HomeMy WebLinkAbout20060796 Ver 2_NCDENR-BMP Operation Agreement_20141104is Permit Number.- (to 1W PV- DrainmWArwNjn@b*r__ Orf Y-K*pt&dl Oe6wttiovi Masi% OperaSion and Maintenance Agra&ftwftt I will Wk a rOMEMice Mcord on tl& IKP. Als rjWt�ce reccEdAW VU *pt 8-a lcg i-A it krvDwm Wt louation. Any deficiunnt V*lP ekrwerv* n(*-d in tlw ingppction will ble corractial, rapaireid ar replaciel inunaidialcly. Tlmw didicierwim can affwt t1w inlagrity of structureg, s�ffcnty 4 th@ public, and t*e rentuwal efficiwioy of tke WIP. Mal Iggligron: alux-RiVA.-a jug 1- BVIIIE-101IMIER -11� Thia system (check one): IR d%es E] elon aot iftcoWmirte it vr"iKed filtw &* the outIrt. This qy�ptor* (A*W oow): r-I Aoieii 0 Jbw rwi irwcwpar= prWr=In=t W6w skan a Awelky. IrWortant nwintEonance pt000duraw After the! dry extRndad detmrition bwki * emtwblimhed, it will bi! iP"VUctLWd Ynce a qwi� and witbin 24 Isoura &Aer every &�owrn event gmatar Man 1.0 inAiiw (or 1.3 inelme; if in it Coasital County). Rmoi�ds of op@wtion arC nquintemir@ will bit k@pt in x known q@t iocation and will bie availabk *pan raqjmwt. Incpactir*r activitiem shiall be perforrrw,--d a@ foIlowo. Any pro t are fourad "11 be repaired immediately. The perimeter of the dry extended detention basin Form SW401 -Dry Detention O&M-Rev.3 establi"d. Prov" Iftne a MV '. Mg Will %��� 2 L. 7fir__Mnffl�evi�ee-pq�je M —Me Ti �eis c !u*ge �if III Ficlou *e p LB. DiRpow 4 dike awas -ApjffcLb em cl . OWL_ _L -jU T�w flip* ir, crmclqed cmw (VibutrMw daiRaled (if a hcabS Erosicti it wconrurg is iw 16�,qr" t1w av, rwir4imWY in @wale (if arplkabk). wmwtit it ovw wol pr*vA6 wasion Fol Pg xg PIIIII�o Pcod *7 C7ftma - 7pera o a id Ltu pt 0 ru wi ro� , future e s The forebay �**ink@wt lqas aucRarglot(KI SOW-cit fm tiw of the and reduced the *orptk to 75% cif tW orqUal eMW 4M possible. Remove tit sedimen and POS (am dift1rami ]Wow). iiiiilwiw 4 it in a Icication w1mait it will wmt owme hapocts 6o strouaw or *mt wp M Erosion has occurred o�r_ rovi a on& erosion p is displaced. poraiwbion auch III* rEnforcmi turf I wiwttiV or riprap if numiad io j�,RrimVLgin: future ero,*on, prob*xiip. Weeds are present. '�mcW__�ii_MJ_wJe­ds, 9. WT ry d. If pwaikidw am imad, wipe *iwm (xi Ow pikwtv rxtWer tlmn '_T� imin tro_w��__ 30NA Sudin"int ]low Mircurrimlit C or iour(w o t wnd mduicad the dopIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 6o 7A RW.W 7j, '7R B t* cronal deVM dqlIKi utw; Y'wib I . Rowcpw Him quAimcwt and (see dia#ram below). dispose cu it in a location where It wA not calMe isilIM 0 sEffins or ihs SWP. R*v#"eiWw diaturime amm immwdimosty with x)d (pMarrell or Bed pro Lrected with j secure?V_Aaked erosion mat. Water is anding moire­fh_an_ at­_ AE: Mg. 40 t MuTactu" Ar Ck)Kg, 5 days after a storm event. If it i!P a Aolft imow, catrouk wwn FafRapjqpriatLn_pof@miona1. rq,P Weeds and n—Oxioi7s;�P, lants ii�r rMm_o,%Te1L 1111164F by her-O or-by growing in the main wirpirStItent wAh pomiucidis (do nok treatment area. Form SW40 I -Dry Detention O&M-Rev. 3 Page 2 of 4 IL F!'