HomeMy WebLinkAbout20141162 Ver 1_Application_20141106I Quible Quible & Associates, P.C. ENGINEERING • ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES • PLANNING • SURVEYING SINCE 1959 November 4, 2014 Kyle Barnes US Army Corps of Engineers P.O. Box 1000 Washington, NC 27889 RE: 1149 Persimmon Street Corolla Village, Currituck County Mr. Barnes: P.O. Drawer 870 Kitty Hawk, NC 27949 Phone: 252-261-3300 Fax: 252-261-1260 web: quible.com 2 01 41 162 PAID Please find enclosed an Application for Department of the Army Permit requesting the fill of 0.26 acres of Section 404 Wetlands at the above referenced property. Please review the attached materials and do not hesitate to contact the undersigned at 252.261.3300 if you have any questions or require any additional information to process this request. Sincerely, Quible & Associates, P.C. k Eadus, P.G. cc TFP, LLC Jennifer Burdette, NC DWR WQP file NOV 0 6 2014 �i Corolla Villagedrin Application for Dept of the Army Permit Project Narrative October 16, 2014 The project area includes two formerly separate parcels that were adjacent and located on the corner of Persimmon Street and Corolla Village Lane in Corolla Village (Attachment 1- relevant portion of USGS topographic quadrangle - Corolla with site identified) The smaller northern lot was in the Ocean Hill Planned Unit Development (PUD) and was able to be developed as a single family residence (Attachment 2) The initial plans were to keep the lot within the PUD and build a home on the site The adjacent parcel (1149 Persimmon Street) is an undeveloped parcel that is not in the PUD and the development plan was to build a small Inn with commercial kitchen and amenities suitable for weddings and wedding parties (Attachment 3) Fill was authorized on both properties (separately and under different�ownershlp using Nationwide 18) in the past Last year it was determined that the properties could be recombined and a "Master Plan" for a small ten bedroom Inn with adequate parking could be allowed (in terms of County Zoning) utilizing both properties Lot 273 was formally removed from the PUD (an attorney actually determined that the Lot was included in the PUD Sketch Plan, but was never formally in the PUD) and the two lots were recombined A sketch plan for the newly created lot was presented to the County and this plan includes adequate parking, public access and amenities for tourists visiting the area (Attachment 4) In addition, it was discussed that pedestrian access would be a part of the proposed development and walkways and benches would be provided for the public -which was offered as a concession to the County The owners of the recombined property (TFP, LLC) have invested considerable resources getting the property ready for the construction of the Inn The owners are seeking investors to come on board with the project to assist with construction and as the planning has developed the issue of adequate parking, fire apparatus and employee access have become issues Therefore, we are formally requesting that an additional 0 26 acres of Section 404 Wetlands Fill be allowed -see Attachment 5 A Department of the Army application to fill an additional 0 26 acres of wetlands (0 20 acres of fill authorized previously) has been prepared and is included with this application package as Attachment 6 Mitigation Mitigation for impacts to Section 404 Wetlands includes preservation through deed restriction of 41,958 sf of wetlands located on site and on nearby properties owned by the applicants as shown on Attachment 7 In addition, the applicants will purchase 0 52 acres of mitigation bank credits from the Great Dismal Swamp Restoration Bank A Letter of Credits Availability in included as Attachment 8 Purpose and Need The purpose of the proposed fill is to allow for personnel and fire and emergency access to the building and not require the demolition of old growth trees on the upland ridge The applicants will also be required to manage stormwater on site and this is best achieved by constructing wetlands on the edges of the upland ridge toward the southeast corner of the property (as shown on Attachment 5) Avoidance and Minimization The site is dominated by a sand ridge of uplands with old growth Live Oak and Pine The adjacent wetland areas are dominated by Red Maple and Pine, and based on tree size and Corolla Village Inn October 16, 2014 Application for Dept of the Army Permit density, it appears that timber in the wetland areas of the site were cut more recently in the past than the upland ridge with the exception of one or two pines and two maples The applicant's desire is to leave the upland tree canopy intact (see photo pages Attachment 9) To achieve this, the applicants are also working toward connecting to a central sewer system which will eliminate the need to install a septic system on the upland ridge as was previously shown on development sketches Negotiations are not finalized but a wastewater treatment provider has made, the applicant aware that there is capacity at an adjoining wastewater treatment facility Please note, the applicants purchased wastewater capacity at a separate facility, several years ago, however, that facility is at permit capacity and promised upgrades to the treatment facility have not been installed In addition, stormwater management for Currituck County requires retention of a six in storm This requirement will be met by constructing wetlands in uplands along with using cisterns and other stormwater Best Management Practices - Additional Documentation The following items are attached as supporting documentation to this Department of the Army Permit application Attachment 1 USGS topographic Quad Corolla with site identified Attachment 2 Lot 273 O H PUD General Permit Verification and Fill Plan- Action ID SAW- 2011 -00985 Attachment 3 1149 Persimmon General Permit Verification and Fill Plan- Action ID SAW- 2013 -00963 Attachment 4 County Conditional Use /Rezoning and Recombination Plat Attachment 5 Proposed Development Plan Attachment 6 Application for Department of the Army Permit Attachment 7 Proposed Mitigation Plan Exhibit Attachment 8 GDSRB Letter of Credits Availability Attachment 9 Photographs ATTACHMENT 1 a z z o o a o m r M g{11 , a Declination - z N 75.8416666° W 075.8333333° W 075.8250000° W 075.8166666° W SCALE 1:24000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 700 O FEET GN 0.49'w MN 10.82° W i00000° W 075.8416666° W 075.8333333° W 075.8250000° W 075.8166666° W Z I Z o ' o 0 O i 0 O C) V M lJJ ' io � 0 0 1 0 I M M C M 0 1 CO CO Q 0 U 0 o •n Z ` 1149 U Z OPersimmon CO CO M M o M M co •1 ! M L� o M 1° n s o 0 0 M _ n• C M (O CO CI) a z z o o a o m r M g{11 , a Declination - z N 75.8416666° W 075.8333333° W 075.8250000° W 075.8166666° W SCALE 1:24000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 700 O FEET GN 0.49'w MN 10.82° W ATTACHMENT 2 U.S. ARMY COMPS OF ENGINEERS WIi:MTNGTON DISTRICT Action,ID. 2811 -00985 County ,Currita USGS Quad Corolla GENERAL PERMIT(REGIONAL AND NATIOfPM, DI) VERIFICATION Property Owner / Authorized Agent: Douelas T,wiiddv/ Twlddy Family Partnershi» LLC Address: 1142,Ocean 1'ra11 Corolla. North Carolina 27954 Telephone No. J252) 457 -1177 Size ana location of property (water body, road naxneMumber, •- town, etc:): - — - Description of projects area. and activity: T e ro ect ettrrentl - undevelo ed. The A61, a roximatel `0:10 acr 's.of we rids to+COnStrii�t a sin ` e,famil dwellin" . Apphcable1aw- ® Section 404 (Clean Water Act,,33 US,C 1344) [D' Sec6n,10 (R.ivers and,Harbois'Act, 33TUSC403) Authorization: Regional General Permit Id unnbtr NationwideTermit Number. M Your work is, authorized by the above referenced permit provided ii 18 accomplished in strict accordance,with the attached conditions,and your submitted;plans: Airy violation of flee attached,conditions or, deviation frour --' sulimitted,plans,may�suiiblect the permittee to a stop work order, a restoration,order andlor appropriate legal action. This verification is valid until tho NWP is modified, reissued, or revoked All of the existing NWPs, are.scheduled to bey modified, reissued, or revoked prioi to 11ilarch 18, 2012. It is mcambefif upon you'to reinam informed of changes'to the NWPs We RiiIl