HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0003417_Report_20220714Clean Water Act § 316(b) Compliance Submittal H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX Wayne County, North Carolina NPDES Permit NC0003417 Duke Energy Environmental Services I Environmental Programs 526 South Church Street Charlotte NC 28202 July 2022 (DUKE /ENERGY® 316(b) Compliance Submittal H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX Contents Executive Summary 1 Introduction 2 Source Water Physical Data [§122.21(r)(2)] 2.1 Description of Source Waterbody [§122.21(r)(2)(i)] 2.2 Characterization of Source Waterbody [§122.21(r)(2)(ii)] 2.2.1 Geomorphology 2.2.2 Hydrology 2.2.3 Water Quality 2.3 Locational Maps [§ 122.21(r)(2)(ii) 3 Cooling Water Intake Structure Data [§ 122.21(r)(3)] 3.1 Description of MWIS Configuration [§122.21(r)(3)(i)] 3.2 Latitude and Longitude of MWIS [§122.21(r)(3)(ii)] 3.3 Description of MWIS Operation [§122.21(r)(3)(iii)] 3.4 Description of Intake Flows [§122.21(r)(3)(iv)] 3.5 Engineering Drawings of CWIS [§122.21(r)(3)(v)] 4 Source Water Baseline Biological Characterization Data [§122.21(r)(4)] 4.1 List of Unavailable Biological Data [§122.21(r)(4)(i)] 4.2 List of Species and Relative Abundance in the vicinity of CWIS [§122.21(r)(4)(ii)] 4.2.1 Exotic Species 4.3 Primary Growth Period 4.3.1 Reproduction and Recruitment 4.4 Species and Life Stages Susceptible to Impingement and Entrainment 4.4.1 Impingement 4.4.2 Entrainment 4.4.3 Selected Species 4.5 Threatened, Endangered, and Other Protected Species Susceptible to Impingement and 8 11 14 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 21 24 24 25 25 26 27 27 30 30 30 36 36 37 39 Entrainment at the MWIS 40 4.6 Documentation of Consultation with Services 42 4.7 Information Submitted to Obtain Incidental Take Exemption or Authorization from Services 42 4.8 Methods and Quality Assurance Procedures for Field Efforts 42 4.9 Protective Measures and Stabilization Activities 42 4.10 Fragile Species 42 5 Cooling Water System Data [§122.21(r)(5)(i)] 43 5.1 Description of Cooling Water System Operation [§122.21(r)(5)(i)] 43 5.1.1 Cooling Water System Operation 43 5.1.2 Proportion of Design Flow Used in the Cooling Water System 44 5.1.3 Cooling Water System Operation Characterization 45 5.1.4 Distribution of Water Reuse 46 5.1.5 Description of Reductions in Total Water Withdrawals 46 i 316(b) Compliance Submittal H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX 5.1.6 Description of Cooling Water Used in Manufacturing Process 47 5.1.7 Proportion of Source Waterbody Withdrawn 47 5.2 Design and Engineering Calculations [§122.21(r)(5)(ii)] 47 5.3 Description of Existing Impingement and Entrainment Reduction Measures [§122.21(r)(5)(iii)] 48 5.3.1 Best Technology Available for Entrainment 48 6 Chosen Method(s) of Compliance with Impingement Mortality Standard [§122.21(r)(6)] 50 7 Entrainment Performance Studies [§ 122.21(r)(7)] 52 7.1 Site -Specific Studies 52 7.2 Studies Conducted at Other Locations 52 8 Operational Status [§ 122.21(r)(8)] 53 8.1 Description of Operating Status [§ 122.21(r)(8)(i)] 53 8.1.1 Individual Unit Age 53 8.1.2 Utilization for Previous Five Years 53 8.1.3 Major Upgrades in Last Fifteen Years 54 8.2 Description of Consultation with Nuclear Regulatory Commission [§122.21(r)(8)(ii)] 54 8.3 Other Cooling Water Uses for Process Units [§122.21(r)(8)(iii)] 54 8.4 Description of Current and Future Production Schedules [§122.21(r)(8)(iv)] 54 8.5 Description of Plans or Schedules for New Units Planned within Five Years [§122.21(r)(8)(v)] 54 9 References 55 ii 316(b) Compliance Submittal H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX Tables Table 1-1. Facility and Flow Attributes and Permit Application Requirements 12 Table 1-2. Summary of §316(b) Rule for Existing Facilities Submittal Requirements for §122.21(r)(2)-(8). 13 Table 2-1. Mean annual flow (MAF) of the Neuse River since 2010, as measured at the USGS Neuse River at Goldsboro NC Gage (02089000). 19 Table 2-2. Neuse River mean monthly flow (cfs) at the USGS Neuse River Gage near Goldsboro NC (02089000) during 2017-2021 19 Table 2-2. Summary statistics of the source water data in the vicinity of the HFLCCS MWIS 20 Table 3-1. HFLCCS MWIS Monthly Total Withdrawals During 2017-2021 25 Table 4-1. Total number and community composition (%) of fish collected by DEP and NCWRC boat electrofishing in the Neuse River during 2020 and 2021 28 Table 4-2. Known spawning and recruitment period of fish collected in the Neuse River by the MWIS and Cox Ferry Bridge boat ramp from 2018-2021 (Jenkins and Burkhead, 1993).1 30 Table 4-3. Seasonal and daily activities of species collected in the Neuse River by the MWIS and Cox Ferry Bridge boat ramp from 2018-2021 (Jenkins and Burkhead, 1993; Rohde et al, 2009). 32 Table 4-4. Entrainment potential for fish (egg and larvae) species present near the HFLCCS MWIS. 37 Table 4-5. Summary of Rare (R), Threatened (T), Proposed Threatened (PT) or Endangered (E) aquatic species listed for the area around the HFLCCS and record of occurrence or potential to occur near the MWIS 41 Table 4-6. List of fragile species as defined by the EPA and their occurrence near the HFLCCS MWIS in the Neuse River. 42 Table 5-1. HFLCC Cooling Pond elevations 44 Table 5-2. Percent Monthly Proportion of Design Flow Withdrawn at the HFLCCS. 45 Table 5-3. Comparison of HFLCCS to former coal-fired units. 46 Table 5-4. HFLCCS Percent of Source Waterbody (Neuse River) Withdrawal 47 Table 5-4. MWIS TSV Calculations 48 Table 8-1. HFLCCS Annual Capacity Factors, 2017-2021 54 iii 316(b) Compliance Submittal H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX Figures Figure 2-1. HFLCCS source water map in the vicinity of the MWIS. 15 Figure 2-2. Upstream instream monitoring location (UP INST) and the LNRBA sampling location in the vicinity of the HFLCCS MWIS. 16 Figure 2-3. Map Showing the HFLCCS MWIS in the Upper Neuse River Basin (HUC 03020201) 18 Figure 3-1. HFLCCS Water Balance Diagram (March 2018) 22 Figure 3-2. Plan View of MWIS at the HFLCCS 23 Figure 3-3. Section View of MWIS at the HFLCCS 24 Figure 4-1. Neuse River electrofishing survey locations. 28 Figure 5-1. HFLCC cooling pond general arrangement (denoted locations are approximate) 44 Figure 5-2. Monthly Total MWIS Withdrawals at HFLCCS 46 iv 316(b) Compliance Submittal H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX Appendices Appendix A. H.F. Lee Combined Cycle Station § 122.21(r)(2)-(8) Submittal Requirement Checklist. Appendix B. Engineering Drawings of Makeup Water Intake Structure. Appendix C. Engineering Calculations for Through -Screen Velocity. v 316(b) Compliance Submittal H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX Abbreviations °C degrees Celsius °F degrees Fahrenheit µS/cm micro Siemens per centimeter AIF actual intake flow A01 area of influence BSS Buck Steam Station BTA Best Technology Available CCC closed cycle cooling CFR Code of Federal Regulations cfs cubic feet per second cm centimeter COC cycles of concentration CTs combustion turbines CWA Clean Water Act CWIS Cooling Water Intake Structure DEP Duke Energy Progress, LLC DIF design intake flow Director NPDES Director DO dissolved oxygen Duke Energy Duke Energy Progress, LLC EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency ESA Endangered Species Act fps feet per second ft foot/feet ft msl feet above mean sea level gpm gallons per minute HRSG heat recovery steam generator HFCCCS Harry Fitzhugh (H. F.) Lee Energy Complex Combined Cycle Station HUC Hydrologic Unit Code IPaC Information for Planning Conservation IRP Integrated Resource Plan LNRBA Lower Neuse River Basin Association m meter micrometer µS/cm microsiemens per centimeter m3 cubic meters MDCT mechanical draft cooling tower MGD million gallons per day mg/L milligrams per liter mm millimeters MW megawatts MWIS Makeup Water Intake Structure NCDEQ North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality NCNHP North Carolina Natural Heritage Program NMFS National Marine Fisheries Service NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System NRDAR Natural Resource Damage Assessment and Restoration NTU Nephelometric Turbidity Units OTC once -through cooling QA Quality Assurance VI POA percent open area rkm river kilometers Rule Clean Water Act § 316(b) rule RTE rare, threatened, or endangered TL total length TSV through -screen velocity USEPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency USFWS U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service USGS U.S. Geological Survey 316(b) Compliance Submittal H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX VII 316(b) Compliance Submittal H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX Executive Summary On August 15, 2014, regulations implementing §316(b) of the final Clean Water Act (CWA) rule for existing facilities (the Rule) were published in the Federal Register with an effective date of October 14, 2014. Facilities subject to the Rule are required to develop and submit technical material, in accordance with §122.21(r), that will be used by the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit Director (Director) to make a Best Technology Available (BTA) determination for the facility. The H.F. Lee Energy Complex Combined Cycle Station (HFLCCS) began commercial operations in December 2012, replacing three coal-fired units which were subsequently demolished. HFLCCS is a single combined cycle unit, natural gas -fired electric generating facility with a current generating capacity of 1,059 MW'. HFLCCS wastewater discharges are authorized by NPDES Permit NC0003417. Therefore, HFLCCS is an existing facility and subject to the Rule. Based on the §122.21(r) submittal material provided herein, Duke Energy Progress requests a determination that HFLCCS employs Best Technology Available (BTA) for impingement and entrainment reduction with currently installed closed -cycle cooling as described below and, as such, no further impingement or entrainment controls are warranted. Impingement BTA The final Rule, at §125.94(c), requires existing facilities to employ one of seven impingement BTA alternatives'. HFLCCS currently employs BTA for impingement because it employs closed -cycle cooling. Closed -cycle cooling is identified in the Rule as one of the seven options for compliance. • Primary Impingement BTA — Closed -cycle cooling with an impoundment with minimal makeup is utilized which is consistent with a closed -cycle recirculating system (CCRS) defined at §125.92(c)(2) and meets the BTA Standards for Impingement Mortality at §125.94(c)(1). • Secondary Impingement BTA — cooling pond makeup water intake structure with a maximum design through -bar velocity of less than 0.5 fps based on single pump operation; thus meeting the BTA Standards for Impingement Mortality at §125.94(c)(2). Overall, impingement at the facility is likely to be very low due to the low makeup flows to the cooling water impoundment. There are no known federal or state listed species or designated critical habitats within the source waterbody (Neuse River) in the vicinity of the HFLCCS. As a result, potential adverse impacts due to impingement are not expected to occur. 1 The H.F. Lee Energy Complex also includes the 863 MW Wayne County Plant which consists of five simple cycle combustion turbines (CTs). These CTs use no cooling water and therefore are not subject to the 316(b) Rule. 2 Or under specific circumstances one of nine alternatives, which includes §125.94(c)(11) and (12) in addition to §125.94(c)(1)-(7). 8 316(b) Compliance Submittal H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX Entrainment BTA The Rule does not prescribe BTA for entrainment; however, requires it to be determined on a site -specific basis. This submittal demonstrates that HFLCCS meets BTA for entrainment based on the following: • HFLCCS uses closed -cycle cooling, which minimizes entrainment through flow reduction. During the 2017-2021 period, HFLCCS had an average withdrawal of 4.5 million gallons per day (MGD) which is substantially less than the 125 MGD value of concern technically justified by the Rule. The flow reduction achieved with consideration of the high -efficiency combined cycle facility, is calculated to be 98.8% as compared to an equivalent once -through cooling (OTC) facility based on average MWIS flow and 365 days per year operation. In addition, the average flow is reduced 87.1 percent from the design ultimate potential flow of 35.0 MGD. • Statements made by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the preamble to the Rule support this conclusion: "Although this rule leaves the BTA entrainment determination to the Director, with the possible BTA decisions ranging from no additional controls to closed -cycle recirculating systems plus additional controls as warranted, EPA expects that the Director, in the site -specific permitting proceeding, will determine that facilities with properly operated closed -cycle recirculating systems do not require additional entrainment reduction control measures. "3 This conclusion is further reiterated in the Response to Public Comments document, where EPA states: "EPA has made it clear that a facility that uses a closed -cycle recirculating system, as defined in the rule, would meet the rule requirements for impingement mortality at § 125.94(c)(1). This rule language specifically identifies closed -cycle as a compliance alternative for the [impingement mortality] performance standards. EPA expects the Director would conclude that such a facility would not be subject to additional entrainment controls to meet BTA."4 • The final Rule for new facilities published in the Federal Register on December 18, 2001 which had an effective date of January 17, 2002, does prescribe BTA for entrainment', which HFLCCS meets. Regulations are more stringent for new facilities than for existing facilities. By virtue of meeting the most stringent entrainment BTA criteria (i.e., applicable to new facilities), HFLCCS is compliant for entrainment BTA under the final Rule for existing facilities. 3 79 Fed. Reg. 48344 (15 August 2014) Response to Comments, Essay 14, p. 62. ' BTA for entrainment under the new facilities rule at 40 CFR §125.84(b) requires facilities with design intake flow equal to or greater than 10 MGD, and under Track 1, to employ closed -cycle recirculating cooling as well. 9 316(b) Compliance Submittal H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX Potential impacts to fish and shellfish populations due to entrainment are also extremely unlikely due to: • The use of closed cycle recirculating cooling via a cooling pond with minimized makeup; • Low actual and design water withdrawals; and • The location, operation, and configuration of the makeup water intake with a calculated through bar velocity (TBV) for the design intake flow (DIF) case is 0.48 fps (single pump operation) and under actual intake flow (AIF) conditions is 0.12 fps. Based on the above facts, entrainment is reduced to the maximum extent warranted and additional control measures are not warranted nor necessary for the HFLCCS. 10 316(b) Compliance Submittal H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX 1 Introduction Section 316(b) was enacted under the 1972 CWA, which also introduced the NPDES permit program. Certain facilities with NPDES permits are subject to §316(b) requirements, which require the location, design, construction, and capacity of the facility's cooling water intake structure (CWIS)6 to reflect BTA for minimizing potential adverse environmental impacts. On August 15, 2014, regulations implementing §316(b) of the CWA for existing facilities (Rule) were published in the Federal Register with an effective date of October 14, 2014. The Rule applies to existing facilities that withdraw more than 2 MGD from waters of the United States, use at least 25 percent of that water exclusively for cooling purposes, and have or require an NPDES permit. Facilities subject to the Rule are required to develop and submit technical material that will be used by the NPDES Director (Director) to make a Best Technology Available (BTA) determination for the facility. The actual intake flow (AIF)' and design intake flow (DIF)8 at a facility determines which submittals will be required. As shown in Table 1-1, facilities with an AIF of 125 MGD or less have fewer application submittal requirements and will generally be required to select from the impingement compliance options contained in the final Rule. Facilities with an AIF greater than 125 MGD are required to address both impingement and entrainment, and provide specific entrainment studies, which may involve extensive field studies and the analysis of alternative methods to reduce entrainment (§122.21(r)(9)- (13)). The §316(b) compliance schedule under the Rule is dependent on the facility's NPDES permit renewal date. Facilities are to submit their §316(b) application material to the Director with their next permit renewal application unless that permit renewal application is due prior to July 14, 2018, in which case an alternate schedule may be requested. 