HomeMy WebLinkAbout20141037 Ver 1_More Info Received_20141030E McGill A S S O C I A T E S NC DENR DWR 401 and Buffer Permitting Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 -1617 RE: Beetree Creek Bank Stabilization Buncombe County, NC DWR Project # 14 -1037 To Whom It May Concern: P -�/ OCT 3 0 2014 i .1 We have received comments for the referenced by way of letter dated October 17, 2014 from G. Langdon Davidson in the Asheville Regional Office. We hope this letter and related attachments will satisfactorily address all the outstanding issues. Below are numbered responses to each comment contained in the letter: 1. Registered Agent: We checked with the Gods Way Church and Mr. Fred Hyatt is not known to or affiliated with the church. The Trustee and Deacon of the church is Mr. Billy J. Wilson. Attached is a signed form labeled Site Access Agreement (Attachment 1), in which Mr. Wilson designates Pastor Joel Burton at the responsible party for making decisions for the church. 2. Gravel Bar Removal: The existing gravel bar in the vicinity of Goss Section 5 has formed as a point bar in response to a channel shift upstream caused by the severe bank erosion. As a result of the proposed project (actually a goal of the proposed project), the bend in the stream around this gravel bar will be softened and slightly reversed, causing the formation of a point bar on the left side of the channel instead of the right side. The term "removal" was a poor choice of words to describe the proposed activity, a more accurate description would be that the gravel will be modified or shifted in this area. Examination of Cross Section 5 (provided in the PCN) shows that there will be essentially no change in bankfull cross sectional area between pre and post - construction channel dimension. Based on XS-5 the change in cross sectional area pre to post will be + 1.25 sq. -ft. Total post construction cross sectional area at this location will be approximately 90 sq.-ft.. The NC State regional curve for the mountain region indicates streams with similar drainage area ( +/- 14 sq. -mi.) would have mean cross sectional area of roughly 125 sq.-ft. As it turns out, Beetree Creek, upstream of the Project Site, is a data point on this curve and this point falls below the curve. This, combined with the fad that there is at least one impoundment upstream (that might provide some peak flow attenuation), and that the site has a broad, accessible floodplain, provides sound verification for both measured and proposed cross sections throughout the project reach. Environmental o Planning 9 Finance McGill Associores. P.A. - 3'64 RominRer Road. Banner Elk. North Carolina ?S604 Office: 823 -297 -6946 - Far: S28 -20' -I98_ McGill �a A S S O C I A T E S x: 3. Wetland Question: Yes, the area shown is the only wetland area within the ProjectSite. This area was discussed with the USACE during a field visit on.sitel9 -16 -2014 attended by Tim Fox, Andrea Leslie, and Tasha Alexander. *• t , t n ^j 4. Flow Diversion and Work in the Dry: Beetree Creek at the Project •Site`is toowbig to.= pump so the creation of a "dry' work area will be accomplished •by'shifting,flow'aWag' from the immediate work zone. The project will occur in two steps:' a. Upstream Section (Boulder -Toe Area) I. Rough grade left bank to establish area of proposed shifted channel, this will be accomplished by working, f orri'tFie'left bank; starting at the downstream end of this area and working upstream: , - ii. Create a non-erodible berm or install a nonzerodible-bardert(Jersey barrier or similar) to shift flow Into the new channel area and away from the proposed boulder -toe area along the'right bank' Ill. Construct boulder toe with soil lifts above as shown on the plans. r ' iv.. Install two J -Hook rode vanes, It will'not be'possible to construct these two structures entirely in the dry. f - " b. Downstream Section (Left Bank Stabilisation Area) '. I. Create a non - erodible berm -or- install a non-erodible barrier'(Jersey barrier or similar) to shift flow away from the left bank. ' Ii. Add boulders to,reinforoe undercut bank-irea, shape left°bank and 4 channel to move thalweg,towards center of channel: lL.