HomeMy WebLinkAbout20001116 Ver 1_Worksheets_20010315Biological Reconnaissance Form # a? BIOLOGICAL RECONNAISANCE FORM Perennial/Intermittent Point Send to Dave Penrose 401/Wetlands Unit, Division of Water Quality 1621 Mail Services Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621 e-mail Ditve.Penrose@NCmail.net, FAX 919/733-9959 a) Location Eagle Ridge Golf Course Stream Name: UT Swift Creek Receiving Waterbody: Swift Creek Location/Road: Old Stage County: Wake Date: 3/15/01 Regional Office: RRO Rd, SR 1006 Basin: Neuse Subbasin: Latitude/Longitude: 354025/783949 Ecoregion: Pied Rosgen Class: Observers: Penrose USGS Quad Sheet: Lake Wheeler Notes (attach photograph or drawing on the back of this form): Stream is highly modified (culverted for much of its length) and receives stormwater. Survey was conducted during a rain event. Stream was high and turbid. Sampled at a small footbridge crossing. b) Habitat Primary Adjacent Land Use: Golf Course Riparian Zone Characteristics: Residential Stream Width: < Imeter Flow Conditions: high Stream Order: 1? Stream Permanence Characteristics, Rating (if relevant): Some cobble riffles were present, although it looked like the substrate material were clean of Awfuchs (stormwater?), grasses were prolific. c) Biology Benthic Macroinvertebrate Taxa: Benthic fauna was dominated by isopods and amphipods. Miscellaneous Diptera also were found (Tipula), I did collect one crayfish. It appears that this stream is marginally perennial. Amphipoda: X Isopoda: X Decapoda: X Chironomidae: X Oligochaeta: X Mollusca: ? Ephemeroptera: ? Plecoptera: ? Trichoptera: ? Coleoptera: X Other Diptera: X Fish and Salamander Taxa: None Other Observations (i.e. Presence of Iron Oxidizing Bacteria): Lots of iron oxidizing bacteria. "x? Tr er yak .i ((• ?:., .l +? ?=7 r •_..r---. ?? ??( a `•? ~W (( 285, •? 1 l( Creek.- «?'«??•--„-?/-/rJ ???,? ??: l i? 11 .?l -0 -' t r ,I \ Gera r ?n ? r ? ?`^\,•\ y 9, f r... . \ •t?' ? \???_...? i %, -Y" ,/? !I? ? 1 "j ';?`'.' ±? ^ { 4-_ -? 1 -??,?? ? ? J" Imo, r?.-?? Q ?? ? ? \\?(??h°r, .tee' •?'`ij ?_. --_"• J-_ - ? ?- ? l . ?Jb 2723 :, ?' CAO Copynght (C) 1997, Maptech, Inc.