw u~ a a 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION co OfE > C1 �~� 0 Q UX H p �w Z SPT N VALUE A Lu �J a� O� m0� Ln (7 QZ w� U? Qz a LnO �U U) Of 0 20 40 60 80 (ML) FILL/PLOW ZONE: Sandy SILT, Trace Fine Mica, Red Brown, Medium Stiff SS 100 3-3-5 1 (8) ...... :....... :....... :....... :....... 817.0 ---------------------------- ...... :....... :....... :....... :....... (MH) RESIDUAL: Sandy Elastic SILT, Brown, Orange Brown, Tan, Black, Dry to Wet, Soft to Stiff SS 100 4-4-5 ....... :....... :....... :....... :....... 2 (9) 5 SS 100 3-3-5 3 (8) ...... >......:.......>......;....... .................................. SS 100 1-2-3 4 (5) 10 ;......:.......;......;....... SS 100 0-1-2 5 (3) 15 ............................ SS 56 2-3-3 6 (6) 20 800.0 Bottom of borehole at 20.0 feet. BORING NUMBER B03 CATAWBA VALLEY PAGE 1 OF 1 ENGINEERING & TESTING 161 Lenoir -Rhyne Blvd./PO Box 747 Hickory, NC 28W2 828 578 9972 CLIENT Teramore Development PROJECT NAME Teramore Mooresville Road GEO PROJECT NUMBER 22-552 PROJECT LOCATION Salisbury, NC DATE STARTED 6/13/22 COMPLETED 6/13/22 GROUND ELEVATION 818 ft MSL HOLE SIZE 2.25 inches DRILLING CONTRACTOR CVET GROUND WATER LEVELS: DRILL RIG NUMBER 1 HAMMER EFFICIENCY 91 % TIME OF BORING --- DRILLING METHOD 2.25 Hollow Stem Auger END OF BORING --- Cave at: 11 LOGGED BY TV CHECKED BY JHC NOTES Elevation Data Pulled From NCOneMap 2' Contours U w a� �w o cnw u~ a a 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION co OfE > C1 �~� 0 Q UX H p �w Z SPT N VALUE A Lu �J a� O� m0� Ln (7 QZ w� U? Qz a LnO �U U) Of 0 20 40 60 80 (MH) FILL/PLOW ZONE: Sandy Elastic SILT, Fine Roots, Red Brown, Dry, Medium Stiff SS 100 3-4-4 1 (8) ...... :....... :....... :....... :....... 815.0 ---------------------------- ...... :....... :....... :....... :....... (ML) RESIDUAL: Sandy SILT, Brown, Orange Brown, Black, Tan, Dry to Wet, Very Soft to Medium Stiff SS 100 4-3-4 ....... :....... :....... :....... :....... 2 (7) 5 SS 100 4-3-3 3 (6) ...... >......:.......>......;....... .................................. SS 100 1-2-3 4 (5) 10 ;......:.......;......;....... SS 17 1-1-1 5 (2) 15 :.......:.......:.......:....... SS 56 2-1-3 6 (4) 20 798.0 Bottom of borehole at 20.0 feet. c� 0 0 Ir 0 z U) LU w U BORING NUMBER B04 CATAWBA VALLEY PAGE 1 OF 1 ENGINEERING & TESTING 161 Lenoir -Rhyne Blvd./PO Box 747 Hickory, NC 28W2 828 578 9972 CLIENT Teramore Development PROJECT NAME Teramore Mooresville Road GEO PROJECT NUMBER 22-552 PROJECT LOCATION Salisbury, NC DATE STARTED 6/13/22 COMPLETED 6/13/22 GROUND ELEVATION 817 ft MSL HOLE SIZE 2.25 inches DRILLING CONTRACTOR CVET GROUND WATER LEVELS: DRILL RIG NUMBER 1 HAMMER EFFICIENCY 91 % TIME OF BORING --- DRILLING METHOD 2.25 Hollow Stem Auger END OF BORING --- Cave at: 8.5 LOGGED BY TV CHECKED BY JHC NOTES Elevation Data Pulled From NCOneMap 2' Contours U w a� �w o cnw u~ a a 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION co OfE > C1 �~� 0 Q UX H p �w Z SPT N VALUE A Lu �J a� O� m0� Ln (7 QZ w� U? Qz a LnO �U U) Of 0 20 40 60 80 (ML) FILL/PLOW ZONE: Sandy SILT, Red Brown, Dry, Stiff SS 100 4-5-5 ( ) ... ... :....... :....... :....... :....... ... ... :....... :....... :....... :....... SZ 100 456 () 5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 811.5 (MH) RESIDUAL: Sandy Elastic SILT, Brown, Black, Tan, Moist to Wet, Soft to Medium Stiff SS 100 3-3-4 3 (7) .......