HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCS000250_NCDOT Draft SWMP_20220729DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN North Carolina Department of Transportation 0L*19I1IIM1] July 29, 2022 NCDOT Highway � Stormwater PROGRAM DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................4 2. CERTIFICATION....................................................................................................................5 3 TS4 INFORMATION..............................................................................................................6 3.1 PERMITTED TS4 AREA..........................................................................................................6 3.2 EXISTING TS4 OUTFALL MAPPING PROGRAM.......................................................................6 3.3 RECEIVING WATERS.............................................................................................................6 3.4 TOTAL MAXIMUM DAILY LOADS..........................................................................................6 3.5 ENDANGERED AND THREATENED SPECIES AND CRITICAL HABITAT.......................................7 3.6 NON-STORMWATER DISCHARGES........................................................................................7 3.7 TARGET POLLUTANTS AND SOURCES...................................................................................8 4 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION.............................................10 4.1 ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE..........................................................................................10 4.2 PROGRAM FUNDING AND BUDGET....................................................................................11 4.3 SHARED RESPONSIBILITY...................................................................................................12 4.4 CO-PERMITTEES................................................................................................................12 4.5 MEASURABLE GOALS FOR PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION....................................................13 5 PUBLIC EDUCATION AND OUTREACH PROGRAM................................................................20 6 PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT AND PARTICIPATION PROGRAM.....................................................24 7 ILLICIT DISCHARGE DETECTION AND ELIMINATION PROGRAM............................................27 7.1 TS4 MAPPING PROGRAM..................................................................................................28 7.2 IDDE PROGRAM................................................................................................................32 8 CONSTRUCTION SITE RUNOFF CONTROL PROGRAM...........................................................39 9 POST -CONSTRUCTION CONTROLS......................................................................................47 9.1 BMP RETROFIT PROGRAM.................................................................................................49 9.2 BMP TOOLBOX..................................................................................................................51 9.3 POST -CONSTRUCTION STORMWATER PROGRAM...............................................................53 10 POLLUTION PREVENTION AND GOOD HOUSEKEEPING PROGRAMS.....................................56 11 TOTAL MAXIMUM DAILY LOAD PROGRAM.........................................................................81 12 RESEARCH PROGRAM........................................................................................................85 Page 1 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS000250 DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN LIST OF TABLES Table 3-1: Outfalls Inventoried Through PY2022 (as of July 2022)..............................................................6 Table 3-2: Summary of USEPA-Approved TMDLs Identifying NCDOT as a Significant Contributor..............7 Table 3-3: Non-Stormwater Discharges.......................................................................................................7 Table 3-4: Summary of Target Pollutants and Sources Table 4-1: Responsibility Matrix for NPDES Permit Compliance.... Table 4-2. HSP Funding Sources Table 4-3: Shared Responsibilities ................. Table 4-4: Program Administration BMPs.............. Table 5-1: Summary of Target Pollutants & Audiences Table 5-2: Public Education and Outreach BMPs .8 11 12 12 13 20 21 Table 6-1: Public Involvement and Participation BMPs.............................................................................25 Table 7-1: Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination BMPs - TS4 Mapping Program..............................28 Table 7-2: Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination BMPs- IDDE...........................................................32 Table 8-1: Qualifying Alternative Program Components for Construction Site Runoff Control Program. 40 Table 8-2: Construction Site Runoff Control BMPs....................................................................................41 Table 9-1: Summary of Existing Post -Construction Program Elements.....................................................48 Table 9-2: Post Construction Control BMPs - BMP Retrofit Program........................................................49 Table 10-1: Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping BMPs - Facilities Operation and Maintenance Program.........................................................................................................................................58 Table 10-2: Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping BMPs—Spill Response Program.....................62 Table 10-3: Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping BMPs - TS4 Operation and Maintenance Program.........................................................................................................................................65 Table 10-4: Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping BMPs - SCM Inspection and Maintenance Program.........................................................................................................................................69 Table 10-5: Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping BMPs—Vegetation, Pesticide and Fertilizer ManagementProgram...................................................................................................................71 Page 2 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS000250 DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Table 10-6: Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping BMPs - Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance Program.........................................................................................................................................74 Table 10-7: Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping BMPs - Litter Management Program ............ 76 Table 10-8: Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping BMPs - Fecal Coliform Reduction Program.. 79 Table 11-1: Total Maximum Daily Load Program........................................................................................81 Table 12-1: Research Program....................................................................................................................85 Page 3 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS0002SO DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN 1. Introduction The purpose of this Stormwater Management Plan (TS4SMP) is to establish and define the means by which the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) will comply with its National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Transportation Separate Storm Sewer System (TS4) Permit and the applicable provisions of the Clean Water Act to meet the federal standard of reducing pollutants in stormwater runoff to the maximum extent practicable. This TS4SMP identifies the specific elements and minimum measures that NCDOT will develop, implement, enforce, evaluate and report to the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) Division of Energy, Minerals and Land Resources (DEMLR) in order to comply with the TS4 Permit number NCS000250, as issued by NCDEQ. This permit covers activities associated with the discharge of stormwater from the TS4 as owned and operated by and located within the rights of way (ROWS) of the NCDOT transportation systems. In preparing this TS4SMP, NCDOT has evaluated its TS4 and the permit requirements to develop a comprehensive 5-year TS4SMP that will meet NCDOT's needs, address water quality issues and provide the minimum measures necessary to comply with the permit. The TS4SMP details NCDOT's stormwater management program, called the Highway Stormwater Program (HSP), including a discussion of funding, a narrative description of the program, specific and measurable goals for each program component, implementation schedule(s) and reporting metrics the TS4SMP will be evaluated and updated annually to ensure that the elements and minimum measures it contains continue to adequately provide for permit compliance and NCDOT's needs. Once the TS4SMP is approved by NCDEQ, all provisions contained and referenced in this TS4SMP, along with any approved modifications of the TS4SMP, are incorporated by reference into the permit and become enforceable parts of the permit. Any major changes to the approved TS4SMP will require resubmittal, review and approval by NCDEQ, and may require a new public comment period depending on the nature of the changes. Page 4 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS0002SO DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN 2. Certification By my signature below I hereby certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. I am also aware that the contents of this document shall become an enforceable part of the NPDES TS4 Permit, and that both NCDEQ and the United States Environmental Protection Agency have NPDES Permit compliance and enforcement authority. ❑ I am a ranking elected official. ❑X I am a principal executive officer for the permitted TS4. ❑ I am a duly authorized representative for the permitted TS4 and have attached the authorization made in writing by a principal executive officer or ranking elected official which specifies me as (check one): ❑ A specific individual having overall responsibility for stormwater matters. ❑ A specific position having overall responsibility for stormwater matters. Signature: Print Name: Title: Signed this day of 20 Page 5 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS000250 DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN 3 TS4 Information 3.1 Permitted TS4 Area This TS4SMP applies to the discharge of borrow pit wastewater and stormwater from construction activities and the NCDOT TS4 located statewide, including all regulated activities associated with the discharge of stormwater from the TS4 as described in Part I of the permit. 3.2 Existing TS4 Outfall Mapping Program The current TS4 Outfall Mapping Program includes explicit and implicit stormwater outfalls and Waters of the United States. Selected watersheds where an explicit inventory has been performed may have additional data collected. NCDOT maintains a map of implicit and explicit outfall inventories. Status of the mapping program is provided in the table below. Table 3-1: Outfalls Inventoried Through PY2022 (as of July 2022) Outfall Type Total Outfalls in Inventory Implicit Roadway Outfalls 116,737 Explicit Roadway Outfalls 1,974 Explicit Non -Roadway Facility with TS4 Operations Outfalls and Non -Roadway Industrial Facility Outfalls 669 3.3 Receiving Waters The NCDOT TS4 encompasses the entire state of North Carolina and is located within all River Basins. Applicable water quality standard related information can be found at the following NCDEQ sources: o Waterbody Classification Map o Impaired Waters and TMDL Map o Most recent NCDEQ Final 303(d) List The NCDOT TS4 is interconnected with other regulated MS4s and directly receives and discharges stormwater from and to these systems. 3.4 Total Maximum Daily Loads The Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) listed in Table 3-2 below have identified NCDOT as a significant contributor and assigned NCDOT a unique Waste Load Allocation (WLA). The table also indicates whether a Report of Findings has been approved by DEMLR. Page 6 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS000250 DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Table 3-2: Summary of USEPA-Approved TMDLs Identifying NCDOT as a Significant Contributor Water Body Name Water Body ID TMDL Pollutant(s) of Concern Approved Report of Findings (Y/N)* Hills Bay Embayment (White Oak River) 20-(18)c4 Fecal Coliform Y Boathouse Creek 20-31 Fecal Coliform Y Reports of Findings (ROFs) were required in the previous 2010 and 2015 permits. A ROF includes an assessment of whether additional structural and/or non-structural BMPs are necessary to meet NCDOT's WLA, or reduce the load to the maximum extent practicable, and a schedule of implementation. 3.5 Endangered and Threatened Species and Critical Habitat Significant populations of threatened or endangered species and/or critical habitat have been identified within the regulated TS4 area. NCDOT performs site -specific assessments for threatened or endangered species for each construction project. NCDOT regularly confers with the US Fish and Wildlife Service and the NC Wildlife Resources Commission to identify species within the project corridor that require protection. 3.6 Non-Stormwater Discharges The water quality impacts of non-stormwater discharges have been evaluated by NCDOT at NCDOT non - roadway facilities as summarized in Table 3-3 below. The unpermitted non-stormwater flows listed as incidental do not significantly impact water quality. NCDOT believes residential and charity car washing may have a possible significant water quality impact. Wash water associated with car washing that does not contain detergents or does not discharge directly into the TS4 is considered incidental. When performed by NCDOT, vehicle and equipment washing with detergents is directed to a wastewater treatment system, local Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW), collected for treatment or recycling, permitted by another NPDES permit, or other equivalent measure; or if sanitary sewer is not available then performed on a grassed or graveled area to prevent point source discharges of washwater into storm drains or surface waters. Detergents used by NCDOT are biodegradable with pH adjusted to be in the range of 6 to 9 standard units. Table 3-3: Non-Stormwater Discharges Non-Stormwater Discharge Water Quality Impacts Water line and fire hydrant flushing Incidental Landscape irrigation Incidental Diverted stream flows Incidental Rising groundwater Incidental Uncontaminated groundwater infiltration Incidental Uncontaminated pumped groundwater Incidental Uncontaminated potable water sources Incidental Page 7 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS000250 DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Table 3-3: Non-Stormwater Discharges, continued Non-Stormwater Discharge Water Quality Impacts Foundation drains Incidental Air conditioner or air compressor condensate without added chemicals Incidental Irrigation waters Incidental Springs Incidental Water from crawl space pumps Incidental Footing drains Incidental Lawn watering Incidental Residential and charity car washing Possible Flows from riparian habitats and wetlands Incidental Dechlorinated swimming pool discharges Incidental Street wash water Incidental Routine external building wash down which does not use detergents Incidental Incidental windblown mist from cooling towers that collect on rooftops Incidental Flows from firefighting training without chemical additives or from firefighting activities Incidental 3.7 Target Pollutants and Sources In addition to those target pollutants identified above, NCDOT is not aware of other significant water quality issues within the permitted TS4 area. As required by Permit paragraph 3.2.1, Table 3-5 below summarizes the water quality pollutants identified throughout Part 3 of this TS4SMP, the likely activities/sources/targeted audiences attributed to each pollutant, and identifies the associated TS4SMP program(s) that address each. Table 3-4: Summary of Target Pollutants and Sources Target Likely Source(s)/ TS4SMP Program Addressing Pollutant(s) Target Audience(s) Target Pollutant(s)/Audience(s) Sediment Traveling Public, NCDOT Construction Program, Public Education & Employees Outreach, Pollution Prevention & Good Housekeeping Program Detergent Traveling Public, NCDOT Pollution Prevention & Good Housekeeping Employees Program, Illicit Discharge Detection & Elimination Program Litter Traveling public, School -aged Public Education & Outreach, Pollution Children, NCDOT Employees Prevention & Good Housekeeping Program, Illicit Discharge Detection & Elimination Program Page 8 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS000250 DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Table 3-4: Summary of Target Pollutants and Sources, continued Target Likely Source(s)/ TS4SMP Program Addressing Pollutant(s) Target Audience(s) Target Pollutant(s)/Audience(s) Illicit Discharges Traveling Public, NCDOT Public Education & Outreach, Pollution Employees Prevention & Good Housekeeping Program, Illicit Discharge Detection & Elimination Program Illegal Dumping Traveling Public, NCDOT Public Education & Outreach, Pollution Employees Prevention & Good Housekeeping Program, Illicit Discharge Detection & Elimination Program Fecal Coliform/Bacteria Traveling Public, School -aged Public Education & Outreach, Pollution Children, NCDOT Employees Prevention & Good Housekeeping Program, Illicit Discharge Detection & Elimination Program; Post -Construction Stormwater Program Nutrients Traveling Public, NCDOT Public Education & Outreach, Pollution Employees Prevention & Good Housekeeping Program, Illicit Discharge Detection & Elimination Program; Post -Construction Stormwater Program Oil and Grease Traveling Public, NCDOT Public Education & Outreach, Pollution Employees Prevention & Good Housekeeping Program Metals Traveling Public, NCDOT Public Education & Outreach, Pollution Employees Prevention & Good Housekeeping Program, Illicit Discharge Detection & Elimination Program; Post -Construction Stormwater Program Page 9 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS000250 DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN 4 Stormwater Management Program Administration 4.1 Organizational Structure NCDOT's Highway Stormwater Program (HSP) is collaboratively managed by NCDOT's Hydraulics Unit (HU) and Roadside Environmental Unit (REU) with support from others including NCDOT's consultant partners, Division personnel, and Research & Development staff and researchers (see Figure 4-1). NCDOT utilizes private professional services firms to assist with HSP program planning and implementation. Additional NCDOT business units and sub -consultants are incorporated as needed to address unique project tasks or workloads. The HSP consultants facilitate a significant portion of the development of guidance documents and training material under the oversight of the HSP staff. Figure 4-1. HSP Collaborative Management Organization NCDEQ NCDOT Research & Development J Researchers Hiehwav Stormwater Program Hydraulics Roadside Unit Environmental Unit NCDOT groups including: • Highway Divisions • Ferry Division • Rail Division • Global TransPark • Turnpike Authority • Other Units Consultants 1-77 Mobility Partners The HSP also receives in -field implementation support from other NCDOT staff, making it a NCDOT-wide initiative (See Table 4-1). With a few exceptions, the different program areas of the HSP shown in Table 4-1 effectively mirror the NPDES Permit sections. Each program area is led by technical staff in the business unit having the most responsibility and authority to implement the requirements, with support and implementation from other business units. Table 4-1 indicates the primary, supporting, and implementing business units by the respective P, S, and I letters in the matrix. A separate list of responsible positions is maintained by NCDOT. Page 10 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS000250 DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Table 4-1: Responsibility Matrix for NPDES Permit Compliance Permit Section Description 2 w CC 2 c oc o LL u Z > 2 0 ¢ v Z a _ 2.1 Stormwater Management Program P P I I I I I I 3.1 General Requirements P P I I I I I 1 1 3.2 Public Education and Outreach Program P P I I I I 1 1 3.3 Public Involvement and Participation Program P P I I I I 1 1 3.4.6 3.4.10 Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) Program S P I I I I I I I 3.4.1-3.4.5 TS4 Mapping (within the IDDE Program) P S I I 3.5 Construction Site Runoff Control Program S