HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180179 Ver 1_Grassy Creek_MY2_10192022_20221019ID#* 20180179 Version* 1 Select Reviewer: Erin Davis Initial Review Completed Date 10/20/2022 Mitigation Project Submittal - 10/19/2022 Is this a Prospectus, Technical Proposal or a New Site?* O Yes O No Type of Mitigation Project:* Stream Wetlands Buffer Nutrient Offset (Select all that apply) Project Contact Information Contact Name:* Email Address:* Emily Dunnigan emily@waterlandsolutions.com Project Information ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ID#:* 20180179 Version:* 1 Existing ID# Existing Version Project Type: DMS • Mitigation Bank Project Name: Grassy Creek Tributaries Mitigation Project County: Surry Document Information Mitigation Document Type:* Mitigation Monitoring Report File Upload: Grassy Creek _MY2_10192022.pdf 22.96MB Please upload only one PDF of the complete file that needs to be submitted... Signature Print Name: * Cara Conder Signature: * & L�?A October 19, 2022 US Army Corps of Engineers: Wilmington District Asheville Regulatory Field Office Attn: Steve Kichefski 151 Patton Avenue, Suite 208 Asheville, NC 28801 RE: Grassy Creek TributariesMitigation Bank, WLS Yadkin 01Umbrella Bank–FourthCredit Release Request (Monitoring Year 2) Dear Mr. Kichefski: Water & Land Solutions (WLS) respectfully requests the fourthcredit release on the Grassy Creek Tributaries Mitigation Project for 10% of the total stream credits. This credit release amount would be 498.70 stream credits. Also included in this letter is the anticipated bank credit release schedule per the USACE-Wilmington template and the WLS stream credit ledger. The following items have been completed regarding completion of Task 4: Monitoring Year 2(MY2) Report and the monitoring financial assurance (casualty insurance policy) is active. If you need any additional information, please contact me directly. Sincerely, Cara Conder Sr. Project Manager 7721 Six Forks Rd., Suite 130 Raleigh, NC 27615 Mobile Phone: 843-446-2312 Email: cara@waterlandsolutions.com waterlandsolutions.com| 7721 Six Forks Rd, Ste130, Raleigh, NC 27615|919-614-5111 MY2 Monitoring Report Grassy Creek Tributaries Mitigation Project WLS Yadkin 01 Umbrella Mitigation Bank Monitoring Year 2 Calendar Year of Data Collection: 2022 Private Commercial Mitigation Bank for Stream Compensatory Mitigation Credits Yadkin River Basin (CU 03040101) (Warm Water Thermal Regime) USACE Action ID Number: SAW-2017-02528 Surry County, NC Data Collection Period: August and September 2022 Submission Date: October2022 Prepared for: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District 69 Darlington Avenue Wilmington, North Carolina 28403-1343 Prepared by: TableofContents 1 Project Summary ................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Project Location and Description .................................................................................................. 1 1.2 Project Goals and Objectives ........................................................................................................ 1 1.3 Monitoring Schedule and Reporting ............................................................................................. 2 1.4 Project Success Criteria ................................................................................................................. 2 1.4.1 Single-Thread Streams .......................................................................................................... 2 1.4.2 Vegetation ............................................................................................................................. 3 1.4.3 Visual Assessment ................................................................................................................. 4 2 Project Mitigation Components ............................................................................................................ 4 2.1 Project Components ..................................................................................................................... 4 3 Monitoring Year 2 Assessment and Results .......................................................................................... 4 3.1 Morphological Assessment ........................................................................................................... 4 3.1.1 Stream Horizontal Pattern & Longitudinal Profile ................................................................ 4 3.1.2 Stream Horizontal Dimension ............................................................................................... 5 3.1.3 Substrate ............................................................................................................................... 5 3.2 Stream Hydrology ......................................................................................................................... 5 3.2.1 Stream Flow .......................................................................................................................... 5 3.2.2 Bankfull Events ...................................................................................................................... 6 3.3 Vegetation ..................................................................................................................................... 6 4 Methods ................................................................................................................................................ 