6 CWIS is defined as the total physical structure and any associated constructed waterways used to withdraw cooling water from Waters of the United States. The CWIS extends from the point at which water is first withdrawn from waters of the United States up to, and including, the intake pumps. This report concerns the MWIS located at the terminal end of the constructed canal along the Neuse River. AIF is defined as the average volume of water withdrawn on an annual basis by the cooling intake structure over the past 3 years initially and past 5 years after Oct. 14, 2019. The calculation of AIF includes days of zero flow. AIF does not include flows associated with emergency and fire suppression capacity. 8 DIF is defined as the value assigned during the CWIS design to the maximum instantaneous rate of flow of water the CWIS is capable of withdrawing from a source waterbody. The facility's DIF may be adjusted to reflect permanent changes to the maximum capabilities of the cooling water intake system to withdraw cooling water, including pumps permanently removed from service, flow limit devices, and physical limitations of the piping. DIF does not include values associated with emergency and fire suppression capacity or redundant pumps (i.e., back- up pumps). 11 Table 1-1. Facility and Flow Attributes and Permit Application Requirements. Existing facility with DIF greater than 2 MGD and AIF greater than 125 MGD. Existing facility with DIF greater than 2 MGD and AIF less than 125 MGD. Existing facility with DIF of 2 MGD or less, or less than 25 percent of AIF used for cooling purposes. New units at existing facility. 316(b) Compliance Submittal H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX §122.21(r)(2)-(13) §122.21(r)(2)-(8) Director Best Professional Judgment §122.21(r)(2), (3), (5), (8), and (14) and applicable paragraphs (r)(4), (6), and (7) of §122.21(r) Duke Energy Progress, LLC's (Duke Energy) HFLCCS is subject to the existing facility rule and, based on its current configuration and operation (i.e., the facility has a DIF greater than 2 MGD and an AIF of less than 125 MGD), Duke Energy is required to develop and submit each of the §122.21(r)(2)-(8) submittal requirements (Table 1-2) with its next permit renewal application in accordance with the facility NPDES operating permit and the Rule's technical and schedule requirements. Appendix A provides a checklist summary of the specific requirements under each of the §122.21(r)(2)-(8) submittal requirements and how each is addressed in this report or why it is not applicable to HFLCCS. 12 316(b) Compliance Submittal H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX Table 1-2. Summary of §316(b) Rule for Existing Facilities Submittal Requirements for §122.21(r)(2)-(8). (2) Source Water Physical Data Characterization of the source waterbody including intake area of influence. (3) Cooling Water Intake Structure Data Characterization of the cooling water intake system; includes drawings and narrative; description of operation; water balance. (4) Source Water Baseline Biological Characterization of the biological community in the Characterization Data vicinity of the intake; life history summaries; susceptibility to impingement and entrainment; existing data; identification of missing data; threatened and endangered species and designated critical habitat summary for action area; identification of fragile fish and shellfish species list (<30 percent impingement survival). (5) Cooling Water System Data Narrative description of cooling water system and intake structure; proportion of design flow used; water reuse summary; proportion of source waterbody withdrawn (monthly); seasonal operation summary; existing impingement mortality and entrainment reduction measures; flow/megawatts (MW) efficiency. (6) Chosen Method of Compliance with Provides facility's proposed approach to meet the Impingement Mortality Standard impingement mortality requirement (chosen from seven available options); provides detailed study plan for monitoring compliance, if required by selected compliance option; addresses entrapment where required. (7) Entrainment Performance Studies Provides summary of relevant entrainment studies (latent mortality, technology efficacy); can be from the facility or elsewhere with justification; studies should not be more than 10 years old without justification; new studies are not required. (8) Operational Status Provides operational status for each unit; age and capacity utilization for the past 5 years; upgrades within last 15 years; uprates and Nuclear Regulatory Committee relicensing status for nuclear facilities; decommissioning and replacement plans; current and future operation as it relates to actual and design intake flow. 13 316(b) Compliance Submittal H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX 2 Source Water Physical Data [§122.21(r)(2)] The information required to be submitted per 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) §122.21(r)(2), Source Water Physical Data, is as follows: (i) A narrative description and scaled drawings showing the physical configuration of all source water bodies used by your facility, including areal dimensions, depths, salinity and temperature regimes, and other documentation that supports your determination of the waterbody type where each cooling water intake structure is located; (ii) Identification and characterization of the source waterbody's hydrological and geomorphological features, as well as the methods you used to conduct any physical studies to determine your intake's area of influence within the waterbody and the results of such studies; (iii) Locational maps; and, (iv) For new offshore oil and gas facilities that are not fixed facilities, a narrative description and/or Locational maps providing information on predicted locations within the waterbody during the permit term in sufficient detail for the Director to determine the appropriateness of additional impingement requirements under §125.134(b)(4). Each of these requirements is described in the following subsections. 2.1 Description of Source Waterbody [§122.21(r)(2)(i)] The HFLCCS withdraws cooling water from an existing 545 acre permitted closed -cycle cooling pond with baffled dikes to treat recirculating condenser cooling and process water. To maintain pond levels, Duke Energy Progress, LLC (DEP) operates a Cooling Pond MWIS located at the terminal end of a 500-foot constructed intake canal. The MWIS provides the source water for the closed -cycle cooling water system. The intake canal receives water from the mainstem Neuse River through a constructed by-pass canal located near river mile 145 (Fig 2-1). The Neuse River Basin (Basin) is located in the northern Piedmont and central coastal plain of North Carolina. The mainstem Neuse River originates (Person and Orange counties North Carolina) and flows southeast to its terminus into the Pamlico Sound by Carteret and Hyde counties North Carolina. The Basin covers roughly 6,200 square miles of land and open water (NCDEQ 2018). Within the Neuse River basin, the MWIS is located within the Quaker Neck Lake-Neuse River 12-Digit HUC (HUC Code 030202011705). The Neuse River, in the vicinity of the MWIS is classified as Water Supply IV (sources of water supply for drinking, culinary, or food processing purposes) and NSW (Nutrient Sensitive Waters - waters needing additional nutrient management due to being subject to excessive growth of microscopic or macroscopic vegetation) by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ 2021). 14 316(b) Compliance Submittal H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX Figure 2-1. HFLCCS source water map in the vicinity of the MWIS. 2.2 Characterization of Source Waterbody [§122.21(r)(2)(ii)] To identify and characterize the primary source waterbody (i.e., Neuse River in the vicinity of the MWIS) the following data were reviewed: • NPDES Permit No. NC0003417 — A. 21 Instream Monitoring Requirement (upstream location only) July 2019 through May 2021. • Lower Neuse River Basin Association (LNRBA) water quality results from Neuse River @ SR 1201 near Cox Mill during 2020. Duke Energy is required to collect and report (electronic Discharge Monitoring Report) grab samples monthly from two locations within the Neuse River. This requirement was effective July 1, 2019. Summarized results from samples collected near the MWIS (UP INST) were used to characterize the source water for the purpose of this report (Figure 2-2). The LNRBA water quality monitoring program collected grab samples monthly throughout the Neuse River Basin. Summarized results from samples collected near the MWIS (Neuse River @ SR 1201 near Cox Mill) were also used to characterize the source water for the purpose of this report. 15 316(b) Compliance Submittal H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX a LNRBASampling Loc#tion Figure 2-2. Upstream instream monitoring location (UP INST) and the LNRBA sampling location in the vicinity of the HFLCCS MWIS. 2.2.1 Geomorphology The HFLCCS is located within the Southeastern Plains III ecoregion, more specifically, the MWIS is located within the Southeastern Floodplains and Low Terraces (Level IV) of the Southeastern Plains ecoregion. Characteristics of the Southeastern Plains ecoregion include broad interstream areas having a mosaic of cropland, pasture, woodland, and forest. The Cretaceous or Tertiary -age sands, silts, and clays of the region contrast geologically with the older metamorphic and igneous rocks of the Piedmont and Blue Ridge ecoregions. Elevations and relief are greater than in the Southern Coastal Plain ecoregion, but generally less than in much of the Piedmont or in the more mountainous Blue Ridge ecoregion. Streams in this area are relatively low -gradient and sandy -bottomed (Griffith et al. 2002). Southeastern Floodplains and Low Terraces (SFLT) encompass a riverine ecoregion that provides important wildlife corridors and habitat. The primary geography of the SFLT is composed of alluvium and terrace deposits of sand, clay, and gravel. The region includes large sluggish rivers and backwaters with ponds, swamps, and oxbow lakes. The SFLT region is a flood -prone region which includes brown - water floodplains and blackwater floodplains. Brown -water floodplains originate in or cross the Piedmont and contain sediments with more weatherable and mixed minerals than the blackwater floodplains with watersheds entirely contained within the Coastal Plain. The low terraces are mostly forested, although some cropland or pasture occurs in some areas that are better drained (Griffith et al. 2002). 16 316(b) Compliance Submittal H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX 2.2.2 Hydrology The MWIS is located in the Quaker Neck Lake-Neuse River 12-Digit HUC (HUC Code 030202011705) portion of the Moccasin Creek-Neuse River 10-Digit HUC (0302020117). Both subbasins are located in the Upper Neuse River subbasin 8-Digit HUC (03020201) (Figure 2-3). Land use within this section of the basin is predominantly forested followed by planted/cultivated and developed land in percent area coverage (NCDEQ 2018). United States Geological Service (USGS) Gauging Station 02089000 is located near Goldsboro NC, approximately six river miles from the MWIS. Data from this Station was used for this report. 17 316(b) Compliance Submittal H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX Durham • %Mike Harried Legend •HF Lee Energy Comp -let; 10 diigit Hydrologic UnitCup ne+ [1I Upper Neuie nrrvef basin Black Creak - Nitue#RiwlrrBasn. hrirorrkapor arc ; CrahtravCreek CeuntL Elqurdar Eno Rnrr Falling Greek Flat R rrer LACe River Lower FUMJ LJ1 Lower Li;t1e Rixe�r t Sarnpeon Franklin HF Lee Energy Complex rf \ Figure 2-3. Map Showing the HFLCCS MWIS in the Upper Neuse River Basin (HUC 03020201). 18 316(b) Compliance Submittal H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX Table 2-1. Mean annual flow (MAF) of the Neuse River since 2010, as measured at the USGS Neuse River at Goldsboro NC Gage (02089000). Year Neuse River MAF (cfs) 2010 2613 2011 1103 2012 1008 2013 2186 2014 2945 2015 2635 2016 3324 2017 3025 2018 2315 2019 4006 2020 3294 2021 4354 Table 2-2. Neuse River mean monthly flow (cfs) at the USGS Neuse River Gage near Goldsboro NC (02089000) during 2017-2021. Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2017 2851 1217 1254 4085 6941 2780 958.4 792.2 1142 671.3 641 1024 2018 1224 2281 2548 3290 2458 1338 695.3 2941 8825 3636 5706 7982 2019 6499 4189 6646 6057 1398 2059 1402 981.4 1508 695.4 980.4 2701 2020 3692 8094 2782 1899 3718 4758 1275 4852 4354 2986 6955 6085 2021 8352 10020 6759 2543 667.9 2344 3771 1587 572.3 1030 561.4 794.2 2.2.3 Water Quality As an element of the H.F. Lee National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit, DEP is required to collect surface water instream samples from the Neuse River monthly. The sampling locations are upstream and downstream of the H.F. Lee discharges to the Neuse River. Data resulting from samples collected from mid-2019 through mid-2021 at location UP INST (Figure 2-2), in the vicinity of the MWIS, were a component of the data used to characterize water quality. In addition to collecting instream data, DEP participates in the LNRBA water quality monitoring program. During 2020, one of the sampling locations (Neuse River @ SR 1201 (Richardson Bridge Road) near Cox Mill) was in close proximity to the MWIS (Figure 2-2). Results from samples collected at this location were also used to characterize water quality. The North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality associates urban development within the Neuse River Basin as the primary driver altering the watershed hydrology, resulting in downstream flooding, streambank erosion, channel incision, increased turbidity and degrading aquatic habitat and biological health (NCDEQ 2009). Additionally, nonpoint source runoff from a variety of land use practices have been identified as the primary contributor to impacted surface 19 316(b) Compliance Submittal H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX waters in the Neuse River Basin. Runoff from rain events carries sediment, nutrients and toxicants that affect the aquatic ecosystem, and fecal coliform bacteria that result in impairment of recreation and shellfish harvesting use support categories. Excessive nutrient loading is the primary stressor in the Neuse River Basin resulting in the chlorophyll a impairment of Falls Lake and the Neuse River Estuary. While great strides have been made in the reduction of nitrogen contribution from both point and nonpoint sources to the Neuse River Basin, many challenges remain in developing a thorough understanding of the complex nutrient delivery system and management strategies that will be most effective to achieve timely water quality improvements (NCDEQ 2009). The wide range of results from data collected by DEP and the LNRBA (Table 2-1) near the MWIS highlight the Neuse River Basin characteristics described in the Neuse River Basinwide Water Quality Plan (NCDEQ 2009). Table 2-2. Summary statistics of the source water data in the vicinity of the HFLCCS MWIS. Parameter Time Period Source Range Mean n Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) Conductivity (uS/cm) pH (SU) Temperature (°C) Turbidity (NTU) Suspended Residue (mg/L) Total Dissolved Solids (mg/L) Bromide (mg/L) Ammonia (mg/L) Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (mg/L) Nitrate + Nitrite (mg/L) Phosphorus (mg/L) Hardness (mg/L) Arsenic, total (ug/L) Chromium, total (ug/L) Copper, dissolved (ug//L) Lead, dissolved (ug/L Mercury, total (ng/L) Selenium, total (ug/L) Zinc, dissolved (ug/L) 01/01/2020 - 12/31/2020 01/01/2020 - 12/31/2020 01/01/2020 - 12/31/2020 01/01/2020 - 12/31/2020 01/01/2020 - 12/31/2020 01/01/2020 - 12/31/2020 07/01/2019 - 02/28/2021 07/01/2019 - 02/28/2021 01/01/2020 - 12/31/2020 01/01/2020 - 12/31/2020 01/01/2020 - 12/31/2020 01/01/2020 - 12/31/2020 07/01/2019 - 02/28/2021 07/01/2019 - 02/28/2021 07/01/2019 - 02/28/2021 07/01/2019 - 02/28/2021 07/01/2019 - 02/28/2021 07/01/2019 - 02/28/2021 07/01/2019 - 02/28/2021 07/01/2019 - 02/28/2021 2.3 Locational Maps [§ 122.21(r)(2)(ii) LN RBA LNRBA LNRBA LNRBA LNRBA LN RBA DEP DEP LNRBA LN RBA LNRBA LRNBA DEP DEP DEP DEP DEP DEP DEP DEP 4/6 - 11.5 50 - 199 5.2 - 7.2 8.7 - 28.4 20 - 130 28 - 137 59.6 - 157.0 <0.1 0.03 - 0.33 0.56 - 1.10 0.15 - 0.71 0.09 - 0.27 12.0 - 40.2 0.4 - 0.7 <0.5 - 2.3 0.9 - 7.7 <0.1 - 0.7 1.7 - 20.2 <0.5 <5.0 - 11.5 7.0 19 105 19 na 19 21.1 19 47.4 13 59.3 13 89.7 20 na 20 0.11 13 0.84 13 0.31 13 0.15 13 26.1 20 0.5 20 1.1 20 2 20 0.2 20 6.1 21 na 20 5.5 20 An aerial photograph of the HFLCCS and its environs is provided on Figure 2-1 (Section 2.1). 