HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0041696_Correspondence_20181012NPDCS DOCUMENT Sr A MP4$ v_ CoW !oiRirT NC0041696 Valdese — Lake Rhodhiss WWTP NPDES Permit: Document Type: Permit Issuance Wasteload Allocation Authorization to Construct (AtC) Permit Modification Complete File - Historical Engineering Alternatives (EAA) Correspondence .. Owner Name Change Compliance Instream Assessment (67b) Speculative Limits Environmental Assessment (EA) Document Date: October 12, 2018 Thine document ios printed on reuae paper - ignore arty - -- --�4 4-1-e i e rere % side Grzyb, Julie 4 Aft o a (-69.6 From: Grzyb, Julie Sent: Friday, October 12, 2018 10:03 AM To: 'CBortnick@valdesenc.gov' Cc: Zhong, Vivien Subject: New Industrial User at Valdese WWTP Chris, NPDES reviewed your notification letter concerning the Town's plans to issue an Industrial User Permit (IUP) and accept wastewater from Valdese Water Recycling, LLC. This facility will operate as a Centralized Waste Treatment facility and its 0.200 MGD discharge will constitute approximately 10% of the daily flow; based upon 2018 average daily influent flow at the WWTP of 2.12 MGD (Jan. - Sept.). As identified, the pollutants of concern are those designated within section 437.47 (PSNS) and have been entered into the most recent Pretreatment AT/HWA for Valdese; with the designation of 7.5 MGD. NPDES reviewed the calculations performed as part of this analysis and determined Water Quality Standards will be protected with the issuance of the IUP and a NPDES permit modification is not necessary at this time. This information will be included in the Town's NPDES file and will be carefully re- evaluated during the next permit renewal. NPDES requests that once this Industrial User is operating the Town of Valdese perform an Effluent Pollutant Scan which includes wastewater from the Valdese Water Recycling facility. This analysis shall be included with the next permit renewal application for evaluation. Thanks for informing the Division of potential changes in the wastewater being received at the WWTP. Julie Julie A Grzyb Supervisor NPDES Complex Permitting NC DEQ / Division of Water Resources / Water Quality Permitting 919 707 3605 office 919 707 9000 main office julie.grzyb aC�ncdenr.gov Physical Address: 512 North Salisbury St., Raleigh, NC, 27604 Mailing Address: 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC, 27699-1617 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. (L: {'`iv- 1 Grzyb, Julie From: Bortnick, Chris <CBortnick@valdesenc.gov> Sent: Friday, October 5, 2018 2:01 PM To: Grzyb, Julie Cc: Zhong, Vivien; Padgett, Greg Subject: [External] Valdese - Centralized Waste Treatment Attachments: Valdese - CWT add.docx; Lastest Valdese_HWA_AT_2018.xls Importance: Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: High Flag for follow up Flagged CAUTION: Spam. Report Good Afternoon Julie, Please find the attached letter and information regarding our conversation about the CWT coming to Valdese. Any recommendations, statements or updates that can be provided, in a timely manner, would be appreciated. As we both indicated, entities believe the pace of permitting should be done at their leisure, but realistically can only move so fast. If I can be of further assistance, simply let me know. I've forwarded a bit of information to Vivien over the past month, prior to your inclusion, so she may already have items not included in this email. Hope you have an enjoyable weekend, -f2(/cf79--2131 Please Note our new E-Mail domain Valdesenc.gov Under the provisions of G. S. 132-1.4 & 160A-168, the information contained herein may be confidential and not a public record, and is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or reproduction of this communication is not permitted. If you have received this e-mail in error, please delete all electronic copies, destroy all hard copies, and notify me immediately. Your cooperation will be appreciated. 1 October 5, 2018 TO: Julie Grzyb NCDEQ Supervisor: NPDES Complex Permitting Staff FROM: Chris Bortnick Town of Valdese Pretreatment Coordinator Dear Julie, This letter serves as notification that the Town of Valdese Pretreatment Program plans to issue an Industrial User Permit to Valdese Water Recycling, LLC. This company will be a Centralized Waste Treatment Facility (CWT), with plans to operate under Subcategory D (metals/oils/organics) and applicable pretreatment standards (437.47 — PSNS). There will be one sampling point. Based upon their submitted documentation of flow and treatment processes, technology and modeling after similar CWT facilities, the ability to treat waste at this facility can be achieved. The Lake Rhodhiss WWTP (NC0041696) currently has an approved tiered permit (3.5, 7.5 and 10.5 MGD), with 3.5 MGD being the operating point at this time. Through the anticipated addition of the CWT, loadings would indicate a move to the 7.5 MGD status. A request by the CWT for 0.200 MGD would constitute approximately 10% of the daily flow; based upon 2018 average daily influent flow at the WWTP of 2.12 MGD (Jan. - Sept.). Pollutants of concern would be those designated within section 437.47 (PSNS) and have been entered into the most recent AT/HWA for Valdese; with the designation of 7.5 MGD. The only over -allocation noted in the AT is for Silver(Ag), due to (Ag) being the Stream Standard and the minimum pass through basis. Furthermore, I'm not so sure that is a concern because the Ag value should only be utilized in the HWA as an action level POC if the WWTP is failing Whole Effluent Toxicity testing for Ag... The Valdese WWTP has not failed WET testing in many years and definitely not for Ag, whenever it did fail. Quarterly effluent metals testing over the years shows a dominance of "non -detect" for Silver as well. At this time, monitored organic constituents listed within section 437.47, and others, would be hard to determine what effects they would have on the WWTP effluent. For the last 4-5 years, annual Priority Pollutant Analyses conducted on the WWTP effluent indicated no or minimal detection of any stipulated volatile/semi-volatile organics required to be tested within our NPDES permit. This includes having an industrial laundry since 2012 and a small metal -finisher since 2016 in the Valdese pretreatment program. Overall, understanding that CWT's can be difficult and problematic at times, the Town believes in allowing this entity to operate and discharge to the Lake Rhodhiss WWTP, based upon indications within the AT/HWA. Lastly, is an NPDES permit modification necessary for the Lake Rhodhiss WWTP? Thank you for your time and attention in this matter and look forward to your response. Regards, Chris Bortnick Workbook Name: Lastest Valdese_HWA_AT_2018 (00000002); Worksheet Name: HWA, Page,of5 nted 10/11/2018, 12:11 PM A B 1 C 1 D 1 E 1 F I I H I I 1 J 1 K 1 Headworks Analysis POTW POTW Sludge POTW NPDES Permitted POTW Average Uncontrollable 7Q10 Stream Stream Class of Sludge Sluda to Digestor Sludge to Disposal %Solids Sludge Sludge Age Pass -Through Loading Spreadsheet < used in AT only <„scd in HWA calculations Spreadsheet Instructions: 1) Applicable Values should be entered in the Heavy Bordered Blue cells. The rest of worksheet is protected, password is "2". 2) Additional pollutants can be added in cells A34 to A42. Note all Pollutant names are linked from here to other pages in HWA worksheet and also to AT worksheet (i.e.. automatically entered into other pages in HWA worksheet and also AT worksheet from HWA worksheet). 3) Formulas are discussed in the Comprehensive Guidance HWA Chapter. 4) HWA, AT and HASL worksheets are linked. MAHLs, Basis, and Uncontrollable load are automatically entered into AT from this worksheet. 5) If red tab notes are not visible. they can be turned on in the "Tools" menu under "options", in the "view" tab click the "comment Indicator only" button. 