6 LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A Background Tables Table 1 Project Mitigation Components Table 2 Project Activity, Reporting History, and Contacts Table 3 Project Information and Attributes Appendix B Visual Assessment Data Figure 1 a-c Current Condition Plan View (CCPV) Photos Stream Station Photographs (Cross-Sections and Photo Stations) Vegetation Plot Photographs Additional Photos Appendix C Vegetation Plot Data Table 4 Red-line Plant List Table 5a Stem Counts and Densities Table Table 5b Vegetation Performance Standards Summary Appendix D Stream Measurement and Geomorphology Data MY2 Cross-Sections Table 6a Baseline Stream Data Summary Table 6b Cross-section Morphology Data Appendix E Hydrologic Data Table 7 Verification of Bankfull Events Figure 2 Flow Gauge and Crest Gauge Installation Diagrams Figure 3 Flow Gauge and Crest Gauge Graphs Table 8 Monthly Rainfall Data 1ProjectSummary 1.1ProjectLocationandDescription The Grassy Creek Tributaries Mitigation Project (“Project”) is a mitigation bank under the WLS Yadkin 01 Umbrella Mitigation Bank (“Bank”). The Project is located approximately five miles south of the Town of Pilot Mountain in Surry County, NC (36.319329°, -80.463066°). The Project is located within the 8-digit HUC 03040101, in the NC Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) sub-basin 03-07-02 (Warm Water ThermalRegime), in the Ararat River & Upper Yadkin River Local Watershed Plan (LWP) Study Area (LWP-2008-51), and in the Target Local Watershed (TLW) 03040101110070, all in the Upper Yadkin River Basin. The Project involved the restoration, enhancement, and permanent protection of eight stream reaches (R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R6Aand R7) and their riparian buffers, totaling approximately 6,084linear feet of streams. The Project will provide significant ecological improvements and functional uplift through stream and aquatic habitat restoration and through decreasing nutrient and sediment loads within the watershed. Themitigation planprovides adetailed project summary and Table 1 provides a summary of project assets. Figure 1illustrates the project mitigation components. Monitoring Year 2(MY2) activities occurred during August and September 2022.This reportpresents the data for MY2. The Project meets the MY2success criteria for stream hydrology, stream horizontal and vertical stability,streambed condition and stability, and vegetation. Based on these results, the Project is on trajectory to meet interim and final success criteria. For moreinformation on the chronology of the project history and activity, refer to Appendix A, Table 2. Relevant project contact information is presented in the appendices in Table 2and project background information is presented in Table 3. 1.2ProjectGoalsandObjectives The Project will meetthe goals and objectives described in the Grassy Creek TributariesFinal Approved Mitigation Plan and will address general restoration goals and opportunities outlined in the North Carolina Division of Mitigation Services (DMS) Upper Yadkin River Basin Restoration Priority Plan (RBRP) (DEQ 2009). More specifically, watershed goals and management strategies described in the Ararat River and Upper Yadkin LWP will be met by: •Reducing sediment, soil erosion, turbidity, and nutrient inputs such as fecal coliform bacteria, nitrogen, and phosphorus to Grassy Creek and the Upper Yadkin River Watershed. •Restoring, enhancing, and protecting headwater streams, wetlands, riparian buffers,and aquatic habitat functions. •Improving riparian corridor management and targeting restoration of impacted streams and riparian buffer areas. •Promoting agronomic farm management techniques and implementing agricultural BMPs and water quality features such as livestock exclusion fencing, alternative watering systems, and nutrient management. To accomplish these project-specific goals, the following objectives will be measured to document overall project success: 1 •Provide a floodplain connection to the incised Project stream reaches by lowering bank height ratios (BHRs) to less than 1.2, thereby promoting more natural or overbank flood flows, •Improve bedform diversity by increasing scour pool spacing and depth variability, •Increase native species riparian buffer and vegetation density/composition along streambank and floodplain areas that meetrequirements of a minimum 30-foot-wide and 210 stems/acre after the monitoring period, •Improve aquatic habitat and fish species diversity and migration through the addition of in-stream cover and native woody debris, •Site protection through a 13-acre conservation easement more than30 feet from the top of the restored streambanks, that will protect all streams, wetlands,and aquatic resources in perpetuity. 1.3MonitoringScheduleandReporting The Project will be monitored on a regular basis with physical inspections to occur a minimum of twice per year throughout the seven-year post-construction monitoring period, or until performance standards are met. The measure of stream restoration success will be documented by bankfull flows and no change in stream channel classification. The measure of vegetative success for the Project will be the survival of at least 210 seven-year-old trees per acre with an average height of eight feet at the end of year seven of the monitoring period. Site inspections and monitoringreports will also identify components and features that require routine maintenance or adaptive management. The easement holder and long-term steward is Unique Places to Save (UP2S). UP2S will be responsible for annual inspection of the Project after close- out to ensure that restrictions in place required by the recorded Conservation Easement document are being upheld. 1.4ProjectSuccessCriteria The success criteria for the Project will follow approved performance standards and monitoring protocols fromthe final approved mitigation plan;which wasdeveloped in compliance with the USACE October 2016 Guidance, USACE Stream Mitigation Guidelines (April 2003 and October 2005), and 2008 Compensatory Mitigation Final Rule. Cross-section and vegetation plot data will be collected in Years 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, and 7. Streamhydrology data and visual monitoring will be reported annually. Specific success criteria components and evaluation methods are described below. 