HomeMy WebLinkAbout20221369 Ver 1_Fish and Mussel Survey_20221003Protected Mussel & Fish Survey Report Proposed Water Siphon Crossing Rockingham County, North Carolina Smith River during the survey efforts Prepared For: Prepared by: 324 Blackwell Street, Suite 1200 Durham, NC 27701 September 03, 2019 Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction.......................................................................................................................... 1 2.0 Target Federally Protected and Proposed Species Descriptions .......................................... 2 2.1 Percina rex (Roanoke Logperch)...................................................................................... 2 2.1.1 Species Characteristics.............................................................................................. 2 2.1.2 Distribution and Habitat Requirements.................................................................... 2 2.1.3 Threats to Species..................................................................................................... 3 2.2 Parvaspina collina (James Spinymussel).......................................................................... 4 2.2.1 Species Characteristics.............................................................................................. 4 2.2.2 Distribution and Habitat Requirements.................................................................... 5 2.2.3 Threats to Species..................................................................................................... 6 2.3 Fusconaia masoni (Atlantic Pigtoe)................................................................................. 7 2.3.1 Species Characteristics.............................................................................................. 7 2.3.2 Distribution and Habitat Requirements.................................................................... 7 2.3.3 Threats to Species..................................................................................................... 8 2.3.4 Designated Critical Habitat....................................................................................... 8 3.0 Other Target Species Descriptions...................................................................................... 9 3.1 Lasmigona subviridis (Green Floater).............................................................................. 9 3.1.1 Species Characteristics.............................................................................................. 9 3.1.2 Distribution and Habitat Requirements.................................................................... 9 3.1.3 Threats to Species................................................................................................... 10 4.0 Survey Efforts.................................................................................................................... 10 4.1 Stream Conditions at Time of Survey: Smith River ...................................................... 10 4.2 Methodology.................................................................................................................. 10 4.2.1 Fish Surveys............................................................................................................ 10 4.2.2 Mussel Surveys....................................................................................................... 11 4.3 Results............................................................................................................................ 11 4.3.1 Fish Survey Results................................................................................................. 11 4.3.2 Mussel Survey Results............................................................................................ 12 5.0 Discussion/Conclusions..................................................................................................... 12 5.1 Conclusion of Effects..................................................................................................... 13 5.1.1 James Spinymussel-No Effect................................................................................ 13 5.1.2 Roanoke Logperch-May Affect/Not Likely to Adversely Affect ........................... 13 6.0 Literature Cited.................................................................................................................. 14 Appendix A. Figures: Figure 1: Project Vicinity & Survey Reach Figure 2-1 to 2-4: NCNHP Element Occurrences 1.0 INTRODUCTION The project involves the replacement of an inverted siphon under the Smith River, a tributary to the Dan River, of the Roanoke River Basin in the town of Eden in Rockingham County, North Carolina (Figure 1). The construction will involve a staged coffer dam across the river. The Federally Endangered Roanoke Logperch (Percina rex) and James Spinymussel (Parvaspina collina, JSM [formerly Pleurobema collina (Perkins et al. 2017)]) are listed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) for Rockingham County and are known from the Dan River subbasin. The Atlantic Pigtoe (Fusconaia masoni), which is known to occur in the county, was proposed for listing under the ESA as a Threatened Species with a Section 4(d) Rule and Critical Habitat Designation on October 11, 2018 (USFWS 2018). Additionally, the Green Floater (Lasmigona subviridis) is being considered for listing by USFWS and is known to occur in Rockingham County. The US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) has reviewed the proposed project and has requested that surveys be conducted for the listed species. The