2 POTW Name: Lake Rhodhiss 3 Date: 2/1/2018 4 NPDES # => NC0041696 5 Permit # _> WQ0001990 7 Flow(MGD)= 7.5 8 Flow(MGD) 1.98 9 Flow(MGD)= 0.652 10 Flow(MGD)= Classification = generated (A, or B) Flow(MGD)= Flow(MGD)` to Disposal= Site Area(acres)= Site Life(yrsp of Sludge Site(yrs Calculations 147.74 11 WS IV & B-CA 13 A WWTF Influent WWTF Influent WWTF Influent WWTF Influent WWTF Influent Design Values 14 Through talcfor Average Flow different POTW flows Permitted Flow use Design Criteria Loading 15 15 0.04 16 1.68 17 BOD (mg(I) 450 1421.8 375.4 x 18 TSS (mg/l) NH3 (mg/1) Total N(mgll) Total P (mg/1) 200 374.5 98.9 v 19 14 20 22 x 21 10 x 23 Pollutant NPDES LIMIT (mail) Plant Removal Rate (%) Removal rate Source NPDES Loading (Ibs/day) Stream Standard (mg/l) Stream Standard Source Standard Loading (lbslday) Design Criteria Loading (Ibs/day) Pass-Thru Loading (Ibs/day) Minimum Pass-Thru Basis 24 BOD 30 97.89 Site Specific 23,478 28,148 28,148 Design 25 TSS 30 91.99 Site Specific 6,185 12,510 12,510 Design 26 Ammonia 88.15 Literature Value 876 876 Design 27 Arsenic 45 Literature Value 0.01 Calculator - Chr 22.7030 22.7030 Stream Std 28 Cadmium 67 Literature Value 0.000595 Calculator -Chr 2.2514 2.2514 Stream Std 29 Chromium 50.55 SiteSpecilic 0.011 Calculator - Chr 27.7762 27.7762 Stream Std 30 Copper 78.67 Site Specific 0.0079585 Calculator - Chr 46.5893 46.5893 Stream Std 31 Cyanide 62.2 Site Specific 0.005 Calculator - Chr 16.5167 16.5167 Stream Std 32 Lead 61 Literature Value 0.00298 Calculator - Chr 9.5411 9.5411 Stream Std 33 Mercury 60 Literature Value 0.000012 Calculator - Chr 0.03746 0.03746 Stream Std 34 Molybdenum 33 Literature Value 0.16 Calculator - Chr 298.1886 298.1886 Stream Std _ 35 Nickel 42 Literature Value 0.025 Calculator -Chr 53.8218 53.8218 Stream Std 36 Selenium 50 Literature Value 0.005 Calculator - Chr 12.4866 12.4866 Stream Std 37 Silver 75 Literature Value 0.00006 Calculator - Chr 0.2997 0.2997 Stream Std 38 Zinc 51.4 Site Specific 0.1269362 Calculator - Clu 326.1333 326.1333 Stream Std 39 Total Nitrogen 66.64 Site Specific 1376.1 1376.100 Design 40, Total Phos. 69.7 Site Specific 625.5 _ 625.500 Design 41 f 42 8 , 43 h , 44 1 Modeled after: Chapter 5-HWA Guidance, Appendix 5-A Revision Date: February 2008 5 Workbook Name: Lastest Valdese_HWA_AT_2018 (00000002); Worksheet Name: HW�rinted 10/11/2018, 12e11 PM A I B I C I D I E I F I G I H I I I J I K Average Influent NH3 (tng/1) Average Anaerobic Digester NH3 (mg/1) Inhibition Loading ('alculations ANAEROBIC digester 46 3.11 47 48 only enter when have 49 Pollutant Primary Renu,val Rate (%) 1'rinum Remocnl Rate Source A.S./Nit/T.F. Inhibition Concentration (mg/q A.SJNit1T.F. Inhibition Concentration Source A.SJNitJT.F. Inhibition Loading (Ibs/day) Digestor Inhibition Concentration (me/ll Digestor Inhibition Cont. Source Digestor Inhibition Loading (Ibs/day) Minimum Inhibition Loading (lbs/day) Minimum Inhibition Loading Source 50 BOD 9.81 LTMP Data 51 TSS 47.14 LTMP Data 52 Ammonia 0 LTMP Data 480 EPA Lit -Act. SI'. 7926.3360 _ 7926.34 AS/Nit/TF inhibition 53 Arsenic 0 > 50% BI)I. 0.1 EPA Lit -Act. Sig. 1.6513 1.6513 AS/Nit/TF inhibition 54 Cadmium 15 Liter. Value 1 EPA Lit -Act. Sig. 19.4273 19.4273 AS/Nit/TF inhibition 55 Chromium 0 LTMP Data 0.394 NC Lit-Nit-2006 6.5062 6.5062 AS/Nit/TF inhibition 56 Copper 18.71 LTMP Data 0.48 NC Lit-Nit-2006 9.7507 9.7507 AS/Nit/TF inhibition 57 Cyanide 18.9 LTMP Data 0.I PA Lit -Act. Slg. 2.0362 2.0362 AS/Nit/TF inhibition 58 Lead 57 Liter. Value 0.? 'EPA Lit -Nit 19.2014 r 19.2014 AS/Nit/TF inhibition 59 Mercury 10 Liter. Value 0.1 EPA Lit -Act. Sig. 1.8348 1.8348 AS/Nit/TF inhibition 60 Molybdenum 15.22 LTMP Data 61 Nickel 0 LTMP Data 0.25 EPA Lit -Nit 4.1283 4.1283 ASMiVI F inhibition 62 Selenium 0 > 50% BDL 63 Silver 20 Liter. Value 0.25 EPA Lit -Act. 5.1604 5.1604 AS/Nit/TF inhibition 64 Zinc 0 LTMP Data 1 NC Lit-Nit-2006 16.5132 16.5132 AS/Nit/TF inhibition 65 Total Nitrogen 68 Total Phos. 67 f 68 g 69 h 70 1 Modeled after: Chapter 5-HWA Guidance, Appendix 5-A Revision Date: February 2008 a o 5 Workbook Name: Lastest Valdese_HWA_AT_2018 (00000002); Worksheet Name: HWXrinted10/11/2018 12e131 PM A I B I C I D 1 E I F I G 1 H I I I J I K 71 Sludge Loading Calculations 72 73 Pollutant Sludge Ceiling Concentration Limit (mg/kg) Sludge Ceiling Load (lbslday) Sludge Ceiling Load - HASL Colt. - (Ibs/dny) Cumulative Sludge Rate Limit (Ibs/(acre life)) Cumulative Sludge Loading (Ibs/day) Class A Limits Monthly Average Rate Limit (mg/kg) Class A Limits Monthly Avg. Loading (lhs/day) Class A Limits Mon. Avg. Load. - HASL Cnlc. - (Ibs/day) Minimum Sludge Loading (Ibsiday) Minimum Sludge Loading Sorce 74 BOD 75 TSS 76 Ammonia 77 Arsenic -, 0.9341 36 41 0.5106 0.5106 Class A. Mon. Avg. 78 Cadmium 85 0 7110 34 39 0.3262 0.3262 Class A, Mon. Avg. 79 Chromium 80 Copper 4300 30.6334 1338 1500 10.6861 10.6861 Class A, Mon. Avg. 81 Cyanide 82 Lead 840 7.717o 267 300 2.7563 2.7563 Class A. Mon. Avg. 83 Mercury 57 0.5324 15 17 0.1588 0.1588 Class A, Mon. Avg. 84 Molybdenum 75 1.2737 1.2737 Sludge Ceiling 85 Nickel 420 5.6045 374 420 5.6045 5.6045 Sludge Ceiling 86 Selenium 100 1.1209 89 100 1.1209 1.1209 Sludge Ceiling 87 Silver 88 Zinc 7500 81.7774 2498 2800 30.5302 30.5302 Class A, Mon. Avg. 89 Total Nitrogen 90 Total Phos. 91 f 92 g 93 b 94 I 95 Modeled after: Chapter 5-HWA Guidance, Appendix 5-A Revision Date: February 2008 Workbook Name: Lastest Valdese_HWA_AT_2018 (00000002); Worksheet Name: HW� Page5 rioted 10/11/2018, 12 141of PM A B C 1 D E I F I G I H I J I K 96 Maximum Allowable lleadworks Loading Calculations I 97 Minimum Pass Through I.oading (lbs/day) Pass Through Source Minimum Inhibition Loading (Ibs/day) Minimum Inhibition Loading Source Minimum Sludge Loading (lbs/day) Minimum Sludge Loading Sarre Allowable Headworks Loading (Ibs/day) Maximum Allowable Headworks Loading Source 98 BOD 28147.5 Design 28147.5 Design 99 TSS 12510.0 Desiioi 12510.0 Design 100 Ammonia 875.7 Design 7926.3360 AS/Nit/TF inhibiti 875.7 Design 101 Arsenic 22.7030 Stream Std 1.6513 AS/Nit/TF inhibiti 0.5106 Class A. Mon. Avg 0.5106 Class A, Mon. Avg. 102 Cadmium 2.2514 Stream Std 19.4273 AS/NiVfF inhibiti 0.3262 Class A. Mon. Avg. 0.3262 Class A, Mon. Avg 103 Chromium 27.7762 Stream Std 6.5062 AS/Nit/TF inhibiti I 6.5062 AS/Nit/fF inhibition 104 Copper 46.5893 Stream Std 9.7507 AS/NiVfF inhibiti 10.6861 Class A, Mon. Avg. 9.7507 AS/Nit/TF inhibition 105 Cyanide 16.5167 Stream Std 2.0362 AS/Nit/fF inhibiti 2.0362 AS/Nit/TF inhibition 106 Lead 9.5411 Stream Std 19.2014 AS/Nit/TF inhibit! 2.7563 Class A, Mon. Avg. 2.7563 Class A, Mon. Avg. 107 Mercury 0.03746 Stream Std 1.8348 AS/Nit/TF inhibit! 0.1588 Class A. Mon. Ave 0.03746 Stream Std 108 Molybdenum 298.1886 Stream Std 1.2737 Sludge Ceiling 1.2737 Sludge Ceiling 109 Nickel 53.8218 Stream Std 4.1283 AS/Nit/TF inhibiti 5.6045 Sludge Ceiling 4.1283 AS/Nit/TF inhibition 110 Selenium 12.4866 Stream Std 1.1209 Sludge Ceiling 1.1209 Sludge Ceiling 111 Silver 0.2997 Stream Std 5.1604 AS/NitfTF inhibiti 0.2997 Stream Std 112 Zinc 326.1333 Stream Std 16.5132 AS/Nit/TF inhibiti 30.5302 Class A, Mon. Avg. 16.5132 AS/Nit/TF inhibition 113 Total Nitrogen 1376.1 Design 1376.10 Design 114 Total Phos 625.5 Design 625.50 Design 115 f 116 g 117h 118 1 119 Modeled after: Chapter 5-HWA Guidance, Appendix 5-A Revision Date: February 2008 Workbook Name: Lastest Valdese_HWA_AT_2018 (00000002); Worksheet Name: HW& Peof5 rinted 10/11/20113 12ag151 PM A I B I C 0 I [ I F I G I H 1 I I J I K 120 Maximum Allowable industrial Loadings Calculations Design vs. Pass- Thru Warning 121 122 Pollutant Maximum Allowable Headworks Lending (Ibs/day) MAHL Basis Check to Use HASL Coles (x) Uncontrollable Concentration (mg/l) Uncontrollable Source Uncontrollable Land (Ibs/day) Maximum Allowable Industrial Load (Ibs/day) 123 BOD 28147.5000 Design 186 Mass Balance 1011,4085 27136.0915 124 TSS 12510.0000 Design 385 Mass Balance 2093.5068 10416.4932 125 Ammonia 875.7000 Design 8.8 Mass Balance 47.8516 827.8484 126 Arsenic 0.5106 Class A, Mon. Avg. 0.003 Mass Balance 0.0163 0.4943 127 Cadmium 0.3262 Class A, Mon. Avg. 0.0002 Mass Balance 0.0011 0.3251 128 Chromium 6.5062 AS/Nit/TF inhibitil N/A 0.05 Mass Balance 0.2719 6.2343 129 Copper 9.7507 AS/Nit/TF inhibition _ 0.061 Mass Balance 0.3317 9.4190 130 Cyanide 2.0362 AS/Nit/TF inhibiti N/A 0.0147 Mass Balance 0.0799 1.9562 131 Lead 2.7563 Class A, Mon. Avg. 0.049 Mass Balance 0.2664 2.4899 132 Mercury 0.03746 Stream Std 0.0003 Mass Balance 0.00163 0.03583 133 Molybdenum 1.2737 Sludge Ceiling 0.0068 Mass Balance 0.0370 1.2368 134 Nickel 4.1283 AS/Nit/TF inhibition 0.021 Mass Balance 0.1142 4.0141 135 Selenium 1.1209 Sludge Ceiling 0.0199 Mass Balance 0.1082 1.0127 138 Silver 0.2997 Stream Std N/A 0.005 Mass Balance 0.0272 0.2725 137 Zinc 16.5132 AS/Nit/TF inhibition 0.175 Mass Balance 0.9516 15.5616 138 Total Nitrogen 1376.1000 Design 63.0119 Mass Balance 342.6385 1033.4615 139 Total Phos. 625.5000 Design 3.5489 Mass Balance 19.2978 606.2022 140 f 141 g 142 h 143 1 _ Modeled after: Chapter 5-HWA Guidance, Appendix 5-A Revision Date: February 2008 Grzyb, Julie From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Jeffrey Morse <jeff.morse@jmorseconsulting.com> Wednesday, October 10, 2018 12:57 PM Grzyb, Julie lenviron@bellsouth.net [External] Fw: information requested 20181010101728985.pdf CAUTION: Spam. cious email as an attachment to Julie, attached is the information from Derr Leonhardt, President of Valdese Recycling. As a note, the company went through extensive analysis with the town of Valdese Wastewater Treatment director and their pre - treatment director as well as the Town of Valdese's Fire Marshal and the Burke County Building Inspectors' office. Mr. Leonhardt is available 24/7 to respond to any questions or clarifications you might need for your review process. Again, thank you for your earlier quick response to my call. jeff Mr. Leonhardts' number is 919-621-5832 From: lenviron@bellsouth.net <lenviron@bellsouth.net> Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2018 10:52 AM To: Jeffrey Morse Subject: information requested Jeff, Attached are two laboratory reports, one analysis of proposed leachate collection wastewater, and a copy of the Centralized Pretreatment regulations. Here are the facts: 1. Our facility will require a complete profile analysis for each waste stream from our customer prior to acceptance of the wastewater. We will only accept wastes which are compatible with our capabilities and for which we can discharge within the parameters of our permit. 