1.4.1Single-Thread Streams Stream Hydrology: Four separate bankfull or over bank events must be documented within the seven- year monitoring period and the stream hydrology monitoring will continue until four bankfull events have been documented in separate years. Stream hydrology monitoring will be accomplished with pressure transducers installed in pools and correlating sensor depth to top of bank elevation(see appendix Efor installation diagrams). Recorded water depth above the top of bank elevation will document a bankfull event. The devices willrecord water depth hourly and will be inspected quarterly. In addition to the pressure transducers, traditional cork gauges will be installed at bankfull elevation and will be used to document bankfull events with photographs. Stream Profiles, Vertical Stability, and Floodplain Access: Stream profiles, as a measure of vertical stability and floodplain access will be evaluated by looking at Bank Height Ratios. In addition, observed bedforms should be consistent with those observed for channels of the design stream type(s). The BHR shall not exceed 1.2 along the restored Project stream reaches. This standard only applies to restored 2 reaches of the channel where BHRs were corrected through design and construction. Vertical stability will be evaluated with visual assessment, cross-sections and, if directed by the IRT, longitudinal profile. Stream Horizontal Stability:Cross-sections will be used to evaluate horizontal stream stabilityon restored streams. There should be little change expected fromas-built restoration cross-sections. If measurable changes do occur, they should be evaluated to determine if the changes represent a movement toward a more unstable condition (e.g., downcutting, erosion) or a movement towards increased stability (e.g., settling, vegetation establishment, deposition along the streambanks, decrease in width/depth ratio). Cross-sections shall be classified using the Rosgen Stream Classification method and all monitored cross- sections should fall within the quantitative parameters defined for channels of the design stream type. Reference photo transects will be taken at each permanent cross-section. Lateral photos should not indicate excessive erosion or continuing degradation of the streambanks. Photographs will be taken of both streambanks at each cross-section. A survey tape stretched between the permanent cross-section monuments/pins will be centered in each of the streambank photographs. The water elevation will be shown in the lower edge of the frame, and as much of the streambank as possible will be included in each photo. Photographers willattempt to consistently maintain the same area in each photo over time. Streambed Material Condition and Stability:Representative streambed material samples will be collected in monitoring years 5 and 7 at riffle locations in restored stream reaches. The post-construction riffle substrate samples will be compared to the riffle substrate data collected during the existing conditions assessment. Any significant changes (e.g., aggradation, degradation, embeddedness) will be noted after streambank vegetation becomes established and a minimum of two bankfull flows or greater have been documented. If changes are observed within stable riffles and pools, additional sediment transport analyses and calculations may be required. Jurisdictional Stream Flow:Monitoring of stream flow will be conducted to demonstrate that the restored stream systems classified as intermittent exhibit surface flow for a minimum of 30 consecutive days throughout some portion of the year during a year with normal or below normal rainfall conditions. Stream flowmonitoring will be accomplished with pressure transducers installed in pools and correlating sensor depth to the downstream top of riffle elevation. If the pool water depth is at or above the top of riffle elevation,then the channel will be assumed to have surface flow(see appendix Efor installation diagrams). The devices will record water elevation twice per day andwill be inspected quarterly to document surface hydrology and provide a basis for evaluating flow response to rainfall events. 1.4.2Vegetation Vegetation monitoring will occur in the fall each required monitoring year, prior to leaf drop. Plots will be monitored in years 1, 2, 3, 5, and 7. Vegetative success for the Project during the intermediate monitoring years will be based the survival of at least 320, three-year-old trees per acre at the end of Year 3 of the monitoring period; and at least 260, five-year-old, trees per acre that must average sixfeet in height at the end of Year 5 of the monitoring period. The final vegetative restoration success criteria will be achieving a density of no less than 210, seven-year-old stems per acre that must average eightfeet in height in Year 7 of monitoring.Volunteer species on the approved planting list that meet success criteria standards will be counted towards success criteria. 3 1.4.3Visual Assessment WLS will conduct visual assessments in support of mitigationperformance monitoring. Visual assessments of all stream reaches will be conducted twice per monitoring year with at least five months in between each site visit for each of the seven years of monitoring. Photographs will be used to visually document system performance and any areas of concern related to streambank and bed stability, condition of in- stream structures, channel migration, active headcuts, live stake mortality, invasive plant species or animal browsing, easement boundary encroachments, cattleexclusion fence damage, and general streambed conditions. Permanent photo points will be at the cross-sections, crossings, and Enhancement II reaches. 