! rlr�-W 0 *Vken the Lippin dwpth imeada "t in fhw forebay, Mie w(Arrient Mal bke remov*d. Sediment Removal Bottors klavaii(xi 0 NA&III DIACJU%k On im tior hdawim) Sediment Storage Fcart � 1- y DeAim =WOv-3 ?S� 0 1TT-e—eM Vanm7ant Rhrubs or tnMW or Grow comer im unlowliky r V 111 INS 11EMP Otodt rem a pro a na Evidupkce of mtmkpw-t OR Use traps to remove muskrats and beaver activity is present. consult a professional to remove beavers. 7An -awrwal inopecticc ]my *Ln NWrWriatre pr NO filrows that the embankment Lrwa ne The outlet device- I of *i! mwdiffin@nt cW-*t@. 7 JNWWWOUWX-� The receiving water or othier 4gro 4 or*wt tlW ipripri(xi of Waher damagR have aucuriltA @Q *e Oualityr 1401 (:Aw,*gkt U*it at 919- outlet. 793-17M. *Vken the Lippin dwpth imeada "t in fhw forebay, Mie w(Arrient Mal bke remov*d. Sediment Removal Bottors klavaii(xi 0 NA&III DIACJU%k On im tior hdawim) Sediment Storage Fcart � 1- y DeAim =WOv-3 ?S� 0 jr -, ■ k4 Permit Numbe 1< -- Ow bw Iwo by D WQ) I& Ad 4Wee by My JMKuIB AiM thn I W OW(Wite of tir WplIcamwoe oft miainowancir pr n lietod abiove. I fify DWQ of any probi" wi6i ffw sir ricw to any cha syiiew (Y reppon&iCe pairty. Print Tile: Address: Yi N(pto, The *gwlly r raotOw, pwy alnuld not be a hawwwwwo mewiWiDs voinas al"t togn -'M of tiff low, h bwen voki nind it m*dwro oft miediAkiw low taw mwwp thu powoolvet. II it Yotary Public forte Stoke of do bereby certify that ky=.= ad atmowludW Ote due eKeoution of tko M My conunisRion sxpIM5-- Forve S'014Q1- y Dnowticni R- v.3 10 Na 4 Pardo 3IRVII&I (to iw Prov Drairw" Arm Tiuviiaa: ztftp Vvy E*-enXed D"tonfion Sagiry Operatianand AUnten&?" Aoeedr.M4 I,wK I*wp a neeir-hkerwwa rwcffl on M MP. TVs naWWrance record will 1* IMpt in a icip in m Wwvar at acaftn. Any dcvficieiFK BMP w1cments nceed in the hvpecticon will tw corrocied, roVaired or rwpldcod irraiwdiatitly. TIvw c6ficiencies can affect the integTity of structures, safety of the pulAic, it-nd the velwo*rd elkiumncy of kke BMP. TIM My eMIAM cIMMIMon basin Vffea. A defirad 1F te dry dcmVeriKion bwam, outl@t Ptructum, ppetrwtment inclidir& foiretomys arad t1w veWtatael filtar if orke a; providu6. Thia aystarn (Chaft onel: L� 4ver. [-] ctom not iPtcorymate a v"aird fil*w * tk@ ouikk. Thig P"m (Awk oom): [] dow [j] d&ea not irvarpcwW pratata6ent Uftw ffi� a IMM�. IPWPCWtMnt wieivamienoe prmDodurec: — I will rowuntKin the vegetation in mavJ arccad Ike l7iftain at a hw*4 of ap,prouirMEMy sA miles. — Oxhce a yM, a d sjW eepwt Nwill irqgwt the emilmnkment, VP ond witkiie 24 Ikours aflow ewery *twrm avant *wativ than 1.0 i&CIms (or IA irw%ws