20 316(b) Compliance Submittal H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX 3 Cooling Water Intake Structure Data [§ 122.21(r)(3)] The information required to be submitted per 40 CFR §122.21(r)(3), Cooling Water Intake Structure Data, is outlined as follows: (I) A narrative description of the configuration of each of the cooling water intake structures and where it is located in the waterbody and in the water column; (ii) Latitude and longitude in degrees, minutes, and seconds for each of the cooling water intake structures; (iii) A narrative description of the operation of each of the cooling water intake structures, including design intake flows, daily hours of operation, number of days of the year in operation and seasonal changes, if applicable; (iv) A flow distribution and water balance diagram that includes all sources of water to the facility, recirculating flows, and discharges; and (v) Engineering drawings of the cooling water intake structure. Each of these requirements is described in the following subsections. 3.1 Description of MWIS Configuration [§122.21(r)(3)(i)] Cooling pond makeup water for HFLCCS is withdrawn from the Neuse River via an existing intake canal with an as constructed bottom width of 35 feet, a length of about 500 feet, and 1:1.5 side slopes. This MWIS is the only component considered within the 316(b) Rule for the HFLCCS. The cooling pond was completed in 1972 and supported the former (now demolished) three coal-fired units. The cooling pond MWIS repurposed the former Unit 3 discharge structure. The HFLCCS MWIS features two individual makeup water pumps that withdraw from a bay in the MWIS. The makeup water pump discharges are combined in a common pipe that is approximately 400 feet long and discharged directly to the closed - cycle cooling pond. Each makeup pump is rated for 12,150 gpm (17.5 MGD) for a total design flow (DIF) of 35.0 MGD. Administratively, only one of the two makeup pumps is operated with the remaining pump for redundancy. The MWIS has a bar rack with 4" center spacing to prevent larger debris from entering the makeup pumps. The MWIS is designed with a high Neuse River elevation of 79.0 feet and a low elevation of 60.0 feet. The MWIS invert is at elevation 52.0 feet. A separate structure in the cooling pond that is not 316(b) Rule -related provides cooling water to the HFLCCS main condenser and other plant needs such as fire protection water and makeup water for the combined cycle unit heat recovery steam generator (HRSG). The HFLCCS water balance diagram is provided as Figure 3-1. Figure 3-2 provides a plan view of the HFLCCS MWIS, and Figure 3-3 provides relevant MWIS elevation data. 21 Waw Co. Cr Ste Kiwi Prnepua won Tpsllcr obd Drain Tanks 316(b) Compliance Submittal H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX f a(rciionSump I Wilma Oa. CT 5Re ROSrsoern .... R.O.R lwei Barre fleleflan Plee t V 114c C.0 Plane Prooessrs fl51 Wow Selma -Mar �SIYd�eF I R5 bk+wdwun to n.dinr.rivv� Nrusc Ri.cr Oidtrit pt auedidg roll ai Clutha!' f?flt F v Ncn Collraion Sump Sump? 9IIKr FiCmm I I. Y F1I rCa u Du�lrir Wavic & hoial:40 water main Jax ownomIc sEwage Ramat smerdrshei T167�,,•a Sksltm A.IirianieAlum Slap Pali Eewol _ vAi cr Teeaimeni r CV tllaUnlrxs we/ 1351131 J BD Off-si.c Elispaal Other4cr+► VeUrre I 14'mles CT 55¢urrdaq 4141iirin4 fiI&H IDNr1 j+p .4111a g area SW 9iadge irr, drnli�rf asn fiiiiIcdli}i3i1 W , .....y� .N.wlMt4r -I. ADE cc ErupuraGud and SCCprret l]Wrpriaax Coding waber intake mica DOI Nam Riyer 4* lli4� E�SaR#Up Inwko Figure 3-1. HFLCCS Water Balance Diagram (March 2018)9 9 Note that subsequent modifications to the facility NPDES permit deleted the domestic sewage system contributary flow, Outfall 002A (Emergency Spillway from Cooling Pond) was added, and Outfall 003 was deleted. 22 i 316(b) Compliance Submittal H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX SYM AlT a mate up WATER PIA4PO A7 -a w a-V! YAIOLl 4 1-t'•x9L6 C94CMAMCa 1 i.at 60T FLAIS6E OMLY ILIL L l a ? PP Fi0L@ ILICCWC ragt 7 a+u ;� Ja tiay eg3 ILI 4 QC14) I-MCEx22. ¢4LG• 4 PLACES) 41. L n J IW r•JI(ll4Lra NEW COAL t draw WITH GKG-%/G WWF PLAIN MrAKE-UP WATEE PUMP 1UPPOeT LAI WST 4Ntt NO.S d14CH STICL+GTUT Figure 3-2. Plan View of MWIS at the HFLCCS SYMAAST#e*iST UiJIT 5viwcH srRUGT 23 316(b) Compliance Submittal H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX E Rtal-1. WATesz E1.. 7.J-C L`CW_WATIVIE BQ� NOTa 12D RO-ta • Cc'b4 rTMU r..T_ION - WATEfZ-LEV .SHALL•13L, 5?AWTAIu>*n—A.r L.fa9 623 •.•3 1:a_InATE IA CO OM-V. PIPE I:49.2I! �S�ST1L�t6 4 Figure 3-3. Section View of MWIS at the HFLCCS 3.2 Latitude and Longitude of MWIS [§122.21(r)(3)(ii)] The approximate latitude and longitude (in degrees, minutes, and seconds) of the HFLCCS MWIS is: • Latitude: 35° 22' 41" N • Longitude: 78° 05' 18" W 3.3 Description of MWIS Operation [§122.21(r)(3)(iii)] Withdrawal from the Neuse River is dependent on makeup water demand, maximum pump capacity, and water loss due to evaporation and system losses. Because makeup water demand is directly related to the operation of generating units and in turn, the cooling water system, HFLCCS MWIS operation generally follows a base load pattern. 24 316(b) Compliance Submittal H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX Operation of the MWIS is nearly continuous with at least one pump withdrawing water from the Neuse River. During the 2017-2021 period, the MWIS operated an average of approximately 6.2 hours each day with one of the two installed pumps withdrawing water. 3.4 Description of Intake Flows [§122.21(r)(3)(iv)] Monthly average water withdrawals during the 2017-2021 period are provided in Table 3-1. The average withdrawal for this period was 4.5 MGD compared to a DIF of 35.0 MGD. Table 3-1. HFLCCS MWIS Monthly Total Withdrawals During 2017-2021. Month 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 January 123.0 149.3 87.8 86.4 45.4 February 121.5 82.0 53.4 76.9 0.0 March 129.6 119.3 166.2 127.4 0.0 April 366.7 175.0 117.1 181.5 142.0 May 133.2 56.4 164.0 97.4 125.2 June 146.4 270.1 205.0 59.3 217.4 July 248.9 183.7 206.4 269.4 98.1 August 220.3 90.0 194.7 153.7 210.8 September 124.4 99.6 158.8 123.7 93.7 October 224.7 93.7 137.6 129.6 187.4 November 80.5 81.3 124.4 129.4 19.8 December 255.5 68.8 232.8 95.9 96.6 Annual Average 6.0 4.0 5.1 4.2 3.4 Units = MG for monthly total, MGD for annual average 3.5 Engineering Drawings of CWIS [§122.21(r)(3)(v)] The following engineering drawings of cooling water intake structures are provided in Appendix B: • Drawing G-105107: Circulating Water System Modification River Structure Details • Drawing G-105109: Circulating Water System Modification Make Up Water Area FDN Details 25 316(b) Compliance Submittal H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX 4 Source Water Baseline Biological Characterization Data [§122.21(r)(4)] The information required to be submitted per 40 CFR §122.21(r)(4), Source Water Baseline Biological Characterization, is outlined as follows: (i) A list of the data supplied in paragraphs (r)(4)(ii) through (vi) of this section that are not available, and efforts made to identify sources of the data; (ii) A list of species (or relevant taxa) for all life stages and their relative abundance in the vicinity of CWIS; (iii) Identification of the species and life stages that would be most susceptible to impingement and entrainment; (iv) Identification and evaluation of the primary period of reproduction, larval recruitment, and period of peak abundance for relevant taxa; (v) Data representative of the seasonal and daily activities of biological organisms in the vicinity of CWIS; (vi) Identification of all threatened, endangered, and other protected species that might be susceptible to impingement and entrainment at a cooling water intake structure(s); (vii) Documentation of any public participation of consultation with Federal or State agencies undertaken in development of the plan; (viii) Methods and QA procedures for any field efforts; (ix) In the case of the owner or operator of an existing facility or new unit at an existing facility, the Source Water Baseline Biological Characterization Data is the information included in (i) through (xii); (x) Identification of protective measures and stabilization activities that have been implemented, and a description of how these measures and activities affected the baseline water condition in the vicinity of CWIS; (xi) List of fragile species as defined at 40 CFR 125.92(m) at the facility; and (xii) Information submitted to obtain incidental take exemption or authorization for its cooling water intake structure(s) from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service or the National Marine Fisheries Service. Each of these requirements is described in the following subsections. 26 316(b) Compliance Submittal H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX 4.1 List of Unavailable Biological Data [§122.21(r)(4)(i)] The biological data needed to prepare the information required under 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) §122.21(r)(4) are available. The historical data reviewed to develop the baseline biological characterization of the source waterbody, Neuse River near the MWIS includes the following: • DEP boat electrofishing surveys conducted during 2020 and 2021 • North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) Neuse River American Shad Survey, 2019 and 2020 • NCWRC Neuse River Striped Bass Monitoring Program, 2018 and 2019. These data were compiled and analyzed for this report and are summarized below. This report was developed utilizing the relevant existing data in the Neuse River near the MWIS. No recent impingement or entrainment studies were performed in support of the development of this compliance document. 4.2 List of Species and Relative Abundance in the vicinity of CWIS [§122.21(r)(4)(ii)] Methods for DEP Surveys Boat electrofishing surveys were conducted in the mainstem Neuse River immediately upstream of the Cox Ferry Bridge boat ramp and in the Intake canal during the spring of 2020 and 2021 (Figure 4-1). Each area was surveyed using a Smith Root equipped, Wisconsin design electrofishing boat with pulsed DC current. Immobilized fish were collected and identified to the species level when possible, using regional taxonomic references (Menhinick 1991, Jenkins and Burkhead 1993). Minimum and maximum total length (mm) for individual species was also recorded. Fish that could not be accurately identified in the field were preserved and transported to the laboratory for identification and body meristic. Methods for NCWRC Surveys Target species (American Shad and Striped Bass) spring boat electrofishing surveys were conducted in the Neuse River, including the Cox Ferry Bridge boat ramp, by NCWRC biologists from 2018 — 2020. Immobilized target species were collected and measured for total length (mm) and weight (g). Sex was determined by applying directional pressure to the abdomen toward the vent and observing the presence of milt (male) or eggs (female) (Ricks et. al. 2021, and Ricks and VanMiddlesworth 2020) 27 316(b) Compliance Submittal H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX Makeup Water Intake Structui Intake Sampling Location Figure 4-1. Neuse River electrofishing survey locations. From 2020 to 2021, Duke Energy collected a total of 601 fish, representing 25 species (excluding hybrids and unidentified individuals) by boat electrofishing in the vicinity of the H.F. Lee MWIS. Collectively (Intake and Cox Ferry Bridge collections combined), dominant species (those with greater than 5% species composition) included Bluegill (16.3%), Threadfin Shad (14.1%), Blue Catfish (9.7%) Longnose Gar (9.3%), Gizzard Shad (8.3%), Chanel Catfish (8.0%), Common Carp (7.0%) and Bowfin (6.0%) (Table 4- 1). Differences in species composition were noted between the Intake and Cox Ferry Bridge survey location (mainstem Neuse River). The fish community around the Intake was less diverse when compared to the fish community around the Cox Ferry Bridge survey location (17 and 22 species respectively). Dominant species within the Intake location include Gizzard Shad (19.9%), Threadfin Shad (18.1%), Bluegill (18.1%), Longnose Gar (16.4%) and Redear Sunfish (7.5%) (Table 4-1). Dominant species within the Cox Ferry Bridge location include Blue Catfish (15.5%), Bluegill (15.2%), Threadfin Shad (11.7%), Channel Catfish (11.5%), Common Carp (9.9%), Bowfin (8.5%), Notchlip Redhorse (5.3%), and Longnose Gar (5.1%) (Table 4-1). American Shad and Striped Bass were also present within in the mainstem Neuse River based on NCWRC collections (Table 4-1, Ricks and VanMiddlesworth 2020, and Ricks et. al. 2021). Table 4-1. Total number and community composition (%) of fish collected by DEP and NCWRC boat electrofishing in the Neuse River during 2020 and 2021. Overall Intake Cox Ferry Bridge Scientific Name Common Name Total Composition Total Composition Total Composition Number Number Number Alosa mediocris Hickory Shad 6 1.0 6 1.6 A. sapidissima American Shad' 544 544 28 316(b) Compliance Submittal H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX Overall Intake Cox Ferry Bridge Scientific Name Common Name Total Composition Total Number Number Composition Total Composition Number Amia calva Anguilla rostrata Cyprinella analostana Cyprinus carpio Dorosoma cepedianum D. petenense Esox niger Gambusia holbrooki Ictalurus furcatus 1. punctatus Lepisosteus osseus Lepomis auritus L. cyanellus L. gibbosus L. macrochirus L. microlophus Luxilus albeolus Micropterus salmoides Morone saxatilis Moxostoma callapsum Mugil cephalus Notropis hudsonius Bowfin American Eel Satinfin Shiner Common Carp Gizzard Shad Threadfin Shad Chain Pickerel Eastern Mosquitofish Blue Catfish Channel Catfish Longnose Gar Redbreast Sunfish Green Sunfish Pumpkinseed Bluegill Redear Sunfish White Shiner Largemouth Bass Striped Bassi Notchlip Redhorse Striped Mullet Spottail Shiner 36 11 3 42 50 85 1 2 58 6.0 1.8 0.5 7.0 8.3 14.1 0.2 0.3 9.7 4 1 5 45 41 1.8 0.4 2.2 19.9 18.1 48 8.0 5 2.2 56 9.3 37 16.4 2 0.3 4 0.7 4 1.8 2 0.3 2 0.9 98 16.3 41 18.1 18 3.0 17 7.5 18 3.0 10 4.4 2 0.3 1 0.4 578 Unknown 21 3.5 1 0.4 2 0.3 16 2.7 2 0.9 32 10 3 37 5 44 1 2 58 43 19 2 57 1 8 1 Unknown 20 2 14 8.5 2.7 0.8 9.9 1.3 11.7 0.3 0.5 15.5 11.5 5.1 0.5 15.2 0.3 2.1 0.3 5.3 0.5 3.7 29 316(b) Compliance Submittal H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX Overall Intake Cox Ferry Bridge Scientific Name Common Name Total Composition Total Composition Total Composition Number Number Number Pomoxis annularis P. nigromaculatus Pylodictis olivaris White Crappie 1 0.2 Black Crappie 12 2.0 Flathead Catfish 7 1.2 1 0.4 9 4.0 3 0.8 7 1.9 'Total number for American Shad and Striped Bass are presented but excluded from composition statistics. These collections were made by the NCWRC, and the amount of effort and locations (Stripped Bass only) were not consistent with the Duke Energy collections. 4.2.1 Exotic Species Common Carp was the only exotic species (USGS 2021) collected during the study period representing 7.0 % of the total individuals collected across all sites, and was a dominant species present at the Cox Ferry Bridge sampling location (Table 4-1). 