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HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0010583_Field Transfer Notification_20221007 October 7, 2022 J OHNNY L AMBERT U TILITIES D IRECTOR D AVIE C OUNTY 123 S OUTH M AIN S TREET M OCKSVILLE, N ORTH C AROLINA 27028 Subject: Notice of Field Transfer Permit No. WQ0010583 Davie County Class B Residuals Program Residuals Management System Davie County Dear Mr. Lambert: The Division of Water Resources has received and approved a request to transfer the field listed below from the subject permit to Permit No. WQ0003351. Attached is a copy of the Land Owner Agreement authorizing this transfer. Land Owner Field / Site County Acres Spillman, Roger P. NC-DV-008-08 Davie 17.09 Please be advised that as of October 6, 2022, Davie County shall not land apply residuals to the field listed above. Doing so shall be a violation of G.S. 143-215.1, and may subject you to appropriate enforcement actions pursuant to G.S. 143-215.6A., 6B., and 6C. Civil penalties of up to $25,000 per day per violation may be assessed. Since the subject field is no longer part of Permit No. WQ0010583, you may submit a permit modification request to modify the Attachment B, or you may elect to modify the Attachment B during the permit renewal process. If you need additional information regarding this notice, please contact Zachary Mega at (919) 707- 3658 or Sincerely, Nathaniel D. Thornburg, Branch Chief Division of Water Resources cc: Winston-Salem Regional Office, Water Quality Regional Operations Section (Electronic Copy) Laserfiche File (Electronic Copy)