2ProjectMitigationComponents 2.1ProjectComponents The Project mitigation components includea combinationof Stream RestorationandEnhancement activities, as summarized in the table below. These stream credits are based on the Addendum to the Mitigation Plan and repair plan stream lengths for the repaired reaches (R2 and R3); all other reaches did not deviate from the mitigation plan. Table 1. Mitigation PlanStream Mitigation Credits (SMCs) Existing ProposedStream Project Reach Type of MitigationStream Stream Length RatioMitigation Designation Length (LF)(LF)Credits (SMCs) 1 2,343 R1 Stream Restoration (PI)2,3231:12,243 1,2 651 R2 Stream Restoration (PI)4261:1376 1,2 R3 Stream Restoration (PI)1,2291,1781:11,158 R4 Stream Enhancement II1,1271,1225:1225 R5 Stream Restoration(PI/PII)3293291:1329 R6 Stream Restoration (PI/PII)2422471:1247 R6a Stream Restoration (PI/PII)54541:154 1 R7 Stream Restoration (PI/PII)3764051:1355 Totals 6,3516,084 4,987 Note 1: *SMCs account for deducting crossings/easement breaks. No mitigation credits were calculated outside the conservation easement boundaries. Note 2: SMCs on R2 and R3 are the repair plan lengths and were the reaches that were repaired/redesigned. 3MonitoringYear2AssessmentandResults The dates of Year 2 monitoring activities are detailed in Appendix A, Table 2. All Year 2 monitoring data is presented in this report and in the appendices. The Project is on track for meeting stream and vegetation interim success criteria. All monitoring device locations are depicted on the CCPV (Figures 1a-c). 3.1MorphologicalAssessment 3.1.1StreamHorizontal Pattern & Longitudinal Profile Visual assessment was utilized for assessment of MY2 horizontal and vertical stability. The visual assessments for each stream reach documented that MY2 stream channel pattern and longitudinal 4 profiles, and in-stream structure location/function still closely match the profile design parameters and MY0/baseline conditions (Appendix D). The MY2planform geometryor patternfall within acceptable ranges of the design parameters for all restored reaches.Minorchannel adjustments in riffle slopes, pool depths and pattern were observed based on natural sediment migration and stream bank vegetation establishment but do not present stability concerns. During MY1,a log J-hook structure near station 57+10 was piping(SPA-1). The structure is still piping but is stableandnot performing as intended.No remedial action is proposed at this time.Also, during MY1, minor erosionwas observed on theleft floodplain slope of R7 due to field runoff(SPA-2). Theeroded area nd was re-seeded and filled with hay bales to prevent further erosionon August 2, 2021. Coir logs were placed along the top of the slope to disperse and slow the flow of water during future rain eventsuntil vegetation becamemore established. Because vegetation in this area is establishing well and stabilizing soilsas observed in MY2,no further remedial action is proposed. Both areas will be monitored closely, and any remedial actions will be documented in the MY3report(Photos in Appendix B). 3.1.2 Stream Horizontal Dimension The MY2channel dimensionsgenerally match thedesign parametersand are withina stable range of tolerance. Twelve cross-sections were installed on restoration reaches with six located in riffles and six located in pools. Nine of the twelve permanently installed cross-sections show little to no change in BHR orbankfull area when compared to as-built measurements, and BHRsare less than 1.2. Riffle cross- sections, XS-5 and XS-10located on R2 and R3 respectively,show change in BHR of greaterthan ten percent.Both cross-sections have aggraded duetoincreased sedimentmovement from construction of the upstream park projectthat occurred in summer2022.Pool XS-9,located on R3, has degraded with a BHR change of 24 percent. All three cross-sections are stable, and no remedial action is proposed at this time.It is expected that over timesome pools may accumulate finesediment and organic matter, however,this is notan indicator ofchannel instability. Maximum riffle depthsand entrenchment ratios are expected tofluctuate slightly throughout the monitoring period as the channels adjust to restored flow regime.There were no major changes in entrenchment ratio for any cross-sections during MY2. Entrenchment ratio data is included in Table 6b of Appendix D. Entrenchment ratios for all reaches fall within design parameters. Cross-section overlaysand measurements can be found in Appendix D. 3.1.3 Substrate Representative streambed material samples will be collected in years 5 and 7 at the locations where riffles are installed in reaches that are proposed for restoration as part of the Project. 3.2StreamHydrology 3.2.1Stream Flow Threepressure transducers (flow gauges) were installed in April2021onreachesR1, R5, and R6. All the flow gaugesdocumented that the stream exhibited surface flow for a minimum of 30 consecutive days duringthe monitoring year.Additionally,to determineifrainfall amounts are normal for the given year, precipitation data was collectedfrom CRONOS Pilot Mountain weather station (CBTN7) approximately one mile north of the site. 5 Flow Gauge Data Flow Flow Longest Period of Total Days of Total Days of Longest Period of Gauge Gauge Consecutive FlowCumulative Cumulative Consecutive No Flow NameLocationFlowNo Flow 263days FG-1 R1263days0 days0 days 1/1/2022–9/20/2022 263days FG-2 R5263days0 days0 days 1/1/2022–9/20/2022 121days FG-3 R6235days28days8 days 5/23/2022 – 9/20/2022 3.2.2Bankfull Events During MY2,multiple bankfulleventswere recordedonthe pressure transducer(crest gauge) locaton th R3. CrestGauge CG-1on R3recorded threeeventswith amaximum event of0.293feetonJuly13,2022. The associated dataislocatedin Appendix E. 3.3 Vegetation Monitoring of theseven permanent vegetation plots was completed during September2022. Vegetation data can be found in Appendix C with the associated photos located in Appendix B. The MY2average planted density is 538stems per acre, which exceeds the interim measure ofvegetativesuccess of at least 320 planted stems per acre at the end of the third monitoring year.In addition, every vegetationplot also metthe interim measure ofsuccessand had445to648stems per acre.Volunteerblack willow (Salix nigra) were noted at MY2, and more species areexpected to establish in upcoming years. Visual assessment ofvegetation outsideof themonitoring plotsindicatesthat the herbaceous vegetation iswell established throughout the project. 