P I I I I I 1 1 3.6.1 BMP Retrofit Program P S I I 1 1 3.6.2 BMP Toolbox P S I I I I I I 3.6.3 Post Construction Stormwater Program P S I I I I 1 1 3.7.1 Facilities Operation and Maintenance Program S P I I I I I 1 1 3.7.2 Spill Response Program S P I I I I I 1 1 3.7.3 TS4 Operation and Maintenance Program S P I I I I I I 3.7.4 SCM Inspection and Maintenance Program S P I I I I 1 1 3.7.5 Vegetation, Pesticide and Fertilizer Management P I I I I I I I 3.7.6 Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance Program P I I I I I 1 1 3.7.7 Litter Management Program S P I I I I I 1 1 3.7.8 Fecal Coliform Reduction Program S P I I I I I 1 1 3.8 Total Maximum Daily Load Program P S I I I I 1 1 3.9 Research and Program Assessment P P I I I I I I 4 Annual Program Review P P I I I I I I P - Primary Lead Hydro - Hydraulics Unit RD - Rail Division DMV - Division of Motor Vehicles S — Supporting REU - Roadside Environmental Unit FD - Ferry Division NCTA - INC Turnpike Authority I — Implementer HWY DIV - 14 Highway Divisions NCGTP — NC Global TransPark 1-77 MP —1-77 Mobility Partners 4.2 Program Funding and Budget In accordance with the issued permit, NCDOT shall maintain adequate funding and staffing to implement and manage the provisions of the TS4SMP and comply with the requirements of the NPDES MS4 Permit. The budget includes the permit administering and compliance fee, which is billed by the DEMLR annually. Funding for the HSP comes from a wide range of sources. Management and development of the HSP are predominately funded from two sources: 1) Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) 48797.1.1, 48797.1.2, and 48797.1.3 under Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) R-5968, and 2) WBS 51236. Page 11 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS0002SO DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Other business units that support compliance with stormwater regulations contribute funding to the HSP. Additionally, other sources of funds are periodically available. Table 4-2 summarizes sources of funding for the HSP. Table 4-2. HSP Funding Sources TIP R-5968, "NPDES Permit, Retrofit Sites to Protect Water Quality" • Source: State Transportation Program; 80% Federal, 20% State funds • Budget: $3,000,000 annually from 2020-2029 per current State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) • Uses: Staff salaries (predominately for Hydraulics Unit staff; other business units [such as the Divisions, Geotechnical Engineering Unit, Location and Surveys] use when working on BMP retrofits or other HSP tasks), material expenses for retrofit construction, administrative overhead charges, and program -wide consultant support. • Managed by: Hydraulics Unit WBS 51236, "NPDES Stormwater BMP Structure" • Source: Legislative line item • Budget: approximately $1,300,000 annually • Uses: Staff salaries (predominately for REU staff, material expenses for publications for public education, administrative overhead charges, and miscellaneous compliance -related needs), significant or one-time maintenance tasks for stormwater BMPs, development of Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SPPPs) BMPs and maintenance for water quality protection at maintenance facilities (such as installation or upgrade of salt storage equipment). • Managed by: Roadside Environmental Unit 4.3 Shared Responsibility NCDOT will share the responsibility to implement the following permit requirements, which are at least as stringent as the corresponding NPDES TS4 Permit requirement. NCDOT remains responsible for compliance if the other entity fails to perform the permit obligation and may be subject to enforcement action if neither NCDOT nor the other entity fully performs the permit obligation. Table 4-3 below summarizes who will be implementing the component, what the component program is called, the specific TS4SMP best management practice (BMP) or permit requirement that is being met by the shared responsibility, and whether a legal agreement to share responsibility is in place. Table 4-3: Shared Responsibilities TS4SMP BMP or Implementing Entity & Program Name Legal Agreement Permit Requirement (Y/N) Permit Sections 2.1, 3.1, 3.4.6-3.4.10, 3.5, 1-77 Mobility Partners Y 3.6.2, 3.6.3, 3.7.1, 3.7.2, 3.7.3, 3.7.4, 3.7.5, 3.7.6, 3.7.7, 3.7.8, 3.8, 3.9, 4 4.4 Co-Permittees There are no other entities applying for co-permittee status under the NPDES TS4 permit number NCS000250 for NCDOT. Page 12 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS000250 DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN 4.5 Measurable Goals for Program Administration NCDOT will manage and report the following BMPs shown in Table 4-4 for the administration of the Stormwater Management Program. Table 4-4: Program Administration BMPs Permit 1.4: Annual Administering and Compliance Monitoring Fee Ref. The Permittee shall pay the administering and compliance monitoring fee within 30 (thirty) days after being billed by the DEMLR. Failure to pay the fee in a timely manner in accordance with 15A NCAC 2H .0105(b)(4) may cause the Division to initiate action to revoke this permit and/or deny permit renewal. A B C D BMP No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule Annual for Implementation Reporting Metric 1 Annual Administering and Compliance Monitoring Fee 1.4 Pay the annual 1. Pay within 30 1. Annually, Permit 1. Yes/No administering and (thirty) days of Years 1- 5 compliance monitoring fee. being billed. Permit 1.5: Duty to Reapply Ref. The Permittee is not authorized to discharge after the expiration date. In order to receive automatic authorization to discharge beyond the expiration date, the Permittee shall submit a permit renewal application and fees, as are required, no later than 180 days prior to the expiration date of this permit. A B C D BMP No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule Annual for Implementation Reporting Metric 2 Permit Renewal Application Certify and submit a permit 1. Certify the 1 Permit Year 5 1. Date of permit renewal application package. stormwater permit renewal renewal application application and submittal submit to NCDEQ at least 180 days prior to permit expiration. Page 13 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS0002S0 DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Table 4-4: Program Administration BMPs Permit 3.1.4, 2.4.1, 2.4.2, and 2.1.6 Seek approval of the TS4SMP and maintain a copy online. Ref. The following permit sections apply to seeking and maintaining approval of the TS4SMP: 3.1.4 The TS4SMP shall be submitted to DEMLR within ninety (90) days of permit issuance for DEMLR review and approval. The TS4SMP is deemed approved if no response is received from the DENLR within 90 days of receipt by the DEMLR. 2.1.4 The Permittee shall notify DEMLR in writing of any planned major modifications to the TS4SMP. DEMLR will inform the Permittee within 30 days if approval of the modified TS4SMP is required. 2.4.1 When specific changes to the program or TS4SMP are required by DEMLR in writing, the Permittee shall provide certification in writing to DEMLR that the changes have been made. 2.4.2 DEMLR may notify the Permittee when the TS4SMP does not meet one or more of the requirements of the permit. Within ninety (90) days of such notice, the Permittee shall submit a plan and time schedule to DEMLR for modifying the TS4SMP to meet the requirements. DEMLR may approve the plan, approve a plan with modifications, or reject the proposed plan. Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to limit DEMLR's ability to conduct enforcement actions for violations of this permit. 2.1.6 The Permittee shall maintain an up-to-date version of this permit and the TS4SMP online in a manner that is accessible by DEMLR and the public. BMP A B C D No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule Annual for Implementation Reporting Metric 3 Seek approval of the TS4SMP and maintain a copy online. 3.1.4 Submit the TS4SMP to 1. Submit the TS4SMP 1. Within ninety 1. Yes/No DEMLR within ninety (90) to DEMLR within (90) days of days of permit issuance for ninety (90) days of permit issuance DEMLR review and approval. permit issuance. The TS4SMP is deemed approved if no response is received from the DENLR within 90 days of receipt by the DEMLR. 2.1.4 Notify DEMLR in writing 2. If major 2. If needed 2. Needed and of any planned major modifications are submitted/ modifications to the TS4SMP. needed, notify Needed but not DEMLR will inform the DEMLR in writing. submitted / Not Permittee within 30 days if needed approval of the modified TS4SMP is required. Page 14 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS0002S0 DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Table 4-4: Program Administration BMPs Permit 3.1.4, 2.4.1, 2.4.2, and 2.1.6 Seek approval of the TS4SMP and maintain a copy online, continued. Ref. BMP A B C D No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule Annual for Implementation Reporting Metric 3 Seek approval of the TS4SMP and maintain a copy online, continued cont. 2.4.1 When specific changes 3. Certify that 3. If needed 3. Needed and to the program or TS4SMP changes required in submitted/ are required by DEMLR in writing by DEMLR Needed but not writing, the Permittee shall have been made. submitted / Not provide certification in needed writing to DEMLR that the changes have been made. 2.4.2 When specific changes 4. Submit a plan to 4. If needed 4. Needed and to the program or TS4SMP modify the TS4SMP submitted/ are required by DEMLR, the within 90 days if Needed but not Permittee shall submit a plan changes are submitted / Not and time schedule to DEMLR required by needed for modifying the TS4SMP to DEMLR. meet the requirements within 90 days. 2.1.6 Maintain an up-to-date 5. Maintain an up -to- 5. Continuously 5. Yes/No version of the permit and the date version of the Permit Years 1— TS4SMP online in a manner permit and TS4SMP 5 that is accessible by DEMLR on NCDOT's public and the public. facing website. Page 15 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS000250 DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Table 4-4: Program Administration BMPs Permit Part 3. Develop a TS4 Stormwater Management Plan Ref. This permit requires the full and proper implementation of a comprehensive stormwater management program to address and manage pollutants associated with stormwater runoff from the TS4 and covered facilities. To the extent allowable under State and local law, the Permittee must develop and implement a TS4SMP in accordance with Section 402(p)(3)(B)(iii) of the Clean Water Act. The purpose of the TS4SMP is to establish and define the means by which the Permittee will comply with this permit and with the applicable provisions of the Clean Water Act. 3.1.1 The TS4SMP shall include, at a minimum, specific and measurable goals that define program elements to fully implement each of the six MCMs outlined herein: public education and outreach, public involvement and participation, illicit discharge detection and elimination, construction site runoff control, post -construction controls, and pollution prevention and good housekeeping for TS4 operations, as well as any required Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) and/or Research Program requirements. 3.1.3 The TS4SMP shall detail the Permittee's Stormwater Management Program for the five-year term of the stormwater permit, including funding, a narrative description of the program, specific and measurable goals for each program component, implementation schedule(s) and reporting metrics. 2.3.1 The Permittee shall clearly identify in the TS4SMP any qualifying alternative program components that will be utilized to meet specific permit requirements. BMP A B C D No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule Annual for Implementation Reporting Metric 4 Develop a TS4 Stormwater Management Plan 3.1.1 Include specific and 1. Include specific and 1. Upon TS4SMP 1. Yes/No measurable goals that define measurable goals development, program elements to fully in the TS4SMP for Permit Year 1 implement each of the six each program. MCMs, TMDLs and/or Research Program requirements. 3.1.3 Detail the stormwater 2. Include program 2. Upon TS4SMP 2. Yes/No programs for five years, details for the next development, including funding, a narrative five years. Permit Year 1 description of the program, specific and measurable goals for each program component, implementation schedule(s) and reporting metrics. 2.3.1 Clearly identify in the 3. If needed, include 3. Upon TS4SMP 3. Needed and TS4SMP any qualifying qualifying development, submitted/ alternative program alternative Permit Year 1 Needed not components that will be program submitted / Not utilized to meet specific components in the needed permit requirements. TS4SMP. Page 16 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS000250 DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Table 4-4: Program Administration BMPs Permit 3.1.2 and 2.2.2 Other Administrative Requirements Ref. 3.1.2 The Permittee shall maintain a list of positions responsible for implementing the provisions of this permit and the TS4SMP, including central office staff and division staff. The list shall include specific positions and a brief description of stormwater responsibilities and/or duties for each listed position. 2.2.2 The Permittee shall maintain, and make available to the Division upon request, written procedures for implementing the MCMs, permit requirements, and TS4SMP. Written procedures shall identify specific action steps, schedules, resources, and responsibilities for implementing the MCMs. Written procedures can be free standing or, where appropriate, integrated into the TS4SMP. BMP A B C D No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule Annual for Implementation Reporting Metric 5 Other Administrative Requirements 3.1.2 Maintain a list of 1. Maintain a list of 1. Continuously, 1. Yes/No positions responsible for roles and Permit Years 2-5. implementing the permit responsibilities for and TS4SMP. The list shall staff responsible include specific positions and for implementing a brief description of the TS4SMP and stormwater responsibilities permit. and/or duties for each listed position. 6 Maintain written procedures 2.2.2 The Permittee shall 1. Maintain written 1. Per schedules 1. Yes/No maintain, and make available procedures for established in to the Division upon request, implementing the the TS4SMP. written procedures for MCMs, permit implementing the MCMs, requirements, and permit requirements, and TS4SMP. Make TS4SMP. Written procedures available upon shall identify specific action request. steps, schedules, resources, and responsibilities for implementing the MCMs. Written procedures can be free-standing or, where appropriate, integrated into the TS4SMP. Page 17 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS000250 DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Table 4-4: Program Administration BMPs Permit 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 4.1, and 4.2: Annual TS4SMP Review and Annual Report. Ref. 2.1.1 The Permittee shall maintain adequate funding and staffing to implement and manage the provisions of the TS4SMP and meet the requirements of this permit. 2.1.2 The Permittee shall evaluate the performance and effectiveness of the program components at least annually. Results shall be used by the Permittee to modify the program components as necessary to accomplish the intent of the permit. 4.1 The Permittee shall review and update the TS4SMP as necessary, but at least on an annual basis, to identify compliance issues, necessary modifications, and improvements needed to maximize TS4SMP effectiveness. 4.2 The Permittee shall submit an annual report to DEMLR by August 31 of each year. When required, a permit renewal application may be submitted in lieu of the annual report. The DEMLR may request additional reporting and/or monitoring information as necessary to evaluate the progress and results of the Permittee's stormwater programs. The annual report shall document activities over the course of the fiscal year (July 1—June 30) and include appropriate information to accurately describe the progress, status, and results of the permitted programs. At a minimum, the annual report shall: a) Assess compliance with the permit. b) Provide information on the establishment of appropriate legal authorities, inspections, and enforcement actions. c) Include specific annual reporting metrics identified in the TS4SMP A B C D BMP No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule Annual for Implementation Reporting Metric 7 Annual TS4SMP Review and Annual Report 4.1 Perform an annual 1. Review the 1. Annually Permit 1. Yes/No review and update of the TS4SMP to identify Years 1— 5 TS4SMP. compliance issues, necessary modifications, and improvements needed to maximize TS4SMP effectiveness 2. Update the 2. Annually Permit 2. Needed and TS4SMP as needed Years 1— 5 updated/ to address Needed, not deficiencies updated / Not needed 2.1.1 Maintain adequate 3. Assess if the 3. Annually Permit 3. Yes/No funding and staffing to program is Years 1— 5 implement and manage the adequately funded provisions of the TS4SMP and staffed. and meet the requirements of this permit. Page 18 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS0002S0 DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Table 4-4: Program Administration BMPs Permit 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 4.1, and 4.2: Annual TS4SMP Review and Annual Report, continued. Ref. BMP A B C D No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule Annual for Implementation Reporting Metric 7 Annual TS4SMP Review and Annual Report, continued cont. 4.2 The Permittee shall 4. Request additional 4. If needed 4. Needed and submit an annual report to funding if needed requested/ DEMLR by August 31 of each Needed, not year. When required, a requested / Not permit renewal application needed 5. Prepare, certify, 5. Annually Permit 5. Yes/No may be submitted in lieu of the annual report. and submit the Years 1-4 annual report to DEMLR prior to August 31 each year. In year 5, a permit renewal application may be submitted in lieu of the annual report Page 19 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS0002SO DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN 5 PUBLIC EDUCATION AND OUTREACH PROGRAM NCDOT will implement a Public Education and Outreach Program to distribute educational materials to the traveling public and school -aged children about the impacts of stormwater discharges on water bodies and steps the traveling public can take to reduce pollutants in stormwater runoff. The target audiences and identified pollutants listed in Part 3.9 of this TS4SMP, which will be addressed by the Public Education and Outreach Program, are summarized in Table 5-1 below. NCDOT will incorporate NCDOT employees and contractors into its Public Education and Outreach Program, as appropriate. In addition, NCDOT is required to inform the traveling public of certain pollutants as well as the hazards associated with illicit discharges and illegal dumping. Table 5-1: Summary of Target Pollutants & Audiences Target Pollutants/Sources Target Audience(s) Sediment Traveling Public, NCDOT Employees Detergent Traveling Public, NCDOT Employees Litter Traveling public, School -aged Children, NCDOT Employees Illicit Discharges Traveling Public, NCDOT Employees Illegal Dumping Traveling Public, NCDOT Employees Fecal Coliform/Bacteria Traveling Public, NCDOT Employees Nutrients Traveling Public, NCDOT Employees Oil and Grease Traveling Public, NCDOT Employees Metals Traveling Public, NCDOT Employees NCDOT maintains a Public Education and Outreach Program to educate the public about the importance of stormwater quality, including awareness of the impacts of litter, sedimentation, chemical application, illicit discharges and illegal dumping, and other activities that may add pollutants to stormwater runoff. NCDOT encourages public involvement in stormwater quality programs and maintains diverse educational materials to engage and educate the public from different social, economic, and age groups. NCDOT maintains a public website that contains information intended to educate public users as well as stormwater educational materials. NCDOT uses social media posts to help educate the public on anti - litter and stormwater pollution prevention messages. NCDOT actively seeks partnerships with other state agencies and organizations with shared outreach goals. This includes public and private partnerships associated with Litter Management, such as NCDOT's continued management of the Sponsor -A -Highway program that collects and disposes of litter from NC roadways. NCDOT also maintains a Connect NCDOT website for our business partners that provides more detailed content and key guidance documents such as NCDOT's BMP Toolbox and the Erosion and Sediment Control Design and Construction Manual. NCDOT continues to engage with various education partners/ organizations to promote stormwater pollution prevention awareness education for school -aged children. Examples include NCDOT's continued involvement in the Wake County Summer Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) Sessions for teachers where NCDOT provides information to teachers on how NCDOT manages Page 20 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS000250 DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN stormwater runoff from its existing roadway and non -roadway facilities and ongoing construction projects, how NCDOT employs various stormwater pollution prevention practices, and what young citizens can do to protect NC waters. NCDOT also supplies stormwater educational materials directly to educators through various venues including teacher kits containing litter prevention and stormwater pollution prevention materials. NCDOT will manage, implement, and report the following public education and outreach BMPs (See Table 5-2). Table 5-2: Public Education and Outreach BMPs Permit 3.2.1 and 3.2.2: Outreach to Targeted Audiences. Ref. Identify the specific elements and implementation of a Public Education and Outreach Program to provide educational materials to the traveling public, or conduct equivalent outreach activities, about the impacts of stormwater discharges on water bodies and how the traveling public can reduce TS4 pollutants in stormwater runoff. The Permittee shall document the extent of exposure of each media, event or activity, including those elements implemented locally or through a cooperative agreement and, at a minimum, shall: 3.2.1 Evaluate the target pollutants, likely sources, and associated target audiences likely to have significant stormwater impacts to the TS4 and receiving waters. The traveling public and school -aged children shall be included as target audiences. Litter and pollutants resulting from vehicle operation and maintenance issues shall be included as target pollutants. 