4.3 Primary Growth Period Primary growth of ectothermic fish species occurs when water temperatures are 10°C or above. The conventional view on seasonal variation in fish growth in North America is that growth is fastest in the spring and early summer, slows in the late summer and fall, and virtually stops in the winter (Gebhart and Summerfelt 1978). The majority of fishes will have their highest densities shortly after the hatch occurs when larvae are concentrated, and natural mortality has not yet reduced numbers. Feeding competition is especially important during late spring through early summer when the bulk of fish are in their early life stages. During this time, they are more susceptible to starvation (May 1974). This is a critical stage in development, where larval fish have a short time period to initiate exogenous feeding before starving (Ehrlich 1974; Miller et al. 1988). 4.3.1 Reproduction and Recruitment Spawning and recruitment details for fish species collected in the Neuse River by the MWIS and Cox Ferry Bridge boat ramp are described in detail in Table 4-2 and 4-3. Most of the fish species collected prefer a spring — early summer spawning period. During this time period, egg and larval fish in the vicinity of the H.F. Lee MWIS are most susceptible to entrainment. Table 4-2. Known spawning and recruitment period of fish collected in the Neuse River by the MWIS and Cox Ferry Bridge boat ramp from 2018-2021 (Jenkins and Burkhead, 1993).1 Common Name Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Hickory Shad2 American Shad2 Bowfin American Eel 30 316(b) Compliance Submittal H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX Common Name Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Hickory Shade Satinfin Shiner Common Carp Gizzard Shad Threadfin Shad Chain Pickerel Eastern Mosquitofish ■ Blue Catfish Channel Catfish Longnose Gar Redbreast Sunfish Green Sunfish Pumpkinseed r Bluegill Redear Sunfish White Shiner Largemouth Bass Striped Bass Notchclip Redhorse Striped Mullet' Spottail Shiner White Crappie Black Crappie Flathead Catfish 'This table illustrates the potential spawning window and potential peak spawning period in the Neuse River based on a review of available literature and comparable southeastern rivers. Lighter shade indicates the spawning window and darker shading indicates the peak spawning period. 2 Species spawns in marine environments. 31 316(b) Compliance Submittal H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX Table 4-3. Seasonal and daily activities of species collected in the Neuse River by the MWIS and Cox Ferry Bridge boat ramp from 2018-2021 (Jenkins and Burkhead, 1993; Rohde et al, 2009). Species (Common Name) Hickory Shad Seasonal Activities (Spawning) Spawning occurs in tidal freshwater from April to early June. Spawning is thought to occur in main channels, flooded swamps, and sloughs. Eggs are slightly adhesive and semidemersal, fecundity ranges from 43,000-348,000 per female. Daily Activities (Feeding and Habitat) Adults spend their life in the Atlantic Ocean; upon reaching maturity, they enter freshwater from late winter to early spring to spawn. Primarily feeds on other fishes. Other prey includes squids, fish eggs, small crabs, and various pelagic crustaceans. American Shad Bowfin Spawning occurs in tidal freshwater from March through May when water temperatures are between 13-20° C. Spawning typically occurs over sand, gravel, silt, muck, cobble, and boulders at water depths usually less than 3 meters and currents between 15-90 cm/sec. Fecundity ranges between 116,000 and 659,000 eggs per female. Adults spend their life in the Atlantic Ocean; upon reaching maturity, they enter freshwater from late winter to early spring to spawn. Adults are predominantly planktivorous; foods include algae, copepods, ostracods, isopods, decapod larvae, mayflies, mollusks, fish eggs, and fishes. Spawning occurs from March to early June at temperatures between 16-19° C. Constructs bowl shaped nests in depression in shallow waters on bottom, in dense vegetation, among weeds, tree roots, or under logs, nest may occur singly or in groups. Eggs are demersal, adhesive, covered with filaments, and stick to surroundings. Young remain in nest guarded by male and are also guarded when they leave the nest. American Eel Inhabits slow water, usually found concealed in or near vegetation, near or in cover such as logs, branches, cut banks. Young eat insects and crustaceans, adults' prey on fish and anything catchable. Spawning occurs offshore in the Sargasso Sea. Transparent, ribbon like leptocephalus larvae passively drift westward and northward in major currents for about one year. Metamorphosis to glass eel occurs generally before reaching the continental shelf. Young glass eels continue migration coastward or upriver and darken in color to elvers. Eels continue to grow and transform to silver stage ells at sexual maturation. Maturing eels depart for the sea; no adult has been known to have return inshore. Dietary 32 Species (Common Name) Satinfin Shiner Seasonal Activities (Spawning) 316(b) Compliance Submittal H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX Daily Activities (Feeding and Habitat) generalist, eating live and recently dead animal material. Spawning occurs between May and mid -August when temperatures are between 18 — 30°C. Fractional spawners that deposit eggs in crevices of wood and other structures. Typically inhabit warm medium-sized streams to major rivers of moderate to low gradient. Can be found in pools, backwaters, and runs of shallow to moderate depth over a variety of substrates. Opportunistic feeder particularly on drifting items, principally, microcrustaceans, terrestrial and aquatic insects and algae. Common Carp Spawning occurs in the spring in the shallow water and along shorelines in reservoirs, over vegetation, tree roots, or open bottom, peak spawning occurs between 15 and 20°C and usually when aquatic vegetation is flooded during April and May. Spawning activities create lots of turbidity, eggs attach to vegetation or sink into the mud. Fecundity for large females can be over 2,000,000 ova. Tolerant of a wide range of environmental conditions. Typically found in the calm and mud - bottomed waters of sluggish pools, backwaters, and reservoirs where vegetation is present. Common Carp are omnivores. They ingest mouthfuls of the soft bottom sediments (detritus), expels them into the water, and then feed on the disclosed insects, crustaceans, annelid worms, mollusks, weed and tree seeds, aquatic plants, and algae. Gizzard Shad Spawning occurs from March to August, usually between April and June. Spawning occurs in sloughs, ponds, lakes, and reservoirs, usually at near - surface depths ranging from 0.3 - 1.6 meters. Sometimes spawning can occur over vegetation or debris Inhabits a variety of habitats but is considered a pelagic schooling fish. Filter feeder, using numerous fine gill rakers to strain plankton from the water column and occasionally from the bottom. Threadfin Shad Spawning occurs in aggregations at near surface depths often over structure. Eggs are demersal and adhere to vegetation and brush. Inhabits a variety of habitats but is considered a pelagic schooling fish. Filter feeders that strain the plankton from the mid -water column, open water. Chain Pickerel Spawning occurs from January — March when water temperatures range from 2 - 22°C. Spawning activity typically occurs in shallow water up to 3 meters, usually among submerged vegetation. Inhabits clear, cool and warm, sluggish creeks, rivers, ditches, natural and artificial ponds, and lakes that are well vegetated. Generally found in water less than 3 meters deep. Young feed primarily on fish, small crustaceans, and insects. Adults feed primarily on fish. Eastern Mosquitofish Spawning occurs during the warm months of the year. Prolific livebearer. The number per brood ranges proportionally to the size of the female, typically one to more than 300. Inhabits a wide range of conditions, but favors vegetated areas of lakes, oxbows, ponds, drainage ditches, sloughs, and backwaters of creeks and rivers over a soft substrate of mud or and. Feeds primarily on surface dwelling aquatic insects and their larve. 33 Species (Common Name) Blue Catfish Seasonal Activities (Spawning) Spawning occurs between April and July when water temperatures are between 21 — 24°C. Nests are constructed in sheltered areas by the male or both sexes. 316(b) Compliance Submittal H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX Daily Activities (Feeding and Habitat) Inhabits large -river and reservoir systems with deep swift channels and well -flowing pools. Young fish feed on small invertebrates. Juvenile and Adults feed on an array of invertebrates, fishes, mollusk and occasionally frogs. Channel Catfish Spawning occurs from May through July, between 21 and 30°C, nests are constructed in sheltered areas. Inhabit lakes, rivers, streams occupying a variety of habitats and substrates. Young feed primarily on plankton and insect larvae and larger fish eat almost any available food items including other fish. Longnose Gar Spawning typically occurs in May and June. Spawning typically occurs near the shore in slow runs over boulder and bedrock at a depth of 1 to 1.5 meters. Eggs are adhesive. Redbreast Sunfish Green Sunfish Spawning occurs from June thru August between 16 - 28°C. Nests are constructed over sand and gravel, often with overhead cover, eggs are adhesive and can form large clumps in the nest, males guard eggs in the nest. Inhabits medium-sized streams to large rivers, marshes, swamps, lakes, reservoirs, and estuaries. Typically associated with weedy areas and other cover in pools and backwaters. Feeds primarily on fish. Inhabits pool habitat, lakes, and rivers, associates with woody debris, stumps, and undercut banks, abundant in upstream reaches of reservoirs, rip - rap shoreline, and rocky points. A generalist predator that eats insects, crayfish, arthropods, mollusks, and fishes. Spawning occurs April through August, constructs nests in colonies as shallow depressions in sand and gravel in pools in sand and gravel near shelter such as logs and vegetation, males guard eggs in nests. Inhabit slow pools and backwaters of low- and moderate gradient streams and rivers, but also occur in ponds, lakes, and reservoirs. Highly tolerant of conditions such as turbidity and drought and can rapidly colonize new habitats. Food preferences are aquatic insects and small fishes. Frequently associated with vegetation and large rocky areas or rip -rap shorelines. Pumpkinseed Bluegill Spawning occurs in April and May between 16 and 21°C but may extend to August. Constructs solitary nests in open shallow water on sand and gravel. Males guard eggs within the nest. Inhabits ponds, lakes, reservoirs, creeks, and streams. Feeds on microcrustaceans, aquatic insects, snails, small clams, and some small fishes. Spawning occurs from May through September, generally most of the growing season, peaking in June. Fish construct nests in aggregations in shallow water on sand or gravel bottoms, eggs are guarded by male. Inhabits pools, lakes, streams, and rivers, with vegetation, overhead cover, structure. Young are planktivorous, adults eat aquatic and terrestrial insects. Redear Sunfish Generally, spawning occurs from Inhabits lacustrine ecosystems, generally found in April through August, with the vegetated lakes, ponds, reservoirs, streams, 34 Species (Common Name) White Shiner Seasonal Activities (Spawning) 316(b) Compliance Submittal H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX Daily Activities (Feeding and Habitat) onset of temperatures between 20 - 21°C. Nests found in aggregate and are constructed in waters shallower than 2 meters, often near vegetation and in colonies, males guard eggs in the nest. Spawning occurs from May through July with temperatures between 17.5 — 24°C. Spawning is typically associated with the nest -building chubs or other nest builders. rivers, or backwater areas. Generally, feeds on small prey, snails, and small mussels and clams, small insects and fishes. Inhabits pools within cool and warm streams of moderate gradient. Primarily feeds on aquatic and terrestrial insects. Largemouth Bass Striped Bass Spawning occurs late April to June when temperatures are between 16 - 18°C, with peak spawning occurring in April and May. Nests are generally located in sand or gravel at the base of logs, stumps, and emergent vegetation along shorelines usually at depths of 0.6 meters. Both male and female guard eggs in nest. Inhabits a wide variety of habitats. Prefer warm, calm, and clear water and thrive in slow streams, farm ponds, lakes, and reservoirs. Young feed primarily on plankton, insects, small fishes, adults feed on fishes, frogs, and almost any other animal of appropriate size. Spawning occurs from March through May with an optimal temperature of 17 - 18°C. Striped Bass spawn in roving, surface and near -surface congregations. Eggs are semi - buoyant or buoyant and non- adhesive. Fecundity ranges from 15,000 to 4,000,000 mature ova. Anadromous stripers typically spawn in the lower tidal and non -tidal sections of large rivers in salinities less than 10 (ppt). Males tend to ascent rivers before females and stage in the rock-strewn areas of some rivers, such as the Fall Zone. Adults are predaceous generalist, usually becoming piscivorous after the early juvenile stage. Notchclip Redhorse Striped Mullet Spawning occurs in April and May when water temperatures range from 11- 15°C. Spawning is typically associated with shallow riffles over gravel and rubble. Inhabits large streams, small to big rivers, and natural and artificial lakes. Feeds on insect larvae, microcrustaceans, crayfishes, mollusks, algae and detritus. Spawning occurs from November to January offshore in and around the continental shelf. Fecundity estimates range up to 4,000,000 eggs per female. Inhabits shallow waters of the ocean, estuaries, tidal pools, high marshes and low -salinity creeks. Only the adults enter fresh water and migrate up to the Fall Zone. Adults are herbivorous detritivore and feeds on a high -cellulose diet. Spottail Shiner Spawning occurs from mid -April through mid -June. Spawning occurs in large aggregations and in groups of two to five Inhabits an array of lotic habitats, ranging from typically clear, mostly rocky, moderate gradient streams to often turbid, sandy, muddy, silty, and sluggish water. Feeds on microcrustaceans, 35 Species (Common Name) White Crappie Black Crappie Seasonal Activities (Spawning) 316(b) Compliance Submittal H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX Daily Activities (Feeding and Habitat) individuals. Fecundity ranges from 100 — 8,898 eggs. aquatic and terrestrial insects, young shiners, fish eggs, and plant material. Spawning occurs from March through July throughout the species range. Spawning occurs when water temperatures are between 16 — 20°C. Fecundity ranges from 2,900 to 213,000 mature eggs. Inhabits warm ponds, lakes, reservoirs and pools of low to moderate gradient streams and rivers. Young and juvenile fish feed on crustaceans and insets. Adults feed on a variety of fishes, insects, and other aquatic invertebrates including plankton. Spawning occurs from late February to early June. Nests are constructed in shallow water to moderately deep water (to 6 meters), sometimes in close proximity to each other and usually associated with vegetation or structure, larvae are pelagic and move inshore as larger juveniles. Inhabits vegetated areas of backwaters in streams and rivers in ponds and reservoirs, aggregates around structure and associates with aquatic vegetation, fallen trees, and stumps. Young Black Crappie feed on aquatic insects and small fishes and adults feed primarily on fishes. Flathead Catfish Spawning occurs in June and July. Nests consist of cleaned substrate near cover or in a cavity. Fecundity ranges from 6,900 —11,300 eggs. Inhabits warm large streams, big rivers, lakes and reservoirs. In streams, young and juveniles are usually associated with riffles, while larger fish favor moderate to deep pools with cover. Young feed on microcrustaceans and insect larvae; adults feed on crayfishes, clams, and particularly, fishes. 4.4 Species and Life Stages Susceptible to Impingement and Entrainment The HFLCCS closed -cycle cooling system is compliant with impingement BTA requirements of the Rule. As such, no species or life stages are anticipated to be highly susceptible to impingement at the H.F. Lee MWIS (Table 4-4). While some species may have the potential to be entrained, based on the operational parameters of the MWIS in the Intake Canal (low DIF and TSV), interactions with aquatic organisms are expected to be limited with no potential for adverse environmental impacts. 