HomeMy WebLinkAbout20141159 Ver 1_CAMA Permit Application_20141105- �•-'�r 2 0 1 4 1 5 8 1 NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Pat McCrory John E. Skvarla, III Governor Secretary November 4, 2014 RECE E- Division of Coastal Management NOV 0 5 201+ MEMORANDUM: DENR -LAND QUALITY TO: Karen Higgins STORMWATER PERMITTING 401 Oversight DEMLR - Surface Water Protection FROM: Jonathan Howell, NC DENR -DCM Assistant Major Permits Coordinator 400 Commerce Avenue, Morehead City, NC 28557 (Courier 11- 12 -09) SUBJECT: CAMA Application Review Applicant: Eugene Hadley Project Location: 317 Bradley Creek Pt. Rd., adjacent to Bradley Creek, in Wilmington, NH Co. Proposed Project: Construction of a private docking facility Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form to Jonathan Howell at the address above by November 27, 2014. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, contact Robb Mairs at (910)796 -7423 when appropriate, in depth comments with supporting data is requested. REPLY: SIGNED This agency has no objection to the project as proposed. This agency has no comment on the proposed project. This agency approves of the project only if the recommended changes are incorporated. See attached. This agency objects to the project for reasons described in the attached comments. DATE N.C. Division of Coastal Management 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilmington. NC 28405 Phone: 910 -796 -7215 \ FAX: 910 - 395 -3964 Internet: www.nccoastalmanagement.net An Equal Opportunity \ Affirmative Action Employer c 0 n DIVISIbkOFZOASTAL MANAGEMENT FIELD INVESTIGATION REPORT I APPLICANT'S NAME Eugene Haley c/o Jimmy Jones 2 LOCATION OF PROJECT SITE 317 Bradley Creek Point Road, in Wilmington, New Hanover County Photo Index -2006 22 -7423, H -1, 5 -6 2000,22-272, H -J, 4 -5 1995 22 -254, H,J, 5 -6 State _P;lane Coordinates - Y 170056 X,235 211 GPS File N/A Lat 34 °12'37'1`1 "N Long 77 049'18 49 "W 3 INVESTIGATIOKTYPE' LAMA _ h - ,4- INVESTIGATIVE PROCEDURE_ Dates oUMteVisit — 08/18/2014 Was,Applicant °Present — Yes'(and agent), a5 'PROCESSING PROCEDURE- Appfication Received — Completed 1;0/22/2014 Office —Wilmington -6 " SITE DESCRIPTION ,(A) Local Land Use Plan — New Hanover County ,Land,Classification From LUP — Developed (residential) /Conservation ,(B) AEC(s) Involved CW, PT, EW (C) Water Dependent Yes (D) Intended Use Private '(E) Wastewater Treatment: Existing. ^mcipal Planned - `None, '(F) Type of Structures Existing — Single -family residence Planned = New private docking'facdity t (G) Estimated Annual Rate of, Erosion WX Source - N/A 7 HABITAT DESCRIPTION [AREA) nRFnr,Fn F-i i Fn OTHFR, (A) Vegetated VVetlands,(Shading) 3,000,sq ft (B) Non - Vegetated Wetlands Open Water 648 sq ft _ (C) Other = Upland (D) Total Area Disturbed 3;648 sq ft_ (0 083,acres) I(E), Primary Nursery Area 'No' (Permanent Secondary) (r) Water Classification `SC Open =�No .8 PROJECT "SUMMARY The applicant proposes,to construct a private docking facihty'within Bradley Creek, 7 u Eugene Haley Page Two 9 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The,applicant's property is located at 317 Bradley Creek Point Drive, in Wdmngton, New Hanover County To,locate the property from the Wilmington Regional,' >Offce (WiRO), take Eastwood Road and travel east towards,Wnghtswlle,Beach approximately 2 0 miles Turn right onto Military Cut -Oft +Road and,travel south approximately '0 5 miles;untd you reach Arlie Road TumJpft;onto Airlie Road and travel,,approximately Q 7 miles east until you reach Bradley Creek, Point Road Turn nghtonto Bradley Creek Point Road and continue,untd the road forks, Turn