3.2.2 Provide stormwater educational information to identified audiences to reduce the potential for discharge of target pollutants through the TS4. A B C D BMP No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Annual Reporting Metric g Evaluate and Identify Target Pollutants, Likely Sources, and Associated Target Audiences 3.2.1 Evaluate the target 1. Evaluate identified 1. Annually, Permit 1. Yes/No pollutants, likely sources, targets to assess Years 1-5 and associated target continued audiences likely to have applicability. 2. Update identified 2. Annually, Permit 2. Updated/ Not significant stormwater impacts to the TS4 and targets if needed. Years 1-5 Needed receiving waters. 9 Provide Educational Materials on Litter to School -Aged Children 3.2.1 and 3.2.2 Provide 1. Make anti -litter 1. Continuously, 1. Number educational materials that packages available Permit Years 1-5 provided / target school -aged children. to teachers upon None were request. requested 2. Make anti -litter 2. Continuously, 2. Number of materials targeting Permit Years 1-5 unique school -aged children materials available on NCDOT's website. Page 21 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS000250 DRAFT -July 29, 2022 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Table 5-2: Public Education and Outreach BMPs Permit 3.2.1 and 3.2.2: Outreach to Targeted Audiences, continued. Ref. A B C D BMP No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule Annual for Implementation Reporting Metric 10 Provide Educational Materials on Litter to Traveling Public 3.2.1 and 3.2.2 Provide 1. Make hardcopies of 1. Annually, Permit 1. Number of educational materials anti -litter brochures Years 1-5 hardcopy regarding litter to users of available to the public. brochures NCDOT transportation printed / systems. Additional copies not needed 2. Make anti -litter 2. Continuously, 2. Number of messaging materials Permit Years 1-5 unique for the public materials available on NCDOT's website. 11 Provide general stormwater quality educational materials to Traveling Public 3.2.1 and 3.2.2 Provide 1. Make stormwater 1. Continuously, 1. Number of general stormwater quality quality educational Permit Years 1-5 unique educational materials to materials available materials users of NCDOT that discuss the transportation systems. pollutants of concern listed in Table 3.5. 2. Develop additional or 2. Permit Year 3 2. Yes/No update existing educational materials to address metals, organics, and temperature. Page 22 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS000250 DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Table 5-2: Public Education and Outreach BMPs Permit 3.2.3, 3.2.4 and 3.4.10 Web Site and Public Reporting: Ref. 3.2.3 Provide and maintain a website designed to convey the TS4 stormwater program's purpose and educational message(s). The website shall include information on stormwater, water quality, TS4 pollutants, NCDOT stormwater projects and activities, and how to report stormwater issues. 3.2.4 Maintain and promote reporting mechanisms for the travelling public to identify and report littering, illicit discharges, illegal dumping. 3.4.10 Provide a mechanism for the traveling public, NCDOT staff and contractors to report illicit discharges and illegal dumping. The mechanism shall be publicized to facilitate reporting and shall be managed t provide raped response by appropriately trained personnel. (NCDOT manages the reporting mechanism for internal and external audiences separately. The struck text is addressed in BMP # 27). BMP A B C D No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Annual Reporting Metric 12 Maintain Public Education and Outreach materials online 3.2.3 Maintain educational 1. Maintain educational 1. Continuously, 1. Yes/No materials online. materials regarding Permit Years 1-5 stormwater, water quality, TS4 pollutants, and NCDOT stormwater projects and activities online. 13 Maintain and promote reporting mechanisms for the travelling public to identify and report littering, illicit discharges, illegal dumping. 3.2.4 and 3.4.10 Maintain 1. Maintain reporting 1. Continuously, 1. Yes/No and promote reporting mechanisms though Permit Years 1-5 mechanisms for the public NCDOT's Contact Us to identify and report Citizen Action littering, illicit discharge, Request (CARS) and illegal dumping. website. 2. Maintain reporting 2. Continuously, 2. Yes/No mechanisms via Permit Years 1-5 telephone by maintaining contact information on NCDOT's website. 3. Maintain reporting 3. Continuously, 3. Yes/No mechanisms via Permit Years 1-5 telephone through printed materials. 4. Promote multiple 4. Continuously, 4. Yes/No reporting Permit Years 1-5 mechanisms. Page 23 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS000250 DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN 6 Public Involvement and Participation Program This TS4SMP identifies the minimum elements and implementation of a Public Involvement and Participation Program that complies with applicable State, Tribal, and local public notice requirements. NCDOT maintains a Public Involvement and Participation Program that provides the public with opportunities to offer input on stormwater, litter, or water quality related issues related to NCDOT's transportation systems. NCDOT follows the State, Tribal, and local public notice procedures that allow the public to comment on stormwater or water quality concerns during project -specific public meetings. NCDOT maintains an online reporting system titled Citizen Action Requests (CARS) for the public to report drainage issues, culvert blockages, roadway debris, or other related issues. NCDOT documents and tracks reported items, responds in appropriate timely fashion, and publishes the CARS report results online. NCDOT also has a separate Swat -A -Litterbug online reporting system and encourages the public to report littering. NCDOT also continues to operate its summer internship program that provides opportunities for young students/ professionals to actively participate in NCDOT's Highway Stormwater Program. NCDOT continues to maintain an extensive Litter Management program, which includes the management of NCDOT's Adopt -A -Highway (AAH) which was established in 1988. Since then, tens of thousands of volunteers have reduced litter and saved taxpayers millions of dollars annually in roadside cleanup costs. NCDOT's AAH program has over 120,000 participants across the state with both civic and community groups, including schools, religious, social groups, professional organizations, as well as individuals and families. NCDOT continues to encourage public involvement in its AAH program via litter collection and disposal. NCDOT also administers a biannual Litter Sweep providing additional opportunities for other volunteers to participate in litter collection and removal from NCDOT roadways each spring and summer. NCDOT will manage, implement, and report the following public involvement and participation BMPs (See Table 6-1). Page 24 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS0002S0 DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Table 6-1: Public Involvement and Participation BMPs Permit 3.3: Public Involvement and Participation Program. Ref. The TS4SMP shall identify the specific elements for implementing, documenting and tracking a Public Involvement and Participation Program that complies with State and local public notice requirements and, at a minimum, shall: 3.3.1 Provide mechanisms for public input on stormwater issues and the stormwater program. A B C D BMP No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule Annual for Implementation Reporting Metric 14 Mechanisms for public input on stormwater issues and stormwater program 3.3.1 Provide mechanisms 1. Provide 1. Continuously, 1. Number of for public input on opportunities to Permit Years 1-5 public meetings stormwater issues and the comment on held stormwater program. stormwater during project -specific public meetings. 2. Maintain NCDOT's 2. Continuously, 2. Yes/No Contact Us Citizen Permit Years 1-5 Action Request (CARS) website. 3. Maintain contact 3. Continuously, 3. Yes/No information on Permit Years 1-5 NCDOT's website. 4. Publish the monthly 4. Continuously, 4. Yes/No CARS report on Permit Years 1-5 NCDOT's website. Permit 3.3.2: Volunteer Opportunities. Provide volunteer opportunities to ongoing citizen participation, Ref. such as the Adopt -A -Highway and Litter Sweep Programs. A B C D BMP No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule Annual for Implementation Reporting Metric 15 Maintain an internship program to participate in NCDOT's Highway Stormwater Program Maintain an internship 1. Maintain an 1. Annually, Permit 1. Number of program to participate in internship program Years 1-5 interns/Reason NCDOT's Highway as feasible to not Feasible Stormwater Program. participate in NCDOT's Highway Stormwater Program. Page 25 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS000250 DRAFT -July 29, 2022 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Table 6-1: Public Involvement and Participation BMPs Permit 3.3.2: Volunteer Opportunities. Provide volunteer opportunities to ongoing citizen participation, such Ref. as the Adopt -A -Highway and Litter Sweep Programs. BMP A B C D No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Annual Reporting Metric 16 Continue the Adopt -A -Highway Program 3.3.2 Manage the ongoing 1. Encourage public 1. Continuously, 1. Number of Adopt -A -Highway Program. participation in the Permit Years 1-5 groups Adopt -A -Highway participating in (AAH) Program. the program 2. Dispose of litter 2. Continuously, 2. Quantity of litter collected through Permit Years 1-5 collected the AAH Program. 3. Continue to 3. Continuously, 3. Number of recognize long Permit Years 1-5 recognitions term AAH made volunteer groups. n list of 4. Continuously, 4. Yes/No [47Maint8i Litter Management Permit Years 1-5 Coordinators. 17 Continue the Statewide Litter Sweep Program 3.3.2 Continue the Statewide 1. Continue public 1. Continuously, 1. Report the Litter Sweep Program. participation in Permit Years number of litter pickup, 1-5 volunteers including the biannual Litter Sweep Program. 2. Track the quantity 2. Continuously, 2. Document the of litter collected Permit Years quantity of litter by volunteers. 1-5 collected 18 Continue the Statewide Swat -A -Litterbug Program Continue the Statewide Swat -A- 1. Encourage the 1. Continuously, 1. Number of Swat - Litterbug Program. public to report Permit Years A -Litterbug littering through 1-5 reports submitted the Swat -A - Litterbug Program. Page 26 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS000250 DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN 7 Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Program Although this section of the permit and TS4SMP includes several changes from the previous permit, NCDOT has already implemented several of the requirements. For example, NCDOT maintains a statewide map of primary routes, secondary roads, and bridges owned and operated by NCDOT. The map also includes surface waters and roadway crossings of surface waters, and is updated annually. Under its existing Stormwater System Inventory and Prioritization (SSIP) Program, NCDOT also maintains a Field Inventory Procedure (FIP) which includes procedures to inventory outfalls, inlets, conveyances and other assets in the stormwater drainage system. The FIP will need to be updated for the current permit requirements. However, it has been used in the past to implement field data collection in high priority watersheds. As of Permit Year 2021, NCDOT has field verified over 1,800 outfalls. NCDOT will continue to look for illicit discharges, illegal dumping, or other potential stormwater pollutant concerns in conjunction with any inspections of major outfalls identified for field verified as part of its FIP. NCDOT's Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Program (IDDEP) was developed and implemented to detect and eliminate illicit discharges and illegal dumping into the NCDOT TS4. The program provides training on performing inspections, identifying illicit discharges and illegal dumping, and reporting them to NCDEQ. NCDOT maintains a tracking database and a standard point of contact for the program. NCDOT employees participate in training to help enable identification of potential illegal dumping and illicit discharges when performing other work on the NCDOT system, as well as instruction on reporting them to the IDDEP manager, who acts as the primary point of contact for the program. NCDOT will continue to maintain an Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Program which shall, at a minimum, include the following illicit discharge detection and elimination BMPs (See Tables 7-1 and 7-2). Page 27 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS000250 DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN 7.1 TS4 Mapping Program Table 7-1: Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination BMPs - TS4 Mapping Program Permit 3.4.1 and 3.4.2: TS4 Mapping Program — GIS-based map of implicit outfalls and statewide base - Ref. map. The TS4SMP shall identify the specific elements to develop and implement an Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) Program to reduce the discharge of pollutants to surface waters. At a minimum, the Permittee shall: 3.4.1 Maintain a GIS-based implicit stormwater outfall inventory which includes implicit outfalls from primary and secondary roadways. 3.4.2 Develop and maintain a statewide base map of Permittee owned and operated primary routes, secondary roads, surface waters, and bridge and roadway crossings of surface waters. A B C D BMP No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule Annual for Implementation Reporting Metric 19 Maintain a GIS-based implicit stormwater outfall inventory 3.4.1 Maintain a GIS-based 1. Maintain a process 1. Continuously, 1. Yes/No implicit stormwater outfall for deriving a GIS- Permit Years 1-5 inventory which includes based implicit implicit outfalls from primary stormwater outfall and secondary roadways. inventory. 2. Implement the 2. Annually, Permit 2. Yes/No protocol to update Years 1-5 the GIS-based implicit stormwater outfall inventory. 20 Maintain a Statewide Base Map of the TS4 3.4.2 Develop and maintain a 1. Develop a process 1. Permit Year 1 1. Yes/No statewide base map of for deriving a GIS- Permittee owned and based statewide operated primary routes, base map of secondary roads, surface Permittee owned waters, and bridge and and operated roadway crossings of surface primary routes, waters. secondary roads, surface waters, and bridge and roadway crossings of surface waters. Page 28 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS000250 DRAFT -July 29, 2022 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Table 7-1: Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination 13MPs - TS4 Mapping Program Permit 3.4.1 and 3.4.2: TS4 Mapping Program — GIS-based map of implicit outfalls and statewide base - Ref. map, continued. A B C D BMP No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Annual Reporting Metric 20 Maintain a Statewide Base Map of the TS4, continued cont. 2. Maintain a process 2. Continuously, 2. Yes/No for deriving a GIS- Permit Years 2-5 based statewide base map of Permittee owned and operated primary routes, secondary roads, surface waters, and bridge and roadway crossings of surface waters. 3. Implement the 3. Annually, Permit 3. Yes/No process to update Years 2-5 the GIS-based base - map. Page 29 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS000250 DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Table 7-1: Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination BMPs- TS4 Mapping Program Permit 3.4.3 and 3.4.5: TS4 Mapping Program — Develop, Implement, and Maintain a mapping program for Ref. TS4 conveyances and outfalls primary routes in Phase I MS4 permitted areas 3.4.3 Develop and implement a program for mapping TS4 conveyances and outfalls associated with primary routes which are located within Phase I MS4 permitted areas. The program, at a minimum, shall include mapping of major outfalls, bridge outfalls discharging directly to surface waters, and associated inlets, catch basins, conveyances, and flow directions. 3.4.5 Establish a statewide TS4 mapping inventory to, at a minimum, include major outfalls and bridge outfalls discharging directly to surface waters, and associated inlets, catch basins, conveyances, and flow directions associated with primary routes which are located within Phase I MS4 permitted areas BMP A B C D No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule Annual for Implementation Reporting Metric 21 Develop and implement a program for mapping TS4 conveyances and outfalls on primary routes in Phase I MS4 permitted areas 3.4.3 Develop and 1. Collaborate with 1. Permit Years 1-2 1. Yes/No implement a program for Phase I MS4s to mapping TS4 aggregate existing conveyances and outfalls mapped/inspected associated with primary data. routes which are located 2. Develop a new 2. Permit Year 2 2. Yes/No within Phase I MS4 geodatabase permitted areas. The structure to include program, at a minimum, major outfalls, shall include mapping of bridge outfalls major outfalls, bridge discharging directly outfalls discharging to surface waters, directly to surface waters, and associated and associated inlets, inlets, catch basins, catch basins, conveyances, and conveyances, and flow flow directions. directions. 3. Integrate Phase 1 3. Permit Year 3 3. Yes/No MS4 aggregated data and NCDOT existing data into the geodatabase. 4. Identify gaps in the 4. Permit Year 3 4. Yes/No assets, attributes, and footprint of available data and prioritize areas of TS4 field mapping in Phase I MS4 areas. Page 30 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS0002SO DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Table 7-1: Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination BMPs - TS4 Mapping Program Permit 3.4.3 and 3.4.5: TS4 Mapping Program, continued Ref. BMP A B C D No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Annual Reporting Metric 21 Develop and implement a program for mapping TS4 conveyances and outfalls on primary routes in cont. Phase I MS4 permitted areas, continued 1. Update existing field 1. Permit Year 4 3. Yes/No inventory protocols and data collection application. 2. Develop or update 2. Permit Year 4 3. Yes/No training materials regarding TS4 Mapping Program for NCDOT staff and contractors. 22 Implement field data collection for TS4 Mapping Program Collect field data for 1. Perform training for 1. Permit Year 5 1. Yes/No priority areas. NCDOT Staff and Contractors performing field data collection. 2. Initiate field data 2. Permit Year 5 2.Yes/No collection in current Phase I MS4 permitted areas. 