if in 2, CoasFtal County). Recoi�ds of o7emtion arird rwir*ermwe will be kept in a known �Pet iocation and will bie avaiiabic upain raquaat. hipFiecticei activitiem almll be p*rforrned ao followi. Any probienai that are fotv-td whall lie repaired immediately. Rem SW401- y DoOmfim Omkhi-R*v.3 x C Form SW40 1 -Dry Detention O&M-Rev.3 Page 2 of 4 vice: pipe or T�pipM-97 foogedTif j-U-n7cFo=gW7Ke--T7Ipe. Inspose of the NwIM3*nt MAL. T* pipw is cwc �dw �� i' otherwise damaife* (K mgp�� Escuion ic arcurri-lix is time I isogracide, fise SWM6 if ruictiowir# so swalu (ff ipr*mDtb it ower awd prwlk n contrc* dcwficeg muck Rs rc*n*)Fced twrf matting or riprap to avoid —rh—ef S*iment Itas accumiu)ww* Swavch fcw tW osumue of tho and reduced the depth to 75k 4 AU ori#iiiiii dMen Apff p IMIWe tW Mmentand (woe �Myam Iusow). oispow of it in a Icication whose it seff mt cause inivacie to otrooinim or Ercuicei luc accurngdi;�_�' Isrovick-_ additionaF riguip, in aliplowed. Fvoiaction wch ac reinsesard tort siottiag or rirprV if ussidod so prevent future (Itofflion pPc**Ris. Iflovit ww , pe r Irs & If pootscidas; owe u iW IDIOM nd iv NIFFM ox Oke pki** rigitImp thim _EW_din-smt law accernmIukaid rc fcjT Awqi)*rce of t7i�� and mthpuLid the Aupio, so 75* of the oriogial design dFpth p�nmv*ble. Remove tikwu ,;udiipmt mrtrd (ww diaKram bEgow). dispose of it in a location where it wE rwt casee impacta ff streams or ih* B"P. uevesutato diaturisul xrww inkniudiatiely w1k xod (preferred) or seed proacttad w* gicurel t el niat. Wxtxr *,-ftoding rRou; iiian Chuck t1got structure few cicIKA if it ill 11 C*tw issue, commilt am appropriate professional. ��Ov'ii alit pumts -ky—herid Y -mg tbnr*L with puaticide (iso ncit Form SW40 1 -Dry Detention O&M-Rev.3 Page 2 of 4 V IN Whon th@ �amiR depth lwwd% _-L f1pet in thw fors y, the micliniont shall be *elniovod. REM%= 11M BASIN 1151AGIRAN (fil jM low 14JRW) F1017.. S Bottom Elevation Form SW401 -Dry Detention O&M-Rev.3 NFERIN,�.J �mllcirary Pool Volume 46 259% Selliment Storage jj Pennit Number&, (to be provided by D WQ) I xokmwlodjr gtvd Wvw *y my *irmiture Wow t1mt I jr i w=mj?8le fmr te paribmiance of " nwirawwceii procadwroc lislad abowe. I tgroc to notif� DVQ of any pi,AlmniA q0th the "yOwn ov Virior to miy ckangAs to the symtmn or responsible party. Projectoo" Print name: Lennar Carolinas-, LLC Titl Addrms�����ng Blvd. 0 Tfw MjWty reipcl Wrty sikoEd v4 IS it liwiavvioiaw awww=aa aw6w raore tiow AN of t1w laoi iave tiow ou" wig a rawWoot of " mia4voicmi low Imam owl ike pylooijaw. bumby certify that personal� and ookmw1odam the due cKeoution of tive f jg dry de0wortion *qiA mffliviKomawee requiviomentis. Wifficos my lonal and officiiii 10, Z Notary Public M9cNW"Lxg County f �-' r R 111111 � My coinmioi} n empirw.-, A Fonn SW40 I -Dry Detention O&M-Rev.3