suggested survey reach includes the entire width of the river from the project footprint plus an additional 400 meters downstream and 100 meters upstream. Table 1 lists the nearest element occurrence (EO) for targeted species in approximate river miles (RM) from the approximate project footprint. Data are from the NC Natural Heritage Program database (NCNHP 2019) most recently updated in July 2019 (Figures 2-1 to 2-4). Table 1. Element Occurrences Distance from EO crossing First Last EO Species Name EO ID Waterbody (RM) Observed Observed Status* Figure Roanoke At 25404 Smith River July 2007 July 2016 C 2-1 Logperch crossing James November October 37056 Dan River 5.36 C 2-2 Spinymussel 2016 2017 September SeptemberC Atlantic Pigtoe 170926.1ted** Dan River 5.69 2-3 2017 2017 November October Green Floater 3622 Dan River 0.47 C 2-4 2000 2017 *: C — NCNHP Current; ** - Three Oaks Survey record not yet in NCNHP dataset As part of the federal permitting process that requires an evaluation of potential project -related impacts to federally protected species, Three Oaks Engineering (30aks) was contracted to conduct fish surveys targeting the Roanoke Logperch and mussel surveys targeting James Spinymussel. The Atlantic Pigtoe and Green Floater were also targeted in the survey efforts. WK Dickson Smith River Aquatics September 2019 Job# 19-314 Page 1 2.0 TARGET FEDERALLY PROTECTED AND PROPOSED SPECIES DESCRIPTIONS 2.1 Percina rex (Roanoke Logperch) 2.1.1 Species Characteristics The Roanoke Logperch is a large darter with an elongate body up to 165 mm in total length. The snout is conical or pig -like. The caudal fin is slightly emarginated, truncate, or slightly rounded. The body is straw-colored to pale olive dorsally, pale to yellow -olive on the lower side with a white belly; the lateral line is complete. Markings are dark olive to black with green, gold, or blue iridescence on the side of the head and the prepectoral area. There are 8-11 lateral blotches. The first dorsal fin has submarginal yellow or orange bands, while the second dorsal, caudal, and pectoral fins are distinctly tessellated (Terwilliger 1991). The Roanoke Logperch is a benthic feeder; feeding on a variety of immature insects by overturning gravel and small rocks with its snout (Terwilliger 1991). The average life expectancy is five to six years. Spawning occurs in April or May in deep runs over gravel and small cobble. Logperch typically bury their eggs and provide no subsequent parental care (USFWS 2015a). 2,12 Distribution and Habitat Requirements The Roanoke Logperch can be found in larger streams in the upper Roanoke, Smith, Pigg, Otter, and Nottoway River systems; Goose Creek in Virginia; and in the Dan, Mayo, and Smith River systems and Big Beaver Island Creek in North Carolina. Its upstream range in the Dan and Mayo Rivers is presumably impeded by dams (USFWS 2015a). Due to barriers such as dams, there are currently eight discrete populations of Roanoke Logperch. The population in the upper Roanoke River is probably the largest and most important in the species' range (USFWS 2007). The Roanoke Logperch occupies medium to large warm water streams and rivers of moderate gradient and relatively unsilted substrates. Inhabited waterways have a moderate to low gradient, and the fish usually inhabit riffles and runs with silt -free sandy to boulder -strewn bottoms. During different phases of life history and season, every major riverine habitat is exploited by the Logperch. Young are usually found in slow runs and pools with clean sandy bottoms. In winter, Logperch may be more tolerant of silty substrates and may also inhabit pools. Males are associated with shallow riffles during the reproductive period; females are common in deep runs over gravel and small cobble where they spawn (NatureServe 2015, USFWS 1992a). The species is usually in low abundance. The populations are small and separated by long segments of river or large impoundments; it is nearly always rare, never abundant (Terwilliger 1991). In addition, the Roanoke Logperch's low catchability, patchy distribution, and low abundance make them difficult to detect. Extensive and intensive sampling by the Virginia Transportation Research Council confirmed that Roanoke Logperch are difficult to detect even with more sampling effort than typically is applied in general fish surveys (Lahey and WK Dickson Smith River Aquatics September 2019 Job# 19-314 Page 2 Angermeier 2007). It wasn't until 2007, that individuals of this species were found in the Roanoke River drainage (Smith and Dan Rivers) in Rockingham County, North Carolina (NCWRC 2015). Existing information on the distribution of Roanoke Logperch and habitat suitable for Logperch is scarce and uneven in quality. Most previous surveys for Logperch focused on areas near known occurrences and information on habitat suitability has been scarce and inconsistently gathered (Lahey and Angermeier 2007). The present understanding of the Roanoke Logperch range and densities indicate that all populations extend further and are denser than previously assumed when the species was federally listed. Populations in the upper Roanoke and Nottoway Rivers show comparably high densities (Rosenberger and Angermeier 2002 in USFWS 2007) and high genetic diversity (George and Mayden 2003 in USFWS 2007). The species appears to be reproducing throughout its range, however, a poor understanding of abundance at the time of listing makes it difficult to determine whether populations are increasing, stable, or declining over the long term (USFWS 2007). 