4Methods Streamcross-sectionmonitoring was conducted using a Topcon Total Station. Three-dimensional coordinates associated with cross-section data were collected in the field (NAD83 State Plane feet PIPS 3200). Morphological data were collected at 12 cross-sections. Survey data wasimported into Microsoft Excel® for processing and analysis. The stage recorders include an automatic pressure transducer set in PVC piping in the channel. The elevation of the bed and top of bank at each stage recorder location was recorded to be able to document presence of water in the channel and out of bank events. Visual observations (i.e. wrack or debris lines) and traditional cork crest gauges will also be used to document out of bank events. Vegetation success is being monitored at a total of sevenpermanent vegetation plots. Vegetation plot monitoring follows the CVS-EEP Level 2 Protocol for Recording Vegetation, version 4.2 (Lee et al. 2008) and includes analysis of species composition and density of planted species. Data are processed using the NCDMS ShinyApp tool. In the field, the four comers of each plot were permanently marked with PVC at the origin and rebarat the other comers. Photos of each plot are to be taken from the origin each monitoring year. Tree species and height will be recorded for each planted stem. 6 Appendix A: Background Tables Table 1: Project Mitigation Components Table 2: Project Activity, Reporting History, and Contacts Table 3: Project Information and Attributes Full Channel Restoration, Planted Buffer, Exclusion of Livestock, Permanent Conservation EasementFull Channel Restoration, Planted Buffer, Exclusion of Livestock, Permanent Conservation Easement. Full Channel Restoration, Planted Buffer, Exclusion of Livestock, Permanent Conservation Easement. Invasive Control, Habitat Structures, Bank stabilization Dimension and Profile modified in keeping with reference, livestock exclusion, planting, permananent easement. Full Channel Restoration, Planted Buffer, Permanent Conservation Easement. Full Channel Restoration, Exclusion of Livestock, Permanent Conservation Easement. Full Channel Restoration, Planted Buffer, Permanent Conservation Easement. As-Built Components Non-RipCoastal WetlandMarsh and Assets Mitigation RiverineNon-Riv Project Mitigation StreamRiparian Wetland 225 4,762 4,987 orFootage orMitigationRestorationPriorityMitigationFootage or Tributaries WarmCoolCold ExistingMitigation FootagePlan Creek Grassy Credits 1. Project SegmentAcreageAcreageCategoryLevelLevelRatio (X:1)AcreageComments Restoration Level TableProject Totals RestorationRe-establishmentRehabilitationEnhancementEnhancement IEnhancement IICreationPreservation R12,3432,243WarmRI1.000002,251R2651376WarmRI1.00000377R31,2291,158WarmRI1.000001,180R41,1271,122WarmEIINA5.000001,122R5329329WarmRI/II1.00000307R6242247WarmRI/II1.00000233R6a5454WarmRI/II1.0000056R73 76355WarmRI/II1.00000342 PPPPI/PP R3R4R5R6R6aR7 E4C4A4A4A4G4 C4N/AB4aB4aB4aB4 AEN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A 0179 Docs? 1,1781,12232924754405217.6240.09.610.20.922.4 02528 Letter)Letter) Permit Supporting DWR #18- unconfinedunconfinedconfinedconfinedconfinedconfined SAW-2017- SHPO (Corr. "WS-IV" / "C""WS-IV" / "C""WS-IV" / "C""WS-IV" / "C""WS-IV" / "C""WS-IV" / "C" USFWS (Corr. 8 13.1 Surry (30%) 0.25% confined 03-07-02 Piedmont 03040101 moderately Upper Yadkin 36.44193, -80.45442 Grassy Creek Tributaries 22.1 acres, 0.03 sq. miles PP B4E4/F4bB4C4b NoN/ANoN/A N/AN/AN/AN/A YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes 83.2160.0 2,323426 Confined "WS-IV"/"C""WS-IV"/"C" Agulcultural: Pasture/Hay (64%), Mixed Forest ParametersR1R2ParametersApplicable?Resolved? Table 3. Project Background Information Project NameCountyProject Area (acres) Project Coordinates (latitude and longitude)Planted Acreage (Acres of Woody Stems Planted)Project Watershed Summary Information Physiographic ProvinceRiver BasinUSGS Hydrologic Unit 8-digitDWR Sub-basinProject Drainage Area (Acres and Square Miles)Project Drainage Area Percentage of Impervious Area CGIA Land Use Classification Reach Summary Information Length of reach (linear feet)Valley confinement (Confined, moderately confined, unconfined)Drainage area (Acres)Perennial, Intermittent, EphemeralNCDWR Water Quality ClassificationStream Classification (existing)Stream Classification (proposed)Evolutionary trend (Simon)FEMA classification Regulatory Considerations Water of the United States - Section 404Water of the United States - Section 401Endangered Species ActHistoric Preservation ActCoastal Zone Management Act (CZMA or CAMA)FEMA Floodplain ComplianceEssential Fisheries Habitat Appendix B: Visual Assessment Data Figure 1a1: Current Condition Plan View (CCPV) Stream Station Photographs (Cross-Sections and Photo Stations) Vegetation Plot Photographs Additional Photographs 02) 02) (MY (MY Upstream Downstream XS1, XS1, R1, R1, 00) 00) (MY (MY Upstream Downstream XS1, XS1, R1, R1, 02) 02) (MY (MY Bank Bank Left Right XS1, XS1, R1, R1, 00) 00) (MY (MY Bank Bank Left Right XS1, XS1, R1, R1, 02) 02) (MY (MY Upstream Downstream XS2, XS2, R1, R1, 00) 00) (MY (MY Upstream Downstream XS2, XS2, R1, R1, 02) 02) (MY (MY Bank Bank Left Right XS2, XS2, R1, R1, 00) 00) (MY (MY Bank Bank Left Right XS2, XS2, R1, R1, 02) 02) (MY (MY Upstream Downstream XS3, XS3, R1, R1, 00) 00) (MY (MY Upstream Downstream XS3, XS3, R1, R1, 02) 02) (MY (MY Bank Bank Left Right XS3, XS3, R1, R1, 00) 00) (MY (MY Bank Bank Left Right XS3, XS3, R1, R1, 02) 02) (MY (MY Upstream Downstream XS4, XS4, R1, R1, 00) 00) (MY (MY Upstream Downstream XS4, XS4, R1, R1, 02) 02) (MY (MY Bank Bank Left Right XS4, XS4, R1, R1, 00) 00) (MY (MY Bank 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slope + 57 floodplain Α{ƷğƷźƚƓ left on Structure repair Hook J erosion at Piping floodplain R3, 1:R7, 2: SPA SPA 01) 01) (MY (MY 10 slope + 57 floodplain Α{ƷğƷźƚƓ left on Structure repair Hook J erosion at Piping floodplain R3, 1: R7, 2: SPA SPA 02) (MY slope 