2. Because we are a centralized pretreatment facility, we will be dealing with a wide variety of wastewater. It is not possible to anticipate exactly what will be offered to us for treatment. However, we will rigorously screen all waste to ensure that nothing is accepted which would have a detrimental impact onto the Town of Valdese system. Then we will treat the wastewater to levels well below those specified in the standard. 3. We have contracted for the acceptance and treatment of about one million gallons of wastewater for which laboratory analyses are attached. The laboratory reports are labeled VWR STAT1 and VWR STAT#2. You will see from the laboratory reports that nothing in the waste is inconsistent with our draft permit. These two waste streams will be typical. For the start-up of the facility, these two waste streams will form the majority of our incoming wastewater. 4. We are currently reviewing the acceptance of landfill leachate for which recent and historical laboratory results are attached. If accepted, this waste stream would include about one million gallons per year. The laboratory results attached are before -treatment values. Our discharge would obviously include lower concentrations of all contaminants. 5. I am attaching a copy of the regulation to demonstrate that we are fully committed to full and continuous compliance with all terms of the standard. Should the town have additional needs and requirements, we are equally committed to meeting those. 6. We are working with a series of sister facilities (twelve facilities in both North Carolina and other states) to which we can divert any wastewater for treatment if the wastewater is not fully compatible with our system or the Town of Valdese system. The other facilities have advanced capabilities such as solidification and evaporation for hard to treat wastes. I trust that this information is sufficient to allow for the completion of the review and acceptance of our facility. H. Derr Leonhardt II, PE Manager Valdese Water Recycling LLC 2 Leonhardt Environmental, P,C. Derr Leonhardt Suite 101, 8392 Six Forks Road Raleigh, NC 27615 NC Certification No. 402 NC Drinking Water Cell No. 37735 SC Certification No. 99012 Project: VVVR STAT #1 Project No.: Valdese Lab Submittal Date: 08/22/2018 Prism Work Order: 8080380 Case Narrative 08/30/2018 This data package contains the analytical results for the project identified above and includes a Case Narrative, Sample Results and Chain of Custody. Unless otherwise noted, ail samples were received in acceptable condition and processed according to the referenced methods. Data qualifiers are flagged individually on each sample. A key reference for the data qualifiers appears at the end of this case narrative. Please call if you have any questions relating to this analytical report. Respectfully, PRISM LABORATORIES, INC. Angela D. Overcash VP Laboratory Services Data Qualifiers Key Reference: A BL HT BRL MDL RPD Reviewed By Angela D. Overcash VP Laboratory Services RPD value is greater than the control limit. Concentration of spiked sample is BRL, therefore no further action was taken. MB greater than one half of the RL, but the sample concentrations are less than the RL. Sample received and analyzed outside of the hold time. Below Reporting Limit Method Detection Limit Relative Percent Difference Results reported to the reporting limit. All other results are reported to the MDL with values between MDL and reporting limit indicated with a J. This report shoutd not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prisrn Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240643 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0643 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/626-0409 Page 1 of 8 Sample Receipt Summary 08/30/2018 Prism Work Order: 8080380 Client Sample ID Lab Sample ID Matrix Date/Time Sampled Date/Time Received S (1-7) 8080380-01 Water 08/20/18 10:15 08/22/18 16:20 Samples were received in good condition at 3.8 degrees C unless otherwise noted. This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240643 -Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/629-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529.6364 - Fax: 704/626.0409 Page 2 of 8 Leonhardt Environmental, P.C. Attn: Derr Leonhardt Suite 101, 8392 Six Forks Road Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: VWR STAT #1 Project No.: Valdese Sample Matrix: Water Laboratory Report 08/30/2018 Client Sample ID: S (1-7) Prism Sample ID: 8080380-01 Prism Work Order: 8080380 Time Collected: 08/20/18 10:15 Time Submitted: 08/22/18 16:20 Parameter Result Units Report Limit MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Factor Date/Time Batch ID General Chemistry Parameters Biochemical Oxygen Demand Cyanide Oil R Grease (HEM) Total Suspended Solids Ammonia as N Total Metals 37 HT BRL 16 44 BRL mg1L mg/L mg/L mglL mglL 2.0 1 'SM5210 B 8/23/18 13:32 CBP 0.0050 0.0010 1 'SM4500-CN E 8/27/18 15:10 BMS 11 1,4 1 '1664B 8/28/18 9:39 SLS 12 0.40 1 '3M2540 D 8/24/18 9:40 CBP 0.10 0.049 1 'SM4500-NH3 G 8/28/18 8:56 CLB P8H0464 P8H0436 P8H0507 P8H0422 P8H0427 Mercury Cadmium Chromium Copper Lead Molybdenum Nickel Silver Zinc BRL BRL BRL 0.011 BRL 0.044 BRL BRL 0.069 mg1L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mglL mg/L mglL 0.00020 0.0010 0.0050 0.010 0.0050 0,010 0.010 0.0050 0.030 0.000036 0.00023 0.0013 0.0010 0.0010 0.00638 0.0010 0.00017 0.0013 '245.1 '200.7 '200.7 '200.7 '200.7 '200.7 '200.7 '200.7 '200.7 8/29/18 14:15 8/28/18 16:34 8/28/18 16:34 8/28/18 16:34 8/28/18 16:34 8/28/18 16:34 8/28/18 16:34 8/28/18 16:34 8/28/18 16:34 MMR JAB JAB JAB JAB JAB JAB JAB JAB P8H0475 P8H0454 P8H0454 P8H0454 P8H0454 P8H0464 P8H0454 P8H0454 P8H0464 This report should not be reproduced, except in Its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc, 449 Spring brook Road • P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0643 Phone: 7041629-6384 - Toll Free Number: 1.8001629-6364 - Fax: 704/526-0409 Page 3 of 8 Leonhardt Environmental, P.C. Attn: Derr Leonhardt Suite 101, 8392 Six Forks Road Raleigh, NC 27615 Total Metals - Quality Control Level II QC Report 8/30/1 S Project: VWR STAT #1 Prism Work Order: 8080380 Time Submitted: 8/22/2018 4:20:OOPM Project No: Valdese Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Batch P8H0454 - 200.7 Blank (P8H0454-BLK1) Prepared & Analyzed: 08/28/18 Cadmium BRL 0.0010 mgll Chromium BRL 0.0050 mg/L Copper BRL 0.010 mg/L Lead BRL 0.0050 mg/L Molybdenum BRL 0.010 mg/L Nickel BRL 0.010 mg/L Silver BRL 0.0050 mg/L Zinc BRL 0.030 mg/L LCS (P8H0484-0S1) Prepared & Analyzed: 08/28/18 Cadmium 0.511 0.0010 mg(L 0.5000 102 85-115 Chromium 0.517 0.0050 mg/L 0.5001 103 85-115 Copper 0.509 0.010 mg/L 0.5001 102 85-115 Lead 0.509 0.0050 mg/L 0.5001 102 85-115 Molybdenum 0.492 0.010 mg/L 0.5000 98 85-115 Nickel 0.512 0.010 mglL 0.5001 102 85-115 Silver 0.204 0.0050 mglL 0.2000 102 85-115 Zinc 0.508 0.030 mg)L 0.5001 102 85-115 Batch P8H0475 - 245.1 BL Blank (P8H0475-BLK1) Prepared & Analyzed: 08/29/18 Mercury BRL 0.00020 mg/L LCS (P8H0475.BS1) Prepared & Analyzed: 08/29/18 Mercury 0.0103 0.00020 mg/L 0.009375 110 85-115 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0643 Phone: 704/629-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/629-6364 - fax: 704/626-0409 Page 4 of 8 Leonhardt Environmental, P.C. Attn: Derr Leonhardt Suite 101, 8392 Six Forks Road Raleigh, NC 27615 Total Metals - Quality Control Level H QC Report 8/30/18 Project: VWR STAT #1 Prism Work Order: 8080380 Time Submitted: 8/22/2018 4:20:OOPM Project No: Valdese Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Batch P8H0475 - 245.1 Matrix Spike (P8H0476-MS1) Mercury Matrix Spike Dup (P8H0475-MSD1) Mercury Source: 8080380-01 Prepared & Analyzed: 08/29/18 0.00988 0.00020 mg/1 0.009375 BRL 103 70-130 Source: 8080380-01 Prepared & Analyzed: 08/29/18 0.0129 0.00020 mg/L 0.009376 BRL 137 70-130 29 20 A This report should not be reproduced, except in Its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Sprinpbrook Road - P.O. Box 240643 -Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/629-8364 - Toll Froo Number. 