HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-09493_Well Construction - GW1_20221014 NVE I. 'q—ONSTRUCTION RECORD(Gov-l) For Internal Use Only: �j coonnttracto)r 1, ormn600: 1. "/� -ri''f�1A.J . An wn LA.WATER ZONES PROM 1 TO F DaaCRIMON Well Conuaetor Name 3V R 3o3 R R U NC Well Cooliaetor CedrScati—Number PlLnMCM TER CASQ'Gformd6-cased weft OALWER dapplicable) YADION WELL COMPANY,INC. ro D1AMiTIIt TM TsruAt �r/ R Ca®pmYNama I -� 3..1/—fiT 7Slo vJ ('+1 4.(e tq (:ASR•iG OH TUNING thermal rimed-too 2.Well Construction Permit#: 6 3 S TO DIAMETER TsOuss MA7ffiOAL Lhfoilapplicable wall construction penvor(La.ABC County,Sim,Yarlarim,ere) RR / is- _ L/3.Well UM(cbmkwell use): R fR in. l�REEN Watrr Supply Well: FROM. I TO 1AataT'l:RI SLOT 3= I THICInW KXTaiWL C Agticuhmal OMrmicipal/Public DOeoibermal(Heating/Cooling Supply) AlKidential Water Supply(single) tt Ia. Oladustrial/Commemial OResidential Water Supply(shared) 1B.GROUT Alai 'on OWells>100,000 GPD FROM 1 To MATERIALEMt CEMENT METHOD A AMOUNT Nan-Water Supply Well: ft' ft 'f GrGvi y.2 OMoriitnring OMecovery R R Injection Well: R fL OAquifer Recharge OGroundwater Remedistioa 19.t1AND1GRAYEL P de hie ClAquifer Storage and Recovery OSahaity,Barrier FROM To MA CKMENT METHOD OAquifer Test OSimmwatc Drainage R R OFxperimeatal Technology OSubsidence Contra! R ❑Geothermal(Closed Loop) OTracar 20.DRII.L71rTGLOG launch additional sheets if nerass OGeotLemlal eating(Cooling Rehan) 00dw(explam,under#21 Ramada) FRr1M To nsacatPnoN color haNnm mahark eR FfL R �o. •� 4.Date Wells)Completed: q'Z -2 Z ell mn 80 R J rIL A0 IL 144.4 Ss.Well Loeatioa:�v/S(.i(64 hone # _� R lFe�l1 n 48Y Ssxt Fse"titylOwnerNaim ID9@falTlieald ft. c&r Cad mod, Lei n� E I kt r R phlyo l Addee, City.and Zip R - 2022 2L REMARKS W0, lI ft' CDU* pmeei identi6mtionNa(PIIi) 5b.Latitude and longitude in degreea/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (if wall field,one lat/loagis soff dent) 22.CertMERtian: 3G.` / /5,* -N R . 5 V 25.o y<„ R -23-2 Z 6.ia(are)the we0(s): 9Permanent or OTemporary OSifoature ofCrrUcd Well Cmhactar Due By sip brgthirjarm,I hereby cer*that the well(r)was(were)cmatructedin a=r&mce with 7.is this a repair to an eating well: Oyes or @go ISANCW 02C.0100 or/5A NCAC 02C.0200 Well Consbudion Standardr and thai a ropy Ijthtr tr a repair,fdl m,brown well construction br,famratfan mid erolam the naeae of the ofthis mwrdhas been proulded to tha well owner. ,quirmrder 121 remarks section or an the backajthlsjorm. 23.Site diagram or additional well details: 8-For GeoprobdDFT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use the be&of this page to provide additional well construction info constructions only 1 GW-1 is needed. Indicate TOTALNUMBER of wells (add'See Over'inRemmis Box).You may also attach eddmonal pages if necessary. drMcd: + X SUBMTITAL INSTRUCTIONS 9.Total well depth below land surface: 0% 0 (ft) For multiple wells Ila all depths ijdif(ermt(emmple-3@200'and2®1001 Submit this GW-1 within 30 days of well completion per the following: �. 10.Static water level below top of easing: 6 O (R) 2J4a. For All Wells: Original form to Division of Water Resources (DWR), L ywcler level Is above rasing,we'•+• Information FroeessingUnit,1617 MSC,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 s 11.Borehole diameter: (ia,) Bit Off' 4,o84 24b.For Injection Wells: Copy to DWR,Underground Injection Control(IUC) ' Prograrn,1636 MSC,Releigb•NC 27699-1636 ti 17.Well construction method: AIR ROTARY (• (is.auger,rotary,cable,direst pmh,ern.) - cm For Water Su 1 sad de en-Loop Geothermal county Return c mulcWella:Copy to the 1 county mvhonmeatal health depmfineat of the county where iaa eel p FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 24d.For Water Wells producingover 100,000 GPD: Copy m DWR,CCPCUA "A (gP ) (�— FM= gram,1611 MSC,Raleigh,NC 27 -1 11 'As 13a.Yield m Method of test: /`l� 2rr � 0 13h Disinfection type: 70/HTH � Amount: o`( 6 oz DATE SITE VISITED:. aAdrta.."`- iw.6'sTu VISITED BY: . . . `r'..:---.—_.,—.�. a_. . !vyvssmmtal Quality Division of Water Remare.n a..,..d6 7mx