HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-09270_Well Construction - GW1_20221003 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD(GW-1) For Internal Use Only: 1.Well Contractor Information: William J. Miller II.WATER ZONES FROM TO DESCRIPTION Well Connactor Name R It 2927-A ft I D. NC Well Contractor Certification Number UL OUTER CASING far mWti-eased webs ORLINER ifa hk CATLIN Engineers and Scientists FROM TO DIAMETER m TIIICR E15 M{TERL{L D. n. Company N. lC RINER t.AS6NG OR TUBBVG MtMraW clinedaoo 2.Well Construction Permit#: FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERLAL Lin a//appluable well comnvnn r permits(i.e.UIC,Coumr.Suite. Irurimtce.eta) R Is. in. 3.Well Use(check well use): f. h, in. Water Supply Well: 17.SCREEN PPY FROM I TO I DIAMETER I SLOTSIZE I THICKNESS MATERIAL DAgncultural OMmucipaliPublic 0 fL 6.8 a 1 in 0.010- SCH.40 PVC OGeothermal(Heating/Cooling Supply) DResidentud Water Supply(single) h 0 ft I iR. Olndustrial/Commercial OResidential Water Supply(shared) I&GROUT 01nnstation OWells>100,000 GPD FROM TO MATERIAL I EMPLACEMENTMETHOD&AMOUNT Non-Water Supply'A ell: R ft OMonitoring ORecovery rt ft Injection Well: ft. ft. DAquifer Recharge OGroundwater Remediation 1R SAND/GRT PACK Ba e DAquifer Storage and Recovery Dsalinity Barrier FROM TO SiATF.RIAL EM NTPLACEME METHOD DAquifer Test DStormvvater Drainage 0 ft 6.6 ft I Natural Backfill DExperimenml Technology OSubsidence Control h. ft OGeothermal(Closed loop) OTracer 20.DRILLING LOG inlMh additiaW eheela if.ec DGeothermal(Heating/Cooling Return) OOther(explain under#21 Remarks) m omTO DESCRIFIRON oast bardness.wwrux see,etc. ft 4.Date Well(s)Completed: 2/1/2022 Well ID# UST-BLDG-MH4-TWOI Is. f. 59.Well Location: Meadows NA n F.Any/Owner Name Facikty lDM(ifappliceble) R NCSPA-Morehead City, Building MH4, 28557 It. I, I r1 `, 70,9,' Physical Address,City,and Zip h. ft Carteret NA 21•REMARKS Cowry Parcel ldemification No.(PIN) 5b.Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (ifivell field,one let/long is sufficient) 22.Certification: 34.718256 N -76.698807 W 9/21/2022 6.Is(are)the well(s): OPermapeat or OTemporary Signature ofCerofied Well Connactor Date By signing this form,/hereby certify thin the uell(s)u as(were)conmuned m accordance with 7.Is this a repair to an existing well: OVen or ONo /SA NCAC 02C.0100 or IdA NCA('02C.070(l Well Canmu,I,.S/amdards mud/hula cop' If this is a repuiq fill out known well emutrao0on atfin nation unit erplmn the na0me of the of thus record has been prodded to/he wdl saver. repan under=2/remanbr section or on the back oJlhis form. 23.Site diagram or additional well details: 8.For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use the back of this page to provide additional well construction info construction,only I GW-I is needed Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells (add'See Over in Remarks Box).You may also attach additional pages if necessary. drilled 24.SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 9.Total well depth below land surface: 6'8 (ft.) Submit this GW-1 within 30 days of well completion per the following: For mn/nple wells hn all depshs fdgerent(esamp/e-3@200'aM 2@100') 10.Static water level below to of easing: 3.7 (fl) 24a. For All Wells: Original form to Division of Water Resources (DWR), P E/Jxnter/me/is abm�e ing,use Information Processing Unit, 1617 MSC,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 nos 2.25 24b.For Injection Wells:Copy to DWR,Underground Injection Control((UC) 11.Borehole diameter. (in.) Program, 1636 MSC.Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 12.Well construction method: Direct Push 24c.For Water SuppLand Open-Loop Geothermal Return Webs:Copy to the (it.anger,rotary,cable,direct paste,etc.) county environmental health department of the county wfiere installed FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 24d.For Water Wells roducin over 100010 GPD: Copy to DWR,CCPCUA Permit rogra n, 161 I MSC,Ra eig ,NC 7 99-1611 13a.Yield(gpm) Method of test: 13b.Disinfection type: Amount: I.GW-I North Carolina Depamrunt of Envvonmental Quality-Division of W ater Resources Revised 6-6-201 S PROJECT:BLDG MH-/ WELL IDENTIFICATION; UST-BLDG-MHO-TW01 MEADOWS WELL COMPLETION DIAGRAM 6GpISULTING MANAGEMENT PLANNING PRO=:MIISP Bldg MIW DRLLLINGCONTRACrOR Call, Nordaing: Existing: WATER LEVELS-0 hr.3.70'bmc Installation Date:02/01/22 3 31, 2 1 1-C xl elevation at w 11: 2-Top ofcasing elevation: Illmown by 3- Wellhead pmteetton cover type: a"PVC Pme a)drain mbc? NA b) NA g 4 Dia.hypeof.dleasing: 1" o. I.tl' STypelslotiiuofscrxm 0.010 "Senn 7 g 4 6 TypcscreenfilW Well Gmvol Pack a)Quantity used: Lelia, 7-Typer Sed: Brnmnite a)Quantity used: Vnkown g 8-Cana: a)Grow mix used: NA b)Mothod Ofplaccxi NA c)VOI.Ofwollcuinggram: NA Development method: Low Flow 6 Development time: 5 m' Estimated purge urbane: 3/4 G.11.a Commrnla Grwadwete,named.611120 elQ. 0.2T PROJECT MEADOWS \IHSP Bldg%IHJ SHEET I OFI .r..a.r.�r SOIL BORING LOG PROTECT: BIdgMH4 _ _DRILLING CONTRACTOR:Catlin LOCATION:MHSP Bldg MHJ ELEVATION:Ua. Latitude:34.718'_56" LaallioAc-76.69880A DRILLING METHOD AND EQUIPMENT USED:Hand Auger DRILLER:Bill Miller DATE:02/0IR2 LOGGER:T.Moore DEPTH BELOW SURFACE(FT) CORE DESCRIPTION COMMENTS INTERVAL FT DEPTH OF CASING,DRILLING RATE, RECOVERY FT SOIL NAME,USCS GROUP SYMBOL,COLOR. DRILLING FLUID LOBS, #/TYPE MOISTURE CONTENT.RELATIVE DENSITY, TESTS,AND INSTRUMENTATION. OR CONSISTENCY,SOIL STRUCTURE MNERALOUY. PM R mi10on(PPM) 0 (0.0-1.51 Open exczation 1.61" SW (1.5-3.11)Sand(SWL W to gay,shell 0agments,moist.loose (15-2Y bgs)0 ppm Strong petroleum odm 4.7 (25-3.11'bga)28.7 ppm 1.59, SW 13.1 I-0])Sand(SW),gaY-shell Bagmeots,summed,loose (3,1147 bgs)262 M. 4_ Strong petroleum odor Groondxater enconteurcd at 3J'bgs _ Boring Ter ounated m 3.7' Driller Noes that boring hole caves in at 4.7 bgs 8