issue a public notice when'the NWPs are reissued. Furthermore, if you continence or are under�contract to,cornmence this activity,before the date that,&Irelevant nationwide permit is modified,or,revoked, you will;have twelve (12) Wmonths }from the date of the modification,or revocation ofthe°NWp'to complefe,the'activity tinder the present terms and cdnditioas 'of this, nationwide�permit. Activities subject to Section 404 (as indicatedtabove) may also,reguire an individual Section ,401 Water Quality Certification. You sbould,cdntactthe NC,Dinsion of Water Quahty (telephone {919) 733 =1786) to determine Section 401 requirements For activities occurring within the,twenty coastal counties subjecvtoregulation ^under the'Coastal Area Mauagement,Actt(CAM_ A),, prior to.beginniug work yon:must'contact,the N`C Division of Coastal Management inaEbizabeth City, NC, at (252 }'264 -3901. This Department of the Aimy verification does not relieve the permittee of the'responsibility to abtain,any other required Federal, State or local,approvalsfpermits If thereFare any questions regardingiltu verification, any,of the conditions ofthe Permit, or thvCorps of Engineers regulatory program, please contact1&. Kyle $arnesjat (910),2h'-458'4, Cofps Regulatory Official ' Date: 06/212011 Expiration Date of Verification: 03%X8/2012 The Wihnington District is committed'to providmg the highest level of support to the public. To help us ensure we continue to do so, please complete the ,Customer,Satisfaetion�Survey located at our website athowregtilatory�usacesiavey com% to complete the survey online - Page 1 of 2 Determination of Jurisdiction: ❑ Based on preliminary mformataon, there appear to be waters,of the US including wetlands witlnn;the above descri'bed,project�area_ Tlns,prelimindry deterrninabon is not an appealable action under the Regulatory ry Pro r am AppeaP cess { Reference 33,CFR Part-331). ❑ There axe Na "vigalile Wateis'o'f the,Unrted'States,within the, above`descnbed io ect area sub'eci to the rmit re uu ments,of Section i0 of the Rivers an' P, J . j. Pe_., q .,, _,_ d I3 arbors Act and Section 404 oftithe�Clean�' Wa%r.Aci. Unless tliere'is a change to the law or�c' published regulations, tins determination may be relied upon for a,Period not to exceed dive years from the date of this notification _ _ , ® There are waters of the US and/or wetlands witiL'the above' described project area subject to,the.pemnt requirements of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA)(33 iJSC § 134d)- Unless there,is a'change in the law or our published regulations, this - SC maybe =relied upon f& a,period not to exceed ^five years`from the date of'this nobfrcation ® The jurisdictional areas within the abave,desenbed project area have been identm_ffed under it predmous action. Please reference juilsdtctional ,detern"at_ionlissued 6/ZO 1. Adtion ID Y Basis of,Jurisdichorial Determination:_ This site'eihibits,vwetland °criteria ai descriii d i'n ihe,1987�Coros VVe dim dJbetineatiou= Manual and is Dart of a broad continuum of wetl` dv cimindircm tn the Appeals Information (This,information appliesio�nly to)a roved jurisdictional determiaa$ Rns.) - Attached -to ties _verification is`an approved jurisdiotional'determination. If you are not'in agreement with fhat ;approved'jurisdmctional detemzinatton,,you,ean make an admmbtrative appealminder,33'CFR 331. Enclosed ygii wWUl find;a °Notification of Appeal Piocess °` (NAP) fact sheet and iequestrfor appeal,(RFA) form If you request to appeal ;this deternimnatidvyou must subiriit a completed RFA form to the following address: District Engineer, Wilmington Regulatory Division A=-Mr. Kyle Barnes; P%lect Manager, Washington =Regulatory Field,Office, Post Office -Box ,1000 Washington, North Caroluia 27889 In order for an RFA to be accepted by theiCorps, the'Corps must determiue tliavml is,f;omplete,lthat itmeem thelcriteria forippeai under 33 CFR part 3h 1.5. andthai it has been received by the District Office within 601days of the,date of the NAP. Should you decide,to submit an RFA form, it must be received at the -above address by 7/24%2011 *It is noFnecessary-to submit an RF form to the Distnct.Office if you do not object to'the determination in this correspondence. *'* `Corps Regulatory Official. �t Date 05/24/2011 Expiration Date a/24/201 6 SURVEY PLATS, FIELD 'SKETCH, WETLANDIDELINBATION FORMS, FROJECT PLANS, ETC., MUST BE ATTACHED,TO 'THE FILE COPY OF THIS FORM, IF REQUIRED OR AVAILABLE. Copy Furnished: Page 2,of 2 Action ID Number:20t1 =00985 County :Currituck Permittee: 'Douglas Twiddy Date Verificatioulssued: 6/21/2011 Project Manager,! Kvle'Ba"rnes Upon completion of the activity authorized by thisupermit and any, mitigation required by, the,permft;. Ili sign'tliis�cert�cation� and r,61 it to'the fdllowing,address: , US ARMY CORPS Of l NGINEERS WELMINGTON DISTRICT W, ILAGNGT ON ItIEGULA'£OItiCI±7[ELb OFFYCE POSTODi'PICE =BOX 18900 _ 'WILNIiNGTON,NOKJHJCAROLINk 28402 -1890 Please note that your pernil ted- activity is subject'ta n compliance inspection by a U:`S: Army SCorps.of EngineersRrepreseietative. If'you fail to'comply,,_- I thisypermit;youkare subject °toi,permiit stespension, modification, or revocadon: IAereby certify that the wort{ authorizedi,by "theraboveyrefereuced permit has lieeni`completed °in accorda®cer with, the, terms,and,conditiowofAhe,said pex-iaa�it,;and regae_redrmitigation,was completed,int accordance with the perinit�eoriditions. f Y . Signature ot Permittee - � e f Date - PRQIECT - GOrrn,GHr ®2o„ ` OUIBIE t ASSOCIATES P 0A0 6 P.EF PROP OD.". M6 DRAWN 14 A UYRrLL 'ON RO OGf OMm 0N MOU!"Mm PR Ou8E a ASSOLUS P.C. LL 0 t3 O I I I ' " I L _ o� H r � 'off P �C �QQt O C'sm$ N �, I l, Y'fl [wW 4 N'`1 N A /g3 i I II �; jt t I+ , I• , l� I I rv0 Ik 1 IE - II i II ' - II 1 + d I�5 aN li K3 I( `,11s O ' 3 II � .I, I I- III 1, 1 C) , 7 �/ r � _ PRQIECT - GOrrn,GHr ®2o„ ` OUIBIE t ASSOCIATES P 0A0 6 P.EF PROP OD.". M6 DRAWN 14 A UYRrLL 'ON RO OGf OMm 0N MOU!"Mm PR Ou8E a ASSOLUS P.C. LL 0 FEL I LOT 273 VII.LAwi& AT ocBA_ N mur- (AR;BRANCH CURREO Tns'rvt„ 0x PUT 6 xOr scxEa .x0 � �4 gYEO at A ucET1scO PppfTSnNKLL MM lxq PUN'IXt PUT SMALL'BC LOx9OER2p1 GATE PREIIM.WIY AkU MOf A CFPIHeD 90f.VNIXf � 9�swu xm az usm POR cualRlmmx 01/201 i RLmRUnOx sus as uero aavxcs a 1, AR ES .,, °, uible oFS /p`� < p : &Associates, P.C. 'ENGINEERING • CONSULTING - PUNNING o _ q '� ENVIRONMENTAL" SCIENCES • SURVEYING p' O NC L—TI 0-0209 - 1 POiOmw.r.1 . ,,M7 H.0. NC 279 49 Y'�+• ,•` \� Ph.. (292),261 -3300 a�, eK A �;:•`s E -100 adm t3 O m � L _ o� H 8Q� z5, 'off P FEL I LOT 273 VII.LAwi& AT ocBA_ N mur- (AR;BRANCH CURREO Tns'rvt„ 0x PUT 6 xOr scxEa .x0 � �4 gYEO at A ucET1scO PppfTSnNKLL MM lxq PUN'IXt PUT SMALL'BC LOx9OER2p1 GATE PREIIM.WIY AkU MOf A CFPIHeD 90f.VNIXf � 9�swu xm az usm POR cualRlmmx 01/201 i RLmRUnOx sus as uero aavxcs a 1, AR ES .,, °, uible oFS /p`� < p : &Associates, P.C. 'ENGINEERING • CONSULTING - PUNNING o _ q '� ENVIRONMENTAL" SCIENCES • SURVEYING p' O NC L—TI 0-0209 - 1 POiOmw.r.1 . ,,M7 H.0. NC 279 49 Y'�+• ,•` \� Ph.. (292),261 -3300 a�, eK A �;:•`s E -100 adm W- j wry O ' Z Z� �� F g ��, O�% m t N _ o� H 8Q� z5, 'off P �C �QQt O C'sm$ N �, I I 4 N'`1 N A FEL I LOT 273 VII.LAwi& AT ocBA_ N mur- (AR;BRANCH CURREO Tns'rvt„ 0x PUT 6 xOr scxEa .x0 � �4 gYEO at A ucET1scO PppfTSnNKLL MM lxq PUN'IXt PUT SMALL'BC LOx9OER2p1 GATE PREIIM.WIY AkU MOf A CFPIHeD 90f.VNIXf � 9�swu xm az usm POR cualRlmmx 01/201 i RLmRUnOx sus as uero aavxcs a 1, AR ES .,, °, uible oFS /p`� < p : &Associates, P.C. 'ENGINEERING • CONSULTING - PUNNING o _ q '� ENVIRONMENTAL" SCIENCES • SURVEYING p' O NC L—TI 0-0209 - 1 POiOmw.r.1 . ,,M7 H.0. NC 279 49 Y'�+• ,•` \� Ph.. (292),261 -3300 a�, eK A �;:•`s E -100 adm W- j wry O ' Z Z� �� F g ��, O�% m t N _ o� H 8Q� z5, �C �QQt O C'sm$ N �, I I 4 N'`1 N A r FEL I LOT 273 VII.LAwi& AT ocBA_ N mur- (AR;BRANCH CURREO Tns'rvt„ 0x PUT 6 xOr scxEa .x0 � �4 gYEO at A ucET1scO PppfTSnNKLL MM lxq PUN'IXt PUT SMALL'BC LOx9OER2p1 GATE PREIIM.WIY AkU MOf A CFPIHeD 90f.VNIXf � 9�swu xm az usm POR cualRlmmx 01/201 i RLmRUnOx sus as uero aavxcs a 1, AR ES .,, °, uible oFS /p`� < p : &Associates, P.C. 