2.1.3 Threats to Species Roanoke Logperch populations are threatened by dams/barriers and reservoirs, watershed urbanization, agricultural and silvicultural activities contributing to non -point source pollution, stream channelization, roads, toxic spills, woody debris loss, and water withdrawals (USFWS 2015a). It appears that massive habitat loss associated with the construction of the large impoundments of the Roanoke River Basin in the 1950s and 1960s (Roanoke Rapids, Gaston, Kerr, Leesville, Smith Mountain, and Philpott Reservoirs) was the original cause of significant population declines of this species. These reservoir systems resulted in major disruptions in the ability of this species to move throughout its historic range. The populations in the Roanoke and Nottoway basins probably represent remnants of much larger populations that once occupied much of the Roanoke and Chowan River drainages upstream of the fall line. All the populations are small and no genetic exchange occurs among them because they are separated by large impoundments and wide river gaps. Each population is vulnerable due to its relatively low density and limited range. Small Logperch populations could go extinct with minor habitat degradation. Catastrophic events may consist of natural events such as flooding or drought, as well as human influenced events such as toxic spills associated with highways, railroads, or industrial -municipal complexes (USFWS 2015b). The best known and largest population, which inhabits the upper Roanoke from the City of Roanoke upstream into the North and South Forks, has been subjected to considerable stress from human uses in the basin, progressively more so in the downstream direction. Although there are no trend data available, the continued urbanization of the upper Roanoke threatens the existing population density and abundance in this portion of the species' range (USFWS 2007). WK Dickson Smith River Aquatics September 2019 Job# 19-314 Page 3 Water withdrawals may pose a serious threat to the species in the future as the human population of the Roanoke River basin increases (USFWS 2015b). Non -point sources of pollution can be a problem for the species. Large quantities of stormwater drain from streets and lawns, carrying nutrients, oil, metals, and other pollutants into the upper Roanoke (USFWS 1992a). Spills of toxic chemicals have occurred in the Roanoke River in Salem and Roanoke, including 11 spills documented in the Roanoke and its tributaries from 1970 through 1991 (USFWS 1992a). One of the most destructive spills resulted from the accidental discharge of more than 100,000 gallons of liquid manure into a tributary of the South Fork of the Roanoke River. It is estimated that this spill killed 190,000 fish, including 300 Roanoke Logperch (USFWS 1992a). Events such as this could be catastrophic to small, isolated populations. Siltation is a widespread threat to the Roanoke Logperch. Excessive silt deposition reduces habitat heterogeneity and primary productivity; increases egg and larval mortality; abrades organisms; and alters, degrades, and entombs macrobenthic communities (Burkhead and Jenkins 1991, in USFWS 1992a). The water quality of the North Fork of the Roanoke River is significantly degraded by silt washed from agricultural lands in the watershed. It is probable that the absence of the species from the upper and middle portions of the North Fork Roanoke is the result of historical habitat degradation. Excessive siltation generated by poor agricultural and logging practices is also a problem in the Nottoway River watershed (USFWS 1992a). The impacts from in -stream sand and gravel -mining operations on aquatic environments and riparian habitats are well -documented (Meador and Layher 1998, Kondolf 1997, Starnes and Gasper 1996). These physical and biotic effects can extend far upstream and downstream from the site of extraction (Brown et al. 1998). The recovery time of the stream ecosystem from mining operations can be very extensive (>20 years) and total restoration in some cases has been considered improbable (Kanehl and Lyons 1992, Brown et al. 1998). There are a number of active and inactive mining operations in the Dan River subbasin in Stokes and Rockingham counties. Wide forested buffers have been identified as critical in maintaining stream type (Llhardt et al. 2000), water temperature control (Lynch and Corbett 1990), food resources (Palik et al. 2000), and instream habitat (Semlitsch 1998) for aquatic resources. Deforestation of large magnitude in the Dan and Mayo River watersheds may have significant effects on aquatic habitat. Z2 Parvaspina collina (James Spinymussel) 2.2.1 Species Characteristics The James Spinymussel was discovered in the Calfpasture River (of the James River Basin) by T. A. Conrad and originally described as Unio collinus (Conrad 1837). Various people (See USFWS 1990 for synonyms) have subsequently placed this species in a number of different genera. Turgeon et al. (1988) placed the JSM in the genus Pleurobema. Perkins et al. (2017) subsequently placed JSM in the genus Parvaspina. The taxonomic history of this species is described fully in Clarke and Neves (1984). WK Dickson Smith River Aquatics September 2019 Job# 19-314 Page 4 The JSM is a small mussel that is reported to reach a maximum size of 70 mm; however, a specimen collected in the Dan River was measured at 74 mm in length (Tim Savidge, personal observations). Larger specimens up to 89 mm in length have been collected in Johns Creek of the upper James River basin (Tom Dickinson, personal observations). The shells of small individuals (<40 mm) are subrhomboidal in shape with an obliquely subtruncated posterior with widely