left,at the,fork and continue until you reach the property of interest, which, will be located on the left The property'is approxibiately`0 94 acres,and is currently developed,with a two,story=srngle -family residence, which,borders the confluence of the AIWW and the 'northern side of Bradley Creek; m Greenville Sound The subject property is borderedi by° residential properties'to the north and`south Vegetation on +the,site'consists�pnmardy..of maintained�,lawn,grass andromamental landscaping The9prdperty rangbs,in elevation from 5' -10' above normal hi e water�(NHW) with approximately160;hnear;feet of shoreline Ther&s-a,narrow b8nd,6f�section,"404 ",type wetlands located,on,the,waterward side of,the property"; whichrconsi9ts'of Wax Myrtle (Mynca cenfera), `Marsh Pennywort (Hydrocotyte umbellata);,and,Groundsel'Bush (Bacchans angustifoba), Coastal Wetland,species located adjacentto,the property include, but are not limited to_ Black Needle Rush '(Juncus roemananus),,Sea Lavender` (Limornum, spp ), Salt Meadow Grass (Spartma patens) and Smooth Cordgrass (Sparhna altemitlora) in ,an area approximately 400' in width The applicant currently does not maintain a,pnvate,docking, however, the previous`property owner (W Faris) submitted a CAMA Major Permit application in 1'997'for the construction of a private pier, which included a new boat basin and access channel towardsthe A'IWW Based on the,file review,, it was indicated by the N' C Division of Coastal Management,that the new dredging component of the application °Was subject�to the N C State EnviF6hmental Policy�Act'(SEPA), which it appears,was not c6thpleted The_applicafion did include riparian lines for4e ,proposed docking 'facility in relation to the adjacent riparian, owners; Which currently,mamtainprivate docking - facilities The waters of Bradley Creek, which are located adjacentito the property, rare classified as SC by the Division' of Water`Quality''This area,is NOT designated as,a Pnmary Nursery Area (PNA) by the Divisionof,Manne Fishenes=and according t0hapsprovided by the Shellfish�Sanitatfion Section', the area is,CLOSED to the harvesting of'shellfish PROPOSED'PROJECT - The applicant proposes to,construct a private docking facility within Bradley Creek- A new access,pier, measuring approximately 540' in length by 61inwjdth would,extent towards the eastjust north of the confluence of Bradley Creek and the AIWW, and just north of the existing docking facility to theysouth The pier would'terminate onto a fixed covered platform, measuring approximately 16` in length by 16 "in width, oriented towardsthe south creating an "L- shaped" configuration An access ramp would then leadbnto new floating dock, measuring approximately 16',in lengtKby6' in width, which would, run parallel tolhe shoreline ,along,the,southem'side of theproposed platform, The,application,states that the proposed docking facility would accommodate,up to1wo(2) small type vessels within water,depths ranging from approximately -2' to -3,, @ normal low Water,(NL'W) (See, Sheets 1 through 3 of '3 and ,project narrative) 10 ANTICIPATED IMPACTS The proposed access;pierWould shade, approximately 3;0001sq; ft-ofCoastal Wetlands, consisting primarily of'Smooth,Cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora) THe;remaining proposed fixed pier,covered platform and floating dock, would,incorporatefapproxlmately 648 sq ft ,of,Estuanne Waters and Pubic'Trust Area The proposed platform' and &atingdocks would'be,located with m,the applicant's riparian access area and would not encroach into the adjacent 15' Riparian Corridor Setback requirement As stafed,;the r`Iparian Ines were established