'ENGINEERING • CONSULTING - PUNNING o _ q '� ENVIRONMENTAL" SCIENCES • SURVEYING p' O NC L—TI 0-0209 - 1 POiOmw.r.1 . ,,M7 H.0. NC 279 49 Y'�+• ,•` \� Ph.. (292),261 -3300 a�, eK A �;:•`s E -100 adm 6/21/2614 Regulatory Division ,-ID: $AWjQ j - p09s5I Douglas Twiddy 1142�bcean Frail' n COi011a, North Carolina 27954 Permit'Speciali Conditions Your woik is +authorized by Piationwide Permit 19 nrovided,it is accomplished in'strict accordance,witti -the attached,Gdnerai Condition and rthie,folhowing Special Conditions: a. All work authorized;by this permit mustAbe performed- in,stixct compliance with the 1 submitted plans, which }a e,a part of tbis pernut. + b. The Perniittee sfiall!initiga -e for 0.10 acre of Section 404 wetlands associated `wrth'thi.,,,pioject'by;p yment to,the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement P o 'gram (NCEEP) n�a ;ERnount deteifi finedby the NCEEP 4 sufficient to =perform.0:20 acce�of non ='np ikn wetland estorati`n mitigation inl the'03010Z053HtJC: ;p`ermi is valid o y,aftei the�Perinittee,his,niade full payarient= Othe�NCEBP ariclrthe NC-EEP <lfigina& wtitt6h c6n rm n;bo the �. { District En�nee Alt itali`as zeceived 'r" y, a4. " k ; pavmeiat'�and. a�ees�toaaccept resDOnsihiilit�; - forthe gation wo ,required: px l grail of ursuant-to Para hFN:D� the ! w- a M6igorandum of ndei standin h E x U g�between�thie NorthaCarolina�D'epartment of Enniionmeitt•atid,Na i l Aeso' n , - -' ,C s, tier uices and tFie,U:S. ;.Army Corp Hof Engineers, h' Wilmington'District,fdat L . i ed November 4,1998. If you }have nndVal eady done so, you should'rcontact W.' Jan McMillan, Nbrai tarolina , Division,of ;Water Quality, telephone,919 -807 =6301, regarding Section 401 , at&Quality Certifications Tl'us nationwide permit,does not relieve,you of�the �responsibility.to` obtain other required State or'local approval + This verification wMbe valid for No-- ears ^from the date of this letter unless thie nationwnde authorization is modified; reissued' or revoked. Thank you for yauritime,and cooperation. Questions or,cominents may be, addressed to Kyle Barnes,- Waslnngtoii Regala'tory Field' Office, telephoT,6f 9 +10) 251 - 4584. WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA'FORM — Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region ProiecuSite Lot 273 Villages at Ocean Hill Cltylcounty Corolla/Currituck sampling Date 2010 -08 -18 ApplicantlOwner Midlantic Builders (Jim Bickford) State NC Sampling Point B1 UP Investrgator(s) Warren Eadus Section, Township, Range Landform (hllslope „terrace, etc) Sand flat Local rebel (concave, convex, none) none -little Slope ( %) <1 Subregion (LRR +or MLRA) LRR T Lat 36 3824264 Long 75.8315274 Datum NAD 27 Soil Map Unrt'Narne Osier NWI damficatron E2 FO 3 Are climatic 1 hydrologic conditions on the site typical'for this time of,year'? Yes _EI No ❑ (If no, explain in Remarks) Are Vegetation E3, Soil ❑, or Hydrology © significantly disturbed? Are "Normal Circumstances” present? Yes Are Vegetation ❑, Sal ❑, or Hydrology in naturally problematic? (If needed, explain any answers in Remarks ) 0 No ❑ SUMMARY OF FINDINGS — Attach site map showing sampling point locations, transects, important features, etc. HydrophyddVegetation Present? Yes ® No, ❑ Is the Sampled Area Hyddc Sal Present? Yes No within a Wetland? Yes El No 13 Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes A No Remarks HYDROLOGY Wetland Hydrology4ndicators• Primary Indicators (minimum of one is reouired. ❑ Surface Water (At) High Water Table (A2) Saturation (A3) Water Marks (131) check altthat aoolv) ❑ Water- Stained Leaves (69) Aquatic Fauna (B13) Mart Deposits (B15) (LRR U) Hydrogen Sumde Odor (C1) Secondary Indicators (minimum of two reowred) ® Surface Soil�Cracks (136) ® Sparsely Vegetated Concave Surface (88) ��1 Drainage Patterns (610) Moss Trim Lines (B16) ❑ Dry- Season Water Table (C2) Sediment Deposits (82) Q Drift Deposits (B3) Oxidized Rhizospheres on Living Roots (C3) Presence of Reduced Iron (64) _❑ Crayfish Burrows (C8) Saturation Visible on Aerial Imagery (C9) ❑ Algal Mat or Crust (84) 0 Iron Deposits (B5) InundationMisible on Aerial Imagery (6 7) Recent Iron Reduction in Tilled,Soils (C6) 77U--11 Thin Muck Surface (C7) o Other (Explain in Remarks)_ Geomorphic Position (D2) L t Shallow Agwtard (D3) FAC- Neutral Test (05) Field Observabons: Surface Water Present? Yes ® No WaterTable'Preseni? Yes .® No Saturation Present') Yes 0 No Includes capillary fringe) ® Depth (inches) ❑ Depth ^(inches) 24 ❑ Depth (Inches) 22 Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes ❑ No El Describe Recorded Data (stream gauge, monitoring well, aenal photos, previous inspections), if available US Army Corps of Engineers Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region — Interim Version VEGETATION — Use scientific names of plants Tree Stratum (Ptot'size 9m 1 Ouercus Arginiana Absolute ) °,6 Cover 80 Dominant Indicator Species? Sit tus I@ FACU 2 10 ❑ 3 x 3= 45 ❑ 4 UPL species ❑ 5 (A) 405 (B) ❑ 6 7 ❑ ❑ 7 55 = TA.1 r•,,,,e. Saolma Stratum (Plot size 9m 1 Mynca cenfera 10 x❑ FAC+ 2 Ilex opaca 10 facu+ 3_ x 3= 45 ❑ 4 UPL species ❑r 5 (A) 405 (B) ❑ 6 Q 7 ❑ Shrub Stratum (Plot size 9m 1 Myrica cerif_era 10 ) 5 =Total Cover x❑ fac+ 2 3 4 ❑ ❑ ❑ 5 ❑ 6 ❑ 7 ❑ 5 = Total Cover Herb Stratum (Plot size 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 9 1a 11 12 20 =Total Cover Woody Vine Stratum (Plot size 9m ) 1 Vltls spp <5 El NC 2 ❑ 3 ❑ 4 ❑ 5 ❑ 5 = Total Cover list vP Sampling Point B1 MR11- Dominance Test worksheet Number of Domment,Species That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC 1 (A) Total Number of Dominant Species Across AII,Slrata 4 (8) Percent of Donunant Species That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC 25 (A/B) Total % Cover of Multiply by. OBL species x 1 = FACW species x 2 = FAC species i5 x 3= 45 FACU,species 90 x 4 = 360 UPL species x5= Column Totals 105 (A) 405 (B) Prevalence Index = B/A = 3 $5 _ Dominance Test is X50% Prevalence Index is < -3 0' _ Problematic Hydrophyhc Vegetation', (Explain) 'Indicators of hydnc sod and wetland hydrology must be present, unless disturbed or problematic Tree - Woody plants, excluding woody vines, approximately 20 ft (6 m) or more in height and 3 in (7 6 cm),or larger in diameter at breast height (DBH) Sapling - Woody plants, excluding woody vines, approximately 20 ft (13_m) or more in height and less then 3 in (7 6 cm) DBH Shrub - Woody plants,, excluding woody vines, approximately 3 to 20A (1 to 6 m)un height Herb - All herbaceous (non - woody) plants, including herbaceous vines, regardless of sire Includes woody plants, except woody vines, less than 4pproximately 31 (1 m) in height Woody vine - All woody vines, regardless of height Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes El ❑ No x US Army Corps of Engineers Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region - Intenm Version SOIL vP Sampling Point B1 U11164: Profile Description: (Describe to the depth needed,to documenYthe indicator or confirm the absence,of indicators-) Depth Matrix Redox Features (inches) Color (moist)`_ % Color,(moist) ° Tvoe Loc Texture- Remarks 0 -3 10 YR 3/1 FN,SND organic, salt and pepper 3 -24 10 YR 6/2 FN SND Minor mottling at 23° 'Type C= Concentratroa, D= Depletion, RM= Reduoed Matrix, CS= Covered or Coated Sand Grains 21-ocahon PL=Pore Lining, M =Matrix J a dnc Sal Indicators: Histosol (A1) Indicators for Problematic Hydnc Sods3. Surface Q Histic Epipedoni(A2) (S8) (LRR S, T. U) M Min in Dark Surface (S9) (LRR,S, T, U) 13 Lcm Muck -(A9) (LRR O) ,® 2 cm Muds (AlO)'(LRR S) Black Hisfic (A3) oamy Mucky Mineral (F1) (LRR 0) Roarny f3 Reduced Vedic (F18) (outside MLRA 150AB) Hydrogen Sulfide (A4) Gleyed Matrix (F2) f3 Piedmont Roodplain Soils (F19) (LRR P,'S, T) Stratified Layers (A5) Depleted Matrix (F3) f3 Anomalous Bright Loamy Soils (F20) Organic Bodies (A6) (LRR P, T, U) Redox Dark Surface (F6) (MLRA 153B) 5 cm Mucky Mineral (A7) (LRR P, T, U) Muck Presence (A8) (LRR U) Depleted Dark Surface (F7) nRedox Depressions (F8) Red Parent Material (TF2) Very Shallow Dark Surface (TF12) (LRR T, U) 9 1 cm Muck (A9) (LRR P, T) art (F10),(LRR U) Other (Explain in Remarks) Depleted -Below Dark Surface,(A11) Thick Dark Surface (Al2) Depleted Ochric1(F1I) (MLRA 151) Iron- Manganese Masses (1712) (LRR 0, P, T) 