HomeMy WebLinkAbout19960722 Ver 1_Meeting Note_1999113011/30/1999 17:28 546-0757 SPA*,ER ENVIRONMENT ANfI R F"1g0N1 rALL INC., 234 FALYETTRYILLR STET ,Ll., SUrM 400 ?O s 9 ?5i.ER*754 COIMI P.O. BOX 3$7 RMMCxH, NC $700"3$7 FAX 919-54e-0757 November 30, 1999 - - --- - - ---- - ?-! -Post-it' Fax Note 7671 Mr. John Aorney ThJV " pivision of Water Quality Oo.,D* . , Q %m?ER16Ett Wetlands/401 Group P.O. Box 29s35 }5? 12aleigh, NC 27626 F81"` }'33.48 ?5} VIA FASCIMILE RE: Eagle Ridge Golf Course and Residential Development Dear John: Herein is a synopsis of the decisions that were reached during the November 30, 1999 meeting regarding stream mitigation on the Eagle Ridge Golf Course and Residential Development site, as mandated by the 401 Water Quality Certification dated September 29, 1999. Reference is also made to the November 15, 1999 letter to you from our office (attached). Attending this meeting were Ken Bailey and Melanie Connelly of Arland Community Development, Jim Spangler and Scott Linnenburger of Spangler Environmental, Inc., and Scott Mitchell of The John R. McAdams Company. At issue were conditions 6 and 7 of the 401 Certification. Regarding condition 6: In order to more accurately depict the reasons for requiring mitigation at U62 and U63, the original contours of the stream will be removed from the restoration design drawing. These contours have been significantly altered and, at this time, are nearly straight. Restoring a natural pattern, dimension, and profile is necessary to comply with this condition. Drawings depicting this situation are forthcoming. Additionally, it was agreed upon that the restoration at L8 does not demand as sinuous a channel as is currently depicted. A drawing depicting a natural pattern, dimension, and profile, but one that does not severely limit the buildable area in the adjacent lots will be prepared. Regarding condition 7- 456 feet of stream mitigation, based on 316 feet of mitigation outstanding from the November 4, 1998 approval and 140 feet of mitigation for culverted golf course crossings currently being permitted, is required for compliance with this condition. Explicit in this condition is the need for 50 foot wooded buffers on each side of any stream segment proposed as acceptable mitigation. The restored stream on the property is 1,472 feet in length. Inadequately buffered areas (depicted as areas A-F in a design submitted by John R. McAdams Co. in October) are adjacent ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES 0 REMEDI*TION • LAND PLANNING • EXPERT TESTIMONY 11/30/1999 17:28 546-0757 SPANGLER ENVIRONMENT PAGE 02 MCaL-F, R- FJM tOMMAIv INC, to a cumulative total of 700 feet of the total length of the restored steam. Therefore, 772 feet of acceptable stream mitigation area with 50 foot wooded buffers on each side of the stream, and contained within the Eagle Midge property, is provided by the on-site stream restoration activities. This is an excess of 224 linear feet of restoration than is mandated by this condition. We trust that this information suffices as a synopsis of our November 30, 1999 meeting's decisions. When the above-mentioned drawings are completed, a package containing those plans and another copy of this letter will be forwarded to the Wetlands/401 Unit to provide for compliance with Conditions 6 and 7 of the 401 Certification for this project. As agreed by the attendees, these items resolve all remaining outstanding issues for 401 Certification compliance, with the exception of Swift Creek withdrawal notification that is anticipated sometime in 2000. Again, thank you for your time and effort in resolving this complex situation. Sincerely, Spangler Environmental, Inc. -C? ? (Jame A. Spangler, H President cc. Ken Bailey (Arland) Melanie Connelly (Arland) Scott Mitchell (John R, McAdams) ENY aO?NMENTAL SCIENCES • Ii EDIATTON • LAND PLANNING • EXIT TESMONX 11/30/1999 17:28 546-0757 SPANGLER ENVIRONMENT PAGE 03 jUfiLFR f;,N IRONMMM., MC- 224 gALYETrEYRIE STRUT MALL. surm 400 P.O. BOX 367 RALEIGH, NC 57608-08$7 EMAIL- JASpi4NEiLEROALOL.COM 'BONE 919-546-0754 FAX 919-546-0757 November 15,1999 Mr. John Dorney NCDENR, Division of Water Quality PC Box 29535 Raleigh, NC 27626 RE: Eagle Ridge Golf Course and Residential Development 401 Certification Conditions Dear John: In accordance with the parameters set forth in 401 Water Quality Certification No. 3245, issued to Sandler at Old Stage, LLC on September 29, 1999 for the Eagle Ridge Golf Course and Residential Development, we are pleased, as Sandler's authorized agent, to present final documentation regarding the permittee's compliance under the Federal Clean Water Act. Below is a reiteration of the 401 Certification Conditions in bold with the perimittee's response in italics. 