23 Establish a statewide TS4 mapping inventory 3.4.5 Establish a statewide 1. Maintain the data 1. Permit Year 5 1. Yes/No TS4 mapping inventory to, collected in an at a minimum, include inventory major outfalls and bridge geodatabase. outfalls discharging directly to surface waters, and associated inlets, catch basins, conveyances, and flow directions associated with primary routes which are located within Phase I MS4 permitted areas. Page 31 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS0002SO DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Table 7-1: Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination BMPs- TS4 Mapping Program Permit 3.4.4: Process and Schedule for the TS4 Mapping Program Ref. Modify the TS4SMP to include a process and schedule for the TS4 Mapping Program. A B C D BMP No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule Annual for Implementation Reporting Metric 24 Modify the TS4SMP to include a process and schedule for the TS4 Mapping Program 3.4.4 Modify the TS4SMP 1. If the process or 1. As needed 1. Needed and to include a process and schedule above modified / schedule for the TS4 requires major Needed and not Mapping Program. updates, modify the modified / Not TS4SMP to include a needed process and schedule for the TS4 Mapping Program. 7.2 IDDE Program Table 7-2: Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination BMPs- IDDE Permit 3.4.7: IDDE Plan and Reporting Ref. Maintain and implement a written IDDE Plan to detect and address illicit discharges, illegal dumping and any non-stormwater discharges identified as significant contributors of pollutants to the TS4. The plan shall provide standard procedures and documentation to: a) Locate priority areas likely to have illicit discharges and illegal dumping that may impact surface waters or result in aquatic trash. b) Identify illicit discharges and sources within the Permittee's jurisdictional area. c) Eliminate the source(s) of illicit discharge(s) resulting from NCDOT activities and non -roadway facilities. BMP A B C D No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule Annual for Implementation Reporting Metric 25 1 Maintain a written IDDE Plan Page 32 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS000250 DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Table 7-2: Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination BMPs- IDDE 3.4.7 Maintain and 1. Update written 1. Permit Year 2 1. Yes/No/Partial implement a written IDDE IDDE Plan. Plan to detect and address illicit discharges, illegal 2. Develop protocols 2. Permit Year 3 2. Yes/No/Partial dumping and any non- to implement new stormwater discharges procedures included identified as significant in the updated IDDE contributors of pollutants Plan. to the TS4. The plan will 3. Update list of 3. Permit Year 3 3. Yes/No/Partial address the required components. priority areas likely to have illicit discharges. Table 7-2: Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination BMPs - IDDE Permit 3.4.7: IDDE Plan and Reporting, continued Ref. BMP A B C D No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Annual Reporting Metric 25 Maintain a written IDDE Plan, continued cont. 4. Continue to 4. Annually, Permit 4. Yes/No/Partial evaluate and assess Years 1-5 the IDDE Program. 26 Implement the IDDE Plan Implement the IDDE Plan 1. Identify illicit 1. Ongoing, Permit 1. Yes/No/Partial discharge and illegal Year 1-5 dumping when performing other work on the NCDOT ROW. 2. Verify illicit 2. As needed, Permit 2. Number of discharges and Years 1-5 verified illicit illegal dumps discharges and reported by NCDOT illegal dumps staff or the public. 3. Report verified 3. Ongoing as needed, 3. Number of illicit discharges/illegal Permit Years 1-5 discharges/illegal dumping to dumping reports appropriate NCDEQ to NCDENR Regional Office. 4. Conduct dry 4. On schedule with 4. Report number weather outfall Field Inventory of outfalls inspections. Procedure inspected Page 33 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS0002SO DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Table 7-2: Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination BMPs - IDDE 5. Eliminate the 5. As needed, Permit 5. Number of illicit source(s) of an illicit Years 1-5 discharges from discharge from NCDOT non- NCDOT non- roadway roadway facilities. facilities eliminated/None found Table 7-2: Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination BMPs - IDDE Permit 3.4.6, 3.4.8, and 3.4.10: IDDE Reporting and Tracking. Ref. 3.4.6 Maintain and implement standardized procedures and documentation for reporting illicit discharges and illegal dumping to the appropriate NCDOT staff, NCDEQ Regional Office and/or local government(s) having jurisdictional authority. Reporting shall be performed in a timely manner to facilitate enforcement by others, or other action to eliminate the illicit discharge or illegal dumping event. 3.4.8 Provide a standardized mechanism for tracking and documenting each verified illicit discharge or illegal dumping event including date observed / reported, reporting source (staff, public, contractor, etc.), the results of the investigation / verification, and the date any verified event was reported to appropriate NCDOT staff, NCDEQ and/or local government having authority to resolve the event. 3.4.10: Provide a mechanism for the traveling p- "' �, NCDOT staff, and contractors to report illicit discharges and illegal dumping. The mechanism shall be publicized to facilitate reporting and shall be managed to provide rapid response by appropriately trained personnel. (NCDOT manages the reporting mechanism for internal and external audiences separately. Struck text is addressed in BMP # 13) A B C D BMP No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule Annual for Implementation Reporting Metric 27 Maintain IDDE reporting procedure 3.4.6 Maintain and 1. Maintain a process 1.Ongoing, Permit 1. Yes/No implement standardized for NCDOT staff and Year 1-5 procedures and contractors to documentation for report observed reporting illicit discharges IDDEs to and illegal dumping to the appropriately appropriate NCDOT staff trained NCDOT staff for verification. for verification. Page 34 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS0002SO DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Table 7-2: Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination BMPs - IDDE 2. Maintain a process 2.Ongoing, Permit 2. Yes/No/Partial for IDDEs reported Year 1-5 by the public to be submitted to appropriately trained NCDOT staff for verification. 3. Appropriately 3.Ongoing, Permit 3. Yes/No/Partial trained NCDOT staff Year 1-5 to verify reported IDDEs in a timely manner. Page 35 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS000250 DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Table 7-2: Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination BMPs - IDDE Permit 3.4.6, 3.4.8, and 3.4.10: IDDE Reporting and Tracking, continued Ref A B C D BMP No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule Annual Reporting for Implementation Metric 27 Maintain IDDE reporting procedure, continued cont. 4. Appropriately 4.Ongoing, Permit 4. Yes/No/Partial trained NCDOT staff Year 1-5 to report verified IDDEs to NCDEQ Regional Office and/or local government(s) having jurisdictional authority in a timely manner. 28 Maintain IDDE tracking procedure 3.4.8 Maintain a standard 1. Update existing 1. Permit Year 1 1. Yes/No IDDE tracking and database of verified documentation illicit discharges or procedure for verified illegal dumping IDDE including date 2. Maintain database 2. Ongoing, Permit 2. Yes/No observed / reported, of verified illicit Year 1-5 reporting source (staff, discharges or illegal public, contractor, etc.), dumping. p g the results of the investigation / verification, and the date any verified event was reported to appropriate NCDOT staff, NCDEQ and/or local government having authority to resolve the event. 29 Publicize reporting mechanism to NCDOT Staff and contractors 3.4.10 Publicize reporting 1. Publicize the 1. Ongoing, Permit 1. Yes/No mechanism to NCDOT reporting Year 1-5 Staff and contractors. mechanism to NCDOT Staff and contractors. Page 36 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS0002SO DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Table 7-2: Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination BMPs - IDDE Permit 3.4.9: Staff IDDE Training. Ref. Train NCDOT staff and contractors who, as part of their normal job responsibilities, may observe an illicit discharge or illegal dumping. Training shall include how to identify, report, and document illicit discharges and illegal dumping. Each training event shall be documented, including the agenda/materials, date, and staff participating. A B C D BMP No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Annual Reporting Metric 30 Maintain IDDE training materials 3.4.9 Maintain training 1. Maintain training 1. Annually, Permit 1. Yes/No/ Partial materials on how to materials on how to Years 1-5 identify, report and identify, report and document illicit document illicit discharges, illegal discharges, illegal dumping. dumping. 2. Update training 2. As needed, Permit 2. Need and materials as necessary. Years 1-5 updated / Needed but not updated / Not needed 31 Provide IDDE training for appropriate staff 3.4.9 Train NCDOT staff 1. Maintain "train the 1. Continuously, 1. Yes/No and contractors who, as trainer" and staff Permit Years 1-5 part of their normal job training materials. responsibilities, may observe an illicit discharge or illegal dumping. 2. Provide "train the trainer" instruction to appropriate staff. 2. Annually, Permit Years 1-5 2. Yes/No 3. Distribute materials for 3. Annually, Permit 3. Yes/No local trainers to train Years 1-5 local staff. 4. Maintain a tracking 4. Annually, Permit 4. Yes/No mechanism to Years 1-5 document the "train the trainer" instruction, including the agenda/materials, date. 5. Document date of 5. Continuously, 5. Number of "train the trainer" Permit Years 1-5 training events instruction and agenda. 6. Make training materials 6. Continuously, 6. Yes/No / Not available to contractors Permit Years 1-5 needed if needed. 7. Evaluate if an update to 7. Annually, Permit 7. Yes/No/ Not or additional training Year 1-5 needed resources is needed. Page 37 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS0002SO DRAFT -July 29, 2022 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Table 7-2: Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination BMPs - IDDE Permit 3.4.9: Staff IDDE Training, continue Ref. A B C D BMP No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule Annual for Implementation Reporting Metric 32 Provide IDDE training for appropriate contractors 1. Provide training to 1. Continuously, 1. Yes/No appropriate contractors Permit Years 3-5 through the Level I or Level 11 ESC training. Page 38 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS0002S0 DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN 8 Construction Site Runoff Control Program In accordance with 15A NCAC 02H .0153, NCDOT relies upon the North Carolina Sedimentation Pollution Control Act (SPCA) of 1973 as a qualifying alternative program to meet a portion of the NPDES MS4 Permit requirements for construction site runoff control measures (See Table 8-1). The SPCA requirements include reducing pollutants in stormwater runoff from construction activities that result in land disturbance of greater than or equal to one acre, and includes any construction activity that is part of a larger common plan of development that would disturb one acre or more. Projects performed by others under a project -specific agreement with NCDOT to provide erosion and sediment control activities are also covered under this permit. NCDOT implements its Construction Program to control potential impacts to water quality from land disturbance at construction sites and from borrow pit and waste pile activities. The Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC) Program, which was delegated to NCDOT by the Sedimentation Control Commission in February 1991, incorporates the applicable requirements of General Permit NCG010000 and includes implementation of appropriate erosion and sediment controls on construction projects. The delegation agreement allows for NCDOT to review and approve ESC plans based on compliance with SPCA, water quality regulations, and permit conditions associated with each project. The agreement also authorizes NCDOT to perform compliance inspections for land disturbing activities associated with highway construction. Although the Commission delegates compliance inspection to NCDOT, it did not grant enforcement authority. Since NCDOT cannot issue a fine to itself, a series of policies and procedures were developed to correct compliance issues with highway and maintenance construction projects. These include procedures for public input, daily and monthly project inspections, and corrective actions. NCDOT's Construction Program includes implementing and maintaining standard specifications and project special provisions, providing guidance on ESC/stormwater issues, performing inspections and monitoring of construction projects, maintaining NCDOT's reclamation process, and providing ESC/stormwater training materials to contractors/ consultants. NCDOT invests substantial financial resources into research efforts that will improve existing practices and procedures associated with NCDOT's construction activities. Two keystones of the program include ongoing training certifications and inspections. The certification program provides the required personnel training to ensure compliance with ESC/stormwater provisions on NCDOT projects. NCDOT requires all contractors and consultants to have a certified supervisor and foreman to oversee operations on NCDOT projects to ensure compliance with SPCA as well as other environmental regulations. Three different levels of certifications are available and each one must be renewed every three years. NCDOT is responsible for two types of inspections on each project: NPDES Self -Monitoring and SPCA Self -Inspections. NPDES Self -Monitoring and SPCA Self -Inspections are conducted at least weekly or after 1.0" of rainfall by a project inspector under guidance from the office of the resident engineer for design -build or contract construction, or from the office of the county or district engineer for maintenance projects. If needed, construction activities on -site can be halted to address ESC issues. REU Field Operations staff inspects NCDOT projects monthly and completes an ESC/Stormwater Inspection Report. These weekly inspections by project inspectors and monthly REU inspections are used to ensure proper ESC measure installation, maintenance, and effectiveness as well as ground cover requirements. These reviews ensure the proper ESC measures are in place for the phase of grading, and that necessary field revisions are implemented to minimize the risk of sedimentation damage. Each project is evaluated for overall compliance with the NPDES permit, NCG010000, and SPCA. Page 39 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS0002SO DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN NCDOT operates under its exemption from the Mining Act for borrow pits provided all materials are used "in connection with the construction, repair, and maintenance" of our road system. Therefore, all provisions for ESC and stabilization with ground cover for waste/borrow sites fall under the conditions of NCDOT's delegated program under the Mining Act and SPCA. Currently, NCDOT requires reclamation plans for all non-commercial waste/borrow sites. These plans address temporary erosion control, staged seeding and mulching, fertilizer topdressing, and permanent stabilization. Final inspections are conducted on all waste/borrow sites at project completion or prior to project completion if property owners elect to resume/commence agricultural land disturbing activities on the site(s). Reclamation sites that require dewatering operations will require an evaluation to determine setbacks to minimize the risk of impacts to adjacent jurisdictional areas. Effluent from dewatering operations will be monitored and the appropriate management procedures will be used to make sure NCDOT is following the applicable regulations. Table 8-1: Qualifying Alternative Program Components for Construction Site Runoff Control Program Permit State or Local Legal Authority Implementing Entity Reference Program Name 3.5.1- NCDOT 15A NCAC Chapter 04, NCDOT 3.5.9 Delegated SPCA Program* NCDEQ Approved Delegation * Guidance materials for NCDOT's delegated SPCA Program can be found at NCDOT's Connect site. NCDOT also implements the following BMPs to meet NPDES MS4 Permit requirements, Table 8-2. Page 40 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS000250 DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Table 8-2: Construction Site Runoff Control BMPs Permit 3.5.1 and 3.5.5: Implement Delegated Program. Ref. 3.5.1 Implement the NCDEQ Erosion and Sediment Control Program as delegated to NCDOT by the Sedimentation Control Commission in February 1991, and as may be subsequently amended. This program is authorized under the Sediment Pollution Control Act of 1973 and Chapter 4 of Title 15A of the North Carolina Administrative Code. 3.5.5 Implement sediment and erosion control measures in keeping with the sediment and erosion control program delegated by the North Carolina Sediment Control Commission for borrow pit and waste pile projects, including activities at NCDOT ferry terminals associated with dredging activities and contractor owned or leased borrow pits associated with NCDOT projects. BMP A B C D No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Annual Reporting Metric 33 Implement Delegated Program. 3.5.1 Implement the 1. Seek re -delegation of 1. Annually, Permit 1. Application NCDEQ Erosion and the program. Years 1-5 submitted / Sediment Control application not Program as delegated submitted to NCDOT. 2. Continue delegation of 2. Annually, Permit 2. Program delegated the program. Years 1-5 / Program not delegated 3. Participate in an Audit 3. Annually, Permit 3. Audit held / Audit of the program as Years 1-5 not required by directed by DEMLR. DEMLR Table 8-2: Construction Site Runoff Control BMPs Permit 3.5.2: Incorporate the requirements of NCG010000. Ref. Implement the requirements of General Permit No. NCG010000, as issued April 1, 2019 and as may be subsequently amended. This condition supersedes the requirement to obtain a Certificate of Coverage under General Permit No. NCG010000 for each subject construction activity. A B C D BMP No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule Annual for Implementation Reporting Metric 34 Incorporate the requirements of NCG010000 into NCDOT's delegated ESC Program 3.5.2 Incorporate the 1. Develop a project -specific 1. Continuously, 1. Number of ESC requirements of ESC plan incorporating the Permit Years 1-5 plans NCG010000 into requirements of developed NCDOT's delegated NCG0100000 to be ESC Program. reviewed and approved by NCDOT. 2. Maintain information 2. Continuously, 2. Yes/No regarding ESC in existing Permit Years 1-5 NCDOT programs. Page 41 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS000250 DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Table 8-2: Construction Site Runoff Control BMPs 3. Maintain the NCDOT 3. Continuously, 3. Yes/No Erosion and Sediment Permit Years 1-5 Control Design and Construction Manual. 4. Maintain a program of 4. Weekly, Permit 4. Yes/No routine inspections Years 1-5 including NPDES Self - Monitoring and SPCA Self - Inspections. 5. Maintain program of 5. Monthly, Permit 5. Yes/No compliance inspections at Years 1-5 active construction sites. 6. Maintain a database of 6. Continuously, 6. Yes/No inspections and corrective Permit Years 1-5 actions. 7.Issue corrective actions in 7. As Needed, 7. Yes/No response to inspections. Permit Years 1-5 8. Halt construction activities 8. As Needed, 8. Yes/No in response to inspections. Permit Years 1-5 Table 8-2: Construction Site Runoff Control BMPs Permit 3.5.3: Waste Management. Ref. Require construction site operators to control waste such as discarded building materials, concrete truck washout, chemicals, litter, and sanitary waste at the construction site. A B C D BMP No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule Annual for Implementation Reporting Metric 35 Construction Site Waste Management 3.5.3 Construction site 1. Maintain guidance on 1. Continuously, 1. Yes/No operators must control waste disposal from Permit Years 1-5 waste from such as NCDOT construction discarded building sites. materials, concrete truck 2. Require construction 2. Continuously, 2. Yes/No washout, chemicals, litter, site operators to Permit Years 1-5 and sanitary waste. control waste from construction sites. Permit 3.5.4: Means to notify of issues. Ref. Provide and promote a means for staff, contractors, and the public to notify the appropriate authorities of observed erosion, sedimentation, or construction waste issues. A B C D BMP No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule Annual for Implementation Reporting Metric Page 42 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS000250 DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Table 8-2: Construction Site Runoff Control BMPs 36 Provide and promote a means to notify of issues. 