31ndicalors of hydrophytic'vegetation and BSandy Coast Prairie Redox,(A116) (MLRA 150A) Mucky Mineral (S1) (LRR 0, S) Umbnc Surface (F13)'(LRRgP, T, U) Delta Ochric (F17) (MLRA 151) wetland hydrology must be present, unless disturbed or problematic a Sandy Gleyed Matrix (S4) - Vedic (F18) (MLRA 150A, 150B) Sandy Redox (SS) 1 TReduced �lPiedmont Floodplain Soils (F19) (MLRA 149A) Stripped Matrix (S6) _ Anomalous Bright Loamy Soils (F20) (MLRA 149A, 153C,1530) 13 Dark Surface (S7) (LRR P. S. T. U) Restrictive Layer (if observed) Type Depth (inches) Hydric Sal Present? Yes a No Refflad i US Army Corps of Engineers Atlantic an&GulfiCoasial PlaintRegion – Interim Version WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM — Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region Project/Site Lot 273 Villages at Ocean HIII City /County Corolla/Currituck Sampling Date 2010 -08-18 Applicant/Owner Midlantic Builders (Jim Bickford) State NC Sampling Point B1 Wet Investigator(s) Warren Eadus Section, Township, Range Landforrn (hdlslopeAerrace, etc) Sand flat Local relief (concave, convex, none) none - little Slope ( °k) <1 Subregion (LRR or MLRA) LRR T Let 36 3824264 Long 7,5:8315274 Datum -iNAD 27 Soil Map Unit Name Osier NWI classification F-2 FO 1 Are climatic / hydrologic conditions on the site typical for this time of year? Yes M No ❑ (If no, explain in Remarks ) Are Vegetation ❑, Soil ❑, or Hydrology ❑ signficantly disturbed? Are "Normal Circumstances" present? Yes ® No ❑ Are Vegetation ❑, Sod ❑, or Hydrology ❑ naturally problematic? (If needed, explain any answers in Remarks) SUMMARY OF FINDINGS — Attach site,map showing sampling point locations, transects, Important features, etc. Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes Is the Sampled Area Hydric Soil Present? Yes No �, within a Wetland? Yes ® No ❑ Welland Hydrology Present? Yes --- No ❑ Remarks HYDROLOGY Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Secondary Indicators (minimum of two required) Primary Indicators m uired I Surface Sod Cracks (136) El Surface Water (Al) .0 Water-Stained Leaves (89) ❑ Sparsely Vegetated Concave Surface (B8) High Water Table (A2) x ❑ Aquatic Fauna (1313) Drainage Patterns (B10) Saturation (A3) Marl Deposits (B15) (LRR U) Moss Trim Lines,(816) Water Marks (131) Hydrogen Sulfide Odor (C1) Dry- Season Water Table (C2) Sediment Deposits (132) Oxidized Rhizospheres on Living Roots (C3) ❑ Crayfish Burrows (C8) Drift Deposits (133) Presence of Reduced Iron (C4) Saturation Visible on Aerial Imagery,(C9) Algal Mat or Crust (84) Iron Deposits (135) Recent Iron,Reduction in Tilled Soils (C6) �t Geomorphic Position (D2) El inundation Visible on Aerial Imagery (137) 7L�Jt Thin Muck Surface (C7) L! Other Remarks) LJt Shallow Agwtard (03) (Explain in LJ FAC- Neutral Test (135) Field Observations Surface Water Present? Yes ® No ❑ Depth (inches), 1 -2 Water Table Present? Yes ❑ No ® Depth (inches) Saturation Present? Yes ❑ No ❑ Depth (inches) Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes ® No includes capillary fringe) Describe Recorded Data,(stream gauge, monitoring well, aerial photos, previous inspections), If available US Army Corps of Engineers Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region - Interim Version VEGETATION — Use scientific names of plants Absolute Dominant Indicator Tree Stratum (Plot size 9m ) Cover 7 Status 1 Acer rubrum 55 FACW - 2 Salix, nlgra 40 OBL 4 ❑ 5 ❑ 6 ❑ 7,_ ❑ 55 - T tat C � Stratum (Plot'size 9m 1 Mynca denfera ) 60 - O over ® FAC+ 2 Vaccinium corymbosa 30 ® FACW s Pinus serotina 5 ❑ facw+ 4 ,Persea palustns 5 ❑ facw+ 5- (A) 540 (B) ❑ 6 ❑ 7, ❑ Shrub'Stratum (Plot size 9m 1 Vaccinium corymbosa 35 ) 20 = Total Cover ® facw 2 Myiica cenfera 20 ® fac+ 3 Unidentified ❑ 4 ❑ 5 6 ❑ ❑ 7 ❑ 60 = Total Cover Herb Stratum (Plot size 8m 1 Woodwardia vlrginica 20 2 Woodwardia areolata i5 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 20 Woody Vine Stratum (Plot size 9m j 1 Smilax bona nox <5 2 VltIS spp. 5 3 _ 4 _ 5 _ 5 OBL OBL Sampling point B1 Wet Dominance Test worksheet• Number of Dominant Species That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC 9 (A) Total Number of Dominant Species Across All Strata 8 (B) Percent of Dominant Species That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC 89 (A/8) Total % Cover of _ Multiply by OBLspecies 75 x 1 = 75 FACW species 105 x,2,= 210 FAC,species 85 x 3,= 255 FACU species x4= UPL species x 5i= Column Totals 265 (A) 540 (B) Prevalence Index = B/A = 2 _ Dominance Test Is >50% _ Prevalence Index,is <-3 0' _ Problemabc�Hydrophybc,Vegetabon' (Explain) 'Indicators of hydrrc,soil and wetland hydrology must be present, unless disturbed or problematic - Definitions of Vegetation Strata: Tree - Woody plants, excluding woody vines, approximatety'20 ft,(6 m) or more,in,height and 3 in (7 &cm) or larger in diameter at breast height (DBW) Sapling - Woody plants, excluding woody'vines, approximately 20 ft (6 m) or more in,heght and less than 3 in (7 6 cm) DBH Shrub - Woody plants, excluding woody vines, approximately 3 to 20 It (1 to 6 m) In height Herb - All herbaceous (non - woody) plants, including herbaceous vines, regardless of size Includes woody plants, except woody vines, less than approximately 3 ft (1 m) in height Woody vine — All woody vines, regardless of height = Total Cover ❑ FAC . ❑x ❑ _ ❑ Hydrophytic Vegetation = Total Cover Present? Yes ® No El US {Army Corps of Engineers Atlantic and Gulf'Coa tal,Plain Region - Interim Version SOIL Sampling Point B1 Wet Profile Description: (Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of indicators ) Depth Matrix Redox Features finches] Color (moist) % Color (moist) r" Tme Loc Texture Remarks 0-6 10 YR 311 CS M FN SND organic ' 'Type Concentration, D =De lotion, RM= Reduced Matrix, CS= Covered or Coated Sand Grains 'Loca"tion PL =Pore Llnln M= Matrix H�dric,Soil,Indicators: Indicators+ for Problematic Hydnc Sods': �J Histosol'(A1) QPolyvalua Below Surfaoe4(S8) (LRR S, T, U) f3 1 cm Muck (A9)�(LRR O) Q Histic Epipedon (A2) -Thin Dark Surface (S9) (LWS, T,:U) C32 cm Muck (Al 0) (LRR S) Black Hislic (A3) Loamy Mucky'Mineral (F1),(LRRT0) .0 Reduced Vertic (F18)'(outsidwMLRA 150A;B) xt Hydrogen Sulfide (A4) Loamy Gleyed Matrix (F2) El Piedmont,Floodplain Soils (F19) (LRR P, S, T) Stratified Layers'(A5) Depleted Matrix (F3) Anomalous Bright Loamy Soils (F20) Organic Bodies (A6) (LRR P, T, U) Redox Dark Surface (F6) (MLRA 1538) x 5 cm Mucky Mineral (A7) (LRR P, T, U) Depleted Dark Surface (F7) Red Parent Material (TF2) Muck Presence,(A8) (LRR U) MRsdox Depressions (F8) ❑ Very Shallow Dark Surface (TF12) (LRR T, U) 1 cm Muck (A9) (LRR P, T) Marl (F10) (LRR U) Other (Explain in Remarks) Depleted Below Dark Surface (Al 1) Q Thick Dark Surface (Al2) Depleted Ochric (F11) (MLRA 151) Iron- Manganese,Masses (F12) (LRR O, P, T) 3Indicators of hydrophylic vegetation and Q Coast Prairie Redox (Al6),(MLRA 150A) Sandy Mucky Minerel,(S1) 0,S) �Umbnc Surface (1713) (LRR P, T, U) Delta Ochnc 151) welland hydrology must be present, (LRR Sandy Gleyed Matrix (F17) (MLRA OReduced Vertic unless disturbed or problematic (S4) (F18) (MLRA 150A,150B) Sandy,Redox (S5) Rnomaloui iedmont Floodplam, Soils (F19) (MLRA 149A) Stdpped,Matdx,(S6) _ Bright Loamy-Soils (F20) (MLRA 149A, 153C,,1530) �l Dark Surface (S7) (LRR P, S. T, U) Restrictive Layer (if observed) Type Depth (inches) Hydrlc Soil Present? Yes © No 0 r US Army CorpsW Engineers Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region – Interim Version ATTACHMENT 3 U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGMERS WILMINGTON DISTRICT Action Id SAW - 2013 -00963 County: Currituck U S G S Quad: NC- COROLLA GENERAL PERIVIIT (REGIONAL AND NATIONWIDE) VERIFICATION Permittee. Address. Telephone Number: Size (acres) Nearest Waterway USGS HUC Location descrititior Currituck-'East, LLC. Jeff Malar'nev 1142 Ocean Trail Corolla, NC, 27954 252457 -1177 1.025 Currituck Sound 3010205 Nearest Town Corolla River Basin Albeinai Coordinates Latitude- Description of projects area,andMactivity: The applicant uroyoses to construct a eommercial'inn and impact 01acre of jurisdictional wetlands. Applicable Law: ® Section 404 (Clean Water Act, 33 USC 1344) El Section 10 (Rivers�and Harbors Act, 33 USC 403) Authorization- Regional General Permit Number or Nationwide Permit Number. 