HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-09391_Well Construction - GW1_20221007 I WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORID � i This farm can be mcd for single or multiple wells For Internal Use ONLY: 1.Well Contractor Information: n d i rz 14.WATER ZONES Well Contractor Name / BROM Tp " I l _ z s� DESCE�TION - 76� n Wft t �io NC Well Contrac(orCurifieation Number '•2s fc "a 2 I5 OUTER•(;A IG fortimlacasedaie1is OR•LINER'rfa lialole• .. Barnette Well Drilling, Inc. FR°M TO DL,MErErt T��O'rF.SS MA ft 6 Z ft LI+RIAL •Company Name � Q �� Ys>Irli�iru:cAsnvc-oliTOBING mi6 dJ` 2.Well Construction Permit#:e �J FROM TO List all applicable ueli construction prmits(r.e.Cmmry,State,Variance,eta) ft R DLMtElEg Ttr[C[pVESg MATERIAL in 3.Will Use(check well use): ft ft in. Water Supply Well: I7_'SCRI;EN." OAgncultural PROM TO DIAMETER SLOTSIZE ❑MunicipaUPublic• ft ft in. TglcrrnFss :ifATER1AL ❑Geothermal(Heating/Cooling Supply) ❑Residential Water Supply(single) ft ft in ❑industrial/Commercial ❑Residential Water Su I (shared) ❑Irri atlon FROM TO Non-Water Supply Well: ft ft ou TMEMOD'&AMOUNr ❑Monitoring ORet overy U ft Injection WeM ft t e ❑Aquifer Recharge ❑ ft R GroundwaterRetriediation ?.19 SA1�1DlGRxtV121;.t?ACXK if'...Ufa ❑Aquifer Storage and RecoveryP❑Salinity Barrier ROM TO L MATERIA -: ._..- . .... . ❑Aquifer Test ft EMPRACFMFNr.UfETHOn OStortnwater Drainage OEXPerimental Technology ❑Subsidence Control 2 ft ❑Geothermal(Closed Loop) ❑Tracer :;2U tiRYI�Li140! UG"aitaeti;5dtli6ouiita$eeEs:itntcessg 17Geothennal(Heating/Co01in Relum FROM TO DFSQtIt14olr n soilhoak, •'.•� .-. ) OOOrer(explaintrader#21Remarks d ft 2 ft Ue/L 0N co =+ ta D hW_6ard e 4.Date Well(s)Completed well IA# Z ft /Z, ft Sa Well Locative: 12 11r 3� (p' �lJi/Oi A/yi Et ft Factuty/OwncrNamc ftLf ft Facility Mg(ifdppligble) LP Physical Addccss,City,and Zip ft R caltuty Parcel tdentificatioaNn. (5b.Latitude and Longitude in fdegrees/minuteslsecondrorctecimal itegree3: 0i 'U G ':Ewell field,one laNtoag is saEieieot) 3/ _ _ 22.Ceriificatioa: x S w ��� ^•� 6:'Is(arc)thew.ell(S): anent. or 'ii.`_QTCcW ie4 Well'Coa tAor "U � OTetaporaty Date gy mg»tng ibis farm,f hereby certify'hot the wells)was(were)constructed in•accordance 7.Is this.a repair toanexisting,well: OYes or 1]1!v with,lSA•NC4CO2C.0100or15ANCACO2C.0200'feel/Cottslir/ction&andandr mid that a If this is a repair,fill ow btowa well comtruction iaforatatlon w+d up/nin die nthntrcofihr aopyofthfs!eaordhasbeM provided lo'the[yell owner. Mmirvader 521 remarks section or on'hebaekoff r form. 23.Sit6'tfisgf9m or additiorialwell details: &,Number ofwells.constructed: B You may use Cite back of this pane to provide additior l well site details or well For multiple injection or non-watersupplpweUsONLYwtrhrhesmttecotrsritraffon,ymrcan bdh�cdondetails. You mayalso.atrachadditional Submitoneform, pagcs:ifriecestarl•, SUOMMALINSTUCTIONS 9.Total"well depth below land sorface: �—�� Iormrdtplew car Lsrolidepriuijdi�eretrt fermnp1e-3Q200 aad7(rt)- (f-) 24a. For All Wills: Submit this fora within 30 d r cbdn t6thefal(owing. ass of completion of well 10.Static water level below top of casing: Z S Ifwaterlevel is above casing,use"+' (ft) Division of WaterQuality,Information Processing Unit, 1.1.Borehole diameter_ 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,N`C 27699-1617 fin`) 24b.For Inimdnn.Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address is 24a 12.Well construction method: above also sitbnut a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well (i.c.augc{rotary,eabk,diced push,etc.) enn$trjrWon to the following. Division of Water Qnauty,Underground Injection Control FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: Program, ,( 16M Iliad Serwoe Centeri Raleigh,NC 2769946M I3a Yield(gpm) U Method oftest Blown20 minute 24z IL O'er. &Iniecfiolt Wells' In addition to sending the form to ��'� Z ® tira adds ss(es)above,also submit one'copY of this fofm within 30 days of 13L Disinfcction type: Amount: completion of well construction to-the ty health department of the county where constructed. Form Gw_l North Carolina Departmear ofFavitonment cad Natural Rescurar—Div=ion of Water Qoality ctiritt Revised Jan.2013