>......:.......>......;....... ..................... SS 100 1-2-3 4 (5) 10 ;......:.......;......;....... SS 100 0-1-2 5 (3) 15 :.......:.......:.......:....... SS 44 2-2-2 6 (4) 20 797.0 Bottom of borehole at 20.0 feet. c� 0 0 Ir z U) W w U BORING NUMBER B05 CATAWBA VALLEY PAGE 1 OF 1 ENGINEERING & TESTING 161 Lenoir -Rhyne Blvd./PO Box 747 Hickory, NC 28W2 828 578 9972 CLIENT Teramore Development PROJECT NAME Teramore Mooresville Road GEO PROJECT NUMBER 22-552 PROJECT LOCATION Salisbury, NC DATE STARTED 6/13/22 COMPLETED 6/13/22 GROUND ELEVATION 817 ft MSL HOLE SIZE 2.25 inches DRILLING CONTRACTOR CVET GROUND WATER LEVELS: DRILL RIG NUMBER 1 HAMMER EFFICIENCY 91 % TIME OF BORING --- DRILLING METHOD 2.25 Hollow Stem Auger END OF BORING --- Cave at: 3.7 LOGGED BY TV CHECKED BY JHC NOTES Elevation Data Pulled From NCOneMap 2' Contours U w a� �w o cnw u~ a a 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION co OfE > C1 �~� 0 Q UX H p �w Z SPT N VALUE A Lu �J a� O� m0� Ln (7 QZ w� U? Qz a LnO �U U) Of 0 20 40 60 80 (MH) FILL/PLOW ZONE: Sandy Elastic SILT, Red Brown, Dry, Medium Stiff SS 100 4-3-4 1 (7) ....... :....... :....... :....... :....... 814.0 ---------------------------- ....... :....... :....... :....... :....... (ML) RESIDUAL: Sandy SILT, Red Brown, Orange Brown, Brown, Black, Tan, Dry to Wet, Soft to Medium Stiff SS 100 4-3-4 ....... :....... :....... :....... :....... 2 (7) 5 SS 100 3-3-5 3 (8) ...... >......:.......>......;....... ..................................... SS 72 2-3-3 4 (6) 10 ;......:.......;......;....... SS 56 2-2-2 5 (4) 15 :.......:.......:.......:....... SS 56 2-2-2 6 (4) 20 797.0 Bottom of borehole at 20.0 feet. BORING NUMBER B06 CATAWBA VALLEY PAGE 1 OF 1 ENGINEERING & TESTING 161 Lenoir -Rhyne Blvd./PO Box 747 Hickory, NC 28W2 828 578 9972 CLIENT Teramore Development PROJECT NAME Teramore Mooresville Road GEO PROJECT NUMBER 22-552 PROJECT LOCATION Salisbury, NC DATE STARTED 6/13/22 COMPLETED 6/13/22 GROUND ELEVATION 821 ft MSL HOLE SIZE 2.25 inches DRILLING CONTRACTOR CVET GROUND WATER LEVELS: DRILL RIG NUMBER 1 HAMMER EFFICIENCY 91 % TIME OF BORING --- DRILLING METHOD 2.25 Hollow Stem Auger END OF BORING --- Cave at: 3 LOGGED BY TV CHECKED BY JHC NOTES Elevation Data Pulled From NCOneMap 2' Contours U w a� �w o cnw u~ a a 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION co OfE > C1 �~� 0 Q UX H p �w Z SPT N VALUE A Lu �J a� O� m0� Ln (7 QZ w� U? Qz a LnO �U U) Of 0.0 20 40 60 80 (ML) FILL/PLOW ZONE: Sandy SILT, Red Brown, Orange Brown, Dry, Stiff SS 100 7105 ....................................... ( ) 2.5 SZ 100 5 L......:..............:.............. (116 ) 5.0 815.5 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — .............. :.......;......:....... (MH) RESIDUAL: Sandy Elastic SILT, Brown, Black, Tan, Dry to Moist, Medium Stiff SS L2-2-3 100 3 (5) 7.5 .................................... SS 100 2-2-3 4 (5) 10.0 11111 811.0 Bottom of borehole at 10.0 feet. BORING NUMBER B07 CATAWBA VALLEY PAGE 1 OF 1 ENGINEERING & TESTING 161 Lenoir -Rhyne Blvd./PO Box 747 Hickory, NC 28W2 828 578 9972 CLIENT Teramore Development PROJECT NAME Teramore Mooresville Road GEO PROJECT NUMBER 22-552 PROJECT LOCATION Salisbury, NC DATE STARTED 6/13/22 COMPLETED 6/13/22 GROUND ELEVATION 818 ft MSL HOLE SIZE 2.25 inches DRILLING CONTRACTOR CVET GROUND WATER LEVELS: DRILL RIG