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GW1-2022-09505_Well Construction - GW1_20221014
/ » Brian Ewing FROM "TO I USCRIPTION Well ft. ft. 4240 �`15.OUTER CASING it fi. "Injection Well; '�2(f.DRH,LING-LOG'(iiiAch*adifiti6iiii�hM.i if Mum) 13011wr(e.�pWll tjqd�r#2 Llkeina&) 0 .-it.- 10 It. FILL SILT SAND 115 W.. 13th St., Roanoke Rapids, NC, 27870 7f J-t- 0 of-ivell -..-- . ` f6si - ~-.� . —IMI corlstincliQ6 - / )firmer gli.i.NC276994617 LI '