using in the same lines in the 1997 Faris CAMA Major Permit application The,structures would, extend approximately 80' into a,Waterbody, which measures approximately 330',across This distance conformsJo the 1/4 width rule Based on the provided,drawings, the proposed structures would not encroach,into the 80' setback from the AIWW federal channel The proposed structures would accommodate up to two (2) vessels at-this location within current'water depths ranging from approximately -2' to -3'@, NLW Submitted by: Robb L Marrs Date: November 3,20,14' Office- Wilmington ' r � 12- 2,014V Vr ' -�nL�xv UU-d-, ' ^ |, / . � / ^ o v ' � ` _—_—L ' ` . ( - - / ` ` ` -_�� . | � _ . . uw/mG'/UN.NO ^ 1 ` ~° A '/\ - V s Q� 1407 To —L£ - , � J ,c fxts71aG E.P. IfY r � Cam- _ _ - ` \�,� p ck���Rry •:t T3 ±,yam / RCiE EILWIC16 M IWm( Bl4D d SFµ SFA 1EML door O 1` �VfA9L$ BUFD OI �(AV IlIO' GRJt\ / ' \,IN, \� / ° ,. • RECEIVED WILMINGTON, INC Ba1NDAkY E FVPAFtw4 supVE.Y ` \R / ; OCT 2 2 2014 - W'I, f"1 G FAR IS / OoKW cAi[oUMA 1100 _0 ,goo 246 , 300 / C 1 ` GRAPHIC SCALE.- FEAT ` � f•/ilt�aN1 Ca 'FAKIs slr,eWAr ZY CFee c Pr amayrm - •ssac LAN / WILZI1-4Cj704. NC tvm scv�toas - t.va Ftnxraes gem MP -1 APPLICATION for Novo 5 20114 Mayor Development Permit DENR -LAND QUALITY STORMWATER PERMITTING (last revised 12127/06) North Carolina DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT Prt'n�tary4ppriant/ Landalw�er fnfarmat�on Business Name Business Name Project Name (if applicable) Agent/ Contractor 1: First Name �JQ.w Appl' ant 1: First Name MI Last Name UAL) Applicant 2: Name MI Last Name 9First Mailing Address If additional applicants, please attach an additional page(s) with names listed. Mailing Address "3 PO x � City L Statp Ti 1-7 (b P,P01 t/ C� f� No. 1 l,'U1 Phone No. 2 ZIP *2.le Lt Q Country vs./_4 Phone No. 9 i0 - Sl - 5 &3 FAX No. ---- Street Address (if different from above) City State ZIP Email ,j_ L-2 OR Business Name Agent/ Contractor 1: First Name MI Last Name UAL) Agent/ Contractor 2: First Name MI Last Name Mailing Address PO Box City ' St e ZIP No. 1 Phone No. 2 �P}hone 71Gi - �l) / f ext. - ext. FAX No. Contractor # Street Address (if different from above) SIV4 4 City State ZIP Email <Form continues on back> RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC OC1 2 NI4 252 -808 -2808 :. 1- 888- 4RCOAST :: www.nccoastalmanagernent.net „OMDCM W!A,�,-Paqle -216f,4-' APPLICATION f6f,' Maj6r IjeVeIbpjfiqnjj ermit ,v qoWqi F, anjbp multiple) llst'rq;tAddress, Statefldl# SubdiVisidn, Name 01ty te zip- VVI Phone q n e Lot .N6(s) (ifriihny,,attachadditional,,Pagewith',Iist), f Man-made featdres and,uses homon tract -a' A1 7--mm a l6fwli�ih NQ'rivef'b4sin i9 the Or9jebtl§cated?, �b Name,of'body of water nearest to proposed project CP h fHo-W doe§-�lo-bal government zone the tract? ;I- Is theppEoppsed, Pf6jdct c onsistent�Witb&je applicable zoning? :c '!stteii��te--rlb—pd inhiSb),qb6ve, natural or manmade? 0�,_ _ __ , _ , V 1-4 - - -- -- Parri0he-closesf major,water,body iolthe,propos��dJpnojecfsfte d -- — ' Natural, M Marimad6 ElOnknownt 7-- I J:” ? re Is ffposd&W6-rk withimcly, limits,or Olanhirq,14nsdiction? ;ONo jurisdictimorcify firrilt"the proposed 4 Ifilapplicable,'list the planning' work falls,within, es )National Regsterlisted or dllgiblbjproperty,'? ,v 2'62'a8O8 ;,2S08 1. <Fdrfh continues on next pAge> C 'RECEIVED 0CM WI1jqIjNQT-ONt,4Q� ACTS120,14, Wv%i-wi net 'NW wnlq a varerzIe've, 'ViF&l), or, Eb NWL, ,,e 'V6getati6d*6rij&a/cf- f Man-made featdres and,uses homon tract -a' A1 7--mm 7 Tg ildentify4nd, describetie existingjand uses adiacent,to theQpropoqqd prqject,sitp_ h fHo-W doe§-�lo-bal government zone the tract? ;I- Is theppEoppsed, Pf6jdct c onsistent�Witb&je applicable zoning? cornpliance�-c rt �ifiadt&,, if applicable), ❑N6, ❑NA L 11 Is ttfeprqp sed activity p art of; an -urbarwater(bWEed_e 6160nentp-p Yes Lo _,,qs ssmen ff�qt�, lf�y@s,a adh,acd�y Oyes 0 ;1( Hasid pi�qjf@!