4.4.1 Impingement The degree of vulnerability to impingement exhibited by adult and juvenile fish species depends upon biological and behavioral factors including seasonal fish community structure, spawning effects on distribution, habitat surrounding intake structures, high flow events, and attraction to the flow associated with the intake. In addition, swimming speed, intake velocity, screen mesh size, trash rack spacing, and other intake configurations will also affect the susceptibility to impingement. For example, clupeids have high susceptibility to impingement based on multiple factors such as schooling behavior, distribution in the water column, negative rheotactic response to intake flows, and poor swimming performance in winter months due to lower water temperatures (Loar et al 1978). 36 316(b) Compliance Submittal H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX No ongoing or relevant impingement studies have been performed at the HFLCCS. The MWIS withdraws water from a constructed Intake Canal off the mainstem Neuse River (Figure 2-1) that provides makeup to a closed cooling system pond. In the Rule, facilities with closed cycle cooling are compliant with the impingement reduction standard. 4.4.2 Entrainment Ichthyoplankton (egg and larval life stage of fishes) exhibit the highest degree of susceptibility to entrainment based on body size and swimming ability. Therefore, an organism is most susceptible to entrainment for a portion of their life cycle. Larger juvenile and adult life stages have the swimming ability to avoid entrainment. Life history characteristics can influence the vulnerability of a fish species to entrainment. For example, broadcast spawners with non -adhesive, free-floating eggs can drift with water currents and may become entrained in a MWIS, while nest -building species with adhesive eggs are less susceptible to entrainment during early life stages. When considering the spawning preference of the species present in the Neuse River (i.e., Cox Ferry Bridge) and the Intake Canal (Table 4-3) and the habitat in the immediate vicinity of the MWIS (low flow, stagnant water; Figure 2-1), this area is not preferred spawning habitat for many of the species collected. These factors alone result in a low entrainment potential for eggs and larvae. Table 4-4. Entrainment potential for fish (egg and larvae) species present near the HFLCCS MWIS. Species (Common Spawning Habitat Name) Use/Preference Anadromous open water Hickory Shad spawner. Eggs are slightly adhesive and semidemersal. Potential for Entrainment' Unlikely due to habitat and spawning preference. None were collected in the Intake Canal. American Shad Bowfin American Eel Anadromous open water spawner. Eggs are slightly adhesive and semidemersal. Unlikely due to habitat and spawning preference. None were collected in the Intake Canal. Cavity nester in shallow waters on bottom, in dense vegetation, among weeds, tree roots, or under logs, nest may occur singly or in groups. Eggs are demersal, adhesive, covered with filaments, and stick to surroundings. Unlikely due to habitat and spawning preference, and low abundance. Catadromous offshore spawner Unlikely due to habitat and spawning preference, in the Sargasso Sea. and low abundance. Satinfin Shiner Fractional spawners that deposit adhesive eggs in crevices of wood and other structures. Unlikely due to habitat and spawning preference. No collections in the Intake Canal. Common Carp Lays adhesive eggs in shallow Unlikely due to habitat and spawning preference, vegetation. and low abundance. Gizzard Shad Random, aggregate, shallow water surface spawners. Adhesive eggs. Possible due to the habitat around the MWIS, abundance and spawning behavior. Threadfin Shad Aggregate, shallow water surface spawners. Adhesive eggs. Possible due to the habitat around the MWIS, abundance and spawning behavior. 37 Species (Common Name) Chain Pickerel Spawning Habitat Use/Preference Spawns along vegetated substrate in shallow water, approximately < 3.0 meters. Eastern Mosquitofish Live barer with internal fertilization. Blue Catfish Cavity nesters. 316(b) Compliance Submittal H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX Potential for Entrainment' Unlikely due to habitat and spawning preference. No collections in the Intake Canal. Unlikely due to life history requirements, and low abundance. No collections in the Intake Canal. Unlikely due to habitat and spawning preference. No collections in the Intake Canal. Channel Catfish Cavity nesters. Unlikely due to habitat and spawning preference, and low abundance. Longnose Gar Shoreline spawner in slower moving water. Possible due to the habitat around the MWIS, abundance and spawning behavior. Redbreast Sunfish Green Sunfish Pumpkinseed Bluegill Construct nests over silt -free or lightly silted sand and gravel in cover. Unlikely due to habitat and spawning preference. No collections in the Intake Canal. Construct nests around vegetation. Unlikely due to habitat and spawning preference, and low abundance. Constructs nest in open shallow water on sand and gravel Unlikely due to habitat and spawning preference, and low abundance. Nest generally constructed in shallow waters. Possible due to species abundance. Redear Sunfish White Shiner Largemouth Bass Striped Bass Nest generally constructed in shallow waters. Unlikely due to habitat and spawning preference, demersal and adhesive eggs, parental care of nest until larvae swim -up. Spawning is typically associated with the nest -building chubs or other nest builders. Unlikely due to habitat and spawning preference. Nest constructed in shallow areas of 0.3 - 2 meters. Unlikely due to habitat and spawning preference, and low abundance. Notchclip Redhorse Striped Mullet Spottail Shiner White Crappie Black Crappie Anadromous, roving, surface, and near -surface congregations. Unlikely due to habitat and spawning preference. No collections in the Intake Canal. Spawning occurs in shallow riffles over gravel and rubble. Unlikely due to habitat and spawning preference, and low abundance. Offshore spawner. Unlikely due to habitat and spawning preference. No collections in the Intake Canal. Spawning occurs in large aggregations and in groups of two to five individuals. Unlikely due to habitat and spawning preference, and low abundance. Construct nests around vegetation close to other nests. Unlikely due to habitat and spawning preference, demersal and adhesive eggs, parental care of nest until larvae swim -up, and low abundance. Flathead Catfish Construct nests around vegetation close to other nests. Unlikely due to habitat and spawning preference, demersal and adhesive eggs, parental care of nest until larvae swim -up, and low abundance. Opportunistic cavity nester. Unlikely due to habitat and spawning preference. No collections in the Intake Canal. 'Low TSV of the MWIS and closed cycle cooling minimizes the potential for entrainment for all species based on their ability for avoidance of the intake. Species with floating eggs would continue to have some susceptibility to entrainment. 38 316(b) Compliance Submittal H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX 4.4.3 Selected Species A subset of species present (dominant species) near the MWIS (i.e., Intake Canal) with the highest likelihood to be entrained was selected for detailed life history descriptions including reproduction, recruitment, and peak abundance as detailed in excerpts from Freshwater Fishes of Virginia (Jenkins 1993). The habitat in the immediate vicinity of the MWIS is described as shallow, low -flow and sometime stagnant, and surrounded by riprap. Most fish species are using the vicinity of the CWIS for staging or foraging. Of the species present, Longnose Gar, Bluegill, Gizzard Shad, and Threadfin Shad have the highest likelihood of being entrained based on species abundance (Bluegill and Longnose Gar) and spawning preference (Gizzard Shad and Threadfin Shad). Gizzard Shad Gizzard Shad are native to the Atlantic and Gulf Slopes and to interior drainages of eastern and central North America. The Gizzard Shad is characterized as a pelagic, schooling fish that occurs in a variety of habitats. It inhabits pools and runs of medium streams to rivers of low or moderate gradient, and populates reservoirs, lakes, swamps, floodwater pools, estuaries, brackish bays, and occasionally, marine waters (R. R. Miller 1960, 1964). Spawning typically occurs from March through August (Miller 1960) within freshwater sloughs, ponds, and reservoirs, usually at near -surface depths (0.3 - 1.6 meters) but sometimes as deep as 15 meters, and sometimes over vegetation or debris (Gunter 1938, Miller 1960, Shelton and Grinstead 1973, Jones et al. 1978, Wang and Kernehan 1979). Spawning groups swim near the surface and roll about a mass, releasing egg and sperm (Miller 1960). Eggs are demersal and adhere to algae, rocks, or other objects (R. R. Miller 1960, 1964). Fecundity ranges from 22, 400 to 543,910 ova (Bodola 1966, Schneider 1969). Threadfin Shad The native range of the Threadfin Shad extends from the lower Mississippi basin, the Gulf Slope and Peninsular Florida to Guatemala and Belize (R. R. Miller 1964). Threadfin Shad is described as a pelagic schooling fish of fresh and brackish water. In fresh water, Threadfin Shad inhabit medium sized streams to rivers of low to moderate gradient (R. R. Miller 1964 and Burns 1966). Stream -dwelling Threadfin Shad often congregate in turbulent zones below dams, and generally tend to associate with current more than Gizzard Shad (Pflieger 1975). Threadfin Shad typically spawn in freshwater from April through July when water temperatures are between 14.4 and 27.2°C (Burns 1966, R.R Miller 1964, Johnson 1971, Jones et al. 1978). Demersal adhesive eggs are often shed over submerged structures such as plant beds and brush (Berry et al. 1956, Gerdes 1961, R. R. Miller 1964, Rawstron 1964, Lambou 1965, and Burns 1966). Estimated egg counts range from 800 to 21,000 (Jones et al. 1978), but because individuals may repeatedly spawn over a season, individual egg counts may grossly underestimate fecundity. Bluegill Bluegill are native to the Great Lakes -St. Lawrence and Mississippi basins, the Atlantic slope probably from North Carolina southward, and the Gulf slope west to Texas. This species of fish is the most widely introduced species of Sunfish (Jenkins 1993). Bluegills are found in pools and backwaters of low to moderate -gradient creeks, streams, and rivers, and in all types of lacustrine habitats. The Bluegill occupies clear and turbid waters, hard and silted substrates (Graham and Hastings 1984). 39 316(b) Compliance Submittal H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX Spawning likely occurs from May to August or September, typically over nest constructed by males in shallows on sand or gravel; nest frequently occur in colonies (Coggeshall 1924, Crowe 1959, and Gross and MacMillan 1981). Bluegill average five spawning events and produce about 80,000 eggs per year (Estes 1949). Longnose Gar Longnose Gar are native to a large portion of eastern North America, including North Carolina. Longnose Gar are found in medium-sized streams to large rivers, marshes, swamps, lakes, reservoirs, and estuaries. They are frequently associated with weedy areas over cover in pools and backwaters (Jenkins and Burkhead 1993). Spawning typically occurs during the spring and early portion of summer along banks in slow runs over boulders and bedrock. Adhesive eggs are scattered over the bottom singly and in small clusters (Jenkins and Burkhead 1993). Fecundity ranges from 6,200 to 77,150 eggs (Carlander 1969). 4.5 Threatened, Endangered, and Other Protected Species Susceptible to Impingement and Entrainment at the MWIS The Rule requires the permittee to document the presence of federally listed species and designated critical habitat in the action area (see 40 CFR 125.98[f]). For the purpose of defining listed species, the action area is defined as a rectangle that was 3 miles east -west by 2 miles north -south that encompassed the HFLCCS cooling pond and the Neuse River near the MWIS. A desktop review of available resources was performed to develop a list of species with protected, endangered, or threatened status that might be susceptible to impingement and entrainment at the MWIS at the HFLCCS. The United States Fish and Wildlife Services (USFWS) map -based search tool (Information for Planning and Consultation [IPaC]) was used to identify state or federally listed rare, threatened, or endangered (RTE) aquatic species or critical habitat designations within the defined search area. Listed species spatial occurrence data from the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program was cross-referenced spatially relative to the HFLCCS MWIS. Anadromous federally listed species and designated critical habitat under the National Marine Fisheries Service jurisdiction were considered, but federally listed marine species were not. State and federally listed rare, threatened, or endangered aquatic species or critical habitat designations occurring within the vicinity of the HFLCCS, are provided in Table 4-5. Federal species of concern and candidate species were omitted from the list (unless they were also state threatened or endangered), as there are no requirements to address those species under the Rule or Section 7 of the ESA. The following materials were reviewed to develop the species list in Table 4-5: • IPaC (https://ecos.fws.gov/ipac/) (USFWS 2021) • North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources (NCDNCR) Natural Heritage Program Data explorer listed species element occurrence data (NCDNCR 2021) • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NOAA) (https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/species-directory/threatened-endangered) (NOAA 2021) 40 316(b) Compliance Submittal H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX Fish sampling conducted near the HFLCCS discussed in Section 4.2 of this report resulted in no collections of federally or state -listed species from 2015 to 2020. The USFWS IPaC search indicated that the Atlantic Pigtoe (Fusconaia masoni), Carolina Madtom (Noturus furiosus), Neuse River Waterdog (Necturus lewisi), and Tar River Spinymussel (Elliptio steinstansana) might be affected by activities in the search location (3.0 x 2.0 mile rectangle encompassing the MWIS). Both the IPaC search and the NCNHP search indicated that the Neuse River Waterdog and its critical habitat are within the search area. The NOAA threatened and endangered species searches indicated that Atlantic Sturgeon and its critical habitat are in the Neuse River. Critical habitat for the Atlantic Sturgeon and the Neuse River Waterdog is designated only for the main stem portion of the Neuse River and does not include waters or habitat in the MWIS intake canal or the side channel (Figure 2-1). Table 4-5. Summary of Rare (R), Threatened (T), Proposed Threatened (PT) or Endangered (E) aquatic species listed for the area around the HFLCCS and record of occurrence or potential to occur near the MWIS. Source NOAA Scientific Name Common Name Federal State Record of occurrence or potential Status Status to occur near the HFLCCS MWIS Acipenser Shortnose brevirostrum Sturgeon E E No record of occurrence. Unlikely to occur, preferred habitat is not present in the vicinity of the MWIS. NOAA Acipenser Atlantic oxyrinchus Sturgeon E E No record of occurrence. Unlikely to occur, preferred habitat is not present in the vicinity of the MWIS. Critical habitat designated on Neuse River mainstem and not for the intake canal or side channel. No impact to Critical Habitat. Elliptio Tar River Unlikely to occur, preferred USFWS steinstansana Spinymussel E E habitat is not present in the vicinity of the MWIS. Unlikely to occur, preferred USFWS Fusconaia Atlantic Pigtoe PT E habitat is not present in the masoni vicinity of the MWIS. Unlikely, preferred habitat is not present in the vicinity of the NCNHP Neuse River MWIS. Necturus Lewis i T SC Critical habitat designated on USFWS Waterdog Neuse River mainstem and not for the intake canal or side channel. No impact to Critical Habitat. Unlikely to occur, preferred habitat is not present in the Carolina vicinity of the MWIS. USFWS Notorus furiosus Madtom E T Extirpated from main stem of Neuse River. Only extant and rare occurrences are in a large tributary downstream. 