18 gh ATTACHED RGP or NWP GENERAL, REGIONAL AND SPECIAL CONDITIONS Your work1s,authorized ey the,abdve referenced permit, provided it Is accomplished in strict, accordance with the attached conditions and your, submitted application and attached' information dated 'May 28, 2013. Any violation of the attached conditions,or deviation from your `submitted,plani'may,'subjecf theipermitteet6'a stop work orde "r, a restoration order, and/or appropriate legal .taction. This verification will remain valid until the expiration date identified below unless the nationwide authorization is modified, suspended or revoked. If, prior to the expiration, datel identified below, the nationwide permit authorization is reissued and%i= modifed,�this verification will remain valid until the expiration date identified below, provided it complies with all requirements of the modified nationwide permit If the nationwide, permit authorization expires or is suspended, revoked, or is modified, such that the, activity would no longer comply with the terms and conditions of,the nationwide permit,, activities wluch,have comnienced,(i e , are under construction) oi'are under contract,to commence °in reliance upon the nationwide permit, will,remain authorized provided the activity is completed within twelve months, of the .date of the nationwide permit,st ezpiratlon, modification or revocation; unless ,discretionary`aiithority has been exercised on a case -by=case basis to modify, suspend or revoke,the authorization Activities stibject to `Section 404 (as indicated above) may also require an individual Section 401 Water Quality Certification You should,contact the NCbivision of Water Qvality,(telephoae,91'9- 807 -6300) to,determme Section 401 requirements For activities occurring within the twenty coastal counties,subject to-regulation under the Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA), prior to beginning work you,must contact the N C. Division of Coastal Managemcnt in Elizabeth City, NC, at (252)`264 -3901 This Department of the, Army verification does not relieve the, permittee of the responsibility to obtain any other required'Federal, State or local approvals/permits If there are any questions regarding this verification, any of the conditions of the Permit, or the Corps of Engineers regulatory program, please contact Kyle Barnes at 910 - 251 -4584,or.`Kvle:W.Barnes(alusace armv m91. Corps Regulatory Official:, Date. Jul-_Y2,1013 Expiration Date of Verification: Ydre'IrA 2017, SAW- 2013 -00963 Determination of-Jurisdiction: A: ® Based on preliminary information, there appearto,be waters.ofthe,US including wetlands withm the above descnbed,project area. This preliminary determnation is not an appealable action under the Regulatory Program Administrative Appeal,Peoceis - ( Reference 33 CFR Part 331)., B.'0 There are Navigable `Waters of the Unite&States within the above described project area - subjecVto,the permit requirements of Sectiori 10 of the R' lversiand�Haibors Act and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act Unless,there,is,a cliange,in the law,or our P ublished re lations, this,determination ma ' be relied u on,for a period noito exceed five e ars frml'the,dae of this - notification. C. ❑ There are waters of the US and/or wetlands within the above described project area subject to the perrmit requirements of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act'(CWA)(33 USC § 1344). Unless,there is-a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification D. El Thejurisdictional areas within the above described project area have been identified under a previous action Please reference jurisdictional determination issued Action 1D SAW- Basis For Determination: Remarks: E. Attention USDA Program, Participants This delmeation/determination has been conducted to identify the limits of Corps' Clean Water Act jurisdiction for the particular,site identified in this request` The delmeation/determmation may not be valid for the wetland,conservadon provisions of the Food Security Act of 1985 If you or your tenant are USDA Program participants, or anticipate participation m USDA programs,yyou should request a certified wetland,determination,from the local office of the Natural' Resources ,Conservation,Service,, prior to starting work F. Appeals Information (This'information,applies only to approved jurisdictional,determinations as ,indicated 'in,B and C,above). Tliisacorrespondence constitutes,an approved„ jurisdictional determination for the above described site. If you, objecttto this determination„you may requestan,a"dmmistrative appeal -under Corps regulations °at 33 CFR Part 331 Enclosed you willNfind,a Notification of Appeal Process (NAP) fact sheet and °request for appeal (RFA) form If you request to appeal this determination you must submit,a completed'RFA,forn to the followmg,address. US Army Corps of Engineers South Atlantic Division Attn Jason Steele, Review Officer 60 Forsyth Street;SW, Room 10M15 Atlanta, Georgia 30303-8801 Phone (404) 562 -5137 In order for an RFA to be accepted by, the Corps, the Corps must determine,that it is complete, that it meets the cntenartfor appeal under 33, CFR part 331 5;,and thafit has been received by thdyDivision Office withm'60 days of the date of the NAP. Should you decide,to submit an RFA form, it must bexeceived' at the above address by "It is`notnecessary to,submit an RFkform to the'Division Office if you,do not object to, the determination in this correspondence * * Corps Regulatory Official ::&Lt r4 Kyd Ba s Date of JD- 713/2013 Expiration Date of JD 7/3/2015 SAW -2013 -00963 The Wilmington District is committed to providing the highest level of support to the'public To help us ensure we continue to do so, please complete our customer, Satisfaction Survey online4t: httpJ /pert nwp.usace,a63Lm Usurvey.htinl Copy furnished: ,_ e Agent. Ouiblg& Associates.. -CPC ,, t Brian Rubino r , Address. Post Office }Drawer 870 , _ IittY )FIawk. NG,27949 Telephone Number--- 252- 261 -3300 - - -; F � � �' V d I ♦ I I ., t t r I i R bL� 9d b/Z 9Q F E E vei 'midi FF F X y > 00 b -HJ?11�d Y/I d�+w JMl I F F IF F F N CA Ip F r 4;�;;. l �� �,i ,,:yyC,�. � F M�a '`• - I�> � )c�,�.t 1Y � K.� �'{�f {�rc. �7s.,%{=` 17..8" l '1 �' r - � _ = . i ST `E 1 F ka `;• '"� —F — �� E~ l` b �� ` � � ;n .,Ff� ��� °f'�iS�� "�`" ,.rt?r_ y s M1� � , , � �� ,.r r , , rE +• ��� •_ � i � _ \fi ob its r 3AW- 2013 -00963 SPECIAL. CONDITIONS 'Regulatory Division , ORM 16, SAW -2013 -00963 Curhtuck`East, LLC. Jeff °Malaraey 1142 Oceik Trail Corolla, North Carolina 27954 Permit Special Conditions:, Y k Your work is authorized by Nationwide aermit 18 rovided, it,is accomplished in strict accordance with the attachdd General Conditions and the following Special Cond bons: Ra a. All work; author'izedgby this,permit must be performed in;strict compliance°with the submitted plans, Which area part of tlus;perxiiit. ; • _ 4 3 f b.'The Permittee sliall' mitigate,for 0. 10 acre of'Section 404`swetlandsassociated`with this project by payment,to ,,the North Carolina�Ecosysteni Enhancement Phpgram�(NCEEP) -in,an amount determined ;by' N the NCEEP sufficient to p6f6rin.0.l0,acre of non - riparian wetlanda res`torationum figation in the ' 03016105 HUC. This permit is'xalid only after the Permlttee has'mad& ""'payment to-the NCEEP and -` the NCEEP Chas made "written, -' °` s "'�' confirmation to the'District Engineer that'it has received payment arid' = ~j agte6s to accept'responsibility for the miti_gatiori work regt -u`r' ``pursuant to Pala &pl IU -of the ,� Memorandum of Understandin'gsbefw,eei �,the`Nortli Carolina Department ofsEnviroiuiient and Na -u l_ 3 jx= m - -.4j Resources an&ihe'I :S. Army Corps of Engineers;,Wilm rigton Distnct;,,dated;July 28, 2010. ° i ' If you hdte,- already done, so, yow hould contact Ivls. -Karen Higgins,,North� .Carolina <Divi'sion,offWater' 1. .Y i _ - ��'a` `4` �'+, — r • r J . _.,t, Quality, telephone, (919)_,807 -6360, regarding Section,401 Water'Quahty Certification. -Thi's nationwide"f permit does notxelieve you of the,responsibility to.obtain other'required State -,or local,approval. This,venfication will be valid' for two years from the date of this letter unless the nationwid'eiaun thozatiori is,inodified, ,iei'ssued 6- revoked. Thank ou for ,our time and cooperation. ' "1 , _y y � p Questions or�comments may be addressed to�Kyle Barnes; Washington ,Regulatory" Field,,office, telephone,(910)'251,- 458'4. r DATA FORM ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION (1987 COE Wetlands Determination Manual) Project / Site- 1149 Persimmon Lane Date: 1'0/27/08 Applicant / Owner: Twiddy and Company County Currituck Investigator. Warren Eadus State: NC 3. Smilax bona -nox V FAC Do normal circumstances exist on the site? Yes x No Community ID: Up Is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical situation)? Yes No x Is the area a potential problem area? Yes No x (explain on reverse if needed) Tiransect ID: A Plot ID: A -1 VEGETATION Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator Dominant'Plant Species Stratum Indicator 1. Ouet cus virzmana T FACU+ 9. 