HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-09139_Well Construction - GW1_20220930 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For Imcntal Usc ONLY: This fonncan be used rm sin8k or imillipk wcils 1.Well Contractor Information: IY_WATLRZONN , . 7,7 Scott Hunt Jr. FROM TO 13FYCRIP1101% %\'ell Coi+ingot t�alrnc. 4561-A ]SFROM TO DtAMET NGWdlContraclorCcnificationTtuntbcr :OII TERCASING for ultimc irital"'wens OR Li TR Ha Ikabk FR THICKNESS MATT.RtAt, SAEDACCO Inc 0 ft. 35 ft. 2" in. SCH-40 PVC Company Knntc 1ti.INNER'CASING OR`TUBING `eotbermatclosed.lotti FROM TO I DLA:1tETER I T(OCI:NESS MAMMAL 2.Well Conspvction Pcnttit#: fl. ff. tn. Lift all apytlirahle Krll pPnrtils N.e.County.Sling.Ynriotrce.Ireectibn eir.) ft. fl. m• 3.Well lisc(check well use): 17i SCRFJ N Water Supply Well: FROM TO 111A1/F.TER I SIMSI7F I Tnl(-K%FNs I 111AURIAL I�Agticultural t'IMunicipalftblic 35 ft. 40 ft. 2" i" 010 SCH-40 PVC fl.i in. 43cothcmlal rticatingtooling Supply) 011csidential Nato Supvh'(single) ft. ®bldustrialfComntercial 011csidential Water Supph•(shared) FROMtOUT TO MATERIAL F:�tP1.crMENT 3irn1oD&AJIOGNT ❑ltti ation 0 ft. 31 h. Portland Tremie Non-Water Supply Well: ft. ft. ❑Monitoring ❑Rccolrly injection%Veil: 0Aquifcr"Recharge l]GronndnttcrRcutcdiation 19:SANDIGIIAVEL PACK(if 14glIkahki VRl1M T'O MATFRI.AI, ftMPl e('t:N F;'T mrtnou QAquiferSiom and Recovvy ❑Salinity Hairicr 33 A. 40 ft. Filter Sand #2 OAgnifcr Test C]$Mmtit leer prlinagc ft h OEV. cdmcntal Tnhnoto�• ❑Slthsidctrcc Cmttml 20.DRHAJ iG tiOG attach additional4berts ifiiecc.<an'` DGeothenuutl(Closed Loop) ❑Tracer FROM TO DESCRIPTION ftebr.hnrdncii V.1vntek h' n ebre.Ht. oGaothenuai(i{eatin&rEooline Retuno ®Outer ter fain under 021 Retnalles) See gbo a log it. ft. ft. 4.Date Wcll(s)Completed; 8/23/22 Well m#AS-1 fl, tl. 51.Well Lncafhtn: ft. It. . `@,E m Duke Energy ft. fl. S PP ^ O n, Facilii�'.lOicrtcrNantc FaclB� tt)k{ifappliatilcj rt. ft. 1 8320 NC-150, Sherrills Ford, NC, 28673 ft. R. Irn'�r" esaty a „5-n F na Pln'sical Address.City.and Zip -21:RChIARK..0V Catawba Bentonite seal from 31-33, Cantoy' 1'at el1&116606611Ko,WIN) Sh,Latitude and I ingifude in dcgmcslminutcalseconds fir decimal dpgrecs: 22.Certification: (ifwell field,one laitloit5 it;stdticient) N W _. 9/18/2022 v Signlutr,ofCcnfficd Wclf Contrnctor:M Daic 6.h(ale)the tvcll(): ZPermanent or OTemporory tin'.%igning this fowl,I heteb).eertift 4&v wire well(s)tsvts{via ej evatrturted in rxrardvnre with 15A tVCAC 02C AIM ar I SA NOW 62C;0209 Well C.owsuvalon Staim1 ntls and ilur)a 7.Is this a repair ft)An 6isting well: OVec or CrVy of this rProtil hRt lwoi pnwfded to)he so-11 nnnrr, lfthis it a seltAfe fill ear.t 7alm well nwisma^iron tnrfornwrlrn rind esplobt rite wrare of the reiutir timirr 021 rernrtrAw see ion or rm the i)rert nfthh form. 23.Site diagraut or additional well details: _ You may use the back of this page to pro%ide addifional well site details or well S.Number of wells constructed• 1 construction detaits. You may also attach additional pages if Iftwessaly. F'or owhiple fajeetfmi fro neat-wirer vpt?v seeth ON1,V trirh the sane comtruorion,.ya'+rt cum .wbmir one forrt, SUBMITTAL TMUCTIONS'. 9.Total well depth below land sur(ace, 40 (ft.) 24a. For All Wells: Surat this fonu within 30 daps of completion of well For tttrililple n•clls list well depths if dip rent fcrmnpte•3@200•nrtd 20 100) construction to tits following: 10.Static water Ie.'el below top of casing: 01.) Division of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit, lfitweer level is shove(ruing,ate"=" 1617 Mail Scn'icc'Ccnfcr.Ralcirht NC 27690-1617 11.Horchole diameter.8.25" (in.) 24b.For injection We11s ONL!': in addition to sending the fotnl to file address in 24a aWxle. also submil a copy of this form within 30 daps of Completion of well 12,Well connrnction method: HSA consiniction to the following: {l.c.anger,rowan:cable.direai push ctc-) Division of Water Rcsourecs,Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SIiPPLV WELLS ONLV: 1636 Mail Sen4ce,Center.Raleigh,\C 27699-1636 13a.Vicid(gpm) Method of test: 24c.For Water Supply aic injection\Vclls: Also submit one copy of this form within 10 dapsofcontpletionof' 13b.Uitinfiction type: Amount—-�, %fell construction to the county Ihealth dclnnmem of the crnmh•.where constructed. Fonn GtV-t Nonh Carlini Dcyattnu-nt of Em roanrta atd Katnrat Resources-Division of Water Resources Reviscd August.?013