spaced concentric striations. The periostracum is shiny and straw yellow with prominent growth rings. Faint brownish rays are rarely present. One to three short, but prominent spines are occasionally present on each valve. With age, the shell becomes more ovate or even arcuate, the periostracum becomes brownish to black and any spines that were once present are lost. Their beaks are typically eroded and only slightly elevated above the hinge line, if at all. The nacre is white with occasional bluish suffusions. The foot and mantle of live specimens are light orange in color (USFWS 1990, Clarke and Neves 1984, Johnson 1970). Internal anatomy is detailed in Clarke and Neves (1984). The JSM and the Tar spinymussel (TSM) share many morphological traits but are considered distinct species. The TSM has been described as having intermediate characteristics between the small, short-spined JSM and the large, long-spined Altamaha spinymussel (Elliptio spinosa) (USFWS 1992b; USFWS 1990). Internal anatomical differences between the two species are described in Clarke and Neves (1984). TSM can have up to 12 spines (USFWS 1992b) and tend to have spines more often than JSMs. Clarke and Neves (1984) state most specimens of JSM "never develop spines". Knowledge of the reproductive biology of the JSM is limited to thesis research at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Hove 1990; Hove and Neves 1989). Like nearly all freshwater mussel species, the reproductive strategy of the JSM involves a glochidium that becomes a temporary obligate parasite on a fish. Many mussel species have specific fish hosts that must be present to complete their life cycle. Based upon laboratory infestation experiments, Hove (1990) identified seven fish species, all in the family Cyprinidae (minnows), as potential fish hosts for the JSM. McMahon and Bogan (2001) and Pennak (1989) provide a general overview of freshwater mussel reproductive biology. 2.2.2 Distribution and Habitat Requirements Previously, the JSM was believed to be endemic to the James River system, with a widespread distribution within the basin (USFWS 1990, Clarke and Neves, 1984). When the Recovery Plan for this species was adopted, it was believed to have been extirpated from 90% of its historic distribution. Since its discovery in the Dan River in the fall of 2000, extensive surveys have been conducted and a "working range" of approximately 36 miles in the Dan River in Stokes County, North Carolina, and approximately 17 miles in the Mayo River, in Patrick County, Virginia, and Rockingham County, North Carolina has been established. A description of chemical and physical conditions at sites currently and historically supporting the JSM is given in Clarke and Neves (1984) and Boss and Clench (1967). The habitat is generally described as runs with moderate current, with sand, gravel, and cobble substrata. Individuals from the Dan River population have been found in a variety of substrates that range from silt/sand, to sand, gravel, cobble, bedrock crevices, and sand surrounded by boulders, and in WK Dickson Smith River Aquatics September 2019 Job# 19-314 Page 5 a variety of flow patterns that range from slack pools to runs with moderate to swift currents (personal observations). The hardness of the water is believed to be a significant requirement for this species, with a minimum hardness value of >50 ppm CaCO3 (Clarke and Neves 1984). 2.2.3 Threats to Species The cumulative effects of several factors, including sedimentation, point and non -point discharge, stream modification (e.g., impoundment, channelization), coupled with the apparent restricted range, are believed to have contributed to the decline of this species throughout its range (USFWS 1990). When mussel populations are reduced to a small number of individuals and are restricted to short reaches of isolated streams, they are extremely vulnerable to extirpation from a single catastrophic event or activity (Strayer et al. 1996). Catastrophic events may consist of natural events such as flooding or drought, as well as human influenced events, such as toxic spills. Siltation resulting from improper erosion control of various land usage, including agriculture, silviculture, and development activities, has been recognized as a major contributing factor to degradation of mussel populations (USFWS 1996). Siltation has been documented to be extremely detrimental to mussel populations by degrading substrate and water quality, increasing potential exposure to other pollutants, and by directly smothering mussels (Ellis 1936, Marking and Bills 1979). Sediment accumulations of less than 1 inch have been shown to cause high mortality in most mussel species (Ellis 1936). Sewage treatment effluent has been documented to significantly affect the diversity and abundance of mussel fauna (Goudreau et al. 1988). Goudreau et al. (1988) found that recovery of mussel populations might not occur for up to two miles below points of chlorinated sewage effluent. Clarke and Neves (1984) suggested that sewage and industrial pollution might have contributed to the extirpation of the James Spinymussel from the North River in Virginia. The impact of impoundments on freshwater mussels has been well -documented (USFWS 1992c, Neves 1993). Construction of dams transforms lotic habitats into lentic habitats, which results in changes with aquatic community composition. These changes associated with inundation adversely affect both adult and juvenile mussels as well as fish community structure, which could eliminate possible fish hosts for glochidia (Fuller 1974). The introduction of exotic species, such