2. Pinus taeda T FAC 10. 3. Smilax bona -nox V FAC 11. 4. Vins labrusca V FAC- 12. 5. 13. 6. 14. 7. 15. 8. 16. Percent of Dominant Species that are OBL, FACW, or FAC excluding FAC -). 50% Remarks: Uplands on site consist of a substantial sand ridge that supports large mature live oaks and loblolly pines HYDROLOGY Recorded Data (Describe In Remarks): Wetland Hydrology Indicators Stream, Lake, or Tide Gauge Aerial Photographs Primary Indicators: Other Inundated _Saturated in Upper 12" No Recorded Data Available Water Marks Drift Lines Field Observations: Sediment Deposits Drainage Patterns in Wetlands Depth of Surface Water: NA (in.) Secondary Indicators. Depth to Free Water In Pit: >24 Oxidized Roots Channels in Upper 12" Water- Stained Leaves (in.) Local Soil Survey Data x FAC - Neutral Test Depth to Saturated Soil: >24 (in) Other (Explain in Remarks) Remarks: Site receives surface runoff from adjacent parcels (including golf course) SOILS Map Unit Name (Series and Phase). Ousley Drainage Class: Moderately well Taxonomy (Subgroup): Thermic uncoated Aquic quartzipsamments Confirm Mapped Type? Yes No x Profile Description Depth Matrix Colors Mottle Colors Mottle Texture, Concretions, (inches) Horizon (Munsell Moist) (Munsell Moist) Abundance /Contrast Structure. etc _0 -2 A 10 YR 3/1 Uncoated fine atz snds 2 -24 A 10 YR 6/2 Fn snds -some mottles Hydric Soil Indicators: Histosol Concretions Histic Epipedon High Organic Content in Surface Layer in Sandy Soils Sulfidic Odor Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils Aquic Moisture Regime Listed On Local Hydric Soils List Reducing Conditions Listed on National Hydric Soils List Gleyed or Low - Chroma Colors Other (Explain in Remarks) Remarks: WETLAND DETERMINATION Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes x No Is the Sampling ,Point Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes No x Within a Wetland? Yes No ,x Hydric Soils Present? Yes No x Remarks Undeveloped lot with minor sand ridge running parallel to Persimmon Street Drops off sharply mid way through property boundary into wetlands DATA FORM ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION (1987 COE Wetlands Determination Manual) Project / Site' 1149 Persimmon Lane Date: 10/27/08 Applicant / Owner: Twiddy and Company County: Currituck Investigator: Warren Eadus State: NC FAC Do normal circumstances exist on the site? Yes x No Community ID Wet Is the site,significantly disturbed (Atypical' situation)? Yes No x Transect ID: A r Is the area a potential problem area? Yes No x Plot ID. A -6 (explain on reverse if needed) FACW VEGETATION Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator 1. Acer rubrum T FAC 9. 2. Smilax bona -nox T FAC 10. 3 Phrazmites australis V FACW 11. 4. Sahx nigra T OBL 12 5. Vaccinium,spp S FAC 13. 6 Local Soil Survey Data 14. 7. x Other (Explain in Remarks) Remarks: Sulfidic odor and evidence of iron bacteria in shallow groundwater table 15. 8. 16. Percent of Dominant Species that are OBL, FACW, or FAC excluding FAC -). 100% Remarks: HYDROLOGY Recorded Data (Describe In Remarks): Wetland Hydrology Indicators Stream, Lake, or Tide Gauge Aerial Photographs Primary Indicators: Other _ Inundated x Saturated in Upper 12" X No Recorded Data Available Water Marks Drift Lines Field Observations Sediment Deposits Drainage Patterns in Wetlands Depth of Surface Water: NA (in.) Secondary Indicators. Depth to Free Water in Pit: 80 x Oxidized Roots Channels in Upper 12" Water- Stained Leaves fin) Local Soil Survey Data X FAC - Neutral Test Depth to Saturated Soil: 3 0_ (in.) x Other (Explain in Remarks) Remarks: Sulfidic odor and evidence of iron bacteria in shallow groundwater table SOILS Map Unit Name (Series and Phase). Os Drainage Class: Poor Taxonomy (Subgroup): Siliceous, thermic Typic Psammaquents Confirm Mapped Type? Yes Nox Profile Description Depth Matrix Colors Mottle Colors Mottle Texture, Concretions, (inches) Horizon (Munsell Moist) (Munsell Moist) Abundance /Contrast Structure, etc 0 -3 A 10 YR 3/1 Coated fine snds (org 3 -6 A 10 YR 5/3 Fine suds, concretions Hydric Soil Indicators: Histosol Concretions Histic Epipedon X High Organic Content in Surface Layer in Sandy Soils • Sulfidic Odor Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils • Aquic Moisture Regime Listed On Local Hydric Soils List Reducing Conditions X Listed on National Hydric Soils List Gleyed or Low - Chroma Colors Other (Explain in Remarks) Remarks: WETLAND DETERMINATION Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes x No Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes x No Hydric Soils Present? Yes x No Remarks Sampling point lies within a wetland Is the Sampling Point Within a Wetland? Yes x No ATTACHMENT 4 w60 919mb®J0{DJ{5lulwpD poYY -3 0 * =„ l 1333 NI 31V3S DIHdda9 S30NVA3AN00 ONVI NO S3lVS NOUV 0800321 Q J/S1/01 0921 -19Z (Z9Z) � xD3 NOII0n11SNOO 803 03Sn 38_lON ,IIVHS ONV 00££ -19Z (ZSZ) 8804d 06 Ot 0 1N3Wn00(i 031AIIN30 V ION ONV AHVNIWI138d 038301SNOD"38 IIVHS 1Vld 80, NVId SIHl 3144 6V6LZ ON ' )fMDH A141H 'OL9 JBMDJQ Od BOZO -0 #85U8011 ON NOIZDnxssNOD N3H1 1VN01SS3AO8d 03SN3011 V A8 031V3S OW 03NOIS ION SI IVId 80 NVld SIH1 31 VNI108VO HINON ova 9NIA3A21nS » S3ON31OS 1V1N3WN0alAN3 v T uNnoo �Ionllaano dIHSNM01 HONb218 a`dldOd �bI 103rens 38 IIIM A8 03NO3HO 9N ^INNVId » 9NI1lnSNOO » 9NI833N19N3 • y•� �Sa ;•�i y,J�ss� WO-4 ION T `i�A7TT,�7�r7�v� /f/fAA�rMMAilTo mO d {/6/�{T/{/ NQQI��p�U0 NOIIV101A SMVI 1H9121Ad00 30 NOlI 101A 31nlI1SN00 IIIM 9N 5nOHil SSV IS 3SSOd 30 liSNO W213d 2J0121d 1nOH11M V 79 3SSOd 1,'lQ /S�/J, 1✓ A Q I�IlY �L 1 Q / 210 SIHl 321 03A2J3S321 11V AG NN1da4 ��E000 sjg�r j ArOLLY OV0091 � D1V11 OZB 1VI 321tl S1HOR1 lltl O d S31VI00SStl 7? IH IN O d 3181nO 30 AL83dO8d 3H1 SI 1N3rmooa SIHl 'S3IV 6961 30NIS olq!n?�► S'S90BOd tl imoA brv-m .Y.i mKcxcrmA$Q 'YdlLI. mmoo O d LH9 A 3191n0 �£loZ QO 1H91aAdo0 lO3f Oad HIP j Qr e = SLNBWW00 OUL 213d Clot /OZ /LL a351A3a W Y �U) d ¢R AF9 oe ACA of l Q /ILI ry U e , E _ X ' C, o / ph" Rte. sY { � 4 A001 .W Uff ?-0 � I �-0 k3 g /o 4 ' W Cal IImo ... I _l I I / ~ o Z rrt "f1-1 I� Z I i 1-11 RZ CD:D / a y m � EID `' I , v a 0 I I ..lo S W I \ I W �13 W a mmo '0 z� Q oo \ o a z itl 9 aQ3 1 I IaJ W x W , I i # -� -� d I I Q U d O z a a o z z a a J uj F a a 0- F F F � F a v► O O O V) V) V) J, Vf ((�� W d a a W W W U W O O a V) iq � o W OP OF X� xx q o^ m 8,0 '�IC� 3 i A n Q d I.-,� aaa g �SsW -co W4 ya �� as I v c� l °�� yJ1 Lai �m(Cq3 P 0 �aaWW Qe�p�_y lqJ Z° UJ N N HN °N� O M U U•-'O � V�Q �� 2 U °Zm mmJ Up U'•j) � Q I �N N °O yN y�W�N� ^ ° �� Afl � 88 SIC I�W-V ma! WZ S OO1F� gag �Z1j � VO I I N. Og t0�y� Ola OaS_ pl ppl ° o`V1411.�/ g C7' W�a�j WOE, F a3 0 0 O Nrl No �UW U'd �%�W= 80 a� 1- J C7 qj Y�d WOVI iJ�d �j Y M)Z m2 pNp 00 i2 5ZZ 0 v d� a���W W� FQ � S 0 Vow � °f- � Qp, RO �+,Z41 Un JMI 00 NN CJ N O n�a h^a Z pp a �^ N FS.J O °°O �I N W a � aZ ^ 3 N° N O O a vy� pW F 7 2 Z O ml O° nn 1� �� d^ m Q a^U 00 ON N�Wm a >W zaa LLOF 88 F_J ZN_ iQF a08Q 00 =^ �O�i a0 ? 