1.800/629-6364 - Fax: 704/526-0409 Page 5 of 8 Leonhardt Environmental, P.C. Attn: Derr Leonhardt Suite 101, 8392 Six Forks Road Raleigh, NC 27615 General Chemistry Parameters - Quality Control Analyte Project: VWR STAT #1 Project No: Valdese Result Reporting Spike Source Level II QC Report 8/30/18 Prism Work Order. 8080380 Time Submitted: 8/22/2018 4:20:00PM Limit Units Level Result %REC %REC Limits RPD RPO Limit Notes Batch P8H0422 - NO PREP Blank (P8H0422-BLK1) Prepared & Analyzed: 08/24/18 Total Suspended Solids LCS (P8H0422-BSI) Total Suspended Solids Batch P8H0427 - NO PREP BRL 2.6 mg/L Prepared & Analyzed: 08/24/18 480 2.5 mg/L 477.0 101 90-110 Blank (P8H0427-BLK1) Ammonia as N LCS (P8H0427-1381) Ammonia as N Batch P8H0436 - SM4500-CN C BRL 0.10 mg/L Prepared & Analyzed: 08/28/18 Prepared & Analyzed: 08/28/18 2.47 0.10 mg/L 2.500 89 90-110 Blank (P8H0436-BLK1) Cyanide LCS (P8H0436-BS1) Cyanide Batch P8H0464 - NO PREP Prepared & Analyzed: 08/27/18 BRI 0.0855 0.0050 mg/L Prepared & Analyzed: 08/27/18 0.0050 mg/L 0.1000 66 85-115 Blank (P8H0484-BLK1) Biochemical Oxygen Demand BRL Prepared & Analyzed: 08/23/18 2.0 mg/L This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road -P.O. Box 240643 -Charlotte, NC 28224.0643 Phone: 704/629-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/629-6364 - Fax: 704)525.0409 Page 6 of 8 Leonhardt Environmental, P.C. Attn: Derr Leonhardt Suite 101, 8392 Six Forks Road Raleigh, NC 27615 General Chemistry Parameters - Quality Control Anaiyte Project: VWR STAT #1 Project No: Valdese Result Reporting Limit Level II QC Report 8/30/18 Prism Work Order: 8080380 Time Submitted: 8/22/2018 4:20:OOPM Spike Source Units Level Result %REC %REC Limits RPD RPD Limit Notes Batch P8H0464 - NO PREP LCS(P8H0464.8S1) Biochemical Oxygen Demand Duplicate (P8H0464-DUP1) Biochemical Oxygen Demand Batch P8H0507 - NO PREP Prepared & Analyzed: 08/23/16 172 2.0 mg/L 198.0 87 84.6-115.4 Source: 8080380-01 36.8 2.0 mg/L Prepared & Analyzed: 08/23/18 37.1 0.7 30 Blank (P8H0507-BLK1) 09 & Grease (HEM) LCS (P8H0507-BS1) Oil & Grease (HEM) Prepared & Analyzed: 08/28/18 Prep Method: SM4500-CN C Lab Number Batch BRL 5.0 mg/L Prepared & Analyzed: 08/28/18 35.5 5 0 mg/L 40.00 89 78-114 Initial Sample Extraction Data Final Date/Time 8080380-01 P8H0436 Prep Method: 200.7 Lab Number Batch 50 mL Initial 50 mt Final 08/27/16 9:40 Date/Time 8080380-01 P8H0454 Prep Method: 245.1 Lab Number Batch 50 mL Initial 50 mL Final 08/28/18 8:45 Date/Time 8060380 01 P8H0475 20 mL 30 mL 08/29/18 7:40 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springhrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 26224-0543 Phone: 7041529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-8001629-6364 - Fax: 704/626-0409 Page 7 of 8 PRISM CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD Full -Service Analytical 8 Environmental Solutions PAGE / OF l QUOTE* TO ENSURE PROPER BILLING: _ Project Name: V v t k I f CT -i ` 449 Springbrook Road • Charlotte, NC 28217 Phone 704/529-6364 • Fax: 704/S2S-0409 Short Hold Analysis: (Yes) (No) UST Project: (Yes) (NO) VQ�[�25G /_v n _�I�� *Please ATTACH any project specific reporting (QC LEVEL III III IV) Client Company Name: !C /C! provisions and/or QC Requirements Report To/Contact Name: LFcri hn wit F.4. v; rt-tr 10( t(lnvoice To: I.-E Reporting Address: g34.? 7 r[ Ircri'S Ief IC?✓ Address: -7/FME AS i:) Ber m c;, i k),D1 t2aJFte ►t)C. 274/'a LAB USE ONLY Samples INTACT upon arrival? Received ON WET ICE? YES NO NIA PROPER PRESERVATIVES indicated? Received WITHIN HOLDING TIMES? ✓ CUSTODY SEALS INTACT? VOLATILES rec'd WIOUT HEADSPACE? _ PROPER 1::ONTANR5 ..tea _ ✓_ TEMP Them ID ...Lj�L1 Observed: `i °C! Corr.3a'C) O co m t6 «s D_ Phone: 9/9- i- -75497'Fax(Yes)(No)/9$17 girt- Purchase Order No./Billing Reference TO BE FILLED IN BY CLIENT/SAMPLING PERSONNEL Certification: NELAC DoD FL NC Email Address: L. en 4; P 4,7'1 C brillSc 14\ . 71 a -t. Requested Due Date 0 1 Day 0 2 ❑ 3 Days 0 4 Days O 5 Days pays EDD Type: PDF_Excel -Working Days" ❑ 6-9 Days 4 S:_ndard 10 days ❑ Rush Work Must Be SC OTHER N/A _Other (r�� �,i�.�t Pre -Approved Site Location Name: I. _ideck '. k t t 1Ctr Samples received after 14:00 will be processed next business day. Water Chlorinated: YES NO_ Sample Iced Upon Collection: YES NO_ J Site Location Physical Address: 9310 MA it .9r 'i Alt Turnaround time is based cn business days, excluding weekends and holidays. "' JJ (SEE REVERSE FOR TERMS & CONDITIONS REGARDING SERVICES UcL;Old NC 2 ?O RENDERED BY PRISM LAeORATowES, INC. TO CLIENT) CLIENT DATE TIME MATRIX SAMPLE CONTAINER COLLECTED (SOIL, ANALYSISUESTED PRISM PRESERVA- �1�T�, SAMPLE DfSSCRIPTION COLLECTED sHOURSY WATER SLUDGE) SE BELOW NO. Ste OR 'TYPE ,[ `, REMARKS LJIB TrvES . , t� ID NO. S —! Ss 1o1 13 10 15 Wear- P I ✓ I 0 1 -3 P 1 ✓1 S- 5 P i _. s - ? 1 J �. 1 I i1 PRESS DOWN FIRMLY - 3 COPIES �11 Sampler's Signa4ue c t,L,9 4,1 rSampled By (Print Name) Al-Ct.c}7<,% L�oN l O% Affiliation ;tidy Upon relinquishing, this Chain of is your authorization for Prism to proceed with the analyses as requested above. Any changes must be submitted in writing to the Prism Project Manager. There will be ch es for any changes after analyses have ban initialized. PRISM USE ONLY Rchnout:hed of - I t1 C=� k'J +?may. /)/r/ Additional Comments: Sire Amval Time _ Ge :T'T-- `I' Y. t . uae1 Date Slte Depanure flme T�` /� �sK �` Field Tech Fee: a/J � Rahn � 3 ( I Rocs For Lat�oearonei B � Y arq* i'/.r—� L� �/ ic /( - 2-0 Mileage: Mee+eo or Srupmerrr.. NOTE: ALL SAMPLE COOLERS SHOULD BE TAPED WTTrreusT130Y SEALS FOR TRANSPORTATION TO THE LABORATORY. SAMPLES ARE NOT ACCEPTED AND VERIFIED AGAINST COC UNTIL RECEIVED AT THE 4LABORATORY. � 0 Fed Ex 0 UPS 0 HarWe:ivered .,m Field Service O Other L'OC Group No L,/U, ry O% O O NPDES: UST: GR NDWATER: DRINKING WATER: SOLID WASTE: RCRA: CERCLA LANDFILL OTHER: ❑ NC ❑ SC ❑ NC ❑ SC C ❑ SC O NC O SC ❑ NC D SC ❑ NC ❑ SC ❑ NC ❑ SC ❑ NC O SC O NC ❑ SC 0 0 _ I CIO lO ❑ . 0 0 *CONTAINER TYPE CODES: A = Amber C = dear Gis (dale P = Plastic; TL =Teflon -Lined Cap VOA = Volatile Organics Analysis (Zero Head Space) TERMS 8 CONDITIONS ORIGINAL Leonhardt Environmental, P.C. Derr Leonhardt Suite 101, 8392 Six Forks Road Raleigh, NC 27615 NC Certification No. 402 NC Drinking Water Cert No. 37735 SC Certification No. 99012 Project: VWR STAT #2 Project No.: Valdese Lab Submittal Date: 09/26/2018 Prism Work Order: 8090331 Case Narrative 10/08/2018 This data package contains the analytical results for the project identified above and includes a Case Narrative, Sample Results and Chain of Custody. Unless otherwise noted, all samples were received in acceptable condition and processed according to the referenced methods. Data qualifiers are flagged individually on each sample. A key reference for the data qualifiers appears at the end of this case narrative. Please call if you have any questions relating to this analytical report. Respectfully, PRISM LABORATORIES, INC. Angela D. Overcash VP Laboratory Services Data Qualifiers Key Reference: BB HT M PH BRL MDL RPD Reviewed By Angela D. Overcash VP Laboratory Services Blank value is outside of the control limits. Validity of the data not affected. Sample received and analyzed outside of the hold time. Matrix spike outside of the control limits. pH is outside the method required range. Below Reporting Limit Method Detection Limit Relative Percent Difference Results reported to the reporting limit. All other results are reported to the MDL with values between MDL and reporting limit indicated with a J. This report should not be reproduced. except In Its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road • P.O. Box 240643 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-000/629-6364 - Fax: 704/526.0409 Page 1 of 7 Sample Receipt Summary 10/08/2018 Prism Work Order: 8090331 Client Sample ID Lab Sample ID Matrix Date/Time Sampled Date/Time Received ST2-1 8090331-01 Water 09/20/18 9:30 09/26/18 11:20 Samples were received in good condition at 3.0 degrees C unless otherwise noted. This report should not be reproduced, except in Its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240643 -Charlotte. NC 28224-0643 Phone: 704/529.6364 - Toll Free Number: 1400/629-6364 - Fax: 704/626-0409 Page 2 of 7 Mr m a)0 EEco E E N co co • aa Project: VWR STAT #2 co co O d � 0 m c 0 m LL E x ,n .