HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0005681_Pilot Study Denial_20221012 October 12, 2022 T INA P EDLEY E NVIRONMENTAL M ANAGER P ILGRIMS P RIDE C ORPORATION 484 Z IMMERMAN R OAD S ANFORD, N ORTH C AROLINA 27330 Subject: Permit No. WQ0005681 Pilot Study Denial Pilgrim's Pride - Staley WWTP Wastewater Irrigation System Randolph County Dear Ms. Pedley: This letter is in reference to the mechanically-induced evaporation pilot study received June 24, 2022. Per the submitted study (attached), the Permittee proposes a four month pilot study to evaluate the evaporation efficiency, remote monitoring capabilities, water type compatibility, and energy efficiency of one Varimax-40 evaporation unit supplied by E3 Solutions. Division review of mechanically-induced evaporation systems has determined that this process is not a treatment unit, but a disposal system. Accordingly, any use of a mechanically-induced evaporation system would require permitting of this disposal option. However, the Division has determined that since the mechanically-induced evaporation system aerosolized effluent and the non-gaseous organic and inorganic material contained therein will eventually deposit onto the land, these systems are not permittable under the 15A NCAC 02T rules because of the following: Setbacks cannot be established, maintained, and verified because the aerosolized effluent does not have a defined land disposal area. Compliance and review boundaries cannot be established because the aerosolized effluent does not have a defined land disposal area. The impacts to human health and the environment from the other pollutant cannot be evaluated or determined because the aerosolized effluent does not have a defined land disposal area. Accordingly, your request for a pilot study has been denied. I have attached a recent memorandum regarding the use of mechanically-induced evaporation systems for wastewater effluent disposal. Ms. Tina Pedley October 12, 2022 Page 2 of 2 If you need additional information concerning this letter, please contact me at (919) 707-3653 or nathaniel.thornburg@ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, Nathaniel D. Thornburg, Branch Chief Division of Water Resources cc: Winston-Salem Regional Office, Water Quality Regional Operations Section (Electronic Copy) Laserfiche Files (Electronic Copy) ® VARIMAX 40 ® Varimax 40 ® Varimax 40 Floating Evaporator 1000 N Ashley Dr. Ste. 510 +1 8 contact@evaporationworks.com ® VARIMAX 40 ARM CONFIGURATION SHIPPING DIMENSIONS Contact us at 888.501.2126 evaporationworks.com September 22, 2022 MEMORANDUM To: File From: Nathaniel D. Thornburg, Chief Non-Discharge Branch, Division of Water Resources Subject: Mechanically-Induced Evaporation Wastewater Effluent Disposal (i.e., Zero Liquid Discharge) Systems BACKGROUND: There are many methods by which residential/domestic wastewater is treated and disposed. The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and local health departments have purview over subsurface disposal systems and the Division of Water Resources (DWR) has purview - permitting program and its associated regulations at 15A NCAC 02T are for systems that treat wastewater and then dispose of the treated effluent via land application. DWR also issues permits under Recently, DWR has received inquiries as to whether it can issue a permit authorizing an onsite mechanically induced evaporation wastewater effluent disposal - discharge wastewater permitting program. Mechanically-induced evaporation wastewater effluent disposal systems use pumps and high-pressure nozzles to aerosolize treated wastewater effluent. This aerosolized effluent is injected into a blower-created airstream for evaporative disposal into the air. OVERVIEW OF -DISCHARGE WASTEWATER PERMITTING PROGRAM AND REGULATIONS: -discharge permitting program is premised on the disposal of treated effluent onto a defined area of land. Accordingly, non-discharge system regulations require that the applicant provide adequate documentation that the proposed system will meet the design and performance criteria in the regulations, 1 be operated as a non-discharge system, and protect surface water and groundwater standards. The regulations require that an application contain a site map that identifies, among