-Stabiliie •'disturbed areas with coir chat 40. or 'similar; seed with temporary erosion control mix and overseed with native riparian seed mix (ERNST 304 or similar): • ^ - F• _ : - r. 5. Plan Detail and,Cross�Section: A.symbol1of the boulder=toe was not included on the - Plan, View drawings so as riot to obsaire,the contour labels., We did indude a note that references the. boulder -toe detail. and Cross Sections. This. comment -was discussed with DWR staff and no additionahinformation is- needed. 6. ',Scour at Base of Boulder- ToeWaII: The two J -Hook vanes.willhdMect the °thalwq away " , ,from'thesboulder -toe wall and, to a large extent; prevent-scour. We`wilf add a ,note to the; plans ,W.severaCadditional,bwlders;Wbe placed next to,the'bouider- -toe to create an irregular,edge'and further minimize scour potential. (see Attachment, 2) r, r 7. . Detail and Success - Criteria 'for "live Staking: 'The Boulder. Toe Stabilization detail ' .provides, construction.notes4br live stake installation,. we All:add- to,these notes to i:. 'lid" Jndude t(or�.referenee) a 'specification 'ind -the' minimum number Wlstakes to be installed:`WedWll,;alsotindude the following.Monitoringmand Success Criteria to the, projects +documents:(see,Attachment;3) .;: '� - , e ' - a: L Monitoring'and,Success Criteria for'Project Plantings�4' — - . _� z..Y• - t : fit Monitoring:�Visdal, monitoringr-of the, stabilization project shall be, 'conducted:at'aaminimum - of t quarterly for the;flrsfyeaP of 2- bankfull events (whichever is longer), and thentannWilyluntii the "site is`stable E- a: v:ir- o:n'mentaI •' Prlannina F=ina•n°'cse-1 Me•Gill, 4sioeiare3 PA • S'64 Ronnngei Rood Biinnei Elk Voirh Caiol+nd-0V604 `Olin e ' S. N- `9' -6046 • Foi 'Sc'R- 29'498" McGill A S S O C I A T E S .;;i' (particularly after storm events) and vegetation is successful (see - AkcessT,criteria)�, � Any. ,failures -of stnictures, ,stream banks, or wegetatiomvuill;bereporteci +to Asheville Re gional,Off'im,cyf DENR DWR. • - 4 Ii. Success Criteria: Minimum 8096 cover for, herbaceous species and minimum 320 stems;per,acre.survivaffor woody species. Left Bank Revegetation: Our-understanding,is that this comment applies to the'left bank area, in the vicinity,. of XS-5. Currently this, areas. Is grassed with several larger mature trees scattered such that during the summer months` there is ,full canopy coverage. The church currently mows this area and1iii4ied by church:members'and children on a regular basis. The proposed plan calls for stabilization,of disturbed areas with,,grass, over - seeded with a °native,d rian seed mix. We,believe this specification will return the area to.its.current vegetated state with,the added benefit,of•additional native species along the,immediate stream bank. This particular area is very important to the church and they have specifically requested -that it remain -ac essible'to its members. If you have any questions regarding this information,or need additional information please call me at 828 -297 -6946, thank you. Sincerely, zJo s Director of Environmental Services cc: Ed Williams, NC DWR Tim Fox, NC DWR Tasha Alexander, USACE Andrea Leslie, NCWRC Joel Burton, Gods Way Baptist Church Greg Isreal, Buncombe County Mark Cathy, McGill Associates Environmental Planning Finance McGill 4 vsac tares PA - 3 "64 Romin¢eo Road Banner Elk Not rh C'ar olrnd _'1604 Omee &18-29- -6946 • Fax (2.S- 297- 19.E -' IV Site Access Agreement as a- Trustee an dDeacomol.13od'sWay Baptist Church am in `hill'adriefniht with the Site Access Agreementfor the Bee Tree Creek Project. The ctiurchi has voted and agreed to allow Buncombe Countyand agencies designated by Buncombe Cbunty'td tisive'accets'cf�Bee-Tree,Creek4actoss our property. We also understand that the project requires grading and use,df our property and are'in I-aireenierit'fbrthfi-ptojimcito move fbrwird,iiiin,iorebriieiit,' and 'specifications spelled out in the plans. ',We also give bur�pistqr Joel Burtoh'ifie fighko, Make,dbcisions for the church as "a as he remains our'Pastor. ATp�CN►"I'ENT ATTACFUvIENT 2 N 0 co CD C114 Ln Ln Ln .d- Pro osed Reconst-ucted Riqht Bank o 0 C O 0 (1) F- + L) > 0 _j q) 0 al= 0 E 0) 0.