(0 c N n c O 0) N w 3 co0 Z N O O L r 0) 0 0 0 C 7 a General Chemistry Parameters O+ N m 0 0 0 G o 0 0 0 0 0 m m o w a a a o- a a y a in (0 `L J m J 0 0) m U u, CO 0 0 04 N N .. M n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 006 0 $0o a co a co a a d a oo 2CC ¢ a¢ a a a a CO 2 5>> 5-, 5, 5, 0 rn o O a+ m C. 0 n CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO m m CO 0 to to M N N O P N O C O m L h 'SM4500-CN E n m 0 er CO 2 'SM4600•NH3 G O co N co to N N N CO N CO n n . n,- n n r- �f) O O O O O O O O N ON N 0 N N N N O V. 0 0 0 Q O 0 J J J J J E E E E E 2 CO VD CO M p N N M N ❑ Biochemical Oxygen Demand r N U Oil & Grees (HEM) Total Suspended Solids O Ammonia as N Total Metals 0 O 0 O P) 0 0 CI o 0 O O 0 O O O 0 0 0 N 0 O O O O 0 0 0 40 O O n 0 O O O O 0 O O O 0 0 n 0 0 0 O 0 O 0 0 EEEE E E E E o ro m 0 0 m 0 0 0 0 N 0 CT) cv CI - This report should not be reproduced, except In its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. Leonhardt Environmental, P.C. Attn: Derr Leonhardt Suite 101, 8392 Six Forks Road Raleigh, NC 27615 Total Metals - Quality Control Level II QC Report 10/8/18 Project: VWR STAT #2 Prism Work Order: 8090331 Time Submitted: 9/26/2018 11:20:OOAM Project No: Valdese Reporting Spike So.irce %REC RPD Anatyte Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Batch P8I0410 - 200.7 Blank (P810410-BLK1) Prepared & Analyzed: 09/28/18 Cadmium BRL 0.0010 mg/L Chromium BRL 0.0050 mg/L Copper BRL 0.010 mg/L Lead BRL 0.0050 mg/L Molybdenum BRL 0.010 mg/L Nickel BRL 0.010 mg/L Silver BRL 0.0050 mg/L Zinc BRL 0.030 mg/L LCS (P810410-BS1) Prepared & Analyzed: 09/28/18 Cadmium 0.513 0.0010 mg/L 0.5000 103 85-115 Chromium 0.512 0.0050 mg/L 0.5001 102 85-115 Copper 0.500 0.010 m9/L 0.5001 100 85-115 Lead 0.513 0.0050 rng(L 0.5001 103 85-116 Molybdenum 0.488 0.010 mg/L 0.5000 98 85-115 Nickel 0.513 0.010 mg/L 0.5001 103 85-115 Silver 0.202 0.0050 mg/L 0.2000 101 85-115 Zinc 0.507 0.030 mg1L 0.5001 101 85.115 Batch P8J0072 - 245.1 Blank (P8J0072-BLK1) Prepared & Analyzed: 10/04/18 Mercury BRL 0.00020 mg/L LCS (P8J0072-BS1) Prepared & Analyzed: 10/04/18 Mercury 0.00909 0.00020 mg/L 0.009375 97 85-115 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240643 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0643 Phone: 704/629-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/629-6384 - Fax: 704/625-0409 Page 4 of 7 Leonhardt Environmental, P.C. Attn: Derr Leonhardt Suite 101, 8392 Six Forks Road Raleigh, NC 27615 General Chemistry Parameters - Quality Control Level II QC Report 10/8/18 Project: VWR STAT #2 Prism Work Order: 8090331 Time Submitted: 9/26/2018 11:20:OOAM Project No: Valdese Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Batch P810405 - NO PREP Blank (P8I0405-BLK1) Prepared & Analyzed: 09/27/18 Total Suspended Solids BRL 5.0 rng/L LCS (P810405-BS1) Prepared & Analyzed: 09/27/18 Total Suspended Solids Batch P8J0001 - NO PREP 460 5.0 m9/L 477.0 97 90-110 Blank (P8J0001-BLK1) Prepared & Analyzed: 10/01/18 Ammonia as N BRL 0.10 mg/L LCS (P8J0001-BS1) Prepared & Analyzed: 10/01/18 Ammonia as N 2.58 0.10 mglL 2.500 103 90-110 Batch P8J0019 - NO PREP Blank (P8J0019-BLK1) Prepared &Analyzed: 09/26/18 Biochemical Oxygen Demand BRL_ 2.0 mg/L BB LCS (P8J0019-BS1) Prepared & Analyzed: 09/26/18 Biochemical Oxygen Demand 172 2.0 mg/L 198.0 87 84.6-115.4 BB Batch P8J0042 - SM4500-CN C Blank (P8J0042•BLK1) Prepared & Analyzed: 10/03/18 Cyanide BRL 0.0050 mg/L This report should not be reproduced, except in ils entirety. without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240643 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0643 Phone: 704/629-6384 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/629-364 - Fax: 704/626.0499 Page 5 of 7 Leonhardt Environmental, P.C. Attn: Derr Leonhardt Suite 101, 8392 Six Forks Road Raleigh, NC 27615 General Chemistry Parameters - Quality Control Analyle Project: VWR STAT #2 Project No: Valdese Result Reporting Spike Source Limit Units Level Result Level I1 QC Report 10/8/18 Prism Work Order: 8090331 Time Submitted: 9/26/2018 11:20:OOAM %REC %REC Limits RPD RPD Limit Notes Batch P8J0042 - SM4500-CN C LCS (P8J0042-BS1) Cyanide Matrix Spike (P8J0042-MS1) Cyanide Matrix Spike Dup (P8J0042-MSD1) Cyanide Batch P8J0068 - NO PREP Prepared & Analyzed: 10/03/18 0.0937 0.0050 mg/L 0.1000 94 85-115 Source: 8090331-01 Prepared & Analyzed: 10/03/18 0.0868 0.0050 mg/L 0.1000 BRL 87 80-120 Source: 8090331-01 Prepared & Analyzed 10/03/18 0.0879 0.0050 mg/L 0.1000 BRL 88 80-120 1 20 Blank (P8J0068-BLK1) Oil & Grease (HEM) LCS (P8J006B-BS1) Olt & Grease (HEM) Matrix Spike (P8J0068-MS1) Oil & Grease (HEM) Prep Method: SM4S00-CN C Lab Number Batch Prepared & Analyzed: 10/03/18 BRL 5.0 mg& Prepared & Analyzed: 10/03/18 33.9 5.0 mg/L 40.00 85 78-114 Source: 8090331-01 Prepared & Analyzed: 10/03/18 48,9 5.0 mg/L Inittal 53.33 25.3 44 78-114 Sample Extraction Data Final Oate/Tlme M, PH 8090331-01 P8J0042 Prep Method: 200.7 Lab Number Batch 50 mL Initial 50 mL Final 10/03/18 9 45 Date/Time 8090331-01 P810410 Prep Method: 246.1 Lab Number Batch 50 mL Initial 50 mL Final 09/28/18 8:05 Date/Time 8090331.01 P8J0072 20 mL 30 mL 10/04/18 8:20 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Pnsm Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240643 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0643 Phone: 7041529.6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/629-6364 - Fax: 704/626-0409 Page 6 of 7 .PRISM �;'• '_ L.AeCa ArrasIAC Full -Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions 449 Springbrook Road • Charlotte. NC 2e217 Phone 704/529.6364 • Fax: 704/525-0409 Client Company Name: Lnh.11n. �G Report TolContact Name: DEk2 L-EOA/1174724C% Reporting Address: rS 39 2 5,,c t=or:.KS 51E /cl F�-iTLC 17�N /V' C 27c , CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD PAGE / OF i QUOTE 9 TO ENSURE PROPER BILLING: Project Name: V W R ST Short Hold Analysis: (Yes) (No) UST Project: (Yes) (NO) 'Please ATTACH any project specific reporting (QC LEVEL III III IV) provisions and/or QC Requirements Invoice To: '"� / 4 1'; L Address: LAB USE ONLY YES NO WA Samples INTACT upon amval? _. Received ON WET ICE? PROPER PRESERVATIVES Indicated? Received WITHIN HOLDING T1MES? CUSTODY SEALS INTACT? VOLATILES reed WMOUT HEADSPACE? PROPER CONTAINERS used? � TEMP: Therm ID. l (LT' Observed: '3. r� °C 1 Corr._— "1 -G - O m Is cd 0 ?hone: `l /J 444. 3149Z Fax (e) (No): C,/`. VI-74II2 Purchase Order No./Billing Reference TO BE FILLED IN BY CLIENT/SAMPLING PERSONNEL Certification: NELAC DoD FL NC Email Address: L. e n v jri. 1 € btI 150.•1-I : -Inter Requested Cue Date ❑ 1 Day O 2 Days ❑ 3 Days 7 4 Days ❑ 5 Days EDD Type: PDF / Excel Other "Working Days" ❑ 6-9 Days 0 Standard 10 days O RRusshh Work Must Se SC OTHER N/A ) Samples received after 14:00 will be processed next business day. Site Location Name: \%t-!deSG (A. 4e:Y ReCi./G/i11 j, Water Chlorinated: YES NO Sample Iced Upon Collection: YES_ NO_ I, Site Location Physical Address:s93/a Mar" rjjre,�cGr y. Turnaround time is based on business days, excluding weekends and hotidays. TERMS 6, CONDITIONS SERYICES IENT)ING vc (d.Se A!G 2C54 .0 (SRENDERED BYEE REVERSE PPR PRISM LABORATORIES, INC.c O CCLOR TIME MATRIX SAMPLE CONTAINER (SOIL, ANALYSIS REQUESTED �'U M �Q PRISM PRESERVA- lL' 1 '^ REMARKS LAB CLIENT DATE SAMPLE DESCRIPTION COLLECTED COLLECTED MILITARY HOURS WATER OR -TYPE SLUDGE) SEE BELOW : ! / TIVES �o- Y11 � � ('� Q , lr�,/l ID NO. G O 1 i C f / �� /�/ ST2 - 1 49 - z0-t8 o935 P ; t1itc4 1ADff + I ✓ 1 0 STZ - 2- j 9-20-/ o93o vjost., tAXicz, 6 Larfit NC L ✓ 1 let-76-ig Oc4 3o G ' tAriF Hu_ v STZ-3 S7 2 - + 19-20-i8 e9aD , LowEA, P `.pas fk504- ✓ 1 SiZ- 5 Q-Zo-18 0r13D P inn }4�103 1 ,,if Z - 9 --7o -6 0 13t-) L� ,c- P { I_ eac I N o Its ✓ ' _L Sri - 7 9 -20 - . © 1)30- P [jury_ ; ND t.ie T PRESS DOWN FIRMLY - 3 COPIES Sampled By (Print Name) Affiliation Sampler's Signature Upon relinquishing, this Chain of Custody is your authorization for Prism to proceed with the analyses as requested above. Any changes must be submitted in writing to the Prism Project Manager. There will be charges for any changes after analyses have been initialized. PRISM USE ONLY PeIm 4ah�d By- iSigrathrei Racal � By: Sig turd) Dare 17.:aaar).`+,� , Additional Comments: Site Arrival ] ` 1 Site Departure lime: Relinquished By. (Signatur3;-+ By: l ore) Date Field Tech Fee: F:nm Dished afore a B7' (Signature) Raeened For L:.7: atones / / +pj.