�sionl arChaeo g�al ---'t,be6n dorieTionthe ra ? --tt -ON - LIN< If s, by whorri? 'I ;1sthe proposed projdct'Iddat6-dPih,a!NaiibridI R6gigtered [],Y-,es EINd CWX Historic'District o-r,does it involve a )National Regsterlisted or dllgiblbjproperty,'? 2'62'a8O8 ;,2S08 1. <Fdrfh continues on next pAge> C 'RECEIVED 0CM WI1jqIjNQT-ONt,4Q� ACTS120,14, Wv%i-wi net Pbrm;DCM MP -1 (Page 3 of 4)1 APPLICATlONJor Major Development Permit m (i) Are;thereOwetland§ on the site ?, Ml es ❑No (u),Are therecoast4l weflandston the sites L'7es ❑No� (m),If yes to e,ther4(i) or (u) above, has a delineatiowbeen conducted [:]Yes P16 (Attach documentabon „if available) In Describe, existing, ,iastewater`treatmentfacilities, o, Descnb&existingjdnnking water supply source' I p Describe existing storm water management or treatment systems l`""^Cia c �5��4cti�itesT�nd�im ry�t}{ a Will the protect be for commercial, public, or private uses ❑C mercial ❑PubGc/Govemment P,riVate %Community tiT Give,a brief'dE&"ription of purpose, use; Aandldady'operations:of the protect,when,complete U, C dt C V1, �,i 5YL (�dc-6 P� FA, c:: L It, 7, qd Describe' the'proposedlconstructionlmethodology, types of,con §truction equipment to be,use ,during constryotionRthe of tuber of each type of equipment and where it'is to be,stored C��� Mil F)CF12VO Li3 1 r - PV'�i 7,��CS'` Il Ld �i �� 60.LD LAJd le 2,�)i/v d', List allidevelbpmentlactivitiessyou propose , r}, 6 �v ,Mp t 45 =t� j {w'Pye�lvt t,�7 ,� J, 0-v 2X'6 cn `Z r e Are the proposed,activities =maintenance of'an� existing protect, new work,?or�both? k-e -.iv w'o v-l< 'f What is,the,approximate total disturbed land area fesulting from,thb; proposed protects `❑Sq Ft or ❑Acres g Will the proposedrprolect,encroach on any, pubhc�easement, public accesswayy or other area ❑Yes ❑NA that,the putilic has established use o0 h, Describe' location:and'type of existing and proposed dischargesito waters of thelstate Al i Wdbwastewa ❑ ter or stormwater be discharged °into a wetland? Yes ffNo —]NA If yes, will this discharged water be of the same salinity as „the receiving water? ❑Yes O/No ❑NA t 4s there anjmitigation proposed'2 ❑Yes -' % o '❑NA _ LL If yes,,attach a,mitigation,proposal RECEIVED <Form continues on'bacic> DCM,WILMINGTON,,NC OCT 212014 2812 - 80,,8 -2808 1.8,88 ,,- 4�'RCOA� T, , vvvvhrt =jn,�cd'o &s'tgI,, +aroag,einent „ne@ dorm DCM MP -1 (Page,4_6f „4)1 APPLICATION,for Major Development Permit, �. r ��d�bont to -fhrs corripleted�plkaKon form,, (MP =J) i��followrrtgt items�belowrrf ,�apptrcabfe`musttiesubmitted�m order for -tfie app�icabon � fi,; �' packa`ge'to be,compfete�,�`Ifems3(a).„z (�?ar'e�ahvays "appti�cable �o any maror,;de'vejopment�applrcafidh =�Please'"consulf tfie'appGcatio ��_, -r,:��,;r�' E1 X' _Z.- �` 'h M -� d'S d`„5 r 4 - dr -�*.. +r, `'l E.`.w -v-ti e4 .M rt�i}t4iyA' 'a" i...}:A �, k+•. v�” 5— � �h 4insfiuctro� boakleton howto ra a r'e ar`e fife a alied'ite s` +E3elo ':,],,;'r ,`�',� -����' _-, -• a, �:,�, -�;`` °' f,. r <� ��„��,�,�,�r� �i' '� � `� 1•- i` }`t .z.'•r "t�.�y � -, - �.r i .,�:9: ,a�';x= s���.�:; -�t't .t ..