HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-09171_Well Construction - GW1_20220930 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD � For ltacrnat Use ON1.v: This fonn can be used for sinyk or mulliple wells' 1.Wdl Contactor Information: I4:WATER ZONVC John Eisenman FROM TO DESCRIPTION We'll Coniricsor N:tnlc A. A. f 4439 NC Well ComracrorCcniliovionNumbef TS.OUTF.RCASING(for enuhiiascd'Ncns ORL1N R He Ikahk ROM F TO DtAMETFR. THICKNES5 31ATERIAL SAEDACCO Inc 0 'tt. 25 tl: 2" tn. SCH-40 PVC (;aiigruiy t aster 16:1N14ER CASING'OR TUBING eo1bermatclnsed tarp FROM I TO DIAMETER I THICKNESS I MATERIAL 2.Well Construction Pet7nit fl: ft. tt. hl. List all applicable well p6milr.(Le.t^niaety;Suva.Variance.Irewficit sit.) in. 3.Well Use(check well use): 17 SCRUN Water Supply Well: FROM TO DIAMFTER SIR)TSIZE THICKNFICS I MATF.RIAT. gAgriculturat 25 ff. 40 A. 2^ in. 010 SCH-40 PVC OGeothennal(Neatin000ling Supply) OResidential Water Supply(single) fl'' ff. ®hldustrial/Commcrcial 011csidcntial Water Suppl'(shared) ig.GFROROG TO d1ATFRLAt. I F.MYLACE MhT\1tn10D fi AMOUNT Oirti ation 0 rt. 20 ft. Portland Pour Non-Water Supply Well: ft. fl. 61vionitoring ORccovery Injection Wel1: n. if. OAquifer'Recharge OGrouodoaicrRcmcdiafion 19.SANDH:IWIVEL PACK tit Itteahk FNOTf. - TO M�TE:RWr, FMFI.A('t;M ENT MFT11O11 OAquiferStorlgc and Recovery OSilinity Harricr 23 !t. 40 A. Sand #2 ❑AgnifcrTcst OStorrrm:rtcrDriinagc h ft ❑E%Vcdmcntal Technology ❑Suhsidcncc Control 20;DRH.11,11gG'LOG.(atfach additional stleets'ittleees rti• ❑Geothennal(ClusedLoop) 07'racer FROM TO DFACRIPTIONfmbnhrrdnevi, MkH' nsuc.Hc: OGeothennal(NeafiggdCooline Return) OOther(ex lain under#21 Reload, See gho s log tt. 4. rl. it. 4.Date Well(s)Completed: 8-25-22 WellIDIIMW-3R _ 'A 5a.Weil Lticaiian: ft, tt. t`y I's.n i if Malloy Site 0, ft. FacilNl,r'OwncrNunrc FacrlilylDR{ifapplizablc) 2237 US Hwy 311, Madison, NC, 27025 A. H, Physical Address,City.and Zip 273 REMARKS Rockingham Bentonite seal from 20-23ft Canon Patvcl Willific lion No,(PvN j 5h.lattitudc and Longitude in dcgrecs/minuteslseeonds or decimal(legrres: 22.Certification: (if sell fscld;one iatflong is quirte MI) N W ' �rf r 9/7/2022. Stgnitur:of s > /9 :v :e G— �Date _ 6.Is(are)the well(s): IMPennanent or OTemporan' M signit g ibrs,(er+..�+'L� �+1 �a `�;.1 �j:uner+ueterP i i sett>rrfnnrr irirlt 1 SA NCAC 02C.'ii-!•:4 'f'"f`ai�i.;::CC A1209 Well Cmrsrroairs Starufnrds and Elrnr rr 7.Is this a repair to an existing well; OYes or ONo a(ry+rnfthiv rrrnn'l htrc In rn p+»rfllld in the arff mtnCr, if lh(s it a repair,fill rsu knokve well emnintrilan hifornwrlon and explain for mrure of(fir rr'lmir ttmlrrre2/rrmnrks rrrticm+s�eve the brxk of Ihis fnrne, 23.Site diagram or additional Well details: You may-use the back of this page to pfovide additional well site details or well 8.Number of wells constructed: 1 colstruction details: You'Inaj'also attach additional panes if ivmessary. For iwildple tnfecrlon co ese-vi ware•r sttpp7v(Cells ONLP r+Jtle the some construction.yalt Can .evbniir one form. SUBMITTAL INCTUCTIONS 9.Total well depth t►eFoH'land surface 40 (ft.) 24a. For All Wells: Subn6l this form within 30 days of completion of well For,prdtil?le trills lest a0 defu a Ifdifferew teirmaple.3@2m,'and 2@ I09) construction to the following: 10.Static water level below top of caring: (ft.) Division of Water Rtesouneew Information Practising Unit, Ifuvire e lewl is above rasiij,use"4 1617 Mail Service'Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 11.Borehole diameter.8.25^ (in,) 24b.j•.cer lnjy I1jtjl gIL ONLI': In addition to sending the fonn to file address in 24a above. also submit a copyof this form within 30 days of completion of well 12.Well construction method: HSA construction to the followings (i.c.anger.rosary.cable direct pusk ctc.) Division of*Pater Resources,`Undergreund Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Ser•sice Center Raleigh,NC 276971636 I3a Yield(gpm) Method of test. 74c.For Water Supply&injection Wells: Also submit one copy of this form within 30 daysofcompletionof I3b:Disinfection type: Amount: well construction to the cmmty heollh dcpnrimcm of the colmty.whcre conctnlctcd. Form OW-1 Nvnh Carolina Dc-parinlcnt of£nrirormxw and Natural Resources-Divsion of%%W6r Re utz Revised August 2013