- -.' L'I ,. f Z., Dale (- -) � ) 1 : W M teage: Method of Shipment NOTE: ALL SAMPLE COOLERS SHOULD BE TAPED SHUT WITH CUSTODY SEALS FOR SPOR ATION TO7E LAbO TSR1 ` SAMPLES ARE NOT ACCEPTED AND VERIFIED AGAINST COC UNTIL RECEIVED AT THE BORATORY. n o.:.... r...u.n C:n. in now _ COC Group Na � �%{}1�� I` `-' 1 � .1 % i NPDES: UST: GROUNDWATER: DRINKING WATER: SOUD WASTE: RCRA: CERCLA LANDFILL OTHER: ❑NC❑SC ONC DSC ONC ❑SC CI NC ❑SC LINC ❑SC ❑NC❑SC ❑NC ❑SC ❑NC ❑SC El NC ❑SC ❑ -- 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ — ❑ ❑— . ❑ 0 `CONTAINER TYPE CODES: A = Amber C = Clear G= Glass P = Plastic: TL = Teflon -Lined Cap VOA = Volatile Organics Analysis (Zero Head Space) TERMS 8 CONDITIONS ORIGINAL APPENDIX F Historical Leachate Constituents/Analytes Detected Constltuents/Analytes In Leachate Foothills Environmental landfill Permit No. 73.04 Asstyto Collection Date Leachate (NgIL)I I Leachate (mg/L)I Inorganic Compounds Total Antimony 01/26/15 14.5 0.0145 07/28/15 18.3 0.0183 01/28/16 14.1 0.0141 07/28/16 23.1 0.0231 0126/17 40.6 0.0406 07/27/17 43.7 0.0437 Total Arsenic 0126/15 14,3 0.0143 07/28/15 22.2 0.0222 01/28/16 17.9 0.0179 07/28/16 35.9 0.0359 0126/17 52.1 0.0521 07/27/17 55.5 0.0555 Foothills Regional Landfill Permit No. 14-03 Page 1 of 19 APPENDIX F Historical Leachate Constituents/Analytes Detected ConstituentslAnalytes In Leachate Foothills Environmental Landfill Permit No. 73.04 Annlyte Total Barium Total Beryllium Collection Date 01/26/15 07/28/15 01/28/16 0728/16 0126/17 07/27/17 01/26/15 0728/15 0128/16 07/28/16 0126/17 07/27/17 Leachate (Ng/L)I I Leachate (mg/L) 409 0.4090 428 0.4280 450 0.4500 517 0.5170 406 0.4060 529 0.5290 0.05 J 0.0001 J ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Foothills Regional Landfill Permit No. 14-03 Page 2 of 19 APPENDIX F Historical Leachate Constituents/Analytes Detected ConstituentslAnalytos In Leachate Foothills Environmental Landfill Permit No. 73-04 Anal to Total Cadmium Collection Dote 01/26/15 07/28/15 01/28/16 07/28/16 01/26/17 07/27/17 Leachate ( tag/ L►I ',cachale (mg/L)I 0.16 J 0.0002 J 0.68 1 0.0007 J ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Total Chromium 01/26/15 07/28/15 01/28/16 07/28/16 01/26/l 7 07/27/17 48.6 89.6 70 1 174.0 155.0 147.0 Foothills Regional Landfill Permit No. 14-03 Page 3 of 19 0.0486 0.0896 0.0701 0.1740 0.1550 0.1470 APPENDIX F Historical Leachate Constituents/Analytes Detected ConstituentslAnalytes In Leachate Foothills Environmental Landfill Permit No. 73-04 . Analyze Total Cobalt Total Copper Collection Date 0126/15 07/28/15 01/28/16 07/28/16 01/26/17 0727/17 0126/15 07/28/15 0128/16 0728/16 0126/17 07/27/17 Leachate (pg/L)I 18.7 25.4 32.9 30.1 26.3 27.8 Leachate (mg/L), 0.0187 0.0254 0.0329 0.0301 0.0263 0.027E 5.67 J 0.0057 1 1.76 J 0.0018 J 13.90 0.0[39 221 0.2210 2.16 J 0.0022 1 1.42 J 0.0014 1 Foothills Regional Landfill Permit No. 14-03 Page 4 of 19 APPENDIX F Historical Leachate Constituents/Analytes Detected Constituents/Analytes in Leachate Foothills Environmental Landfill Permit No. 73.04 Analyte Total Lead Collection Date 0126/15 07/28/15 01/28/16 07/28/16 01/26/17 07/27/17 Leachate (lg/L) Leachate (mg/L)I 0.30 1 0.0003 J 0.63 1 0.0006 J 1.68 1 0.0017 1 36.2 0.0362 1.75 1 0.0018 1 0.53 1 0.0005 1 Total Nickel 01/26/15 07/28/15 0128/16 07/28/16 01/26/17 07/27/17 140 0.1400 207 0.2070 150 0.1500 250 0.2500 191 0.1910 169 0.1690 Foothills Regional Landfill Permit No. 14-03 Page 5 of 19 APPENDIX F Historical Leachate Constituents/Analytes Detected ConsUtuentalAnalytes In Leachate Foothills Environmental Landfill Permit No. 73.04 Analyze Collection Date Leachate (µg(L) Leachate (1118/L) Total Selenium 01/26/15 8.09 J 0.0081 1 07/28/15 3.25 J 0.0033 J 01/28/16 1.84 J 0.0018 J 07/28/16 3.68 J 0.0037 1 01/26/17 3.67 1 0.0037 1 07/27/17 3.23 J 0.0032 J Total Silver 01/26/15 0.23 1 0.0002 J 07/28/15 ND ND 01/28/16 ND ND 07/28/16 0.32 J 0.0003 J 01/26/17 ND ND 07/27/17 ND ND Total Thallium 01/26/15 ND ND 07/28/15 ND ND 01/28/16 ND ND 07/28/16 ND ND 0126/17 ND ND 07/27/17 ND ND Foothills Regional Landfill Permit No. 14-03 Page 6 of 19 APPENDIX F Historical Leachate Constituents/Analytes Detected Constltuents/Analytes In Leachate Foothills Environmental Landfill Permit No. 73-04 AnnIYtc TotaI Vanadium Total Zinc Foothills Regional Landfill Permit No. 14-03 Collection Dale 01/26/►5 07/28/15 01/28/16 07/28/16 01/26/17 07/27/17 01 /26/ 15 07/28/15 01/28/16 07/28/16 01/26/17 07/27/17 Leuchate(µg/L) Page 7 of 19 Leachate (mg/L) 20.8 3 0.0208 J 49.6 0,0496 30.3 0.0303 83.1 0.0831 67.2 0.0672 64.4 0.0644 41.5 0.0415 128 0.1280 132 0,1320 199 0.1990 60.8 0.0608 43.0 0.0430 0.0000 APPENDIX F Historical Leachate Constituents/Analytes Detected ConstltuentslAnalytes In Leachate Foothills Environmental Landfill Permit No. 73.04 01/26/15 07/28/15 01/28/16 07/28/16 01/26/17 07/27/17 Foothills Regional Landfill Permit No. 14-03 Page 8 of 19 Leachate m 2400 2.4000 23 J 0.0230 140 0.1400 38.0 J 0.0380 1 5900.0 5.9000 5200.0 5.2000 APPENDIX F Historical Leachate Constituents/Analytes Detected Constituents/Analytes In Leachate Foothills Environmental Landfill Permit No. 73-04 Allalyte Collection Dale Leachnte tug/L) Leachate (mg/L) J Benzene 0126/15 13 0.0130 07/28/15 8 0.0082 0128/16 18 0.0180 07/28/16 7.0 0.0070 01/26/17 8.8 0.0088 07/27/17 5.4 0.0054 Carton Disulfide 0728/15 35.0 0.0350 01/28/16 4.3 J 0.0043 J 07/28/16 ND ND 01/26/17 ND ND 07/27/17 ND ND Chlorobenzene 01/26/15 0.6 J 0.0006 J 07/28/15 ND ND 01/28/16 1.0 J 0.0010 1 07/28/16 0.40 J 0.0004 1 01/26/17 0.60 J 0.0006 J 07/27/17 0.50 1 0.0005 J Chloroethane 01/26/15 ND ND 0728/15 ND ND 01/28/16 ND ND 0728/16 ND ND 01/26/17 ND ND 07/27/17 ND ND Foothills Regional Landfill Permit No. 14-03 Page 9 of 19 APPENDIX F Historical Leachate Constituents/Analytes Detected Constituents/Analytes In Leachate Foothills Environmental Landfill Permit No. 73.04 Annlyte 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene I,1-Dichloroe0uno Collection Date 01/26/15 07/28/15 01/28/16 07/28/16 01/26/17 07/27/17 01/26/15 07/28/ 15 01/28/16 07/28/16 01/26/17 07/27/17 0126/15 07/28/15 01/28/16 07/28/16 01/26/17 07/27/17 Leachate (µg/L)1 1 Leachate (mg/141 0.3 J 0.0003 J ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 8.9 4.4 9.2 4.0 7.0 6.6 0.0089 0.0044 0.0092 0.0040 0.0070 0.0066 Foothills Regional Landfill Permit No. 14-03 Page 10 of l 9 0.3 J 0.0003 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND APPENDIX F' Historical Leachate Constituents/Analytcs Detected Constltuents&Analytes in Leachate Foothills Environmental Landfill Permit No. 73-04 Anal to 1,2-Dichlomethane is.1,2-Dicl IoroetItene trans -I 2-dichloroetliene Foothills Regional Landfill Permit No. 14-03 Collection Date Leacitale 01/26/15 07/28/15 01/28/16 07/28/16 01/26/17 07/27/17 0126/15 07/28/15 01/28/16 07/28/16 01/26/17 07/27/17 1.2 0 0012 ND ND ND ND 0.40 J 0.0004 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 01/26/15 0.30 1 0.0003 J 0728/15 ND ND 0128/16 ND ND 0728/16 ND ND 01/26/17 ND ND 07/27/17 ND ND Page I1of19 APPENDIX F Historical Leachate Constituents/Analytes Detected ConstltuentslAnalytes in Leachate Foothills Environmental Landfill Permit No. 73.04 Anal le Elhylbenzono Collection Date 01/26/15 62.0 0.0620 07/28/15 30.0 0.0300 01/28/16 79.0 0,0790 07/28/16 24.0 0.0240 01/26/17 44.0 0.0440 07/27/17 36.0 0.0360 Foothills Regional Landfill Permit No. 14-03 Page 12 of 19 APPENDIX F Historical Leachate Constituents/Analytes Detected Constituents/Analytes In Leachate Foothills Environmental Landfill Permit No. 73-04 Annlyte Collection Date Leachate(µg/L) Leachate (mg/L) Melhylene chloride 01/26/15 07/28/15 01/28/16 0728/16 0126/17 0727/17 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Methyl Butyl Ketone (2-Hexanone) 0126/15 0728/ 15 0128/I6 07/28/16 01/26/17 07/27/17 Foothills Regional Landfill Permit No. 14-03 Page 13 of 19 6.0 J 0.0060 J ND ND 4.9 J 0.0049 J 6.4 J 0.0064 J ND ND ND ND APPENDIX F Historical Leachate Constituents/Analytes Detected ConstituentalAnalytee In Leachate Foothills Environmental Landfill Permit No. 73.04 Analyte Collection Date Leachate (µg/L) Leachate (mg/L)) Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) 01/26/15 1600 1.6000 07/28/15 ND ND 01/28/16 160 0,1600 07/28/16 ND ND 01/26/17 3800 3.8000 07/27/17 4300 4.3000 4-Methyl-2-pentanoee (M18K) 01/26/15 44 J 0.0440 J 07/28/15 22 J 0.0220 J 01/28/16 36 J 0.0360 1 07/28/16 19 J 0.0190 J 01/26/17 80 1 0.0800 1 07/27/17 87 J 0.0870 J Foothills Regional Landfill Permit No. 14-03 Page 14 of 19 APPENDIX F Historical Leachate Constituents/Analytes Detected Constituents/Analytes in Leachate Foothills Environmental Landfill Permit No. 73-04 Analyte Collection Date Leachate (pg/L) Leachate (ag/L)I 1,2-Dichloropropene 01/26/15 0.3 .1 0.0003 J 07/28/15 ND ND 01/28/16 ND ND 07/28/16 ND ND 01/26/17 ND ND 07/27/17 ND ND Styrene 01/26/15 3.2 0.0032 07/28/15 2.7 0.0027 01/28/16 42 0.0042 07/28/16 3.1 0.0031 01/26/17 2.1 0.0021 07/27/17 3.0 0.0030 Toluene 01/26/15 78 