No person may initiate any land -disturbing activity on one or more acres, '/ acre or more inside a
watershed, as covered by the Sedimentation Pollution Control Act and the Iredell County Land
Development Code, before an acceptable erosion and sedimentation control plan has been submitted
and approved by the Iredell County Planning & Development, Erosion Control Section.
(Please type or print)
Part A.
1. Project Name��VY
2. Location of land -disturbing activity: Countyl City or Township.} (aq V Its
Highway/Street G F) Latitude�5 , Longitude"�$ _J I"7
3. Approximate date land -disturbing activity will commence: J �3 +
4. Purpose of development (residential, commercial, industrial, institutional, etc.): G a
5. Total acreage disturbed or uncovered (including off -site borrow and waste areas): _rL
ti. Amount of fee enclosed: $ An application fee of $175.00 per acre (rounded up to the next acre) is
assessed without a ceiling amount (Example: a 8.10-acre application fee is $1575). For projects > than 0.5 acres but no
greater than 0.99 acres in a water supply watershed, a flat fee of $100.00 is assessed.
7. Has an erosion and sediment control plan been filed? Yes No Enclosed_
8. Person to contact should erosion and sediment control issues arise during land -disturbing activity:
Name 'T } 1L1__J-7 0_['f-' LL-a E-mail Address }�i j Q� � �(�V InIY�P►l�h�Irell `. Loly]
Telephone a Cell #
Fax #
9. Landowner(s) of Record (attach accompanied page to list additional owners):
ILL! C)to, 0
Name Telephone
LoGcoec T
Current Mailing Address
City State zip
Current Street Address
Fax Number
10. Deed Book No. Page No. 1 I Provide a copy of the most current deed.
Part B.
Person(s) or firm(s) who are financially responsible for the land -disturbing activity (Provide a comprehensive list of all
responsible parties on an attached sheet): �" _ I ILL 11_}q���s:1 I�I`U�(,�VIS'►nncFv��nnm-.�js�-,
Name E-mail Address
ILti _, ' v
Current Mailing A dress Current Street Address
City State zip
Telephone T ( 1 Fax Number.
Page 1 of 2
2. (a) If the Financially Responsible Party is not a resident of North Carolina, give name and street address of the designated
North Carolina Agent:
Current Mailing Address
City state zip
E-mail Address
Current Street Address
City State Zip
Fax Number
(b) If the Financially Responsible Party is a Partnership or other person engaging in business under an assumed name, attach
a copy of the Certificate of Assumed Name. If the Financially Responsible Party is a Corporation, give name and ;street
address of the Registered Agent:
Name of Registered Agent
Current Mailing Address
City State zip
E-mail Address
uurrem Street Address
City State Zip
Fax Number
The above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and was provided by me under oath (This form
must be signed by the Financially Responsible Person if an individual or his attorney -In -fact, or if not an individual, by an officer,
director, partner, or registered agent with the authority to execute instruments for the Financially Responsible Person). I agree to
Provide corrected information should there by any change in the information provided herein.
Type or print name Title or Authority
Signature Date
I' e a Notary Public of the County of 1
State of North Carolina, hereby certify that i 't j(Z
and being duly sworn acknowledged that the above f rm was executed by him. appeared personally before me this day
Witness my hand and notarial seal, this `day of Au Usi 20�
Seal ary
"''"""'' •. My commission expirepy Cpmmifton Expires
C 'V
Page 2 of 2
Sr.'s corner; thence with Neel's line South 42 degrees 31 minutes West 60.85 feet to an iron, A.Y. Neel, Sr.'s corner; thence
North 42 degrees 20 minutes West 97-25 feet to an old iron, R.B. Fisher's earner; thence with R.B. Fisher's line North 13
degrees West 91.0 feet to the REGINNING corner, containing 2.377 acres, more or less.
Delinquent property taxes, ifany, are to be paid by the closing attorney to the counly Tax Administrator upon disbursement of
the closing proceeds.
The property hereinabove described was acquired by Grantor by instrument recorded in Book 2037, Page 538.
All or a portion of the property herein conveyed __ includes or _)- does not include the primary residence of a Grantor
TO HAVE AND TO 14OLD the aforesaid lot or parcel ofland and all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging to the Grantee in
fee simple.