- 4) zr- 0 00 q) Cr V) 3C V) o :t 0 0 m m L I 4m C vvvj 0 0 > + E x uj -T NMI V) ui c a 3t 02-6 (D DO 3: + 0 C E c , 0 0 c 0 Z 4) Z am Z 0 cfl + 0 M U 0 0- -0 75 Q2lL..o / ' L• 0 0 0 3� 4) .0 D -0 0-5 0 4a) CL C:2 -y'a 0 .0 0 0 '� o D 0 > a- 4) 0 0; 0 0 o..,; -t U) 0 -- 0 n .0 -0 �o ID — 0 W C -0.v) -0:2 N 0 -y -c 'a 0 c V) < / 0 01 0 (n 0,0 — C) 0— — 'a..— (D 0-0 0— =) 0-1710— c -0 0 c 0 X 0— > 'i 2 1 L- LiD Q.< o - 0 �z 0 0 0 O 0 o 0 Q Q-w E + 0 0-0 'c 'D 0 >, 75 U) -c 2-0 0 W > C 0 0 :3 lul Q).o 0 CL Q) o E 0 0 0 E 0 L< + 0 RECONSTRUCTED RIGHT BANK BEETREE CREEK McG TYPICAL SECTION BANK STABILIZATION SEPTEMBER 2014 ASSOCIATES REVISED: OCTOBER 27, 2014 BUNCOMBE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES NORTH CAROLINA 3764 ROWUNGER RD BANNER aX, NC 28604 pH, (Ug) 297-&% Erosion Control Mat (See Notes) - -- ------------ - - -� -� 0 c.' a Existing Bank Cross- section Dead Stout Stakes Construction Notes: Boulder Dimensions Table 1. Grade back streambank to allow access to toe of slope, create a berm using non- 2 Description Dimension erodible materials to isolate the work area to prevent sedimentation of riper. Boulder Length 6 4 -'' Boulder Width 2 -6 2. Outer edge of boulder wall and top elevation of boulder wall will be field located by engineer or designer. ♦ Boulder Thickness 1 -2' '�y` _ _ Top of Bank I Footer rocks for boulder wall shall•be installed 2' below streambed unless bedrock / VI is encountered. 4. Geotextile non -woven filter fabric (Mirafi 1100N or similar) ,shall be installed I s 11 between boulder wall and soil bank, washed ballast stone (3 -6 ") shall be placed ♦ behind boulder wall to fill voids. I ♦ 5. Construct boulder wall to deigned elevation; wall slope should be roughly 0.5:1. Temp. Bench for Construction, Access Approx. Streambed Elev. . :12 " -16.. $0,1 Lift sleight - 31-41 Non -woven Filter Cloth (See Notes) Live Stakes 6. Place coir mat;geotextile (900 Coir Mat or equivalent) over header boulder with Coir Mat Geotextile back edge anchored behind boulders using dead stout stakes. Set batter board with desired soil lift face height (12 " -16 ") along front edge and drape coir mat Wrapped Soil Lifts overhanging board. Place topsoil fill to designed vertical depth (12 " -16 ") and tarnp (See Notes) firmly to 85 -90 percent standard Proctor density (ASTM D698). Pull coir mat back to existing slope face covering soil lift and staple at 2 -foot 'intervals. Repeat process until designed soil lift section is complete. Maintain 2 :1 slope through soil lift section based on soil lift height and setback distance'between lifts. Approx. Bankfull' 7. Add topsoil fill above soil' lift section in compacted'layers to tie into top bank V elevation; maintain,2:1 slope. Stabilize with erosion control mat (Double sided Straw Erosion Blanket) and staked according to manufacturers recommendations. Seed topsoil fill, slope and soil lift section with erosion control mix and overseed with Native NC, Mountains Riparian seed mix (ERNST seed mix #304 or similar) 8. Live stakes shall be soaked in water 2448 hours prior to installation: Live stakes shall be planted in the dormant season (October 1 through May 1). Live stakes to be tamped into upper edge of lift face at right angles to the slope, minimum depth of 18" with 6" of stake end protruding from the, ground. Liye stakes should be, spaced at j Approx. 2' intervals along soil lift horizontal rows. Normal Flow Live Stake Specifications Live stakes shall be dormant cuttings of one or more of the following species with median dimensions of 1/2" diameter and 2' length: •�• Cornus amomum, �..� Cornus sericea Approx. Salix sericea 1 - — Streambed Salix cotletii Salix discolor Total # of lave stakes to be planted is approximately 210. Ballast Rock Backfill Install Footer Boulders Approximately 2' Below Streambed .O U b�A a� a� 0 �O .3 O .4 C13 a� H rd 0 Q W a U a� UaZ 0 H z w �n d z °a, o; a� Q ® o W � x N o U z E� � ,o 'U, w W 0 N O N Q .c U a�0 o E° o Cd z� ATTACHMENT 3