02) floodplain left (MY on repair Downstream erosion R6, floodplain R7, 2: SPA 01) (MY slope 02) floodplain left (MY on repair Downstream erosion R7, floodplain R7, 2: SPA Appendix C: Vegetation Monitoring Plot Data Table 4: Red-line Plant List Table 5a: Stem Counts and Densities Table Table 5b: Vegetation Performance Standards Summary GrassyCreekTributariesMitigationProject MY0RedlinePlantingList Mitigation ScientificNameCommonNameStems%Planted Plan% GreenAsh3004.23%5% Fraxinuspensylvanica RiverBirch6509.15%7% Betulanigra Basswood3504.93%0% Tiliaamericana Blackgum4005.63%0% Nyssasylvatica Sycamore6509.15%7% Platanusoccidentalis Tulippoplar6509.15%8% Liriodendrontulipifera Northernredoak2002.82%0% Quercusrubra Swampchestnutoak2002.82%0% Quercusmichauxii Willowoak1001.41%5% Quercusphellos Whiteoak4005.63%0% Quercusalba Chestnutoak00.00%7% Quercusprinus Cherrybarkoak00.00%7% Quercuspagoda Overcupoak00.00%5% Quercuslyrata Southernredoak00.00%7% Quercusfalcata Persimmon4506.34%7% Diospyrosvirginiana RedChokeberry2503.52%0% Aroniaarbutifolia Ironwood4005.63%6% Carpinuscaroliniana Witchhazel4005.63%6% Hamamelisvirginiana Pawpaw5007.04%6% Asiminatriloba Spicebush4005.63%6% Linderabenzoin Tagalader4005.63%6% Alnusserrulata Hazelnut4005.63%6% Corylusamericana Commonserviceberry00.00%5% Amelanchierarborea Umbrellamagnolia00.00%6% Magnoliatripetala Total 7,100100.00% *changesfrommitigationplaninred Totalamountincludesthoseplantedpriortostormrepairsandareasthatwerereplanted (3.43ac)afterstormrepairs. RiparianBufferLiveStakePlantings ȃ Streambanks (ProposedЋ͸Ќ͸Spacing@MeanderBendsandЏ͸Б͸Spacing@RiffleSections) {ğƒĬǒĭǒƭĭğƓğķĻƓƭźƭ Elderberry20%FACW {ğƌźǣƭĻƩźĭĻğ Silkywillow30%OBL {ğƌźǣƓźŭƩğ Blackwillow10%OBL /ƚƩƓǒƭğƒƚƒǒƒ Silkydogwood40%FACW have F that 7 Plot species , (bolded) year FVeg 6 monitoring Plot current 1111 the stems. for proposed addendum FVeg and 5 plan Plot Veg approved, 2211111133112211 mitigation a plan through mitigation F post 4 proposed Plot being approved, are 33112211111122 plan that species mitigation Ћ FVeg from 3 includes data Plot section includes Species" Plan Standard" FVeg 2 Mitigation Plot Performance "Post approved. Plan 111111112211221111 The been plan. has Mitigation species "Post 6888108103322221000000068881081033222210000000 11121115161315271715203131201112111516131527171520313120 mitigation 445486445607648526607445486445607648526607 the FVeg the 1 that (italicized). Plot approved whereas Veg 33222211221133222255111111113311222222112244 indicates approved plan, PlantedTotalPlantedTotalPlantedTotalPlantedTotalPlantedTotalPlantedTotalPlantedTotal original font not the in are regular mitigation that a Status included Indicator and original species were the and in Tree/ Shrub that approved, font), not included species are oakTreeFACW22 oakTreeFACU 271520(regular Name those ashTreeFACW112211 oakTreeFACU11stems red hazelnutShrubFACU alderTreeFACW sycamoreTreeFACW 040409birchTreeFACWbasswoodTreeFACU11 hornbeamTreeFACspicebushTreeFACW witchhazelTreeFACU11 ǞźƌƌƚǞƩĻĻh.\[ species persimmonTreeFAC 13 N/A chestnut only 0.0247 chokeberryShrubFACW from 202020212022 (%)(%) Table addendum only italicized contains plan (ft.)(ft.) CountCount year, derived is section HeightHeight CountCompositionCountComposition StemStem Densities mitigation PlotInvasivesPlotInvasives a YearYearPlan" section %% monitoring Stems/AcreStems/Acre and SpeciesSpecies SpeciesSpecies AverageAverage through CurrentCurrent albawhite tulipiferatuliptreeTreeFACU1111Standard1111121211111515161613131515 NameCommoncurrent rubranorthern trilobapawpawTreeFAC22nigrarivervirginianaAmerican Standard1111121211111515161613131515 virginianacommonMitigation benzoinnorthern michauxiiswamp ƓźŭƩğĬƌğĭƉ Standard" carolinianaAmerican sylvaticablackgumTreeFAC americanaAmerican occidentalisAmerican Counts serrulatahazel arbutifoliared DominantDominant the pennsylvanicagreen years americanaAmerican {ğƌźǣ for Betula Quercus Quercus Nyssa AlnusAsiminaTilia Scientific Lindera Aronia CorylusQuercus Proposed Stem Approved CarpinusDiospyros Platanus Hamamelis Liriodendron Performance Fraxinus in Plant(s) Performance monitoring 5a: proposed Plan are prior Included Survey in Table Plant in PlanPlan species Supplemental (ACRES) Acreage InitialCurrent ofMowing "Species"Mitigation Species Plan SumSum approved ofof MitigationMitigation size Species StandardStandard BoldedTheThe Approved Included Plan PerformancePerformance MitigationPostMitigationPost PlantedDateDate(s)Date(s)DatePlot1).2).been3). InvasivesInvasives %% FSpeciesFSpecies 36 PlotPlot (ft)#(ft)# Ht.Ht. F. InvasivesStems/Ac.Av.InvasivesStems/Ac.Av. an with plots Summary FVegSpecies%FVegSpecies% 25 fixed PlotPlot and R, (ft)#(ft)# Standards an Ht.Ht. with denoted Performance are plots Vegetation Random 5b: InvasivesStems/Ac.Av.InvasivesStems/Ac.Av.Invasives "groups". Table plot FVegSpecies%FVegSpecies%FSpecies% 147 vegetation PlotPlotPlot (ft)#(ft)#(ft)# VegVegVeg random Ht.Ht.Ht. the for plot 44536048638044528044526048629056721005671706482100607211060728064821005262806882906882100688110068829072921107691110607110072911207291120 different Stems/Ac.Av.Stems/Ac.Av.Stems/Ac.Av. a 753210753210753210 represents YearYearYearYearYearYearYearYearYearYearYearYearYearYearYearYearYearYear year MonitoringMonitoringMonitoringMonitoringMonitoringMonitoringMonitoringMonitoringMonitoringMonitoringMonitoringMonitoringMonitoringMonitoringMonitoringMonitoringMonitoringMonitoring monitoring *Each Appendix D: Stream Measurement and Geomorphology Data MY2 Cross-Sections Table 6a: Baseline Stream Data Summary Table 6b: Cross-section Morphology Data 7 of MY2 2 Solutions Year Land and Monitoring Water Floodprone Area Looking Downstream Bankfull Elevation Width (feet) MY2 XS-1 Pool, STA 17+55 MY1 1.61.6 1.0210.5 2.0% 1011.41011.4 Grassy Creek Tribs Mitigation ProjectR1XS-1C. Durham, E. Dunnigan Baseline MY0 0510152025303540 Project 101610151014101310121011101010091008 Elevation (feet) Mitigation Project NameReach IDCross-Section IDField CrewDimension Data Summary: MY2 2022Bankfull Elevation (ft)Low Bank Height Elevation (ft)Bankfull Max Depth (ft)Low Bank Height (ft)Bank Height Ratio Bankfull X-section Area (ft²)% Change Bank Height Ratio 2022 Creek GrassyAugust 7 of MY2 2 Solutions Year Land and Monitoring Water Gmppeqspof!Bsfb Mppljoh!Epxotusfbn Cbolgvmm!Fmfwbujpo Xjeui!)gffu* NZ3 YT.3!Sjggmf-!TUB!28,86!! NZ2 2/22/35/: 2/16 6/1& 2121/72121/8 Hsbttz!Dsffl!Usjct!Njujhbujpo!QspkfduS2YT.3D/!Evsibn-!F/!Evoojhbo Cbtfmjof!NZ1 1621263136414651 Project 2127212621252124212321222121211:2119 Fmfwbujpo!)gffu* Mitigation Qspkfdu!ObnfSfbdi!JEDsptt.Tfdujpo!JEGjfme!DsfxCbolgvmm!Fmfwbujpo!)gu*Mpx!Cbol!Ifjhiu!Fmfwbujpo!)gu*Cbolgvmm!Nby!Efqui!)gu*Mpx!Cbol!Ifjhiu!)gu*Cbol!Ifjhiu!Sbujp!Cbolgvmm!Y.tfdujpo!Bsfb!)gu³*&!Dibohf!C bol!Ifjhiu!Sbujp Ejnfotjpo!Ebub!Tvnnbsz;!NZ3!3133 2022 Creek GrassyAugust 7 of MY2 2 Solutions Year Land and Monitoring Water Gmppeqspof!Bsfb Mppljoh!Epxotusfbn Cbolgvmm!Fmfwbujpo Xjeui!)gffu* NZ3 YT.4!Sjggmf-!TUB!37,64!! NZ2 2/12/15/9 2/11 1/1& :98/6:98/6 Hsbttz!Dsffl!Usjct!Njujhbujpo!QspkfduS2YT.4D/!Evsibn-!F/!Evoojhbo Cbtfmjof!NZ1 1621263136414651 Project ::5::4::3::2::1:9::99:98:97 Fmfwbujpo!)gffu* Mitigation Qspkfdu!ObnfSfbdi!JEDsptt.Tfdujpo!JEGjfme!DsfxEjnfotjpo!Ebub!Tvnnbsz;!NZ3!3133Cbolgvmm!Fmfwbujpo!)gu*Mpx!Cbol!Ifjhiu!Fmfwbujpo!)gu*Cbolgvmm!Nby!Efqui!)gu*Mpx!Cbol!Ifjhiu!)gu*Cbol!Ifjhiu!Sbujp!Cbolgvm m!Y.tfdujpo!Bsfb!)gu³*&!Dibohf!Cbol!Ifjhiu!Sbujp 2022 Creek GrassyAugust 7 of MY2 2 Solutions Year Land and Monitoring Water Gmppeqspof!Bsfb Mppljoh!Epxotusfbn Cbolgvmm!Fmfwbujpo Xjeui!)gffu* NZ3 YT.5!Qppm-!TUB!37,91!! NZ2 1/:1/94/5 1/:8 4/1& :98/2:98/2 Hsbttz!Dsffl!Usjct!Njujhbujpo!QspkfduS2YT.5D/!Evsibn-!F/!Evoojhbo Cbtfmjof!NZ1 1621263136414651 Project ::3::2::1:9::99:98:97:96:95 Fmfwbujpo!)gffu* Mitigation Qspkfdu!ObnfSfbdi!JEDsptt.Tfdujpo!JEGjfme!DsfxCbolgvmm!Fmfwbujpo!)gu*Mpx!Cbol!Ifjhiu!Fmfwbujpo!)gu*Cbolgvmm!Nby!Efqui!)gu*Mpx!Cbol!Ifjhiu!)gu*Cbol!Ifjhiu!Sbujp!Cbolgvmm!Y.tfdujpo!Bsfb!)gu³*&!Dibohf!C bol!Ifjhiu!Sbujp Ejnfotjpo!Ebub!Tvnnbsz;!NZ3!3133 2022 Creek GrassyAugust 7 of MY2 2 Solutions Year Land and Monitoring Water Gmppeqspof!Bsfb Mppljoh!Epxotusfbn Cbolgvmm!Fmfwbujpo Xjeui!)gffu* NZ3 YT.6!Sjggmf-!TUB!54,26! NZ2 2/32/16/5 1/9: :65/4:65/2 22/1& Hsbttz!Dsffl!Usjct!Njujhbujpo!QspkfduS3YT.6F/!Evoojhbo-!D/!Evsibn Cbtfmjof!NZ1 16212631364146515661 Project :68:67:66:65:64:63 Fmfwbujpo!)gffu* Mitigation Qspkfdu!ObnfSfbdi!JEDsptt.Tfdujpo!JEGjfme!DsfxCbolgvmm!Fmfwbujpo!)gu*Mpx!Cbol!Ifjhiu!Fmfwbujpo!)gu*Cbolgvmm!Nby!Efqui!)gu*Mpx!Cbol!Ifjhiu!)gu*Cbol!Ifjhiu!Sbujp!Cbolgvmm!Y.tfdujpo!Bsfb!)gu³*&!Dibohf!C bol!Ifjhiu!Sbujp Ejnfotjpo!Ebub!Tvnnbsz;!NZ3!3133 2022 Creek GrassyAugust 7 of MY2 2 Solutions Year Land and Monitoring Water Gmppeqspof!Bsfb Mppljoh!Epxotusfbn Cbolgvmm!Fmfwbujpo Xjeui!)gffu* NZ3 YT.7!Qppm-!TUB!54,99!! NZ2 3/23/2 1/::22/4 2/1& :63/9:63/9 Hsbttz!Dsffl!Usjct!Njujhbujpo!QspkfduS3YT.7F/!Evoojhbo-!D/!Evsibn Cbtfmjof!NZ1 16212631364146515661 Project :67:66:65:64:63:62:61 Fmfwbujpo!)gffu* Mitigation Qspkfdu!ObnfSfbdi!JEDsptt.Tfdujpo!JEGjfme!DsfxEjnfotjpo!Ebub!Tvnnbsz;!NZ3!3133Cbolgvmm!Fmfwbujpo!)gu*Mpx!Cbol!Ifjhiu!Fmfwbujpo!)gu*Cbolgvmm!Nby!Efqui!)gu*Mpx!Cbol!Ifjhiu!)gu*Cbol!Ifjhiu!Sbujp!Cbolgvm m!Y.tfdujpo!Bsfb!)gu³*&!Dibohf!Cbol!Ifjhiu!Sbujp 2022 Creek GrassyAugust 7 of MY2 2 Solutions Year Land and Monitoring Water Gmppeqspof!Bsfb Mppljoh!Epxotusfbn Cbolgvmm!Fmfwbujpo Xjeui!)gffu* NZ3 YT.8!Sjggmf-!TUB!25,5:!! NZ2 1/71/62/5 1/:8 4/1& :68/5:68/5 Hsbttz!Dsffl!Usjct!Njujhbujpo!QspkfduS8YT.8F/!Evoojhbo-!D/!Evsibn Cbtfmjof!NZ1 16212631364146515661 Project :75:74:73:72:71:6::69:68:67 Fmfwbujpo!)gffu* Mitigation Qspkfdu!ObnfSfbdi!JEDsptt.Tfdujpo!JEGjfme!DsfxEjnfotjpo!Ebub!Tvnnbsz;!NZ3!3133Cbolgvmm!Fmfwbujpo!)gu*Mpx!Cbol!Ifjhiu!Fmfwbujpo!)gu*Cbolgvmm!Nby!Efqui!)gu*Mpx!Cbol!Ifjhiu!)gu*Cbol!Ifjhiu!Sbujp!Cbolgvm m!Y.tfdujpo!Bsfb!)gu³*&!Dibohf!Cbol!Ifjhiu!Sbujp 2022 Creek GrassyAugust 7 of MY2 2 Solutions Year Land and Monitoring Water Gmppeqspof!Bsfb Mppljoh!Epxotusfbn Cbolgvmm!Fmfwbujpo Xjeui!)gffu* NZ3 YT.9!Qppm-!TUB!25,86!! NZ2 2/62/65/9 2/14 4/1& :68/3:68/3 Hsbttz!Dsffl!Usjct!Njujhbujpo!QspkfduS8YT.9F/!Evoojhbo-!D/!Evsibn Cbtfmjof!NZ1 16212631364146515661 Project :74:73:72:71:6::69:68:67:66 Fmfwbujpo!)gffu* Mitigation Qspkfdu!ObnfSfbdi!JEDsptt.Tfdujpo!JEGjfme!DsfxCbolgvmm!Fmfwbujpo!)gu*Mpx!Cbol!Ifjhiu!Fmfwbujpo!)gu*Cbolgvmm!Nby!Efqui!)gu*Mpx!Cbol!Ifjhiu!)gu*Cbol!Ifjhiu!Sbujp!Cbolgvmm!Y.tfdujpo!Bsfb!)gu³*&!Dibohf!C bol!Ifjhiu!Sbujp Ejnfotjpo!Ebub!Tvnnbsz;!NZ3!3133 2022 Creek GrassyAugust 7 of MY2 2 Solutions Year Land and Monitoring Water Gmppeqspof!Bsfb Mppljoh!Epxotusfbn Cbolgvmm!Fmfwbujpo Xjeui!)gffu* NZ3 YT.:!Qppm-!TUB!59,84 NZ2 4/24/9 2/3531/: :55/::56/8 35/1& Hsbttz!Dsffl!Usjct!Njujhbujpo!QspkfduS4YT.:F/!Evoojhbo-!D/!Evsibn Cbtfmjof!NZ1 16212631364146515661 Project :58:57:56:55:54:53:52 Fmfwbujpo!)gffu* Mitigation Qspkfdu!ObnfSfbdi!JEDsptt.Tfdujpo!JEGjfme!DsfxCbolgvmm!Fmfwbujpo!)gu*Mpx!Cbol!Ifjhiu!Fmfwbujpo!)gu*Cbolgvmm!Nby!Efqui!)gu*Mpx!Cbol!Ifjhiu!)gu*Cbol!Ifjhiu!Sbujp!Cbolgvmm!Y.tfdujpo!Bsfb!)gu³*&!Dibohf!C bol!Ifjhiu!Sbujp Ejnfotjpo!Ebub!Tvnnbsz;!NZ3!3133 2022 Creek GrassyAugust 7 of MY2 2 Solutions Year Land and Monitoring Water Gmppeqspof!Bsfb Mppljoh!Epxotusfbn Cbolgvmm!Fmfwbujpo Xjeui!)gffu* NZ3 YT.21!Sjggmf-!TUB!59,:5 NZ2 2/42/38/7 1/9: :56/6:56/4 22/1& Hsbttz!Dsffl!Usjct!Njujhbujpo!QspkfduS4YT.21F/!Evoojhbo-!D/!Evsibn Cbtfmjof!NZ1 16212631364146515661 Project :59:58:57:56:55:54 Fmfwbujpo!)gffu* Mitigation Qspkfdu!ObnfSfbdi!JEDsptt.Tfdujpo!JEGjfme!DsfxEjnfotjpo!Ebub!Tvnnbsz;!NZ3!3133Cbolgvmm!Fmfwbujpo!)gu*Mpx!Cbol!Ifjhiu!Fmfwbujpo!)gu*Cbolgvmm!Nby!Efqui!)gu*Mpx!Cbol!Ifjhiu!)gu*Cbol!Ifjhiu!Sbujp!Cbolgvm m!Y.tfdujpo!Bsfb!)gu³*&!Dibohf!Cbol!Ifjhiu!Sbujp 2022 Creek GrassyAugust 7 of MY2 2 Solutions Year Land 61 and Monitoring Water 56 51 46 Gmppeqspof!Bsfb Mppljoh!Epxotusfbn 41 36 Cbolgvmm!Fmfwbujpo Xjeui!)gffu* 31 NZ3 YT.22!Qppm-!TUB!67,9:!! 