3.5.4 Provide a means for 1. Maintain NCDOT's 1. Continuously, 1. Yes/No staff, contractors, and the Contact Us Citizen Permit Years 1-5 public to report observed Action Request (CARS) erosion and sedimentation website. problems. 2. Observations by the 2. Continuously, 2. Yes/No public are routed to Permit Years 1-5 trained NCDOT staff. 3. Train appropriate 3. Continuously, 3. Yes/No NCDOT Staff and Permit Years 1-5 contractors to notify site -specific staff as part of Construction Program training. Page 43 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS000250 DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN I Table 8-2: Construction Site Runoff Control BMPs I Permit 1.2, 3.5.6, and 3.5.7: Manage ESC on Borrow Pits and Waste Pile Projects. Ref. 1.2 (second paragraph) Waste pile activities shall be covered under this permit unless the site requires a permit from the Division of Waste Management. If a Division of Waste Management permit is required, the facility also must obtain facility coverage under a separate NPDES industrial stormwater permit. 3.5.6 Implement Reclamation Plans in keeping with the Reclamation Program established by the North Carolina Mining and Energy Commission for borrow pit and waste pile projects, including activities at NCDOT ferry terminals associated with dredging activities and contractor -owned or leased borrow pits associated with NCDOT projects. 3.5.7 Implement borrow pit discharge management including appropriate measures to treat borrow pit wastewater, inspections and maintenance, training field personnel overseeing borrow pit operations, and evaluating and implementing appropriate new/innovative technologies. BMP A B C D No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule Annual for Implementation Reporting Metric 37 Manage ESC on Borrow Pits and Waste Pile Projects 3.5.6 Manage ESC on Borrow Pits and Waste Pile Projects including activities at NCDOT ferry terminals associated with dredging activities and contractor - owned or leased borrow pits associated with NCDOT projects. Note: A non-commercial borrow pit or waste pile is a location that only supports NCDOT operations and does not sell materials to non- NCDOT entities. 1. Maintain policies to implement ESC measures on non- commercial borrow pits/waste piles. 2. Develop and implement an approved reclamation plan on non-commercial borrow pit/waste pile projects. The reclamation measures utilized shall be in keeping with the reclamation program established by the North Carolina Mining and Energy Commission. 3. Maintain policies to implement appropriate management measures to treat borrow pit discharges for given conditions. 4. Inspect and maintain borrow pit sites. 5. Maintain training material and instruct field personnel overseeing borrow pit operations. 1. Continuously, Permit Years 1-5 2. Continuously, Permit Years 1-5 3. Continuously, Permit Years 1-5 4. Continuously, Permit Years 1-5 5. Continuously, Permit Years 1-5 1. Yes/No 2. Number of new reclamation plans implemented 3. Yes/No 4. Yes/No 5. Yes/No Page 44 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS000250 DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Table 8-2: Construction Site Runoff Control BMPs Permit 1.2, 3.5.6, and 3.5.7: Manage ESC on Borrow Pits and Waste Pile Projects, continued. Ref. A B C D BMP No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule Annual for Implementation Reporting Metric 37 Manage ESC on Borrow Pits and Waste Pile Projects, continued cont. 6. Evaluate and implement 6. Continuously, 6. Yes/No appropriate Permit Years 1-5 new/innovative technologies. 7. If a Division of Waste 7. As needed, 7. Needed and Management permit is Permit Years 1-5 acquired / required, obtain facility- Needed and specific coverage under not acquired / a separate NPDES Not needed industrial stormwater permit. Permit 3.5.8: Maintain a list of projects subject to Delegated Program and NCG010000 Ref. Maintain a current list of construction projects, borrow pits, waste piles, and dredge spoil piles subject to the delegated Erosion and Sediment Control Program and General Permit No. NCG010000 requirements. A B C D BMP No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule Annual for Implementation Reporting Metric 38 Maintain a list of projects subject to Delegated Program and NCG010000 3.5.8 Maintain a current list 1. Develop a process to 1. Permit Year 1 1. Yes/No of construction projects, generate a list of borrow pits, waste piles, projects subject to and dredge spoil piles Delegated Program and subject to the delegated NCG010000. Erosion and Sediment 2. Maintain a list of 2. Continuously, 2. Number of Control Program and projects subject to the Permit Years 1-5 sites General Permit No. delegated Erosion and NCG010000 requirements. Sediment Control Program and General Permit No. NCG010000 requirements. Page 45 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS000250 DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Table 8-2: Construction Site Runoff Control BMPs Permit 3.S.9 Construction Activity Training Ref. Provide or require equivalent stormwater pollution awareness training for appropriate NCDOT personnel and contractors involved in construction activities. Training shall include general stormwater awareness, NPDES stormwater permit NCGO10000 implementation, construction site waste management protocols, identification of stormwater pollution potential, appropriate spill response actions and contacts for reporting spills and illicit discharges/illegal dumping. BMP A B C D No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Annual Reporting Metric 39 Provide training on erosion and sediment control (ESC) to appropriate staff 3.5.9 Provide or require 1. Train NCDOT staff on 1. Continuously, 1. Number of equivalent stormwater implementation of Permit Years 1-5 staff with pollution awareness appropriate ESC design Level III training for appropriate and applicable ESC/SW NCDOT personnel and components of Certification contractors involved in NCG010000. 2. Require appropriate 2. Continuously, 2. Description of construction activities. contractors to be trained Permit Years 1-5 contract on implementation of language appropriate ESC design requiring and applicable Level I and/or components of II ESC/SW NCG010000. Certification 3. Provide construction staff 3. Continuously, 3. Yes/No with training on general Permit Years 1-5 stormwater awareness, waste management identification of stormwater pollution potential, appropriate spill response actions. 4. Document date of 4. Continuously, 4. Number of training, names of staff Permit Years 1-5 training trained, and agenda. events 5. Make training materials 5. Continuously, 5. Yes/No / Not available to contractors if Permit Years 1-5 needed needed. Page 46 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS000250 DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN 9 Post -Construction Controls This TS4SMP identifies the specific elements to protect water quality, reduce pollutant loading, and minimize post -construction impacts to water quality. NCDOT will continue to implement Post - Construction Controls through several programs. The goal of these programs is to minimize water quality impacts utilizing a combination of structural stormwater control measures (SCMs) and/or non- structural BM Ps appropriate for the NCDOT. The programs and their targeted efforts include: The BMP Retrofit Program, which incorporates both structural and non-structural stormwater retrofits to address pollutant loading from existing NCDOT activities and to evaluate new stormwater controls. Retrofits implemented under the program are not associated with meeting the requirements of any other NCDEQ program unless otherwise allowed. Each year, potential sites are evaluated and selected for retrofits under this program. The Retrofits Program collaborates with the Research and BMP Toolbox Programs to design, construct, and assess new and innovative BMP types or components. In 2018, NCDOT developed a plan which envisioned a new program designed to identify potential locations for retrofit BMPs. Named the Retrofit Opportunity Site Selection (ROSS), the program is anticipated to improve the efficiency of delivering the Retrofit Program by removing retrofit site selection from the critical path. Recently NCDOT made substantial progress in developing the mobile field applications along with the geodatabase schema designed to store the program's data. Testing and training of field crews are in the planning stages. The BMP Toolbox, which aids in the siting, design, and construction of stormwater quality BMPs with guidance on the suitability of each for NCDOT applications. NCDOT continues to evaluate other BMP technologies to assess their practical need in the NCDOT TS4 and inclusion in the BMP Toolbox. The Toolbox Program works collaboratively with the NCDOT's Research and Retrofits Programs to evaluate research on existing and new BMP types for potential manual inclusion. If considered for inclusion, proprietary BMPs will be evaluated in keeping with the current NCDEQ policy on new stormwater treatment technologies. NCDOT continues to make the Toolbox and related materials, such as the BMP Decision Support Matrix, available to design engineers within NCDOT and for professional engineering firms (PEFs) and other business partners which provide design services, by posting the documents on its Connect website. The Post -Construction Stormwater Program (PCSP), which is designed to promote improvements to stormwater runoff from new NCDOT development and redevelopment for new BUA. The PCSP requires structural and non-structural best management practices to protect water quality, reduce pollutant loading, and minimize post -construction impacts to water quality. The PCSP defines how post -construction controls in the approved BMP Toolbox should be implemented for projects and describes a training program for NCDOT staff and contractors to implement the BMP Toolbox and to incorporate watershed quality strategies. In 2021, NCDOT initiated the Project Delivery (IPD), an agency -wide initiative to improve the processes of designing and implementing NCDOT activities. Historically, stormwater management decisions have occurred in the latter part of project development, which can result in project delays and increased costs. By integrating stormwater management Page 47 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS000250 DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN decisions into the IPD workflow, NCDOT has moved some of the stormwater management decisions steps up in the process, which has been documented in the Project Delivery Network (PDN). The HSP will continue to solidify these processes in the PCSP update planned for release by June 2022. The PCSP also develops additional tools to guide and document BMP design. For example, the Stormwater Management Plan (SMP), used to document stormwater management efforts, has been updated to include an automated stormwater control summary table for inclusion in construction plans. This will help aid in the transition of stormwater controls from design through construction and into the inspection and maintenance phase of its life cycle. NCDOT has existing requirements for implementation of its NPDES TS4 post -construction requirements. These existing requirements are defined in guidance, manuals and/or standard operating procedure(s) as summarized in Table 9-1 below. In addition to the Post -Construction Control programs listed above, NCDOT also utilizes guidance, manuals, and/or standard operating procedure(s) from its Erosion and Sediment Control, Pesticide and Fertilizer Management, and SCM Inspection and Maintenance Programs as well as other NCDOT documents to guide minimization of water quality impacts from post - construction activities, as noted in the table below. Table 9-1: Summary of Existing Post -Construction Program Elements Existing Post -Construction Document Title(s) Date Adopted Program Elements 3.6.1 BMP Retrofit Program Retrofit Opportunity Site Selection Planned 2022 (ROSS) protocol 3.6.2 BMP Toolbox Stormwater Best Management Practices 2008, updated; 2014; Toolbox and associated tools planned update 2022 3.6.3(a) Toolbox implementation PCSP Manual and associated tools 2014; planned update 2022 3.6.3(a) Toolbox implementation Stormwater Management Plan (SMP) 2018, updated 2022 3.6.3(a) Toolbox implementation Preliminary Stormwater Management 2022 Plan (pSMP) 3.6.3(a) Toolbox implementation North Carolina Stochastic Empirical 2021 Loading and Dilution Model (NC-SELDM) Catalog 3.6.3 Designs that provide adequate Guided Reduction of Excess 2012 stormwater control measures Environmental Nutrients (GREEN) Stormwater Management Program — Jordan Lake Watershed 3.6.3 Designs that provide adequate GREEN Stormwater Management 2013 stormwater control measures Program — Falls Lake Watershed 3.6.3 Designs that provide adequate Jordan/Falls Lake Stormwater Nutrient 2014 stormwater control measures Loading Accounting Tool 3.6.3 Designs that provide adequate Environmental Sensitivity Map (ESM) 2008 stormwater control measures 3.5.1 Implement erosion and sediment Best Management Practices for 2003 controls Construction and Maintenance Activities Page 48 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS000250 DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Table 9-1: Summary of Existing Post -Construction Program Elements, continued Existing Post -Construction Document Title(s) Date Adopted Program Elements 3.5.1 Implement erosion and sediment Erosion and Sediment Control Design 2015 controls and Construction Manual 3.7.5 TS4 Vegetation, Pesticide and Vegetation Management Manual 2017 Fertilizer Management Program 3.7.4 SCM Inspection and Maintenance SCM Inspection and Maintenance 2010; planned update Program Manual 2022 3.6.3 Designs that provide adequate Guidelines for Drainage Studies & 2016; updated 2022 stormwater control measures Hydraulic Design The annual reporting metrics for the post construction program are provided in Tables 9-2 through 9-4 below. 9.1 BMP Retrofit Program Table 9-2: Post Construction Control BMPs - BMP Retrofit Program Permit 3.6.1: Implement a BMP Retrofit Program. Ref. Maintain a BMP Retrofit Program to address pollutant loading from existing NCDOT roadway and non -roadway facilities. NCDOT will not be credited under this permit with retrofits implemented to address other NCDEQ regulations unless otherwise allowed by NCDEQ or regulations. The Permittee may partner with other entities to implement new retrofits outside of NNCDOT-ownedand operated property. The Permittee shall: a) Complete a total of seventy (70) retrofits over the 5-year term of this permit. b) Maintain a retrofit inventory tracking system. c) Implement a replacement retrofit for any retrofit completed after the effective date of this permit and subsequently removed from service. d) Maintain approved construction drawings and as -built plans consistent with the permit requirement under 3.6.3(d) below for each structural retrofit established under this permit. A B C D BMP No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule Annual for Implementation Reporting Metric 40 Identify Potential Retrofit Locations Identify potential 1. Maintain a 1. Continuously, 1. Yes/No locations to retrofit that database of Permit Years 1-5 address pollutant loading. potential retrofit locations. 2. Add new locations 2. Continuously, 2. Number of new identified each Permit Years 1-5 locations added to year to database database and total number of locations Page 49 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS0002SO DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Table 9-2: Post Construction Control BMPs - BMP Retrofit Program Permit 3.6.1: Implement a BMP Retrofit Program, continued. Ref. BMP A B C D No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Annual Reporting Metric 41 Complete Retrofits 3.6.1.a Complete a total of 1. Design and construct 1. Continuously, 1. Number of 70 retrofits over the 5- or implement Permit Years 1-5 retrofits year term of this permit. Maintain a retrofit inventory tracking system. retrofits appropriate for the identified pollutants of concern. More than one completed within the permit year and the total number of retrofit can be retrofits over all located at one permit terms location. 2. Maintain a retrofit 2. Continuously, 2. Number of inventory tracking Permit Years 1-5 retrofits in system. Track status development of retrofits. within the permit year 3. Incorporate finished 3. Continuously, 3. Yes/No SCM retrofits into the Permit Years 1-5 I&M program. 4. Verify 70 retrofits are 4. Once, Permit 4. Yes/No completed within the Year 5 5-year term of the permit. 42 Replace Retrofits that have been removed 3.6.1.b Implement a 1. Evaluate if any 1. Annually, Permit 1. Number of replacement retrofit for previously credited Years 1-5 retrofits removed any retrofit completed retrofits have been within the permit after the effective date of removed from year this permit and service. subsequently removed 2. Develop a procedure 2. Permit Years 2-3 2. Yes/No from service. to identify existing retrofits that are to be removed when planning a new project. 3. Initiate a plan for a 3. As needed, 3. Number of new retrofit for each Permit Years 1-5 replacement applicable retrofit retrofits initiated removed. within the permit year 4. Update retrofit 4. As needed 4. Yes/No inventory tracking system. Page 50 NCDOT NPDES T54 PERMIT NCS000250 DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Table 9-2: Post Construction Control BMPs - BMP Retrofit Program Permit 3.6.1: Implement a BMP Retrofit Program, continued. Ref. A B C D BMP No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule Annual for Implementation Reporting Metric 43 Maintain approved construction drawings and as -built plans 3.6.1.d Maintain approved 1. Maintain approved 1. Continuously, 1. Yes/No construction drawings and construction drawings Permit Years 4-5 as -built plans consistent and as -built plans with the permit consistent with the requirement under permit requirement 3.6.3(d) below for each under 3.6.3(d) for structural retrofit each structural established under this retrofit established permit. after the effective date of this permit. 9.2 BMP Toolbox Table 9-3: Post Construction Control BMPs — BMP Toolbox Permit 3.6.2 BMP Toolbox: Ref. a) The permittee shall maintain and implement the April 2014 NCDOT Stormwater BMP Toolbox and subsequent approved revisions to provide design guidance for post -construction stormwater control measures that are appropriate for linear roadway system application. b) The BMP Toolbox shall include appropriate uses/anticipated applications, design criteria, and shall aid in the siting and construction of stormwater quality BMPs. c) The permittee shall review, and update if appropriate, the NCDOT Stormwater BMP Toolbox once per permit term to include new BMP types, design components and guidance. d) The permittee shall obtain Division approval of any proposed revisions to the NCDOT Stormwater BMP Toolbox prior to implementation. A B C D BMP No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule Annual for Implementation Reporting Metric 44 Maintain a BMP Toolbox 3.6.2.a and 3.6.2.b Maintain 1. Review and evaluate if 1. Permit Year 1 1. Yes/No a BMP Toolbox to provide the BMP Toolbox to design guidance for post- include new BMP construction stormwater types, design control measures components and guidance, if needed. appropriate for a linear highway system and aid in siting and construction of BMPs. Page 51 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS0002SO DRAFT -July 29, 2022 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Table 9-3: Post Construction Control BMPs — BMP Toolbox Permit 3.6.2 BMP Toolbox, continued Ref. I A B C D I BMP No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule Annual I for Implementation Reporting Metric 44 Maintain a BMP Toolbox, continued cont. The Toolbox will include 2. Evaluate new BMP 2. Annually, Permit 2. Yes/No new appropriate uses/ types and design Years 1-5 BMP types anticipated applications and elements and recent applicable/Ne design criteria. research to assess if w BMP types the existing Toolbox were not needs to be updated. evaluated 3. Update the Toolbox as 3. Periodically, when 3. Toolbox necessary. determined updated/Upda necessary to not necessary 4. Submit proposed 4. Periodically, when 4. Yes, revised or new update is submitted/No, sections of the BMP determined Toolbox not Toolbox toNCDEQfor necessary updated approval prior to implementation. Page 52 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS000250 DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN 9.3 Post -Construction Stormwater Program Table 9-4: Post Construction Control BMPs - Post -Construction Stormwater Program Permit 3.6.3: Implement a PCSP. Ref. Maintain a Post -Construction Stormwater Program (PCSP) to manage stormwater from new NCDOT development and redevelopment for new built upon area by requiring structural and non-structural BMPs to protect water quality, reduce pollutant loading, and minimize post -construction impacts to water quality. The Permittee shall: a) Define implementation of the approved NCDOT BMP Toolbox in the PCSP Manual. b) Make relevant guidance, post -construction requirements, design standards/guidance, checklists, and/or other materials available to staff and contractors. c) Submit proposed updates to the PCSP to the Division for approval prior to implementation. d) Define and implement a standard policy for preparing and maintaining structural stormwater control measure (SCM) construction drawings and as -built plans on file. A B C D BMP No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule Annual for Implementation Reporting Metric 45 Develop and provide guidance for BMP Toolbox implementation and post -construction requirements 3.6.3.a Define 1. Make guidance on 1. Continuously, 1. Yes/No/ implementation of the how and when to Permit Years 1-5 Partial approved NCDOT BMP implement the BMP Toolbox and post- Toolbox available to construction SCMs in the staff and contractors PCSP Manual. online. 