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GW1-2022-09255_Well Construction - GW1_20221003
WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD (GW- For Internal Use Only. 1.Well Contractor Information: J r ATERZONES •.: .:':. FROM TO •DESCRIPT1014 ft ft f Well Contr,e=Name f 5a t �5 ,572— ,(fo"rmniti ra@edvtalS)O 2 ? rCerfificarionN>•tmbet '15:OUTER=' DIAMETER t TSICIQIESS MATERIAL NC Well Conliacfo l FROM TO' Inc. ft. ft 611B1 sdr21 pvc Morgan Well &Pump, +1 . - _,.::.�="�' :•:::•'. 16`IIB CYsSIIQG OB.TUBI1•TG. 'eotfiermal� �S MATERIAL Company Name FROM TO DIAMETER 2.Well Construction Permit#: ft consd uciion permits(ie UIC,CourrN,State Ymzanae,etc) in- List all applicable well 3.Wen Use(check Well use): 17_SCREEN,r.•c`- D SLOT SIZE• •THICIOZESS MATERIAL.'. 1 Well: FROM TO Water Supp y. ft k Agricultural �I Municipal/Public in. Residential Water Supply(single) ft - GeDthMmal(Heating/Cooling SupPl y) _._•:r ... - __.>.-. - .` i Residential Water Supply(shared) g'GF2DgT' " :. MATe—T EMpL4CEMF�TMET$OD&AMOUNT I ustn Commercial — FROM TO Isi .on 2D ft bentonite, poured D Non-Water Supply Well: M ft Monitoring Recovery ft ft InjectionWell: jicable :.::_'':: . .:'.=,=':.'•.:.•:. Aquifer Recharge I Groundwater Remediation �:ezxn/GgA�rES PACg>f ' " ALA =,y�rHOn FROM TO MA'TR'—TAT. 'Aquifer Storage and Recovery �ISalinity Easier ft ft . Aquifer Test DStormwater Drainage ft , :•: ft Experimental Technology oSubsidence Control GLOG.(. ner2s 7' =:•i: etc)..: 2D.tiR71,Za' attach-addihdnaI sheetsjf �' Geothm eral(Closed Loop) DTracer FROM TO DE SCRIPTION (ealor,hardnes,soil/rock ty a grain s za Geothermal(Heating/Cooling Return) �Other( lain under#21 Remarks) ft ifS ft ft'J ft VrJCN� 4.Date Well(s)Completed: Well ID# l ft 6 g _ 5Aa'.Well Location: ft ft /11 nut r1C�h t 1�3an dt ftft ''r. s Facility IDN(if applicable) Facility/Owner Name n ft ft QZ65 ft -ft. PbysicalAddress,City,and Zip =-j,L•.'RFMARXB7 _ _.1- L PA pa celldentificationNo.(PIN) County 5b.Latitude and long trade in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: 22 Certification' (tf well field,one lat/long is sufficient) 5 S5�3 -N , Date Si a of ed Well Contractor 6.Is(are)the well(s) ermanent or Temporary By s o.Sg form I Iua-eby certify il+et the wel(s)was(were)constructed in accordance wth 15J1 NCAC 02C.O1 D0 or ISA NCAC 02C.0200 WEE Cons'trucuon S�ndmds and� a well: Yes or �"o coy ofthis record has been provided to the well owner. - 7.Is this a repair to an existing © p Ifthis is a repair,fill out known WED construction information and explmn the nature ofthe or additional well details' repair under#21 remarks section or on the back of thisform 23•Site diagramto rovide additional Well site details or well You may use the back of this page p es ifnecessa . 8.For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed-hoop Geothermal Wells having the same construction details. You may also attach additional pa a ry construction,only 1 GW-1 is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBERbf wells SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS drilled: (� of completion of well 9.Total well depth below land surface: l`J I r (ft-) 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days P wells list all depths ifdij�e ent(example-/3@200'an 2@200') construction to the following. For multiple 10.Static water level beIow top of rasing: "l —(ft) Division of Water Resources,,Raleigh, NC 27699 1617 Unit, �36I7 Mail Service Center,Raleigh, If water level is above casir:g,use { 24b.For Infection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in well 11,Borehole diameter: 6 (m') p of this form within 30 days of completion of well I above,also submit one copy construction to the following: . 12.Well construction method: 1� 1 Injection Control Program, (Le.auger,rotary,cable,direct push,etc.) Under ound Division of Water Resources, o NC 2 7699-1 63 6 i 1636 Ma11 Service Center,Raleigh, . FOR WATER SUPPLY WELI_Q.ONLY: the form to : cZ air pressure 24c.For Water Supply&Infection Wells: In addition to sendingOf 13a.Yield(gpm) J Method of test p the address(es) 'above, also submit one copy of this fomr within 30 days county j, 2 completion of well construction to the county health dePar(meat of the county 13b.Disinfection type: �- �0�t' where constructed. Revised 2 22-2016 Form GW-1 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality-Division of Water Resources