1. Appropriate sediment and erosion control practices which equal or exceed these outlined in the most recent version of two manuals, either the "North Carolina Sediment and Erosion Control Planning and Design Manual" or the "North Carolina Surface Mining Maonal". The control practices shall be utilized to prevent eaceedances of the appropriate turbidity water quality standard (50 NTUs). The permittee is currently working closely, and will continue to work closely with the Division of Land Resources and Wake County officials to control all sediment runoff from the site. 2. All sediment and erosion control measures placed in wetlands or waters shall be removed and the natural grade restored after the Division of Laud Resources has released the project. The permittee submits to removing any sediment and erosion control measures placed in wetlands or waters and to restoring the natural grade of these areas after the Division of Land .resources releases the project. 3. Measures shall be taken to prevent live or fresh concrete from coming into contact with waters of the State until the concrete has hardened. The permittee submits to allowing all fresh and live concrete to harden before it comes into contact with waters of the State. ENYIRONME ALL SCIENCES 9 REM I*TION + LAIRD PLANNING 0 EXMT TEST MONY 11/30/1999 17:28 546-0757 SPANGLER ENVIRONMENT PAGE 04 ARG U 7[ IROYl M u\Cv 4. Should waste or borrow sites be located in wetlands or other waters, compensatory mitigation will be required since it is a direct impact from this project. The permittee does not plan on using wetlands or other waters for waste or borrow sites. .f this situation were to become necessary in the future, the permittee submits to notifying the Division of Water Quality Wetland/401 Group, 5. A final detailed physical and biological monitoring plan for the stream restoration shall be submitted for DWQ's written approval by November 15, 1999. This plan should include an amended mitigation plan (based on an August 3, 1999 "Eagle Ridge Stream Relocation Plan" depicting: a.) planting species and densities, b.) more detail for the "tie-in" to the natural channel at the bottom of the reach, c.) the angle of the rootwad revetments, and d.) the "double-wing" deflectors changed to "single-wing" deflectors or eliminated altogether; This information has already been prepared for and delivered to the Division of Water Quality on or before October 15, 1999- 6. The stream "restoration" at L8, U62, and U63 shall be redesigned to mimic natural streams pattern, dimension, and profile. This plan should be submitted, by November 15,1999, to DWQ for written approval by November 15,1999; The permittee is submitting the information required for this condition as apart of this package. 7. Contribution to the NC Wetland Restoration Program for the inadequately buffered stream restoration shall be provided on the enclosed form or a similar length of additional stream mitigation will be needed. This area includes the fill authorized W our November 4, 1998 approval (316 feet), golf course crossings, as well as areas within the railroad fright-of-way where, a 50 foot wide wooded buffer cannot be assured. An accounting of this length must be provided to DWQ by October 15, 1999 and payment received by November 15,1999; EWRONMENTAL SCIENCES • REM£DIATION a LAND PLAN=fi a EXPERT TESTIMONY 11/30/1999 17:28 546-0757 SPANGLER ENVIRONMENT PAGE 05 SPARG-LUR F"Tb^ The permittee supplied this information prior to October 15, 1999. DWQ has informed Spangler Environmental, Inc_ that it has additional questions that need to be answered regarding this matter, is available to meet on November, 301999 for such a discussion, and will set a reasonable date for this submission of the above information at this time. 8. Deed notifications or similar mechanisms shall be placed on all lots with remaining jurisdictional wetlands and waters or areas within 50 feet of all streams and ponds to notify the state in order- to assure compliance for future wetland and/or water impact. These mechanisms shall be put in place within 30 days of the date of this letter or the issuance of the 404 Permit (whichever is later.) The permittee is placing and will continue to place deed notifications on all lots with jurisdictional wetlands, waters, and areas within S0 feet of streams and ponds. 9. Water withdrawals from Swift Creek shall not result in less than the 7Q10 of 0.1 cfs at the pump intake. D''WQ shall be copied at least two months before operation with the plan and calibration calculations for the staff gauge to be installed to protect this low flow. DWQ shall be notified when pumping begins for irrigation purposes. The permittee agrees to submit plan and calibration calculations two months prior to pump operation and in notifying DWQ when pumping is initiated. If you have questions concerning any of the enclosed information, please feel free to contact Scott Linnenburger or Jim Spangler directly at 546-0754. Sincerely, Spangler Environmental, Inc. Scott Linnenburger Project Manager cc. Ken Bailey (Arland) Eric Alsmeyer (USACE) Scott Mitchell (John R. McAdams) enclosures FIMRONMENTAL SCIENCES 9 1iEMUTATION 9 LAND PLANNING * EXPERT Tla.SMONY