�3�i 't�.,, ., {v �t�a'y c`e. asty ,� =�" _�`��i;,j +;•� c 'f]'. s�'- `� "�' °�_:_`�x_ a A projecVnarrative , r b An accurate, dat6d_Wotkp NUindluding plan view and cross=sectional swings) drawn to scale Please give the_present.status;of tK6 proposed project Is any portion already complete? If previously, authorized work „clearly indicate =on maps,,plats,,drawings to distinguish between work completed and proposed c A,site di location map that,is sufficiently, detailed to guide agency, personnellunfamiliarwi'th4theiarea to the site d A copy of the deed (with,state application only) or other instrument under which the applicant claims title to the affected,properties e The,appropnate application fee -Check or money, order made payable to DENR f A list,of the,names and co mplete,addresses of1the adjacent waterfront,(npahan) landowners and signed return, receipts asnproof that sucti, owners, iavdateceived a copy of theapplication,and plats'by cegifiedimail 'Such landowners must be, advised ,thaVthey'h_ave'30 days'in whichlto submit;commentseon the proposedlproject to theOvision of Coastal Management, ex "Lxp.- �•- "a' `.`° ,;�.a` y M' -� No _.fir "TA - r.�i °_ aaaEsx] `g '3s4 Key, rc ,.�, .t' ,� ."�^ ,_ -]5 a _ Name �0.- Ph�orieallo Address �y^n- .fir ti °s, - - "- Name- • - r'�' =� '�s�;a=y� ,�. -;�-y� �� = � - =�,.. �� _ -- � honelVo- zc Fr °� - + °� ��' �,._ .� ,.�`J i °'�.�'L <� _iC; -r?ti- ^^r_ **y •s-b, r� ,t _i,^t'� -��, •> �-''.y �• -FY° t °a�-' �,MT�:i >" �� =� ^"�7_r .1^ _�t'� ---�' .y °�`•''�;'ti �Y== _i'_r�`:'rtC�s`: ;= ��'_,_y �`�'t°.�X,.�y�:,^7'. Wiz; _�£z hc.r �, '-r �}.T^rE iA ''*-o' ter.= =i _i- 4s'* , - - L -= '�-• °�' `-�u, _ .fro e`.�„ ,ter, rT'�-- ,.4w.d, ...^,'o- i*a ^r. X41 i ,g A�hst+of;previous state or federalipermits issued for.work on the project tract Include permit numbers,,permittee, and)issuing,dates h Signed consultant`or agent authorization form,Drf applicable i Wetland delineation„ if necessary I Aksigned AEC hazardmotice for projects in, oceanfront and ;in let areas (Musf'be signed by property owner) k A statement'of compliance with the N C "'Environmental Policy,ACt(N C G S- -113A`1 -10), if necessary- If the project involves expenditure of pubhc'fundsfor use of public, lands, attach,a statementdocumenting complianceYwith the North Carolina Environmental Pohcy Act , I understand,that,,any permit issued in response to this4pplication will,allow only the development described irijhe application The projectwill'be subject to the conditions and restrictions contained in the permit I certify, that I' am authorized to grant,, and do in fact grant; permission, to representatives of state +and federal review, agencies to 'enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating informatidWrelated to'thistper"mit application and follow -up ,monitoring of,the project I further certify that the information provided in this application is truthful to the best of my knowledge Date, ' �' I L4 Print Name ,' r� 1WT W , "Signature fv Please indicate application attachments>pertaining'to your proposed` project ODCM MP-,2, Excavation and' kl Information ❑DCM MP =5 Bridges,and'Culverts , ❑�D/CCM MP- 3iUpland06vel`opment pDCM MP -4 Structures Information, RECEIVED .DCM WILMINGTON, N OGT 2,2 2014 dal -808 -2808 1- 8,86- 4R,COAST www_ncdoasta,i'managesnen,t. net � 1 i s - wa -• . , -�, r � ti� form ®CM KP °4' (C®nstr a&t'!b i Within IRubllic,Trust Areas) Attach ^this formlto.Joint,ApphcationFfor CAMA Mayor Permit, Form ,DCM MP -1 Be, sure to complete all other sections, of the Joint ApplicAon that relate.to this proposed project Rlease�include; all, supplemental information a (1) Is the- docking,facihty /manna ❑Commercial ❑P,ublic/Government nvate /Community c (ipock(s) and /or �ier(s) (u) Number (m) Length (iy) Width j0 " (v) Floating ❑Yes Eilo e '(i) Are Platforms, included? es ` ❑No if yes (ii) Number (m)'Length (iv) Width (v) Floating O es ❑No Note" Roofed areas are