as the Asian clam (Corbicula fluminea) and zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha), has also been shown to pose significant threats to native freshwater mussels. The Asian clam is now established in most of the major river systems in the United States (Fuller and Powell 1973) including those streams still supporting surviving populations of the James Spinymussel. Concern has been raised over competitive interactions for space, food, and oxygen between this species and native mussels, possibly at the juvenile stages (Neves and Widlak 1987, Alderman 1997). The Asian clam is common to abundant within the James River. The zebra mussel, native to the drainage basins of the Black, Caspian, and Aral Seas, is an exotic freshwater mussel that was introduced into the Great Lakes in the 1980s and has rapidly expanded its range into the surrounding river basins, including those of the South Atlantic Slope (O'Neill and MacNeill 1991). This species competes for food resources WK Dickson Smith River Aquatics September 2019 Job# 19-314 Page 6 and space with native mussels and is expected to contribute to the extinction of at least 20 freshwater mussel species if it becomes established throughout most of the eastern United States (USFWS 1992c). This species has not been recorded in the Roanoke River Basin. 2.3 Fusconaia masoni (Atlantic Pigtoe) 2.3.1 Species Characteristics The Atlantic Pigtoe was described by Conrad (1834) from the Savannah River in Augusta, Georgia. Although larger specimens exist, the Atlantic Pigtoe seldom exceeds 50 mm (2 inches) in length. This species is tall relative to its length, except in headwater stream reaches where specimens may be elongated. The hinge ligament is relatively short and prominent. The periostracum is normally brownish, has a parchment texture, and young individuals may have greenish rays across the entire shell surface. The posterior ridge is biangulate. The interdentum in the left valve is broad and flat. The anterior half of the valve is thickened compared with the posterior half, and, when fresh, nacre in the anterior half of the shell tends to be salmon colored, while nacre in the posterior half tends to be more iridescent. The shell has full dentation. In addition to simple papillae, branched and arborescent papillae are often seen on the incurrent aperture. In females, salmon colored demibranchs are often seen during the spawning season. When fully gravid, females use all four demibranchs to brood glochidia (VDGIF 2014). The Atlantic Pigtoe is a tachytictic (short-term) breeder, brooding young in early spring and releasing glochidia in early summer. The Bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus) and Shield Darter (Percina peltata) have been identified as potential fish hosts for this species (O'Dee and Waters 2000). Additional research has found Rosefin Shiner (Lythrurus ardens), Creek Chub (Semotilus atromaculatus), and Longnose Dace (Rhynichthys cataractae) are also suitable hosts (Wolf 2012). Eads and Levine (2011) found White Shiner (Luxilus albeolus), Satinfin Shiner (Cyprinella analostana), Bluehead Chub (Nocomis leptocephalus), Rosyside Dace (Clinostomus funduloides), Pinewoods Shiner (Lythrurus matutinus), Creek Chub, Swallowtail Shiner (Notropis procne), and Mountain Redbelly Dace (Chrosomus oreas) to also be suitable hosts for Atlantic Pigtoe. 2.3.2 Distribution and Habitat Requirements Johnson (1970) reported the range of the Atlantic Pigtoe extended from the Ogeechee River Basin in Georgia north to the James River Basin in Virginia; however, recent curation of the H. D. Athearn collection uncovered valid specimens from the Altamaha River in Georgia (Sarah McRae, USFWS, personal communication). It is presumed extirpated from the Catawba River Basin in North and South Carolina south to the Altamaha River Basin (USFWS 2018). The general pattern of its current distribution indicates that the species is currently limited to headwater areas of drainages and most populations are represented by few individuals. hi North Carolina, aside from the Waccamaw River, it was once found in every Atlantic Slope river basin. Except for the Tar River, it is no longer found in the mainstem of the rivers within its historic range (Savidge et al. 2011). It is listed as Endangered in Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina, and as Threatened in Virginia. It has a NatureServe rank of G2 (imperiled). WK Dickson Smith River Aquatics September 2019 Job# 19-314 Page 7 The Atlantic Pigtoe has been found in multiple physiographic provinces, from the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains, through the Piedmont and into the Coastal Plain, in streams less than one meter wide to large rivers. The preferred habitat is a substrate composed of gravel and coarse sand, usually at the base of riffles; however, it can be found in a variety of other substrates and lotic habitat conditions. 2.3.3 Threats to Species Threats to the Atlantic Pigtoe are similar to those described for the JSM and have contributed to the decline of this species throughout its range. Atlantic Pigtoe appears to be particularly sensitive to pollutants and requires clean, oxygen -rich water for all stages of life. All the remaining Atlantic Pigtoe populations are generally small in numbers and restricted to short reaches of isolated streams. The low numbers of individuals and the restricted range of most of the surviving populations make them extremely vulnerable to extirpation from a single catastrophic event. 