3.6.3.c Submit proposed 2. Submit proposed 2. Periodically, when 2. Updated and updates to the PCSP to the guidance revisions to updated submitted / Division for approval prior NCDEQfor approval Not needed to implementation. prior to implementation. 46 Make guidance available 3.6.3.b Make relevant 1. Maintain a website 1. Continuously, 1. Yes/No/ guidance, post -construction repository of Permit Years 1-5 Partial requirements, design guidance documents. standards, checklists, and/or other materials 2. Verify the correct 2. Annually, Permit 2. Yes/No/ available to staff and information is Years 1-5 Partial contractors. displayed on the website, and update as needed. Page 53 NCDOT NPDES T54 PERMIT NCS000250 DRAFT -July 29, 2022 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Table 9-4: Post Construction Control BMPs - Post -Construction Stormwater Program Permit 3.6.3: Implement a PCSP, continued. Ref. A B C D BMP No• Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Annual Reporting Metric 46 Make guidance available, continued cont. 3. Maintain a current 3. Continuously, 3. Yes/No version of the Post- Permit Years 1-5 Construction Stormwater Program (PCSP) Manual and associated documents online. 4. Maintain a current 4. Continuously, 4. Yes/No version of the BMP Permit Years 1-5 Toolbox Manual online. 5. Maintain a current 5. Continuously, 5. Yes/No version of the SCM Permit Years 1-5 Inspection and Maintenance Manual online. 6. Maintain current 6. Continuously, 6. Yes/No versions of the Permit Years 1-5 stormwater-related design standards and guidance online. 7.Review guidance to 7. Annually, Years 1--5 7. Yes/No determine if updates are needed. 8.Update guidance as 8. Periodically as 8. Need and needed. needed updated / Needed but not updated / Not needed Page 54 NCDOT NPDES T54 PERMIT NCS000250 DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Table 9-4: Post Construction Control BMPs - Post -Construction Stormwater Program Permit 3.6.3: Implement a PCSP, continued. Ref. A B C D BMP No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule Annual for Implementation Reporting Metric 47 Standard Policy for drawings and as -built plans 3.6.3.d Define and 1. Develop the policy 1. Permit Year 1 1. Yes/No/Partial implement a standard and process for and 2 policy for preparing and maintaining SCM maintaining structural construction drawings stormwater control and as -built plans on measure (SCM) file. construction drawings and 2. Develop the database 2. Permit Year 2 2. Yes/No/Partial as -built plans on file. or repository for the construction drawings and as -built plans. 3. Provide training to 3. Permit Year 3 3. Yes/No/Partial NCDOT Staff on maintaining the construction drawings and as -built plans. 4. Implement the policy 4. Permit Year 3 4. Yes/No/Partial and process for all new SCMs. Page 55 NCDOT NPDES T54 PERMIT NCS000250 DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN 10 Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping Programs This TS4SMP provides a comprehensive pollution prevention and good housekeeping strategy for NCDOT's facilities and operations. Pollution prevention and good housekeeping is accomplished through the implementation of seven required programs, which collectively address the ultimate goal of preventing or reducing pollutant runoff from TS4 operations such as rest area maintenance, fleet and building maintenance, new construction and land disturbances, and transportation storm sewer system maintenance. Pollution prevention and good housekeeping for municipal operations includes the following programs: • TS4 Facilities Operation and Maintenance Program • TS4 Spill Response Program • TS4 Operation and Maintenance Program • TS4 SCM Operation and Maintenance Program • TS4 Fertilizer, Pesticide and Fertilizer Management Program • TS4 Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance Program • TS4 Litter Management Program • TS4 Fecal Coliform Reduction Program NCDOT's TS4 Facilities Operation and Maintenance Program involves maintaining and implementing a site -specific Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SPPP) for each non -roadway industrial facility and non -roadway facility with TS4 operations. NCDOT SPPPs describe potential pollution sources at each facility and provide BMPs to minimize potential impacts on stormwater runoff. The Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan requirements of Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations, part 112 (40 CFR 112) have been fully integrated into the SPPPs to emphasize oil spill prevention and response practices at appropriate NCDOT facilities. NCDOT performs inspections and routine maintenance and provides staff training on general stormwater awareness and implementing pollution prevention and good housekeeping practices. NCDOT's TS4 Spill Response Program focuses on minimizing spills from NCDOT facilities and operations. NCDOT maintains spill prevention and response procedures and trains staff involved in handling hazardous substances. NCDOT maintains an extensive TS4 Operation and Maintenance Program for its TS4 collection system, which includes storm drainage catch basins, inlets, and conveyances. NCDOT's TS4 Operation and Maintenance Program involves standard practices that minimize pollutants from entering NCDOT's TS4 collection system from its roadways and non -roadway facilities. NCDOT Division staff and contactors perform inspections of NCDOT's TS4 collection system to identify maintenance needs and they perform both scheduled and non-scheduled system maintenance activities when needed. For example, NCDOT conducts street sweeping at specific designated areas along NCDOT's ROW. NCDOT maintains appropriate mechanisms for the public to report drainage issues, culvert blockages, or other concerns along NCDOT roadways. NCDOT tracks and documents TS4 system maintenance activities. NCDOT also provides training on stormwater awareness and pollution prevention to NCDOT staff that maintain NCDOT's TS4 collection system. NCDOT maintains a SCM Inspection and Maintenance (I&M) Program to aid in the inspection, operation, and maintenance of TS4 owned, operated, and/or maintained SCMs that are installed for compliance with NCDOT's PCSP. NCDOT maintains and updates a SCM I&M Manual, which includes written Page 56 NCDOT NPDES T54 PERMIT NCS000250 DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN procedures outlining the inspection and maintenance of SCMs, inspection checklists and instructions for routine and non -routine maintenance. The program assists NCDOT in better managing their stormwater infrastructure assets. When new SCMs are added to the BMP Toolbox, the I&M Program evaluates them for inspection and maintenance needs and updates the SCM I&M Manual if needed. The program also oversees a comprehensive database system called the Stormwater Control Management System (SCMS), which maintains an inventory of NCDOT's SCMs and tracks their inspection and maintenance records. The I&M Program provides related training for staff and contractors in coordination with other HSP program areas. NCDOT maintains a TS4 Pesticide and Fertilizer Management Program. NCDOT's Roadside Vegetation Management Section and Division Roadside Environmental staff manages application of pesticides, fertilizers, and other vegetation management materials to minimize pollutant potential of stormwater runoff. NCDOT implements appropriate pest control practices through consultation with the North Carolina Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services (NCDA&CS) and North Carolina State University (NCSU), using appropriate vegetation management materials (only those approved by USEPA or NCDA&CS), updating NCDOT's Vegetation Management Manual as new technology and procedures are developed, and providing routine training to staff and contractors. Vegetation management training includes pollution prevention; the appropriate chemical use, storage, and handling practices used by NCDOT; and vegetation management applicator certification requirements. NCDOT maintains its TS4 Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance Program to make sure its vehicles and equipment are fully functional and safe to operate as well as to prevent and minimize contamination of stormwater runoff from areas used for TS4 vehicle and equipment maintenance activities. NCDOT has an extensive preventative maintenance (PM) program managed by NCDOT's Equipment Unit for state owned and operated vehicles and equipment. The PM program involves NCDOT staff and/or contractors performing and documenting regular inspections and tests of its vehicles and equipment and operational systems whose failure has a potential to release pollutants into the environment. The PM program is designed to reduce vehicle and equipment breakdowns and failures by making proper and timely adjustments, repair, or replacement of equipment or parts. NCDOT's PM standard operating procedures include both run-time preventative maintenance and other regularly scheduled inspections, cleaning, and minor repairs of vehicles and equipment to prevent and minimize fluid leaks that could contaminate stormwater runoff. NCDOT Equipment Unit staff are trained in proper PM procedures, as well as pollution prevention and good housekeeping practices. NCDOT maintains a robust TS4 Litter Management Program. This program is managed and implemented statewide by NCDOT's Roadside Environmental Unit, Litter Management staff, Division Roadside Environmental Engineers and staff, Division maintenance personnel, and NCDOT contractors and volunteers. While NCDOT is not the responsible party for litter on its transportation systems, NCDOT implements measures to control litter and debris associated with vehicles. NCDOT maintains policies and procedures to address litter on NCDOT-owned roads and parking lots within NCDOT right-of-way (ROW) and at NCDOT non -roadway facilities. NCDOT HSP and Litter Management strategies include BMPs to reduce litter in stormwater runoff from NCDOT roadways and non -roadway facilities. NCDOT utilizes NCDOT Forces and Contract Litter Removal services to collect and dispose of litter and debris from NCDOT ROW. NCDOT maintains appropriate mechanisms for the public to report litter or debris along our roadways. NCDOT also develops and promotes anti -litter messaging, provides anti -litter educational content to the public, and leverages numerous volunteers to assist with litter removal efforts. NCDOT has scheduled litter collection efforts such as the biannual Litter Sweep, quarterly Adopt - A -Highway collections by volunteer groups, and monthly or otherwise regularly scheduled Contract Page 57 NCDOT NPDES T54 PERMIT NCS000250 DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Litter Removal or Sponsor -A -Highway collections. NCDOT tracks and documents these litter removal activities. NCDOT maintains a TS4 Fecal Coliform Reduction Program that includes various measures to control or minimize, to the maximum extent practicable, sources of fecal coliform from NCDOT non -roadway facilities. NCDOT has installed and maintains numerous Pet Waste Stations at NCDOT Rest Areas, Welcome Centers, and Ferry Terminals for the public to use. NCDOT also has procedures to manage on - site domestic wastewater treatment systems and processes to connect sanitary discharges to public owned treatments works, if feasible. NCDOT will manage, implement, and report the pollution prevention and good housekeeping BMPs as specified in Table 10-1 through Table 10-8 below for each required program. Table 10-1: Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping BMPs - Facilities Operation and Maintenance Program Permit 3.7.1: Facilities Operation and Maintenance Program. Ref. The Permittee shall manage and operate facilities with stormwater pollution potential to minimize the potential for polluted stormwater discharges. The Permittee shall: a) Maintain a current inventory of non -roadway facilities that are owned and operated by the Permittee and have the potential for generating polluted stormwater runoff. The inventory shall also specifically identify and include each facility that is subject to NPDES industrial stormwater permitting. b) Establish and implement specific frequencies, schedules, and standard documentation for facility inspections and routine maintenance. c) Provide annual staff training for facility staff on general stormwater awareness, implementing pollution prevention and good housekeeping practices, spill response, preventative maintenance, and identifying and reporting illicit discharges and illegal dumping. d) NCDOT non -roadway facilities with TS4 operations will maintain and implement site -specific Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SPPP) to address good housekeeping and pollution prevention from their operations. e) Develop, maintain, and implement requirements in accordance with the current NPDES industrial stormwater general permit applicable to each facility which is subject to NPDES industrial stormwater permitting. This condition supersedes the requirement to obtain an NPDES industrial stormwater general permit Certificate of Coverage for each subject facility. BMP A B C D No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule Annual for Implementation Reporting Metric 48 Maintain an Inventory of Non -roadway Facilities 3.7.1.a Maintain an 1. Develop list of non- 1.Year 1 1. Yes/No inventory of non -roadway roadway facilities (as facilities with the potential listed in paragraph to contribute pollution to 1.1.4 of the permit) stormwater runoff. The inventory shall also specifically identify and include each facility that is subject to NPDES industrial stormwater permitting. Page 58 NCDOT NPDES T54 PERMIT NCS000250 DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Table 10-1: Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping BMPs - Facilities Operation and Maintenance Program Permit 3.7.1: Facilities Operation and Maintenance Program, continued. Ref. BMP A B C D No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule Annual for Implementation Reporting Metric 48 Maintain an Inventory of Non -roadway Facilities, continued cont. 2. Identify non -roadway 2. Annually, Permit 2. Yes/No industrial activities (as Years 1-5 listed in paragraph 1.1.4 of the permit) which are subject to NPDES industrial stormwater permitting. 3. Review non -roadway 3. Annually, Permit 3. Number of facilities inventory to Years 2-5 non -roadway confirm its up to date. facilities 49 Facility Inspections and Routine Maintenance 3.7.1.b Establish and 1. Establish inspection 1. Continuously, 1. Yes/No implement specific frequencies for each site Permit Years 1-5 frequencies, schedules, in the site -specific SPPP. and standard 2. Continue the facility 2. Continuously, 2. Yes/No documentation for facility inspections inspection program, Permit Years 1-5 and routine including daily, monthly, maintenance. semi-annual and annual inspections as included in the SPPP for each applicable facility. 3. Document semi-annual 3. Annually, Permit 3. Number of and annual compliance Years 1-5 inspections inspections. 4. Maintain a program to 4. Continuously, 4. Yes/No perform routine Permit Years 1-5 maintenance of material handling areas and stormwater systems at applicable non -roadway facilities. 5. Maintain preventative 5. Continuously, 5. Yes/No maintenance program of Permit Years 1-5 facility equipment and systems. 6. Maintain a program to 6. As needed, 6. Yes/No perform maintenance if Permit Years 1-5 indicated during inspection, as needed. Page 59 NCDOT NPDES T54 PERMIT NCS000250 DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Table 10-1: Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping BMPs - Facilities Operation and Maintenance Program Permit 3.7.1: Facilities Operation and Maintenance Program, continued. Ref. BMP A B C D No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Annual Reporting Metric 50 Provide training to facilities staff 3.7.1.c Provide annual 1. Maintain "train the 1. Continuously, 1. Yes/No staff training for facility trainer" and staff training Permit Years 1-5 staff on general materials. stormwater awareness, implementing pollution 2. Provide "train the trainer" instruction to 2. Annually, Permit Years 1-5 2. Yes/No prevention and good appropriate staff. housekeeping practices, 3. Distribute materials for 3. Annually, 3. Yes/No spill response, preventative maintenance, and identifying and local trainers to train local staff. Permit Years 1-5 reporting illicit discharges 4. Maintain a tracking 4. Annually, 4. Yes/No and illegal dumping. mechanism to document Permit Years 1-5 the "train the trainer" instruction, including the agenda/materials, date. 5. Document date of "train 5. Continuously, 5. Number of the trainer" instruction Permit Years 1-5 training events and agenda. 6. Make training materials 6. Continuously, 6. Yes / No / Not available to contractors if Permit Years 1-5 needed needed. 7. Evaluate if an update to 7. Annually, 7. Yes / No / Not or additional training Permit Year 1-5 needed resources is needed. 51 Develop, maintain, and implement SPPPs NCDOT non -roadway facilities with TS4 operations 3.7.1.d NCDOT non- 1. Implement SPPPs 1. Continuously, 1. Yes/No roadway facilities with TS4 following USEPA and Permit Years 1-5 operations will maintain NCDEQ guidance for and implement a site- stormwater pollution specific Stormwater prevention and BMPs. Pollution Prevention Plan 2. For new activities or 2. Continuously, 2. Yes/No (SPPP) to address good facilities, the SPPP shall Permit Years 1-5 housekeeping and be developed and pollution prevention from implemented prior to their operations, and operation. should include inspections. Page 60 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS000250 DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Table 10-1: Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping BMPs - Facilities Operation and Maintenance Program Permit 3.7.1: Facilities Operation and Maintenance Program, continued. Ref. BMP A B C D No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Annual Implementation Reporting Metric S1 Develop, maintain, and implement SPPPs NCDOT non -roadway facilities with TS4 operations, cont. continued Non -roadway facilities with 3. Maintain a tracking 3. Continuously, 3. Yes/No TS4 operations are system for SPPP Permit Years inspected as part of the implementation. 1-5 SPPP and/or Paragraph 3.7.6 in lieu of NCG080000 requirements for stormwater point source discharges from like industrial activities, as deemed to be similar by DEMLR. 52 Implement General Permit Requirements for non -roadway industrial activities 3.7.1.e Develop, maintain, 1. Assess required facilities 1. Permit Year 1 1. Yes/No and implement and identify needs. requirements in accordance 2 Update the SPPP for the 2. Permit Year 2 2. Yes/No with the current NPDES NC Global TransPark to industrial stormwater include applicable general permit applicable to requirements of each facility which is subject NCG150000. to NPDES industrial 3. Update the SPPP for the 3. Permit Year 2 3. Yes/No stormwater permitting. This condition supersedes the existing asphalt plant to requirement to obtain an include applicable NPDES industrial requirements of stormwater general permit NCG160000. 4. Update the SPPP for 4. Permit Year 3 4. Yes/No Certificate of Coverage for each subject facility. Manns Harbor State Shipyard to include applicable requirements of N CG 190000. 