0.0780 07/28115 14 0.0140 01/28/16 13 0.0130 07/28/16 7.5 0.0075 01/26/17 21 0.0210 Foothills Regional Landfill Permit No. 14-03 Page 15 of 19 APPENDIX F Historical Leachate Constituents/Analytes Detected ConslituentslAnalyles In Leachate Foothills Environmental Landfill Permit No. 73-04 Annlyte Collection Date 07/27/17 Leachate (yig/L)I I Leachate (ntg/L)I 110 0.1100 Triohloroethenc 01/26/15 07/28/15 01/28/16 07/28/16 01/26/17 07/27/17 0.6 1 0.0006 1 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Foothills Regional Landfill Permit No. 14-03 Page 16 of 19 APPENDIX F Historical Leachate Constituents/Analytes Detected Constituents/Analytes In Leachate Foothills Environmental Landfill Permit No. 73-04 Analyte Collection Date Leaelate (pg/L?I Leachate (mg/L) Vinyl chloride 01/26/15 0.5 3 0.0005 J 07/28/15 ND ND 01/28/16 1.2 0.0012 07/28/16 ND ND 01/26/17 0.8 7 0.0008 J 07/27/17 ND ND Xylenes, total 01/26/15 79 0.0790 07/28/15 40 0.0400 01/28/16 96 0.0960 07/28/16 36 0.0360 01/26/17 68 0.0680 07/27/17 50 0.0500 Other. Parameters Nitrate 07/28/15 160 0.1600 07/28/16 470 0.4700 01/26/17 ND ND 07/27/17 ND ND Sulfate 01/26/15 ND ND 07/28/15 ND ND 01/28/16 ND ND 07/28/16 ND ND 01/26/17 23000 23.0000 07/27/17 ND ND Biochemical Oxygen Demand 01/26/15 378000 378.0000 07/28/15 90000 D 90.0000 D 01/28/16 126000 126.0000 07/28/16 124000 D 124.0000 D 01/26/17 343000 343.0000 Foothills Regional Landfill Permit No. 14-03 Page 17 of 19 APPENDIX F Historical Leachate Constituents/Analytes Detected ConstltuentslAnalytes In Leachate Foothills Envlronmenlal Landfill Permit No. 73-04 ILeachate (mg/L)I Aoalyte Collection Date Leachate (pg/L) 07/27/17 1830000 D 1830.0000 D Chemical Oxygen Demand 01/26/15 07/28/15 01/28/16 07/28/16 01/26/17 07/27/17 Phosphonis-Total 01/26/15 07/28/15 01 /28/16 0728/16 0126/17 07/27/17 1220000 1220.0000 1070000 1070,0000 1060000 1060.0000 1520000 1520.0000 1550000 1550.0000 1830000 1830.0000 1620 D 1.6200 D 4270 D 4.2700 D 2540 D 2.5400 D 5930 D 5.9300 D 3900 D 3.9000 D 4360 D 4.3600 D Foothills Regional Landfill Pennit No. 14-03 Page 18 of 19 APPENDIX F Historical Leachate Constituents/Analytes Detected Constituents/Analytes In Leachate Foothills Environmental Landfill Permit No. 73-04 Analyte Collection Date Leachate (pg/1.) Leachate (mg/t.,)I Nitrate/Nitrite as N 01/26/15 1620 1.6200 Field Parameters pH 0728/15 7.81 7.81 (S.U.) 01/28/16 7.28 7.28 07/28/16 7.53 7.53 01/26/17 7.64 7.64 07/27/17 7.79 7.79 Conductivity 01/26/15 283.1 283.1 (IIS/c4n) 07/28/15 13207.0 13207.0 01128/16 6019 6019 07/28/16 >3999 >3999 01/26/17 10132 10132 07/27/17 12655 12655 Temperature 01/26/15 9.4 9.4 (°C) 07R8/15 318 31.8 0128/16 7.50 7.50 07R8/16 44.50 44.50 0106/17 16.9 16.9 07/27/17 25.1 25.1 Turbidity 01/26/15 80.5 80.5 (NTU) 07/28/15 80.5 80.5 01/28/16 >1000 >1000 07/28/16 >1000 >1000 01/26/17 400 400 07/27/17 >1000 >1000 Oxidation Redaction Potential 01/26/15 -15.1 -15.1 (tnV) 07/28/15 7.1 7.1 01/28/16 101.50 101.50 07/28/16 -81.50 -81.50 01/26/17 -121.0 -121,0 07/27/17 48.8 48.8 Dissolver) Oxygen 01/26/15 4.26 4.26 07/28/15 2.23 2.23 01/28/16 4.04 4.04 0728/16 3.49 3.49 01/26/17 4.45 4.45 07/27/17 2.11 2.11 Notes: UL - Method Delecoon Linul. RL Reponing Until ND - Not detected above the UL. J = Estinmted concentration below the RI.. B - Bien]. qualified del,. --- No thin R = Annnsdu.n dos Mnllnical tenoned in pg/L, convened to of /L 0001 0.001 mg/L.- nalltgranss per lac: pg/L nncrograms per liter S.U. - Slandasd Unls. NTU - NephelonwInc Tutb:dily Dents µS/cm= micros -juncos per cemuneler niV-1111IIia ohs. Foothills Regional Landfill Permit No. 14-03 Page 19 of 19 SUMMARY OF FEDERAL PRETREATMENT STANDARDS CENTRALIZED WASTE TREATMENT CATEGORY Applicable CFR: 40 CFR Part 437 Estimated Number of Companies Affected: Within U.S.: 165 Proposal in Federal Register: January 27, 1995 (60 FR 5464) Notice of Data Availability: September 16, 1996 (61 FR 48806) Re -proposal: January 13, 1999 (64 FR 2280) Final Regulation in Federal Register: December 22, 2000 (65 FR 81242) Final Compliance Date: December 22, 2003 New Source Date: August 28, 2000 Subcategories A. Metals Treatment and Recovery Subcategory B. Oils Treatment and Recovery Subcategory C. Organics Treatment and Recovery Subcategory D. Multiple Wastestreams Subcategory Types of Technology on Which Pretreatment Standards are Based: Metals Treatment and Recovery Subcategory: Primary precipitation, liquid -solid separation, secondary precipitation, clarification, and sand filtration Cyanide treatment: Alkaline chlorination in a two-step process prior to metals treatment Oils Treatment and Recovery Subcategory: Emulsion breaking/gravity separation and dissolved air flotation Organics Treatment or Recovery Subcategory: Equalization and biological treatment Applicability: Generally applies to wastewater generated from the treatment and recovery of hazardous and non -hazardous industrial wastes received from off -site. Exemptions: Facilities that receive that receive off -site waste from the same industry or of the same nature as wastes generated on -site. ! Treatment of waste received from off -site via pipeline. Treatment of wastewater from product stewardship activities, limited to acceptance of unused products, shipping and storage containers with product residues, and off -spec products. Treatment of off -site sanitary wastes and wastes of domestic origin, such as septage, chemical toilet waste, and restaurant waste. Treatment of grease trap wastes and wastes from food processing and food service activities. Treatment or recovery of solids that remain in solid fonn when contacted with water and which do not leach any chemicals into the water, such as recycling of aluminum cans, glass, and plastic bottles. Wastewater from scrap metal processing and auto salvage operations. POTWs, transfer stations, and municipal recycling centers. Truck washes that do not receive off -site waste other than "heels" of empty trucks. Wastewater from solvent recovery if distillation is used. Wastewater from silver recovery operations of used photographic and x-ray materials if it is not mixed with other types of wastes. Treatment of marine generated waste (ballast water, bilge water, etc.) as long as the waste is treated at the servicing facility where it is off-loaded. Metals recovery operations regulated under other federal pretreatment categories. Subcategory Determination To determine the appropriate subcategory or subcategories, the regulated facility should review one year's data on its incoming wastes. Each waste receipt should be classified into the metals subcategory, the oils subcategory, or the organics subcategory by using the list of waste streams below. To determine the appropriate category: 1. See if the waste receipt is of a type listed below. If so, the subcategory for the waste should be taken from this list. Metals Subcategory: spent electroplating baths and/or sludges, metal finishing rinse water and sludges, chromate wastes, air pollution control blow down water and sludges, spent anodizing solutions, incineration wastewaters, waste liquid mercury, cyanide -containing wastes, waste acids and bases with or without metals, cleaning and rinsing and surface preparation solutions from electroplating or phosphating operations, vibratory deburring wastewater, and alkaline and acid solutions used to clean metal parts or equipment. Oils Subcategory: used oils, oil -water emulsions or mixtures, lubricants, coolants, contaminated groundwater clean-up from petroleum sources, used petroleum products, oil spill clean-up, bilge water, ►inse/wash water from petroleum sources, interceptor wastes, off -specification fuels, underground storage remediation waste, tank clean -out from petroleum or oily sources, non -contact used glycols, aqueous and oil mixtures from parts cleaning operations, and wastewater frorn oil bearing pain washes. Organics Subcategory: landfill leachate, contaminated groundwater clean-up from non -petroleum sources, solvent -bearing wastes, off -specification organic product, still bottoms, byproduct waste glycol, wastewater from paint washes, wastewater from adhesives and/or epoxies formulation, wastewater from chemical product operations, tank clean -out from organic non -petroleum sources. 2. If the waste receipt is not listed above, the following hierarchy should be followed to determine its classification; a. If the waste receipt contains oil and grease at 100 mg/1 or above, the waste should be classified in the oils subcategory. b. If the waste receipt contains less < 100 mg/I oil and grease and has any of the pollutants listed below in excess of the values listed below, the waste should be classified in the metals subcategory. Cadmium: 0.2 mg/l Chromium: 8.9 rng/I Copper: 4.9 ing/1 Nickel: 37.5 mg/l c. If the waste receipt contain < 100 mg/1 oil and grease and does not have concentrations of cadmium, chromium, copper, or nickel above any of the values listed above, the waste should be classified in the organics subcategory. 