0H CH� y 9- °U> U y0,mW ° 826 F'J3Z WOZ _" 2a 9�' Wr`a m: mo 00 010! �U U to am W ZA Marc �� m 6 %2 55 0 �- 8Si yom ) c�Fjr.,s I m am am a m m Ua m am B �Q� PEW CN�N P-V, hZ JW�Z� 1-�V ?oz I yJ� yJ� yJ�yJ �J yJ� J J K Q,� HJ� p W�yl W to rY Q�m3 J01a �iM^ �f-/Z1 m? U U UU UU pW U U U �U U UU O �Im ffp°AnOYJ N ����_ X *1i° �� W V0 °O I I a 0% a a a Ma a-W JN a "Z O maJ O S` rOZ mZ� ° 22� 2 ;Z' Z V) a a ab_ as a a a a a a as Wm ~pa0 m pQ K � •1 �3 °a ZWQ aam a 02 I p Vl W m C9 FW H US0 y CQaV ;�F= ;F jW OO mNOU{��W � �i W icy o X33 X1-5 mpor 0� 1 1 �' 1 1 1 1 IL 0- z a ° 2 x o � $�S ��? m a9coi a p H6% gZ ?d W o a a a a N a W - N M to 1G P m m snpoaM Wd SS L 4LOZ /£ /ll 6MP NVId 1N3Wd013A30 1Vn1d3ONOO -9 59090d \S 59090d \SbUMDJ0 \S909Od \900Z\ 0 r i ATTACHMENT 5 10 � L_J GJ as WW I y h F q 99 c 4 � u m � o 0 RRI oel� W� C^ P i Vnom H1MON uNnoo HorwNsno dIHSNMOI HONVSS it R v(MV,O �_ *UO Ss(37cF 077 s�fiL I GO I 9 1 1 � 85 a,; A we �j u n zl wi oZ C,4 c� vin ° _ 3 — _:3 a S co a Q o W a U Q o I � I I I ��4 I =§ I � I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -V--M Ad L L L WZ /t /L L 0wp uoIdllb-9 99090d \S 590904 \- bul- d0 \59090d \900i\ 0 ,k W 9 i g a 4 e 0 II = m 81 V_0H 0 O w O OO O Q w a m o oI F W lop m 2~ i m 1 � 85 a,; A we �j u n zl wi oZ C,4 c� vin ° _ 3 — _:3 a S co a Q o W a U Q o I � I I I ��4 I =§ I � I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -V--M Ad L L L WZ /t /L L 0wp uoIdllb-9 99090d \S 590904 \- bul- d0 \59090d \900i\ 0 ATTACHMENT 6 U S ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OMB APPROVAL NO 0710-0003 APPLICATION FOR DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PERMIT 2013 EXPIRES 28 FEBRUARY Y 2013 33 CFR 325 The proponent agency is CECW-CO R Public reporting for this collection of information is estimated to average 11 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed and completing and reviewing the collection of information Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of the collection of information , including suggestions for reducing this burden to Department of Defense Washington Headquarters Executive Services and Communications Directorate. Information Management Division and to the Office of Management and Budget Paperwork Reduction Project (0710- 0003) Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law no person shall be subject to any penalty for fading to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number Please DO NOT RETURN your form to either of those addresses Completed applications must be submitted to the District Engineer having jurisdiction over the location of the proposed activity PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT Authonties Rivers and Harbors Act . Section 10 33 USC 403. Clean Water Act, Section 404. 33 USC 1344 Marine Protection Research and Sanctuaries Act, Section 103 33 USC 1413 Regulatory Programs of the Corps of Engineers, Final Rule 33 CFR 320 -332 Principal Purpose Information provided on this form will be used in evaluating the application for a permit Routine Uses This information may be shared with the Department of Justice and other federal slate and local government agencies. and the public and may be made available as pall of a public notice as required by Federal law Submission of requested information is voluntary however if information is not provided the permit application cannot be evaluated nor can a permit be issued One set of original drawings or good reproducible copies which show the location and character of the proposed activity must be attached to this application (see sample drawings andior instructions) and be submitted to the District Engineer having jurisdiction over the location of the proposed activity An application that is not completed in full will be returned (ITEMS 1 THRU 4 TO BE FILLED BY THE CORPS) 1 APPLICATION NO 2 FIELD OFFICE CODE 3 DATE RECEIVED 4 DATE APPLICATION COMPLETE (ITEMS BELOW 1.O BE FILLED BYAPPLICANT) 5 APPLICANTS NAME 8 AUTHORIZED AGENT'S NAME AND TITLE (agent is not required) First - U(its Middle Last I \% i,l.l\ First - 11 arren Middle - I)ennis Last - I .adus Company - I 1 11, LLC Company - QLlihlr K ASSOC'iateS. P.C. E -mad Address - dhsiddy a I%%iddN .c( im E -mail Address - a cad us d yuihlc.rom 6 APPLICANT'S ADDRESS 9. AGENT'S ADDRESS Address- I'll Bo\ 369 Address - PO I)ra\%cr 870 City - Corolla Slate - \( Zip - 27966 Country i SA City - Kitty I lawk State \( Zip - 27941) Country I 7 APPLICANT'S PHONE NOs w1AREA CODE 10 AGENTS PHONE NOs w1AREA CODE a Residence b Business c Fax a Residence b Business c Fax 252 202.8166 2j2.261.3 3(H) 252 261,1260 STATEMENT OF AUTHORIZATION 1 1 I hereby authorize Warren Eadus to ad m behalf as agent in the processing of this application and to furnish, upon request supplemental information in support of this permit applica n AT R APPLICANT DATE NAME, LOCATION, AND DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT OR ACTIVITY 12 PROJECT NAME OR TITLE (see instructions) ( orulla Pillage Inn 13 NAME OF WATERBODY, IF KNOWN (if applicable) 14 PROJECT STREET ADDRESS (if applicable) \rarest na%ig ible %%ater hod,,- It ut °riturl% Nound (adjacent) Address 119 Prrtiirnrnon titrrrt City Corolla State \( Zip- 27966 15 LOCATION OF PROJECT Latitude N 161801`59 Longitude W ".X3 .4i5 16 OTHER LOCATION DESCRIPTIONS IF KNOWN (see instructions) State Tax Parcel ID Ill IJUtlllll_'t1AIlmltl Municipality Corolla Villagei Village Currituck (bunt\ Section \ :\ Township - \ \ Range - N 1 ENG FORM 4345. OCT 2012 PREVIOUS EDITIONS ARE OBSOLETE Page 1 of 3 17 DIRECTIONS TO THE SITE From Highway 12 North (Ocean Trail), head west on Persimmon Street Site is 650 feet on the right at the northwest intersection of Corolla Village Road and Persimmon Street Please reference Attachment 1, relevant portion of USGS'Topographic,Quadiangle Corolla -with Site identified 18 Nature of Activity (Description of project, include all features) Fill of 0 26 acres of Section 404 Wetlands for commercial development A Site Plan that depicts all proposed activity is included as Attachment 5 Photographs of the site are attached to this application as Attachment 9 19 Project Purpose (Describe the reason or purpose of the project, see; instructions) Fill of 0 26 acres of Section 404 Wetlands for construction of employee parking, firetaccess and fire lanes This proposal will allow the applicants to preserve old growth Live Oak trees and pines, and provide on site stormwater management A Site Plan that depicts proposed activity is included as Attachment 5 Photographs of the site are attached to this,application as,Attachment 9 USE BLOCKS 20 -23 IF DREDGED AND /OR FILL MATERIAL IS TO BE DISCHARGED 20 Reason(s) for Discharge Fill of 0 26 acres of,Section 404 Wetlands for construction of employee parking, fire access and fire lanes This proposal will allow the applicants,to preserve old growth Live Oak trees and pines A Site Plan that depictskall proposed activity is included as Attachment 5 Photographs of the'site are attached to this application as Attachment 9 21 Type(s) of Material Be_ ing Discharged and the Amount of Each Type in Cubic Yards Type Type y Type Amount in Cubic Yards Amount in Cubic Yards Amount in Cubic Yards 850 yards of clean sand fill 22 Surface Area ^in Acres of Wetlands,or Other Waters Filled (see instructions) Acres 0 26 or 11,404 9 sf or Linear Feet 23 Description of Avoidance, Minimization, and Compensation (see instructions) Only the minimum amount of fill required to develop the property as a ten bedroom inn is proposed Much of the building footprint is located on an upland ridge or hammock with some fill already authorized for the building footprint The ridge of the property includes some old growth Live Oak and Pine trees The proposed development will include a minimum of parking and infrastructure (including constructed wetlands for stormwater treatment) as allowed by the local development ordinance Mitigation includes preservation of 41,958 sf of wetlands and payment to GDSRB for 0 52 acres ENG FORM 4345, OCT 2012 Page 2 of 3 24 Is Any Portion of the Work Already Complete? Yes 7' IF YES DESCRIBE THE COMPLETED WORK A iWal of 'U acre%n1 lill has pre%iousl% hccn aulhori /ed under mo separate \aliun%%idc I Permits %% hen the tract %%as t%%n sepurate lots. )he kits hate been recombined inln line lamer loo. Miligalirm pa) mcnt% tolalhiig 0.3 acres %%ere paid to the \urth ( anilina I cuis% %Icm I nhaneement Program. 