41 316(b) Compliance Submittal H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX 4.6 Documentation of Consultation with Services In preparing this response package for compliance with CWA §316(b), there has been neither public participation, nor coordination undertaken with EPA, NMFS, or USFWS, collectively known as the Services. 4.7 Information Submitted to Obtain Incidental Take Exemption or Authorization from Services Duke Energy has not submitted information to obtain incidental take exemption or authorization from the Services for the HFLCCS MWIS. 4.8 Methods and Quality Assurance Procedures for Field Efforts Data presented in this report were compiled from fish surveys conducted by the DEP Water Resources team and the NCWRC. All DEP data were collected according to NCDEQ approved procedures under the DEP Biological Laboratory Certification number 006. 4.9 Protective Measures and Stabilization Activities There are no protective measures or stabilization activities associated with the HFLCCS MWIS. 4.10 Fragile Species In the Rule, the USEPA identifies 14 species (§125.92(m)) of fish as fragile or having post -impingement survival rates of less than 30 percent. The occurrence of fragile species near the HFLCCS MWIS in the Neuse River has been documented by DEP and the NCWRC (Table 4-1 and 4-6). Table 4-6. List of fragile species as defined by the EPA and their occurrence near the HFLCCS MWIS in the Neuse River. Scientific Name Common Name Alosa pseudoharengus Alewife Alosa sapidissima American Shad Clupea harengus Occurrence in the vicinity of the HFLCCS MWIS No Yes Atlantic Herring No Doryteuthis (Amerigo) pealeii Atlantic Longfin Squid Anchoa mitchilli Bay Anchovy Alosa aestivalis Blueback Herring Pomatomus saltatrix Bluefish Poronotus triacanthus Butterfish Lutjanus griseus Grey Snapper Alosa mediocris Hickory Shad Brevoortia tyrannus Atlantic Menhaden Osmerus mordax Rainbow Smelt Etrumeus sadina Round Herring Engraulis eurystole Silver Anchovy No No No No No No Yes No No No No 42 316(b) Compliance Submittal H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX 5 Cooling Water System Data [§122.21(r)(5)(i)] The information required to be submitted per 40 CFR §122.21(r)(5), Cooling water system data, is outlined as follows: (i) A narrative description of the operation of the cooling water system and its relationship to cooling water intake structures; the proportion of the design intake flow that is used in the system; the number of days of the year the cooling water system is in operation and seasonal changes in the operation of the system, if applicable; the proportion of design intake flow for contact cooling, non - contact cooling, and process uses; a distribution of water reuse to include cooling water reused as process water, process water reused for cooling, and the use of gray water for cooling; a description of reductions in total water withdrawals including cooling water intake flow reductions already achieved through minimized process water withdrawals; a description of any cooling water that is used in a manufacturing process either before or after it is used for cooling, including other recycled process water flows; the proportion of the source waterbody withdrawn (on a monthly basis); (ii) Design and engineering calculations prepared by a qualified professional and supporting data to support the description required by paragraph (r)(5)(i) of this section; and, (iii) Description of existing impingement and entrainment technologies or operational measures and a summary of their performance, including but not limited to reductions in impingement mortality and entrainment due to intake location and reductions in total water withdrawals and usage. Each of these requirements is described in the following subsections. 5.1 Description of Cooling Water System Operation [§122.21(r)(5)(i)] The HFLCCS circulating water system is a closed -loop system with cooling water recycled and reused in the steam turbine condenser. The purpose of the circulating water system is to supply cooling water to the steam turbine condenser and to be used as service water for various plant uses such as fire water, plant area wash water, and makeup water to the HRSG (after purification). The heat transferred to the circulating water in the condenser is rejected to the atmosphere by the evaporation process in the cooling pond. The MWIS is operated as necessary to maintain cooling pond elevation. 5.1.1 Cooling Water System Operation Two vertical circulating water pumps, each rated at 189.36 MGD (131,500 gpm) supply cooling water to the condenser and additional circulating water to the auxiliary cooling water heat exchangers. Heated water from these systems is returned to the cooling pond through the circulating water piping. The heated circulating water is cooled by the cooling pond and the cycle is repeated. The HFLCCS has one cooling pond and system flow is counterclockwise. Figure 5-1 provides an aerial of the HFLCCS closed cycle cooling system. 43 316(b) Compliance Submittal H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX . ' aJ • '��i•.- 4:ai'-•U. only ; •• • Figure 5-1. HFLCC cooling pond general arrangement (denoted locations are approximate). At full pool elevation and pond volume of 173.7 million cubic feet, the average residence time is approximately 3.6 days for a design flow of 250,000 gpm. The heat load of the pond is 1.02 MW per acre which is average for a cooling pond system. The cooling pond is operated to maintain an elevation between 79.5 and 79.8 feet. Table 5-1 provides relevant pond elevations. Table 5-1. HFLCC Cooling Pond elevations. Characteristic Elevation, feet Average cooling pond dike crest 82.0 Design high 80.0 Normal operating 79.5 — 79.8 Minimum for reliable lake forwarding pump operation 76.25 Lake bottom elevation at lake forwarding pumphouse 76.0 Most of water losses in the circulating water system is through evaporation in the cooling pond. Losses are compensated by the cooling pond makeup pumps located in the MWIS. Typically, evaporation is higher during the hot summer months (July — August) and therefore the makeup pumps would be expected to operate more during these months. 5.1.2 Proportion of Design Flow Used in the Cooling Water System Water withdrawals from the Neuse River to support HFLCCS operations from 2017 through 2021 are provided in Table 3-1 (Section 3.4). Based on the engineering design water balance diagram (Figure 3-1), approximately 99.9 percent of the water withdrawn from the cooling pond is used for condenser cooling. The remainder is used as service water for various plant uses such as fire protection water, chiller system makeup, boiler wash water, and HRSG makeup water. Table 5-2 provides the proportion of the 35.0 MGD DIF withdrawn during the 2017-2021 period. 44 316(b) Compliance Submittal H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX Table 5-2. Percent Monthly Proportion of Design Flow Withdrawn at the HFLCCS. Month 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Average January 11.3 13.8 8.1 8.0 4.2 9.1 February 12.4 8.4 5.4 7.6 0.0 6.8 March 11.9 11.0 15.3 11.7 0.0 10.0 April 34.9 16.7 11.2 17.3 13.5 18.7 May 12.3 5.2 15.1 9.0 11.5 10.6 June 13.9 25.7 19.5 5.6 20.7 17.1 July 22.9 16.9 19.0 24.8 9.0 18.6 August 20.3 8.3 17.9 14.2 19.4 16.0 September 11.8 9.5 15.1 11.8 8.9 11.4 October 20.7 8.6 12.7 11.9 17.3 14.2 November 7.7 7.7 11.8 12.3 1.9 8.3 December 23.5 21.5 21.5 8.8 8.9 13.8 Although historical averages are not necessarily indicative of future withdrawals, only 12.9 percent of the DIF was withdrawn from the Neuse River from 2017 through 2021. 5.1.3 Cooling Water System Operation Characterization Operation of the cooling water system results in an increased makeup water demand and makeup water pump operation. As presented in Section 3.3, the MWIS was nearly continuously available for operation during the 2017-2021 period with an average daily operation of approximately 6.2 hours each day (i.e., about 25.6% each day) assuming single pump operation. HFLCCS steam turbine and/or combustion turbine outages typically occur in the spring and/or fall. Monthly total flow data during the 2017-2021 period is provided in Figure 5-2. MWIS withdrawals during the summer months (i.e., May to September) are typically higher than the remainder of the year due to increased cooling pond evaporation resulting from higher ambient temperatures. 45 400.0 350.0 300.0 250.0 c 0 E 200.0 0 2 150.0 100.0 50.0 0.0 li i 316(b) Compliance Submittal H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX li 1 1 ddid . Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec ■ 2017 ■ 2018 ■ 2019 2020 ■ 2021 Figure 5-2. Monthly Total MWIS Withdrawals at HFLCCS At the administrative single pump operation (12,150 gpm) the calculated TSV is 0.48 fps while at the AIF (3,132 gpm) the calculated TSV is 0.12 fps. Appendix C provides TSV calculations. 5.1.4 Distribution of Water Reuse The distribution of water reuse does not apply to HFLCCS because this facility does not reuse cooling water as process water, reuse process water for cooling purposes, or use grey water for cooling purposes. 5.1.5 Description of Reductions in Total Water Withdrawals The HFLCCS is a single combined cycle unit, natural gas -fired electric generating facility with a current generating capacity of 1,059 MW. As shown in Table 5 3, the HFLCCS is more efficient in cooling water usage, producing 1.8 times more power output while using about the same amount of cooling water than the now -demolished former coal-fired units. Table 5-3. Comparison of HFLCCS to former coal-fired units. Characteristic Demolished coal-fired units HFLCCS Total Generation, MW 382 1,059 Fuel Coal Natural Gas Total Design Cooling Water Flow, MGD 372 379 Cooling System Closed -Cycle Closed -Cycle MW/MGD Ratio 1.03 2.80 46 316(b) Compliance Submittal H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX 5.1.6 Description of Cooling Water Used in Manufacturing Process HFLCCS cooling water is not used in a manufacturing process either before or after the water is used for cooling. 5.1.7 Proportion of Source Waterbody Withdrawn Withdrawal from the Neuse River is dependent on the cooling pond makeup water demand, maximum pump capacity, and water losses due to evaporation and system losses. Monthly average Neuse River flows and monthly average HFLCCS water withdrawals during the 2017-2021 period are provided in Table 5-4. The percent of source water withdrawal for cooling pond makeup ranges from a low of 0.00 percent (February 2021, March 2021) to a high of 1.67 percent (October 2017). Table 5-4. HFLCCS Percent of Source Waterbody (Neuse River) Withdrawal Month 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 January 0.22 0.61 0.07 0.12 0.03 February 0.55 0.20 0.07 0.05 0.00 March 0.52 0.23 0.12 0.23 0.00 April 0.46 0.27 0.10 0.49 0.29 May 0.10 0.11 0.59 0.13 0.94 June 0.27 1.04 0.51 0.06 0.48 July 1.30 1.32 0.73 1.05 0.13 August 1.39 0.15 0.99 0.16 0.66 September 0.56 0.06 0.54 0.15 0.84 October 1.67 0.13 0.99 0.22 0.91 November 0.65 0.07 0.65 0.10 0.18 December 1.25 0.04 0.43 0.08 0.61 Annual 0.45 0.17 0.27 0.15 0.16 Average During the 2017-2021 period of record for this report, the HFLCCS average withdrawal was 0.24 percent of the Neuse River source waterbody flow. 5.2 Design and Engineering Calculations [§122.21(r)(5)(ii)] The following table provides calculated TSV values. Appendix C presents the engineering calculations of TSV for the MWIS bar rack as prepared by a qualified professional. 47 Table 5-4. MWIS TSV Calculations Flow Scenario AIF (2017-2021) Rated flow (one pump) One pump at design low water elevation Theoretical maximum possible (two pumps)10 316(b) Compliance Submittal H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX Calculated TSV 0.12 fps 0.48 fps 0.49 fps 0.96 fps Low level elevation = 57.0 feet, High level elevation = 79.0 feet 5.3 Description of Existing Impingement and Entrainment Reduction Measures [§122.21(r)(5)(iii)] The HFLCCS achieves substantial reductions in entrainment and impingement by means of flow reduction. The underlying assumption for entrainment is that entrainable organisms have limited or no motility and passively move with the water entering the power plant cooling water structure; therefore, reduction in flow results in a commensurate reduction in entrainment. At HFLCCS, this flow reduction is achieved through the use of a closed -cycle recirculating cooling pond with minimized makeup. Utilization of closed -cycle cooling results in a flow reduction of 98.8 percent relative to OTC at HFLCCS using the 2017-2021 period of record AIF. In addition to providing a significant reduction of organisms entrained, the lower flows associated with closed -cycle cooling also result in a commensurate reduction in the potential for impingement at the facility. As the MWIS bar rack screens have a maximum TSV of 0.48 fps with single pump operation, the risk of impingement is essentially eliminated. The annual average AIF of 4.51 MGD at HFLCCS (see Section 3.4) is small and the calculated TSV is 0.12 fps. Thus, the MWIS A01 would not extend beyond the face of the bar rack and is likely substantially less than the source waterbody current. Based on the AOI calculations, impingement at HFLCCS is negligible and more likely approaches zero. 5.3.1 Best Technology Available for Entrainment To aid the Director in making a BTA determination, the following is provided to support the conclusion that the existing HFLCCS configuration and operation results in the maximum reduction in entrainment warranted and no additional entrainment controls are warranted. Most importantly, the HFLCCS uses closed -cycle cooling, which minimizes entrainment through flow reduction. The flow reduction achieved, compared to OTC, is calculated at 98.8 percent based on the AIF during the period of record. The EPA allows broad flexibility in the BTA determination for individual facilities, but also supports closed -cycle cooling as a BTA option for entrainment as confirmed through this statement in the preamble to the Rule: "Although this rule leaves the BTA entrainment determination to the Director, with the possible BTA decisions ranging from no additional controls to closed -cycle recirculating systems plus additional controls as warranted, EPA expects that the Director, in the site - specific permitting proceeding, will determine that facilities with properly operated 10 Although theoretically possible, pump controls would prohibit two pump operation. 48 316(b) Compliance Submittal H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX closed -cycle recirculating systems do not require additional entrainment reduction control measures." Closed -cycle cooling as a potential entrainment BTA is further reiterated in the Response to Public Comments document, where EPA states: "EPA has made it clear that a facility that uses a closed -cycle recirculating system, as defined in the rule, would meet the rule requirements for impingement mortality at § 125.94(c)(1). This rule language specifically identifies closed -cycle as a compliance alternative for the [impingement mortality] performance standards. EPA expects the Director would conclude that such a facility would not be subject to additional entrainment controls to meet BTA." The final rule for new facilities as well as the new units provision within the Rule provide similar support for closed -cycle cooling as entrainment BTA at HFLCCS: • The final Rule for new facilities published in the Federal Register on December 18, 2001 and with an effective date of January 17, 2002 does prescribe BTA for entrainment, which HFLCCS meets. Regulations are more stringent for new facilities than for existing facilities. By virtue of meeting the most stringent entrainment BTA criteria (i.e., applicable to new facilities), HFLCCS is compliant for entrainment BTA under the final Rule for existing facilities. • If HFLCCS were classified as a new unit at an existing facility, the station would be in compliance with the more stringent requirements stated at §125.94(e), BTA standards for impingement mortality and entrainment for new units at existing facilities. Beyond this regulatory guidance, the number of organisms expected to be entrained at HFLCCS is very low. Since entrainment is proportional to flow, reductions in flow equate to commensurate reductions in entrainment. The use of closed -cycle cooling as compared to an equivalent OTC facility is estimated to reduce entrainment by 98.8 percent (AIF flow). 