calculated,from drrpline dimensions g (i) Number ofrslips proposed (n) Number, of slips;ex_isbng i Checklthe,proposed`type of siting ❑ Land cut andtaccess,chdnnel D/O'pen,water, dredging forbasin,and /or channel '1pgn,water, no dredging required ❑Other, please,describe k- Typical ,,boat length m (i)�Wdl the facility-haveitie,pding' s? ❑Yes, Ito (n) IUyes,nurnber of tie,pihngs? b (i),Will the'facdi be open to,,the generahoubhc? , ❑Yes FeKo d (i) Are Finger Piers included? ❑Yes Xo If yes , (u) Number (ni) Length (iv) Width (v) Floating ❑Yes ❑No f ,(i) Are Boatlifts included? []Yes eNo J If yes (n) Number (m)'Length (iv) Width - h Check all the types,of services to'be provided ❑ Full service, including, travel lift and /or rail, repair,or ' maintenance service, Dockage, fuel, and marine supplies ❑ Dockage ( "wet slips ") only; number of;slips ❑ Dry storage, number of,boats ❑ Boat ramp(s),ynumber of boat ramps ❑ Other, please °describe l Describe the typical boats;to be served,(e g , opernwrunabout, charter -'boats, sad boats, mixed -types) I (i)'Wdhthe faciht ,be open to the,general public? []Yes ZNo `RECEIVED ,DCM WfLMlNGTON, RC' I OCR' 2 2 2014 252- 'U846'68 :: f-tes- 4Rdi)As1' :: w� w.niccefistelafianagernent.net revised: 12/271 06 Fbrin DOM MP-4 (Structures, Page 3 mf'4) n lstthe marina/ cking facility proposed Within or adjacent,to any shellfish harvesting area ❑Yes No o Is,thejmarma/dockingffacihty proposed',within,& adlacentrto coastal wetlands /marsh (CW), submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV), shell bottom (SB), or other wetlands (WL)'? O any boxes arechecked, provide the number of square feet affected ❑CW - - ❑ ❑SB -- ❑Wt - -- None. - p - is the proposed marina/docking facility located within orwithin,close proximity to any shellfish leases? ❑Yes []No. 'If yes, give the,name and address of the,leaseholder(s), and give the proximity to the lease ❑Commerc1al ❑ Pub lic/Government , ❑Private /Community (n) Number / (m) Length (iv) Width Note Roofeddareas arecalculated from drrpline dimensions (i) Number (n) Length '(ni)`Width /y a Length b c Maximum distance beyond NHW, NWL or wetlands or wetlands '❑Com`mercial ❑PublidiGovemm'ent ❑Private /Community c Distance to be placed 6eyondoshoreline d Description ofbuoy (color, inscription, size,,anchor,,etc) Note This +should be measured from marsh edge, if present e Arc of the swmg 252 -808 = 28081: 9- 888- ARCdAS7' •.-www.nccaaat2imanagement.net s OCT 12 2014 revised: 12/27106 Form DCM MPn4 (Structures, Page 4 ®t 4), a a Proximity,'ofrstructure(s) to adlacjjent,riparian property lines' b Proximity of structure(s) to °adjacent docking facilities Note. For buoy or mooring piling, use, arc,of swing,Includmg length of vessel -c Width,of water body - - -- - -- - - - -- — — - 0— Water,depth at,waterward,end of- structureM NLW or NWL r e, (i) WiWnawgationaPaids be required as a result of the project? Jf (w 2 DYes [:]No ONA (n) If yes, explain what type and how they will'be' implemented a Give complete description n� ! \4X i✓ LI i a , 252-808-2808 1 °8884RCOAST :: ,wwvv nccoastaimaliA-g- eeneint; net t RECEIVED l?CM WILMINGTON, NG ;a 2,014 +rdvisdd: 1 2127106 v y 3 o� M RRSI J 0� R U Z oa W h b- w z F: LLI U I � t I i t «Rep. yii�e u t form � �p L? I P P fln 4xK I,•L• fib' I" O _i S 6( -. - _ - - — Nub• R j "°�� TOO 4up 4�P S fXif�iy y Ne4'S� p� tAi / s m ° � r C ` J n m SC�te- 1�too 3 z 54 ee Mp'�5 I;+ 55e4 iJLw i i SU. �lby� Aso 6 lvxlb� t Lorrnr� 40- 7 RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC OCT 222014 1v T vr^ 4 n 55e4 iJLw i i SU. �lby� Aso 6 lvxlb� t Lorrnr� 40- 7 RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC OCT 222014