25 Addresses of Adjoining Property Owners Lessees, Etc Whose Properly Adjoins the Waterbody ,i rows man on a entered rM a ofam ail.rn a S'Oviemw,t "St, a Address John Stephen ( hilders 1375 Vaalcrlill� Road City - 0)iniock. State - \C Zip - 27923 b Address- ( urrittwk ( aunt% \yell I ield \n. 4 PO lira `) City - C urriluek State NC Zip - 27929 c Address- I sited State,, ill :1meriea PU Roy 34 City - Knolls Island State \t Zip 279i(I d Address - Cily - Slate Zip e Address City State Zip 26 List of Other Certificates or Approvals/Denials received from other Federal State or Local Agencies for Work Described in This Application AGENCY TYPE APPROVAL' IDENTIFICATION DATE APPLIED DATE APPROVFD DATE DENIED NUMBER I ti.q('1. Nutiun%%idc 19 \ A I `:1('I Natiom%ide 18 \ t1 \t' DI NR i)WR alit AQ( \ ♦t DI NR D\k 14 Nth( \ Would include bul is riot restricted to zoning budding and flood plain permits 27 AppI -abon is h� by made for permit or permits to authorize the work described in this application I certify that [his information in this application is complete ZN WRE- r certify that I ssess the authority to undertake the work described herein or am acting as the duly authorized agent of the applicant P Af DATE I NA l E OF AGENT ATE The Application must be signed by the person who desires to undertake the proposed activity (applicant) or it may be signed by a duly authorized agent if the statement in block 11 has been filled out and signed 18 U S C Section 1001 provides that Whoever in any manner within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States knowingly and willfully falsifies conceals, or covers up any trick scheme or disguises a material fact or makes any false. fictitious or fraudulent statements or representations or makes or uses any false writing or document knowing same to contain any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or entry shall be fined not more than $10.000 or imprisoned not more than five years or both ENG FORM 4745. OCT 2012 Page 3 of 3 ATTACHMENT 7 ATTACHMENT 8 The Great Dismal Swamp RestorationBalnk, LLC P O Box 6186 Chesapeake, VA 23323 October 17, 2014 Warren Eadus Quible & Associates, PX 8 Juniper Trail P 0 Drawer 870 Kitty Hawk, NC 27949 RE' TFP; LLC 1149 Persimmon St Corolla Village Currituck County, NC Dear Mr Eadus Phone (757) 487 -3441 Fax (757) 487 -8680 The following price quote is given in reply to your request for the purchase of 0 52 wetland mitigation credits (HUC Code 03010205) from The Great Dismal Swamp RestorationBank Timberlake Farm These credits are currently available from our Timberlake mitigation bank. The cost will be Ten Thousand, Nine Hundred, Twenty Dollars ($ 10,920,00) This quote will expirevon January'31, 2015 You will need to submit to`the USCOE the necessary application for said mitigation, and receive USCOE permission to furnish said required credits from our Timberlake bank To complete this tFansaction, we will require payment in full Once payment is received, the credit sale will be reported to the US Army Corps of Engineers ,Please,provide and /or confirm the following information Corps Project # Waterway Currituck Sound Permittee Name TFP, LLC Locality of Impact- Corolla Village — Currituck County, NC Permit action (i e, IP, NWP -39, enforcement, etc ) IP Impacts (acres /linear feet) 0 52 Impacts NWI classification Impacts Hydrologic Unit Code 03010205 Mitigation Bank, Permittee, and Consultant agree not to discuss with any other party the details and /or pricing of this agreement, unless necessary for regulatory matters information contained herein shall beheld in the strictest confidence Thank you for allowing us to quote on this project- We look forward to working with you Sincerely, Wa 'U�- Beverly M h to GDSRB Ac o _ting CC 'File ATTACHMENT 9 a1 w Wo 91 �j X 7; a1 w 1149 Persimmon Corolla Village Inn Authorized fill for building footprint .7 View west into area delineated as wetlands 47 or ray • Y =Z {. 4A 74 GRASSPAVE2 FIRELANE SHRUB MASS FIRELANE_ BUILDING L-REET L— - _ L FIRELANE FIRELANE EDGE TREATMENT AREAS COMPACTED SANDY /sTORMWATER' GRAVEL ROADBASE INFILTRATION AREA I'm *031Z 11-11 EXISTING NON-COASTAL 404 WETLANDS PROPOSED 404 WETLANDS IMPACTS j Af r (11,404.9 SQ.FT. - 0.26 AC.) 'i! PROPOSED GRASSPAVE2 SURFACE N11F NIPL4N77C BUILDERS, L L C RESIDUAL !HATER 7RS477-EN7/ DRAIM"laV D.B. lae, P6 q,-e 51TE RER5IMMON 5T 6 Ro7-ANK ID VICIN17'r MAP NOTE5: - AREA5 BY COORDINATE I-ETHOD. - LOT AREA = 5e,496 5qft / 1.34 ocre-5 - 5OBJEC T REFEREN6E5. DB 1153 P6 930, OB 127q F6 250, - FIELD 3VRVE)'DATE 1012512013 - PIN: 995722_0228 f 9937-22-0471 PIP: 011400002OA0000 N Cal E ,HIS DETAIL IS SCHEMATIC IN NATURE DESIGNER SHALL SPECIFY SPACING AND DESIGN OF EDGE - PROPERTY l5 LOCATED IN NFIF FLOOL? ZONE AE (5) AND 3VB_JE6T TO SPACING WILL VARY WITH TURF TYPE, SLOPE, FIRE DEPARTMRNT REQUIREMENTS, ETC_ -7007ePANE TOE OF FILL Aiz�EA CHAN&E-5 BASED ON COMMUNITY CIL? NO 3 L 9957, SUFFIX J '0 GRASSPAVE2 FIRELANE DETAIL (MAP NUMBER 3720qq3700J) N, T. S. 1EX15T1w CID-) EFFECTIVE DATE: 12116-12005 1600 Jackson Street, Suite 310 MAL N /01 /01 051, SETBACK Golden, CO 80401 5IR 39.26' TH15 PLAN 5LJBJE6 T TO ANY FACTS, IN6LOL?IN6 BLJILDIN,�� 800-23F3A-X1 5130 OR 7330-31-23273 3--1234 UNITED STATES OF At EFJCA FE5 T R IC TION5, EASEMENTS, COVENANTS, ETC., THAT MAY BE REVEALED D.B. 241, P6 32.3 www.invisiblestructures.com PC. A a. 135 NIF BY A FULL AND ACCURATE TITLE 5EAR6H. TFP, LLC N 57' (25'51 E re V. 03/05 ­11— MITI IlA1 1 - I PROPOSED LIMITS OF FILL CL PROPOSED BUILDING 5, CURVE TABLE LEGEND: LENGTH El - EX15TINC7 4'x4" CONCRETE CH9LE1r_;,TH MONUMENT ECM EX1577W MAC, )VAL WITH 0 - EX15TIN& IRON PIPE, EIP EX15TINC2 IRON ROD, EIR 5ET IRON ROD, 5IR U PKINA6 NAIL \ CALCULATED POINT - UTIL 17Y POLE FIRE HYDRANT N 0' 41'17" H ��\ 33.70, N 600 36'57' E _j 00� EIR 0) 4 o, N COMPACTED SANDY /sTORMWATER' GRAVEL ROADBASE INFILTRATION AREA I'm *031Z 11-11 EXISTING NON-COASTAL 404 WETLANDS PROPOSED 404 WETLANDS IMPACTS j Af r (11,404.9 SQ.FT. - 0.26 AC.) 'i! PROPOSED GRASSPAVE2 SURFACE N11F NIPL4N77C BUILDERS, L L C RESIDUAL !HATER 7RS477-EN7/ DRAIM"laV D.B. lae, P6 q,-e 51TE RER5IMMON 5T 6 Ro7-ANK ID VICIN17'r MAP NOTE5: - AREA5 BY COORDINATE I-ETHOD. - LOT AREA = 5e,496 5qft / 1.34 ocre-5 - 5OBJEC T REFEREN6E5. DB 1153 P6 930, OB 127q F6 250, - FIELD 3VRVE)'DATE 1012512013 - PIN: 995722_0228 f 9937-22-0471 PIP: 011400002OA0000 N Cal E ,HIS DETAIL IS SCHEMATIC IN NATURE DESIGNER SHALL SPECIFY SPACING AND DESIGN OF EDGE - PROPERTY l5 LOCATED IN NFIF FLOOL? ZONE AE (5) AND 3VB_JE6T TO SPACING WILL VARY WITH TURF TYPE, SLOPE, FIRE DEPARTMRNT REQUIREMENTS, ETC_ -7007ePANE TOE OF FILL Aiz�EA CHAN&E-5 BASED ON COMMUNITY CIL? NO 3 L 9957, SUFFIX J '0 GRASSPAVE2 FIRELANE DETAIL (MAP NUMBER 3720qq3700J) N, T. S. 1EX15T1w CID-) EFFECTIVE DATE: 12116-12005 1600 Jackson Street, Suite 310 MAL N /01 /01 051, SETBACK Golden, CO 80401 5IR 39.26' TH15 PLAN 5LJBJE6 T TO ANY FACTS, IN6LOL?IN6 BLJILDIN,�� 800-23F3A-X1 5130 OR 7330-31-23273 3--1234 UNITED STATES OF At EFJCA FE5 T R IC TION5, EASEMENTS, COVENANTS, ETC., THAT MAY BE REVEALED D.B. 241, P6 32.3 www.invisiblestructures.com PC. A a. 135 NIF BY A FULL AND ACCURATE TITLE 5EAR6H. TFP, LLC N 57' (25'51 E re V. 03/05 ­11— MITI IlA1 1 - I PROPOSED LIMITS OF FILL CL PROPOSED BUILDING 5, CURVE TABLE CURVE* LENGTH RADIU5 CH9LE1r_;,TH CfV554R1A6 C/ 182581 U I.W261 N 26* 31'55H E rn a 777 -,-/, t b - w L, 2 - . a - 0 Zo L, "j) Lxl W. 0- < = 0 ,, =0) -< S z :: °z wa w F Y ow Cr 0= 00< L/) U5 < ocn 0 U 0 -t�-,6n ; Cn a- 0, 3- =Z Z < F_ 0 1— , CC C,� z �ti 12 0 U 00 z =�2�u '�>-ww Ign :,c m n z <o 0 w Z O "n < S z 0 L" OW8 o 6 2: Q >a-z w gam, -Q < Co U w 0 =j a-no ��;Zov) o < L 0 0 LLj 0 < 0 V) C) 0 < 0- it 0 LL C) 'COMMISSION NO. P08065.5 DESIGNED BY JHM DRAWN BY QLT/TAS CHECKED BY JHM ISSUE DATE C11 U _j 00� 0) 4 o, N CL =) N E N 0 iE 00 ca N _j cn w 4k 0, � 7) v-4 0 CO -a E 0 < Ala z z -.7, w L,J Lj 0 > W CL -,-/, t b - w L, 2 - . a - 0 Zo L, "j) Lxl W. 0- < = 0 ,, =0) -< S z :: °z wa w F Y ow Cr 0= 00< L/) U5 < ocn 0 U 0 -t�-,6n ; Cn a- 0, 3- =Z Z < F_ 0 1— , CC C,� z �ti 12 0 U 00 z =�2�u '�>-ww Ign :,c m n z <o 0 w Z O "n < S z 0 L" OW8 o 6 2: Q >a-z w gam, -Q < Co U w 0 =j a-no ��;Zov) o < L 0 0 LLj 0 < 0 V) C) 0 < 0- it 0 LL C) 'COMMISSION NO. P08065.5 DESIGNED BY JHM DRAWN BY QLT/TAS CHECKED BY JHM ISSUE DATE