And the Grantor covenants with the Grantee, that Grantor is seized ofthe premises in fee simple, has the right to convey the same in fee
simple, that title is marketable and free and clear of all encumbrances, and that Grantor will warrant and defend the title against the
lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, other than the following exceptions:
1. Any and all casements, rights of way and restrictions of record,
2. Any and all zoning and planning ordinances.
3. Any discrepancies as an accurate survey of the premises might reveal.
4. Any and all other matters of record.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has duly executed the foregoing,
Evelyn La nette Robinson Revocable Trust Agreement
dated May 2, 2009
ee ` SQ (SEAL)
Evelyn 16ynette Ro inson, Trustee
State of North Carolina - County or City of iredell
1, the undersigned Notary Public of the County and State aforesaid, certify that Evelyn Laynette Robinson. Trustce of the
Evelyn f aynene Robinson Revocable Trust Agreement and dated May Z, 2009 personally appeared before me41hiy,=c nowledged
the due execution the foregoing instrument for the purposes therein expressed, Witness my hand andap or seat this
day of _ e 20 j.
My Commission Expires: NOTARY PtJBLIG T Notary Public
(Affix Seal) 1RFDt;LL COt rNTY Notary's Printed or Typed Name
phY COMIvIlSSkON iiXl'iRCS D9 01.20[7
State of North Carolina - County or City of Iredell
I, the undersigned Notary Public of the County and State aforesaid, certify that
Witness my hand and Notarial stamp or seal, this day of
My Commission Expires: . Notary Public
(Affix Seal) Notary's Printed or Typed Name
Boo4, 2454 Page'. 211 Pego2 012
Recorded: 12115/2016 1:53:56 PM
Fee Amt: $8415.00 Page 1 of 2
Revenue Tax: $820.00
Iredell County, NC
Ronald N. Wyatt Register Of Deeds
SK 2464 PG 211 — 212
Excise Tax: $820.00 Ptirchase Price: $410,000.00
Parcel ldcntifier No. 4637971602;4637979795 Verified by
By' —_
County on the day of 20
Mail/Box to: Grantee
Jnstt ment prepared by: Hen S. Thomas of THOMAS & GODLEY, PLLC, 514 Williamson Road, Ste. 421, Mooresville, NC 29117
File# 20161 17003
Title Insurance Company: Meridian Title Company
Bricfdescription for the Index: 2,380 acres; 1.730 acres
THIS DEsi —t.rs,:. io-ninr _. .. .
Evelyn Laynette Robima , Truslee or the
Evelyn Laynette Robinson Revocable Trust
Agreement and dated May 2, 20W
I ' e ;I-rlr 7
Phillip Rotella and spouse, Debra Rotelis
Property Address:
River Highway
Mooresville, NC 29117
,Nailing Address:
C .
S'r'f,ceru,r� o C
The designation Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties, their heirs, successors, and assigns, and singular, plural, masculine, feminine ar neuter as required by context. shall include
WITNESSETH, that the Grantor, fora valuable Consideration paid by the Grantee, the receipt of which is herebyactmowledged, has and
by these presents does grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the Grantee in fee simple, all that certain lot or parcel of land situated in
Iredell County, North Carolina and more particularly described as follows:
TRACT ONE: BEGINNING at an old iron, R.C. Mnleomb's southwest corner of a tot recorded in Book 326, at page 420, in
Iredell County Registry; thence with R.C. Maleomb's line North 38 degrees East 403.S0 feet to a tack in the centerofsaid road;
Howard Rartsock's northeast corner ofhls let; thence with Hartsock'x line South 41 degrees 41 minutes West 556.20 feet to an
iron, Hartsock's northwest corner on R.B. Fisher's line; thence with R.B. Fisher's line; thence with R.B. Fisher's line North 13
degrees West 178.25 feet to the BEGINNING corner, containing 1.733 acres.
TRACT TWO; BEGINNING at an iron pin, Burns Duty's southwest corner on R.B. Fisher's line; thence with Burns Duty's
southern line North 41 degrees 4l minutes East 556.2 feet to a track In the center of Highway No. ISO, Duty's southeast corner;
thence with the center efsald highway South 64 degrees 40 mast 178.25 feet to a tack in the center of said highway, A.Y. Neel,
ROTC Pa C aunt: .14
I7>VS 13PO DBl
Book: 2464 Page: 211 Pegn 1 01 2