2.3.4 Designated Critical Habitat As mentioned in Section 1.0, the Atlantic Pigtoe is proposed for listing under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) as a Threatened Species with Section 4(d) Rule and Critical Habitat Designation. In accordance with Section 4 of the ESA, Critical Habitat for listed species consists of: (1) The specific areas within the geographical area occupied by the species at the time it is listed, in which are found those physical or biological features (constituent elements) that are: a. essential to the conservation of the species, and b. which may require special management considerations or protection (2) Specific areas outside the geographical area occupied by the species at the time it is listed in accordance with the provisions of Section 4 of the Act, upon a determination by the Secretary that such areas are "essential for the conservation of the species." On October 11, 2018, USFWS proposed the Atlantic Pigtoe as a Threatened species under the ESA. Critical habitat designation provided at that time (CFR Vol. 52 No. 186) consists of the following: • Unit 1 - 29 river mi (46.7 river km) of Craig Creek in Craig and Botetourt Counties, Virginia • Unit 2 - 1 mile (1.6-km) of Mill Creek in Bath County, Virginia • Unit 3 - 3 miles (4.8-km) of the Middle James River in Fluvanna and Buckingham Counties, Virginia • Unit 4 - 50 river miles (80.5 river km) of the Nottoway River in Nottoway, Lunenburg, Brunswick, Dinwiddie, and Greenville Counties, Virginia • Unit 5 - 5 miles (8 km) of the Meherrin River in Brunswick County, Virginia WK Dickson Smith River Aquatics September 2019 Job# 19-314 Page 8 • Unit 6 - 7 miles (11.3 km) of the Dan River in Pittsylvania County, Virginia and Rockingham County, North Carolina • Unit 7 - 12 miles (19.3 km) of Aarons Creek in Granville County, North Carolina and along the Mecklenburg County -Halifax County line in Virginia and North Carolina • Unit 8 - 85 miles (136.8 km) of the mainstem of the upper and middle Tar River as well as several tributaries (Bear Swamp Creek, Crooked Creek, Cub Creek, and Shelton Creek), in North Carolina • Unit 9 - 8 miles (93.3-km) of Sandy/Swift Creek in Granville, Vance, Franklin, and Nash Counties, North Carolina • Unit 10 - 85 miles (136.8 km) in Fishing Creek, Little Fishing Creek, Shocco Creek, and Maple Branch located in Warren, Halifax, Franklin, and Nash Counties, North Carolina • Unit 11 - 30 miles (48.3 km) of the Lower Tar River and Fishing Creek in Edgecombe County, North Carolina • Unit 12 - 60 river miles (95 river km) in four subunits including Flat River, Little River, Eno River, and the Upper Eno River • Unit 13 - 61 river miles (98.2 river km) in five subunits including Swift Creek, Middle Creek, Upper Little River, Middle Little River, and Contentnea Creek, in North Carolina • Unit 14 - 6 miles (9.7 km) of habitat in the New Hope Creek in Orange County, North Carolina • Unit 15 - 10 river miles (16.1 river km) in Randolph County, North Carolina, including the mainstem as well as Richland Creek and Brush Creek • Unit 16 - 40 miles (64.4 km) of Little River in Randolph and Montgomery Counties, North Carolina The project crossing is located 12.5 RM away from proposed critical habitat Unit 6 (RR1) (Figure 2-3). 3.0 OTHER TARGET SPECIES DESCRIPTIONS 3.1 Lasmigona subviridis (Green Floater) 3.1.1 Species Characteristics The Green Floater was described by Conrad (1835) from the Schuykill River in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. This small mussel species has a thin, slightly inflated, subovate shell that is narrower in front, higher behind. The dorsal margin forms a blunt angle with the posterior margin. The shell is dull yellow or tan to brownish green, usually with concentrations of dark green rays. 3.1.2 Distribution and Habitat Requirements The Green Floater occurs along the Atlantic slope from the Savannah River in Georgia north to the Hudson River in New York, as well as in the "interior" basins (New, Kanawah, and WK Dickson Smith River Aquatics September 2019 Job# 19-314 Page 9 Wataugua Rivers) of the Tennessee River basin. It has experienced major declines throughout its entire range. Based on preliminary genetics research, the southern populations of the Green Floater (Tar -Pamlico, Neuse, and Yadkin/Pee Dee River Basins) appear to be genetically distinct from populations from the Roanoke River to the north and west (Morgan Railey and Arthur Bogan, North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences, 2007 Personal Communication). Further research is needed to determine if these differences warrant classification of the southern populations as a distinct species. It occurs in small size streams to large rivers, in quiet waters such as pools, or eddies, with gravel and sand substrates. 3.1.3 Threats to Species Threats to the Green Floater and many other species are similar to those described above for the James Spinymussel (Section 2.2.3). 4.0 SURVEY EFFORTS Surveys were conducted by 30aks personnel Tim Savidge (Permit # 19-ES0034), Tom Dickinson (Permit # 19-ES00343), Lizzy Stokes -Cawley, and Nathan Howell on July 29, 2019. 