other things, the disposal 2 area. Once the disposal area is defined, the regulations prescribe specific setbacks from homes, businesses, 3 property lines, water supply wells, and surface waters. The disposal area is also used to establish a compliance boundary and determines the location where monitoring wells are to be installed to ensure 4 compliance with State groundwater standards for the protection of groundwater drinking supplies. Applications must also contain a soils report so that DWR can determine hydraulic, nutrient, and other 5 pollutant impacts on human health and the environment. - 1 15A NCAC 02T .0105 2 15A NCAC 02T .0105, .0804, 0504. 3 Id.; see also 15A NCAC 02T .0806 and .0506. 4 15A NCAC 02L .0107 and .0108; see also 15A NCAC 02T .0105. 5 15A NCAC 02T .0105, 0804, and.0504. Mechanically-Induced Evaporation Wastewater Effluent Disposal (i.e., Zero Liquid Discharge) Systems September 22, 2022 Page 2 of 3 described in 15A NCAC 02T .0800 must meet these fundamental application requirements, design criteria, 6 and setbacks. PERMITTING OF MECHANICALLY INDUCED WASTEWATER EVAPORATION EFFLUENT DISPOSAL SYSTEMS: As described above, mechanically-induced evaporation wastewater effluent disposal systems use pumps and high-pressure nozzles to aerosolize treated wastewater effluent into the air. This treatment/disposal method is not explicitly authorized in -discharge wastewater permitting regulations at 15A NCAC 02T. DWR has never permitted such a system under any of its wastewater programs, and DWR does not have any pending applications for such a system. DWR has received information provided by a manufacturer of the mechanically-induced wastewater evaporation systems. By its very design, the proposed disposal method will aerosolize the effluent for disposal into the air. The treated effluent will eventually deposit onto the land, the location and volume depending on countless variables, both operational and atmospheric (wind, humidity, temperature, etc.). At minimum, the non- gaseous organic and inorganic material contained within the aerosolized effluent will deposit on an undefined land surface area. Because the aerosolized effluent does not have a defined (land) disposal area, DWR cannot establish, maintain, and verify setback requirements, cannot establish the required compliance boundary, and pollutant impacts on human health and the environment. As a result, DWR cannot permit the proposed system under its non-discharge permitting program and its related regulations. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: 7 Operation of a wastewater treatment system in North Carolina requires a permit, yet there appears to be no existing permitting framework to authorize the construction/operation of mechanically-induced evaporation wastewater effluent disposal systems. EPA approved NPDES permitting program (under the Clean Water Act and related State laws) requires DWR to ensure that the discharge of treated effluent into surface waters complies with water quality standards, yet the design of the proposed system does not have a precise discharge point into surface waters. Similarly, DHHS and local health departments regulate subsurface systems pursuant to 15A NCAC 18A .1934, yet the design of the proposed system does not dispose of the wastewater directly into the subsurface. Please note, this memorandum is for the use of mechanical evaporation methods as a means of dedicated wastewater disposal and is not intended for natural/passive evaporative disposal systems or mechanical evaporation treatment systems contained within a closed process. 6 See 15A NCAC 02T .0801, .0804, .0805, .0806. 7 See e.g., N.C. Gen. Stat. §143-215.1 Mechanically-Induced Evaporation Wastewater Effluent Disposal (i.e., Zero Liquid Discharge) Systems September 22, 2022 Page 3 of 3 -DISCHARGE WASTEWATER PERMITTING REGULATIONS: 15A NCAC 02L .0107 Compliance Boundary 15A NCAC 02L .0108 Review Boundary 15A NCAC 02T .0105 General Requirements 15A NCAC 02T .0504 Application Submittal via 15A NCAC 02T .0804 15A NCAC 02T .0505 Design Criteria via 15A NCAC 02T .0805 15A NCAC 02T .0506 Setbacks via 15A NCAC 02T .0806 15A NCAC 02T .0707 Operation and Maintenance via 15A NCAC 02T .0807 15A NCAC 02T .0708 Residuals Management via 15A NCAC 02T .0808