49 316(b) Compliance Submittal H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX 6 Chosen Method(s) of Compliance with Impingement Mortality Standard [§122.21(r)(6)] The information required to be submitted per 40 CFR § 122.21(r)(6) is as follows: The owner or operator of the facility must identify the chosen compliance method for the entire facility; alternatively, the applicant must identify the chosen compliance method for each cooling water intake structure at its facility. The applicant must identify any intake structure for which a BTA determination for Impingement Mortality under 40 CFR 125.94 (c)(11) or (12) is requested. The Rule at 40 CFR 125.94(c) gives existing facilities seven BTA options for achieving impingement mortality compliance. These are listed below. A facility needs to implement only one of these options. 1. Operate a closed -cycle recirculating system as defined at 40 CFR 125.92(c)(1) (this includes wet, dry or hybrid cooling towers, a system of impoundments that are not WOTUS, or any combination thereof); 2. Operate a cooling water intake structure that has a maximum design through -screen velocity of 0.5 fps or less; 3. Operate a cooling water intake structure that has a maximum actual through -screen velocity of 0.5 fps or less; 4. Operate an existing offshore velocity cap that is a minimum of 800 feet offshore and has bar screens or otherwise excludes marine mammals, sea turtles, and other large aquatic organisms; 5. Operate a modified traveling screen system such as modified Ristroph screens with a fish handling and return system, dual flow screens with smooth mesh, or rotary screens with fish returns. Demonstrate that the technology is or will be optimized to minimize impingement mortality of all non -fragile species; 6. Operate any combination of technologies, management practices, and operational measures that the Director determines is BTA for reducing impingement. As appropriate to the system of protective measures implemented, demonstrate the system of technologies has been optimized to minimize impingement mortality of all non -fragile species; and 7. Achieve a 12-month performance standard of no more than 24 percent mortality including latent mortality for all non -fragile species. Compliance options 1, 2, and 4 are essentially pre -approved technologies that require minimal additional monitoring after their installation and proper operation. Options 3, 5, and 6 require that more detailed information be submitted to the Director before they can be specified as the BTA to reduce impingement mortality. Options 5, 6, and 7 require demonstrations with field studies that the technologies have been optimized to minimize impingement mortality of non -fragile species. In addition, the Rule provides two other impingement compliance BTA options for which the Director may consider little or no additional controls for impingement mortality (USEPA 2014a). These options apply under very specific circumstances. 50 316(b) Compliance Submittal H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX • De minimis rate of impingement — if the rates of impingement at a facility are so low that additional impingement controls may not be justified (Section 125.94(c)(11)); and • Low Capacity utilization of generating units — if the annual average capacity utilization rate of a 24-month contiguous period is less than 8 percent (Section 125.94(c)(12)). The HFLCCS meets the requirements of 40 CFR §125.94(c)(1) (BTA Option #1) based on data provided in Table 5-2. In addition, the MWIS has a design (one pump operation) and actual through -screen velocity of <0.5 fps and therefore is compliant with the requirements of 40 CFR §125.94(c)(2) and (3) (BTA Options 2 and 3). By meeting the CCRS criterion (BTA #1) the existing technologies in use at the HFLCCS are BTA for impingement mortality compliance. Furthermore, the MWIS has a design through -screen velocity that is lower than the 0.5 fps standard for impingement mortality compliance. 51 316(b) Compliance Submittal H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX 7 Entrainment Performance Studies [§ 122.21(r)(7)] The information required to be submitted per 40 CFR § 122.21(r)(7), Entrainment performance studies, is as follows: The owner or operator of an existing facility must submit any previously conducted studies or studies obtained from other facilities addressing technology efficacy, through - facility entrainment survival, and other entrainment studies. Any such submittals must include a description of each study, together with underlying data, and a summary of any conclusions or results. Any studies conducted at other locations must include an explanation as to why the data from other locations are relevant and representative of conditions at your facility. In the case of studies more than 10 years old, the applicant must explain why the data are still relevant and representative of conditions at the facility and explain how the data should be interpreted using the definition of entrainment at 40 CFR 125.92(h). 7.1 Site -Specific Studies HFLCCS utilizes a CCRS, therefore entrainment (and survival) is not anticipated. Hence, no site -specific entrainment performance studies (such as studies evaluating biological efficacy of specific entrainment reducing technologies or through -facility entrainment survival) have been conducted for the HFLCCS. Section 4 of this report provides a discussion of fishery monitoring conducted at or near the facility. Section 5.3 contains information regarding entrainment reductions resulting from lower cooling water withdrawals of the HFLCCS as compared to the prior BSS. 7.2 Studies Conducted at Other Locations As of the date of this report, no entrainment performance studies conducted at other facilities have been determined relevant for documentation in this section. 52 316(b) Compliance Submittal H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX 8 Operational Status [§ 122.21(r)(8)] The information required to be submitted per 40 CFR §122.21(r)(8), Operational status, is outlined as follows: (i) For power production or steam generation, descriptions of individual unit operating status including age of each unit, capacity utilization rate (or equivalent) for the previous 5 years, including any extended or unusual outages that significantly affect current data for flow, impingement, entrainment, or other factors, including identification of any operating unit with a capacity utilization rate of less than 8 percent averaged over a 24-month block contiguous period, and any major upgrades completed within the last 15 years, including but not limited to boiler replacement, condenser replacement, turbine replacement, or changes to fuel type; (ii) Descriptions of completed, approved, or scheduled uprates and Nuclear Regulatory Commission relicensing status of each unit at nuclear facilities; (iii) For process units at your facility that use cooling water other than for power production or steam generation, if you intend to use reductions in flow or changes in operations to meet the requirements of 40 CFR 125.94(c), descriptions of individual production processes and product lines, operating status including age of each line, seasonal operation, including any extended or unusual outages that significantly affect current data for flow, impingement, entrainment, or other factors, any major upgrades completed within the last 15 years, and plans or schedules for decommissioning or replacement of process units or production processes and product lines; (iv) For all manufacturing facilities, descriptions of current and future production schedules; and, (v) Descriptions of plans or schedules for any new units planned within the next 5 years. Each of these requirements is described in the following subsections. 8.1 Description of Operating Status [§ 122.21(r)(8)(i)] HFLCCS is normally used for baseload generation. Plant outages typically occur during the spring (February to May) and/or in the fall/winter (October to December) months. 8.1.1 Individual Unit Age HFLCCS began commercial operations in December 2012. According to the Duke Energy Progress 2020 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP), there is no current projected retirement date for the HFLCCS. 8.1.2 Utilization for Previous Five Years Monthly and annual average capacity factor information for 2017-2021 is provided in Table 8-1. Annual capacity factors during this period ranged from 58.0 to 78.4 percent. Monthly capacity factors during this period ranged from 8.1 to 90.4 percent. 53 Table 8-1. HFLCCS Annual Capacity Factors, 2017-2021. 316(b) Compliance Submittal H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX Month 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 January 78.8 86.2 64.0 72.4 59.2 February 83.1 81.6 86.4 77.9 53.2 March 83.4 79.6 88.9 74.5 13.3 April 70.5 41.3 82.7 51.8 8.1 May 63.7 69.6 21.4 50.8 53.5 June 75.5 76.3 71.2 30.8 65.3 July 78.7 77.2 76.5 74.5 74.6 August 82.4 81.1 79.3 66.1 75.5 September 72.1 73.5 78.3 61.2 63.4 October 73.3 84.7 72.2 27.8 72.1 November 89.0 88.7 52.7 58.7 80.9 December 90.4 75.4 75.4 65.7 76.4 Annual Average 78.4 76.3 70.7 59.4 58.0 Note: Annual average may not equal monthly total average due to rounding. 8.1.3 Major Upgrades in Last Fifteen Years As part of a modernization effort, Duke Energy retired the coal-fired generating units (1, 2, and 3) in 2012 and replaced them with a new, more efficient, natural gas -fired combined cycle facility on the existing site. HFLCCS began commercial operations in December 2012. 8.2 Description of Consultation with Nuclear Regulatory Commission [§122.21(r)(8)(ii)] The HFLCCS is not a nuclear fueled unit; therefore, this subsection is not applicable. 8.3 Other Cooling Water Uses for Process Units [§122.21(r)(8)(iii)] The HFLCCS is not a manufacturing facility; therefore, this subsection is not applicable. 8.4 Description of Current and Future Production Schedules [§122.21(r)(8)(iv)] The HFLCCS is not a manufacturing facility; therefore, this subsection is not applicable. 8.5 Description of Plans or Schedules for New Units Planned within Five Years [§122.21(r)(8)(v)] During the next five years, there are no plans to decommission, replace, or add new units at this facility as stated in the 2020 IRP. 54 316(b) Compliance Submittal H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX 9 References Berry, F.H., M.T. Huish, and H. Moody. 1956. Spawning mortality of the Threadfin Shad, Dorosoma petenense (Gunther), in Florida. Copeia 1956:192. 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The early life history of fish. Springer-Verlag, New York. Estes, C. M. 1949. The fecundity of the Bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus) in certain small Texas reservoirs. Master's Thesis. North Texas State College, Denton. (Not seen; cited in Carlander 1977). Gebhart, Glen E., and Robert C. Summerfelt. 1978. Seasonal Growth of Fishes in Relation to Conditions of Lake Stratification. Oklahoma Cooperative Fishery Research Unit 58 (1978): 6-10. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater OK. Gerdes, J.H. 1961. The role of the Threadfin Shad, Dorosoma petenense, in the food web of a small impoundment. Master's thesis. University of Arizona, Tucson AZ. (Not seen; cited in Jones et al 1978). Graham, J.H., and R.W. Hastings. 1984. Distributional patterns of sunfishes on the New Jersey Coastal Plain. Environmental Biology of Fishes 10:137-148. Griffith, G.E., J.M. Omemik, J.A. Comstock, M.P. Schafale, W.H. McNab, D.R. Lenat, D.R. and T.F. MacPherson. 2002. Ecoregions of North Carolina. 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Lambou, V.W. 1965. Observation on size distribution and spawning behavior of Threadfin Shad. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 94:385-386. Loar, J.M., J.S. Griffith, and K.D. Kumar. 1978. An analysis of factors influencing the impingement of threadfin shad at power plants in the southeastern United States. Pages 245-255 in L.D. Jensen, editor. Fourth national workshop on entrainment and impingement. EA Communications, Melville NY. May, R. C. 1974. Larval mortality in marine fishes and the critical period concept. Pages 3-19 in J. H.S. Blaxter, editor. The early life history of fish. Springer-Verlag, New York. Menhinick, E.F. 1991. The Freshwater Fishes of North Carolina. North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, Raleigh NC. Miller, R.R. 1960. Systematic and biology of the Gizzard Shad (Dorosoma cepedianum) and related Fishes. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Fishery Bulletin 60(173):370-392. Miller, R.R. 1964. Genus Dorosoma Rafinesque 1820. Gizzard Shads, Threadfin Shads. Pages 443-451 in Fishes of the western North Atlantic Part 3. Sears Foundation for Marine Research. Yale University, New Haven CT. Miller, T.J., Crowder, L.B., Rice, J.A., Marshall, E.A. 1988. Larval size and recruitment mechanisms in fishes: toward a conceptual framework. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 45:1657-1670 p. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration [NOAA]. 2021. Endangered Species Directory. Accessed August 3, 2021. https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/species-directory/threatened- endangered. North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) 2018. Neuse River Basin Restoration Priorities 2010 Amended August 2018. Accessed May 2021. https://files.nc.gov/ncdeq/Mitigation%20Services/Watershed Planning/Neuse River Basin/RB RP-Neuse-201807-.pdf. NCDEQ 2021. Division of Water Resources Water Classification map. Accessed May 17, 2021. https://ncdenr.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources [NCDENR]. 2009. Division of Water Quality. Neuse River Basinwide Water Quality Plan. July 2009. 56 316(b) Compliance Submittal H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources [NCDNCR]. 2021. North Carolina Natural Heritage Data Explorer element occurrence data. NCDNCR, Raleigh NC. Pflieger, W. L. 1975. The fishes of Missouri. Missouri Department of Conservation, Columbia MO. Rawson, R.R. 1964. Spawning of Threadfin Shad, Dorosoma petenense, at low temperatures. California Fish and Game 50:58. Reynolds, J. B. and A. L. Kolz. 2012. Electrofishing. Pages 305-362 in A. V. Zale, D. L. Parrish, and T. M. Sutton, editors. Fisheries techniques, 3rd edition. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda MD. Ricks, B. R., C. Buckley, and T. D. VanMiddlesworth. 2021. Neuse River Striped Bass monitoring programs, 2018-2019. North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, Federal Aid in Sport Fish Restoration, Project F-108, Final Report, Raleigh NC. Ricks, B.R. and T.D. VanMiddlesworth. 2020. Neuse River American Shad survey 2019- 2020. North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, Federal Aid in Sport Fish Restoration, survey summary, Raleigh NC. Rohde, F.C., Rudolf, G.A., Foltz, J.W., and J.M. Quattro. 2009. Freshwater Fishes of South Carolina. University of South Carolina Press, Columbia SC. Schneider, R.W. 1969. Some aspects of the life history of the Gizzard Shad, Dorsoma cepdianum in Smith Mountain Lake, Virginia. Master's thesis. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg VA. Shelton, W.L. and B. G. Grinstead. 1973. Hybridization between Dorsoma cepedianum and D. petenense in Lake Texoma, Oklahoma. Proceedings of the Annual Conference Southeastern Association of Game and Fish Commissioners 26(1972):506-510. United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 2014. National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System - Final Regulations to Establish Requirements for Cooling Water Intake Structures at Existing Facilities and Amend Requirement at Phase I Facilities; Final Rule. 40 CFR Parts 122 and 125. Federal Register Vol. 79 No. 158. August 15, 2014. United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). Information for Planning and Consultation (IPaC), Environmental Conservation Online System. Accessed August 3, 2021. https://ecos.fws.gov/ipac/. United States Geological Survey (USGS). 2021. Nonindigenous Aquatic Species (NAS). Accessed August 3, 2021. https://ecos.fws.gov/ipac/. Wang, J.C.S and R.J. Kernehan. 1979. Fishes of the Delaware Estuaries. A Guide to the Early Life Histories, Towson, MD. pp. 410. ISSN 0-931842-02-6. 