26 NZ2 5/35/5 2/1638/5 6/1& :42/2:42/4 21 Hsbttz!Dsffl!Usjct!Njujhbujpo!QspkfduS4YT.22F/!Evoojhbo-!D/!Evsibn Cbtfmjof!NZ1 6 1 Project :45:44:43:42:41:3::39:38 Fmfwbujpo!)gffu* Mitigation Qspkfdu!ObnfSfbdi!JEDsptt.Tfdujpo!JEGjfme!DsfxCbolgvmm!Fmfwbujpo!)gu*Mpx!Cbol!Ifjhiu!Fmfwbujpo!)gu*Cbolgvmm!Nby!Efqui!)gu*Mpx!Cbol!Ifjhiu!)gu*Cbol!Ifjhiu!Sbujp!Cbolgvmm!Y.tfdujpo!Bsfb!)gu³*&!Dibohf!C bol!Ifjhiu!Sbujp Ejnfotjpo!Ebub!Tvnnbsz;!NZ3!3133 2022 Creek GrassyAugust 7 of MY2 2 Solutions Year Land and Monitoring Water Gmppeqspof!Bsfb Mppljoh!Epxotusfbn Cbolgvmm!Fmfwbujpo Xjeui!)gffu* NZ3 YT.23!Sjggmf-!TUB!68,25!! NZ2 2/42/39/2 1/:: 2/1& :41/5:41/5 Hsbttz!Dsffl!Usjct!Njujhbujpo!QspkfduS4YT.23F/!Evoojhbo-!D/!Evsibn Cbtfmjof!NZ1 16212631364146515661 Project :44:43:42:41:3::39 Fmfwbujpo!)gffu* Mitigation Qspkfdu!ObnfSfbdi!JEDsptt.Tfdujpo!JEGjfme!DsfxCbolgvmm!Fmfwbujpo!)gu*Mpx!Cbol!Ifjhiu!Fmfwbujpo!)gu*Cbolgvmm!Nby!Efqui!)gu*Mpx!Cbol!Ifjhiu!)gu*Cbol!Ifjhiu!Sbujp!Cbolgvmm!Y.tfdujpo!Bsfb!)gu³*&!Dibohf!C bol!Ifjhiu!Sbujp Ejnfotjpo!Ebub!Tvnnbsz;!NZ3!3133 2022 Creek GrassyAugust 2021) (May R6A Tributaries, Creek Grassy ConditionDesignMY0 A4B4aB4a 194.0104.00.0690.06350.046 Existing Pre 2021)2021)2021) 4.0 (May(May(May 0.0624 R2R7R6 C4bC4b Tributaries,Tributaries,Tributaries, CreekCreekCreek GrassyGrassy ConditionDesignMY0ConditionDesignMY0ConditionDesignMY0 G4B4B4 153.0114.094.00.0330.01850.0145104.079.086.0 0.03290.02180.0259 E4/F4b ExistingExistingExisting PrePre 2021)2021)2021)Pre B4C4 19.01.11 154.0 (May(May(May MY0 B4 19.0 152.0 Design R1 Project, R3R5Grassy SummarySummarySummary 10.0511.510. DataDataData ConditionConditionDesignMY0ConditionDesignMY0 Mitigation E4/F4C4 A4B4aB4aA4B4aB4a Tributaries,Tributaries, 130.00.0360.0330.0322131.0111.0116.00.0170.01550.017133.0100.0194.0143.0 0.03910.03860.04460.06840.0691 Stream F4b/G4 StreamStream incised ExistingExistingExisting CreekCreek PrePrePre Tributaries BaselineBaselineBaseline GrassyGrassy 6a:6a:6a: 4.711. MinMeanMedMaxnMinMaxMinMaxnMinMeanMedMaxnMinMaxMinMaxnMinMeanMedMaxnMinMaxMinMaxnMinMeanMedMaxnMinMaxMinMaxnMinMeanMedMaxnMinMaxMinMaxnMinMeanMedMaxnMinMaxMinMaxnMinMeanMedMaxnMinMaxMinMaxn Creek ))) 222 (ft)(ft)(ft) (ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft) (ft(ft(ft TableTableTable (cfs)(cfs)(cfs) RatioRatioRatio RatioRatioRatioRatioRatioRatio (ft/ft)(ft/ft)(ft/ft) OtherOtherOther Grassy BankfullBankfullBankfull AreaAreaArea DepthDepthDepth WidthWidthDepthWidthWidthDepthWidthWidthDepth atatat HeightHeightHeight SinuositySinuositySinuosity ClassificationClassificationClassification DischargeDischargeDischarge MaxMaxMax (Channel)(Channel)(Channel) MeanMeanMean BankBankBank BankfullBankfullBankfull SectionalSectionalSectional Width/DepthWidth/DepthWidth/Depth EntrenchmentEntrenchmentEntrenchment mobilizedRosgenmobilizedRosgenmobilizedRosgen SlopeSlopeSlope FloodproneFloodproneFloodprone BankfullBankfullBankfullBankfullBankfullBankfull BankfullCrossBankfullCrossBankfullCross (mm)(mm)(mm) SurfaceSurfaceSurface sizesizesize BankfullBankfullBankfull partpartpart WaterWaterWater MaxMaxMax OnlyOnlyOnly ParameterRiffleParameterRiffleParameterRiffle This section the the and cross for MY1 denominator. the elevation interest the of in LTOB within the area elevation parameters between bankfull thalweg MY1 difference morphological the calculated The the and primary until follows: above. as three as elevation on adjusted year be bankfull focus each calculated the for MY1 would are in the These tracked elevation resulted and between bank. of used bankfull outcome top be MY1 The difference low will the the years then with elevation each ft2, on 10 LTOB the wasnumerator based the providers/practitioners. area in depth MY1 Areabelow max bankfull for and built area As industrymitigation elevation calculation). the if and BHR sectional IRT thalweg the in cross example the the For and DMS,theLTOB of and the MY1 for area for elevation. used consisting bankfull elevation bankfull built elevation years workgroupAs (LTOB) depth. same bank max of (The constant technical a subsequent top LTOB as survey using each LOW mitigation years the ratio above the adjusting each height from for tracked for between bank and basis arose the thatelevation arethedifference as recroded the LTOB areabe They guidancethe year. with will on bankful 2018 forward. the based built successive calculated calculation) Asare be moving reflect each the BHR in These then the change takesout in would as depth parameters (BHR) carried channel BHR Max (same Ratio The then and is tracking ft2. morphology of Area 10 elevation = process above BankHeightLTOB Thepurposes1same2thalweg survey Appendix E: Hydrologic Data Table 7: Verification of Bankfull Events Figure 2: Flow Gauge and Crest Gauge Installation Diagrams Figure 3: Flow Gauge and Crest Gauge Graphs Table 8: Monthly Rainfall Data Table7:VerificationofBankfullEventsR3 GrassyCreekTributariesMitigationProject Measurement abovebankfull Monitoring (feet) YearDateofCollectionDateofOccurrenceMethodNotes/Photos Bankfullasaresultofa3.54"rainfall 11/17/20219/21/2021PressureTransducer0.63 event MY1 Bankfullasaresultofa1.97"rainfall 11/17/20219/22/2021PressureTransducer0.32 event Bankfullasaresultofa1.5"rainfall 4/7/20223/23/2022PressureTransducer0.156 event Bankfullasaresultofa2.01"rainfall MY2 8/23/20225/27/2022PressureTransducer0.251 event Bankfullasaresultof0.36"rainfall 8/23/20227/13/2022PressureTransducer0.293 event L L U F K N A B R H =SENSOR EE C R UU S D S S E N R A P R T E G U A G K R O C Table 8: Monthly Rainfall Data Grassy Creek Tributaries Mitigation Project MY2 2022 MonthlyRainfall 7.00 6.00 5.00 4.00 (inches) 3.00 Total 2.00 Rainfall 1.00 0.00 Jan22Feb22Mar22Apr22May22Jun22Jul22Aug22Sep22Oct22Nov22Dec22 ObservedMonthlyRainfall30thPercentile*70thPercentile* *30thand70thpercentiledatacollectedfromweatherstationCoopCBTN7PilotMountain,NC **IncompleteMonth Month30thPercentile*70thPercentile*ObservedMonthlyRainfall Jan222.604.553.60 Feb222.103.834.96 Mar223.035.033.83 Apr222.764.782.48 May223.305.616.01 Jun222.805.373.26 Jul223.515.815.51 Aug222.595.125.00 Sep222.635.325.20 Oct222.154.29** Nov222.224.11** Dec222.514.54**