4.1 Stream Conditions at Time of Survey: Smith River The survey reach consisted of a moderate gradient sequence of primarily riffle and run, with areas of slackwater below bars and woody debris. The channel ranged from 20 to 30 meters wide with variably stable to unstable banks two to four meters high. Substrate was dominated by deep deposits of unconsolidated sand in the lower portion of the reach, transitioning into areas of gravel and cobble dominated riffle and run habitat towards the upper extent of the reach. Fine sand, silt, and woody debris accumulations were present in pools and depositional margins. A moderate amount of woody debris was present along stream banks. A narrow natural buffer bordered the reach from surrounding gold course and residential land use. 4.2 Methodology 4.2.1 Fish Surveys Visual surveys targeting Roanoke Logperch were conducted first, from approximately 1,312 feet (400 meters) downstream of the proposed project footprint, through the approximately 100 ft (30 m) project footprint, to approximately 328 feet (100 meters) upstream for a total distance of approximately 1,740 feet (530 meters) (Figure 1). Areas of appropriate habitat were searched, concentrating on the habitats preferred by the target species (cover objects). The survey team spread out across the river into survey lanes. Visual surveys were conducted using mask/snorkel overturning rocks and debris in these areas. The species was not observed during these surveys. To supplement this effort, electrofishing surveys were also conducted for 1,907 seconds of shocking time. The fish surveys were conducted within the reach using one Smith Root LR-24 backpack electrofishing unit, dip nets, and seine netting. All habitat types in the survey reach (riffle, run, pool, slack -water, etc.) were sampled, with special attention given to transition areas between habitat types where fish congregate in response to the instream sampling efforts. WK Dickson Smith River Aquatics September 2019 Job# 19-314 Page 10 Relative abundance reported was estimated using the following criteria: ➢ (VA) Very abundant > 30 collected at survey station ➢ (A) Abundant: 16-30 collected at survey station ➢ (C) Common: 6-15 collected at survey station ➢ (U) Uncommon: 3-5 collected at survey station ➢ (R) Rare: 1-2 collected at survey station It should be noted that relative abundances of particular species can be affected by survey methodologies and site conditions. Thus, some species, particularly those that are found in deeper pools and runs and those that can seek cover quickly, may be under -represented at a sample site. Electro-fishing and netting times also vary depending on daily survey conditions and other variables, making direct site comparisons difficult. 4.2.2 Mussel Surveys Mussel surveys were also conducted from approximately 1,312 ft (400 meters) downstream of the proposed project footprint, through the approximately 100 ft (30 m) project footprint, to approximately 328 feet (100 meters) upstream for a total distance of approximately 1,740 feet (530 meters) (Figure 1). Areas of appropriate habitat were searched, concentrating on the stable habitats preferred by the target species. The survey team spread out across the creek into survey lanes. Visual surveys were conducted using glass bottom view buckets (bathyscopes). Tactile methods were employed, particularly in streambanks under submerged rootmats. All freshwater bivalves were recorded and returned to the substrate. Timed survey efforts provided Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE) data for each species. Relative abundance for freshwater snails and freshwater clam species were estimated using the following criteria: ➢ (VA) Very abundant > 30 per square meter ➢ (A) Abundant 16-30 per square meter ➢ (C) Common 6-15 per square meter ➢ (U) Uncommon 3-5 per square meter ➢ (R) Rare 1-2 per square meter ➢ (P-) Ancillary adjective "Patchy" indicates an uneven distribution of the species within the sampled site. 4.3 Results 4.3.1 Fish Survey Results A total of 23 species were located during the combined efforts (Table 2), including two North Carolina Special Concern species, Riverweed Darter (Etheostoma podostemone) and Cutlips Minnow (Exoglussum maxillingua). WK Dickson Smith River Aquatics September 2019 Job# 19-314 Page 11 Table 2. Fish survey results in Smith River Scientific Name Common Name Relative Abundance Amblo lites cavi cons Roanoke Bass C Ameiurus nebulosus Brown Bullhead A Cyprinella analostana Satinfin Shiner C Etheostoma abellare Fantail Darter C Etheostoma podostemone Riverweed Darter U Exo lossum maxillin ua Cutli s Minnow R H entelium ni ricans Northern Ho sucker U H entelium roanokense Roanoke Ho sucker U Le omis auritus Redbreast Sunfish A Le omis macrochirus Blue ill Sunfish A Luxilus albeolus White Shiner A Luxilus cerasinus Crescent Shiner U L thrurus ardes Rosefin Shiner C Micro terus dolomieui Smallmouth Bass C Micro terus salmoides Largemouth Bass U Nocomis le toce halus Bluehead Chub C Notro is chiliticus Redlip Shiner R Notro is hudsonius S ottail Shiner C Notro is procne Swallowtail Shiner C Noturus insi nis Margined Madtom C Percina peltata Shield Darter U Percina roanoka Roanoke Darter C Scartom zon cervinus Black Jum rock C 4.3.2 Mussel Survey Results A total of 8.0 person hours of survey time were spent in the reach, during which the mollusk species in Table 3 were found. The Eastern Elliptio found was represented by relic shell located in a sand deposit. The majority of habitat within the survey reach consisted of unconsolidated sand, with large accumulations of silt, which is generally poor habitat for freshwater mussels, especially the three targeted species. High quality physical habitat was present in the upper portions of the survey reach; however, no mussels were found. Table 3. Freshwater Mollusks in Smith River Scientific Name Common Name # live Abundance/ CPUE Freshwater Mussels CPUE lli do com lanata astern Elli do Relic Freshwater Snails and Clams Relative Abundance Corbicula uminea Sian Clam A eptoxis carinata JCrested Mudalia I P-C 5.0 DISCUSSION/CONCLUSIONS The targeted Roanoke Logperch, James Spinymussel, Atlantic Pigtoe, and Green Floater were not found during the surveys. The results indicate that the study area supports a diverse fish WK Dickson Smith River Aquatics September 2019 Job# 19-314 Page 12 fauna typical of lotic habitats in the Roanoke River Basin. This portion of the Smith River does not appear to support viable mussel populations, as no live freshwater mussels were found during the survey. The Eastern Elliptio, a widespread and common species was represented by relic shell fragments only. 5.1 Conclusion of Effects Conclusions of project related effects to the two federally protected target species are provided below. The USFWS is the regulating authority for Section 7 Biological Conclusions and as such, it is recommended that they be consulted regarding their concurrence with the findings of this document. 