57 316(b) Compliance Submittal H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX Appendices 316(b) Compliance Submittal H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX Appendix A. H.F. Lee Combined Cycle Station §122.21(r)(2) — (8) Submittal Requirement Checklist. Intake Structure Data (4) Source Water Baseline Biological Characterization Data (2)(i) Narrative description and scaled drawings of source waterbody. Yes (2)(ii) Identification and characterization of the source waterbody's hydrological and geomorphological features, as well as the methods used to conduct any physical studies to determine intake's area of influence within the waterbody and the results of such studies. (2)(iii) Locational maps. (3)(i) Narrative description of the configuration of each CWIS and where it is located in the waterbody and in the water column. Latitude and Longitude of CWIS. Narrative description of the operation of each CWIS. Flow distribution and water balance diagram. Engineering drawing of CWIS. (4)(i) A list of the data supplied in paragraphs (r)(4)(ii) through (vi) of this section that are not available, and efforts made to identify sources of the data. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes, but not applicable because all data is available. (4)(ii) A list of species (or relevant taxa) for all life stages and their relative abundance in the vicinity of CWIS. (4)(iii) Identification of the species and life stages that would be most susceptible to impingement and entrainment. Yes Yes (4)(iv) Identification and evaluation of the primary period of reproduction, larval recruitment, and period of peak abundance for relevant taxa. (4)(v) Data representative of the seasonal and daily activities of biological organisms in the vicinity of CWIS. Yes Yes (4)(vi) Identification of all threatened, endangered, and other protected species that might be susceptible to impingement and entrainment at cooling water intake structures. (4)(vii) Documentation of any public participation or consultation with Federal or State agencies undertaken in development of the plan. Yes Yes, but not applicable. A-1 316(b) Compliance Submittal H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX (5) Cooling Water System Data (4)(viii) Methods and QA procedures for any field efforts. Yes, but not applicable as no new data have been collected. (4)(ix) In the case of the owner or operator of an existing facility or new unit at an existing facility, the Source Water Baseline Biological Characterization Data is the information included in (i) through (xii). (4)(x) Identification of protective measures and stabilization activities that have been implemented, and a description of how these measures and activities affected the baseline water condition in the vicinity of CWIS. Yes, noted in report that (i) through (xii) provide this information. Yes (4)(xi) List of fragile species as defined at 40 CFR 125.92(m) at the facility. Yes (4)(xii) Information submitted to obtain Incidental take exemption or authorization for its cooling water intake structure(s) from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service or the National Marine Fisheries Service. (5)(i) Narrative description of the operation of the cooling water system and its relationship to CWIS. (5)(i) Number of days of the year the cooling water system is in operation and seasonal changes in the operation of the system. (5)(i) Proportion of the design intake flow that is used in the system. Yes, but not applicable. Yes Yes Yes (5)(i) Proportion of design intake flow for contact cooling, non -contact cooling, and process uses. Yes (5)(i) Distribution of water reuse to include cooling water reused as process water, process water reused for cooling, and the use of gray water for cooling. not applicable (5)(i) Description of reductions in total water withdrawals including cooling water intake flow reductions already achieved through minimized process water withdrawals. (5)(i) Description of any cooling water that is used in a manufacturing process either before or after it is used for cooling, including other recycled process water flows. Yes not applicable (5)(i) Proportion of the source waterbody withdrawn (on a Yes monthly basis). A-2 (5)(ii) 316(b) Compliance Submittal H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX Design and engineering calculations prepared by a qualified professional and supporting data to support the description required by paragraph (r)(5)(i) of this section. Yes (5)(iii) Description of existing impingement and entrainment technologies or operational measures and a summary of their performance. Yes Identification of the chosen compliance method for the entire Yes CWIS or each CWIS at its facility. (6)(i) Impingement Technology Performance Optimization No, not selected Study for Modified Travelling Screen. compliance path s Two years of biological data collection. and thus not 3 applicable. c -0 ca c a E`^ o ,? U c ° Demonstration of Operation that has been optimized 8 to minimize impingement mortality. o c Complete description of the modified traveling -. a, screens and associated equipment. 2 w°'o (6)(ii) Impingement Technology Performance Optimization c • c Q Study for Systems of Technologies as BTA for s o E Impingement Mortality. U Minimum of two years of biological data measuring the reduction in impingement mortality achieved by the system. (7) Entrainment Performance 0 al la 3 V▪ ) - _ VI L :a = ac aJ pin (7)(i) Site -specific studies addressing technology efficacy, through plant entrainment survival, and other impingement and entrainment mortality studies. (7)(ii) Studies conducted at other locations including an explanation of how they relevant and representative. Yes, note that no site -specific studies were conducted at this facility. Yes, note that studies at other locations were not determined to be relevant. (7)(iii) Studies older than 10 years must include an explanation of why the data are still relevant and representative. not applicable (8)(i) Description of individual unit age, utilization for previous 5 year, major upgrades in last 15 years. Yes A-3 316(b) Compliance Submittal H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX (8)(ii) Descriptions of completed, approved, or scheduled Yes, but not uprates and Nuclear Regulatory Commission applicable. relicensing status of each unit at nuclear facilities. (8)(iii) Other cooling water uses and plans or schedules for decommissioning or replacing units. Yes, but not applicable. (8)(iv) For all manufacturing facilities, descriptions of current Yes, but not and future production schedules. applicable. (8)(v) Descriptions of plans or schedules for any new units Yes planned within the next 5 years. 316(b) Compliance Submittal H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX Appendix B. Engineering Drawings of Cooling Water Intake Structure • Drawing G-105107: Circulating Water System Modification River Structure Details • Drawing G-105109: Circulating Water System Modification Make Up Water Area FDN Details B-1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1P 12 14 14 15 10 CAR 1623- G-105107 CW 5-II A B32 1 L T'�L"�� JJ 4'� 5 O PIPE __ -. _._ .• ���A- I EULI I L � I � SE4LW EL4\ f�1i �60 bSC 9 I _ _� TIHG- NEypq AIL y A OLESVES[FT E _ •EOGe oT.� M�.7A 3-1N'gLEA05LEEVE EY.P �'i.:,".�a:=. COUG •.( HOR PoDT l\ eoLrs(e;Y F>£Lo 'e R ak.a3.P 1- T - E1_.75.0 C * 1 m -BII D E F G 11 J K I-L-6-1-`'G1.so' I �6LL'_k/ ILI S177,1FOR1211PWPIPE ' - I (5CONC eat WALL o.7-2W..b. pjt--z1NVE12TEi_. ..T2 1, II I I III n 'I I rag 4 -s4- AA 0 7Rl5MIE oNc. r 1 4'6 1' 0 1 tl I I [ -..EST- 1=1 LES 1 1 I2'4 .dRNC0.6PLV: PIS �� L-1 SF�,IICT hI—G - GsilnSLas.(E-1c) .15.1.,32Vj5— 51CkLWGZG .2 Leis WACI GL: 57.o 11 TNGEETOGiLES I 1 I II 1 J LJ T£-EMEsETF1Lss 4EL u rip. w pas. 51-776 ... . 59 -54 ,,11-17111TEITITAK5 5TRDCT. 60 Y_f. NR2 I r" 567 az it GONG. iI�J171t III E _13 31 51-525.o 5 tYP155op-rm n [svti1 FP -l-! i1 7JOTE.= . 2115I1-16' GOF16TR11C71ole— I WATAFa_LAOSL. 5NA4raa, 11151REieIN5. F1,55A_ X ES25 I 9+585 °M 2 1. `nisce l7APP1,12o OALV.PIPE Ti- ISAM QS�®yy����5 EL:A.a.21' A1116 Ir.; N 2 LJ TEEMIE CONC, `58LE ?r4y MGE-rT PILES. rT EISISSING I ]SLTFeE-STSOra'♦= �1.. ' _ -- FjL._r}ZO I _ 1 sY*I. SEC.-TIL- p - p7GJosl6S(57) 1 4 5 6512E.5 s25,4a 19 LW45 p \I SECT. G=G A:s SHoiWN-(no) SE�..r.Ci-C.� OPP. I#ANN-al) A.1.2 9 AELP Tlo aEpies ul-S BP.RS -I�.¢Ecy'o1 E32i 1 L1 - �04 RI-55- e®I2 Tb5. :S_E'CT E--E•p17) s-leslol,ms), 7 6 51-53.0I Al14rs.m .e. CNo2sYPM3-12As 574.as'3slLev-• SECT.. L.-.I_(1313) PLAN_ AT-12"SLAB a_eL-83a2'. 5•105105 (G7) 9p sI' - o 10 1 d' -1-B22 �9 ,...15.1-8er a EA Y-E11 9512PR Y la AivYtl9 E: 5 AT.IJ DR ,IL_..DE2AIL la ANTIT IT1E CRETsYFIENDLNEESSFCTED) ¢EIFIFQSTEEI= SEES628EHG1NG-- 52551111.6 SWG._ENJQS101= L12YJE 10SEG.1pEicsiu.,o 2 REPCNO 'ROTES 6Effi m:FP_-'. P ERIHFORC IINOCSARSNANOOF rM pORACOSCHEEEeeE e ERE INN SCHEoui E: EL.B9.0' - PLACING DIMENSIONS ARE GIVEN TO CENTER OF EARS UNLESS NOTED. ALL SPLICES IIIREINFORCEMENT SI-ALI:Cl/PPLY WITH • . - THE REQU I REPENTS OF CURRENT AC STANIAROS, S ECTION BCS, eUT IN NO CASE MALL LAP BE LESS •THAN 2L AP DIAUETERS_ 1 a1I='5s-a,s. BALL BARSS SHALL HAVE 2" 111111S/I CONCRETE COVER 'UNLESS THED/15, WITT WTYP®•esscok.. RR)J• 510i DMPEP-3GLYSIIIZ&6) x E71-.Em -�s - SECM --F F-(-a1m-w51PLGm} 12 13 14_ .,1 cx I .wmrEo 15 16 17 PIPETSL:EVES ANOREHEEODEO PARTSHOC BOLTS, DPAINS, P 02 GATE 6 GUIDE DETA.IL5.5t5 0160 G- 1.51.8 T--r=5.2.n(TCGNN 'L a-T.55 5612 rs6s sc5 FOR GRATING A11D INNORAILING SPEC. SEE (A-5)5Io3101 R6BERE_NLE DRAWINGS: F02-REP-PW46. S60E G-1e510G ' soak T1i15 DW0. WLTH B-1C6105i6=i0BW6j C£1051O5 A C D F 1_ CAROLINA POWEF81 LIGHT COMPANY H.FLEE SEP CIRCULATING WATER SYSTEM MODIFICATION RIVER STRUCTURE DETAILS' M.5 R. EBASCO SERVICES IncORPORATE6 NEW TORN CAR 1623 ,rvALZPN. G-105107 19 -7IB 4.7 316(b) Compliance Submittal H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX B-2 IP ID CAR I623 G-105109. G645- 13 N J H (G2) tAl 0 E F H K L N PLAN PEAT EXLHA0JGER BOOSTER PUMP FDN_ pLANs E1ZVICE WATER MAU•UP PUMP FDu FZES3'D) 2 8 4 V1 sP P1R Tt � A.59. �g 4 e,sT3 ZICG5) PLAN AUTOMATVC .5T0AIIJER FP J SECT V3•B(D µDYE: III PO2 L OP NEAT EKC1N E005TE2 PUMP, AE A4 We E Aie MAKE-UP PUMP1eu0 DN AC SLABD _-_SEE -G-I01 !02 (MEC M) 4 G-102106 (E•LEG)'- PLAN MACE -UP STA TRWJSFORMER, 490 V SWGE 4BOV MCC F 1J Sg:11-0 42.O1b WG ii 10 1 [1 T46 milli - ;�m I GII-%6 a TOIS PLAN CNLDZIRJATIOIJ I.LDG 5LA9 s 9- .1..0 • 3"CL 1D OK) SECT i?=A fc12) 3E `I I- 0 6 B CWC11 F1EBCL0LT9 BY EL Ra.&7 21(C10) 040004E Foe PIPE 11116012F EL79.0O 5YM A3.7 MAKE UP WATER PUMPS _, 9T�1.5 EASEL E LG CINCH ARCM ' , 2 . boT LAH0E ONLY ORILL OP NM 142e. 1.H4C ,,22.6641L4. 4 PLACES) (.14)MEW coNIG GOES WITH Loy[,- / WWF PLAID `e rE-LJP WATER PUMP SUPPQgT TAT 55157 UNIT uo.B -015C1•1 yTRNLTORE 7001.10 CLIPS 1 4 T16CIAICN ANCHRO 11 10 12 PLATE SUPPLIED 'r50 [14r=H 4PJC1-1012 BY POMP MFR 05 S ECTF-P(E!3) : aT PUMP II RILL. Boni 4E00T • AFTER 9Ear5 ARE 1NPLACE(TYp) SECT CT C-1(B10) - `a EL Boo ANCHOR BOLT SCHEDULE t. T1PES TYPE HI Y1PE3E TYPE. BOLT NUT SLEEVE ANCHOR k TOP MARK r16 010, TPELEsoTH CF MRD BI 4 7 4J OE6' ''TS7 8 '2 3S I'-1 o'-0z 69 84 B2 4 20 24 '8 R 1'-S 6.2 IC 1-E Na 4 a 4 60 48 rva 4. Dla LEROTN 20 S12E 4040 BOLT 61. 17 81 AB 8D-G7 66 20 72 20 B0.40 6T FB 51 So-4 BB 10 12 Tff 80,62 A 115E 51.0 TAPER D WASH FIE WELDED To BOLT HD CHANNEL AT cIxANNeLs ONLY PAINTING LI0716 FAR 21*4045 STEEL BEAMS AT . MAKE•IJP WATEL POMP 51141012TS.. ' 0PRI145 ST25LVIITH011E GOAT DF A EEO LEAD PRIMER PEE 7E1Ee4L 4 CAT10ION TT-P-3Ee TYPE'.E TO A 501DEf FILM THµK1.1E.55 of 2.5 MILS. • 2)TOP COAT STEEL WITH ONE COA OF AEI ALKYD ENAMEL' A..5 PELT E080AL SFEC.IFicATL.4 TT-E-40%P ENAMEL CLASS •A 1N AN AP 50410 cOL01;. SECT H -H (c1e) • I'-O SECT E•E('LT� IS 14 Q L44 JT VTI ES(AIET)BY FIELD HI LE55 NOTED) C0110EETE- GLA0S'14(5o00P24 ()CU YO FOG E510 STL 5e0 pq0 5E40146.5CHED CAL1625 6.105101-A WBP91,11,4 LG A5 PEN. PLAN(EI4) 2 1/E1O W6.91o3'-44L6 AS P22 PLAN (E14) 4 2E90 MC5K21.0.2141.6 AS PEE PLAN(E14) 8 LEa0 Fex9 LG-4 UNIT PLAIN 11144 WEDGE CINCH MICRO. (TYPE I) 45 MFD 01 NATIONAL LEAD CO. OR APPROVED ALTELNATE 4 EEOG NOTES CONSTRUCTION, WHERE NOT SPECIFICALLY COVERED DT - EBASCO SPECIFICATIONS, SHALL MEET. THE. STANDARDS OF ACI 31E-7I.ANO ACI 301-22. IN"TNE EVERT 'OF • CONFLICT EETWEEN THESE ACI STANDARDS ACI 32L-72 .SHALL GOVERN. -• CONCRETE SMALL BE CLASS (90P )I E SPBe1F1CAT10 ELECTARec4L CONKUITSRAND d.WOO. PARTSEONALL OF IN POSITION BEFORE COWNELE IS PEACEO. FOR SPECIF1 CATIONS FOR STEEL FOR CONCRETE REINFORC — 1HO EARS AND FOR BAR DETAILS SEE BAR BENDING SCHEDULE CAR 1635,-8105101-4 - PLACING. DIMENSIONS ARE MEN TO CENTER OF BARS UNLESS NOTED. ALE SPLICES IN REINFDRCENENT SHALL CCMPLT WITH THE REQUIRFNENTS OF CURRENT ACI STANDARDS, SECTION 805 BUT IN NO CASE SHALL LAP BE LESS THAN 11 EAR DIAMETERS. A C ALL BARS SHALL HAVE 2" MINIMUM CONCRETE COVER UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. SHIFT OR BEND BARS TO CLEAR ANCHOR BOLTS. DRAINS. PIPE SLEEVES AND ENBEDDEO PARTS. WITH ANCHOR BOLTS EA05L0x TEITHOEEAMT 0AOF2ASGRADE 0R 036 ST UCTURAL STEEL 8110 00200250 HE5AGVNAL NUTS AND HASHER UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL THREADS SHALL BE UNC-SA. ANCHOR PLATES SHALL BE STRUCTURAL STEEL IN A000RD- ANCE WITH ASTR A] ANB AEG. •;SLEEVES SHALL. BE EITHER 28 SAGE SHEET NETAL SLEEIYES STA711011 PIPE SLEEVES. RUBBER DR PVC SLEEVES UNLESS OTNERNISE NOTED. ALL WELD INS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH AVERT LAN WELDING SOCIETY CORE 01.0 .STANDARD OBOE FOR ARC AND GAS SHALL WELDING IN BUILDING CONSTRUCTI Ox" ROOT PASSESELECTROSHALL DE MALE WITH A 3/32'A DR IMUM ELECTRSSE, ALLWELDSSHALL HAVE A MINIMUM OF BEFORE PASSES. WELLING PROCEDURE SHALL BE APPROVED. BEFORE WORK IS PERFORMED. REFERE QCE ! DRAW BJG15 eAE BE11R1L1G SCHEDULE 31105101-4 SYSTEM CAMAL DISCN-MA3 9-164WeE K C.W. SYSTEM &-101192 M_U WAT22 PUµ17TA- 9N17,621,642T4(ELEC) 6-IO2 104 CLEF STSTEH AUTOMATIC STRAINER 1 1623-L-CN-2 C W HEAT E%C41. 00051ET. PUHD '11623-L•LW-4 SERVICE WATER MAKE-UP PDHPS AA6', 1623 •L-Avl-S MAKE -LP P2MP STA 1KANSP (WEST) I 1623.115.4,5 4802 SVIITCHGGAR(WEST) 11623.113.2,1 4102 MOTOR CD4rP.OL CENTEE(WEST) I625-1I5.10 MAKE-WP WATER POMP_ 1023-L-02-1 F 4-20-BL tE 4FCURP�F0TINCl4'I0NB 99u01A rE0 BEF Ow4 1N]IR1M16 fl'JOTE_-. MANEOUP WATER Mr1,URN])1 %:) ., OT a 4.5514Is1I115100' w A ELeAIN, TVA ,,,m At ep LEN 53 P 34 .ib` CAROLINA POWER EL LIGHT /COMWINY. H.F. LEE CIRCULATING WATER SYSTEM MOOEICATIONS MAKE UP WATER AREA FDN DETAILS MBR or fK✓l1 MASCO SERVICES INCORPORATED NEW YOPK. LEg-1:e ILDE 15 ev 16 17 cx R.w1v_ms6 • 1B N YPmmANCIl'6.4w.d.. CAR I623 G- 105109 D. M H 316(b) Compliance Submittal H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX B-3 Appendix C. Engineering Calculations for Through - Screen Velocity c-1 HF Lee Combined Cycle Station 316(b) Report Through -Screen Velocity Calculations - Data Sheet Mike Smallwood (rev 2022-0621) DRAWING G-105109, Section D-D la�c_o-Wnrr 513 ' Esaao -y - __SSG nPrfPEA,u�a-,'wssrT.C.TlG Elm Asa h NOTE; =ROW GON€TILU41t011+ WRMIGT4 L5NaL'CSE, j. - y...mca.d1LK'PIFE E�:a.9.al rttr� — rl. AS Bar Rack Data Screen Open Area = 70.28% Total Open Area = 56.2211 ft2 Total Intake Window Area = 80.0 ft2 Bar Size = 1" placed 4" on center Intake Window Width=10.0ft Intake Window Height = 8.0 ft Assume 2" frame around bar rack Pump Data Design Flow/Pump = 12,150 gpm 316(b) Compliance Submittal H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX DRAWING G=105109 PLAN UP WATER PUMP SUPPORT AT UKT VVIT I.C.3 OKeN 3TRVCTUR J - Design Intake Flow = 24,300 gpm (assumes two pumps running) Actual Intake Flow (2017-2021) = 3,132 gpm (4.51 MGD) C-2 Bar Rack Data Total Intake Window Area=80.0ft2 Open Area = 70.28% Effective Intake Window Area = 56.2 ft2 316(b) Compliance Submittal H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX Pump Data Design Flow/Pump=12,150gpm Theoretical Maximum Intake Flow = 24,300gpm (assumes two pumps running) Actual Intake Flow (2017-2021) =3,132 gpm (4.51 MGD) Assumptions 1. intake bay river elevation is not considered in calculations 2. bar rack is clean 13. river elevation is same or higher than top of intake window (see "Data Sheet" page) [note at low design water elevation (57.0ft), the TBV for one pump operation would be 0.49fps] Formula 1: TBV = Q/ (448.8 * EOA) where: TBV =through bar velocity, fps Q = pump flow, gpm EOA =equivalent open area, ft2 Solve for TBV Using Formula 1(one pump operation) TBV = 12150 gpm /(448.8 * 56.2 ft2) TBV = 0.48 fps Solve for TBV Using Formula 1(AIF flow) TBV = 3132 gpm /(448.8 * 56.2 ft2) TBV = 0.12 fps Solve for TBV Using Formula 1(two pump operation) TBV = 24300 gpm /(448.8 * 56.2 ft2) TBV = 0.96 fps conversion factors 1 cfs =448.8 gpm 316(b) Compliance Submittal H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX This page intentionally blank C-4