NUMBER 1 HAMMER EFFICIENCY 91 % TIME OF BORING --- DRILLING METHOD 2.25 Hollow Stem Auger END OF BORING --- Cave at: 4.7 LOGGED BY TV CHECKED BY JHC NOTES Elevation Data Pulled From NCOneMap 2' Contours U w a� �w o cnw u~ a a 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION co OfE > C1 �~� 0 Q UX H p �w Z SPT N VALUE A Lu �J a� O� m0� Ln (7 QZ w� U? Qz a LnO �U U) Of 0.0 20 40 60 80 (MH) FILL/PLOW ZONE: Sandy Elastic SILT, Orange Brown, Brown, Dry, Stiff SS 100 4-4-5 ....................................... 1 (9) 2.5 SS 100 3-4-5 813.5 2 (9) (ML) RESIDUAL: Sandy SILT, Yellow Brown, Brown, Black, Tan, Dry to Moist, Soft to Stiff 5.0 ................ ................ ........ SS 100 3-4-5 3 (9) 7.5 .................................... SS 100 1-2-2 4 (4) 10.0 808.0 Bottom of borehole at 10.0 feet. BORING NUMBER B08 CATAWBA VALLEY PAGE 1 OF 1 ENGINEERING & TESTING 161 Lenoir -Rhyne Blvd./PO Box 747 Hickory, NC 28W2 828 578 9972 CLIENT Teramore Development PROJECT NAME Teramore Mooresville Road GEO PROJECT NUMBER 22-552 PROJECT LOCATION Salisbury, NC DATE STARTED 6/13/22 COMPLETED 6/13/22 GROUND ELEVATION 821 ft MSL HOLE SIZE 2.25 inches DRILLING CONTRACTOR CVET GROUND WATER LEVELS: DRILL RIG NUMBER 1 HAMMER EFFICIENCY 91 % TIME OF BORING --- DRILLING METHOD 2.25 Hollow Stem Auger END OF BORING --- Cave at: 2.5 LOGGED BY TV CHECKED BY JHC NOTES Elevation Data Pulled From NCOneMap 2' Contours U w a� �w o cnw u~ a a 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION co OfE > C1 �~� 0 Q UX H p �w Z SPT N VALUE A Lu �J a� O� m0� Ln (7 QZ w� U? Qz a LnO �U U) Of 0.0 20 40 60 80 (ML) FILL/PLOW ZONE: Sandy SILT, Orange Brown, Dry, Stiff ....................................... L 100 4 (105 ) 2.5 818.0 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ... ............................ :....... (MH) RESIDUAL: Sandy Elastic SILT, Orange Brown, Brown, Black, Tan, Dry to Moist, Stiff SS 100 4-4-5 2 (9) 5.0 ............... ................ ........ S3 100 4105 ( ) 7.5 ..................................... SS 100 2-4-5 4 (9) 10.0 11111 811.0 Bottom of borehole at 10.0 feet. BORING NUMBER B09 CATAWBA VALLEY PAGE 1 OF 1 ENGINEERING & TESTING 161 Lenoir -Rhyne Blvd./PO Box 747 Hickory, NC 28W2 828 578 9972 CLIENT Teramore Development PROJECT NAME Teramore Mooresville Road GEO PROJECT NUMBER 22-552 PROJECT LOCATION Salisbury, NC DATE STARTED 6/13/22 COMPLETED 6/13/22 GROUND ELEVATION 821 ft MSL HOLE SIZE 2.25 inches DRILLING CONTRACTOR CVET GROUND WATER LEVELS: DRILL RIG NUMBER 1 HAMMER EFFICIENCY 91 % TIME OF BORING --- DRILLING METHOD 2.25 Hollow Stem Auger END OF BORING --- Cave at: 3.25 LOGGED BY TV CHECKED BY JHC NOTES Elevation Data Pulled From NCOneMap 2' Contours U w a� �w o cnw u~ a a 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION co OfE > C1 �~� 0 Q UX H p �w Z SPT N VALUE A Lu �J a� O� m0� Ln (7 QZ w� U? Qz a LnO �U U) Of 0.0 20 40 60 80 (MH) FILL/PLOW ZONE: Sandy Elastic SILT, Red Brown, Dry, Medium Stiff ....................................... SS 100 3-3-3 1 (6) 2.5 818.0 ---------------------------- ....... :......;.......:...... ....... (ML) RESIDUAL: Sandy SILT, Orange Brown, Brown, Black, Tan, Dry to Moist, Soft to Medium Stiff SS 100 5-4-4 2 (8) 5.0 ............... ................ ........ SS 100 2-2-2 3 (4) 7.5 .................................... SS 100 2-2-3 4 (5) 10.0 811.0 Bottom of borehole at 10.0 feet.