5. Update the SPPP for 5. Permit Year 3 5. Yes/No Raleigh Railcar & Locomotive Maintenance Facility to include applicable requirements of NCG080000. Page 61 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS000250 DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Table 10-1: Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping BMPs - Facilities Operation and Maintenance Program Permit 3.7.1: Facilities Operation and Maintenance Program Ref. A B C D BMP No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Annual Implementation Reporting Metric 52 Implement General Permit Requirements for non -roadway industrial activities, continued cont. 6. Include applicable 6. As needed, prior 6. Not yet requirements of to operation needed / Yes NCG080000 in the SPPP for Charlotte Railcar & Locomotive Maintenance Facility prior to operation. Table 10-2: Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping BMPs —Spill Response Program Permit 3.7.2: Spill Response Program. Ref. The Permittee shall implement a spill response program for non -roadway NCDOT facilities that are owned and operated by the Permittee. The Permittee shall: a) Evaluate facilities to determine the potential for spills and associated impacts to the TS4 and surface waters. b) Maintain a current inventory of facilities that store and/or use materials that have the potential to contaminate stormwater runoff or surface waters if spilled. c) Maintain and implement written spill response procedures. d) Provide annual spill response training for facility staff. A B C D BMP No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Annual Implementation Reporting Metric 53 Identify and Inventory non -roadway facilities with the potential to contaminate stormwater runoff or surface waters from spills 3.7.2.a Evaluate facilities to 1. Develop a procedure to 1. Permit Year 2 1. Yes/No determine the potential for evaluate non -roadway spills and associated facilities for the impacts to the TS4 and potential for spills and surface waters. associated impacts to the TS4 and surface 3.7.2.b Maintain a current waters. inventory of facilities that 2. Implement a procedure 2. Annually, 2. Yes/No store and/or use materials that have the potential to to evaluate facilities. Permit Years contaminate stormwater 3 5 runoff or surface waters if spilled. Page 62 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS000250 DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Table 10-2: Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping BMPs —Spill Response Program Permit 3.7.2: Spill Response Program, continued Ref. A B C D BMP No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Annual Implementation Reporting Metric 53 Identify and Inventory non -roadway facilities with the potential to contaminate stormwater runoff cont. or surface waters from spills, continued 3. Identify which non- 3. Annually, 3. Yes/No roadway facilities that Permit Years store and/or use 3-5 materials having the potential to contaminate stormwater runoff or surface waters if spilled. 54 Spill Response Procedures 3.7.2.c Maintain and 1. Maintain written spill 1. Continuously, 1. Yes/No implement written spill response procedures. Permit Years 1- response procedures. 5 2. Evaluate the spill 2. Annually, 2. Yes/No/Update response procedures Permit Years 1- not needed and update if needed. 5 3. Implement spill 3. As needed, 3. Needed and response procedures. Permit Years 1- implemented / 5 Needed by not implemented / Not needed 55 Provide spill response training to appropriate staff 3.7.2.d Provide annual spill 1. Maintain "train the 1. Continuously, 1. Yes/No response training for facility trainer" and staff Permit Years staff who will respond to training materials. 1-5 facilities that store and/or 2. Provide "train the 2. Annually, 2. Yes/No use materials that have the trainer" instruction to Permit Years potential to contaminate appropriate staff. 1-5 stormwater runoff or 3. Distribute materials for 3. Annually, 3. Yes/No surface waters if spilled. local trainers to train Permit Years local staff. 1-5 Page 63 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS000250 DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Table 10-2: Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping BMPs —Spill Response Program Permit 3.7.2: Spill Response Program, continued. Ref. BMP A B C D No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Annual Reporting Metric 55 Provide spill response training to appropriate staff, continued cont. 4. Maintain a tracking 4. Annually, Permit 4. Yes/No mechanism to Years 1-5 document the "train the trainer" instruction, including the agenda/ materials, date. 5. Document date of "train 5. Continuously, 5. Number of the trainer" instruction Permit Years 1-5 training events and agenda. 6. Make training materials 6. Continuously, 6. Yes/No / Not available to contractors Permit Years 1-5 needed if needed. 7. Evaluate if an update to 7. Annually, Permit 7. Yes/No/Not or additional training Year 1-5 needed resources is needed. Page 64 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS0002SO DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Table 10-3: Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping BMPs - TS4 Operation and Maintenance Program Permit 3.7.3: TS4 Operation and Maintenance Program. Ref. The operation and maintenance of the roadway stormwater collection system shall include a program for reducing or eliminating the discharge of stormwater pollutants including particulates, sediment, litter, and debris. The Permittee shall: a) Develop and implement standard protocols for identifying and addressing high priority areas which have potential for discharge of pollutants to surface waters. b) Implement BMPs to reduce or eliminate the discharge of pollutants from high priority areas. BMPs may include capture technologies; storm drain inlet grate design to minimize the entry of pollutants into the storm sewer system; roadway sweeping; litter and debris removal; catch basin and inlet inspections and cleaning, or other appropriate practices. c) Establish, maintain and implement specific frequencies, schedules, and standard documentation for inspection, operation, and maintenance of the TS4. d) Train maintenance staff and contractors on stormwater awareness and pollution prevention, performing TS4 inspections, identifying and reporting issues, and maintaining the collection system including catch basins, inlets, outfalls and conveyances. BMP A B C D No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Annual Implementation Reporting Metric 56 Develop and implement standard protocols for identifying and addressing high -priority areas 3.7.3.a Develop and 1. Develop protocols 1. Permit Year 2 1. Yes/No implement standard for identifying high protocols for identifying priority areas which and addressing high priority have potential for areas which have potential discharge of for discharge of pollutants pollutants to surface to surface waters. waters. 2. Implement protocol 2. Permit Year 3 2. Yes/No to identify high priority areas 3. Develop protocols 3. Permit Year 3 3. Yes/No for selecting BMPs to address high priority areas, including prioritizing specific areas with highest potential impacts 4. Develop training on 4. Permit Year 3 4. Yes/No standard protocols for identifying and addressing high priority areas Page 65 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS000250 DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Table 10-3: Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping BMPs - TS4 Operation and Maintenance Program Permit 3.7.3: TS4 Operation and Maintenance Program, continued. Ref. A B C D BMP No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Annual Implementation Reporting Metric 57 Implement BMPs to reduce or eliminate the discharge of pollutants from high -priority areas. 3.7.3.b Implement 1. Establish a 1. Permit Year 4 1. Yes/No BMPs to reduce or schedule to eliminate the implement BMPs discharge of requiring pollutants from high- significant design priority areas. BMPs and funding for may include capture prioritized technologies; storm locations. 2. Perform road 2. Continuously, 2. Document lane miles drain inlet grate design to minimize sweeping activities Permit Years 1-5 swept the entry of pollutants in selected areas 3. Perform litter and 3. Continuously, 3. Yes /No (pounds of litter into the storm sewer system; roadway debris removal Permit Years 1-5 to be included in total sweeping; litter and activities in amount collected) debris removal; catch selected areas. 4. Initiate 4. Continuously, 4. Yes/No basin and inlet inspections and implementation of Permit Years 4-5 cleaning, or other BMPs requiring appropriate practices. significant design and funding for prioritized locations. 5. Implement BMPs 5. Continuously, 5. Number of BMPs based on an Permit Years 4- 5 implemented established schedule. 58 Maintain the TS4 collection system 3.7.3.c Establish, 1. Establish specific 1. Permit Year 2 1. Yes/No maintain, and frequencies and implement specific schedules for frequencies, inspections, schedules, and operation, and standard maintenance of documentation for the TS4 SMP, inspection, operation, based on and maintenance of prioritization of the TS4. roadway facility type and potential for impact to water quality. Page 66 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS000250 DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Table 10-3: Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping BMPs - TS4 Operation and Maintenance Program Permit 3.7.3: TS4 Operation and Maintenance Program, continued. Ref. BMP A B C D No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Annual Reporting Metric 58 Implement BMPs to reduce or eliminate the discharge of pollutants from high -priority areas, cont. continued 2. Establish standard 2. Permit Year 2 2. Yes/No documentation for inspection, operation, and maintenance of the TS4. 3. Update existing training 3. Permit Years 3. Yes/No/ on inspecting, 3-5 Updates were maintaining, and not necessary documenting maintenance on the collection system including catch basins, inlets, outfalls and conveyances. 4. Perform current practices 4. Continuously, 4. Yes/No of scheduled Permit Years maintenance on the TS4 1-3 collection system on an established schedule. 5. Integrate new practices 4. Continuously, 4. Yes/No into scheduled Permit Years maintenance on the TS4 4-5 collection system on an established schedule. 6. Perform unscheduled 6. Continuously, 6. Yes/No maintenance on the TS4 Permit Years collection system based 1-5 on maintenance needs identified after significant storm events, citizen complaints, or as identified during other operations. Page 67 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS000250 DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Table 10-3: Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping BMPs - TS4 Operation and Maintenance Program Permit 3.7.3: TS4 Operation and Maintenance Program, continued. Ref. BMP A B C D No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Annual Reporting Metric 59 Provide operation and maintenance training 3.7.3 d Train maintenance 1. Train appropriate staff 1. Annually, Permit 1. Yes/No staff and contractors on on stormwater Years 1-5 stormwater awareness awareness pollution and pollution prevention, prevention training in performing TS4 conjunction with the inspections, identifying and reporting issues, and facility where staff are located. 2. Train appropriate staff 2. Annually, Permit 2. Yes/No maintaining the collection system including catch on performing TS4 Years 1-5 basins, inlets, outfalls and inspections, conveyances. identifying and reporting issues. 3. Train appropriate staff 3. Annually, Permit 3. Yes/No on maintaining the Years 1-5 collection system including catch basins, inlets, outfalls and conveyances. 4. Develop a procedure 4. Year 4 4. Yes/No to implement training requirements for applicable contractor staff. 5. Implement contractor 5. Year 5 5. Yes/No training procedures 6. Integrate updated 6. As available 6. Yes/No protocols into annual training as new protocols become available. 7. Review training 7. Annually, Permit 7. Yes/No materials annually Years 1-5 8. Update guidance as 8. Periodically as 8. Need and needed. needed updated / Needed but not updated / Not needed Page 68 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS000250 DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Table 10-4: Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping BMPs - SCM Inspection and Maintenance Program Permit 3.7.4: TS4 SCM Inspection and Maintenance Program. Ref. Measures to manage NCDOT owned, operated, and/or maintained SCMs. The permittee shall: a) Maintain a current inventory of SCMs. b) Inspect and maintain each SCM in accordance with appropriate operation & maintenance criteria for the device, which shall include specific frequencies, schedules, and standard documentation. c) Train SCM inspection and maintenance staff and contractors on inspection, operation, and maintenance of SCMs. A B C D BMP No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Annual Reporting Metric 60 Maintain an SCM Inventory 3.7.4.a Maintain an SCM 1. Maintain an SCM 1. Continuously, 1. Yes/No Inventory. Inventory to include, Permit Years 1-5 at a minimum, the SCM location and type. 2. Update inventory with 2. Continuously, 2. Number of newly constructed Permit Years 1-5 SCMs in SCMs as needed. inventory 61 Perform inspections and maintenance on SCMs 3.7.4.b Inspect and 1. Maintain the SCM 1. Continuously, 1. Yes/No maintain each SCM in I&M Manual, including Permit Years 1-5 accordance with written procedures appropriate operation & and criteria for the maintenance criteria for inspection and the device, which shall maintenance of SCMs. 2. Evaluate if the SCM 2. Annually, Permit 2. Yes and include specific frequencies, schedules, I&M Manual needs to Years 1-5 updated/ Yes and standard be updated. but not documentation. updated / Update not needed 3. Perform inspections 3. Continuously, 3. Yes/No and maintenance on Permit Years 1-5 SCMs in accordance with I&M Manual. 4. Inspect newly 4. Continuously, 4. Number of new constructed SCMs. Permit Years 1-5 projects inspected 5. Track inspections and 5. Annually, Permit 5. Yes /No maintenance of the Years 1-5 SCMs in the inventory. Page 69 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS0002S0 DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Table 10-4: Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping BMPs - SCM Inspection and Maintenance Program Permit 3.7.4: TS4 SCM Inspection and Maintenance Program, continued. Ref. A B C D BMP No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Annual Reporting Metric 62 Provide training to staff performing SCM inspections 3.7.4.c Train SCM 1. Maintain training 1. Continuously, 1. Yes/No inspection and materials on the SCM Permit Years 1-5 maintenance staff and I&M Program and how contractors on to perform and inspection, operation, document inspections and maintenance of and operation. SCMs. 2. Provide training on the 2. Annually, Permit 2. Number of staff SCM I&M Program and Years 1-5 trained how to perform and document inspections and operation. 3. Make training materials 3. Continuously, 3. Yes/No/Not available to contractors Permit Years 1-5 needed if needed. 4. Document date of 4. Continuously, 4. Number of training, names of staff Permit Years 1-5 training events trained, and agenda. Page 70 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS000250 DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Table 10-5: Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping BMPs — Vegetation, Pesticide and Fertilizer Management Program Permit 3.7.5: Vegetation, Pesticide and Fertilizer Management Program. Ref. The Permittee shall manage landscape chemical usage to minimize the potential for polluted stormwater discharges. The Permittee shall: a) Provide annual training for vegetation management personnel, and train or require equivalent training for vegetation management contractors. Training shall consist of appropriate uses and applications of pest control products (chemical agents) and shall also cover proper mowing techniques; appropriate spill response and reporting; label -specific uses, storage and handling of landscape products, tools and equipment; and the potential for water quality impacts. b) Use biological control measures as sanctioned by North Carolina Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services (NCDA&CS). c) Utilize only EPA and/or NCDA&CS approved pesticide and fertilizer products, and apply them in accordance with the manufacturer's directions, labels, and restrictions. d) Maintain compliance with applicable Pesticide Applicator licensing requirements. BMP A B C D No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule Annual for Implementation Reporting Metric 63 Provide training to vegetation management personnel 3.7.5.a Provide annual 1. Staff responsible for 1 Continuously, 1. Number of staff training for vegetation managing the Permit Years 1-5 certified management personnel, application of and train or require pesticides will equivalent training for maintain certification vegetation management by the North Carolina contractors. Training shall Department of consist of appropriate uses Agriculture and and applications of pest Consumer Services control products (chemical (NCDA&CS) to include agents) and shall also cover appropriate uses and proper mowing techniques; applications of pest appropriate spill response control products and reporting; label -specific (chemical agents), uses, storage and handling label -specific uses, of landscape products, storage and handling tools and equipment; and of landscape products the potential for water and the potential for quality impacts. water quality. 2. Maintain training 2. Continuously, 2. Yes/No 3.7.5.d Maintain compliance with applicable materials to Permit Years 1- Pesticide Applicator supplement licensing requirements. certification training, as needed. Page 71 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS000250 DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Table 10-5: Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping BMPs — Vegetation, Pesticide and Fertilizer Management Program Permit 3.7.5: Vegetation, Pesticide and Fertilizer Management Program, continued. Ref. BMP A B C D No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Annual Reporting Metric 63 Provide training to vegetation management personnel, continued cont. 3. Provide general 3. Annually, Permit 3. Number of staff training on pollution Years 1-5 trained prevention and chemical use, storage and handling, spill response and the potential for water quality for staff involved in application of pesticides and fertilizers. 4. Provide training on 4. Annually, Permit 4. Number of staff proper mowing Years 1-5 trained techniques, tools and equipment; and the potential for water quality impacts to staff performing associated duties. 5. Make training 5. Continuously, 5. Yes/No/Not materials available to Permit Years 1-5 needed contractors if needed. 6. Document date of 6. Continuously, 6. Number of training, names of Permit Years 1-5 training events staff trained, and agenda. 7. Require equivalent 7. Continuously, 7. Yes/No training for vegetation Permit Years 2-5 management contractors through contract language. Page 72 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS000250 DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Table 10-5: Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping BMPs — Vegetation, Pesticide and Fertilizer Management Program Permit 3.7.5: Vegetation, Pesticide and Fertilizer Management Program, continued. Ref. A B C D BMP No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule Annual for Implementation Reporting Metric 64 Implement appropriate pest control methods and practices 3.7.5.b Use biological 1. Continue to consult with 1. As Needed, 1. Yes/No/Not control measures as NCDA&CS and North Permit Years 1-5 needed sanctioned by North Carolina State University Carolina Department of (NCSU), as needed, in Agriculture & Consumer selecting appropriate Services (NCDA&CS). pest control methods and implementation 3.7.5.c Utilize only EPA practices. and/or NCDA&CS 2. Maintain and update 2. As Needed, 2. Yes/No approved pesticide and the NCDOT Roadside Permit Years 1-5 fertilizer products, and Vegetation apply them in accordance Management Manual as with the manufacturer's new methods and directions, labels, and practices are adopted. restrictions. 