5.1.1 James Spinymussel-No Effect The James Spinymussel is not known to occur within the Smith River and the closest record of the species is 5.36 RM downstream in the Dan River. Given the lack of records and the apparent absence of mussel fauna within the project area, adverse effects to the James Spinymussel are not expected to occur. 5.1.2 Roanoke Logperch-May Affect/Not Likely to Adversely Affect While the Roanoke Logperch was not observed during the survey efforts, high quality habitat conditions were present in the upper portion of the survey reach. The Roanoke Logperch has previously been reported in the Smith River including within the survey reach and should be assumed to be present. However, habitat conditions in the location of the inverted siphon and proposed coffer dam (shifting sand and large amounts of silt) are generally of poor quality with respect to the Roanoke Logperch. The only portion of the Smith River within the survey reach that is likely to support the species is approximately 100 meters upstream from the proposed impact location. While it is possible that individuals of the species may pass through the section of the river where the proposed construction will occur to access suitable habitat further downstream, the passage would likely occur during higher flow events. Installation of the coffer dams will not take place during high flow events. While the construction of the coffer dam is not expected to trap migrating Roanoke Logperch, it cannot be entirely discounted. Thus, a conclusion of "No Effect" is not warranted. WK Dickson Smith River Aquatics September 2019 Job# 19-314 Page 13 6.0 LITERATURE CITED Alderman, J.M. 1997. Monitoring the Swift Creek freshwater mussel community. Pages 98-107 in K.S. Cummings, A.C. Buchanan, C.A. Mayer, and T.J. Naimo, eds. 1997. Conservation and Management of Freshwater Mussels II Initiatives for the future. Proceedings of a UMRCC symposium, 16-18 October 1995, St. Louis, Missouri. Upper Mississippi River Conservation Committee, Rock Island Ilinois. 293 pp. Boss, K. 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Virginia Tech Conservation Management Institute, Project No. 11-108. 55pp. WK Dickson Smith River Aquatics September 2019 Job# 19-314 Page 18 APPENDIX A Figures WK Dickson Smith River Aquatics September 2019 Job# 19-314 Page 19 `` �S�C%EER/lpe A Prepared For: WDICKSON N/b33N1`�� Aquatic Species Survey Proposed Water Siphon Crossing: Smith River Vicinity Map Rockingham County, North Carolina Date. July 2019 Scale: 0 100 200 Feet Job No19-314 Drawn By. Checked By: KM S TS Figure N NC 14 NC 87 aausevek Street Creekndge i co* �rrr,er. N fly MlllydCaors Srrwrry r S i US 31 r ' k NC 77i Mr�,Rosd�, 4,E Meadow summit po36 EaSttX }rrr06m our` w c'nr4 eaad'` �opre Sire¢t Otwe F WeztM East Eaytzcad�a� 66A()ulev3r6 �Pst Sta ar��Drivr � w EOID: 25404 sr P� C NW y-"g# righ maY C est N G m 7 a Eden lton Stet - _ Etearsllde � US 311 ' NC 14 NC 87 NC 770 00, r Cif"I'lldrffl ESr.li Approximate Project Footprint µarrington High*3V Sauratown Fsrat ;f - Survey Reach Whipporrwlll"3 NCNHP Element Occurrences Hills Roanoke Logperch Country --. �5�*�ZEER//y Prepared For P,' II/�DIC wif. ^KSON Mb Aquatic Species Survey Proposed Water Siphon Crossing: Smith River NCNHP Element Occurrences: Roanoke Logperch Rockingham County, North Carolina Date August 2019 Sca�_ 1,000 2, C00 Feet 1 r 1 Job No.: 19-314 Dravm Bk Checked By Figure 2-1 Rogd US 311 NC 7,70 NC 770 n NC 14 u5 311 NC 97 NC 770 �5�*�ZEER/N, Prepared For wif. M 20DICKSON ya .,.. ,a.. ROCKINGHAM COUNTY EO ID: 37056 NC 700 Aquatic Species Survey Proposed Water Siphon Crossing: Smith River NCNHP Element Occurrences: James Spinymussel Rockingham County, North Carolina N F� Approximate Project Footprint Survey Reach NCNHP Element Occurrences James Spinymussel County Boundary DatleP August 2019 Scab_ 2000 4,000 Feet 1 r 1 Job No.: 19-314 Dravm Bk Checked Rv Figure 2-2 N Judy Byrd Mountain 273mTi Boyd Mountain 243 m j I --- --- --- ROCKINGHAM COUNTY - — - - — - -— --- 170926.1 ted Three Oaks Survey Record: Atlantic Pigtoe Proposed Critical Habitat: Atlantic Pigtoe Approximate Project Footprint riL ' 1 Survey Reach County Boundary EER/NCy Prepared For 1DICKSON 1�N/U33i1%* Aquatic Species Survey Proposed Water Siphon Crossing: Smith River NCNHP Element Occurrences and Proposed Critical Habitat: Atlantic Pigtoe Rockingham County, North Carolina Date August 2019 Scale_ 0 0,5 1 Mlles � r � Job No.: 19-314 Draym By:Ms Checked ByTS Figure 2-3 r ROCKINGHAM CCIUNTY ' i i 1�-US311 NC700 EOID:3622 NC 770 F00 US 311 Eden _ NC 14 if NC 87 NC 770 '&errtvrortt' �5���X!EER/NCy Prepared For 1WKDICKSON NC 14 Aquatic Species Survey Proposed Water Siphon Crossing: Smith River NCNHP Element Occurrences: Green Floater Rockingham County, North Carolina Date August 2019 Scale: 0 0.5 1 Miles I � 1 Job No.: 19-314 Drawm By:Ms Checked ByTS A Figure 2-4