3. If a facility only receives wastes in one subcategory, the facility is regulated under the appropriate subcategory. If a facility receives wastes in more than one subcategory, the facility is regulated under Subcategory D, Multiple Wastestreams. Subpart A - Metals Treatment and Recovery Subcategory Pretreatment Standards Pollutant or Pollutant Parameter Existing Sources and New Sources Maximum for Any One Day (mg/1) Monthly Average (mg/1) Antimony 0.249 0.206 Arsenic 0.162 0.104 Cadmium 0.474 0.0962 Chromium 15.5 3.07 Cobalt 0.192 0.124 Copper 4.14 1.06 Lead 1.32 0.283 Mercury 0.00234 0.000739 Nickel 3.95 1.45 Selenium 1.64 0.408 Silver 0.120 0.0351 Tin 0.409 0.120 Titanium 0.0947 0.0618 Vanadium 0.218 0.0662 Zinc 2.87 0.641 In -Plant Cyanide Pretreatment Standards for Existing Sources and New Sources Pollutant or Pollutant Parameter Maximum for Any One Day (mgd) Monthly Average (mg/1) Total Cyanide 500 178 3 Subpart B - Oils Treatment and Recovery Subcategory Pretreatment Standards Pollutant or Pollutant Parameter Existing Sources New Sources Maximum for Any One Day (mg/l) Monthly Average (mg/l) Maximum for Any One Day (mgll) Monthly Average (mg/1) Antimony 0.237 0.141 0.237 0.141 Barium 0.427 0.281 0.427 0.281 Chromium 0.947 0.487 0.746 0.323 Cobalt 56.4 18.8 56.4 18.8 Copper 0.405 0.301 0.500 0.242 Lead 0.222 0.172 0.350 0.160 Molybdenum 3.50 2.09 3.50 2.09 Tin 0.249 0.146 0.335 0.165 Zinc 6.95 4.46 8.26 4.50 Bis-2-ethylhexyl phthalate 0.267 0.158 0.215 0.101 Carbazole 0.392 0.233 0.598 0.276 Fluoranthene 0.787 0.393 0.0537 0.0268 n-Decane 5.79 3.31 0.948 0.437 n-Octadecane 1.22 0.925 0.589 0.302 Subpart C - Organics Treatment and Recovery Subcategory Pretreatment Standards Pollutant or Pollutant Parameter Existing Sources and New Sources Maximum for Any One Day (mg/1) Monthly Average (mg/1) Molhbdenutn 1.01 0.965 o-Cresol 1.92 0.561 p-Cresol 0.698 0.205 2,3-Dichloroaniline 0.0731 0.0361 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 0.155 0.106 4 Subpart D - Multiple Wastestreams Subcategory If a facility treats wastewater from more than one subcategory of waste (ie. metals, oils, and organics), it must treat the waste in separate systems and comply with the appropriate discharge limitations for each subcategory OR it must comply with the following requirements: I . Meet applicable Multiple Wastestream Subcategory discharge standards. 2. Submit an initial certification statement that is signed by a responsible corporate officer and includes the following information: t . List and description of the subcategories of wastes accepted for treatment at the facility. 2. List and description of the treatment systems in -place at the facility and the conditions under which the treatment systems are operated for the subcategories of wastes accepted for treatment at the facility. 3. Information and supporting data establishing that these treatment systems will achieve equivalent treatment. 3. Submit an annual periodic certification statement that is signed by a responsible corporate officer and certifies that the facility is operating its treatment systems to provide equivalent treatment as set forth in the initial certification. If a facility has modified its treatment systems, the facility should submit a description of the modified systems and information and supporting data to establish that the modified system will achieve equivalent treatment. 4. Maintain and allow inspection of on -site compliance paperwork, including: I . A list and description of the subcategory wastes being accepted for treatment at the facility. 2. A list and description of the treatment systems in -place at the facility, modifications to the treatment systems, and the conditions under which the systems are operated for the subcategories of wastes accepted for treatment at the facility. 3. Information and supporting data establishing that these treatment systems will achieve equivalent treatment. 4. A description of the procedures it follows to ensure that its treatment systems are well -operated and maintained. 5. An explanation of why the procedures it has adopted will ensure its treatment systems are well -operated and maintained. 5 Subpart D - Multiple Wastestreams Subcategory: Metals, Oils, and Organics Pretreatment Standards Existing Sources New Sources Pollutant or Pollutant Parameter Maximum for Any One Day (mg/1) Monthly Average (mg/1) Maximum for Any One Day (nag/1) Monthly Average (mg/1) Antimony 0.237 0.141 0.237 0.141 Arsenic 0.162 0.104 0.162 0.104 Barium 0.427 0.281 0.427 0.281 Cadmium 0.474 0.0962 0.474 0.0962 Chromium 0.947 0.487 0.746 0.323 Cobalt 0.192 0.124 0.192 0.124 Copper 0.405 0.301 0.500 0.242 Lead 0.222 0.172 0.350 0.160 Mercury 0.00234 0.000739 0.00234 0.000739 Molybdenum 1.01 0.965 1.01 0.965 Nickel 3.95 1.45 3.95 1.45 Selenium 1.64 0.408 1.64 0.408 Silver 0.120 0.0351 0.120 0.0351 Tin 0.409 0.120 0.409 0.120 Titanium 0.0947 0.0618 0.0947 0.0618 Vanadium 0.218 0.0662 0.218 0.0662 Zinc 2.87 0.641 2.87 0.641 Bis-2-ethylhexyl phthalate 0.267 0.158 0.215 0.101 Carbazole 0.392 0.233 0.598 0.276 o-Cresol ' 1.92 0.561 1.92 0.561 p-Cresol 0.698 0.205 0.698 0.205 2,3-Dichloroaniline 0.0731 0.0361 0.0731 0.0361 Fluoranthene 0.787 0.393 0.0537 0.0268 n-Decane 5.79 3.3I 0.948 0.437 n-Octadecane 1.22 0.925 0.589 0.302 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 0.155 0.106 0.155 0.106 In -Plant Cyanide Pretreatment Standards for Existing Sources and New Sources Pollutant or Pollutant Parameter Maximum for Any One Day (mg/1) Monthly Average (mg/1) Total Cyanide 500 178 6 Subpart D - Multiple Wastestreams Subcategory: Metals and Oils Pretreatment Standards Existing Sources New Sources Pollutant or Pollutant Parameter Maximum for Any One Day (mg/l) Monthly Average (mg/1) Maximum for Any One Day (mg/1) Monthly Average (mgll) Antimony 0.237 0.141 0.237 0.141 Arsenic 0.162 0.104 0.162 0.104 Barium 0.427 0.281 0.427 0.281 Cadmium 0.474 0.0962 0.474 0.0962 Chromium 0.947 0.487 0.746 0.323 Cobalt 0.192 0.124 0.192 0.124 Copper 0.405 0.301 0.500 0.242 Lead 0.222 0.172 0.350 0.160 Mercury 0.00234 0.000739 0.00234 0.000739 Molybdenum 3.50 2.09 3.50 2.09 Nickel 3.95 1.45 3.95 1.45 Selenium 1.64 0.408 1.64 0.408 Silver 0.120 0.0351 0.120 0.0351 Tin 0.409 0.120 0.409 0.120 Titanium 0.0947 0.0618 0.0947 0.0618 Vanadium 0.218 0.0662 0.218 0.0662 Zinc 2.87 0.641 2.87 0.641 Bis-2-ethylhexyl phthalate 0.267 0.158 0.215 0.101 Carbazole 0.392 0.233 0.598 0.276 Fluoranthene 0.787 0.393 0.0537 0.0268 n-Decane 5.79 3.31 0.948 0.437 n-Octadecane 1.22 0.925 0.589 0.302 -Plant Cyanide Pretreatment Standards for Existing Sources and New Sources Pollutant or Pollutant Parameter Maximum for Any One Day (m€n) Monthly Average (rng/1) Total Cyanide 500 178 7 Subpart D - Multiple Wastestreams Subcategory: Metals and Organics Pretreatment Standards Pollutant or Pollutant Parameter Existing Sources and New Sources Maximum for Any One Day (mg/) Monthly Average (mg/l) Antimony 0.249 0.206 Arsenic 0.162 0.104 Cadmium 0.474 0.0962 Chromium 15.5 3.07 Cobalt 0.192 0.124 Copper 4.14 1.06 Lead 1.32 0.283 Mercury 0.00234 0.000739 Molybdenum 1.01 0.965 Nickel 3.95 1.45 Selenium 1.64 0.408 Silver 0.120 0.0351 Tin 0.409 0.120 Titanium 0.0947 0.0618 Vanadium 0.218 0.0662 Zinc 2.87 0.641 o-Cresol 1.92 0.561 p-Cresol 0.698 0.205 2,3-Dichloroaniline 0.0731 0.0361 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 0.155 0.106 In -Plant Cyanide Pretreatment Standards for Existing Sources and New Sources Pollutant or Pollutant Parameter Maximum for Any One Day (mg/1) Monthly Average (mg/1) Total Cyanide 500 178 Subpart D - Multiple Wastestreams Subcategory: Oils and Organics Pretreatment Standards Pollutant or Pollutant Parameter Existing Sources New Sources Maximutn for Any One Day (mg/1) Monthly Average (mg/I) Maximum for Any One Day (tn€%l) Monthly Average (mel) Antimony 0.237 0.141 0.237 0.141 Barium 0.427 0.281 0.427 0.281 Chromium 0.947 0.487 0.746 0.323 Cobalt 56.4 18.8 56.4 18.8 Copper 0.405 0.301 0.500 0.242 Lead 0.222 0.172 0.350 0.160 Molybdenum 1.01 0.965 1.01 0.965 Tin 0.249 0.146 0.335 0.165 Zinc 6.95 4.46 8.26 4.50 Bis-2-ethylhexyl phthalate 0.267 0.158 0.215 0.101 Carbazole 0.392 0.233 0.598 0.276 o-Cresol 1.92 0.561 1.92 0.561 p-Cresol 0.698 0.205 0.698 0.205 2,3-Dichloroaniline 0.0731 0.0361 0.0731 0.0361 Fluoranthene 0.787 0.393 0.0537 0.0268 n-Decane 5.79 3.31 0.948 0.437 n-Octadecane 1.22 0.925 0.589 0.302 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 0.155 0.106 0.155 0.106 9