3. Restrict pesticide and 3. Continuously, 3. Yes/No fertilizer usage to those Permit Years 1-5 materials approved by EPA/NCDA&CS. Pesticide and fertilizer shall be used in accordance with label restrictions. Page 73 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS0002SO DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Table 10-6: Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping BMPs - Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance Program Permit 3.7.6: Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance Program. Ref. The Permittee shall maintain a Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance Program to prevent and minimize contamination of stormwater runoff from TS4 vehicle and equipment maintenance and/or cleaning activities. The Permittee shall: a) Perform routine inspections of facilities, vehicles, and equipment, and establish specific frequencies, schedules, and documentation for inspections, and re -inspections when issues are identified. b) Provide annual staff training for facility staff on general stormwater awareness, implementing pollution prevention and good housekeeping practices, spill response, preventative maintenance, and identifying and reporting illicit discharges and illegal dumping. A B C D BMP No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule Annual for Implementation Reporting Metric 65 Conduct inspections and preventative maintenance on vehicles and equipment 3.7.6.a Perform routine 1. Establish specific 1. Permit Year 2 1. Yes/No inspections of facilities, frequencies, schedules, vehicles, and equipment, and documentation and establish specific procedures for frequencies, schedules, inspections, and re - and documentation for inspections of facilities, inspections, and re- vehicles, and equipment inspections when issues when issues are are identified. identified. 2. Maintain procedures to 2. Continuously, 2. Yes/No inspect active vehicles and Permit Years 2-5 equipment in NCDOT's fleet for maintenance needs. 3. Implement 3. Permit Year 2 3. Yes/No documentation procedures for inspections and re - inspections. 4. Establish facility 4. Continuously, 4. Yes/No / All inspection frequencies Permit Years 1-5 facilities and practices if not covered under already included in SPPPs 3.7.1. under Paragraph 3.7.1. 5. Provide preventative 5. Continuously, 5. Yes/No maintenance on active Permit Years 1-5 vehicles and equipment in NCDOT's fleet. Page 74 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS0002SO DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Table 10-6: Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping BMPs - Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance Program Permit 3.7.6: Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance Program, continued. Ref. BMP A B C D No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule Annual for Implementation Reporting Metric 66 Provide training to staff maintaining vehicles and equipment 3.7.6.b Provide annual 1. Perform training on 1. Continuously, 1. Yes/No staff training for facility general stormwater Permit Years 2-5 staff on general awareness, stormwater awareness, implementing pollution implementing pollution prevention, good prevention and good housekeeping practices housekeeping practices, and spill response in spill response, conjunction with preventative training for facility staff. 2• Perform training on 2. Continuously, 2. Yes/No maintenance, and identifying and reporting identifying and Permit Years 2-5 illicit discharges and reporting illicit illegal dumping. discharges and illegal dumping in conjunction with training for facility staff. 3. Perform training on 3. Continuously, 3. Yes/No preventative Permit Years 2-5 maintenance. 4. Maintain training 4. Continuously, 4. Yes/No materials. Permit Years 2-5 Page 75 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS000250 DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Table 10-7: Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping BMPs - Litter Management Program Permit 3.7.7: Litter Management Program. Ref. The Permittee shall maintain a Litter Management Program to prevent and minimize the discharge of litter from the NCDOT right-of-way. The Permittee shall: a) Continue to implement litter management programs to collect litter and debris and minimize discharges to surface waters. b) Establish and implement standard processes and documentation for routine litter inspections and removal, performed at a minimum of quarterly, and including identification of high priority areas that will receive more frequent inspections, removal and/or BMPs. c) Utilize TS4 mapping efforts to support decisions on identification of high priority areas and implementation of BMPs to prevent the discharge of litter to surface waters. d) Implement BMPs to reduce or eliminate the discharge of litter and debris from high priority areas. BMPs may include capture technologies; storm drain inlet grate design to minimize the entry of litter and debris into the storm sewer system; litter and debris removal; catch basin and inlet inspections and cleaning, or other appropriate practices. BMP A B C D No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Annual Reporting Metric 67 Continue to implement litter management programs 3.7.7.a Continue to 1. Use NCDOT Forces to 1. Continuously, 1. Document implement litter collect litter/debris. Permit Years 1-5 quantity of management litter/debris programs to collect collected 2. Use Contract Litter 2. Continuously, 2. Document litter and debris and minimize discharges to Removal services to Permit Years 1-5 quantity of surface waters. collect litter/debris. litter/debris collected 3. Continue Adopt -A- 3. Continuously, 3. Document Highway Program. Permit Years 1-5 quantity of litter/debris collected 4. Continue Sponsor -A- 4. Continuously, 4. Document Highway Program. Permit Years 1-5 quantity of litter/debris collected 5. Continue Swat -A- 5. Continuously, 5. Number of Swat - Litterbug Program. Permit Years 1-5 A -Litterbug reports mailed out 6. Dispose of litter 6. Continuously, 6. Quantity of total collected through litter Permit Years 1-5 litter/debris management collected programs. Page 76 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS000250 DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Table 10-7: Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping BMPs - Litter Management Program Permit 3.7.7: Litter Management Program, continued Ref. A B C D BMP No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule Annual for Implementation Reporting Metric 68 Establish routine litter inspections and removal 3.7.7.b Establish and 1. Establish standard 1. Permit Year 1 1. Yes/No implement standard processes for routine processes and litter inspections and documentation for removal to be routine litter performed quarterly. 2. Establish processes for 2. Permit Year 1 2. Yes/No inspections and removal, performed at documentation of a minimum of routine litter quarterly, and including inspections and identification of high removal. 3. Implement standard 3. Continuously, 3. Document priority areas that will receive more frequent processes and Permit Years 1-5 quantity of inspections, removal documentation for litter/debris and/or BMPs. routine litter collected inspections and 3.7.7.c Utilize TS4 removal, performed at mapping efforts to a minimum of support decisions on quarterly. identification of high 4. Coordinate with NCDOT 4. Continuously, 4. Yes/No priority areas and Division Staff to identify Permit Years 1-5 implementation of high priority areas BMPs to prevent the where litter and debris discharge of litter to may enter surface surface waters. waters. 5. Utilize TS4 mapping 5. Permit Year 5 5. Yes/No efforts to support decisions on identification of high priority areas and implementation of BMPs to prevent the discharge of litter to surface waters. 6. Implement more 6. On established 6. Yes/No frequent inspections schedule, Permit and litter removal in Years 4-5 high priority areas. Page 77 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS000250 DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Table 10-7: Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping BMPs - Litter Management Program Permit 3.7.7: Litter Management Program, continued Ref. BMP A B C D No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Annual Reporting Metric 69 Implement BMPs to reduce or eliminate the discharge of litter and debris from high priority areas. 3.7.7.d Implement BMPs 1. Establish a schedule to 1. Permit Year 3 1. Yes/No to reduce or eliminate implement BMPs the discharge of litter requiring significant and debris from high design and funding for priority areas. BMPs may prioritized locations. 2. Perform road sweeping 2. Continuously, 2. Document lane include capture technologies; storm activities in selected Permit Years 2-5 miles swept drain inlet grate design areas. to minimize the entry of 3. Perform litter and 3. Continuously, 3. Yes /No (volume litter and debris into the debris removal Permit Years 1-5 of litter to be storm sewer system; activities in prioritized included in total litter and debris areas. amount collected) removal; catch basin and 4 Initiate implementation 4. Continuously, 4. Number of BMPs inlet inspections and of BMPs requiring Permit Years 4-5 implemented cleaning, or other significant design and appropriate practices. funding for prioritized locations. 5. Implement BMPs based 5. Continuously, 5. Yes/No on an established Permit Years 4- 5 schedule. Page 78 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS000250 DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Table 10-8: Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping BMPs - Fecal Coliform Reduction I Program Permit Ref. BMP No. 3.7.8: Fecal Coliform Reduction Program. The Permittee shall control, to the maximum extent practicable, sources of fecal coliform from NCDOT non -roadway facilities. At a minimum, the Permittee shall: a) Maintain pet waste management measures at NCDOT rest areas and ferry terminals. b) Connect on -site septic systems at NCDOT non -roadway facilities to publicly owned treatment works (POTWs) where feasible; or properly operate and maintain the on -site septic system. Proper operation and maintenance for septic systems shall include staff training on general stormwater awareness, impacts of fecal coliform in receiving waters, and how to properly operate and maintain the septic system. A Description of BMP B Measurable Goal(s) 70 1 Maintain a pet waste management measures 3.7.8.a Maintain NCDOT's pet waste management measures at Rest Areas/Welcome Centers and Ferry Terminals. 1. Post signage and make available pet waste disposal kiosks at Rest Areas/ Welcome Centers and Ferry Terminals. 2. Provide public education materials about the impact of pet waste to water quality at Rest Areas/Welcome Centers and Ferry Terminals. 71 1 Connect sanitary discharges to POTWs 3.7.8.b Connect on -site septic systems at NCDOT non -roadway facilities to publicly owned treatment works (POTWs) where feasible; or properly operate and maintain the on -site septic system. 1. Operate and maintain on -site domestic wastewater treatment systems in accordance with manufacturer's and State guidance. 2. Connect existing on - site domestic wastewater treatment systems to a POTW when available. N Schedule for Implementation 1. Continuously, Permit Years 1-5 2. Continuously, Permit Years 1-5 1. Continuously, Permit Years 1-5 2. Annually, Permit Years 1-5 D Annual Reporting Metric 1. Number of pet waste stations 2. Yes/No 1. Yes/No 2. Yes/No Page 79 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS0002SO DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Table 10-8: Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping BMPs - Fecal Coliform Reduction Program Permit 3.7.8: Fecal Coliform Reduction Program, continued. Ref. BMP A B C D No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule Annual for Implementation Reporting Metric 71 Connect sanitary discharges to POTWs, continued cont. 3.7.8.b Proper operation 3. Perform training on 3. Continuously, 3. Yes/No and maintenance for general stormwater Permit Years 1-5 septic systems shall awareness and include staff training on impacts of fecal general stormwater coliform in receiving awareness, impacts of waters in conjunction fecal coliform in receiving with training for waters, and how to facility staff. 4. Develop training for 4. Permit Years 2 4. Yes/No properly operate and maintain the septic appropriate staff on system. how to properly operate and maintain the septic system. 5. Provide training for 5. Continuously, 5. Yes/No appropriate staff on Permit Years 3-5 how to properly operate and maintain the septic system. Page 80 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS000250 DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN 11 Total Maximum Daily Load Program As part of its current Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Program, NCDOT has developed and implemented a process to address impaired waters identified in TMDLs in which NCDOT is named as a significant contributor of the pollutant of concern and is assigned a WLA. The TMDL Program relies heavily on data that is collected under the Research Program to inform pollutant loading and water quality and watershed modeling decisions. TMDL compliance is supported through the Retrofits Program and its efforts to identify suitable locations for stormwater retrofits and successfully implement controls that achieve NCDOT's WLAs. NCDOT has collaborated with NCDWR's Modeling and Assessment Branch, including recently providing support the upcoming modeling studies addressing impairments in the Turkey Creek and Virginia Creek watersheds, developing partnerships in the Walnut Creek watershed, and involvement in nutrient and watershed modeling studies throughout the state. NCDOT maintains a database of TMDLs applicable to its discharges. NCDOT will manage, implement and report the TMDL Program BMPs as specified in Table 11-1 below. Table 11-1: Total Maximum Daily Load Program Permit 3.8: Total Maximum Daily Load Program. Ref. The Permittee shall develop and implement a TMDL program. At a minimum, the Permittee shall: 3.8.1 For EPA -approved TMDLs that specifically name the Permittee as a significant contributor and assigns a unique WLA to the Permittee that is separate from other sources, develop and implement water quality improvement strategies. 3.8.2 For approved TMDLs that have no EPA -approved WLA which specifically assigns a unique WLA to the Permittee, evaluate strategies and tailor and/or expand BMPs within the scope of this permit to reduce the TMDL pollutant(s) of concern in the named watershed(s) to the maximum extent practicable. 3.8.3 Describe any strategies and tailored and/or expanded measures in the TS4SMP. BMP A B C D No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule Annual for Implementation Reporting Metric 72 Track EPA -approved TMDLs Track EPA -approved TMDLs. 1. Maintain a TMDL 1. Continuously, 1. Updated/Not Tracking Database Permit Years 1-5 updated/ to track TMDLs Update not that have been needed since no issued. new TMDLs were issued Page 81 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS0002S0 DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Table 11-1: Total Maximum Daily Load Program Permit Ref. 3.8: Total Maximum Daily Load Program, continued. A B C D BMP Schedule No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) for Annual Implementation Reporting Metric 73 Address TMDLs where NCDOT is named as a significant contributor and is assigned a unique WLA 3.8.1 For EPA -approved 1. Track the number and 1. Annually, Permit 1. Number of TMDLs that specifically name status of TMDLs where Years 1-5 applicable the Permittee as a significant NCDOT is named as a TMDLs contributor and assigns a significant contributor unique WLA to the Permittee and a unique WLA is that is separate from other assigned to NCDOT. sources, develop and implement water quality improvement strategies. 2. Develop a site -specific 2. As needed, 2. Number of new water quality Permit Years 1- site -specific improvement strategy. 5 strategies developed within permit year / New strategy in development /No new TMDLs issued 3. Implement actions 3. Annually, Permit 3. Number of site - described in site -specific Years 1-5 specific water quality improvement improvement strategies strategies under which implementation activities took place Page 82 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS000250 DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Table 11-1: Total Maximum Daily Load Program Permit 3.8: Total Maximum Daily Load Program, continued. Ref. BMP A B C D No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Annual Reporting Metric 74 Address TMDLs where NCDOT is not assigned a unique WLA 3.8.2 For approved TMDLs that 1. For new projects, 1. Continuously, 1. Yes/No have no EPA -approved WLA evaluate Permit Years 1-5 which specifically assigns a implementation of unique WLA to the Permittee, the BMP Toolbox evaluate strategies and tailor and other design and/or expand BMPs within guidance tools to the scope of this permit to address water reduce the TMDL pollutant(s) quality pollutants of of concern in the named concern to the watershed(s) to the maximum MEP. extent practicable (MEP). 2. To address existing 2. Permit Year 4 2. Yes/No assets, develop procedures to apply protocols for identifying high priority areas under the TS4 Operation and Maintenance Program to TMDL watersheds. 3. Develop protocols 3. Permit Year 4 3. Yes/No for selecting BMPs to address high priority areas in TMDL watersheds, including prioritizing specific areas with highest potential impacts. 4. Develop training 4. Permit Year 4 4. Yes/No on standard protocols for identifying and addressing high priority areas in TMDL watersheds. Page 83 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS0002SO DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Table 11-1: Total Maximum Daily Load Program Permit 3.8: Total Maximum Daily Load Program, continued. Ref. BMP A B C D No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule Annual for Implementation Reporting Metric 74 Address TMDLs where NCDOT is not assigned a unique WLA, continued cont. 5. Utilize TS4 mapping 5. Permit Year 5 5. Yes/No efforts to support decisions on identification of high priority areas and implementation of BMPs to prevent the discharge of litter to surface waters. 75 3.8.3 Describe any strategies 1. Strategies 1. Annually, Permit 1. Yes/No and tailored and/or implemented within Years 1-5 expanded measures in the the reporting period TS4SMP. are described in the annual report. Page 84 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS000250 DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN 12 Research Program NCDOT's Research Program's primary mission is to support all aspects of the HSP through development of practical solutions to stormwater management. NCDOT conducts research with faculty and staff at state universities or other designated institutions that result in independent quantitative assessment of stormwater from NCDOT's permitted activities and/or measure SCM effectiveness. NCDOT also conducts research to enhance or improve existing practices, and to develop new methods or processes to meet future permit requirements. As part of the program, NCDOT maintains a Research Plan that describes the processes to request funding, to evaluate effectiveness of SCMs and to identify research needs. NCDOT will manage, implement, and report the Research Program BMPs as specified in Table 12-1 below. Table 12-1: Research Program Permit 3.9: Research Program. Ref. The Permittee shall implement a Research Program. At a minimum, the Permittee shall: 3.9.1 Implement a Research Program to facilitate research to enhance or improve existing practices or develop new methods or processes to meet TS4 permit requirements. 3.9.2 Conduct research with faculty and staff at state universities or other independent institutions that result in impartial quantitative assessment of stormwater from NCDOT permitted activities and/or measure structural BMP effectiveness. BMP A B C D No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Annual Reporting Metric 76 Facilitate Research 3.9.1 Implement a Research 1. Maintain a 1. Continuously, 1. Yes/No Program to facilitate research Research Plan Permit Years 1-5 to enhance or improve addressing existing practices or develop research needs for new methods or processes to the permit meet TS4 permit requirements. 2. Assess needs and 2. Annually, Permit 2. Yes/No requirements. identify potential Years 1-5 research projects. 3. Evaluate the 3. Annually, Permit 3. Yes/No Research Plan to Years 1-5 determine if updates are needed. 4. Update the 4. As needed 4. Needed and Research Plan updated / Needed and not updated / Not needed Page 85 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS000250 DRAFT -July 29, 2022 DRAFT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Table 12-1: Research Program Permit 3.9: Research Program, continued. Ref. A B C D BMP No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule Annual for Implementation Reporting Metric 77 Conduct Research 3.9.2 Conduct research with 1. Perform or 1. Continuously, 1. Number of faculty and staff at state sponsor research Permit Years 1-5 active research universities or other in accordance projects related independent institutions that with Research to the permit result in impartial quantitative Plan. 2. Complete the 2. As needed, 2. Yes, form assessment of stormwater from NCDOT permitted Research and Permit Years 1-5 completed / activities and/or measure Development Close Form not structural BMP effectiveness. Out completed / No Implementation new research Plan form for completed this NCDOT's Research year and Development Program. Page 86 NCDOT NPDES TS4 PERMIT NCS000250 DRAFT -July 29, 2022