HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-09335_Well Construction - GW1_20221007 W BLL CONSTRUCTION YtI;CORD This form can 6c lucd for single or multiple wells For Internal Use ONLY: 1.Well Contractor Information: C /_ 14.WATERTONES Weltt.ontractorNarm FROM 'ro DESCRIPtION .?t _ sit ;s, it jo NC well Contractor CertificationNumber r7 l7 ft 5 Z it i V f1 15 d11TER.Ci1S11a1G fortuoi - �idh RiZ liextitt earnGtte Well ®rell"ing, Inca FROM 1Yl DLultert+�a rrcrcwvEss ft j /y ►HA fBRiAL CoagianyName l/bl i DIHGftI ClNZ tC2 Well Construction permit / 41/ FROM G•OIZTOCB IN( w bieni. lria5l.dbo�se_d32 J J�✓� DIAMEtTH Lis'all applicable Krll construction permtls(it many Srmq Foriance,,.,c ft R . �1arcENE� MATERiA[ 10. 3.Well Use(check well use): ft Water Supply Well: 7T:SCREEN:` FROM TO DIAMETER SLOYSIZE ❑ ❑M icipal/Pahlic• it TBICR[vFSS MATERIAL ft ia. ❑Geothermal(,ieating/Cooling Supply) rsidentia!Water Supply(single} R it in ❑industrial/Commercial ❑Residential Water Supply(shared) PP y( ared) 1 OOi1T'•'.. ❑iai ation FROM TO 6tATERIAI. -' Non-Water Supply Well. ft EMPLAC2MFM MEIHOD'hAMO[1t17 ft §and/ our ❑Monitoring [Went ❑Recovery ft ft injection WetG (A7-,1( ❑Aquifer Recharge ft ft ❑Grourrdivater)Zerriediation ?19t'SAlYD/G12ACi;:PrsCXC i#: :liCstile ❑Aquifer Storage and Recovery ❑Salinity Barrier RROM To ❑Aquifer Test MATERIAL EMPuceitiwrMersoA ❑Stormwatcr-Drainage it R C7E�gierimental Technology ❑Subsidence Control it ft ❑Geothetmal(Closed Loop) ❑Tracer :,ZObRYi LiAi t OG:aitiicli: ddiiiduiil'•sltee}s:itntcess8 ❑Creothermal{Ileating/Cooling Rehrm) FROM TO D PnaN eoler h=dn❑Other zoiraek{explain under#2•I Remarks /(� tt Z ft V :'n+ize der 4.Date Will(s)Com feted 7 � we1D# Zft 52.Well Location: 0>5- R R { 5 n C Sr�MML► �-�a,)1e-,ki5 90 ft 6� ft J Facility/Owner c S r s [F�acilit EW(ifipplic W) Ft O (%' l t�,!�( l l y ft — Physi�al Address,City.an Zip `�� ft ft t .1 i'amel T entifica=No.(PIN) 5b.Latitude and Longitude in idegreedminuteslsecondsur decimal aegrtxS: (W-4 field,one lallong is sumcent) 6 ?.2.Cerhficatibie: // - W C97%�f/ 6.15{arc)the wsll(s): L 0P .anent. or OTemporaiy SiS eofcettifiet)well Canttatxor — Da 8y sr ming this form,t hereby curify thm the weUfs)was(were)constructed in accordance 7.TS this•a repair to an existing.well: ❑YeS o[ o with I3A_NC4C 02C.0100 ar PIANCAC 02C.0200 iFd!If this it a repalrhpoutbrown well constrrrelitm iaformalion toil esploia the npurre•ojt6e 'NPY-ofthls reeordharbeenprovlded to the Well owner. Ctircrlhlc0on Standardsturd that a repairrrader f21 renwrkr section or on the boekof i1rIS form. 23.Sitb'diagi�m or additibtialwell details: &,Number ofwells constructed: You may,US6 tie liatk of this page to provide additionFOral well,site details or well Subml mrrnefeiyecrionornon-rvarer cohsapplywellsONLYwithlliestuMc0=&Ucfiarr,youcan tondetar7s. Youmayalso.aliachadditionalpages:ifnecessar . subroaeform. ' ,tU S1 OMMALINSTUGTIONS 9.Total well depth below land sorfaCc. l�j FormnCW' c ellslicalldepMsrjd$ererrt(ecmrrple-3f-Z00'and2 00 (;t) tea-For Ai,V, e7,F Submit this&III within 30 days of completion of well n _ constiuetion foffic fdllowing: 10.Static/is a6 level below top of casing: 0�5 (ft) Division of W9tcr Quality,Information Processing Unit, If>'arer level is above easing,use"+" 1617 Mal Service Center,Raleigh,ITC 27699-1617 1L Borehole diameter: 346.For inreetion.V &.' in addition to sending the fort to the address in 24a Cn'•) 12.Well coustruction method:_ �;v �(p�G above,also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well (i.c auger;rotary,cable,dheet pustr,ere,) ----r CO btion to ttie following. FOR WATER SUP LY WELLS ONLY 1 11[visiou•of Water Quality,Underground Injection Control Program, 163611 MI Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-106 13a.Yield(gpm) Method oftest: BIOw1120 MinUte 24r_Fok-Water.Sunnly gt Iniection Wilts In addition to sending the form to 2 C tha addresses)above,also submit one(cdpy of this foim within 30 days of 13b.Disinfection type: Amount:_ 1 UP coinphYion of wc11 construction to the i ounty health deptutment of the county where constructed. Fnrm Gwa i North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resaurws—D,x Won of water Quality P Revised Jan.2013